Anime One Piece Anime Discussion

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Salty Doubloons
I was hoping the anime had a long filler arc prior to starting Wano Arc but i realize the anime doesn't really do that
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This was that good shit.

Loved the aesthetic for the special, the line art colour variation helps make the characters feel in tone with their surrounding while at the same time popping out. Animation wise, Tomita was freaking beast, animating arguable the best pistol in the TV anime.

Have literally no expectations for next week. Deguchi boi for non-action episode is not something to look forward to.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This special was awesome! I agree. I read the chapters before and I must say it's good that Oda had choosen different ways :ROFLMAO: Comparing it to the first episode of One Piece, it just had too many strange interactions. The reason for Luffy to be a peace-Main? It's not fleshed enough and no good goal was seenat that time. I really enjoyed seeing the One-Shot getting animated, just to see what could have also happened and where Oda's thoughts were at that time. The animation was on top!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Episode titles.
11/17 ep910 The Legendary Samurai: A Man that Roger Favoured!
11/24 ep911 Defeat the Emperor: The Secret Raid Plan Starts
12/1 ep912 The Strongest Man: Pillar of the Bandits, Shutenmaru!
12/8 ep913 Everyone’s Annihilated: Kaidou’s Blast Breath of Rage!

Staff list.
910: Satoshi Ito/Kazuya Hisada

911: Daisuke Nakajima/Masahiro Kitazaki

912: SB Akitaro Daichi/ED Masahiro Hosoda/AD Masayuki Takagi

913: Yusuke Suzuki/Eisaku Inoue.

Episodes 911-912 have very and i mean very good directors that are new to the series although Daichi does the storyboard so technically not a director. Also keep an eye out for 910 and 913 but of course 914 will be the highlight in 15/12. We also have Bahi JD to watch out for.
Fantastic episode.

Even though pages wise this episode didn't cover much, the direction throughout helped the pacing greatly and helped maintain the timing in comedic scenes. Aya Komaki definitely earned their spot as series director. Overall, a very funny and well put together episode.

Next week looks interesting as well. Looking forward to them having a prelude version of Shutenmaru vs Oden.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Hmm...that fire breath attack make up for the horrible pacing...
And they decide to show King and Queen like that...
Toie give no fuck about suspense and hype
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Hmm...that fire breath attack make up for the horrible pacing...
And they decide to show King and Queen like that...
Toie give no fuck about suspense and hype
A bit upset about King & Queen too.
Is it so hard to just draw them in silhouettes? Did they not consult with Oda for this? :angrycrabs:
But I must say, Kaido totally stole the show. Toei did him justice, and next episode will be even more awesome.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A bit upset about King & Queen too.
Is it so hard to just draw them in silhouettes? Did they not consult with Oda for this? :angrycrabs:
But I must say, Kaido totally stole the show. Toei did him justice, and next episode will be even more awesome.
They are in the opening, and they weren’t named, so it’s not really spoiling much...
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The anime is creating inconsistencies. One named attack from Kaido will take a whole episode? :datea:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Hmm...many didn't like the episode because of obvious stretching...
But i actually enjoyed it...

It's actually necessary to stretch the fights in OP because we usually don't get long fights in the manga.
Except Luffy Vs , other fights always end up off panel . So rather than getting stretched conversation/running around/flashback....i would prefer filler fights...
And the animation was good , so no complaint !
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
914 was really good and like the whole haki users have this electricity or aura about them and been using it since the start

added parts to the anime but still this was really good and they are gonna end 2019 with the best episodes and hypest moments
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Hmm...many didn't like the episode because of obvious stretching...
But i actually enjoyed it...

It's actually necessary to stretch the fights in OP because we usually don't get long fights in the manga.
Except Luffy Vs , other fights always end up off panel . So rather than getting stretched conversation/running around/flashback....i would prefer filler fights...
And the animation was good , so no complaint !
Luffy vs Cracker got off paneled because of Sanji flashbacks. I think we'll see more detailed fights in the manga in this arc. Anime fills up anything to stretch things
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This episode was that good shit.

The episode animation wise was absolutely insane with a whole host of talents both regular and freelancing on the show. Hell, we even got a fan of the show who posted on Arlong Park working on this episode, and their scene was really good. Easily the best animated episode since Luffy vs Katakuri in 870, though I don't think it surpasses it on that front.

Direction wise, I think you could definitely argue this episode was overall the more well put together and engaging. Although it did have its slight pacing problems in the middle, I don't think anything was particularly forced pacing wise, and overall it felt like a more complete package to me than 870.

So yeah, probably the best episode of Wano so far. That was insanely good. I really don't get the power scaling bullshit people are going on about...

NEP also looks solid, though I don't think it'll be as good as this episode.
The wano arc animation is trash.
How was this episode bad on the animation front? I was impressed by how modern a lot of the animation in this episode looked(which isn't surprising considered we had newer talents who are mimicking web gen animators, actual web gen animators, and older animators who are incorporating web gen styles).
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
About the latest episode , i like the episode.
As usual some fans (specially manga readers) were whining about the length.
In manga fight finished in just 1 chapter , and Luffy was knocked out in 1 page , by that logic . The fight in anime will end in 5 min...with such speed , how they gonna keep the pacing between manga and anime ?
The context is that , Kaido tanked everything Luffy had to offer , without taking any damage and struggle . And in the end one shot him. So nothing changed.
About animation , they should stop overuse of lightning effect and dark aura..
Luffy and Kaido covered in black aura was ridiculous...i felt like I was watching Naruto/Bleach.
They should keep essence of the original One Piece animation and should not copy other anime.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
About the latest episode , i like the episode.
As usual some fans (specially manga readers) were whining about the length.
In manga fight finished in just 1 chapter , and Luffy was knocked out in 1 page , by that logic . The fight in anime will end in 5 min...with such speed , how they gonna keep the pacing between manga and anime ?
The context is that , Kaido tanked everything Luffy had to offer , without taking any damage and struggle . And in the end one shot him. So nothing changed.
About animation , they should stop overuse of lightning effect and dark aura..
Luffy and Kaido covered in black aura was ridiculous...i felt like I was watching Naruto/Bleach.
They should keep essence of the original One Piece animation and should not copy other anime.
I thought Toei messed up the fight because in the manga, Kaido casually speed blitzed G4 Luffy and destroyed him in one hit. Not going all rage and serious on Luffy like in anime.

I rarely watch the anime since they ruin the manga a lot so i was hoping they'd improve. And yeah the aura overuse is bad

There needs to be major long anime fillers since i want the anime to stop ruining the manga.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I thought Toei messed up the fight because in the manga, Kaido casually speed blitzed G4 Luffy and destroyed him in one hit. Not going all rage and serious on Luffy like in anime.

I rarely watch the anime since they ruin the manga a lot so i was hoping they'd improve. And yeah the aura overuse is bad

There needs to be major long anime fillers since i want the anime to stop ruining the manga.
I thought they dramatically improved on the final hit, which was extremely underwhelming in pretty much every aspect in the manga. I liked the anime staff adapted that one shot in a way that subverted how Luffy usually wins his fights by overpowering his opponents move with his own. That felt like a genuinely interesting addition that better sold how Kaido wasn’t an opponent Luffy could beat through his usual means, as opposed to just having Luffy lose in an anticlimax, which Oda already done to death, with Luffy losing to guys like Crocodile and Lucci in pretty much the same sort of anti-climaxes.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I thought they dramatically improved on the final hit, which was extremely underwhelming in pretty much every aspect in the manga. I liked the anime staff adapted that one shot in a way that subverted how Luffy usually wins his fights by overpowering his opponents move with his own. That felt like a genuinely interesting addition that better sold how Kaido wasn’t an opponent Luffy could beat through his usual means, as opposed to just having Luffy lose in an anticlimax, which Oda already done to death, with Luffy losing to guys like Crocodile and Lucci in pretty much the same sort of anti-climaxes.
I guess we have different interpretations. Luffy didn't use King Kong Gun on Kaido in manga so i don't know what's the point of including that in the anime. I felt a real sense of danger in the manga because i usually don't expect Luffy to be taken out in a single chapter so quickly in one hit especially seeing how previous Luffy fights went in post-TS. Somehow this felt lost in the anime with Kaido going all rage and aura rather than casually speedblitzing Luffy and making everyone asking what happened
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I guess we have different interpretations. Luffy didn't use King Kong Gun on Kaido in manga so i don't know what's the point of including that in the anime. I felt a real sense of danger in the manga because i usually don't expect Luffy to be taken out in a single chapter so quickly in one hit especially seeing how previous Luffy fights went in post-TS. Somehow this felt lost in the anime with Kaido going all rage and aura rather than casually speedblitzing Luffy and making everyone asking what happened
This literally happened with Caesar, so I don’t think there is much shock factor in losing this fight. Everyone saw it coming. The difference being the manga’s execution didn’t do anything special with Luffy defeat. He lost like he always loses when he initially faces a major antagonist, suddenly and anti-climatically. The same sort of shock factor was used when Crocodile stabbed Luffy through the heart, or when Lucci sent Luffy flying with one attack in his Zoan form at the galley la mansion. There is nothing unique or shocking about Luffy’s defeat to Kaido in the manga. Really the only difference is Kaido used a named attack.

I vastly preferred the anime version not only because it was just plain more fun, but because it actually did something interesting in subverting how Luffy wins his fights.

Against, Arlong, Crocodile, Hody, Doffy and even Katakuri, the fights ended with Luffy either taking head on or overpowering his opponents final finishing move with his own. I like how the anime subverted that trope by having Luffy’s most powerful finisher just being straight up not good enough against Kaido, and him being straight overpowered. To me, that’s an a lot more interesting scenario than a samey Oda anti-climax.
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