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  • A small prediction: Elbaf starts at 1126, or 1010 chapters after its first mention.

    Could be wrong, but it feels like we would start within the next 5 chapters.
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    Reactions: Rej
    I am with you there, feels like something Goda would do! :pepemusic:
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    Reactions: Roogy
    Hello all. Didn't mean to be away so long. Going to try and be around again.
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    Reactions: Rej
    Just saw recent posts... seems like only the RP is really active anymore. Well, I'm back and willing to discuss stuff, so for my part I'll try to breathe some life into this place.
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    welcome back! <3
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    Reactions: Roogy
    Finished watching the Live Action One Piece. Will give thoughts later probably, but for now: Highly enjoyed it, 8/10.
    Just got done with the first four episodes of the One Piece Live Action. Will watch the next four tomorrow, then probably give thoughts on the weekend.
    6 months? I've been gone for 6 months? Sorry guys... :ghostie:

    Anyway... Egghead is crazy good, I got caught up on Spy Family, looking forward to the One Piece Live Action, finally embraced Lego as a hobby, and a buncha other stuff I guess.
    What other shows you got in mind to read?
    Not sure. When the mood hits me to read something new, I'll think about it then. That tends to be how it goes with media - some of my faves were discovered in that way (Daria, Amphibia, Kim Possible, Phineas and Ferb, Invader Zim). 1/2
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    Reactions: Larsi
    Just realised these are TV show examples, but this can be true of books, manga, music, movies, games, anything really. I try to keep my tastes varied to keep myself thinking about media and engaging with it beyond the entertainment level. 2/2
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    Reactions: Larsi
    Current theory on the Egghead traitor: It's Punk Records.

    They could probably more easily hide stuff from the Stella/Satellites, they have motive (being left behind), and the system being the antagonist is a common idea (HAL 9000, Auto, etc.).
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    How you doing Roogy? Glad to see ya back! How is your story writing progressing?
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    Reactions: Roogy
    I'm doing good. My writing wasn't progressing for a while, though I am thinking I might be able to return to it this year.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Rej
    I can relate, I also had a blockish year and wasnt able to live out my creativity for a while. I also only spamwatched animes xD
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    Reactions: Roogy
    Thinking about making some new threads for TV shows / games, but not sure if the interest is there. Might make them later anyway. Hopefully someone here will want to talk about them. :blobthinkhappy:
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    Reactions: Rej
    Only interested in Genshin or Blue Protocol.
    TV shows idk :D
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    Reactions: Roogy
    -Realising I can view an entire year's worth of status posts in ten pages...
    What happened, man?
    • Haha
    Reactions: Rej
    This year I hope to curb my spoiler/scan reading habit... and also review chapters again starting with 1072 next week.
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    Reactions: Rej
    This didn't end up happening... hopefully a different story regarding 1077.
    Got some wild ideas about the possible future of One Piece, thinking of sharing them soon.
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    Reactions: Rej
    Yes please! I am excited to read!
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    Reactions: Roogy
    Coming back to repeat old sentiments feels kinda pointless. Anyway, I'm fairly confident that I'll stick around this time, at least.
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    Reactions: Rej
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