Island Amazon Lily

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A Ruthless Invitation! #6

The tension was high. La Spada stared into Sandersonia and Marigold’s eyes, tounge licking her ruby red lips. A state of warning, of forgotten desire. They were the ones La Spada was looking for. A parallel between her own kin. A human parallel of the few that remained in a mad woman, in a demon. The offer of banquet grew chuckles, and only a step forward menacingly. Before The Grim could get too close, the Royal Schichibukai appeared, and La a Spada stopped mere two feet from the sisters.

The infamous Grim turned her head back towards the sisters for a moment, taking an inhale, almost sniffing their souls.
[La Spada] “Such intoxicating souls. Souls with a wanting to protect tha’ older sister. Hmmm. Yah’ remind me of my dear old sisters, before they betr-.”
[La Spada] “Tut. Tut. Tut. Well, both of yah’ will see in time. Kuahahah!”

An eerie statement. The Grim Reaper chuckled as she walked past the sisters and to Hancock. The most beautiful woman in the world stood before her. Oh, how the bloodlust poured. The intent to kill in the room from La Spada was like a distant shout in a dark forest. One was not sure whether it was there, or where it came from - an ever silent threat. Beauty met the Beast.

As Hancock presumably sat on her throne, La Spada slowly walked up to her. The Grim stopped a few feet from the throne, caressing the fabric all over the room, chuckling madly. As she touched the fabric, green hue on it, the fabric would wither away, and La Spada smiled.

[La Spada] “Such beauty born of malice, wouldn’t yah’ say? Well, you would know…”
What La Spada meant, was anyone’s guess. Was it because Hancock was the most beautiful woman? Was it because of the chaos Hancock created? Or was it because Hancock, the most beautiful person, grew out past full of malice? Mind games. And Death had tactful manipulation. The woman continued with that mind game, inserting the reason she was there.

[La Spada] “Before month’s end, a seismic change will be coming to tha’ seas. The Shichibukais will be stripped of their title… well, kuhahaha, the ones I haven’t killed yet…”
[La Spada] “More importantly, those in Marijeous will be exposed. Their disgusting thrones in danger. And beauty…”
[La Spada] “The grandest beauty will be born of malice.”

The Shichibukai title that Hancock enjoyed, that protected her kin. The monsters who enslaved her and her sisters. Deliver us beauty from malice. Slowly, La Spada turned, her eyes widening with a confident grin. A grin accompanying a bold statement that would shock even the Gorosei.

[La Spada] “Before the month’s end, I will kill the Yonko, Big Mom.”
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「 Amazon Lily 」 - Post # 6
The two sisters, Boa Sandersonia and Marigold both wanting to prevent anything going south felt nothing but the pressure of knowing death would be imminent. Before they could move their very souls would depart their bodies, but all this was on a whim of one who was before them.

Both hearing the words of the very one had underlying maliciousness. They both hesitated, sweat trickled down for both. They grew more nervous as tensions bubbled then like a bubble it vanished but the pressure was unsurmountable to handle for them. The very air became dense, difficult in breathing but to them this felt like a while yet it was only a matter of a few minutes.

Both of them transformed activating their devil fruits as the Grim departed to ease the pressure and tension that enveloped both then de-activated their devil fruits as both panted heavily. “ So this is the infamous Spada, huh “ Sandersonia spoke with a heavy tongue as Marigold followed “ What business does our sister have with Spada “.

They both grew curious but were terrified to enter, back peddling.

Boa Hancock had invited the Grim to enter to her chambers, the dialogues that would ooze out would be one that would interest the world. Very much causing disarray as another one would be castrated from the title, but this would happen was anyone’s guess.

Hancock made her way to her throne as she flicked her hair behind her shoulder. Meanwhile the Grim ventured around the room feeling the silk in her hand, as the silk that laid in her hand began to wither away. Spada then spoke as Hancock nervously watched biting her thumb nail.

It was widespread rumour of the Shichubukai’s being targeted, with Moriah meeting his demise at Thriller Bark. Causing shock and horror to many, with some happy they were being hunted. Mihawk on the other hand had met the subordinate of Spada, with news of their clashing swords would echo the world soon enough. Then there was Crocodile who ventured to the greatest of festivals for pirates in hoping to get what he wanted.

Hancock heard word for word what Spada had to sprout, her words were one of someone on a mission and there was no turning back. The gears of the world were changing, Spada being one of the central figures of the gears was already setting things up.

Hancock would take a moment breathing calmly as she voiced her two cents … “ You sound very interesting, the rumours of your antics don’t disappoint. For this is the very reason I contacted you. If I was to revoke my title and join you, I would want your word for the safety of everyone here. “ she nervously yet boldly spoke but she wasn’t finished neither.

If you plan on attacking those who sit on their thrones at that place, then allow me to join you.

Boa who had in that moment knew she couldn’t act the way she would normally claiming her beauty, as she knew that had no weight against the one that was before her very eyes. She had a lot on her shoulders that including herself, her sisters and all the citizens of Amazon Lily’s safety and well-being. Right now, she couldn’t make an enemy of Spada and force an island extinction taking place.

She bit her tongue and reputation in a bid to offer her services in allying and falling under the Spada Pirates flag. Spada now held the answer to her question, though the possibility of a schichubukai serving her under her didn’t sound like a bad idea.

Her answer was awaiting …
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A Ruthless Invitation! #7

The most beautiful woman of the realm spoke with the foulest. Where one had beauty, the other had decay. An otherwise unthinkable alliance. The reason why it would work - who could suspect? La Spada had strolled into Amazon Lily, her very prescence a threat - for it was well known she was defeating and killing off Warlords, the Spada’s now having a few under her belt. Would Boa be next on the harrowing list?

La Spada caressed the thread, turning slightly with a grin as she heard the Empress’ response. The Royal Shichibukai offered to give up her title and join her, in exchange for the safety of her people. To that premise, a low chuckle was in retort, ending in a laughter of a mad woman.

The mad woman turned to Boa, her boney hand, one of decay, resting on Shodai Kitetsu, who in it of itself, had a foul aura.

[La Spada] “Kuhahahaha. Oh, mah’ dear Queen. You misunderstand…”
La Spada’s yellow slit eyes opened wide. From it, came a blast of Kings, of the chosen ones. Boa Hancock would recognize it - she had it too. This onel however, was much stronger, concentrated, and most of all, foul. The ground cracked beneath her, for the mere premise of negotiation was an affront. Suddenly, the pressurized will stopped completely, forcing La Spada’s shines black hair to rest gently on her boney shoulders.

La Spada gently took out horns from her coat. Boa could recognize it - it was Gecko Moria’s horns, his white forehead and beady eyes still attached. This, she said, was the fate of the last Shichibukai who tried to negotiate with her.

Yet, La Spada was gentle, putting the gruesome back into her coat, and taking a puff of her cigar. A sarcastic gentle tone with implications followed.

[La Spada] “Keep yah’ title. I’ll need a direct line to tha’ World Government. I cannot promise the safety of anyone, except yah’ two sisters. Yah’ see, they remind me of mah’ own - no one shall touch them.”
No one shall touch the Sandersonia sisters. As for the rest, inconsequential. La Spada ruled her crew like a alpha in a pack of wolves - with little rope. They could do what they desired. This opportunity, La Spada offered, was a chance to save her sisters. Boa would keep her title, as a double agent, and ally with the Spadas. Little to no reign - the Kujas could do what they wanted, and even get revenge from the Celestial Dragons.

La Spada approached a window, looking to the village lovingly, ending with that thick sarcastic tone.
[La Spada] “Or, of course, yah’ free to decline… and every animal, child, woman, elderly - every living thing - in this forsaken land will die by nightfall.”
A Ruthless Invitation.
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「 Amazon Lily 」 - Post # 7

The captain of the Spada Pirates scoffed her means of negotiation, immediately rebuffing the negotiation. Then letting out a burst of conqueror's haki that would have the silky cloths blow with Boa using her arm to cover her eyes, but she also caused a nerve to wrack within Boa. She would have commonly used her own, but she had no means of posing as a threat to the one before her. For after all she feared death, for her and her sisters.

Boa gulped as tension rose in the room only for it to slowly go down as the Grim reached in and grabbed the torn horns of Moriah out of her coat. The manner she spoke of a fellow Shichubukai and his comeuppance at the hands of the one who was before was justified and first handily confessed. This caused nothing but Boa to shrivel in fear upon witnessing what was before her.

She'd then place the horns of Moriah back under her coat, she then took a puff of her cigar before following with her requiring a double agent and the means of a possible alliance. Though the alliance had small printing of the Boa sisters would be okay but everyone else was up for grabs.

This left Boa at another conundrum, swallowing a ball of her spit .. “ I accept your conditions.

Just as Boa agree'd to become one under the reign of Spada, news had broke out as there was two who wanted answers from ...
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A Ruthless Invitation! #8

The “alliance” had been forged. La Spada had given Shichibukai a Ruthless Invitation, forcing her on threat of death to ally herself with the Spada Pirates. The Grim did not need to tell her what would happen if there was betrayal. Hell, even being a perfect ally, likely would have her killed, much less betrayal. Sandesonia was a pawn, and a pawn had moved to do.

La Spada came away from the window, her killing intent dying slowly.

[La Spada] “Splendid.”
With the ever sarcastic tone, La Spada chuckled. With a simple command, Anubis from her ship would make shore. He would bring them the contract writ in blood. It was a loose alliance, yet the words were more of an underlying - with free reign. Boa Hancock had ties to the upper echelon of the WG itself. Those ties would come vital when La Spada went against Yonko Big Mom.

With the contract signed, La a Spada followed.
[La Spada] “When tha’ Spada Pirates invade Whole Cake Island, here is what I need yah’ to do with yah’ ties to the World Government…”
The scene would fade. A day later, the flagship, The Styx, would leave Amazo Lily unharmed. One Spada Plague, Sour, would be left behind. A proxy, if you would. Plague was the second highest female, not counting La a Spada herself, of the Spada Pirates. An officer to be a proxy, a line, and ensure Amazon Lily’s compliance.

Amazon Lily had become allied with the dark.
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Fishy Business

Level 100
Unused Points: 17
Strength- 51 (+40)(+5)(+5)= 101
Speed- 81 (+10)(+5)(+5)= 101
Reaction: 101
Movement: 101
Vitality- 51 (+40)(+5)(+5)= 101
Durability: 101
Stamina: 101
Haki- 100
Armament Haki (Offensive): 100
Observation Haki (Precognition): 100
Martial Arts- 100
Fishman Karate: 100
Chains: 100
Mind- 100
Navigation: 100
Carpentery: 100
NPC List: Gochi

Gochi Stats
Level 70

Strength: 65(+30)(+5)=100
Speed: 85(+7)=92
Vitality: 43(+30)(+5)=78
Stamina: 82
Haki: 91
Armament Haki (Offensive): 100
Observation Haki (Precognition): 82
Martial Arts: 66
Jawjitsu: 91
Fishman Karate: 41
Sweet stared with near expressionlessness out across the still waters of the Calm Belt, her were eyes glossed over with quiet hatred of her blathering cabin boy. She had tried bribery, threats, and begging- Gochi's mouth seemed to never stop moving. The ominously quiet waters and still air highlighted Gochi's nonstop blabbing, his scratchy and shrill voice assaulting her eardrums ruthlessly.
Sweet finally hung her head and closed her eyes as Gochi finished up another ramble:

"-AND THAT'S HOW KIPPER LOST HER EARS!" Gochi laughed out excitedly towards his captain. The piranha-boy's oversized smile shifted, with his eyes being almost always hidden away beneath his hat, he felt the need to ask. "YOU HAVE EARS RIGHT, BIG SIS?"

The towering, lavender-skinned fishwoman murmured in hateful acceptance of her perpetual headache.
Gochi continued barking as if the answer hadn't even fazed him. Captain Sweet Einsauer rubbed the bridge of her nose in an attempt to relieve her head pain, when as if a sign from the heavens- There it was on the horizon.

The unique mountainous structure ahead told Sweet that they had arrived exactly where she expected. The island known as Amazon Lily peeked out over the water at the deep blue vessel being helmed by the Sweet Pirates. Captain Einsauer rose from her slouched position and walked over to the small fish cooler, making Gochi turn in excitement. She reached a lengthy arm in and removed a dead fish and a mess of seaweed.
Sweet tossed the fish into the awaiting, gluttonous maw of her cabin boy; walking over she lifted the large hat off his round head to his shock and horror. Gochi yelped, before he could react Sweet slapped the mess of seaweed over his head and covered it with his hat once more.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL!?" He barked from beneath the green slop imposed on him.

"Until we get off this island, you are my little sister..." She ordered whilst looking out on the island of the Kuja Pirates.

Sweet looked down at the pouting child and sighed before explaining. "There are no men allowed on this island." She briefly smirked at his frail, little body beneath a dripping wet wig of seaweed. "So, you're going undercover as a girl."
Sweet gauged the boy's reaction for a minute before he excitedly responded:
"OHH, COOL!" He barked.

As the island neared more and more, the snakes carved into the stone of the island were made clear to the pirate captain. Overgrown jungle covered the magnificent island. Sweet was looking forward to meeting the pirate empress, captain of the Kuja, Boa Hancock. As long as she could keep her cabin-boy in line long enough for her to make a good impression on the empress, her goal of gaining the World Government's backing would be all the closer.
Sweet, returning her eyes to Gochi, found him chewing on the seagrass dangling from his head. "Yeah, it is cool." She began casually before surprising him with a slap to the back of the head. "So don't eat your disguise!"

"Just stick by my side and try to keep your face closed for a little bit."
She said turning back to Amazon Lily. Sweet would need to keep on alert, the Kuja Pirates were renowned fighters and served as an arm of the World Government. Her status as a woman would hopefully sway any undue violence, but the pirate couldn't be too sure.

It was time to try and meet some real royalty...

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Salty Doubloons
Amazon Lily #1

In Amazon Lily, the lives of the Amazon – hasn’t really changed much. Ever since La Spada herself has laid claim on the lands. Most of the Spada Pirates would not be able to step onto the island, but one of the Plagues – Sour herself could. As such she is made to take control of the operations of Spada Pirates within Amazon Lily, and perhaps of good fortune Sour herself is currently stationed at Amazon Lily, and a couple of Banshees as her bodyguards.

Amazon Lily has not only been under the control of the Spada Pirates, but they also somewhat live in fear of the Grim Reaper herself. After all, the reason why the Amazon Lily has come under attack by anyone, not just because of the Calm Belt but also because it is a territory of a Yonko. Amazon Lily is safe because of La Spada, and it can be easily changed at the Grim Reaper’s whims. Any time Amazon Lily no longer shows any worth to La Spada, she could easily destroy the island on her own, and that fact is feared by the Amazons and their leader, Boa Hancock.

Despite being under Spada Pirates’ control, Amazon Lily’s location is quite difficult to protect and their rule about men not allowed to step foot into the island, made it incredibly difficult to position any form of base or reinforcements to help the Amazons (yet). However, this would be fine since the island inhabitants are strong enough and the prospect of a powerful retaliation from a Yonko would deter pretty much any potential aggressors.

The Sweet Pirates would approach Amazon Lily, and if that prospect of a potential retaliation from Spada Pirates doesn’t deter them, they would find no cannon fire, nor really any naval defense that would stop them. But should they approach the island’s port, soon enough Kuja Amazons would ready their bows, with one of them shouting out towards the incoming ship.

“You are not welcome here! Leave!”
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The captain lifted the brim of her hat a bit as her cold eyes scanned along for a shore of the island, but the jungle island's coast was mostly only made out of steep, stone bluffs serving as a mighty natural protection for Amazon Lily. She was certain Amazon Lily had a harbor of some kind, as she closed in closer to the island she made out exactly what she was looking for- but accompanied by something that caused her heart to hiccup. Despite the lack of wind, Sweet could make out an unmistakable jolly roger; the emblem of a yonko perched atop a pirate ship that was already docked in the harbor. "Oh, well now that definitely complicates things..." She said shaking her head with eyebrows raised.

Sweet pondered the potential implications of that pirate ship as they closed in on the very same harbor. The fast, little skipper carved through the waters whilst Sweet's heartbeat hastened in her anticipation.
But should they approach the island’s port, soon enough Kuja Amazons would ready their bows, with one of them shouting out towards the incoming ship.

“You are not welcome here! Leave!”
Both heads aboard the boat darted to the source of the stern order. Sweet's eyebrows raised even further, but she was quick to respond: "I actually had business with your empress!" She shouted back casually, her mind being pulled from the Spada ship and now being dedicated to the angry archers aimed at her and her brand new boat.

"WE'RE TWO PRETTY GIRLS!!" Shouted Gochi excitedly from beneath his mop of seaweed hair.
"Shut the hell up, you nitwit." Hissed Sweet at a low volume in response, without changing her big grin aimed at the amazonesses. Sweet folded the little ship's sail and gave pull to the ship's wheel to slow their encroach, but sailed forward nonetheless.

"Me and my kid sister are coming ashore!" She responded back, still smiling to the warrior women matter-of-factly as she passively tried to order her cabin boy to get ready for a potential conflict. Sweet was going to ignore the warnings and attempt to dock right alongside the Spada ship [in the following turn].

"KID?!" Gochi angrily barked in response, definitely not picking up her subtle signaling.
"I will fillet you!" Sweet snapped back at her crewmate (voice broken in frustration), the tiny terror was already dead-set on complicating a bad situation. "Do you want to eat your own teeth? I will MAKE you eat your own teeth if you don't stop talking!"

  • Haha
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Amazon Lily #2

The Sweet Pirates would come across the Yonko territory, but perhaps unfortunately for them – there is already members of the Spada Pirates currently in Amazon Lily, as seen of the ship that is currently docked onto the port, making things even harder for whatever that Sweet would intend to do – though it would make sense, for it is a territory under the Spada Pirates after all. Regardless of the situation, it would not deter the Sweet Pirates, for in response to the warning Sweet would ensure that her intentions would be laid out as friendly as possible – that she wishes to speak to Boa Hancock, the Queen of Amazon Lily and they are coming ashore.

“We have heard of no such business from the Queen herself.”

The Amazon guards were somewhat surprised, though they do not lower their guard. They would have been immediately told to turn away, with even greater hostility if Sweet is a man. But given her identity, it makes it slightly easier to change the Amazon’s minds. The guards would continue to warn one more time whilst firing a single arrow upon the ship’s hull – though those are already coated with Haki, it would presumably neither really damage the ship’s overall structural integrity if Sweet Pirates did not deal with the incoming arrows nor would it likely change Sweet’s mind.

Quick in action, one of the guards quickly left the port as fast as she could – to warn Boa Hancock whilst the other guards would prepare for another volley of arrows should the Sweet Pirates make landfall upon Amazon Lily. The guards originally had to be further out on the port to deal with incoming invaders, but with the ship likely closing in towards the port they were forced to repositioned themselves further back. Nevertheless, the Amazons themselves prepared for a fight. Their business with Boa Hancock were never made known to the Amazons, and thus never existed. Not only that, they were pirates too given the jolly roger they were flying – making it even less possible of a prior engagement given the Amazon’s alignment with the Spada Pirates.

“Last warning! Turn around or we will shoot you.”

The Amazon warned the Sweet Pirates one last time, and the next time it wouldn’t be an arrow to the ship.
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“We have heard of no such business from the Queen herself.”
Sweet looked over the Spada ship, trying to figure if they were being held captive or if they were stationed; carefully the fishwoman deliberated on her response to the head of the Amazon Lily guardians. Her big smile remained firm as she pondered, confidence radiating from every pore even as the lead archer loosed an arrow into the hull of her little boat. As the dull thwick, of an arrowhead finding purchase into wood, met her ears she slowly pulled her gaze from the pirate ship over to the woman who had fired. Sweet's cold, distant examination of the warrior was juxtaposing her friendly smile plastered beneath her harpoon-like nose.
The guards would continue to warn one more time whilst firing a single arrow upon the ship’s hull – though those are already coated with Haki, it would presumably neither really damage the ship’s overall structural integrity if Sweet Pirates did not deal with the incoming arrows nor would it likely change Sweet’s mind.
"It's a new boat, gals." She remarked casually whilst shifting her gaze across the crowd of women, implying she wouldn't be pleased needing to get a replacement so soon. Sweet reached a long arm over the side of her boat to snap the shaft from the tip of the arrow, leaving the arrowhead imbedded in her little skipper's hull rather than digging it out at the cost of its paintjob (wetting her hand with the ocean's surface in the process). During her little exercise in smugness, Sweet finished her deliberation: she settled on a bluff.

"I answer higher up than your pirate empress I'm afraid." She said with a sense of superiority, giving the implication she may hold authority above Hancock somehow. "You know what they say- don't shoot the messenger!" Sweet jokingly suggested, turning back around and waltzing over to her wheel.

'Especially when they're ten times stronger than a puny human.' The captain thought to herself plainly, bringing her dark-blue skipper closer to her intended docking area, directly parallel to the yonko's ship. "Ready on anchor, brat!" She shouted at her hissing "cabin-girl", simultaneously announcing her clear intention of disregarding orders to the amazonesses. Gochi spitefully followed the order and placed his coat sleeves around the wooden lever to release the little anchor.

It would seem that both of the invaders aboard this boat were utterly unconcerned with the threats and orders, going about business as usual. Sweet barely spared a glance to the archers as the boat came to a near stop and Gochi dropped the anchor. The pirate captain reached down and lifted the squirming twelve-year-old fishman. "Remember, you're undercover." She whispered sternly in his ear before tossing Gochi onto the dock. With a genuine sense of disinterest, Sweet gauged the amazonesses and mentally prepared to watch Gochi get skewered with arrows.

Landing face first, the piranha-boy grunted as his fishy features pushed into the dock. He sat up with face full of wooden splinters and teeth filled with wood shavings. "Ow." Gochi remarked, seeming to generally unfazed. The blue-skinned fishboy, disguised with a slimy wig, sniffed at the air. He instinctively made a loose layout of where he was and then stood to face the direction of the archers. Gochi wiped the splinters from his face into his hellish maw with an eerily slick motion of his oversized sleeve then began waving excitedly towards the unhappy women.

"COOL SNAKES!" He complimented, smelling their slithery presence all around the Amazon Lily warriors.

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Amazon Lily #3

The warning went ignored as the unconcerned Sweet Pirates would continue to make landfall, and soon enough – simple Haki-coated arrows would not suffice to force the visitors out of the island. No matter, for soon enough Sweet herself would try a bluff. One that is quite risky and is unlikely to work beyond the guards. However, in this case – Sweet’s words are more likely to work, an authority higher than the presumed warlord Boa Hancock meant that only one thing, contextually speaking. And for the Amazon guards, it is impossible for them to know beyond La Spada and her crew. They would not be willing to test Sweet on her words, for if she is truly with the Yonko herself then making them mad would be problematic for Amazon Lily as a whole, and problematic is an understatement.

The guards are confused, in a sense – they do not know if Sweet’s words are true or not. They aren’t as knowledgeable as one might expect. And thus, they lowered their guard, only their Queen could have answer the question. Having no choice, they ultimately lowered their weapon, or I suppose – their snakes and arrows. Gochi was quickly thrown off from their boat, landing face first onto the docks. Though perhaps fortunate enough for Gochi, the Amazons weren’t willing to attack potentially an ally of Spada Pirate, or even someone related to them, for in their minds that would likely spelt death to the Amazons. As such, given Gochi’s presumably well disguised look as a woman. They could only look on with concern and uncertainty.


The Amazon leader (of the guards) thought for a little bit. There isn’t much choice she could do, turn them away and it may cause a huge problem if they are indeed with the Spada Pirates. Finally, she would speak, signalling the other Amazons at the same time.

“We will bring you to our Queen. Though be warned that this is your last chance to turn away.”

The Amazon spoke straightforwardly. They could not ascertain their identity, but the Spada Pirates themselves could, same with Boa Hancock. The Sweet Pirates if they would attempt to continue with their plans, the Amazons would lead them into the city, where they would meet with the Queen of the Amazon Lily.
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“We will bring you to our Queen. Though be warned that this is your last chance to turn away.”
Adrenaline pulled the fishwoman's legs onto the dock to join her tiny crewmate as she forced her face into nonchalance, despite her casualness she found herself considering the warning she was given as she sorted the influx of information in her mind. Sweet was intentionally wedging herself into a bad situation, with one of her least trustworthy crewmates no less. One thing was becoming cemented in her mind though, the boat that was waiting for her in the harbor was in fact a sign of her worst suspicions: La Spada was in control of Amazon Lily...

The fishwoman gave a gesture towards the center of the island. "Please, lead the way." She slickly said with a slight bow of her head, a sharp-toothed smile masking any concerns she hid away in her mind. Despite the clear risks in doing so, Sweet was seeing the need to gather first-hand information. Her pupils flicked up and down on the guards of Amazon Lily, sizing them up. These women weren't a concern to Sweet, not even with their numbers; still panicked calculations ran through her mind as she continued her charade.

Sweet Einsauer gave a glance to her walking liability, Gochi. "You heard 'em." She said. "Follow along." The piranha would need to be as close as possible every step of the way. Her gambit worked in the short-term, but it was equitable to lighting the fuse to a powder keg. Sweet would need to let this spark get as far as it could without letting an explosion go off. The duo would be led to the empress through the dense jungle by foot which fortunately kept them somewhat hidden within the flora, but inversely separated them from their boat. Trekking this length would give Sweet time to pry at the stern women- she should just need to be deliberative with her wording.

"How have you ladies adjusted to the changes?" Sweet inquired, putting herself in the mindset of someone higher on the totem pole than Hancock herself. Her gaze drifted along the waterline, the pirate captain was formulating an escape route in the back of her mind with every step she took- a habit she often found herself engaging in, but now more than ever. "A change in command is rarely easy."
She followed the river carving through the island with her eyes, landing them on a set of large red doors emblazoned with the jolly roger of the Kuja Pirates.

Gochi, oblivious to the whims and concerns of his captain, waddled with the group of women while sniffing at the air like a hound in a landfill. Like any time before when he had trespassed; he hadn't a care in the world other than the vague thought of food.

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Amazon Lily #4

With Sweet’s lies working as intended, at least for the time being – she would be directed from the port and into the city where the Amazons lived by the guards themselves. The escorts are only led by two of the Amazons, one in front of Sweet and Gochi and the other behind them, perhaps just in case if intruders would turn on them. But at least for Sweet’s case, this is not a problem for her, a couple of Amazon guards does not pose a threat even if they attempted an assassination.

From a far, the Sweet Pirates could see the signature snake-like mountain on the island, where the Amazon build their home upon – whereby the route that the pirates are being escorted to are also directed towards that direction. Perhaps not much of a surprise if Sweet herself conducted enough research or hear enough rumours of the women-only island. Given the time needed to make the trek to their intended destination, Sweet decided to further pry for more information, asking one of the Amazons if they manage to adapt to the changes, speaking with a more authoritative tone. However, such question was incredibly strange for the Amazon as she looked somewhat even surprised by that. But what it would entail for the fishwoman’s question would remain unanswered as the Amazon simply responded.

“… The same as always.”

Not much else is given, though the Amazon is still operating on the idea that Sweet and Gochi is aligned with Spada Pirates, thus she wasn’t happy at the very thought of being asked such a ridiculous question. But for Sweet, this may not have hit upon her yet for she does not have much contextual information to work with, and the short response are indicating unwillingness to interact with her at all.

Whether or not Sweet would continue to question and pry for more information, the trek would continue. And eventually, they would reach the base of the snake-like mountain. Here, it is where Sweet and Gochi would finally notice something beyond just incredible. The snakes on the mountain - one of the snake heads atop the mountain have eyes, and they are moving, watching closely and intensely upon Amazon Lily as if it is
alive. The guard did not say much, but only to lead the duo into the city that is built within the mountain itself.

Sweet have finally reached the city, and here – danger awaits the fishwoman.
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The crunching from footfall upon the fallen leaves scattered all about the jungle floor filled the tense air as the party moved along the path leading to the city. Sweet moved at pace, sandwiched in-between a swarm of Amazon Lily warriors. The canopy aboved allowed the occasional ray of sun to meet the top of her cap, casting a sinister shadow down the front of her face.
“… The same as always.”

Not much else is given, though the Amazon is still operating on the idea that Sweet and Gochi is aligned with Spada Pirates, thus she wasn’t happy at the very thought of being asked such a ridiculous question.
Sweet puckered her lips and rolled her eyes sardonically. "Touchy subject?" The smarmy fishwoman responded rhetorically as she continued to move with the troop of women. It was clear by the noxious aura of arrogance, Sweet had regained a level of internal composure that the yonko crew's presence had temporarily shaken out of her. She chuckled a bit, her chains ominously rattling alongside her dark, quiet laughter.
"I suppose that reaction is to be expected." Sweet Einsauer remarked as they approached the base of the enormous, elaborately carved mountain.
And eventually, they would reach the base of the snake-like mountain. Here, it is where Sweet and Gochi would finally notice something beyond just incredible. The snakes on the mountain - one of the snake heads atop the mountain have eyes, and they are moving, watching closely and intensely upon Amazon Lily as if it is alive.
Sweet cast her eyes on serpents carved into the rock, taking in sheer scale- when her gathered interior composure once again rumbled. Atop the mountain, the carved eyes of a stone serpent shifted ominously; analyzing the capital in the heart of Amazon Lily. She disguised her alarm as a cough and hid away the surprise that had briefly over taken her- replacing it with the usual arrogant smirk that decorated her jaw.

"Quite the island here, Amazon Lily." The pirate captain said, forcing her mind from the gargantuan threat that loomed over the city. "Safe to assume you all like snakes?" She joked, clearly in a manner meant more for her own enjoyment over that of the native women's. The fishwoman continued to carry herself as if she were above the surrounding riffraff, internally however she was beginning to realize just how much influence La Spada may have on the so-called Pirate Empress's territory.

Despite her cool exterior, her mind raced unable to ignore the serpentine warning sign perched atop the mountain...Unlike-
Gochi, now comfortable with his surroundings, was beginning to bounce around excitedly. He was simply looking forward to eating once they got to wherever they were going. The fishboy couldn't see the enormous sentient rock beast above and likely wouldn't care if he could. Sensing the silence though, he interjected it rashly with his shrill voice:

"DO YOU EAT THE SNAKES?" He barked out to the amazon squad around him, his mind centered almost wholly on the prospect of a good meal.

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Amazon Lily #5

Sweet wasn’t given a proper answer, but one can easily surmise why – if given enough context to work with, though given her likely intentions, she must have some idea on what is already going on as she made a response in quite a snarky tone before making note of the reaction as to be expected. The Amazon that replied her clicked her tongue, but no matter the case soon these Pirates would be out of her hands and for the Queen to decide. The mountain that would cast a large shadow upon the outskirts of the city would come into view and here, Sweet would finally took note of the eyes of the carved snake mountain that lies at the top of the city. It would be hard to see if the rest of the snakes would also have them from where they stood, but it would not change much for the Sweet Pirates. Sweet’s composure shook as she disguises that shock with an arrogant mask. It would be dangerous to show any form of weakness at this stage, and it was quite a smart thing to do. One wrong mistake and this whole island will very quickly turn on them, and that would be worst situation for the pirate.

Sweet continued to joke as she asked if they like snakes, but this time she would no longer receive any response from their escorts. Approaching the gates of the city is an
urban city with oriental architectures, well as far as modernizing an isolated island the world of One Piece can go. Unlike most places under Spada’s territories, Amazon Lily by itself is protected by the Amazons, but enjoyed the protection of a Yonko enough to deter many from attempting an attack, or even dare consider one. Through the city gates, the duo would find many of its citizens… to be woman, perhaps the most unsurprising things to see in Amazon Lily. Gochi would start to question if snakes are part of the diet – but his questions went unanswered through the questionable stares of the Amazons around them.

Yet as the group should more than likely to continue to walk through the streets for Sweet to meet with Boa Hancock, soon enough she no longer have to wait. In front of them, Boa Hancock and her two gorgon sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia trailing behind Hancock herself would walk up towards them with several Amazon guards. Behind them however, a smaller child was following behind them, accompanied by two gorgons.

The escort would quickly step aside, bowing to Boa Hancock before speaking to her.

“Snake Princess! This woman here said she has business with you, and that she said she has higher authority.”

Boa Hancock would look upon Sweet and Gochi, though she has never met any of them before as part of the Spada Pirates, though not that she knew of everyone within the Yonko’s crew. The young kid behind them looked on intently, but she remained silent.

“And who are you?”

Boa Hancock finally asked. If there is a something La Spada herself wanted of Amazon Lily, she would have sent a Mayhem or a Plague with instructions. And they already have one in this island. The Grim Reaper herself wouldn’t have allied with other pirate crews and just sent them over like this.
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Crossing into the beautiful village, Sweet's demeanor took on a predatory swagger as if her confidence grew in strength to contest the pressure being exerted on her. Her eyes analytically trailed across the traditional architecture while her hyperactive companion bounced alongside her. Gochi expectantly sniffed at the air as he picked up clearer and clearer scents of food. The two fishpeople didn't have long to absorb the gorgeous scenery as they were paraded directly to the previously alerted empress, already prepared to meet the two intruders. The captain's self-assured posturing didn't falter even a bit during their approach; she had been mentally preparing for this moment for months- although under different context.
Boa Hancock and her two gorgon sisters, Marigold and Sandersonia trailing behind Hancock herself would walk up towards them with several Amazon guards. Behind them however, a smaller child was following behind them, accompanied by two gorgons.

The escort would quickly step aside, bowing to Boa Hancock before speaking to her.

“Snake Princess! This woman here said she has business with you, and that she said she has higher authority.”

Boa Hancock would look upon Sweet and Gochi, though she has never met any of them before as part of the Spada Pirates, though not that she knew of everyone within the Yonko’s crew. The young kid behind them looked on intently, but she remained silent.

“And who are you?”
Her eyes shortly fixed themselves upon the mysterious child, a young girl standing a foot taller than her own companion. This girl couldn't have been much older than Gochi, if older at all. Sweet had a decent profile on the most notable members of the Spada Pirates; their captain, their leading officers (the Mayhems), but only knew as much as was able to get out to the world. Was this child a lower-ranking officer of the Spada Pirate?

There was too much risk in escalating her ruse, she settled into her lie with prepared deflections and explanations preloading themselves in her mind. Sweet removed her cap respectfully when addressed by the amazon royalty and gave a short bow of her head then replaced the cap before responding:
"Captain Sweet Einsauer, your highness." The fishwoman said, announcing herself. "I must admit, I made no claim of my own authority."
"I am merely a messenger of important news." She said slyly. Though the fishwoman's arrogant tone waned in the presence of the sisters out of a pseudo-respect for Boa Hancock, her confidence was unwavering. "News that may not be suited for children's ears." She said implying Gochi and Sour be left out of a potential discussion.

Gochi detecting a slight at him interrupted violently. "HEY!" He barked in his usual shrill and screechy tone. "STOP CALLING ME A KID, YOU OLD HAG!"
Sweet was outwardly unfazed by the fishboy's outburst, her eyes remained calmly locked on Boa Hancock and her people. Inside though, she imagined herself happily tossing Gochi into an bonfire.

"I assure you, I do not intend to waste your time; Snake Princess." She said respectfully, parroting the honorific used before.

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Amazon Lily #6

The Amazon Queen questioned Sweet, looking at the fishwomen physical appearance as she notices the identity of her ‘guests’. Unlike most Amazons, Boa Hancock have kept up with the news – and the Sweet Pirates and their Captain, Sweet herself have gained quite a notoriety. That said, Boa Hancock does not notice much of Gochi, considering she herself have not much knowledge of the pirate crew, thus she would not be able to ascertain Gochi’s real identity. Sweet would consider herself as a messenger of important news, rather than as an authority – though the Amazons have already somewhat assumed Sweet to be something like that, that she is affiliated with the Spada Pirates, as a ‘higher authority’ can only meant the Grim Reaper herself. Though Sweet’s words of ‘not being suited for children’s ears’ are quite indicative of the fact that she isn’t affiliated with the Spada Pirates. And that much is caught on by Boa Hancock and Sour, the child that Sweet seems to be implying to be “not suited for children’s ears”.

If Sweet is truly part of the Spada Pirates, she would know who Sour is, and even if she did not know who Sour is, someone of the Spada Pirates would’ve told her before coming here. And on the other end, Sour has never met Sweet before, she does not recognize the Fishwoman. A higher authority for a Plague like Sour would be one of the 5 Mayhems, or La Spada herself. The girl knew the identity of all of them, and if La Spada herself wanted to send an important message, she would’ve sent one of the Mayhems. But no matter the case, Sour did not protest nor made a word, the reasons for that is unclear – perhaps to see what is this important news that they would intrude upon a Yonko’s territory. As she did not make any protest to such claim only to look at Boa Hancock herself, the Snake Princess understood one thing – a meeting without any of the Spada officials will be troublesome, though given the circumstances of Amazon Lily, it may not have mattered but what is truly important is to maintain the alliance between Spada Pirates and Amazon Lily, and keeping Sour out of it will only worsen such ties – if there are any to begin with.

Gochi would bark in his strange but chaotic outburst, serving only to annoyances of his peers whom only further cautioned themselves against. Sweet did not intend to waste any time, and even the Snake Princess would agree to that.

“If that’s the case, let’s not waste any more time and tell me what is this important news.”

Boa Hancock would reject Sweet’s proposal, but instead agreed to keep it short – no reason to leave Sour to some form of secrecy that will only bite her back at a later time. Regardless of who Sweet is and what is her intentions, what Sweet intends to reveal about her intentions and how she does will affect her very own safety, for there’s only so much one can try to bluff their way into a Yonko’s territory.
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“If that’s the case, let’s not waste any more time and tell me what is this important news.”

Boa Hancock would reject Sweet’s proposal, but instead agreed to keep it short.
With a cocked eyebrow and shrug of her shoulders she responded. "As you insist-" She said with a hint of her signature attitude. Smiling, all the while she scanned over the gathered faces of the Amazon Lily natives and her tone shifted and picked up in volume as if now addressing the crowd beyond just the empress. "It has come to our attention that your title is merely for show now..."

"You no longer rule this beautiful island, you simply keep it warm for La Spada."
Sweet remarked with a performative coldness lacing her words.
"Let me not mince words, Boa Hancock-" She said, stripping the woman's title from her identity. "-there's a war just beyond the horizon and you have aligned yourself incorrectly."
Gochi's stomach began to rumble, a scowl appearing below his hat. His hunger was being unanswered by the Amazonian hosts and by his captain.

"I'm sure you were backed into a corner, but I'm here to offer you a way out-" She remarked. "-before the World Government settles on their decision." She said with a veiled threat that seemed beyond her personal responsibility.
Sweet glanced around at the crowd. "I'm here to offer you the control of your island you once had." She gestured up to the giant, stone snake overlooking Amazon Lily. "This isn't your home anymore, ladies- anyone with eyes can see that. This is a Yonko's outpost. If your people were as half as proud as the stories tell; you'd have fed that little bitch to your snakes." She said whilst pointing, with a sadistic whimsy, to the Cursed Child.



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Amazon Lily #7

With tensions rising in Amazon Lily, or at least between Sweet and Boa Hancock – the intentions from the ‘visitor’ is quickly laid bare, though astonishingly harsh for seemly no reason. This took Boa Hancock and the Amazons by surprise as they would not expect such a change in tone. Sweet said a lot of things, mostly in insult towards the Snake Princess herself. But Sweet offers a way out of La Spada’s control, even insulting one of the Mayhem, Sour immediately in the same vein. Such words would rouse the anger of other Amazons, as the guards immediately raises their arrows against Sweet. But for Boa Hancock, she wasn’t seemly impressed nor taken aback by Sweet’s words. Her face remained in somewhat of silent anger. Sweet is correct to say that the island is in the Yonko’s control, and they are pretty much in following La Spada’s orders.

However, there is where Sweet’s correct assumption pretty much ended. Sweet isn’t offering control of the island back, for she used the word ‘our’. Meaning to put Sweet is working with someone else. Boa Hancock could easily assume she meant with the World Government – which Sweet herself has mentioned in regards to their decision to be made. Boa Hancock has no love for the World Government, her old title as the Shichibukai was merely a way to protect Amazon Lily, preventing the Marines from attacking the island. Instead of responding in aggression, Boa kept her composure. Sweet isn’t La Spada, her threats does not mean anything when there’s only two of them, and she is neither a Yonko nor someone as powerful as La Spada.

“Aligned myself incorrectly?”

Boa Hancock crossed her hands as her responded with unhappiness stretched across her face.

“You cannot offer any control of my island back to me. The World Government does not care about the Shichibukai nor any pirate affiliated to them, they only offer neutrality for power. Not protection. Because if they offer protection, they would have attempted to retake any territory from the pirate’s hands. You yourself might have already read the news in Wano Kuni and Whole Cake Island.”

“Why should I leave the protection from a Yonko just to have another powerful pirate crew to take over? Or for the Spada Pirates to reclaim it?”

To her, Sweet’s proposal is merely asking Amazon Lily to realign with the World Government without any benefits. While Boa Hancock does not know much of the Sweet Pirates, the fact is that she is once a Shichibukai, and she knows how the World Government deals with the Warlords before. Sweet so far has yet to offer anything that could even remotely benefit any better than the protection of a Yonko. One that not even a World Government dared to wage a war over for. Not only that, the bargain between La Spada and Boa Hancock still stands and both sides have held onto the end of their deal, there’s absolutely no reason to risk incurring the wrath of La Spada nor her Shadow over a proposal that only serves to put them in danger.

“Lastly, this is our home. You nor the Spada Pirates have a say on that. If we are as barbaric as your stories tell you, we would have fed the two of you to our snakes.”

“I hope you understand, going back to your ship peacefully isn’t going to be much of an option if you keep this up.”

Sour finally spoke. Even though she herself dislike La Spada for what she has done to her – Sweet calling her a ‘little bitch’ would not help her cause at all. Betrayals within Spada Pirates isn’t uncommon, but such stunts would convince no one. And Sweet keep this up, leaving the island in one piece is becoming less likely to happen.
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“Aligned myself incorrectly?”

Boa Hancock crossed her hands as her responded with unhappiness stretched across her face.
Sweet nodded in response, not unlike how a teacher would to the star-student answering a question correctly. The fishwoman had mentally separated herself from all the compounding threats and allowed her cold, clear mind to take control of the situation; it would seem Sweet Einsauer either didn't fear the amazonesses or was simply emotionless at the thought of her own death. Sweet, possibly unintentionally, mirrored the empress's movements: folding her long, lavender-toned arms across her breast.
“You cannot offer any control of my island back to me. The World Government does not care about the Shichibukai nor any pirate affiliated to them, they only offer neutrality for power. Not protection. Because if they offer protection, they would have attempted to retake any territory from the pirate’s hands. You yourself might have already read the news in Wano Kuni and Whole Cake Island.”

“Why should I leave the protection from a Yonko just to have another powerful pirate crew to take over? Or for the Spada Pirates to reclaim it?”
Sweet snickered a bit. "Oh-" She started. "Neutrality is far better than what's coming."
The pirate captain stuck her arms out to her sides and did a slow, performative turn, gesturing to all that lie before them on Amazon Lily. "I've seen the papers alright, I've certainly seen how the islands under her control end up." Sweet remarked gloomily whilst adjusting her cap. "And so has the World Government."
"You say you have the protection of La Spada?" A scoff punctuating her rhetorical question to the Snake Empress. "I think we both know just how untrue of a statement that is. Ya' hide in her shadow, just praying she'll forget about this place because you're terrified of what she can do."

“Lastly, this is our home. You nor the Spada Pirates have a say on that. If we are as barbaric as your stories tell you, we would have fed the two of you to our snakes.”

“I hope you understand, going back to your ship peacefully isn’t going to be much of an option if you keep this up.”

Sour finally spoke.
The fishwoman looked at Boa with raised eyebrows before turning downward to address the little girl first, silently implying the girl was the one really in charge. She put her hands on her knees and bent a bit to talk down to the child. "Hey brat, grownups are talking right now. How about you go play in the Grand Line?" A dismissive wave-off given at the end.

Sweet stood back up and looked at Boa whilst shrugging off the miniature Spada Pirate's interruption.
"I can't help but notice you're far more timid than I imagined you." Sweet laughed out. "Whimpering at the thought of yet another pirate crew conquering your island."
"...Well, there may not be an Amazon Lily to conquer if you stay on the marine shit-list for much longer, Boa."

"When the marines invade in terrifying numbers, will you sigh a breath of relief to see Spada's return?"
She asked, quickly adding: "-and that's if she returns." Sweet grimaced with phony empathy at the beautiful woman's predicament.

"You aren't being offered protection on behalf of the World Government, you never were, as I'm sure you're aware." Captain Sweet said. "This is simply a chance to return to the status quo before you're made an official target of the single largest military force in the world; a chance to take back the land you love and reclaim your dignity out from under Spada's bony heel."

Sweet finally sighed passively. "I'm not the World Government's number one fan either, Boa." She said gesturing to herself. "Look at me- I figure I have more reason to hate and distrust them than you do, but it's either certain death and destruction under the World Government's overbearing weight or... possible death and destruction whilst kneeling before La Spada; dying as an underling or living as a queen."

"That is your choice."


Edit: There was a typo bugging me..
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