Island Applenine Island

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Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - Unrelenting Trio #5

Abdullah was sent flying by Dalinar's overwhelming strength. The man laid beneath the rubble of a broken home without his trademark weapon in his hand. Jeet was quick on the uptake and rushed to help his comrade and leader. Before Dalinar could intercept the third sniper finally began to move. Throwing sword after sword at Dalinar standing outside of the marine's mantra range while he moved from rooftop to rooftop.

Even with his senses at high alert, the man was still surprised with the speed at which it had entered his range there wasn't much time to properly prepare for this incoming attack. The senses that alerted him where mostly his own that were now enhanced through his zoan hybrid form. Danger sense and superhuman senses allowing him to somewhat react this time around, the sniper wouldn't catch him by surprise like he did at the beginning of this encounter. "Navigation!"

Dalinar shouted as he turned himself around, weapon in both hands sword tip pointing towards the sky. With his navigation technique Dalinar simply assumed a neutral stance and swung at incoming attacks aiming to parry them. An encompassing technique that was a defensive version from compass strike. Without having to shout every single direction of an incoming attack, Dalinar simply coined it Navigation. But in reality, it was the same move as compass strike.

Compass strikes: Involves various angles and positions to attack an opponent. It serves as the basics for the way of the storm. - 21 mastery, 21 str. DPR: C

DPS: 9. Mountain Level VS 7. Town Level
[101-119: 6. City Block Level ] + [+1 (C Rank)] + [+2 (hardening)]

The first sword that Jean threw was parried by Dalinar, hitting the ground right beside him. Hitting it with a thundering sound as it cracked the earth. Dalinar would continue this defensive stance for a few moments deflecting swords left and right from him. Face clearly furious at the fact that this sniper was keeping him in place. These 3 despite their appearances worked incredibly well together, never giving the marine an opportunity to deal the finishing blow. Dalinar had enough, however, as the small cuts upon his arms from deflecting at such a short range would eventually weigh him down. The man had to act quickly for if they held on long enough a crack in his defences will show. In between Jean's sword throws he suddenly jumped up high into the air, getting a clear view of the town below him. Geppo aiding him in this endeavour.

Now from a higher vantage point Dalinar could easily spot Jean's green and orange features. A very distinct colour in this snow-clad town. Dalinar upon seeing the sniper would not waste any movement and pushed downward with incredible speed through one single geppo kick. "Tekkai: Sai!" The man shouted as he launched himself forward towards Jean with tekkai enhancement and haki hardening cladding him in a nigh impenetrable armor. Once Dalinar was upon him he'd unleash a powerful left straight towards the man's chest. Unleashing yet another thundering attack. Should Jean move, Dalinar would readjust through Geppo, now at this vantage point without anything to obstruct him he'd be easily able to follow the man's movements.

Tekkai "Sai"
46 Mastery, 41 Strength, 41 Movement Speed and 41 Durability
Description: After using Geppo to project himself towards his opponent, the user uses Tekkai to harden his body, smashing the enemy.

DPR: 10. Island Level
[101-119: 6. City Block Level ] + [+2 (B Rank)] + [+2 (hardening)]

Durability level during this move: (101-119: 6. City Level + 20 tekkai) + 2 hardening
= 9. Small Country Level
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Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - The Sacrifice! #6

Jeet pulled Abdullah out of the rubble. Surely, if it wasn’t for Jean Ango, a follow-up attack would have finished them. But Dalinar was fighting three. Jean Ango ran out of swords, his eyes in shock after the vice-admiral survived. All three men looked up at Dalinar as he took flight.

[Abdullah] “Get ready, Jeet. We must perform that technique.”
[Jeet] “Without Ango it may destroy our bodies, but then again, what choice do we have?! Let’s go!”

The two‘s aura changed, from fighting with purpose to fighting with desperation. Jean Ango, looking up at Dalinar, looked up at his doom. Jean Ango knew he was too slow to escape. His eyes widened. Jean Ango screamed with valor. Jean Ango held the largest sword he had and did a throwing motion towards the incoming Dalinar. This time, however, Jean Ango did not release it, using it as a thrust, with black haki on the weapon.

With that move, Jean Ango exhausted all his haki. A last-ditch effort.

[Jean Ango] “Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!”

Gihaio (literally meaning "Entertainer Arrange King"): Jean Ango aims and throws weapons such as axes, swords or sabers bare handed at his enemies with great speed and strength. This attack is strong enough to pierce a wall and hurt Chinjao.
- Knives [D Rank]
- Axes [C Rank]
- Swords [B Rank]
- Spear [A Rank]
- Building [S Rank]

DPR: 8. City Level
[(Strength) 61-80: 4. Small Building Level] + [+2 (B Rank)] + [+2 (hardening)] = 8. City Level

[Dalinar] DPR: 10. Island Level vs. [Jean Ango] DPR: 8. City Level = 2 DPR continue towards Jean Ango.
The villagers gasped at the sight of the sword clashing against the hardened fist. The very earth shook. In slow-motion, the sword cracked. Suddenly, it shattered. The vice-admiral punched through the sword, continuing on to Jean Ango’s upper chest in that diagonal fashion.

Jean Ango found himself face-up in the middle of a large crater, Dalinar over him. The man’s eye was white. Surely the vice-admiral felt victorious. However, he’d feel arms wrapping around him. Jean Anglo’s pupils quivered, barely visible. The bounty hunter bear-hugged Dalinar, as the shadow of Jeet and Abdullah was cast over them both.

[Jean Ango] “T-t-t-his is our One Piece. E-even if I don’t live to enjoy it. MY BROTHERS WILL!”
[Abdullah/Jeet] “Bastard Trio Special Attack: Shinigami Giri!”
Shinigami Giri (literally meaning "Reapee Cutter”): The ultimate attack of the Bastard Trio. Jean Ango throws Jeet and Abdullah like a weapon at blinding speeds. Jeet and Abdullah bulge their muscles, often beyond repair, in preparation of the attack. Jeet and Abdullah then combine their haki on a weapon and swing it diagonally like a scythe, hence the attack’s name. Like Abdullah’s Thor attack, the scythe electrified upon contact.
DPS with two: A Rank
DPS with all three: S Rank

DPR: 9. Mountain Level
[(Strength) 61-80: 4. Small Building Level] + [+3 (A Rank)] + [+2 (hardening)] = 9. Mountain Level
Coming down on the crater was Jeet and Abdullah. They both held one of Jeet’s sword, blackened with haki. The duo’s muscles bulged to twice their size. Like a scythe, both swung the sword diagonally towards Dalinar’s exposed back. The added power from the bulging muscles increased the AoE of the attack; it covered the whole crater.

The swing had such power, it would likely continue and hit Jean Ango, who was so close to his limit. A sacrifice. Jean Ango hoped to hold Dalinar long enough for the attack to land. A desperate move, for the tendon in Jeet and Abdullah’s muscles tore and Jean Ango saw his end.

Their One Piece. The Bastard Trio would defend it until the end.
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Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - The Sacrifice! #6
Overwhelming. That was Dalinar while in combat with those who severely underestimated him. Given his rank, these men should've known his capabilities and by that knew their standing. Still, they persisted with incredible tenaciousness. They acted like famished animals, they would not drop down and let this place be. Not without risking their lives for it.

Dalinar's punch had hit home moments prior, nearly claiming Jean Ango's life. Such was the destructive potency of this single punch but again the man persisted. If only to allow his brothers to deliver their most powerful attack, albeit not at full potential for it required the 3 of them to work in tandem. The Vice-Admiral found himself inside of the crater he had created but now had Jean Ango around him, preventing him from moving. Fragments of his spirit lingered in the eyes of this broken man, broken not by combat. But by the prospect of losing the only home he had in his entire life.

Dalinar could clearly see it in his eyes.


At the same time a flash would come to Dalinar's mind, the hint of danger. A powerful attack was coming and very soon. This flash had only just left him but the man would act instantly. Forehead clad with intense haki, Dalinar would deliver a headbutt towards Jean. An unnamed attack but still held incredible power from the marine in this zoan form.
101-119: 6. City Block Level + 0 no rank + 1 hardening
DPR 7. City Level
The headbutt should it connect would most likely inflict a few fractures unto Jean's skull and knock him out cold, but most likely the man was still alive. Dalinar reserved death through combat to only the most wicked of evils or to those few capable warriors he deemed worthy of such an act. These 3 were neither to him and thus justice would figure out their fate.

The Vice-Admiral did not hesitate, however. For he'd immediately turn around through a quick pivot on his right and held his sword with both hands. Blade turned to pitch dark through fierce haki. The blade would swing horizontally upwards as if aiming to swat away anything that was about to approach him. If not for his mantra flash from earlier he might've missed the mark to react in time to this attack. " Eye of the storm!"

Dalinar shouted as his own massive attack clashed with the combined forces of Abdullah and Jeet. The clash of these attacks were nothing the villagers would've ever seen before. This would be stuff out of legends to these people, but to Dalinar and most other experienced warriors, this was nothing to write home about.

Eye of the storm: holding weapon with two hands using speed as added momentum before delivering a massive horizontal swing. The strength of the swing is capable of sending anything nearby flying for meters. Potentially even dispersing clouds. - 81 mastery, 81 str. DPR: S
With added momentum through speed: S Rank
Without added momentum through speed: A Rank.

8. City Level
[(Strength) 101-119: 6. City Block Level ] + [+3 (A Rank)] + [+2 (hardening)] = 11. Small Country Level

[Dalinar] DPR: 11. Small Country Level vs. [Jeet and Abdullah] DPR: 9. Mountain Level = 2 DPR continues towards Jeet and Abdullah.

The two violent energies would punch and kick against one another while their weapons were locked into place. This stalemate kept the balance for a few short moments as the two warriors would push every ounce of their strength into this attack. Unfortunately, however, they could feel it slipping and Dalinar's own might inched closer and closer until eventually, it'd overtake them.

The violent haki from Dalinar would continue to punch and kick against the duo their own but it was so fast and ferocious that their will crumbled quickly under this might. In the end, Dalinar's swing pierced through the clash as it completed its arc, potentially cutting through the weapons and slashing their bodies in tandem. Weapons broken, bodies wounded and spirits potentially crumbled. These two men would be sent flying by Dalinar's incredible swing and so would much of the snow around him. How the man could harness such power with only a quick pivot should terrify the men to what he could do when he was pushed to his limit.

Dalinar would lower his weapon while his haki retreated from the blade like a spider that sensed danger. The man would take a few steps forward and looked around assessing the damage of the town around him. He had hoped to draw it to a minimum but he still saw too much destruction. He'd sheathe his blade and checked Jean for a pulse checking if his headbutt hadn't killed the man. Whether the man was ok or not Dalinar would eventually move over to the other two. Hopefully, he hadn't damaged them too severely.

"Strength before weakness," The older man said exhaustion clearly in his voice. These 3 were far better than he had anticipated.

If only they hadn't attacked him before hearing him out.

If only.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - The Fall of the Trio #7

Showing incredible will, Jean Ango held the vice-admiral. The force of Marines acted quickl, headbutting the bounty hunter in his Zoan state. Jean Anglo’s helmet shattered, eyes turning immediately white, out cold. With a pivot, Dalinar’s attack clashed with the duo.

From the impact point Abdullah and Jeet came out flying. They hit the edge of the RP crater and their bodies fell to the ground with a loud thump. Silence came next, with the murmurs of the villagers surrounding them.

Jeet‘s eyes were clad white, unconscious. Abdullah lay next to him. Suddenly, Abdullah’s fingers moved. Abdullah’s whole body trembled as he pushed himself off the ground. Abdullah’s arms flailed next to him; his last attack had disabled his arms, the tendons ripped. The deep wound left by the vice-admiral almost glowed in the light.

The man turned to Dalinar and took a seat Indian-style.

[Abdullah] “D-d-do what you must. We cannot acquiesce to your strength. B-b-but I swear, if you do not fulfill your promise to these people and harm comes to them...”
[Abdullah] “You will be even worse than us.”

Abdullah spoke with gratitude towards the people of the land. Elder Bruno’sa stepped forward, checking on Jeet. Indeed, he was out cold, still alive. Eyes turned on the vice-admiral. He had won the battle, but would his next actions win the village’s heart?
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Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - The Offer #7

Dalinar had reached the area where Jeet and Abdullah had landed after their clash. With both Jeet and Jean out of the count, only Abdullah was left to deal with. But a quick glance at the man's physical state gave Dalinar enough information that these 3 were no longer a threat. Still, he kept his zoan form up for its recovery abilities was far superior to his human base form. Abdullah spoke and the vice-admiral allowed him this moment to speak, to which the man sighed deeply. The disappointment was clearly visible.

"I must admit that I had pegged you 3 as leeches to this island. I've encountered these circumstances plenty in my life and line of work. " Dalinar said arms behind his back as he observed the 3 once, frowning at them.
"Individuals that are above average of strength, taking advantage of a weaker island surrounded by monsters. Throughout this bout, I had categorized you as such. But your conviction has proven me wrong. You lot never wavered, nor fled. In fact, you fought tooth and nail to stay here. If only you hadn't struck me when you did, you lot had forced my hand." Dalinar continued as he now turned his head, eyes clearly piercing as the sun shone through the white clouds. Giving his already intimidating presence a weirdly holy factor, but Dalinar ignored this coincidence.

"Your beliefs and will show promise. But you still need to convince me. To that end, I have an offer for the 3 of you. And I only do this once, decline and I shall move you lot to impel down without question." The man said calm but stern, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. And this man didn't give many chances.

"Join my paragon program. It will not make you a marine but if you complete it, it allows you to earn my trust and therefore that of the Government. Do not underestimate this program, others in the past have chosen impel down during their training. But if successful your bounty shall be cleared and I will reinstate you to this island. That is if you'd still have them after that, Elder Bruno'sa." Dalinar said, giving them an ultimatum to decide their fate. While bowing his head to the Elder who stood nearby.

Dalinar would turn around facing his ship that stood ready to depart at any moment.

"Do keep in mind that if I hear as much as a rumor that you've fallen back onto your previous ways. I will not hesitate to eliminate you. I do not respond kindly to betrayal. " Dalinar said casually in the hopes to put any wicked plans to rest. If they took his training and afterward betrayed him, it'd lower his reputation significantly.

"How do you respond, Abdullah?" Dalinar said, revealing that he knew the man's name through his notoriety.

How would these men respond to such a shocking revelation? They were given an extremely rare opportunity. Dalinar didn't offer this program to many pirates nor hunters.
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Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - The Offer #8

The Bastard Trio had fallen. Only Abdullah, the de-facto leader, stood. He accepted defeat in his brother’s stead. With his words, he showed what the villagers ended up meaning to them, asking vice-admiral Dalinar to fulfill his promise.

Vice-Admiral Dalinar said something unexpected: an offer. The villagers murmured between themselves as Dalinar spoke. A chance to keep their saviors alive and come back?

Abdullah looked down, deep in thought. Anyone could see he was conflicted. They had fled from the World Government all their lives. In other circumstances, they’d rather die that have anything to do with the corrupt system. But now, something had changed inside them.

[Young Girl] “M-m-mr. Savior...?”
A young voice came from the crowd. Parting the legs of the adults came the small girl who had spat on Dalinar’s boots. She held something between the arms, and slowly approached Abdullah. The entire town held fast on the girl’s every word.

The girl opened her arms and presented Abdullah with an item.

[Young Girl] “You dropped this, Mr. Savior.”

The bounty hunter, Abdullah. In his hand, Abdullah held a small stuffed apple; a gift from children of the village, which he stared into with a smile.
Abdullah looked at the young girl’s arms. His eyes filled with tears. He took the toy; a small stuffed apple, this island’s version of a teddy bear. The young girl flashed a smile and hugged him. Abdullah stood frozen. She let go of him and said happily.

[Young Girl] “Remember to bring it back when you return!”

Elder Brunoa held her mouth, trying to hold back the tears; but they fell. She nodded once Dalinar asked if they would have the Bastard Tri- no the Savior Trio, back. Her answer to Dalinar question was clear.

Abdullah turned to vice-admiral Dalinar.

[Abdullah] “Thank you. But I cannot speak for my brothe-”

The sound of a blade echoed. A few meters away, Jeet, still face-up, now with tears in his eyes, held his blade to the sky. Jean Ango, did the same with a spear. Their answer. Abdullah smiled intently, before wiping the tear that grew on his left cheek. He looked at the stuffed apple before answering.

[Abdullah] “We accept. The Bastard Trio will do whatever it takes to fulfill our promise.”
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A Symbiotic Relationship - Journey Before Destination #8

All parties agreed with Dalinar's suggestion which was the easiest part. The man exhaled and finally reverted back to his human base form. Motioning to his ship to come to pick him and the trio up for their journey. The ship arrived and docked, several of his crew would leave the ship with the resources the marine had promised. These men and women would start repairing and establishing a communications post until the trio would return to their one piece. The trio, however, would be escorted to the ship under heavy guard and put into closed quarters in the hull of the ship.

Dalinar would give a few parting words to the villagers and his orders to his crew that'd stay on this island. Before long Dalinar and his remaining crew would set out towards his own HQ. The voyage would take some time but eventually, they'd reach it. During the trip, the marine would visit the trio often making sure they'd have plenty of food and water. Their hell would soon start he wouldn't want them to starve before they'd reach it. With the arrival of their food and drink Dalinar found himself alone with these 3 and gave them his parting words.

"Draw strength from these ancient oaths. They're not absolute but draw strength of them such as I and my men do during missions."

Dalinar would say as he closed his eyes with a single outstretched hand in front of his chest, fingers pointing upwards.

"Life Before Death" - Protecting the elder from a blow that could've killed her if he avoided the first attack.
"Strength Before Weakness" - Defeating the trio before giving them a chance to change fate.
"Journey Before Destination" - The trio would accept their chance to one day arrive at their one piece.
It was all that Dalinar said and he had hoped it'd inspire them. Perhaps not now, tomorrow, or next week.

But one day. He had hoped they'd finally understand these oaths.
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Salty Doubloons
Blind Hunt ! #1
It has been two months since our hero's disgrace. He was the main subject of papers, and it seemed people had forgotten about the War. He was the prime example of the Government's failure. All it took for the boy to lose his position and belongings was a loss. For a Vice-Admiral he was no more... The "Hero of the Festival" was no more than an Ensign, and a fool he had been not to rebel. They had given him three months to recover and point to the new base he had been assigned to. Changes were going to happen in the next two years and the higher-ups wanted him far from any seat that could wield power. It was the game... Sengoku was retiring and our boy would never refuse the last order he was given to. That would be dishonorable. He had three months to organize his affairs and come back home, which gave him more time than necessary to track down and take revenge against those who wronged him : The Supernovaes.

During the Pirate Festival and the War, they had decided to be a thorn in his foot, and now was the right time to counterattack. They had been arrogant, hiding behind their numbers but now.... They had been found. Shaarib knew he would have no pleasure fighting against Apoo or Urouge, so he kept his ears open for any information on Trafalgar Law and Eutass Captain Kidd. The first one had been one of the targets of the Cross Guild, so he hid somewhere under the surface while the other, strong of his new statute, was conquering islands left and right. It had been easy to track him to Applenine Island.

Shaarib arrived during the day, alone, as always. He had swapped his previous attire for a more climate-accurate one. Gone were the coats and the boots, welcome was the poncho, the tongs, and the white long-sleeved white shirt. The afro was still intact while he abandoned his goggles for tainted sunglasses. In his hands was a cane; we shouldn't forget that our hero lost his sight in his humiliation. From his location, he could hear the commotion happening in the center of the town. Looking left and right, the blind fool spoke :

- " Ma, ma, it's time to act."

100 x 6 = 600

Strength: 60+(1x10)+(3x10)+5(MA)= 105

Speed: 70+(3x10)+5(MA)=105

120*2= 240

Devil Fruit : 100 + 20

Haki : 100
Armament [Offensive]= 100+20
Observation [Awareness]= 100 +20

Martial Arts: 100=100
-Rokushiki : 100
- Fishman Karate :100
-Dials [PERK]

+20 x 3 = 60
Left : 30
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Salty Doubloons
Applenine #1: The Blind Hunt
@Emperor Cross

The once snowy, peaceful atmosphere of Applenine was replaced with the screams of the innocent as the inhabitants made a beeline towards the outskirts of the town. An apple shaped structure exploded, sending snow and debris falling onto any evacuated buildings or unfortunately person that failed to get out of harms way.

On top of it all, lay the unconcious body of former Bounty Hunter Abdullah. The screams continued, as people tried to escape the battle that was taking place in the center of their home.

Jeet and Jean Ango took careful steps backwards as their opposition drew near. Battered, tired and eyes filled with fear, drops of sweat ran down their temples as they began to question why fate had been so cruel.

"We're so screwed!", Jeet said, staring at the non moving body of their comrade. "We gotta run for it!"

"Don't think you've gotta tell me twice..." Jean replied. "But I don't know how far we'd get!"

"Where's the rush fellas?" A voice echoed with bloodthirsty intent. A group of pirates made their way through the destruction, with an appearance reminicent of a group of misfits. Leading them was a man with spiky bright red hair, resembling flames. A large scar dragged from the left side of his forehead, going down his neck, with another smaller one that goes through his left eye. His left arm was mechanical, replaced from a bout against a certain Emperor crew. His long, dark red coat blew freely in the wind accompanying his sinister smile. This man was none other than the $ Bounty Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid pirates. Next to him, walked his masked Vice Captain Killer. Silent, yet ready to take a life in an instant.

"You're so quick to run now. Yet earlier, you were standing your ground pretty well when you were talking shit about my crew! You don't get to walk away alive. Not today!" He continued, grabbing a random man by the neck and snapping his neck mercilessly. Kid gazed into his lifeless eyes and smiled, before tossing the body aside into the snow.

"Ain't that right fellas?"

The Kid Pirates replied with a resounding "AYE". Kid laughed manically as the two men before them began to falter.

Unknown to them, a marine ensign was making his way towards the battlefield. A man with a grudge.
Level 90

Strength: 82 (Race: +18, MA: +5, DF: +15) = 120
Speed: 82 (Race: +18) = 100 [Movement Speed: 100 | Reaction Speed: 100]
Vitality: 82 (Race: +18) = 100 [Stamina: 100 | Durability: 100]
Jiki Jiki no Mi: 73 (Race: +27, Awakening: +20) = 120
Martial Arts: 50 [Brawler: 100]
Haki: 81 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 100 (Item: +20) = 120 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki: 61]
Level 80

Strength: 80 (Race: +16, MA: +5) = 101
Speed: 80 (Race: +16, MA: +5) = 101 [Movement Speed: 101 | Reaction Speed: 101]
Vitality: 60 (Race: +16, MA: +5) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
MA: 100 [Punishers: 100 | Brawler: 100]
Haki: 80 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki: 79]
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The once snowy, peaceful atmosphere of Applenine was replaced with the screams of the innocent as the inhabitants made a beeline towards the outskirts of the town. An apple shaped structure exploded, sending snow and debris falling onto any evacuated buildings or unfortunately person that failed to get out of harms way.

On top of it all, lay the unconcious body of former Bounty Hunter Abdullah. The screams continued, as people tried to escape the battle that was taking place in the center of their home.

Jeet and Jean Ango took careful steps backwards as their opposition drew near. Battered, tired and eyes filled with fear, drops of sweat ran down their temples as they began to question why fate had been so cruel.

"We're so screwed!", Jeet said, staring at the non moving body of their comrade. "We gotta run for it!"

"Don't think you've gotta tell me twice..." Jean replied. "But I don't know how far we'd get!"

"Where's the rush fellas?" A voice echoed with bloodthirsty intent. A group of pirates made their way through the destruction, with an appearance reminicent of a group of misfits. Leading them was a man with spiky bright red hair, resembling flames. A large scar dragged from the left side of his forehead, going down his neck, with another smaller one that goes through his left eye. His left arm was mechanical, replaced from a bout against a certain Emporer crew. His long, dark red coat blew freely in the wind accompanying his sinister smile. This man was none other than the $ Bounty Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid pirates. Next to him, walked his masked Vice Captain Killer. Silent, yet ready to take a life in an instant.
The Vice-Admiral ensign had wanted to keep fooling around until he reached the town, but Kidd, the hothead that he was, was rushing things. From his "viewpoint", Shaarib could "see" an apple structure falling from the main one. He had to run before the pirates destroyed most of the town. The rubber man stretched his arms and caught two trees before slowly going backward. He stopped after 3 or 4 steps and retracted his arms, which caused his whole body to be launched forward, like a rocket toward Appletown. Shaarib traveled the whole distance at a breakneck speed. He had miscalculated the strength of the wind, so instead of arriving with class, our hero crashed into one of the houses behind the pirates.

He knew the noise had already disturbed the pirates, he knew some of them would get to him and cause a commotion, so the disgraced man, got up, dusted himself, smiled. As he predicted, Kidd had made quick work of the recruits on the island. With Killer at his sides, the redhead was probably hoping to torture the men for the whole night and then crucify them. and put both his hands above his head, and yelled with a goofy voice. The men had disrespected his name, so the pirate was going to show the rest of the world how he got his infamous name. It was to intervene. The marine advanced forward, put both his hands above his head and spoke with a goofy voice :

- " Am I interrupting something ? But Is that Kidd I hear ? Sorry, Cap'n, I can't "see," but I'm sure It's you ! Please don't hurt me ! I beg you ! I'm not here for a fight ! I was on a flight to Vinlandia ? Is it the right address? " feigning to be scared

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Applenine #2: The Blind Hunt
@Emperor Cross

The menace laughed manically took another step towards the cowering duo, stalking his prey, like a predator. His metallic arm whirred and hummed as he prepared to finish them once and for all, growing bored of this game.

"Well, it's been fun and all! But it's time for you to die!" He said. Electricity ran through his appendage as it began it's transformation into a weapon of mass destruction.

Suddenly, a house behind of the band pirates exploded into pieces, sending pieces of rubble, debris and dust into the atmosphere

"What the!?" Kid turned around in shock as his arm reconfirgured back to it's normal state.

Killer was heavily on guard, the man assumed a battle stance as a tall figure made his way through the dust. He stepped into their view with his hands above his head. His sunglasses his eyes making them unreadable but his body language showed that he was scared.

"Am I interrupting something? But Is that Kidd I hear ? Sorry, Cap'n, I can't "see," but I'm sure It's you! Please don't hurt me! I beg you! I'm not here for a fight! I was on a flight to Vinlandia? Is it the right address?"

A man with long light blue, shaggy hair, Heat, tapped their captain on the shoulder and pointed behind of them. The two assholes they were about to finish had disappeared, ran away thanks to this bumbling baffoon.

Kid was now even more pissed than he was before. Turning back to the man, his emitted a large level of bloodlust as he clentched his fists in anger. "Well, well, well! If it isn't that wild marine Shaarib Hassan! Previously Vice-Admiral, now nothing but a marine rat! Don't you have floors to mop instead of being here fucking with my affairs!"

The pirate captain unleashed a wave of Surpeme King's Haki, that violently shook the buildings that surrounded the area. "You're gonna regret showing your pathetic face! Die!"

Kid leaped towards the marine recklessly, enlarging left hand to form a massive mechanical makeshift arm! He brought it forward, intending to crush the marine ensign with devastating force!

120: 5. Town Level+A: +3 +3(CoA)=11. Small Continent Level
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Salty Doubloons
Kid was now even more pissed than he was before. Turning back to the man, his emitted a large level of bloodlust as he clentched his fists in anger. "Well, well, well! If it isn't that wild marine Shaarib Hassan! Previously Vice-Admiral, now nothing but a marine rat! Don't you have floors to mop instead of being here fucking with my affairs!"

The pirate captain unleashed a wave of Surpeme King's Haki, that violently shook the buildings that surrounded the area. "You're gonna regret showing your pathetic face! Die!"

Kid leaped towards the marine recklessly, enlarging left hand to form a massive mechanical makeshift arm! He brought it forward, intending to crush the marine ensign with devastating force!
What Shaarib appreciated most about Kidd was that: the pirate was straightforward. He never wasted time beating around the bush. He had no desire to play cat-and-mouse games. He wanted to fight, to indulge his urges, to dominate his enemies—just like Shaarib. The animosity between the two warriors had reached its peak long ago. And with just a single glance, they had both agreed that it was finally time to put an end to their rivalry. Without warning, Kidd charged like a bull, his powers gathering the surrounding scrap metal to form a giant arm—a massive arm that intended to crush the Vice-Admiral.

A faint smile formed on the birdman’s face. All the pirates nearby, knowing their captain all too well, had fled or were preparing to do so. Shaarib also began to walk toward the tyrant. His left arm started to twitch, blood boiling and steam rising from his pores. He pulled his arm back, and a fraction of a second later, it shot forward, striking at the metal-wielder. A punch so fast and sharp that the friction with the air ignited Shaarib's arm, resulting in an explosion as the two attacks collided.

Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk : When cocked back, arm ignites, releasing a stream of fire in the process while he proceeds to deliver to his enemy a powerful flaming punch. When the attack hits, it creates a fiery explosion even underwater and deals immense damage as well as burning opponents with fire
Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 COA)
Destructive Potency Rank: S ==> 11. Small Continent ==> Equal to Kidd's

The smoke screen caused by the explosion gave Shaarib the upper hand. As his arm returned to him, it quadrupled in size. Compressing his fist into his forearm, Shaarib unleashed it with devastating force on the pirate. Since his fight against Shanks, Shaarib had trained relentlessly. He had gained new mastery over his powers, and Kidd was about to regret it. Shaarib had grown faster—he no longer needed theatrical displays to change forms; he could now do it at will.

Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun : The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol and Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun. After the user compresses their fist, like he does for Kong Gun, they blow a large amount of air into their arm, drastically increasing its size, then unleashes it for a devastating blow. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 91 Strength, 81 Armament Haki)
Destructive Potency Rank: S+ ==> 13. Moon Level
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Applenine #3: The Blind Hunt
@Emperor Cross

Shaarib Hassan! A thorn that continuously dug deeper and deeper into the side of Eustass Kidd, like a wound that never healed. From the Pirate Festival, to the Sovereign War and now here. How he kept bumping into this marine was a complete mystery. Whatever the case, Kidd thought that it was finally time to pull out this thorn once and for all.

Pieces of metallic scrap gathered around his arm as he brought it forward with mallicious intent. The Kid Pirates made a collective decision to leave the battle area. They knew their captain well, this was personal for their captain and wouldnt want them to interfere or get hurt. Instead they did the best thing and searched for the ones that insulted them before.

The marine answered Kidd's attack with one of his own, drawing back his arm as far as it could stretch while walking forward, before instantly meeting Kidd's metallic appendage with explosive, fiery power! Kidd's eyes widened in surprise before an explosion ensued, causing smoke to pollute the air and block the pirate captain vision.

Kidd coughed profusely. "What the hell was that Shaarib!? I thought you had the power of a pheonix? I guess the rumors were true afterall!"

Kid prepared his metal again and activated his Observation Haki in the knick of time.

Something big is coming!

He brought forward a matallic arm in the knick of time, only for a giant musclar fist to blow the smoke apart and meet it head on!

Kidd's DPR= 120: 5. Town Level+A: +3 +3(CoA)=11. Small Continent Level
Shaarib's DPR=Destructive Potency Rank: S+ ==> 13. Moon Level
Shaarib Wins: Attack is 2 DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack but loses 3~DPR
Shaarib's power was overwhelming! The marine's stretched arm blew Kidd's metallic arm apart with ease and collided with the pirates body, sending him reeling through two abandoned buildings!
Shaarib's remaining DPR: 10. Large Country Level
Kid's Durability: 10. Large Country Level
DPR equal to dura: normal damage
The pirate's body crashed in the streets of Applenine roughly before he brought himself to a halt by digging him left mechanical arm into the ground. Covered in bruises, Kid smirked cockily. He knew this was about to be good.

"Seems like you've upgraded your skillset birdman! Good! Let's see what else you've got!" He exclaimed.

A magnetic pulse left the Supernova's body, attracting large quantities of metal from his surroundings. He molds it with complete engineering expertise, shaping it in the form of a gigantic skull-faced demon-like golem made of scrap. The demon was composed of a floating torso with two disembodied arms, with Kid seated on its back, controlling it from there.

"Let's see how you like PUNK ROTTEN!"
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"Seems like you've upgraded your skillset birdman! Good! Let's see what else you've got!" He exclaimed.

A magnetic pulse left the Supernova's body, attracting large quantities of metal from his surroundings. He molds it with complete engineering expertise, shaping it in the form of a gigantic skull-faced demon-like golem made of scrap. The demon was composed of a floating torso with two disembodied arms, with Kid seated on its back, controlling it from there.
Shaarib cracked his knuckles and let out a whistle. Kidd was delaying the inevitable, He had already played this game; Kidd had already used all the cards he had prepared beforehand. Shaarib had pushed him to his limits. Kidd had awakened his powers and linked Shaarib to John Giant. He had trapped the Vice-Admiral and forced him to endure the repeated assaults of Larsi and the Supernova. This was not a detail our hero had forgotten—Shaarib had been forced to make the worst choice, sacrificing his partner's life to save his own. Kidd would suffer here and later in Impel Down. A mere robot was not going to stop him. The soldier was rather worried to see Killer standing still. The crew's second-in-command had stayed in his corner, silently observing what was happening without intervening.

Now that Shaarib was illuminated, now that he had received his final blessing, sneak attacks were no longer a concern. His senses were always on high alert, he could hear the faintest steps, and see the slightest movement of a person hundreds of meters away. Each of these pirates bore a color above their heads, representing the level of danger they posed to the Marine. And so far, Shaarib knew he would make it out.

Shaarib grew taller by two, perhaps three meters were added to his height, and his hair stood on end, starting to move like snakes. His arms and legs began to be covered in Armament Haki, and his eyelids, always hidden behind his glasses, took on the same hue as his Haki. Like all forms of Gear 4, even more smoke emanated from Shaarib's body. The Vice-Admiral pushed off the ground and instantly found himself in the air. His arms were already extended, and black lightning began to crackle from his fists. Shaarib was about to get serious.

Unlike the Black Mamba, which uses the semi-homing abilities of Python and the rapid high-frequency attacks to limit more agile opponents' movements in a single direction, this attack used his advanced Haki to lock onto an opponent and barrage them with unpredictable, omnidirectional attacks, which are nearly impossible to fully defend against or avoid without using advanced Observation Haki in return. The attacks are shown to come not only from the front but from the sides and behind as well, effectively barraging the opponent in a 360° assault. It was the fruit of his newfound powers.

Gomu Gomu no Hydra : An attack consisting of rapid-fire punches similar to Black Mamba, but the user's arms are infused with Haoshoku Haki to increase their power. Unlike the Black Mamba, which uses the semi-homing abilities of Python and the rapid high frequency attacks to limit a more agile opponents' movements in a single direction, the Hydra uses advanced Kenbunshoku Haki to lock onto an opponent and barrage them with unpredictable, omni-directional attacks, which are nearly impossible to fully defend against or avoid, without using advanced Kenbunshoku Haki in return. The attacks are shown to come not only from the front, but from the sides and behind as well, effectively barraging the opponent in a 360° assault.
Requirements: (100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Observation Haki, 100 Armament Haki) Requires Advanced CoC.
Destructive Potency Rank:S ==> 5 + 4 + 3 + 1 ==> 13.Moon Level


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Salty Doubloons
Applenine #4: The Blind Hunt
@Emperor Cross

Kidd's mechanical abomination advanced quickly towards the marine, leaving complete destruction in it's wake. Crashing through buildings with reckless abandon, the wind blew through Kidd's hair as he laughed maniacally, charging Haki through the golem's limbs with muderous intent.

Shaarib underwent an instant transformation, taking on the appearance of a 'Wisdom King' which caused the pirate to raise a curious brow. Not being a stranger to Kid's abilities, the blind marine jumped into the air, unleashing a powerful barrage of omnidirectional punches that homed in on the pirate and his construct! Kidd coated his body in armanment haki as his body parts were battered with Supreme Haki enhanced fists and even though Punk Rotten had taken the brunt of the blows, there was no way to evade the onslaught of attacks...
Shaaribs Destructive Potency Rank:S ==> 5 + 4 + 3 + 1 ==> 13.Moon Level
Kidd's Durability: 81-100: 5. Town Level+ 3= 8. Island Level (121+, Zoans only)
DPR 2 or more higher than dura: super effective
Ribs. Arms. Head. Chest. The barrage of fists kept on coming relentlessly, causing Kidd to spit up blood. Black Mamba chipped off Punk Rotten piece by piece as Kidd was kept in place helplessly. The pirate's skeleton was now rattling, and he didn't know how much more he could take before he passed out. Enraged, Kidd's eyes came alive! He had no intentions of being defeated here.

"DAMN YOU MARINE!!!!!!!" Kid exclaimed in desparation!

The arms of the golem shot outwards circling outside of Mamba's range, before aligning with Shaarib's body and coming together, attempting to crush the marine with both hands!

120: 5. Town Level+S:+4+3=12. Large Continent Level
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Salty Doubloons
Ribs. Arms. Head. Chest. The barrage of fists kept on coming relentlessly, causing Kidd to spit up blood. Black Mamba chipped off Punk Rotten piece by piece as Kidd was kept in place helplessly. The pirate's skeleton was now rattling, and he didn't know how much more he could take before he passed out. Enraged, Kidd's eyes came alive! He had no intentions of being defeated here.

"DAMN YOU MARINE!!!!!!!" Kid exclaimed in desparation!

The arms of the golem shot outwards circling outside of Mamba's range, before aligning with Shaarib's body and coming together, attempting to crush the marine with both hands!
Cap'N Kidd saw none of the hit coming, punches came at him so fast and from so many directions he was overwhelmed. The Supernovaes had to know they were over their head, the marine they fought months ago was no more. During the war, they had come to the conclusion that they needed to fight Shaarib together instead of a mano a mano. And now, even seeing their captain's body getting thorned up. None of them dared to advance; they must have realized that the only thing keeping their leader alive was his unparalleled determination. Kidd was a proud man who had twice challenged Emperors and managed to rise to a level just beneath those monsters. He was resilient, it would take more for Shaarib to finish him, or so the former Vice-Admiral concluded.

And he was right. A few seconds later, Kidd launched his giant arms toward Shaarib, each coming from opposite directions with the intent to crush the bird-man. After inhaling deeply, Shaarib bit his right hand and inflated his body until he was as round as a balloon. His legs shrank as his torso became monstrous. The soldier gritted his teeth, doing his best to hold as much air as possible in his body. And when the fists collided with him, like an elastic ball, after a moment, Kidd's robotic fists bounced off in other directions, each destroying houses in the vicinity.

This form was Shaarib's ultimate defense. Usually, he could return his opponent's attack with twice the power, but typically, he didn’t have to deflect two massive heaps of scrap metal. The marine opened his mouth, releasing the air and propelling himself toward the ground. He returned to his previous form, glasses on his eyes, a grin on his lips, ready to taunt his rival.

Gomu Gomu no Cannonball : The Gear 4 version of Gomu Gomu no Fusen and Gomu Gomu no Orei Fire. After trapping an enemy within him by compressing and withdrawing his stomach, the user launches them forward and into the air with incredible power and speed.
Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki)
Destructive Potency Rank:S+ ==> 5 + 5 + 3 ==> 13.Moon Level ==> 1 tier above, so stronger
@Infinity edited it.
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Applenine #5
@Emperor Cross

The two fists crushed into Shaarib's body with life ending intent, black sparks of haki spilling in all directions as they gained dominion over the marine's defenses. Kidd smirked with satisfaction. He had got the marine dead to rights!

Suddenly the two fists ricocheted off of the ensign's now large body, sending them flying through rows of houses before finally stopping a few miles away, deeply embedded into the ground. Kid's mouth dropped agape, as he took in the new form of Shaarib. His arms were inflated slightly while most of the air filled his torso, Armanment Hardening covered the forearms and lower torso completely, making him look like a giant rubber ball. Air escaped from the marine's mouth, pushing his body to the ground before he landed on the ground with a heavy thud unscathed.

The pirate grit his teeth in rage. "You're a damn monster!" He exclaimed in frustration.

Dismantling his damaged creation, he landed on his feet directly facing the young marine. He chuckled to himself as blood ran down temple. Despite the overwhelming might Shaarib displayed, Kid knew he would not lose here!

"So what is it? You somehow become a rubber man over the course of six months? How the hell is that possible!" Kid questioned through a killer glare. He took one step forward, magnetising the pieces of scrap metal littered throughout the city. "Destroying Punk Rotten means nothing! I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve!" He finished clentching his metallic fist.

He waited patiently for Shaarib's next move, wondering what other insanity he would witness next...
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Salty Doubloons
"So what is it? You somehow become a rubber man over the two years? How the hell is that possible!" Kid questioned through a killer glare. He took one step forward, magnetising the pieces of scrap metal littered throughout the city. "Destroying Punk Rotten means nothing! I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve!" He finished clentching his metallic fist.
- " Think what you want... I really do not care about your thoughts Kidd... You aren't worth it kid..." said the marine between breath

Shaarib, unlike his foe, knew about his opponent's strengths. He knew Kidd could still rely upon his awakening. Shaarib needed to finish this fight before the pirate resorted to using it. With Snakeman, his punches were precise and deadly, but Kidd was still protected by his hideous robot made of scrap. Shaarib was going to crush the armor before finishing the fight right after.

The Hero of the Festival took a bite into his left index and bounced forward, turning into a blur and appeared above the town. Torso expanding, arms growing at frightening speeds. With two giant arms, he would now fight on equal terms. With furor, SHaarib let his arms rain upon the arena, unleashing a barrage of punches on his enemy, creating the illusion of seeing dozens of fists, each the size of a house.

OOC: We are still in the in between, not even 6 months went by between the war and now. Sorry for the size.
-Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling : A Gear 4 version Gomu Gomu no Gatling. Unlike the Kong Organ, the user does not create horizontal after-images of their arm.
Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki)
Destructive Potency Rank:S ===> + Tekkai Limit ==> 12. Large Continent Lvl
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Applenine #6
@Emperor Cross

" Think what you want... I really do not care about your thoughts Kidd... You aren't worth it kid..." Shaarib replied fatigued.

Kidd released a maniacal laugh. He could tell that the young marine was all talk. However strange these new powers he possesed were, the pirate could tell that they were taxing on his body. All he had to do was play the long game and wait for him to weaken before dealing the killing blow.

"We'll see about that! Bring it on!" He spat with venom.

Kidd stood firm as Shaarib leaped into the air, undergoing another transformation. "Not this shit again!"

With and increased torso and massive arms, the marine unleashed a barrage of punches upon the town of Applenine, with the force behind of it to shake an island. Kidd ran for his dear life, avoiding fists the size of houses by the skin as his teeth as buildings collapsed and exploded all around him, scene truly reminicent to the end of the world! He narrowly avoided yet another fist, hopping on a large piece of scrap metal, using it as a board as he surfed his way inbetween as much of the fists as he could.

He's already seen my awakening, it won't be easy to pull it off as a trump card! Kidd thoughts raced as his precognition struggled to keep up with the onslaught. If I'm going to beat him, then I have to use something new!

Large quantities of metal gathered around his protestic arm as he weaved his way in between Shaaribs fist. They grazed his body leaving bruised flesh behind for every fist missed. Still he persevered until his creation was finished. Through expert engineering prowess, a railgun was form and with it the 3.000.0000.000 billion bounty pirate charged an electromagnetic projectile aimed at the ensign's torso. The weapon pulsed as he drew power from the depths of his Devil Fruit, enhanced with his Ryou.


He unleashed his power ruthlessly, carrying the strength to level a continent!
120: 5. Town Level+S+:+5+3+1(Innate Force)=14. Planet Level
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