Island CP2 Base

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Salty Doubloons
Sephiroth and Cyla would traverse the exhibition. As they walked, they looked around, but never really stopped to look at any of the items more precisely. Whether it was because they would not know what the items were, or because they simply didn't feel too comfortable looking at these things, was anyone's guess. Certainly, the exhibition was hard to look at for Lunarians. The statue of a Lunarian with clipped wings stood out and caught their eye, but they did not stop for that either. That is, until they saw the man sitting on the bench. Sephiroth stopped, and Cyla stopped right behind him. The man, seemingly bored and unenthusiastic, spoke, stating that it was sad that the Lunarians were abandoned by their own people. The man also looked at the two Lunarians, recognizing the reason why his boss would have an eye on them. The fact that he called him ''boss'' revealed that he was indeed one of the agents. The man wanted to talk, preferably not brawl. When asked what he wanted to do, Sephiroth had a simple enough answer.

I'm not here to fight you either. If you want, you can just go to sleep, while I deal with the guy up top. Or are you going to protect him just like the rest of the guard dogs?

Sephiroth said. The man was the one giving a choice, but actually, the choice was his. Sephiroth was not out for his blood. He was out for the boss' blood.
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Salty Doubloons

The man would scratch his head and afterwards his scruffy beard before sighing and shaking his head.

"Dogs...dogs dogs...Always dogs. People aren't creative with their curse words nowadays."

The man would say he appeared to be fed up to be called a guard dog left and right, but he didn't seem to deny it though. Simply hating the fact that everyone referred to him as such. He'd stand up from his bench and took out his pack of cigarettes a quick shake would extend a single one for him to pick up.

"Listen to me kids, let ole papa Raphael fill you in on something you might not realize."

The man would say lighting his cigarette, taking a swing from it and letting that sweet addicting nectar flow through his veins. He'd close his eyes before finally exhaling the smoke from it.

" The thing you're working towards, revenge and killing the Big Boss. Ya know that's his whole aim right? This whole thing, this exhibition, trying to capture you and the pretty lady over there." The man would say taking another whiff from his cigarette whether he was telling the truth or not was up for debate. With a second exhale the man became more direct and pointed his finger directly towards Sephiroth.

"All the clues are right in front of yer eyes, yet you keep them blind because of revenge. Look around you. Also your Haki could use some work!" Raphael said before finally sitting down once again.

"All statues here are white, none of them dark or tan...I wonder why that is." The man would say reverting to his original sitting, the one they met him in. Eyes gazing upon the ceiling, with his cigarette in his mouth. One final exhale would follow before he'd clench his cigarette between his fingers, without a reaction to the burning state it was in. Putting it out and tossing it towards a nearby bin. He'd move his head once again and rose his hand to mimic the number two.

"The foundation room, Guardian Raphael at your service. I can give you two paths, the foundation of yourself or the foundation of your history. What will it be?" The man said giving Sephiroth two options but there was always a third but would that help him in this scenario?
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The man was not happy being called a guard dog, showing visible disdain for that word. ''Perhaps I should have called him a monkey then'' was what Sephiroth thought, but didn't voice it, as it would bring him nowhere. Sephiroth was not one to engage in pointless banter. The man went on to introduce himself, calling himself Raphael. He went on to talk in riddles, referring to the exhibition, to the colors of the statues, and even said that the Boss wanted Sephiroth to kill him. None of those things made much sense to Sephiroth, and he was not one for riddles. Raphael then went on to offer two paths. One was the foundation of yourself, and one was the foundation of your history. Sephiroth retorted.

I'd think I know more about myself than I do about our history. So if you are knowledgeable of our history, then speak it.

Sephiroth said. But, he did not forget the other peculiar thing that Raphael mentioned.

And while you're at it, explain what that means as well. What was it? Haki?

Sephiroth questioned. Little did he know, that was the name of a power that had already awakened within him.

Sephiroth... what makes you think this guy really knows anything? He might just be talking to stall for reinforcements.

Cyla said, not playing along with the situation. Sephiroth would, for now - but Raphael better had something interesting to say right off the bat, or this conversation wouldn't last long. After all, these two Lunarians had gotten betrayed many times in their lives, once very recently. They did not trust Raphael.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
CP2 @kakashi19283

“Ah ah aah”
Raphael would say moving his index finger in front of him and moving it left and right, dismissing Sephiroth’s second question. The one regarding haki.

“You wanted to know about the history of your folk, limited as it is, it is what you’ll get. Haki is something about yourself which you know enough about. Apparently.” Raphael would say with the faintest of smirks. He’d hunch over once more, exhaled and began to talk.

“Lunarians, a tribe of people that dwelled on the Red Line eons ago. The big boss here has made it his life’s mission to study and learn their true history. Sadly, everywhere he went he’d hit a wall. This exhibition is all he managed to uncover, most of them forgeries but several pieces are authentic. The sword you’re carrying is one of them, for example, a weapon they used to fight with. It should be able to withstand your ignition.” Raphael said, taking a short pause before continuing.

“The tribe, however, wasn’t without its faults. A theory as to why they went extinct is due to a war within their nation. The followers of Lilith against The disciples of Adam. The former was accused of being impure Lunarians, cursed and not of royal blood like those who followed Adam. Their leader. Lilith took offence to her people being subjugated and oppressed, took arms and thus the war of a thousand suns occurred. The end result, a war the crossed generations with the Lunarians completely annihilated, safe for a selected few that roam the world. But that war also nearly ended everything on this planet, or so the few scribes claim.” Raphael said as he took another cig and began to smoke once more.

“Now you may think. But Mr Raphael, what’s this got to do with us? Simple really.” The man would say as he kept his cigarette in his mouth and motioned his finger towards the two in front of him. Cyla was up first.

“A descendant from the tribe of Adam, general features. Brown skin, white hair and black wings. The Lunarians you have the slim chance to come across in today's era.”

And then he moved over towards Sephiroth.

“A descendant from the tribe of Lilith, general features. Very pale skin, ash like hair and pitch black wings. A tribe that got completely wiped out, safe for a single survivor. A tribe that was oppressed by their own kind for being ‘impure’ and cursed. The night that Lilith got sacrificed. A curse of vengeance has been inherited by her people. An unending search for strength and revenge. Them against the world. Only when the world burns will they truly be satisfied. ” Raphael would say, inhaling and exhaling a single plume of smoke once more.

“They are the harbingers for the end of times. The one who will set the world ablaze. Or so the prophecy goes, at least.”

Raphael finally finished with a shocking revelation. How would the two of them react? And how would Sephiroth respond to the news. This feeling of rage and oppression is something every one of his family members had gone through.

Would this news ignite even more terror within him, or would it lead to the opposite?
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Salty Doubloons
Raphael refused to answer Sephiroth's question about Haki, but went on to explain the history of Lunarians. Sephiroth, who doesn't remember any of his youth, knew about some of the history, such as the fact that his race hailed from the Red Line - but he did not know too much else. He did not recall Lilith or Adam, nor the war.

He was but an infant when he was thrown off of the Red Line in hopes of survival. What struck Sephiroth deep was Raphael's conclusion. Sephiroth was the only survivor of Lilith's clan, making Cyla a survivor of Adam's - and Sephiroth, as a survivor of Lilith's clan, bore deep hate and urge for revenge deep inside him, almost on a DNA level. Cyla was surprised to hear of this history as well, and mostly concerned how Sephiroth would react. Cyla's concerns were justified.

While looking at Sephiroth from behind, she saw his left fist clenched while his right hand rose up to his head. He grabbed the right back side of his head, as if he was getting a severe headache. He fell to his right knee, holding the side of his head and wincing in pain. Cyla ran up to him crouching down beside him.

What's wrong, Sephiroth?

Cyla asked. Sephiroth did not hear her in that moment, for he was deep in thought. Paths were opening up to his heart. His true being. Suddenly, Cyla's voice reached him. As if startled, Sephiroth reacted on impulse, pushing Cyla away violently. Cyla skid to a stop, reverting her gaze toward Raphael. She was starting to doubt his intentions. Why did he reveal this history to Sephiroth? And was it true? Or was it simply his way of manipulating Sephiroth?

Cyla stood up, asking a question to Raphael.

Why did you tell us this? What are you up to?

Cyla questioned, showing distrust.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
CP2 @kakashi19283

"Well, if that ain't fucking adorable. " The man said with a thick accent, taking a more formal stance and looking Cyla right in the eyes. A quick shift to the troubled Sephiroth triggered a smirk before returning his gaze to the doll that questioned him.

"A'ight love, I'm an inquisitor. Special program you see. No ties to the government, Polls or navy. I'm a strict businessman whose loyalty is only to the boss. We're like minded individuals. I'm the first stage, the foundation, I give him a choice. Develop himself physically or mentally, he chose the latter. A bit of a trick I got to admit, but if we don't work like that ain't no way he's gonna listen. And he needs to listen. His ancestor, Lilith, depends on it. "

Raphael stood up and cleaned himself from the ashes that rested on him before turning his gaze before the ceiling and directly into a camera, a thumbs up from the man would unlock the door to their right. "I'd say you're clear. Three stages that if done leads to the grand prize, the old man himself. That's what you lot want don't you? To repay him for those awfully little experiments? Now then, on your merry way, I say. And if along the way the bloke turns to his real self, then that's all fine and dandy to me." Raphael would say, looking down on Cyla for the man was pretty tall for a human. His hands were in the pockets of his rain coat and the air of suppressed aggressivity faded from the man. Whatever they'd do right now would be met with 0 resistance.

"I'd say his haki will work better after he's finally settled his mind. A mind in turmoil is like oil to the soul, you see."
"And he'll need it. For the man who defeated him last time, the Agent....forgot what his name was...doesn't really matter, got a promotion."
"He'll be the last one, codename Michael. Bet you got a score to settle with him, right?"

Raphael said, a parting gift, and one that might start the fire within Sephiroth to turn into a blaze of hate and rage. Cyla if she could see through the finer things would start to notice that that was exactly the point.

Project Jenova: To return a descendant of Lillith to their true selves, Avatars of Vengeance. Their hate will burn the world. And the 3 Inquisitors will purge the humanity from her disciple. Nicknamed after the Archangels who fought directly under her during the thousand suns. And those who will today bring her child to divinity.

That was the point and goal of Jenova.

The man would walk out of their view and towards the door they came through. His back facing the two Lunarians.

"Or you can run away like you've always done."
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Cyla questioned the man, asking him what he was up to. The next few moments, as the man spoke, would be between him and Cyla. Sephiroth was not present, the man's words not reaching him. He was deep inside himself, deep in his heart, soul, deep in thought. His new self was forming. The cocoon was breaking. What kind of a man would come out remained to be seen. And it would not be seen now. As Cyla was listening to the man, and the man finished talking, Sephiroth finally came back to reality. Finally snapped out of it. His head was no longer hurting. He stood back up, catching the last part of what the man said. A score to settle with the agent from before. Sephiroth, glaring, did not respond, instead noticing that the door had opened.

I continue to be an experiment in your eyes.

Sephiroth said, referring to the fact that these individuals still had a plan for him. Maybe they were no longer conducting physical experiments on him, but other than that, nothing had changed. He was still inside their game. A game that he would have to break out of altogether, if he wished to live his own life.

Cyla would show a sign of relief. She didn't know what was happening to Sephiroth, but at least for now, he seemed to not be enraged. The man walked through the door, and Sephiroth let him - not biting on the last taunt. Sephiroth turned toward Cyla, and spoke.

What do you think? About them...

Sephiroth asked.

Does it matter? They're a bunch of lunatics.

We just need to decide how we want to live.

Cyla said. Sephiroth's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't know it, but Cyla was his savior. If they were one soul, he would be the burning half of the soul, while she would be the calming, tranquil part of the soul. She did not overanalyze. She did not think about things too much. She just wanted to live her life.

Cyla's words calmed Sephiroth down.

You're right. Let's go...

Sephiroth said, and the two moved on to the next stage. More settled than ever.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
CP2 @kakashi19283

Sephiroth and Cyla had cleared Raphael's trial up was the second one before ultimately clashing with the boss. The door that had opened up would eventually lead them back towards the massive hall they were in previously. But instead of the ground floor they were now two levels up, a quick check around them would allow them to spot an elevator that blinked to live, hidden through its translucent colour and material. It'd explain how the figure from before had managed to float upwards.

With no where else but up, the duo would enter the elevator, which by design moved them upwards through the building. The light from within would eventually shift into a pitch dark, barely able to see one's feet. With how the elevator was created in this darkness, it'd seem like they were simply floating on air. The two Lunarians throughout this could talk or reminisce about what was happening and how they'd prevent what the Chief ultimately wanted.

A weapon of mass destruction.

The elevator would finally blink allowing light to cast inside, it was still dark but artificial moonlight allowed the two to see. A step out of the lift would give them the ability to see out and observe their surroundings.
Snow. This floor was filled with snow and artificial night, with each step the snow would nearly cover their ankles. It was also chilly but not freezing. At the far end they'd see a large area filled with shrines and trees. With a cloaked individual sitting on a snow covered boulder in the middle of it. His white cloak nearly camouflaging him from sight.

Should they move forward, they'd notice red eyes casting from within the hood that was over his head. It was a lone man sitting there, he also didn't speak as they came closer but simply observed. Each of the shrines carried a plaque with the word sacrifice on them should either Cyla or Sephiroth inspect them. Eventually when they were close enough the figure would stand up and speak with a low commanding voice.

"Inquisitor. Gabriel. How much are you willing to sacrifice to continue?" The man still cloaked would say before bringing his arms up in front of him. Dark tanned like fists would emerge from within the sleeves of his cloak. Besides his hands, his entire body was cloaked and obscured from view.

"Show me. Your conviction."
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Sephiroth and Cyla moved on to the next stage, playing the game that they had set up for them. Cyla in particular had mixed feelings about all of this. On one hand, she understood that it was important for them to play along, to find out more about their pasts and their race. But on the other hand, she knew they were playing right into their hands, and that they should just ignore all of this and fight. That conundrum led to Cyla voicing her concerns to Sephiroth. Little did she know, the man that Sephiroth had become, was not worried about any of this.

I don't like this situation at all. They're just messing with us.

Cyla said. Sephiroth calmed her down.

Don't worry... they're underestimating me. I'm not going to play into their hands.

Sephiroth said, reiterating that he was playing along, but not falling for the traps. The two found their way to the ethereal looking elevator and entered it, which led them to a new floor. Once they stepped out of the elevator, they stepped into snow. In front of them was a wintery landscape. Cold wind blew, and in the distance, there were trees and shrines. Sephiroth spawned a fireball in his hand, using the fire as a means to keep warmer, and to add some light.

The two walked, eventually reaching the site of the trees and shrines. A large man waited for them there. The man introduced himself as Gabriel, an Inquisitor - and asked them how much they were willing to sacrifice to continue. Sephiroth, rather directly, answered.

I don't know. Describe your sick game and we'll see...

He said, calling the Inquisitor and his allies out for their manipulative games.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

"No game. Just you and me."
Gabriel said lowering his arms while at the same time also lowering his stance. It would be here that Sephiroth would notice his opponent would take off his sandals, digging his toes deep into the ground. Snow melting around them at a very rapid pace. "Rekka!" The man shouted while blasting off towards Sephiroth like a bullet, a dash like attack unlike anything the Lunarian had seen before. Within less time than a heartbeat, his opponent was before him.

The stranger had shouted and now his entire body was ablaze, bright red and orange surrounded this fellow. Now that he was up close and personal he'd deliver a razor sharp right punch towards Sephiroth's face, the punch would come first with deadly power and the force of an anvil. What followed next was a beam of pure condensed fire, nearly solid, like a beam of light.

From this quick exchange, Sephiroth would instantly be able to tell, this opponent was unlike any enemy he had faced up until this point. The awakening that was happening within him, granting him a higher tier of combat ability, would be surely tested at this moment. Would he be able to figure out what was happening? There was also his opponent, who was now fully revealed. A reveal that in itself could perhaps daze him for a second, a second that'd cost him precious vitality. The cloak surrounding Gabriel evaporated through the intense heat surrounding him and at mere moments before he'd deliver his strike both Cyla and Sephiroth would realize.

He was one of them.

No fire gadgets, no life return allowing one to masquerade as a Lunarian.

This was an actual Lunarian brother. Fighting for the opposite side. He, however, was without wings.

"Omori Andon!"

81-100: 3. Large Building Level +2(B) +1(Haki) = 6. City Level

Raging Fire (烈 (れっ) 火 (か) , Rekka) is a sprinting technique that is performed after digging their toes into the ground, allowing them to accelerate at unthinkable speeds. -> Follows soru guidelines + 12 (Movement during Raging Fire 73)
Omori Andon (御守 炎皇("Assisting Guardian Flame Emperor)
An upgraded version of the Andon punch, creating a double layered attack.
60 x 5 = 300

Strength: 52 (Race: +24, MA: +5) = 81

Speed: 61 (MA: +5) = 66 [Movement Speed: 61 | Reaction Speed: 71]

Vitality: 67 (Race: +18) = 85 [Stamina: 85 | Durability: 85]

Martial Arts: 65 (Race: +6) = 71 [Lunarian Arts: 81 | Niko Style: 61]

Haki: 55 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (Precognition): 29]
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
''No game. Just you and me.''

When those words were spoken, Sephiroth's eyes widened in surprise and he reached for his sword. Both men suddenly pushed off from the ground. Gabriel employed speed that was so great he disappeared from his location, whereas Sephiroth approached in a more controlled way. Let him come to me, was what Sephiroth thought. When the two men appeared in front of one another, they attacked. Gabriel's body glowed with burning hot fire, and his fist came forward. Sephiroth's right hand was on the hilt of his sheathed sword, while his left hand burned with a rageous fire as well.

He punched forward, and the two fists collided. Fire, shockwaves and gales erupted from the point of the clash, both men using Busou-shoku no Haki, though one was likely aware of it, while the other was not. As the two were clashing, Gabriel's true identity was revealed. A Lunarian. One of their own - wingless.

DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + C:+1 + COA: +1 = 5. Town Level

This revelation caused Sephiroth to falter momentarily and he was blown away, skidding across the snowy terrain before he came to a stop. Sephiroth flapped his wings and pushed off of the snowy ground once again, charging toward Gabriel. He unsheathed his sword and clad it with Lunarian fire. Suddenly, the awakening occurred within Sephiroth once again. Time slowed for him - using Kenbun-shoku no Haki - while black Busou-shoku no Haki clad the fiery blade.

Sephiroth's attack speed suddenly rocketed through the roof. He appeared in front of Gabriel, swinging his sword vertically upward as fire trailed.

Red Slash...!

DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + C:+1 + COA: +2 = 6. City Level

Sephiroth's attack speed would not make it impossible to react, but Gabriel would without a doubt be at a disadvantage, due to the strong Kenbun-shoku no Haki that was manifesting within Sephiroth. Glaring, he would demand an answer.

Why are you one of them?!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Blasted backwards through force and shock Sephiroth found himself staring down one of his own. This stranger's eyes unyielding and filled with power and resolve. After his punch he quickly shifted his stance. Pulling back the arm he used to punch now his left was up front, hand open with fingers pointing upwards. "Sōryū no Kata" the stranger whispered upon noticing the gleam within Sephiroth's eyes. Gabriel's hairs stood upright while his body seemingly relaxed. His shoulders slumped as did his arms that were in front of him. Both changes happened slightly and perhaps noticeable to only Sephiroth himself.

An odd thing to do in the middle of combat one would think.

With incredible reflexes and haki that was blooming Sephiroth arrived in front of Gabriel and swung his blade upwards in a blazing fashion, fire trailing its every move but always one pace behind. Gabriel in response strengthened his arms as they too heated up with a raging fire but compared to Sephiroth they kept themselves around the Lunarian's hands, one with its master.

"Ryūjin!" Gabriel bellowed as he clashed with the backside of his left hand.
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +2(B) +1(Haki) = 6. City Level

Sephiroth's blade would whoosh upwards, however, the seasoned swordsman would instantly feel that he hit nothing but air. Impossible! One might think. Sephiroth's subconscious haki was elevating him to a higher tier of movement and attacking speed. Gabriel should be unable to follow Lillith's champion. And yet Sephiroth would see it. The man would lean back while at the same time swatting Sephiroth's blade away from him, making him miss his opponent's skin by a hair. The fire trailing behind would perhaps burn him, but his Lunarian physiology would shield him from that as well. The Soryu Kata. An ancient form of fighting which enhanced the man's senses to their limits, allowing him to react to even this boosted Sephiroth albeit it barely.

And now Sephiroth's blade was moving upwards continuing its motions while Gabriel moved his upper body back forward while also taking a step inside the swordsman's attacking range. Bringing his weapon down would mean his arms would hit his opponent's shoulder. Gabriel as he stepped in would drag his right hand behind him changing his fist into a palm strike.


Gabriel aimed to ram a palm strike towards Sephiroth's chest. A strike aimed without fire but still with incredible speed and bone breaking strength.
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +3(A) +1(Haki) = 7. Mountain Level

The strike in the event it made a connection would blow Sephiroth back a few meters, creating distance between them but not rocketing the man away like some attacks do. A secondary effect which Lillith's champion would find out after the collision was that the link between him and this mysterious power was weaker. Like off in the distance. There but unreachable. The strike had done something to that connection but what?

Gabriel would stare down his opponent. His scarlet eyes gleaming with the moon's reflection.

"You are my successor? You haven't fully grasped the gift that resides within you." The Lunarian said cold and deprived of emotion. The huge scare across his face now in full view.
The Redirection Kata (操 (そう) 流 (りゅう) の型 (かた) , Sōryū no Kata; lit. "Flow Control Form") involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", it allows the user to increase their reaction speed towards faster opponents. Following a mastery/5 formula.

Flowing Edge (流 (りゆう) 刃 (じん) , Ryūjin) is a defensive technique that deflects an attack's trajectory by applying power to its side. It can even be used to deflect projectiles (such as bullets) by calculating the angle of incidence of the projectile and creating an angle to deflect the projectile off of hard bone in order to change the projectile's trajectory.

Chi Blockage (絶 (ぜす) 氣 (き) , Zetsuki) is a powerful palm strike that was originally created to destroy the nerves. But can also be used to sever the mental link between a user and his haki supply. At 41 mastery enemies lose haki for 2 turns
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Sephiroth infiltrated striking range with swift movement, unsheathing his sword and swinging it vertically upward. Fire trailed the blade of the sword, creating a fire wheel that aimed to cut and burn simultaneously.

Much to Sephiroth's surprise, and by the look in his eyes he was definitely surprised, his opponent managed to lean backward and evade the path of the sword on time. Sephiroth, realizing that he was at the mercy of his opponent's counter attack, immediately began to swing downward. He would not make it in time to slash the man, but he would make it in time to bring his sword low enough to the point where the man's palm strike would collide with the hilt of the sword, and Sephiroth's hand holding it. Needless to say, there was no attack behind Sephiroth's actions, nor dedicated technique, for it was a last resort option.

The man's palm strike would manage to push through Sephiroth's ''block'', slamming into his abdomen and sending him reeling just a few steps backward.

81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A:+3 + COA: +1 = 7. Mountain Level

81-100: 3. Large Building Level + D:+0 = 3. Large Building Level

Remaining DPR: 4

Sephiroth's durability: 81-100: 5. Town Level

Damage: DPR 1 below durability -> somewhat effective

Seeing Sephiroth get pushed back, Cyla immediately rushed over to him. Sephiroth's eyes blurred momentarily, and he grabbed his head using his free hand. The chi blockage was starting to mess with Sephiroth, and his Haki getting locked away affected him physically.

Hey... are you ok?

Cyla asked, worried about her companion.

Oi, what did you do to him?!

Cyla asked, glaring at Gabriel.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Gabriel's palm strike shoved Sephiroth back a couple of meters. The Inquisitor having punched so hard that smoke trailed upwards from his hand, fire and haki creating a blow that came with bone breaking force. Gabriel returned to a neutral stance and lowered his arm, haki fading from his arms as he looked down upon the wounded Sephiroth. His eyes trailing towards Cyla who had rushed to his aid albeit an emotional one.

"I attacked his core, severing his link with the crude haki he was using." Gabriel said, short and straight to the point.

Again the word haki was thrown at Sephiroth. But just what was it? Apparently he was also using it according to this inquisitor but crude and without any skill. Sephiroth if he'd look up would find the man taking a few steps back through a single hop. While moving backwards and in the air he'd rotate his arms, flame trailing his hands. Again, one beat behind his hands. Gabriel had near perfect control over his ignition.

Once the man had hit the ground with both his feet he'd shift his left back and his right up front to create a very solid and stable footing. The flames now had joining both his hands in the middle, charging into a single red orb. "I've had to sacrifice all I could to attain this power. And even that was not enough. I was no follow of Lilith but a disciple. Could you do the same?" Gabriel said soft and with piercing scarlet eyes.

"I am alone. That that is my source of strength. You cling to earthly desires. It is what makes you weak. It is what halts you from understanding the force that is still captive within." Gabriel said as he moved forward his arms with his hands both open, the red orb would be pushed forward and released. Blasting forward a massive beam of fire. One wide enough to attack both Sephiroth and Cyla at once. Gabriel didn't care that she'd be caught in the cross fire of their battle.

"Gōka Mekkyaku!"
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +2(B) +1(haki) = 6. City Level

Time would perhaps slow down to Sephiroth, giving time for introspection on the man's part. The man he was looking at, this Gabriel fellow. It was a mirror reflection of Sephiroth. A man who had spent his life alone, twisted and manipulated to be the creature the Boss sought for. But he was no follower, was that really such a key ingredient? Just what did Sephiroth have that Gabriel didn't? The inquisitor seemed highly capable and perhaps one of Sephiroth's toughest opponents.

The altar, the shrines. Was Gabriel talking about sacrifices in the literal sense?

Did he kill all the people buried here? Was that his sin? Sephiroth had to combat the power of sacrifice, a mirror and his own awakening all at the same time.

Could he actually do all at once?

And if he did, would he do it alone? Just like Gabriel had done. Or would he work out a different path?
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Dropped down on one knee, Sephiroth's level of breathing was elevated. He was holding his head, which prompted Cyla to rush to his side. Cyla asked if Sephiroth was ok, but no answer came. He was in his own head right now. Or perhaps his own heart. Cyla asked Gabriel what he had done, and much to Cyla's surprise, Haki was brought up again. The sensation that Sephiroth was feeling was not pain. Yes, Gabriel's attack was somewhat effective, but it was nothing that Sephiroth couldn't handle. So why was his body acting like this? It was because the Haki inside him was in disarray due to Gabriel's actions - though Sephiroth wouldn't be able to know this. Little did Gabriel know, what he had done, was what would soon cause Sephiroth to fully awaken. The fact that his Haki was now in disarray, to the point of physical consequences and feeling of sickness and confusion, is what would cause Sephiroth to work on getting it in order. Under control. He would do this intuitively, like people were able to do with their bodies. Breathing. Visualization. Sephiroth was trying to calm himself down. And in doing so, albeit unaware of it himself, Sephiroth was slowly taking control of his Haki. It had been inside him always, just like any other creature. But the fact that Gabriel took it away from him, or at least locked it up, caused Sephiroth to have to unlock it forcefully. Forcefully, but masterfully.

Haki was willpower. Those that awaken it are those that have a strong purpose. Gabriel's words, barely reaching Sephiroth, who was in a head spinning state, caused him to contemplate. The world was such a complicated place. The history was so grand, almost impossible to learn completely. The world was too big, and it had been around for too long. Sephiroth would not be able to understand it. He was not yet wise enough to be able to answer the question that every creature aimed to answer. Who am I? What is my purpose? What is the point of life? Why am I here?

All of those questions were too complicated to answer. But, there was one answer that Sephiroth was slowly starting to reach. His answer was molding right now. And soon, he would say it.

Cyla, realizing that Sephiroth was out of it, saw Gabriel forming an attack. As he launched it, Cyla stood up from her crouching position, leaping to deal with the attack. Ignition set her hands ablaze. As the incoming attack drew closer, Cyla hurled her arms forward, aiming to deflect it.

As stated here, the stats for Sephiroth currently being used are that of a level 63. This makes Cyla level 44.


44 x 5 = 220

Strength: 45 (Race: +16) = 61

Speed: 61 [Movement Speed: 61 | Reaction Speed: 61]

Vitality: 49 (Race: +12) = 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]

Martial Arts: 27 (Race: +4) = 31 [Ignition: 61]

DPR: 61-80: 2. Small Building Level + A:+3 = 5. Town Level

Gabriel's is 1 DPR higher.

Cyla's arms clashed with the fire. The clash lasted a few moments, but before long, Cyla was pushed back. She landed back next to Sephiroth, her arms slightly burnt, but her Lunarian heritage protected her from fire to a significant degree. She had managed to deflect that attack, but undoubtedly, she was not currently on Gabriel's level. The next attack would put Cyla in danger. Sephiroth had to find his answer - and time was running out.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Sephiroth was locked within, struggling to find his answer to this second trial. How would he combat sacrifice? It seemed strong if one looked at Gabriel. Haki, martial arts and his own heritage it all gave him tools and deadly weapons but below it all a foundation of strife and struggles resided. It fuelled him and kept him going.

Cyla would feel this when she clashed with the man.

Her arms were up and guarded her body, channelling all of her defences to the best of her abilities. And while she had mitigated a lot of it a follow-up attack would surely place her in a tight spot. Gabriel knew this, he felt it to his core. She was a lot weaker than him and he had to keep up the pressure.

"Letting someone else fight your battles you're not WORTHY!" Gabriel shouted as his eyes widened with a jolt.

The Lunarian afterwards jumped up and turned around his own axis, fire dragging behind him and twisting together with him. Once he had reached the apex of his jump he'd bring his arms upwards while letting the fire flow towards his palms. Once there it'd congregate and Gabriel would shout his next attack.

" Gōka Messhitsu! (Great Fire Destruction)"
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +3(A) +2(haki) = 8. Island Level
Gabriel would fling his arms forward towards Cyla and Sephiroth. From his hands a massive stream of intense flames headed their way, aiming to engulf and destroy anything in its path. Even as a Lunarian this intense amount of heat and fire would be trouble to deal with. Whether Cyla could deflect such a vast amount of fire remained to be seen.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Cyla, using her bare arms, had managed to deflect Gabriel's fire to a point where it did not reach Sephiroth. Sephiroth remained deep in thought, contemplating. Searching himself. Searching for answers. Cyla had tried to snap him out of it, but she had failed thus far - and so the only thing she could do was protect. Little did Cyla know, with each action that SHE took, SEPHIROTH came closer to a decision. It was HER actions that were helping HIM decide. For with every protective action that she took, she showed her character, she showed Sephiroth what it meant to be able to trust someone, she showed Sephiroth what it meant to have a companion, as short as their time of knowing each other was. It was not how long they had known each other - it was what the circumstances of their meeting were. A deep bond of comradery was forming. Gabriel, wanting Sephiroth to show his answer, jumped up into the air, spinning, dragging an intense amount of fire with him. Gabriel hurled his arms forward, unleashing a powerful blast of fire.

Cyla's eyes widened in shock - this was too strong for her as she currently was. What was this Haki? If she had that power, she would be able to deal with this. But in the heat of battle, she didn't know how to find this power, how to unlock it. She grit her teeth and clenched her fists, ready to jump into the fire.

Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her. When she turned around, she saw Sephiroth elevating from his crouched, pained position, into a position where he was standing tall. His left hand grabbed the scabbard on his left hip, his right hand grabbed the hilt of the sheathed sword. His knees dropped into a lower stance, his eyes were closed. His nose inhaled the cold, snowy air, his mouth exhaled. An intense aura of fire erupted around him, cladding him.

Slowly, Sephiroth's eyes opened, and he pushed off.

The next few moments would imprint into Cyla's mind until the day she dies, a long time in the future. Cyla would never forget this moment. Sephiroth blitzed past her, pushing off and jumping into the air toward the descending fire. With focus in his eyes, Sephiroth flew like a fire god toward the descending attack. He did not unsheathe his sword, instead turning his right shoulder toward the incoming fire. Black Busou-shoku no Haki clad his whole right arm and shoulder, and Sephiroth rammed into Gabriel's attack.

Ignition Charge...!

Ignition Charge:
Sephiroth engulfs himself in an intense amount of fire before charging at the opponent, slamming into them like an infernal train. Rank: S.

DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + S:+4 + COA: +2 = 9. Small Country Level

Sephiroth's fiery charge would overpower Gabriel's attack, pushing through. Flapping his wings for a spike in momentum, Sephiroth would attempt to blitz past the airborne Gabriel. With focus in his eyes, Sephiroth unsheathed his sword when he was in range. Sephiroth had found an answer. What that answer was, remained to be said outloud. But he had undoubtedly found it - for that was the only way to summon his Willpower forth, breaking through the seal that Gabriel had placed. Sephiroth unleashed his sword, pointing the tip of the blade toward Gabriel. With fire cladding the sword and black Busou-shoku no Haki tempering it, Sephiroth aimed to ram into Gabriel, driving the sword and fire into his gut.

Ignition Pierce!!!

Ignition Pierce:
After setting his sword ablaze with Ignition, Sephiroth blitzes his opponent and pierces them with a stab. If Sephiroth connects, an intense amount of fire erupts from the sword, burning the opponent internally. Rank: A.

DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A:+3 + COA: +2 = 8. Island Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

With renewed conviction Sephiroth erupted and flew forward, flames streaking behind him like a red comet. Haki was conceptualized and he finally had an actual connection to it. No more subconscious. It was directed and tempered like a razor. Gabriel would notice this change almost immediately, the tune, the feeling of his haki was a lot different. As if he had stirred a slumbering beast this sudden change would nearly overwhelm the Lunarian, but he kept his composure even when Sephiroth had pierced through his flames with ease.

"You may have realized your Haki! But you have yet to overcome the strength that I have built! I will not let their deaths be in vain."

Sephiroth would flap his wings, gaining a secondary set of forward movement. Sword up front, haki cladding it bit by bit into a gleaming dark. Fire would coat it at last, the two energies complementing one another into a move that could fell giants. The Ignition style had reached a new tier of fighting with haki in tandem.

"Kongo no kata, Ogi!"

Gabriel shouted as he withdrew his stance and clenched his hands into fists. His arms tightened drawing strength from his arms as he hurled them forward, aiming to meet Sephiroth's attack in the middle.

"Ironbreaker (鉄 (てっ) 砕 (くだ) , Tessai) !" Gabriel shouted, both attacks colliding triggering a massive gale.
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +2(B) +2(haki) = 7. Mountain Level
DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A:+3 + COA: +2 = 8. Island Level

= 41-60: 1. Wall/Tree Level, Remaining
Fire swept around the two Lunarians in the air. Their clash would fling forward, fire, air and kinetic energy all around them. The snow would be flung upwards and returned to vapor near instantaneous. There was no struggle between their attacks but an instant clash and the effect that caused appeared and vanished with an instant as well. What remained in the end was Gabriel looking at how his attack had been deflected and his body wounded. Sephiroth's weapon had dug into his, knuckles and drew blood. With each passing moment it'd dig deeper and deeper into Gabriel's flesh. The Inquisitor couldn't help but looked on with awe, Sephiroth's ability to change and grow went beyond his comprehension.

" this the strength of a real follower?"
Gabriel said, wondering if this change could really be linked to an ancient bloodline.

The man would afterwards direct his glance towards Cyla who stood below equally stunned and awed, most likely. Gabriel would afterwards return his gaze towards Sephiroth, a frown returning. His surprise turning into genuine worry, perhaps a first in this entire encounter.

"Is it the woman? Is she your source of strength? It is a shallow lifeline, Child of Lilith. Remove her and you and I are the same." Gabriel finished as he looked Sephiroth straight in the eyes.

Was that really it? Had he gone through that mental prison because of her?
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Sephiroth's fire clad, black Busou-shoku no Haki tempered blade came forward with a piercing might, aiming to cut through anything in his path. An awakening of Sephiroth's Haki, a power that he would continue to harness and bring to greater heights, until the day when the stood among the strongest in the world. A man of great purpose and fate. A man with a mission, a man that had to put his mark on the world. He was destined for this. Gabriel threw his fists forward, both men unleashing fire, Haki and force in a clash that occurred and ended nigh instantly, for the energies involved could not be sustained.

Blood trinkled, soiling whatever little snow was left under them with a deep red. Sephiroth and Gabriel, both airborne for the moment, glared at each other, their eyes meeting and locking. Gabriel, in disbelief of Sephiroth's rapid growth and improvement, tried to seek an answer. What was the source of it? His first conclusion was not too far away from them. A female Lunarian by the name of Cyla, watching the pinnacle of their fight from down below. Indeed, it was the obvious answer, and so it was the one that Gabriel considered first. However, the truth was not so generic. It was not a sudden romance that had changed the man.

Instead, Sephiroth's answer was the culmination of his entire life in the human world. On the night that his brethren had been destroyed, he was pushed off of the Red Line as a baby, his savior likely hoping for his survival. Sephiroth had awoken on a small boat out in the middle of the ocean. Whether Sephiroth had found and climbed onto the boat by himself prior to losing consciousness and recollection, or whether someone had placed him there, remained unknown to Sephiroth until this very day. From that point onward, his life was hell. Chased and discriminated against, Sephiroth hid away from humanity. His days of hiding were often spent in caves and other dark places, where he could not be spotted - and his movement was usually done at night, when humans slept. Due to this, he was rarely exposed to the sun. Perhaps, that was the reason why he had pale white skin, unlike his fellow Lunarians.

This life of torment, a life of not belonging to anywhere, or anyone, formed Sephiroth, tempering his soul. All of this culminated in Sephiroth's answer. The answer that he would give to Gabriel. Sephiroth had had enough. He was done with this life. He was done putting up with it. He would change it himself. With power, and Will. The heat of the sun was around Sephiroth, his aura burning with raw purpose. He would take it all upon himself.

I will fight. Every day, I will persevere. To create a home... for us. A place that we can call our very own. A place protected from this hostile world. A paradise, high up in the sky. Where the sunlight will always reach. There... I will make my family. Those that get in the way of this ideal... I will crush with a burning fist. And once I have achieved my goal, I will lay down my sword. And live in peace.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Frozen in mid-aid the two myths held a conversation. Sephiroth having found his path and perhaps at long last settled the inner turmoil within himself. From here on out the headaches, the weirdness within himself would pass and ease into the back of his mind like a memory. Gabriel on the other hand couldn't help but frown at his opponent's answer, he even gritted his teeth, showing them through his anger.

"A ridiculous dream. We'll never be able to live in peace. The world nobles, the government all made certain of that. They have a 100 million berri bounty on us for simple sharing of information. That should give you an idea of how desperate they are." Gabriel would say as he drew back his right arm, fire trailing the movement once again a lagging a second behind. He himself would use fire at his feet to thrust himself backwards for a few meters. Once it caught up it'd latch onto the Inquisitor's right fist, compressing it into a red sphere. There it'd grow and grow more powerful with each passing moment, the amount of heat and energy it carried was, at this moment, without equal. " I have sacrificed far too much to stop here and now. Trial or not I can't stand to hear you talk about things that don't matter. WE'RE ALONE, YOU'VE ALREADY BEEN BETRAYED WHY FIGHT FOR OTHERS WHEN YOU HAVE ALL THE STRENGTH IN THE WORLD! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW SHALLOW SUCH A BOUND IS!" Gabriel shouted and nearly screamed at the top of his lungs. The fire at this point far too much for him to properly control any longer as flames started to burst out of this sphere. The man would drag his right arm behind him as the sphere doubled in size, and at long last flung forward in a punch.

The name of this attack, echoed throughout the night sky. And from it a beam of concentrated fire unlike anything Sephiroth had seen before would be launched towards him. Its force enough to turn a small town to cinders. And its target?

None other than Cyla. Gabriel would show Sephiroth the harsh reality of holding such bonds as partners.

"Enryūō no Hōken!"

81-100: 3. Large Building Level +4(S) +2(Haki) = 9. Small Country Level

Fire Dragon King's Destruction Fist (炎竜王の崩拳 Enryūō no Hōken)
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