Island Eclipsio Islands


Silver Hair
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Who are they that call you so? Yourself, or your trusted lackeys? Artemis snorted at the man’s own description of himself. Yet even despite her own words of nonchalance, her fingers still picked at the familiar wood of her bow that stretched across her chest. Her eyes followed Gambit as he floated through the air, very much a master of physical grace at the very least.

Her body tensed as he seemed to transform for a moment, before rematerializing behind her, already touching her. He spoke words that he likely thought honeyed, but Artemis saw through the layer of sweetness that covered the true meaning of what he was saying to her. Artemis turned around, but what followed was likely not what Gambit would have wished for.

You speak of me as if I must be protected, tucked away safely. Artemis said, producing a knife in her hand and pressing it to the pirate’s neck. You speak of me as another one of your trophies hidden away for your pleasure and for the sake of others. You have never crossed blade with a woman, not for some true honor of your own, but instead because you don’t see us as equal to yourself.

What do I seek?
Artemis stepped even closer, seemingly lifting herself even more up towards Gambit’s face. Her eyes were full of determination as they looked into those of her adversary. I seek a life of my own, not to be beholden to someone else. If you wish to have me, it will not be as one of your toys, but as an equal, if not in strength then at least in respect .

What magic is needed for you to accept such a thing?
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Morrow's form shifted with an elegant fluidity as he assumed his human guise, drawing closer to the restless Queen, Artemis. She responded in kind, but as she turned away, a pointed metal pressed against the Pirate Lord's neck. His grin faltered as the words that followed pierced his ego, revealing the foolishness of his arrogance towards women. The realization dawned on him, a moment of reckoning where he saw his true nature and the error of his ways. He questioned himself, Have I truly objectified women, not seeing them as equals? But I love women more than anything, they are the true treasures of this world. As he pondered these thoughts, the truth of her words gnawed at his soul, leaving him to wonder if he had truly just seen women as mere trophies to be won. Trophies? Did I just admit her claims?

He turned his gaze from the space back to Artemis’ eyes and spoke, “Perhaps you’re right.”

“I might have realized that just now. You have my utmost gratitude.”

Gambit held Artemis's hand holding the blade before dramatically pushing it away. “And if equality is what you seek, then I will face you with all my might like most warriors do. If I must win, you shall be my trusted ally.”


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Artemis seemed to have hit a soft spot with her words, much like she often did with her arrows. Yet she knew she was not safe still, she had no reason to trust this man’s words yet. And it seemed, even if he spoke truly, she would still have to prove herself to him.

You’re welcome I guess. Artemis said dryly, referring to his gratitude. But if we must battle…

She clicked her tongue as her hand was dramatically pushed away. The bat that they stood on all this time, high in the air, suddenly moved rapidly. Prepared for the move, Artemis would manage to stay on foot. And unless Gambit by some miracle stayed on, she crouched down on the beast's back as it flew a short distance away. Her hand that was pushed back came forward with an arrow, the knife gone. Laying it across the bow she now held, she raised it towards the pirate.

Do we battle up here, or down there? Artemis said with a sly smile.
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Salty Doubloons
Artemis clicked her tongue and quickly pulled her hand back as the bat they were perched on leaped forward, gliding through the sky with an unexpected speed. The goddess remained steady despite the rushing winds, anticipating the shift of movement. But Gambit, unprepared for the sudden movement, lost his footing and was flung off the creature's back. Undaunted, Artemis hunkered down on the bat's back as it glided away to a nearby perch. Morrow flew using his unknown ability, at least for the Olympian.

"We can make the whole place our battleground.", he said.

"I require an audience from your people. Let's move over there.", he gestured down.

"After this show, the small island would no longer be an arena you lot play with."


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Artemis didn't speak up to respond to the pirate, instead she simply nudged the bat once he had finished speaking. As if given a clear command, the bat would turn and dive towards the ground. Leaning forward, Artemis had one hand firmly gripping the scruff of the neck of her beast. Her hair flowed wildly behind her as they descended, reaching the surface in mere seconds.

Once a few metes away from a small outcropping on the island, she leapt from the back of the bat, landing with deft precision on her feet. Immediately she turned towards the group of soldiers gathered below.

Soldiers of Luna! Artemis' voice carried across the mountaintop. All around her, her soldiers raised their head towards here, lifting their weapons in a salute, letting out a cry for battle. Stand down!

Silence fell over Luna as the soldiers looked on in confusion. What was happening?

Me and the enemy have reached an agreement. A duel between me and him. Artemis stood to her full height, looking up towards Gambit, waiting for him to arrive. Around her, soldiers murmured unhappily. They did not much enjoy the thought of their leader fighting this battle on her own. Several of them started calling out, refusing to stand down.

You will stand down! Artemis spun on them, her voice furious as she faced them. No matter what happens, you will live on, for Luna! This fight between me and him will be the end of this bloodshed!
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Salty Doubloons
Artemis and Gambit, Two Souls Lost in Space

As Artemis descended swiftly to the ground, Morrow watched with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, his sharp eyes taking in every detail of her graceful movements. The bat obediently followed her command, diving towards the earth under her silent guidance. "Such beauty ♥♥♥..." Morrow murmured, his voice laced with admiration and a hint of mischief, as a subtle glimmer of crimson hearts danced in his pupils.

Observing Artemis's commanding presence as she addressed her soldiers, Morrow couldn't help but feel a grudging respect for her unwavering determination. Her words echoed across the mountaintop, commanding attention and respect from those under her command.

"And yet so cunning and wild," he mused to himself, his voice dripping with a regal yet sinister tone befitting the Prince of Vampirates.

As tensions rose among her soldiers, Morrow could sense the unease and reluctance to accept her decision. He understood their apprehension, but he also recognized the gravity of the situation. Artemis was taking a bold stand, seeking to end the conflict through a duel with their adversary.

Despite the murmurs of discontent among her troops, Artemis's resolve remained unshaken. With a fierce determination in her eyes, she silenced their protests with a commanding presence, her voice ringing out with authority.

Morrow watched in silence, his thoughts drifting to the implications of Artemis's actions. Though their methods may differ, he couldn't deny the courage and conviction she displayed in her quest for peace. With a silent nod of acknowledgment, Morrow prepared himself to witness the outcome of this pivotal moment in Luna's history.

Before making his final descent to the battleground within the mountain kingdom, he bellowed the command "T-Bag!" His voice echoed with a thunderous authority, ordering the ship to follow as an audience to the upcoming brawl. "Prepare for a show!"

"Tee! Whatever happens tonight, tell the world that I've surrendered my heart to the most brutal maiden of all Earth!" he declared, his words filled with a mixture of defiance and admiration, trailed by his signature demonic laugh. "MUAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Fucking hell," T-Bag muttered under his breath, his tone reflecting a mix of disbelief and resignation at the unfolding events.

Suddenly, the dwarves and Reynolds, still groggy from sleep but now alert, offered their own remarks. "Is the Chief fighting a woman?" one of the dwarves exclaimed, his confusion evident in his voice.

"The woman must have said something that stirred the Chief's heart," the eldest dwarf suggested, his voice wise and measured, hinting at a deeper understanding of the situation.

"It's just his bone. That's all.", Ryan Reynolds butted in. "I mean, what else could it be?"



Gambit, wielding two Clima-Warhammers crackling with elemental energy and willpower, made a solemn cross-like gesture with them. "I will unleash all my power for you alone, Artemis," Gambit declared, his voice resolute and tireless. "All. Of. Me."

A Fierce Determination. A Fateful Battle Between the Queen Goddess and the Prince of All Pirates!


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
The crowd of soldiers fell silent as Artemis finished her speech, barely shuffling in the dark night. Then, one by one, the soldiers of Luna saluted their leader, their queen. If she was going to perform this sacrifice, the least they could do was respect her for it. And so it was that hundreds of arms raised their arm in her honor. It was with a smile on her face that Artemis turned towards Gambit, though the feeling quickly fled, replaced with a strange curiosity.

She said nothing as the pirate game his own commands to his subordinates, though she didn't fail to note the words he spoke. Gripping her bow tightly, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and laid it across the wood and against the bowstring. At that moment, Gambit crashed into the ground a short distance away.

Do you think women enjoy such self importance? Artemis said, pulling the arrow back to her cheek, leveling it at Gambit. Do any ever fall for you, despite the pompous facade?

She sent of two attacks at once, throwing the words at his mind, just as she loosed the arrow, sending it flying directly towards his lower abdomen. Pulled behind the projectile was a thin string, leading back to her hand. Immediately she pulled out another arrow, already having it ready to pull back before the first had crossed half the distance.

A split second before it would make impact with Gambit, she would tug at the string. The arrow was pulled aside, but otherwise continuing forward. If the pirate had sidestepped the attack, it would now follow him. If he attempted to block his lower body, it would attempt to lodge itself in his upper chest.

Let's see who you really are, on the inside!

81-100: 3. Large Building Level +4(S) +3(CoA) = 10. Large Country Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Gambit landed on the battleground, the earth beneath him trembling slightly from the force of his descent. The surroundings were alive with the sounds of clashing weapons and murmurs of the crowd. The air carried the metallic scent of blood mingled with the earthy aroma of the forest. Torches flickered, casting dancing shadows that painted the scene in an eerie light.

As T-Bag observed Artemis's actions, he remarked, "You see, lads, it's all about the Queen's cunning moves! Her antics are the key to defeating Pretty."

Ryan Reynolds chimed in with a grin, "Women know best!"

Meanwhile, the two eldest dwarves exchanged a knowing glance. "Aye, they always find a way to break a man's spirit," one of them muttered, shaking his head. "He's done... The Chief is done.", said the other dwarven doctor.

Inside the battlefield, Artemis addressed Gambit with a mixture of challenge and curiosity, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Do you think women enjoy such self-importance? Do any ever fall for you, despite the pompous facade?" She unleashed her dual attack, both verbal and physical, aiming to uncover Gambit's true nature.

As Artemis's words pierced his consciousness, Gambit's inner voice roared in defiance. "Who does she think she's talking to?" he muttered under his breath, his pride wounded by her verbal assault. "I am the Prince of All Pirates!" Yet, beneath the bravado, a nagging doubt lingered.

Gambit grappled with a truth he dared not admit even to himself. Despite his swagger and bravado, he had never truly known the touch of a woman. His reputation as a rogue and a charmer masked a deeper insecurity, one he couldn't afford to confront in the heat of battle. But as the battle raged on, and the weight of Artemis's words bore down upon him, Gambit found himself questioning everything he thought he knew about himself. Was he truly the fearless pirate he claimed to be, or just a man hiding behind a mask of arrogance and bravado? "?!!"

As Artemis's verbal assault seeped into Morrow's consciousness, he found himself momentarily distracted, unable to fully prepare for the impending physical attack. The first arrow found its mark, striking him in the abdomen before he could react. With a grimace of pain, he instinctively raised his left hammer in a desperate attempt to block the attack, expecting it to aim for his lower abdomen as Artemis had intended.

But Artemis had a trick up her sleeve. With a deft tug of the string, she manipulated the arrow's trajectory, redirecting its path towards Morrow's chest. As the arrowhead veered towards his heart, Morrow realized his mistake too late. The arrow pierced his chest, narrowly missing his heart but causing searing pain to shoot through his body.

Groaning in agony, Morrow locked eyes with Artemis, his gaze burning with determination even amidst the pain. "Enough of this!" he declared, blood dripping from his mouth as he braced himself for whatever Artemis had planned out.
4 tiers up. Super effective.

Bent low, eyes locked solely on his target, Gambit tapped into the power of the Storm Sorcerer Forge. With a surge of energy, he imbued his weapons with crackling electricity from Dengeki Blue, the air crackling with the raw power of his assault. In a flash, Gambit became a blur of lightning, streaking towards Artemis with unparalleled speed. As he swung his hammer in a single devastating blow, the force of the strike was like a thunderbolt, aimed with pinpoint precision at his singular adversary. The crackling energy of his attack threatened to engulf Artemis entirely, the sheer power of the impact resonating through the battlefield. With every beat of his heart, the ground trembled beneath their feet, echoing the force of Gambit's unyielding determination. As the lightning arced and crackled around them, Gambit stood poised to deliver his first blow against a woman, "You're strong! But I am stronger!", his Observation Haki extending to the field.
Storm Sorcerer Forge, Maelstorm: Imbuing his weapons with electricity/lightning from Dengeki Blue/Navigation, Gambit speeds toward his opponents and runs in a lightning bolt-shaped motion while he strikes them down one after another. He can also choose to beat the ground and powerful streams of electricity are discharged from the centre of the attack.
- DPR: A, AOE, requires 81 Weapon Style, 81 Dengeki Blue/Navigation, 81 Strength, 81 Movement
Total DPR: 10. Large Country Level


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

As her arrow struck its mark, Artemis pulled yet another free from her quiver. Even as she did, Gambit cried out in pain or anger, or both. Already he had lost his temper, it seemed. Well, lucky for her it seemed she had severely touched a nerve, and he was rushing at her headlong. She quickly realized she might struggle to dodge, but maybe he still underestimated her.

And as he almost had reached her, Artemis released her second arrow of the fight, directly towards the weapon that the pirate swung towards her. Luckily for her he still underestimated her, still not using near his full strength to deal with her, so the force of her arrow was enough to stop the attack dead in its tracks. Lighting and air pressure flew past Artemis, but due to her direction behind the arrow that diverted the force, she was largely protected.

81-100: 3. Large Building Level +4(S) +3(CoA) = 10. Large Country Level

Same level as gambit's
Do you still look down on me? Artemis teased. Or are you simply afraid?

Then she pulled on the string in her hand. In his rush to attack Artemis, Gambit had not even bothered to remove the arrow, let alone remove the string. He had not even thought to channel his electric energy through the wire to strike her directly. Truly, he was not thinking clearly. And so she pulled on the string, yanking the arrow that was still lodged in Gambit's chest, thought not hard enough that she would pull it free. No, instead it would likely cause the pirate even more pain, while she jumped forward.

Here, dear. Artemis said with a sly smile on her face, aiming to slam into the arrow, pushing it back in even deeper into Gambit's chest. Why don't you let me in?
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Salty Doubloons
As Artemis released her second arrow, aimed directly at Gambit's swinging hammer, he felt a surge of electricity course through him, his instincts urging him to retaliate. But before he could act, the arrow struck his weapon, halting it in its tracks. Lightning crackled and air pressure surged past Artemis, but she remained largely protected, her cunning tactics proving effective once again.

Artemis's taunting words cut through the chaos of battle, her teasing tone daring Gambit to underestimate her. But as she pulled on the string, yanking the arrow lodged in his chest, Gambit's mind raced with clarity. He had not been thinking clearly, but now he saw his opportunity. With a sly smile, he allowed Artemis to push the arrow even deeper into his chest, baiting her into a false sense of victory.

"Here, dear," Gambit quipped in pain, his voice and blood dripping off his mouth with sarcasm as he peered into the future using his observation haki. With a flick of his hammer, he unleashed a deadly trap, spikes erupting from the ground with lethal precision aimed directly at Artemis. "Why don't you let me in?" he goaded, his words laced with menace as he prepared to turn the tide of battle in his favour.
Stalagmite: Gambit summons a stalagmite from under the opponent/s to impale them.
- DPR: B, AOE requires 61 DF Mastery
Total DPR: Town Level

But before they could impale her, he sought to trap her in place, using his command over the earth to hold her feet firmly in place. In that moment, Gambit proved that he was not one to be underestimated, his cunning and resolve shining through even during battle.
Bind: After using the Animate, Gambit fashions a portion of the earth under the target to snare his legs, preventing them from moving.
- Unranked, requires 51 DF Mastery

With a swift motion, he raised his right hammer high, his gaze fixed firmly on Artemis, the Goddess who dared to challenge him. With a command whispered to the dark clouds above, Gambit invoked their power, calling forth a concentrated beam of lightning. Crackling with raw energy, it surged towards Artemis with unstoppable force, its sole purpose to strike down the Goddess who stood before him.

In that electrifying moment, Gambit's decisiveness was obstinate, his willpower manifesting in the form of a devastating bolt of lightning.

Whether it would be enough to claim victory remained to be seen, but one thing was certain: Gambit would stop at nothing to emerge triumphant against his formidable opponent.

"I would never underestimate a strong woman like you, my dear wife!"
Lightning God Forge, Stormbreaker: Gambit soars to the clouds with incredible speed and starts to spin his Warhammer rapidly as he channels a massive amount of electricity into it. After that, he will descend to the target to deliver a lightning-imbued hammer strike while streams of electricity also discharge from him (his weapon) along the way.
- DPR: S (for the strike) & DPR: B (for the electric discharges), requires 81 Weapon Style, 81 Dengeki Blue/Navigation, 81 Strength, 81 Movement
Total DPR: Small Continent Level


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Artemis' ploy succeeded, bringing her close to Gambit, pressing the arrow ever deeper into his chest. Yet he seemed not to care, the injury was barely an annoyance to him. He even mocked her, throwing her words right back at him. Then he did the unthinkable. Even as Artemis was practically pressed against him, he raised his arms to swing his hammer at her, attempting to bind her in place and impale her from below.

Artemis, still holding on to her bow with her left hand, moved her right hand with great finesse, pulling a knife free from her belt. As the earth below her feet rose in tandem with Gambit's arms, readying his strike, Artemis struck downwards. Her knife cut straight through the spike and earth that rose to entrap and impale her, leaving her free to still move.

Then, using her speed that was one of her greater assets, she stepped forward and past Gambit on his right as the pirate brought his weapon down where she had been moments ago. Her knife would drag along, aiming to cut him across the chest, yet that would be the least of his worries. Having aimed for Artemis and likely assumed she would not be able to move, he would now be in danger of striking himself with his own attack.

Both attacks:
81-100: 3. Large Building Level +3(A) +3(CoA) = 9. Small Country Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As Gambit raised his hammer, aiming to bind her in place, Artemis moved with unparalleled finesse. With a deft motion, she drew a knife from her belt, her movements fluid and precise. As the earth rose beneath her, readying to entrap her, Artemis struck downwards, her knife slicing effortlessly through the spike and earth, freeing her from Gambit's trap.

With lightning speed, Artemis darted past Gambit, her knife trailing behind her, poised to strike. But Gambit's own attack had left him vulnerable. In his assumption that Artemis would be immobilized, he had failed to anticipate her next move. Now, as he swung his hammer towards where she had been, he found himself in danger of striking himself with his own attack. "??!"

With a scowl etched on his face, Gambit faced the impending danger from both his own attack and Artemis's incoming slash. Utilizing his Observation Haki, he saw through the motions, realizing his only chance lay in swift evasion. In a daring move, he morphed himself into a flock of bats, swiftly evading the bolt of lightning and Artemis's blade.

Re-emerging a few meters away in front of Queen Olympian, Gambit dropped his hammers and tore the arrow from his body with grim determination. With a flick of his wrist, he commanded his hammers to cut through the space between them, aiming to pummel Artemis with relentless force.

But Gambit wasn't done yet. With lightning speed, he trailed behind the onslaught, appearing above Artemis in a devastating kick charged with crackling electricity. As his foot descended towards her, the air crackled with power, ready to deliver a devastating blow.

"You want me to use all of my strength?" Gambit's voice rang out with fierce determination. "I'll give you that!" With every ounce of his being, he unleashed his full power upon his opponent, determined to emerge victorious no matter the cost.

Blacksmith's Rave: Gambit tosses his weapons and controls them at will to hit his opponent so that he can do other techniques while the weapons distract the target.
- DPR: A, requires 81 Mastery
Total DPR: Small Country Level

(ステルス Suterusu?): Niji escapes his target's sight before quickly appearing right behind them. It was first used in his scuffle with Sanji.
- Unranked, requires 41 Dengeki Blue

Thor's Dagger: Gambit runs a wave of electricity through his knee and knees his opponent in the back.
I used my right foot instead of knee.
- DPR: B, requires 31 Warhammer, 31 Dengeki Blue, 31 Strength, 31 Movement
Total DPR: Small Country Level


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Artemis' dagger only found air, acting much like a knife made for cooking as it cut through a cauldron of bats that took the place of Gambit. A smile spread across her face as she realized the implication, even as sweat ran down her face in exertion.

Must you resort to such trickery to defeat little old me? Artemis said, a chuckle escaping her mouth as Gambit appeared before her again. Are you not the strong and awesome Prince of the Pirates that have quashed countless nations?

She was cut short as Gambit threw his hammer forwards, causing her to have to move backwards, away from the weapon and momentarily take her eyes off her opponent. It was another trick, she realized too late, seeing that he had disappeared from sight. Even as she kept moving away from the hammer, she reached out with her senses, though by that time she could have simply used her ears.

A strike of brute force and electricity descended on her from above, aiming to break her and her spirits, to drive her to her knees, or make them crumble. Instinctively she raised her knife upwards and stepping sideways. Darkened steel collided with a sparking leg, the former breaking as the latter continued onward, shattering Artemis's hand, forearm and lastly upper arm.

Crying out in agony, Artemis threw herself aside, sliding to a halt a dozen or so meters away. Her right arm hung uselessly from her shoulder, bloody and twisted. With her still good hand she shakily raised a dagger towards Gambit, a mix of pain and determination on her face.

Do you still- Artemis coughed. Do you- you still wanna go? Or are you out of tricks now?

She was putting up a brave front, but Artemis had lost, she could not defeat this man. Yet she was proud she had pushed him this far.

81-100: 3. Large Building Level +4(S) +3(CoA) = 10. Large Country Level

3 below, attack is reduced by 2

Hit by 11. Small Continent Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Gambit's hammer forced Artermis' evasion, leaving her vulnerable to his unseen strike. With brute force and crackling electricity, Gambit descended upon her, shattering her arm as she cried out in pain. Despite her injuries, Artemis defiantly raised a dagger towards Gambit, a mix of pain and determination etched on her face, challenging him even in defeat, proud of having pushed him to his limits.

Standing a couple of meters away from Artemis, Gambit fixed her with a gaze that exuded both menace and flirtation. "You cannot defeat me, My Queen," he declared, his voice dripping with confidence. At that moment, he asserted his dominance, "But you have my thanks for paving the path in claiming my true self."

As Gambit uttered his commanding declaration, an immense wave of energy surged forth, radiating from his very being with an unstoppable force. Tendrils of his Conqueror's Haki spread outwards, like invisible shockwaves, trembling the earth and commanding attention across the kingdom of Luna. Trees swayed, rocks trembled, and even the bravest warriors found themselves overwhelmed by the sheer power emanating from Gambit's aura.

In a breathtaking display of dominance, hearts pounded and spirits quivered as the relentless force of his Haki asserted its authority. It was a moment of undeniable power, leaving no doubt as to who held sway over the battlefield and beyond. Gambit's declaration had transcended mere words, solidifying his position as a true conqueror of both land and spirit.

With a relentless eye and an air of authority, Gambit spoke out, "Speak the words, My Queen. Cease all quarrels with that tiny landmass and join me in my plan to upend the world." His call was a potent blend of both invitation and command – fueled by his Conqueror's Haki, it held sway over those who heard him despite its weighty implications for their future.
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