Manga Feeling Like a Ghost - An Undead Unluck Theory

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Hello, everyone!

Once again I come to you with the fantastic news that I wasn't completely wrong about a previous Undead Unluck theory! Author Anno Un is in fact Negator Unknown, real name Akira Kuno. I was unfortunately wrong about how he knew about the events of the current loop, thinking that he somehow reversed Unknown to allow him to "know" things he shouldn't when in fact his Artifact pen G-Liner was just unique among Artifacts in that it shows the holder visions of the current loop rather than visions of previous loops. Interestingly, though, Unknown not only allows Akira to go unseen and unheard, but also unfelt, to the point that other people simply pass through him. To circumvent this, Akira used G-Liner to create Anno Un, a physical avatar that can interact with the world, explaining why he was so surprisingly chill with his arms getting lopped off. Either way, the main point of that theory was spot on, even if I was off on a lot of details.

Moving on to today's theory, UMA Autumn has finally been captured thanks to the combined efforts of Andy, Fuuko, Rip, Latla, Anno and Bunny. According to Apocalypse, the reward for capturing Autumn is the introduction of UMA Ghost. Based on the name and past UMAs, we can conclude that this is most likely going to be a new rule that "when people die, they leave behind ghosts." The question now, though, is whether this will have a retroactive effect and bring back the ghosts of those who have died before its introduction. This seems likely, given that all UMAs create their rules retroactively, such as introducing all of space into the collective conscience after the introduction of UMA Galaxy. So what would this mean for the story going forward?

Everyone in Undead Unluck has lost someone important to them. Andy lost his troupe, Fuuko, Chikara and Tatiana lost their parents, Rip and Latla lost Latla's sister, and the list goes on. With the introduction of ghosts, any given character could suddenly be given an opportunity for closure they didn't have before, being told by their lost loved ones that what happened to them wasn't their fault. Alternatively, this could become a source of drama, with characters becoming literally haunted by the ghosts of their pasts until such time that they are able to forgive themselves.

But there's something else that gets me excited about UMA Ghost, something I've actually been meaning to talk about ever since we first learned the name about half a year ago. If the dead are given a way to come back into our world, that opens the door not just to characters who were introduced posthumously, but also to characters who died on screen. There aren't too many who have, but there is one that stands out: Gina, the previous Unchange.

Aside from Andy, Gina was one of the first friends that Fuuko was able to make, and being forced to kill Gina in order to survive served as a huge motivating factor for Fuuko going forward. It hasn't really been brought up too often since the early chapters, which is a shame, so I think this would be a really good time to revisit the concept from a narrative perspective. This would allow the author the opportunity to remind the audience of exactly what Fuuko wants (to make a better world for Negators), how Gina helped to motivate her, and how much change she's been able to elicit so far (Juiz's policies on killing potentially dangerous Negators seems to have lightened up, Rip and Latla may be on their way to redemption, Tatiana finally has a real friend, etc.).

Of course, I don't think Gina's ghost is going to just show up for five seconds to tell Fuuko "great job" and then vanish. No, I think Gina is going to have enough to contribute going forward that she becomes a mainstay of the cast, even if she can't directly fight. I'm not sure what exactly that will entail in most scenarios, but there is one plot point that's already been set up to be appropriate for her to be present for. Like I said earlier, UMA Ghost's introduction is the reward for the capture of UMA Autumn; likewise, the neutralization of the other three Seasons will each come with their own rewards, most notably UMA Summer's being rewarded with the location of Negator Unchange.

As Rip told us back during the Unrepair Arc, a Negator's death means the transfer of their rule to a new host, so naturally Gina's death meant the creation of a new Unchange. Who this person is or how their understanding and usage of Unchange will differ from Gina's is unclear, but what does seem clear is that the author intended for the reintroduction of Unchange and the introduction of Ghost to overlap. The new Unchange's abilities may necessitate using Ghost to specifically call upon Gina to get her advice on how to deal with them, and depending on the type of person they are, this could lead to a lot of really interesting developments.

If Unchange is a potential ally, Gina could become a guiding force for them, helping them to see new uses for Unchange that they didn't imagine on their own. This would also give Gina herself the opportunity to develop, as when she was Unchange she felt like she was unable to change as a person, so seeing someone else using Unchange differently may be inspiring to her.

If Unchange is a villain, this could not only force Fuuko into a situation where she needs to kill another Unchange, but it may also give Gina the opportunity to come back into the story permanently. Akira's avatar Anno Un had the Artifact Soul Caliber embedded in his chest, which granted him the ability to remove a soul from the body and seal it into an object. What qualifies as an object hasn't really been defined, so it's possible that Akira could use Soul Caliber to remove Unchange's evil soul and give Gina a new body to inhabit, once again granting her Unchange. Obviously it'd be pretty unethical to do that to someone, so I think this development will only come to be if Unchange is a particularly rotten individual, like how Andy chopped Unseen Sean Datz in literal half and the author took that opportunity to exposit how much of a horrible criminal he was. Not one of their finer moments of character introduction, but it does its job of letting you not feel too guilty.

Now that UMA Autumn has been captured, UMA Ghost is going to be added as a rule once all of the Four Seasons quests have been completed or the deadline has been missed. Regardless of the outcome of the other three, ghosts are going to become a normal part of the Undead Unluck world, which will likely mean the return of who knows how many deceased characters. Chief among these characters is Gina, former member of the Union and Negator Unchange, whose death was a driving factor for Fuuko's character. Her return, plus the introduction of the new Unchange, have interesting implictations for the story such as the possibility of Gina either being revived or becoming a mentor-like character for the remainder of the story.

Considering that Gina was such a central character to both Andy and Fuuko's development early in the story, it's really a shame that she was removed from the narrative so quickly. Seeing her return would be a very exciting development, as it would carry strong implications for Fuuko, Andy, and even her own development. We might also get Void back, but he seemed like a jerk, so who cares. Unfortunately UMA Ghost won't be introduced until either all four Seasons quests are completed or until the deadline comes and UMA Revolution is introduced, but either way, we know for sure we're going to be seeing ghosts, and if Gina isn't one of them, I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

Until next time.

-Tokiro Oumaga

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