Island G-2


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

As the strongest of the Four Blues, the Marines determined that a strong presence would be needed to oversee the South Blue. Trusting the base to the command of one of the most strident followers of Moral Justice, the Marines have ensured that the South Blue remains a peaceful territory. Pirates and other attackers beware, the Marines have solidified a strong presence in this blue.



Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Vice Admiral Comil

Level 60
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 54+17=71
Speed: 54+17=71
-Reaction: 71
-Movement: 71
Vitality: 49+12=61
Haki: 62
-Armament Haki:62
-Observation Haki:62
Martial Arts: 81
-Rokushiki: 81
-Nitoryu: 81

Commodore Kadar

Level 45
45 x 5 = 225
Strength: 53+8=61
Speed: 48+13=61
-Reaction: 61
-Movement: 61
Vitality: 50+8=58
-Durability: 58
-Stamina: 58
Haki: 41
-Armament Haki: 41
-Observation Haki: 41
Martial Arts: 33
-Swordsmanship: 66

Captain Sharinguru

Level 40
40 x 5 = 200
Strength: 46+8=54
Speed: 42+8=50
-Reaction: 50
-Movement: 50
Vitality: 41+8=49
-Durability: 49
-Stamina: 49
Haki: 31
-Armament Haki: 31
-Observation Haki: =31
Martial Arts: 20
Devil Fruit: 30


Level 15
15 x 5 = 75
Strength: 20+2=22
Speed: 15+2=17
Weapon Mastery: 20
-Swordmanship: 40


Level 50
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 56+20=76
Speed: 70+10=80
-Reaction: 80
-Movement: 80
Cyborg Mastery: 63
-Destruction: 81
-Armoring: 81
-Energy: 70
-Utility: 20


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Devil Fruits Acquired:
-Shari Shari no Mi from Sharinguru

One Time Berry Reward
-300 000 000 berri


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: Oreki
In the high seas of south blue, the ship of bounty hunters sailing within to reach their destination after the fight against the pirates and be able to apprehend there captain dead. The dead man body was inside the cadaver pouch. In the end, it becomes a "Dirty Work", that Nero does not prefer but have to accept it due to the nature of this world. It's life or dies situation, so for living Nero does need to do what it's obliged to live.

"Oh.. Well look like us about to arrive at our address," Said, Nero. Viewing the sea while waiting for the ship to arrive at G-2 marine headquarter and collect the bounty of the Gyro, who was dead.

After the long journey, the Marine headquarter begin to become noticeable as the ship, travel more towards it's a destination. Being the ship reached its destination Ice told others to take the Gyro body and collect his bounty.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: dr.respect
Though process

Before bounty hunter's ship could arrive , captain Sharinguru with 20 million berries and PX-5 model pacifista was already waiting. Vegapunks creation already had scanned ship and detected dead Gyro from very far away .

Seems, our petty allys have brought gift to us.. How nice of them... even though vice admiral San hates Bounty hunters, we are still obligated to pay them. OH shit I shouldn't have eaten so much spicy food....gotta go.

For some reason Sharinguru tried hiding his physical urges from mere robot and said

Px-5 ....take the corpse and give them cash back..... I am not in the chitchat mood and weather is quite melancholic this days...... After finishing task continue patrolling area...
Zamu mu mu mu mu mu mu....


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: oreki
When Nero and others appeared at Marine HQ he saw, A pacifista that heard through newspaper but never saw one in person. It was rather unique or the technology that appears really way ahead of the present time.

They handed the Gyro corpse to the Pacifista which paid them the prize of the bounty that was on the Gyro head. Nero felt like Marine does not like bounty hunters, but diffusely or straight they're also a culprit that do things there own way and capture pirates.

"Who cares..." Said Nero. As head towards his ship, finally, his mission now completely done.

"Time to head back to Lougetown" Nero whispered to himself as he was ready to depart from the current location
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
G2 #1 @Cross 1er

Marine base G2 was a highly fortified base, centred in one of the strongest blues it held significant combat power. It was such a famed base of operations that even the Revolutionaries respected it. Hitting it with a large-scale invasion would be a determent to the already thinned out forces that was until a very favourable recruit showed up.

At long last they had a pawn that could infiltrate with true stealth.

At the far western corner of the island during the dead of night and with rain pouring a small boat holding five individuals at most, docked at the edge of the island. Using the terrain and the current conditions to mask their arrival but the true mission had yet to begin.

"Nyohohoho! Let's see how you do here kiddo!"
Lindbergh said with a smile from ear to ear.
"Isn't this a bit drastic for a first field test?" Zack responded, wondering if this wasn't overkill.
"You aren't a bounty hunter anymore kiddo, this is reality. To change the world you gotta hit it by the roots!"
"Alright, it's now or never."
"Remember Zackie, destroy their communications and their cannons. Once you do that we'll be able to sweep in with reinforcements. Got it?"

Zack afterwards jumped off the boat as the others, the commander included, moved back and retreated to their rendezvous point. From here on out it was the new recruit on his own.

Time to establish his name within the army and for the common folk.

"Time to give you a test of your own medicine."

Zack said as he moved closer towards the marine base, his mantra on active while he moved forward.

76x 5 = 380
Stat cap: 100

The skypieans are a humanoid species that inhabit and rule the skies. Their society revolves around the use of dials. Skypieans have wings adorned on their back.
  • +3 Speed
  • +2 Vitality
  • +1 Strength
  • +3 That can be put anywhere.
Race Martial Arts DF

Strength: 81 (69+7 +5)
Agility: 82 (46+21 +5 +10)
Movement: 81
Reaction: 81
Vitality: 76 (62+14)
Durability: 81
Stamina: 71
Martial Arts: 92 (61+21 +10)
Ittoryu: 100
Nagi Nagi no mi: 81
Haki: 61
Precognition Path: 61
Armaments Offensive Path: 61
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Marine base G2 was a highly fortified base, centred in one of the strongest blues it held significant combat power. It was such a famed base of operations that even the Revolutionaries respected it. The famous and tranquil Vice-Admiral Comil led the base, him and all the soldiers seemed to follow the Moral Justice. Moonlight took the day and all the soldiers awake in the base were grumbling to themselves. The night shift hated their job, it was reputed to be a punishment. They had just been served a fresh pot of coffee, but as always it fucking tasted terrible. No matter what you added to it, it was bitter. Sugar, salt, cinnamon even alcohol. Nothing could make the coffee of G2 good enough. Some of them scowled as they took a sip, while others made disgusted faces and poured their cups out onto the ground. Some months before, a little girl named Mona was able to brighten the life of the soldiers with the Milk her cows produced. The bitter coffee mixed with Moda’s milk would make it perfect. The kid got so popular she was transferred to Grand Line to the frustration of the soldiers. The mood was sour, the soldiers went to their post while trying to swallow the hellish coffee. The night was going to be a freaking long one….
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
G2 #2 @Cross 1er

So far so good. Zack thought to himself as he moved through the deep forest that separated him from the entrance of the naval base. As he moved swiftly he kept his mantra up and scanning, ensuring he'd not get noticed by surprise. With a 61-meter range, his mantra would definitely spot someone if they neared his position. Eventually, after some movement, the young revolutionary would stop, the massive marine base in front of him on display. An enormous wall in front of him with no foreseeable entrance. Zack could go in guns blazing and without any restraint but he was on his own against a small army. Playing it tactically would prove the wiser, his priority was to disable the massive cannons that were renowned.

With his back against a large tree, he'd crouch down and rose his right arm.

"Room." He whispered.

From the palm of his hand, a massive translucent sphere would extend, engulfing a section of the base behind him and a smaller sphere around him and the tree. The tree he was leaning against was the cut-off point. The marines within the base would be none the wiser to the sudden appearance of this field. He'd decide not to engulf the entire base for it'd amplify the effects of his next technique to a maddening degree.


Zack concluded and suddenly within his own sphere the voices of those in the base started to become more pronounced and eventually, he'd be able to hear their conversations as if he was with them in the room. Only Zack would hear their voices as he was the recipient the marines would be none the wiser to the deployment of this technique. The room around Zack was also soundproof preventing those outside from hearing the voices.

"Now then, let's see what is up within the building." Zack said to himself, again a whisper only directed to himself and would not go elsewhere. To the marines, it'd be another boring night like always.

Radio = By setting up two type of rooms the user can link the sounds between them. For instance, the user is standing further away and sets up a room, capturing those inside he can amplify the detonation of an explosion from further away without being engulfed to cause sound damage. 71 mastery

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Vice Admiral Comil smiled as he remembered the delicious coffee he was living on .

He had decided to take a break from his work and to brew himself a cup, the night shift already happened. Commodore Kadar was asleep; and unbeknownst to the whole base, Vice-Admiral Comil had little cache. A cache in which he kept his most treasured secret : Some of Moda’s milk. He had slowly and surely been spending some of the base’s funds to receive the precious milk. It did not take long for him to began his process. First, he took the atrocious beans out and began to stir them stirred. With the milk he didn’t have to roast them evenly but he forced himself too; The better the coffee was, the better the magic would work.

As the aroma of the coffee filled the room, Vice Admiral Comil took a moment to look through his windows. Rain was pouring on his impregnable fortress. Soldiers were making their rounds, life at the G-2 was boring but Komi, old bones preferred it. Not long ago they had successfully captured a notorious pirate crew but something felt different this time. Like many before, they had acted dumb enough and thought they could take control of his base. He would always party with the others soldiers but this time Comil felt tired. He knew that he would continue to uphold justice but maybe it was time for him to retire.

The bald man stopped pondering and began to sip his delicious coffee
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
G2 #3 @Emperor Madoff

Within the base, everything seemed to be as ordinary as can be. Most of them were asleep and a small crew was doing the rounds in a patrol unit. With that information in mind, Zack would cancel his room and return his attention to his surroundings. Still wondering what the layout of the base was the Revolutionary would attempt a bit of a risk. He'd move forward in a crouched position trying to sneak towards the first and closest door he could find. A black aura would coat his body, masking the sounds that he was making. Once near a door, he'd try to see if he could sense something from the other side but whether it was clear or not the man would slowly open up the door.

It too, would weirdly enough not make any noise. To a passerby, it was as if the wind had opened up the door. Should Zack open a door and someone would arrive at that point he'd hide on the opposite side. Awaiting the fool that'd pop his or her head out. If not the man would start his infiltration. Stealth was of the essence.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Unbeknownst to the soldiers of the base, a rat was on board. He was moving through rooms without getting seen nor heard. If the intruder was aware of his surroundings, he could see a briefing was happening in one the room nearby. An odd-looking Captain with googles was giving out orders to a group ensign. If the intruder carefully observed the room's layout, he could see a vent at the top of the ceiling, a vent wide enough for someone like Zack to get in. A vent entry point he could see above his head

- [Sharinguru] "I want everyone to be on alert, we are receiving precious cargo today. Shipment is coming from Marineford, the storm slowed it will arrive in the docks during the night. It's crucial medical supplies, armament and pieces of equipment for our soldiers. Recently Cipher Pol intelligence reported sighting of Revolutionaries on our sea. We need to get ready before they come at us !"

At the angle in front of him, if Zack chose to keep going, 4 soldiers could be heard walking into the corridors, doing their rounds. Fight or flight, it was time for the rat to choose.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
G2 #4 @Emperor Madoff

Continuing his path Zack would eventually reach a large meeting room. From a hidden vantage point, Zack would observe a vent at the room's ceiling. Unfortunately, it was currently being used to brief several marines. One of them was currently taking the lead and given his looks he was the ranking officer in this conversation. With his ears perked up Zack tried to listen in the meeting.

At the same time, a group of soldiers were approaching him as they were doing their rounds. Patroling the base. The revolutionary had to move quickly and swiftly. Zack's 'aura' quickly to a musky dark, signifying he had activated his calm technique. All sound coming from him would be extinguished. Wasting no time he'd move his gun and shoot the lights in the meeting room, turning it pitch dark. Given the weather conditions and the time of night, without these light bulbs, these men would be surrounded by pitch darkness. Logically it was their only source of light.

With a dash, Zack went for the room with blurring speeds. Once he had entered the meeting room he'd active his own room technique, not to establish anything but as a means to scan his surroundings. The bouncing sound waves together with his mantra would allow him to 'map' this small room and anything it held. The men within this meeting room would now, logically, move around frantically trying to make sense of everything. But Zack would gamble that he could get the vent open and through it, before they'd realistically repair the light or bring out something else.

A risky gamble but the only logical one for Zack at this given moment.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The rat made its choice. Using his powers, Zack was able to cover every sound he made. The member of the revolution shot the lights in the room. The bullets made no sound, surprisingly, everything the bullet touched was under the same conditions. The glass from the window cracked and was about to fall apart, but nobody perceived it. The light bulbs were destroyed and as the room got submerged in dark, nobody heard them on the grounds.

- " Whats happening ?!" yelled Captain Sharinguru, looking left and right for an answer, he kept going before anybody answered, voice full of anger " How many have I told you all to change the light before they died on us in a crucial moment ?!" He hit the board behind him and it fell, paper flying all through the room " You never listen ! What would have happened if Vice-Admiral Komil was here ?!"

The soldiers gulped, their captain was reputed to have short fuse, now if they didn't explain the malfunction, they were going to spend years doing chores. A courageous Ensign despite the darkness, took two steps forward and spoke :

- "Sir ! It might be a problem with the generator downstairs ! We changed the lights on this floor a week ago ! It cannot be that... something else happened..." The words unleashed a commotion, a brouhaha created by all the soldiers, some looking for answers, others afraid of Sharinguru's reaction.

A sudden movement shut all their mouths, the soldiers patrolling in the corridor had opened the door. All the noise alerted them, and they came guns in hands, ready to fire at an intruder. They came in and the windows giving on the corridor shattered. The room was now illuminated enough for the soldiers to look for clues. That was if they were aware enough. That was if they were able to look underneath, the underneath.

It did not take long before the capharnaum restarted. It did not take long for the soldiers to realize that their angry Captain had not spoken for a bit. He had been focused on one thing and one thing only, the destroyed light bulb above his head. He then looked around at the others ones. What could have caused the destruction so perfectly ?

The soldier was onto something, he was soon going to realize what happened, and as soon as he would suspect a rat on board, he would use his Haki to find them. The rat had enough time to run from the scene, if it waited to see the reactions of the soldiers he would get caught.

Captain Sharinguru

Level 40
40 x 5 = 200
Strength: 46+8=54
Speed: 42+8=50
-Reaction: 50
-Movement: 50
Vitality: 41+8=49
-Durability: 49
-Stamina: 49
Haki: 31
-Armament Haki: 31
-Observation Haki: =31
Martial Arts: 20
Devil Fruit: 30
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Post 1 - @Infinity
Standing as the stalwart guardian of the South Blue, Marine Base G-2 is a testament to the Marines' commitment to maintaining peace and order in one of the strongest of the Four Blues. Recognizing the strategic importance and potential threats of this vast ocean, the Marines entrusted the command of G-2 to Vice Admiral Comil, a staunch advocate of Moral Justice.

Under his leadership, G-2 has become a formidable stronghold, its disciplined forces and unwavering vigilance deterring pirates, revolutionaries, and other threats from disrupting the South Blue's tranquility. Known for its robust defenses, elite personnel, and strategic operations, G-2 is not just a Marine base—it is a symbol of security for law-abiding citizens and a dire warning to those who would challenge the Marines' authority.

Whether in the South Blue or the Grand Line, the reputation of Marine Base G-2 precedes it, serving as a beacon of justice and an impenetrable shield against chaos.

Adding to the strength of G-2 is the presence of Rear Admiral Kadar, a calculating and controversial figure within the Marines.

Kadar, of average height, is instantly recognizable by his distinctive appearance. He dons a sharp blue suit with a black tie, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up beneath the Marine coat draped over his shoulders. His short, wavy, light-blond hair frames a face accented by rectangular glasses and a dark beard on his chin. Often seen wielding a katana, Kadar exudes an air of authority, though his reputation is marked by controversy.

Known for his adherence to protocol, Kadar’s actions have sometimes drawn criticism, particularly his enforcement of the World Nobles' decrees. While his true convictions remain unclear, Kadar’s compliance with such orders has painted him as a figure of moral ambiguity. Despite this, his role at G-2 is pivotal, overseeing critical operations and ensuring the base’s formidable reputation remains intact.

[A Scene at G-2]
The morning sun gleams off the pristine walls of G-2 as Rear Admiral Kadar strides into the bustling command center, his katana lightly tapping against his side. Marines snap to attention, their disciplined movements a reflection of the base’s high standards.

Lieutenant Bran, I want a full patrol of the southern trade routes,” Kadar orders sharply, adjusting his glasses as he surveys a map pinned to the wall. “Reports of smuggling have increased—remind the merchants that G-2 tolerates no breaches of Marine law.”

Yes, sir!” the lieutenant replies, saluting before hurrying off.

Turning to another officer, Kadar’s voice lowers but remains firm. “Commander Hale, double the watch at the eastern docks. If even a single pirate vessel gets within sight of this base, I’ll hold you personally accountable.

Understood, Rear Admiral!” Hale responds, his expression tightening with resolve.

As the orders ripple through the ranks, Kadar pauses to address the gathered officers. “Remember, we are the shield of the South Blue. Our duty is not just to enforce the law but to ensure that no one questions the authority of the Marines. Do not falter.

Though whispers about Kadar’s controversial past linger, there is no denying the precision and efficiency with which he manages his duties. Under his and Vice Admiral Comil’s leadership, Marine Base G-2 stands as an unyielding fortress, safeguarding the peace of the South Blue with an iron grip.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
G-2 #1

"The scales of reckoning with mortality are never evenly weighted, alas, and thus it is on the shoulders of the living that the burden of justice must continue to rest." - Wole Soyinka

Twenty-two years ago on the island of Ohara in the West Blue. The World Government ordered a Buster Call on Ohara after they discovered that scholars from the island were illegally researching Poneglyphs. This resulted in the destruction of the Tree of Knowledge and the deaths of almost every citizen of Ohara, with the only survivors being Nico Robin and Jaguar D. Saul. Or so it was thought....

South Blue; Two Years after the world changing events of the Sovereign War..

Wings of darkness carried the slender figure of a lunarian through the skies of the South Blue, stealthly honing in on an unsuspecting marine base known located North - East of Lulusia. A marine stronghold known as the strongest in all of the four blues: G-2!

The figure adorned in white robes circled around the base with frightening speed, like an owl on the hunt. His observation haki spilled forth from his body, his sixth sense increasing his awarness by superhuman degrees. He identified the auras of a total of three hundred and eight men and women in total. Out of that number, the strongest consisted of eight, yet they were all weaker than him. Circling around the base a final time, Aro gathered fire between his hands, compressing it into a tight ball. Black sparks crackling violently from the concentration of energy, signaling the use of Armanment Haki. Finally releasing the pressure, a torrent of deadly flaming blades rained down on the eastern docks, damaging everything in it's vincinity as well as intending bringing unrelenting harm towards any marines that are stationed there.

Flaming Spears of Light
The user forms fire between their hands, firing a torrent of deadly flaming blades, causing extreme damage to whatever they hit. The user can control how far the attack spreads, limiting the ranged from a single person to covering an extremely wide area.
81 Mastery DPR: A
120: 5. Town Level + 3 + 2(CoA)=10. Large Country Level[
+2 Strength, +2 Speed, +2 Vitality, +3 Anywhere
Strength: 73(Race: +27, MA: +5)=105
Speed: 73(Race: +27, MA:+5)=105
-Reaction: 110
-Movement: 100
Vitality: 73(Race: +27, MA:+5)=105
-Durability: 100
-Stamina: 110
Martial Arts: 100
-Ignite: 100 +20
-Archery: 100
Haki: 100
-Armament Haki(Offensive): 100
-Observation Haki (Awareness): 100
-Supreme King's Haki: 99
+20 Boost
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Post 2 - @Infinity

The calm morning at Marine Base G-2 shattered as an explosion of fire and chaos erupted from the eastern docks. Flaming blades tore through ships and structures alike, the crackling inferno consuming everything in its path. Marines scrambled to respond, shouts of alarm echoing through the base as the once-pristine stronghold became a scene of destruction.

Amid the chaos, Rear Admiral Kadar emerged from the command center, his katana gleaming in the sunlight. His rectangular glasses caught the reflection of the inferno, and his expression twisted into one of both anger and unease. "What in the name of justice is going on?" he barked, his voice cutting through the panic.

A nearby officer saluted hastily, his face pale. "Rear Admiral! The eastern docks are under attack! It’s... it’s a single assailant, sir. He’s in the sky!"

Kadar’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his katana. "An aerial assault? Impossible. Who dares to attack G-2?" His Kenbunshoku Haki flared, sweeping over the area. It was then he felt it—a powerful, ominous presence soaring above the base.
-Observation Haki: 41
Observation Haki will be Awareness Haki
The user can sense anything within (Mastery x 2) meters of themselves when CoO is activated. Adds sensing emotions, killing intent, power level, and general health.
41 x 2 = 82 meters
The figure in white robes hovered against the backdrop of the burning docks, wings of fire illuminating the destruction below. His golden eyes glinted with a predatory focus, the dark flames wreathing his hands flickering ominously.

Kadar’s heart sank as he recognized the attacker’s lineage. "A Lunarian..." he muttered under his breath, his voice tinged with both fear and disbelief. "Impossible. They’re supposed to be extinct!"

"Rear Admiral!" Lieutenant Bran rushed to his side, panic etched on his face. "What are your orders?"

Kadar’s mind raced, weighing the options. He knew the strength of the Lunarian race from Marine records—resilient, relentless, and devastating in combat. This was no ordinary threat.

"Mobilise the elite squadron immediately," Kadar commanded, his voice firm despite the tension in his chest. "Set up defensive positions around the central tower and secure the civilians. We can’t let this man destroy the base."

As the Marines rushed to follow his orders, Kadar stepped forward, his katana glinting with the faint black sheen of Busoshoku Haki. He gazed up at the attacker, his voice carrying across the battlefield.

"You there! Lunarian! You’ve made a grave mistake attacking G-2. Surrender now, and I might consider sparing your life!"

The figure in the sky remained silent, his movements deliberate as he prepared another devastating attack. Without hesitation, he dove, wings of fire trailing behind him as he descended toward the heart of the base.

Kadar raised his blade, his resolve hardening. "Marines! Hold the line!" he shouted, bracing himself for the clash. "We will not let this monster destroy us!"

As the battle began, the fate of G-2 and its defenders hung precariously in the balance, the flames of vengeance threatening to consume them all.
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Salty Doubloons
G-2 #2

Aro's aerial assault decimated the marine vessels and structures, leaving life consuming fire in the wake of it's power. He hovered above the base silently, observing the destruction he has just wreaked on the marines, the fire below dancing in his eyes as their panicked screams filled the area. Still, there was no feeling of satisfaction, only sadness and burning desire to do what needed to be done...

"You there! Lunarian! You’ve made a grave mistake attacking G-2. Surrender now, and I might consider sparing your life!" Aro has already detected the mans presence. The one called Commander Kadar.

The man didn't reply, instead he dove towards the man at hypersonic speeds, easily breaking the sound barrier as he quickly approached the heart of the base. His firey plume trailed behind him as his robes danced around him from his speed, giving him the appearance and aura of an angel of death. He opened his palm, manifesting a sphere of flame before it took shape into the form of a blade.

"Marines! Hold the line!" The man shouted, raising his own blade, bracing himself for what was about to come. "We will not let this monster destroy us!"

Grabbing his newly made hilt, he raised his flaming blade overhead infusing it with Haki and brought it down onto the marine with extreme force.

Logi's Blade: The conjures a fireball in his open palm before shaping it into a blade. The shape and size of the blade can be freely altered by the user.
Requirements: 41 Mastery 41 Strength
DPR: C Minor Burn
101-119: 4. City Block Level+C:+1+CoA: +2=7. Mountain Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Post 3 - @Aro

The chaos that engulfed G-2 was palpable, the air thick with smoke and the acrid scent of burning wood and metal. Marines scrambled to respond, shouting orders and forming defensive lines amid the destruction. Rear Admiral Kadar stood resolute at the heart of the base, his katana gleaming in the firelight. Despite the devastation, his expression betrayed no fear, only determination.

Marines, regroup and hold the eastern sector!” Kadar’s voice boomed over the din of the flames and the cries of his men. “We will not let this base fall. Prepare the Pacifista for activation immediately!

The soldiers around him snapped to attention, scrambling to carry out his commands. Kadar gripped his blade tightly, its polished surface reflecting the inferno around him. His brow furrowed as he assessed the situation, his mind racing with strategies to contain the assault.

Suddenly, Kadar’s instincts kicked in. With a battle-hardened roar, he lunged forward whilst coating his sword in busoshoku haki , executing his signature technique, "Daishinkan". His katana arced through the air with devastating precision, a two-handed overhead swing meant to cleave through even the toughest of foes. The sheer force of the strike sent a shockwave rippling outward, rattling nearby structures and scattering debris.

Kadar DPR = Small Building Level + DPR A (+3) +1 (CoA) = City Level
Aro DPR = Mountain Level

Result = Attack is 1 DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack but loses 5 DPR
Mountain - 5 DPR = Small Building Level

Kadar Dura = 58 = Large Building Level
Result = DPR 1 below dura: somewhat effective

Despite his efforts, the onslaught proved overwhelming. Kadar gritted his teeth as he was forced back, his uniform singed and sweat pouring down his face. Realizing the gravity of the situation, he barked another order. “Activate the Pacifista! Now! Deploy them to the front lines!

Amid the chaos, a new figure emerged from the central command building. Vice Admiral Comil strode into the fray with an air of calm authority, his Marine coat billowing behind him. His tall, imposing frame and spiky blonde hair made him an unmistakable presence. The dark-skinned officer surveyed the scene, his mustache twitching slightly as he assessed the damage.

Rear Admiral Kadar, status report,” Comil demanded, his deep voice cutting through the noise.

Kadar turned to him, saluting despite the soot and exhaustion on his face. “Vice Admiral, the eastern docks are in ruins, and our forces are struggling to regroup. The Pacifista are being activated as we speak.

Comil nodded, his expression grave but composed. “Good. Ensure the civilians are evacuated to the safe zones. I’ll take command here. Marines, follow my lead!

The Vice Admiral’s presence reinvigorated the troops, who rallied behind his calm demeanor and firm orders. Comil’s reputation as a leader who valued his subordinates was well-earned, and his strategic mind was already devising a counteroffensive.

As the flames raged on and the battle intensified, the Marines of G-2 prepared to make their stand, their resolve unshaken under the command of their Vice Admiral.
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Salty Doubloons
G-2 #3

Aro brought down his flaming blade onto the marine with the strength to level a mountain, forcing the marine to counteract with a technique of his own, a two handed overhead swing. The two attacks collided, causing a powerful shockwave that rattled the buildings of the surrounding area. Aro's power proved to be superior as he pushed the marine back, leaving his uniformed singed from his bio-generated flames.

Aro stood tall, his robes blowing freely in the strong breeze that flowed in the ocean. His construct disppeared from his hand as the entire base fell into choas. Marine soldiers all around him scrambled around, trying to carry out their given orders at a timely pace. To deal with him. The threat. But the lunarian was unmoved.

The uniform of a newcomer managed to catch his eyes. A tall dark-skinned Vice Admiral with blonde spikey hair made his way through the choas, conversing with the narine he just attacked over matters he cared very little about. Aro was only here for one reason and he needed to see it through.

As the flames raged on, the marines regained morale and stood behind this man. Aro's awareness detected auras of calmness and determination. Swelling confidence that the Lunarian struggled to understand. And within the Vice Admiral, strength and unshakable will. But Aro was stronger. The lunarian assumed that this mustve been a well respected man, which mean't once he fell it would be easier to get what he desired.

Aro gathered flames between his palms, compressing it in a tight ball before unleashing another turrent of flaming blades towards the swelling army of marines before him.

"Flaming Spears of Light."
120: 5. Town Level + 3 + 2(CoA)=10. Large Country Level
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