Is it better/more interesting that Hearthstone?
It's question of what lore u prefer tbh
But personally i really prefer Legends of Runeterra for many reasons
First of all, it's Canon so anything u see in the Cards & their Description is Canon
Secondly it's balanced, all regions have their own play styles and they all good, and for every deck, there are counter decks
Combining regions is also fun and gives u options for much more ways to play
And the best part is that it's easy to get cards tbh, there is an amazing rewards system and daily missions + weekly free rewards that can be upgraded just by leveling up, so u won't find any players who have overpowered deck that they bought while u struggle with your few free cards (You can even choose which region to get rewards from first)
Hearthstone is better in terms of content ofc but that's only because it's older, Legends of Runeterra is only in Beta and it's already fun, so expect it to be much much better over time
However the first thing that made it stand out from all other card games including Hearthstone is a new turn system
In games like Hearthstone or even Yu-Gi-Oh! there is a major problem that many players hate
Which is, that turn where your opponent gets lucky and destroys you in a single turn and u have no chance to counter even though u had good cards and was waiting for your turn
In Legends of Runeterra, u have always option to counter since turns only decide who attack and who defends, other than that, u can both play cards (one card each so u have always option to counter-play and make a strategy) but ofc there are burst spell cards that can be played without switching turn which can give u an advantage sometimes
Tbh i played daily since Beta started and i can say that in 90% of all games i played, both me & opponent were close to winning and every win feels like a close one & very satisfying, it's really rare to win or lose easily when out of luck, there is always a challenge
And ofc, there are Champion cards that are so cool, powerful cards that give identity to your deck & play style, they level up and can really help u win if used right. There is also expedition mode which is like a tournament to see how far u can go and with every win, your rewards increase, and not only you have a second chance every time u lose but also when you're eliminated, u get to do a second run and u get rewarded based on your best record
I believe Legends of Runeterra is better than Hearthstone in terms of Gameplay, Rewards, Balance, Ease of gaining Cards, Challenge & Story
Lacks a lot in Contents but it's only Beta & it's subjective in terms of Lore & Theme
(I hope everyone who didn't play the game yet, read this post and be encouraged to try it)