However , i see the LGBTQ community are increasingly becoming political especially in US , i am not sure in EU /Australia but most of the LGBTQ activist are unabashed supporter of democratic party .
Not me! I want to destroy both parties
If you dont vote for them then you are traitor , this is what i dont like , I am mostly neutral when voting in polarized electoral process.
I agree. On the left, we don’t spend a lot of time talking about pluses and we spend a lot of time talking about negatives: like, you aren’t supposed to vote for trump because voting for trump—along with all the reasons someone might vote for trump, means voting for all the political agendas which attach themselves to him—or any candidate for that matter!
To be fair I voted Trump over Hillary and most of my friends thought i was racist and sexist then i lost my LGBTQ friend just because i thought trump was better option over hillary because of many other myriad reason . However most LGBTQ activist have become hawkish and they think people are traitors just because you lean to certain part of ideology .
See, as much as it makes me sad you voted for him, I’m not going to cut anyone out of my life—personally—just because of that. Because I do believe you can vote for trump and not think of it as voting for me to not be able to live my life as a human being just cuz it grosses you out or
My only thing is i hope LGBTQ movement doesnt go too political and i really fear it will alienate many people as things go .
This is tricky.
did you know that some Radical Feminists orgs lobby for far right politicians who fight abortion rights because the same politicians in the US Have the most money and resources to fight trans rights.
there is a reason why in the United States, trans women as a political issue are talked about much more than trans men—it isn’t because trans women assault cis women in bathrooms and locker rooms and trans men don’t assault men (this isn’t true and we don’t). It’s because Radical Feminist organizations help far right politicians and evangelical extremists get that shit put on the front page to try and get our rights taken away so they can feelmore comfortable.
I don’t believe in America and fuck this racist transphobic country, but I do believe without exception that everyone has the right to life and freedom and to pursue their own happinesses.