Island Loguetown


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Original Post By: suterusu
Smoker sat in his chair glaring at the wall of wanted posters.

These pirates think that they can act however they want, that they are above the law. It pisses me off that I have been ordered to stay hear instead of hunting down these scumbags.

Sitting up he let out a long deep breathe that caused a great cloud of smoke to fall to the floor covering most of the floor. As he did he was reminded of how Tashigi would scold him for doing that.

Thank God that woman is out patrolling, it's such a hassle to have her constant criticism.

Taking a look around the area of the base he could see, Smoker saw the normal hustle and bustle of the marines. He thought about getting up and taking a stroll around the base when he heard a faint rustle of steps down the corridor.


A knock on the door sounded sharply in through the corridor.

Marine grunt 1: "What could that be? I hope it is Lady Tashigi!"

Marine grunt 2: "It can't be her she just set out a half hour ago. Besides what makes you think she would be happy to see you. Go answer the door and be quick about it."

Kicking the grunt in the rear he waited to see who could be at the door.

Marine grunt 1: Walking to the door the grunt opened up the hatch to see who was at the door. As he peered through he saw a group though due to the small opening.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

Turning and whispering to the other grunt "hey let smoker know about this group at the gate I can't tell how many are here."

Marine grunt 2: He nodded his head running down the corridor to alert Smoker.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: icetimexi
Ice turned to his fellow bounty hunter group and everyone nodded their head.
The one of the bounty hunters started beatboxing for Ice as he was preparing to rap,
Ice began to speak
Ok you ask like who am I’m the one who captured Jango, Nine Million bounty but he didn’t really tango.
One of the Fellow bounty hunters
Okay okay just tell him, The man with the goggles is Icy a bounty hunter who captured the man Jango who has a nine million bounty we’re here to cash him in.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: suterusu
Marine grunt 2: Running towards Smoker's office he came and knocked on the door. "Sir I think we have a situation."

Smoker: Opening the door he scowled at the grunt "What the hell is going on?" Though it was a question it was more of a complaint at the grunt.

Marine Grunt 2: "Sir there is group of people at the door, I do not know the exact number but I was sent to let you know, sir."

Smoker: Grunting at the response Smoker grabbed his weapon from where he had propped it up against the wall. He passed the grunt and began walking towards the door.

What could this be? Another groups of pirates come to claim innocence for their buddy or what?

He walked a little faster towards the door it would take some time to get there. "Oi, follow me" Smoker called back at the grunt.

Marine grunt 1: As he watched the group begin to beatbox and rap the grunt was stunned. After taking a second to compose himself the grunt replied "I see you have come to deliver a pirate, one moment please."

The grunt then began to unlock the door to open it for the bounty hunters. "Turn in all weapons here before proceeding. If you fail to do so then you will face the entire might of this base." The grunt tried to muster as much bravado as he could to try and keep the group in check. While he did so he showed them into a room where their weapons would remain. Grabbing a den den mushi and the grunt called the records department to have the pirate verified as well as have the bounty for the criminal prepared.

Turning his head towards the leader he asked "You said his name was Jango right? I will take a moment to confirm and process this criminal"


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: icetimexi
The group behide the marine solider all placed their weapons in some type of Bin and started to wait…
Ice:Yeah his name is Jango pretty sure he’s work Nine Million.
The group of bounty hunters started to cheer.
Ice began to speak
Now marine watch this!
Ice hopped upon a chair and started to sing
My name is icy~
They asked who i caught
I said Jango!
Ice then put his ear to the group of bounty hunters?
Who did we catch?
The group of bounty hunters replied
Ice then began to speak again
The group of bounty hunters then started acting like news people trying to interview Ice.
Ice NPC 1:H-How did you take down a Nine Million bounty pirate?!?!
Ice then looked and smiled
Ice then said
Then almost yelling said
The other bounty hunters started to hop on the chair and dance while making an beat by rocking the squeaky chairs and hitting their fists agasaint the wall


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: suterusu
Smoker: Walking briskly down the hall Smoker began to hear some noise getting louder as he got closer. The sound of pounding and what seemed to be squeaking.

"What's all that damn noise?"

The group might have gotten on the door and have started causing trouble. I'll take down all of these scumbags. You can't come into my base causing trouble and expect to walk out alive.

Smoker began to run down the hallway with his weapon ready to strike down the first person he saw.

Marine grunt 1: "Hello records? I have a bounty hunter here to turn in the pirate Jango. What do the records say?"

Records Dept: "One moment... We show that there is indeed a Jango of the Black Cat Pirates worth 9 million Berries. If the pirate alive or dead?"

Marine grunt 1: "The pirate is alive he will need escorting to the cells. Please have the money readied as the hunters are ready to collect."

After waiting to here the confirmation the marine hung up the den den mushi. Turning towards the group he addressed them.

"Records has confirmed that Jango is indeed worth the 9 million bounty. I have called for men to take him into custody as well as having the money prepared. It should be here shortly."

Marine grunts 3 and 4: The two grunts came down the hall hearing the noise and were welcomed by the sight of the hunters singing and rhythmically pounding the walls and squeaking the chairs. "We are here to take the pirate into custody."

They walked towards the pirate and attempted to take him to the cells below.

Smoker: As he came down the corridor he saw the backs of the marine grunts 3 and 4 entering the room. He launched himself down the hall using he smoke smoke fruit to carry him. As he burst into the room the sight of the hunters singing and making music confused him.

"What the hell is going on here?" Smoker growled as he looked over the scene. As he looked around the room he saw the man standing on the chair and recognized him.
"Its you again huh, I guess you didn't learn your lesson last time you were here of you are causing trouble once again in my base."


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: icetimexi
Ice still while singing heard “Records have confirmed that Jango is indeed worth the 9 Million bounty I have called for men to take him into custody as well as having the money prepared it should be here shortly”.
Ice while the rest of his group of bounty hunters were signing began to speak
Oh it’s confirmed nice!
Two marines came and took the man Jango. Jango was hardly standing up and they had handcuffed him to take him to the cells.
Shortly after the smoke man burst into the room asking if Ice was causing trouble.
The group of hunters still while singing began to get happy.
Ice pointed at Jango being Apphrended by the two marines.
Ahh Smokey man… I came to cash out the 9 Million berries I deserve!


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: suterusu
Smoker: As he listened to the response of the bounty hunter, Smoker took a look around the room to check on what was going on. He noticed the marine grunts salute while holding a pirate in custody. Another grunt was in salute near a den den mushi.

"Take that pirate scum and lock him up. You by the phones call records and have them inform headquarters so we can see about a transfer to Ipel Down. Also tell them to hurry the hell up getting the money together."

Turning his head towards Ice. "And you get off the chair and stop making so much noise this is a marine base not some bar. As soon as you get your money get out."

Smoker scowling as he spoke finished speaking. He then turned around and began to walk back towards his office.

What a waste of time coming down here to deal with a group of no good bounty hunters.

Marine grunt 1: Turned and made the calls as ordered. After a few minutes a call came in that the money was ready to be awarded to the hunters.

"Good news the money is ready. A marine is bringing it down now."

Ten minutes went by then another marine grunt handed the money to.markne grunt 1 and then left the room.

"Here is your reward for the capture of Jango of the black cat pirates."


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: icetimexi
The bounty hunters took the money counted it and sure enough it was 9 Million berry.
Ice began to speak

Alright now lets go to our next island!
The crew once again hopped upon their ship after leaving the marine base and then they started to depart for
Baterilla Island.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: handsome
Loguetown - Marine Base

Chief Petty Officer
Level 15
15 x 5 = 75
Strength: 27+2=29
Speed: 12+2=14
-Reaction: 14
-Movement: 14
Vitality: 15+2=17
-Durability: 21
-Stamina: 13
Martial Arts: 21
-Swordmanship: 21
-Rifle: 21

(Smoker's inner monologue)
(Smoker's dialogue)
("other NPC dialogue")

Smoker's office.
Thick smoke billowed through the office's half-open window. With his legs resting on the desk and relish smoking 5 cigars at a time, Captain Smoker was just going to read "Xatchy's Advice Column" of the latest WET issue, until ...

"purupurupuru... purupurupuru..." He tore the receiver off the Den Den Mushi...*click*
"This is 77th Branch, Commodore Pudding Pudding, is Captain Smoker there?" Yes, that'd be me... What is it, Commodore?

"After the unexpected death of the 16th Branch Captain Nezumi, I was given responsibility for investigating this tragic occurrence on the Conomi Islands. Rear Admiral Lee and his 169th Branch should have been there as well during that time... those who have liberated East Blue from many notorious pirates lately..." Yeah... I heard of them... "Anyway, we are still waiting for Lee's report regarding all this... but weren't able to contact him... Nezumi's men claimed to have heard that they were going to sail to Loguetown next. So they should arrive soon..." I see... and..?

"Apparently, all residents of the archipelago, even the local police, have been evacuated by Lee's men - According to Nezumi's men, for no good reason at all, because Arlong's abode on the Conomi Islands was supposed to be just a rumor. Commander Gokiburi of the 16th Branch confirmed that since Lee's men themselves have found neither Arlong nor his hiding place, the Rear Admiral has fallen victim to this rumor. Although they agreed that 5 branches were coincidentally exterminated near the islands by Arlong and his henchmen, the existence of "Arlong Park" is laughable and has always been hearsay, according to the 16th. I will leave it at that to keep our face." So... what's your point?

"Currently the men of the 16th unit are our only sources and they claimed that they last saw their captain alive under the care of ship's doctor Commodore Vulpes from the 169th unit... And..? When the chaos of the evacuation was over, they found Nezumi's lifeless body washed up on the beach... We do not know the exact circumstances yet, but the 16th Branch, now led by Commander Gokiburi, accuses Lee and his men of negligent treatment that led to Nezumi's death." (...)

"Anyway... I'm confident the report of the 169th Branch will answer all the questions. Nevertheless, I'll ask you to keep an eye on Lee and his men... If you observe any abnormalities, contact me!" *sigh* ... If I get the opportunity, I'll keep an eye on them... "And Smoker, please treat the matter as discreetly as possible, as there are yet no official investigations against them... I will proceed based on your assessment..." *click*

An avalanche of smoke rolled over the Chief Petty Officer as he opened the door.
*cough* "Captain!"
When you or the men see the 169th unit arrive at the port, call me ... as soon as they've anchored, tell Rear Admiral Lee, or the next higher available authority on board, that I'm asking for a private conversation. It's important.
"Yes, sir!"

Smoker thoughtfully leaned back in his chair and threw his legs back on the desk.

The 169th... wasn't that the Branch of...


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: oreki
Nero was walking around in a Lougetown alley as he watched the landscape change from area to area, the number of people in alley increases and decrease gradually.

It's quite the normal day today,” Nero said, there was a sign of boringness in his tone.

As Nero walking, he was instantly stopped as someone tried to talk to him.
He was stopped by a girl with long beautiful black hair.

“You drop this”, she said while giving Nero his handkerchief back, that he drop while walking.

“Sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. And also thanks for your kindness?”

“You’re welcome!”
She said with her soft voice as she continued, "You don't look from this town, are you a traveler?"

"Yeah, I'm waiting for someone..."
Nero said normally, while still looking at the black hair girl "...he said he supposed to be in a lougetown..."

"I think he forgets about me!"
Nero said as it's a normal thing to say.

"You can't just forget a person!" She said with a little laugh on her face as they both start to walk together.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: icetimexi
The ship docked at the island,
Ice NPC 3: loguetown again?! My gosh we don’t even have any treasure this time…
Ice: Hey man we need to recruit people again we’re down to us 6.
They already showed us we need more of us to defeat the Gyro scrubs…
Ice hoisted his sniper on his back and began to walk into the town back to the quite familiar bar.
Ice walked into the once again,
Ice: Yo everyone who wants to join my bounty hunter legion come to were the Pirate King was executed in 2 hours.
The news spread around that the somewhat Infamous Bounty Hunter Ice was recruiting people to join his squad.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: oreki
After his long chat with that long hair girl, Nero stopped at the eating stall for eating, he was hungry for the quiet time. He heard the commotion going on in the alley, so he asked the old man who was the owner of the stall.

"Old man, what this all commotion about?"

"There is some fancy bounty hunter recruiting members." The old man said with the smirk as he continued "They call him Ice"

"Ice? That's a weird name..."
Nero pointed out, found his name unusual, "Is he cold as his name?"

"Never met the guy, but I heard he have quite the attitude."
The old man said while passing the plate of Takoyaki towards Nero, "Do you want to join?"

"What made you think old man?"
Nero asked while that Takoyaki sent a rich aroma straight to his nose, he took his first Takoyaki and felt the taste instantly. " Wow... that's a really good old man."

"Thank you! well, I asked because you have quite the sword for your self."
The old man says with a smile, looking at Nero sword that hanging to his back.

"I wasn't thinking of joining someone..." Nero said while chewing his Takoyaki and continued "...But I think it's no harm in trying."

"Well, better be careful, you don't know when someone backstabs you kid." The old man said with a warm smile on his face.

"Shishishi... I would definitely take care of that after all, I don't want to die." Nero said as finished his last Takoyaki.

After eating, Nero paid the bill and went out of the eating stall.

"Well, I think it's really no harm trying to join someone," Nero said to himself as he proceeds towards the Gold Roger Execution Platform, people say Roger died with a smile on his face, he heard a lot of story about Roger. But for Nero, some stories are just mere stories.

With his all thought on his mind, Nero reached the Execution Platform.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: icetimexi
2 hours passed by and at the exuction platform around 80 men gathered around to join Ice’s legion of bounty hunters.
Ice sitting on the top of the platform stood up and began to speak
Ice:HELLO! I have space for 75, We’re going to take down an pirate in the upcoming days so I need only strong people if your ready to take down pirates follow me back to my ship!
With that Ice jumped down from the Platform, and began to walk to his ship.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: oreki
Nero looked at the person who call himself Ice, Nero noticed instantly that Guy didn't have the good leadership or captaincy for the matter.
Ice was somewhat Look full of himself, In Nero's eyes, he had so many cases like that.

The second thought was on Nero mind that Ice is the type of guy who cares about quantity, not quality. If Nero made a hunch there were around 80-90 peoples in Execution Platform and he chooses 75, does he have good supplies for them?

'No wait, do so many peoples have that much free time on their hands'
he thought.

People start to follow Ice lead, for Nero he doesn't really know how many peoples are following Ice. Nero is really sucked at teamwork, so he does not have any idea how that Ice guy does a thing, does he do with teamwork or like to make a straight attack or do as, please. If there 75 people he collected here that's mean Nero going to travel with those 75 people wait... He heard from that food stall old man that Ice is a somewhat famous pirate hunter if Ice likes to work with others that's mean he must have few members with him already.

“Well, does it really matter that much? I mean if he ended up a bad leader I just have to just leave the crew.”

As they walk further and further Ice ship was visible at the dock


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: frayz
It was a fairly peaceful day sailing on the seas of the East Blue, the small crew of The Stormhawk were tending to their usual daily duties on the ship of the recently promoted Commodore Frayzah. A couple of days ago the 169th Branch was contacted by Marine HQ, all officers were able to report their activity since the formation of the branch, including the many wins and the devastating loss a day before. Jimmy was promoted for his efforts in taking down the Buggy Pirates and saving Rear Admiral Lee's life. Marine HQ had specifically contacted their branch for another reason though and that was to apprehend and capture Captain Smoker, he was being accused of allowing certain pirate crews free passage to the Grand Line for an easy pay day.

Smoker was a man Frayzah respected so he found it hard to believe it was this simple. For this reason, he sailed ahead of his comrades in order to allow his friend and former mentor the chance to explain his actions before they arrest him. Ever since leaving the Conomi Islands, the crew were noticing changes in his personality. He had begun to smoke, was more hotheaded and acted more erratically. These changes also extended to his appearance, ditching his hooded jacket and utility belt in favour for a suit under his Justice coat typically worn by members of the World Government. This suit consisted of black pants and shirt with a red waistcoat, the only thing he kept was his military grade Bounce Boots and the mask that covered a lot of his face but without his hood, it allows his spiky red hair to be seen.

The Stormhawk approaches Loguetown, ahead of the rest of his branch like he predicted. Upon anchoring his ship, he orders his men to remain on board to look after his dog, Chouchou who he rescued in Orange Town. He grabs his two blades, grapple gun and Den Den Mushi before entering a small row boat attached to his ship and begins to row towards the port. While approaching, he overhears a group of bounty hunters cheering about their leader, Ice.

Jimmy: ‘Ice. Heh-heh-heh, what kind of name is that? I bet he has a brother called Cube or something.’

He ignores that though as he leaves his boat, there was business at hand. Lighting a cigarette, he walks up the dock towards town.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: icetimexi
Ice finally arrived back to his ship, hopped upon the ship and looked at his OG bounty hunters
Ice: Sup guys I brought back about 75.
Ice NPC: Sigh it's about to get more crowed but whatever....
Ice: Alright lets hop on the ship and go get some pirates!


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: oreki
Nero made to the Ice guy ship, Nero was right that guy already had the few members who're working with him. Nero had no idea how going to make this pirate hunting with others.

Following his childhood friend principle of avoiding trouble, Nero thinks it would be best to make some friends and establish decent human relationships. That way he will not go to stand out as a loner.

The first scenario was trying to be nice to everyone who he going to work with and then talking excitedly. Even though for someone like Nero who become hotheaded real easily is hard to live up with the first scenario, even more, he doesn't really care about anyone besides his two childhood friends.

The second scenario was to reply nicely if someone asks you something and just leaves it on that. If someone tries to talk to you with bad manner just ignore the person and don't pay attention to it, then again Nero is a somewhat arrogant and cocky person. he can't always let slide when someone going to talk with him rudely more often.

The third scenario was to not to talk anyone it's not like he going to die without talking to someone, He just has to stay nice to everyone so, no one tries to pick a fight with him.

Nero saw that Ice guy was talking to his fellow mate about something, maybe about new recruits, they talked for a while as Ice looked at the crowd and says.

"Alright lets hop on the ship and go get some pirates!"

In Nero point of view Ice attitude and the way, he talked quite irritating maybe because Nero had a talk with two kind people today.

Not thinking about much about the current situation Nero followed others to get inside the ship as he once again turns back and waved his hand to says his farewell to the lougetown. Its just habit of his waving his hand for farewell whenever he leaves any town or maybe because of those kind people he met on his way.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: problematic
The recently rescued and disgraced 'queen of the marines' sat alone, as she so often did, at one of the Loguetown marine base's rec tables. Her stay here was only temporary and so she'd forgo the optional incense to her daily ritual. Her ritual of fortune telling, however, would continue unabated as she pored over her custom, bone white fortune sticks with the utmost concentration, rattling the collection of scribed objects as if she were attempting to start a fire with them between her hands.

Seemingly satisfied, Einhardt ceased her motions, closed her eyes with a calming breath, and dropped the sticks upon the table with a noisy clatter. A moment of silence passed before she waved a hand over the table with a certain mysticism and reached to blindly grasp one of the sticks near the very edge of the table to her left. With that, she opened her eyes and read her fortune.

"Though your troubles seem so great,
be firm and do not quail.
Have courage in yourself, dear friend
You'll win. You cannot fail."

She scoffed, though the message of hope on this day of all days brought the slightest hint of a smirk to the corner of her lips before she continued to read her fortune from the stick.

"Expect a letter of abuse from one whom you thought a friend."

That gave her a moment of pause, her lips pursing tightly as it ended on a sour note.

"Well, that's no good..." she complained. "I've no idea who it could be though. I thought all my friends were dead."


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: tartan owl
The remnants of the 169th were steadily arriving at the bustling port of Loguetown, the thin mist blanketing the seawater around the port was torn asunder by the unyielding hulls of the mighty Marine warships. On board the ship known as the "Magna Venandi", Vulpes stood at the bow of his ship, gazing at the town, mulling solemnly over recent events.

That letter from Marine HQ changed everything. To think that rear Admiral Lee is being recalled back to Marineford over the mess at Arlong Park and his failure to capture Krieg.

The red fox mink furrowed his eyebrows, his face morphing into a scowl.

It is completely unfair that the first thing Lee was forced to hear after his recovery was that he was going to lose control of his very own branch. Lee is more dedicated to justice than every other Marine of the 169th put together.

Still, orders are orders. I will have to inform the others of this unfortunate turn of events.

As the Marine ships came into the harbour, Vulpes mentally noted the presence of the "Stormhawk", already moored before the rest of the fleet. His eyes narrowed at the unwelcome sight.

Frayzah broke formation. He has been becoming more erratic and hotheaded recently. Perhaps that can be chalked up to stress from recent events, though that would only prove that he cannot maintain his composure. Still, he is currently the only serious option I have for a second-in-command. As such, I will let him handle the situation regarding Smoker by himself as a test of his capabilities. I will not let him know that though.

Picking up the den den mushi created by the very man that Vulpes was calling, the fox mink left a message for his potential right hand man.

"Frayzah, the 169th will be splitting up again in order to cover more ground. I will leave the situation regarding Captain Smoker to you. On a side note, Rear Admiral Lee has been recalled to Marineford and will no longer be leading our branch. I will inform the rest of the branch while you are away. Once you have completed your mission, contact me for your next orders. Rear Admiral Vulpes out."

Placing the portable snail back into his pocket, the red furred face of the fox mink relaxed once more. Slowly, the corners of his lips twisted upwards into a smirk.

Let us see if the good Commodore can handle a mission by himself while simultaneously receiving dire news. I wonder if you will keep your cool or whether such news will make you act rashly? I cannot find out your capabilities if I never test them.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: handsome
Loguetown Port (before Vulpes appeared)
A small group of Marines was patrolling from Midtown down the port. It was quite uneasy on that area this day. With a skeptical look, they watched how a larger crowd gathered around a ship. It was this bounty hunter again, Ice, who had been imprisoned in the local jail not long ago - now apparently recruiting new men. Past this commotion, the group noticed a marine ship from which a small rowboat was lowered.

"Isn't that a ship of the 169th fleet?", one soldier of the group noted.
"Mhh..? Oh shit, you're right..."

Frantically, the group leader juggled his transponder snail out of his pocket and immediately called Mashikaku to inform him about it...

"(...) that's fine ... since Lee was drafted back to Marineford, you'll be sending Rear Admiral Vulpes the request from Smoker instead and..."

"I'm sorry Sir..." the marine interrupted Mashikaku, while watching through his binoculars "...but it looks like someone else is commander of this ship... and yet no other of the fleet has arrived... I don't know who exactly but..."

"... that's no problem, I guess ... Welcome the commander and bring him to the base! I'll look for Captain Smoker and inform him." *click*

The group marched in step to one wooden jetty of the port and saluted to Commodore Frayzah as he approached with his boat.

"Sir, welcome to Loguetown. Our base leader, Captain Smoker, would like to invite you to a conversation. If you would follow us please."

If the Commodore would accept the invitation, the soldiers would escort him to the base up to Smoker's office.

Marine Base
Captain Smoker just returned to the marine base from beating up a gang of troublemakers in the city, he wanted to take care of personally. It had to go fast because he just received a message from Mashikaku. With a quick step, he made his way up the corridors on the third floor to his office.

The last few days have been strange. Inspectors from the headquarters came to Loguetown, without wanting to inform him greatly about details. Conversation attempts on his part to Marineford were blocked.
Did they found out about..?
He was rarely motivated to help a colleague like Commodore Pudding Pudding, who called a few days ago, but he had to find a way to strengthen his own reputation within the marine and alleviate so-called immoral activities of the past.

Arriving in his office, he changed the half-smoked stubs in his mouth with 3 new cigars and lit them while he leaned back in his chair. From a lower drawer, he pulled out a strange shell and placed it behind a picture on his desk, so that it's not visible to anyone except his own point of view. The picture shows him, Hina Blackcage, and some young marine recruits, who mostly are already higher ranked than himself...
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