Island Roshwan Kingdom

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Salty Doubloons
In the heart of Roshwan, the Red Knights marched with calculated precision, their armor glinting ominously under the pale light. The once lively streets now echoed with the harsh clang of their boots, their determination unwavering. The citizens had either fled or succumbed to the overwhelming might of the Red Knights. The air was tense, a testament to the city's transformation into a battleground.

Meanwhile, amidst the shadows and foliage, the rebel scouts observed the Red Knights' every move, gathering information and strategizing their next move. Under Lila's expert guidance, the rebels remained hidden, their faces determined, their spirits unbroken despite the odds. They knew that facing the well-trained Red Knights head-on would be suicide. Instead, they relied on stealth, guerilla tactics, and the element of surprise.
As the Red Knights ventured further from the King's Escort, their confidence grew. They believed the rebels would be different from their organized force. Little did they know that their every move was being watched, analyzed, and countered.

On a vantage point overlooking the city, rebel leader X observed the Red Knights below. His mind worked swiftly, formulating a plan to outmaneuver the Knights and strike when they least expected it. With a subtle hand gesture, he communicated the plan to Lila, who relayed it to her fellow rebels. They understood the gravity of their mission; intercepting the King's Escort was crucial.

The rebels split into smaller groups, disrupting the Knights' formations, creating diversions, and sowing confusion among their ranks. Utilizing their knowledge of the city's hidden alleys and shortcuts, they moved with stealth, their silence their greatest asset.

The Red Knights, unaware of the rebel presence, continued along their designated route. The tension in the air grew palpable as the rebels closed in, their determination unwavering. The kingdom's fate hung in the balance, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to ensure their victory.

As the Red Knights advanced along the streets of Roshwan, their confidence growing with every step, X, the rebel leader, saw an opportune moment to strike. He took a deep breath, steadied his aim, and fired a warning shot into the ground just before the Knights' formation. The explosion of dirt and debris startled the Knights, causing them to lose their footing and fall to the ground.

61: shoulder-fired missile launcher + 3 missiles (DPR: B)

Seizing the moment, the rebels sprang into action, their movements silent and deadly. They swiftly moved in, their knives and swords gleaming in the dim light. The Red Knights, still dazed from the explosion, were caught off guard. The rebels were ready to take down the fallen soldiers with swift, merciless blows.

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Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat #10
Lord Barcas and the Others were swept off of their feet, He acted swiftly and landed on his back; he pulled himself from the dirt and looked about. Swiftly he commanded his men... "TO YOUR FEET IT'S TIME TO ACCELERATE OUR PLANS!" He shouted, pulling his sword from it's sheathe he readied himself for the encounter.

Lord Barcas
level 30
Strength: 37+4 +4 =46
Speed: 37+4=41
-Reaction: 41
-Movement: 41
Vitality: 36+4=40
-Durability: 41
-Stamina: 39
Martial Arts: 35+6=41
-Swordmanship: 41
-Sambo: 41

King's Guard (9)
level 20
20x5= 100
Strength: 25+4=29
Speed: 25+4=29
-Reaction: 29
-Movement: 29
Vitality: 25+4=29
-Durability: 29
-Stamina: 29
Martial Arts: 25+6=31
-Swordmanship: 31
-Sambo: 31

The Rebels rushed the temporarily downed Soldiers began their assault, Their sharp blades were indeed deadly however each solider had been meticulously trained to be superhuman units. Their jobs were to protect the people, keep them safe from harm and keep the King and other ruling class from succumbing to the dreadfully gracious wings of death. The Rebels clanged against the armor of the knights, however they swiftly shifted their aiming intents to the exposed joints within the Knight's Armors. Taking advantage of the excess body Weights to give themselves an advantage.

The King and His daughters were tipped over by the force of the explosion as well, Barcas took initiative and got himself near both the King and his daughters. The Personal Guards of the King were distracted and that left him extremely bare, Barcas called to his men; He wished for them to push aside the rebels and let the Royal family escape and they deal with the brunt of the attackers however The King Never saw it that way...

"Barcas! Leave you men, There is someone orchestrating this attack; the explosion from a mere moments ago was not of our own Miliary force. We have a demented killer causing disarray in my Kingdom, Lead me forwards; let your Men deal the aggress but let us run ahead!" He demanded, He gathered his children and lead them forwards with him following close behind.

Barcas panned between the attackers and his Men... "Go Lord Barcas! Protect the King; This is our Duty and this is no Time for you to prove yourself traitorous!" shouted one of his subordinates, The Red Knight Got a rebel off of him and Got himself off the ground. He struck down his adversary and went to help his fellow guards. Barcas acknowledged his Men and shifted his attention to the King and so they began their escape!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
X, the new rebel leader, stood amidst the tumultuous forest where sunlight danced through the rustling leaves, casting dappled shadows upon the verdant floor. His outward demeanor exuded an aura of heroism, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos he had orchestrated. Yet beneath this façade lurked a darkness that threatened to consume him, a sinister ambition that transcended the rebellion he had ignited.

X was not merely a rebel fighting against oppression; he was the puppeteer, the evil mastermind orchestrating the strings of conflict. His every move was calculated, each decision fueled by a thirst for power that burned hotter than the sun itself. With heightened senses, he scanned the battlefield, his eyes darting from one fallen Red Knight to another, seeking any sign of the King or Lord Barcas. He knew the confrontation was inevitable, and he relished the prospect of their demise.

While his comrades engaged the fallen Knights, X remained vigilant, his gaze sweeping the surroundings, ensuring no ambush lurked in the shadows. Within the recesses of his mind, he reveled in the chaos he had sown in Roshwan. The once-peaceful kingdom had been reduced to a battleground, its streets echoing with the cries of the oppressed. X thrived on this fear, and the suffering of others quenched this uncertainty and his thirst for power.
With each victory, X's influence grew, his grip on the rebels tightening like a vise. Unaware of their leader's true nature, they followed his every command, believing they fought for a noble cause. Little did they know that their allegiance only fueled the ambitions of a man consumed by his lust for supremacy.

X's manipulation extended beyond the rebels, reaching into the hearts and minds of Roshwan's citizens. He played a dangerous game, swaying their emotions, stoking the flames of rebellion, and using their despair to further his rise to power. The chaos he had orchestrated was merely a means to an end, a stepping stone toward his ultimate goal: absolute control over the kingdom and its people.

As he moved through the forest, his eyes glinted with sinister ambition. He had plans within plans, schemes within schemes, all designed to ensnare Roshwan in his web of deceit. The rebels, the King, the citizens—everyone was a pawn in his grand design, a means to achieve his dark desires. X's true nature remained hidden, a well-guarded secret buried beneath layers of deception. To the rebels, he was their leader, their guiding light in the darkness. However, to those who dared to look beneath the surface, he was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a puppet master pulling the strings of chaos, a man consumed by his insatiable thirst for power.

During the chaos, X noticed a disturbance among the fallen Knights. Lord Barcas, their commander, had managed to rally his men despite the surprise attack. Barcas, a formidable warrior in his own right, fought fiercely, defending his King and leading the charge against the rebel assailants.
X raised his rifle, his grip firm, and aimed it at Barcas' group. Before Barcas could react, X fired, his aim true.

"Let's chip at their number first," he whispered.

81 Gunslinging Mastery: Auto-refilling pistol and rifle. A-rank Muggy Balls, 5 limit

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat #11
Barcas lead the king for not more than a fifth of the meter, his intents were to ensure the King's safety whilst the Rebels were temporarily subdued however both the King and Barcas knew it now. An Additional force had infiltrated their Kingdom and now the people have turned against them; they've sought blood whilst blinded by rage, they sought malice over peace and kindness and that only proved to be their downfall. X's planning and meticulous executions of his ideals and his keen manipulation of the people have all lead up to this instance... A single Gun shot could be heard; no one knew from where or how but the Target was certain.... It was near the King...

Gunslinging: 81
Bullets; Muggy Ball: A
DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A(3) = 6. City Level
Target Durability: 41, 41-60: 3. Large Building Level
Verdict: 41-60: 3. Large Building Level vs 6. City Level = DPR 3 higher than dura: super effective

The Red Knights were puzzled by the shot and so, subduing their individual fights for a brief moment they looked about. The King and His Daughters were startled by the sudden shot, blindly they followed where Barcas lead them. King Beer was pushed along by Barcas and so he felt as though he was in good hands but that feeling of certainty quickly dimmed after what had happened next; Beer felt the pressure of Barcas loosen from his shoulders, his eyes widened in shock and he swiftly turned about. His Daughters paused as well sensing their father's interest was peaked by something...

Before Barcas could even react a Bullet had pierced his Skull... It effortlessly cleaved through his tough armor and rendered him dead as he rushed. His Body fell over and slammed into the ground and it went limp; the Armor clanged upon it's impact. As for the Bullet; It pierced him and shot into the concrete road, a crater cradling the lodged bullet as it steamed from the gun powder that had launched it from it's shell.

"BARCAS!!" Shouted a Red Knight Subordinate. His voice shrieked with grief, it swiftly boiled into a relentless Anger; shifting his attention to the Rebel right before him he grabbed their arms and Slammed his helmet right into their skull. He cracked open their Cranium and shifted his attention to the rest of the men.

"KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" He shouted in a fit of rage, and so the ambush began to conclude. The King however, he sat on the road; he was in a complete state of shock. His Daughters surrounded him, trying to calm him down and to try and get him to his feet. His Vision blurred and his breathe was frantic, he was panting rapidly and his levels of anxiety sky-rocketed. He was too fearful to move, he was too afraid to even think about escaping. The Death of Barcas in such a manner was intense, even for the King's standards...
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Amidst the tumultuous melee, X's calculating gaze locked onto the one figure whose fate held the key to the battle's outcome: King Beer, the very embodiment of the oppression that the rebels sought to overthrow. With a cold-blooded precision that belied the chaos around him, X adjusted his aim, his finger tightening around the trigger of his firearm.

"Time to start the finale," he muttered, his voice barely audible above the din of battle.

The world around him dissolved into a chaotic blur of clashing steel, battle cries, and the acrid tang of smoke. Time seemed to dilate as X's mind focused laser-like on his target, every detail sharpening into vivid focus. The King, paralyzed by terror and disbelief, remained slumped on the ground, his daughters huddled protectively around him, their bodies forming a makeshift shield against the unfolding carnage.

In that suspended moment, X's firearm erupted once more, the deafening gunshot tearing through the air like a vengeful thunderclap. The King's body slumped forward, his life extinguished in a single, decisive act.

As the echoes of the fatal shot reverberated through the air, X's inner thoughts danced with sinister glee. His meticulously crafted machinations had borne fruit, the dominoes falling precisely as he had orchestrated. To the world, he was a rebel leader fighting against tyranny, but within his mind, he reveled in the role of puppet master, orchestrating the downfall of kings and kingdoms.

A chilling smile played on his lips, hidden beneath the mask of unwavering resolve. The people around him saw a hero, a savior, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. However, behind his carefully constructed façade, he embraced his true identity—a pirate, a manipulator, a player of the grand game of power.

As he surveyed the carnage he had wrought, a sense of euphoria washed over him. The rebellion, the revolution—it was all a means to an end, a grand spectacle designed to mask his true intentions. X, the pirate, had skillfully steered the course of events, using the rebels as pawns in his own twisted game.

Gunslinging: 81
Bullets; Muggy Ball: A
DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A(3)+2(haki) = 8. Island Level

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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat #12
The Princesses Swarmed the shocked king, groggily he reached for them. His Red knights slaughtered the Distracting Rebels one, after the other. They're strength was great however would they be enough to protect the king from this imminent evil? Another Rifle Shot Erupted! The Street went completely blank n' Silent, The King's vision straightened and his mind cleared; There was no explanation to this feeling but he felt a euphoria of peace. His worries had slipped away from him and his world had begun to fade into white, His hearing faded into an eerie but oddly comforting "EEEEEEEEE", it was a subtle undertone of static. The last he could see were the worried faces of this daughters; this confused him...
Gunslinging: 81
Bullets; Muggy Ball: A
DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + A(3) +Hardening(2) = 8. Island Level
Target Durability: 61, 61-80: 4. City Block Level
Verdict: 61-80: 4. City Block Leve vs 8. Island Level= DPR 4 higher than dura: super effective

"My children... Why do you fret? We are free; the Hands of Devastation have unbound us and set us apart from the horrids of the Kingdom. My People no longer rant and rage, we continue to leave in a stable society where all is well done and all is bright." He said or so he thought he had said, these words did not reach his dear daughters they were nothing but useless and meaningless babble following the dying brain. The King profusely bled from his mouth; a gun shot wound cleaved through the air once again, it scrapped past the face of his Eldest daughter and it mercilessly struck him through the head rendering him dead. The Bullet's microscopic wind tunnel dissipated and brushed the hairs on the face on each of the royals.

The Daughter's Faces sank, their dear father had just been murdered. Tears welled up then flowed, painful and sorrowful cries flooded the airs of the busy city street. The Red Knight's Attentions shifted once again, it fell upon the wailing daughters and immediately they knew... All was lost; All had fallen, The King had died. His Daughters wailed for their father, his dying face seared into their brains as a core memory. The Red Knights... They had fallen to their knees, they bowed their heads in sorrow.

"We... We've Failed." Muttered Each Knight. "Lord Barcas, we have failed. We have failed your cause..."

They were defeated, However there was still hope. Hope in the King's Daughters, yes If they escorted them to safety then the future hierarchy of Roshwan was in safe hands! Albeit their attack so long as they can ensure a Royale makes it; nothing could stand in the way of their efforts.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As the clouds cast their heavy veil over the city of Roshwan, shrouding it in a premature twilight, X emerged from his hidden spot, his figure cloaked in the deepening gloom. With a graceful leap, he landed amidst the debris of what used to be a house, casting an icy chill over the remnants of the once-thriving kingdom.

The remaining Red Knights, their morale shattered and their resolve wavering, turned to face the enigmatic newcomer, their expressions a tapestry of fear, anger, and a flicker of curiosity.

With a voice that sliced through the heavy silence, X commanded attention, his words reverberating through the surroundings like thunderclaps. "Listen, people of Roshwan!" he proclaimed, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction. "I am not just a rebel. I am the architect of change, the harbinger of a new era. Today, Roshwan has witnessed the crumbling of its antiquated regime, and from its ashes, a new power ascends."

His eyes, ablaze with determination, scanned the gathering, his gaze piercing through the shadows. "I am X," he declared, his voice echoing with authority, "and from the smoldering ruins of this kingdom, I shall rise as the indomitable Captain of the Nighthawk Vipers crew! I claim dominion over these lands and waters," he asserted, his voice laced with unyielding resolve.

The Red Knights, their grip on their weapons tightening, their faces etched with defiance, met X's gaze with unwavering determination. Unfazed by their resistance, X's eyes turned steely as he laid down his ultimatum. "From this day forth, Roshwan belongs to the Nighthawk Vipers," he decreed, his voice resonating with finality. "Any who dare to challenge our supremacy will face swift and merciless retribution."

His words hung heavy in the air, a chilling reminder of the new order that had descended upon Roshwan. The city, once a vibrant beacon of prosperity and pride, now lay in ruins, its fate forever altered by the hands of fate and the ruthlessness of its new ruler.

As X's gaze fell upon one of the princesses, a cruel glint flashed in his eyes. "The power should belong to the people," he uttered in a dark, menacing tone, his gun pointing accusingly at the royal figure. His words, laced with venom, served as a chilling reminder of the absolute power that now resided in his hands.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat Part#13
The Princesses and the Royal Guards stood in shock at the introduction of this cruel man. The Remaining Royals were fearful but also distasteful at the circumstances intended to be brought by X however the Eldest Princess, the mistress who had the gun pointed at her, she stood for herself. She stepped forward and bravely faced the crazed murderer. "THE KINGDOM ALWAYS BELONGED TO THE PEOPLE!" She shouted for the world to hear.

The Red Knights hesitantly rose as they intents to protect the process surged and gave them courage; X may have been a formidable enemy however the princesses' lives were at stake and it was their job to protect them but would it be worth the cost? Would it be worth the sacrifice if X's intentions were as clear as crystal, he wanted the thrown and he wanted the Kingdom and so saving the princess would mean a war with the Man who had single-handedly brought their Kingdom to it's knees without actively waging war on the people. He turned the Citizens against their King and now he reaped from it, the ambushing Rebels had been crushed and there was merely one of him.

A Red Knight rose completely and his courage allowed him to take a single step forward but he stopped... He realized something extremely detrimental; there was no hope in saving the princess. Lord Barcas had been taken out with a singular shot; it's precision was uncontestable and his death was instant. What good is it to save a princess if that would lead to an immediate execution... Thought the Knight; others peered at him. Others looked at him for a spark of initiative but there was none.

The Eldest Princess spoke back to X however her other siblings did not stand with her; she was courageous and so facing him on her own to make a stand was the act that she wanted to do. She teared up, she knew that she could not dodge the man's bullet but she'd hoped that had she stood for her Siblings all would have been granted.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
X's finger tightened on the trigger, the cold metal biting his skin. His lips curled into a cruel smile, a sinister reflection of his twisted ideology. "Courageous words, my princess," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But bravery will not save you now."

He stepped forward, his boots echoing in the empty street, closing the distance between them. The princess stood her ground, her chin held high despite the fear in her eyes. X loomed over her, an oppressive force that threatened to snuff out her courage.

"I shall promise you the safety of you and your sister," he said, his voice low and dangerously calm, before stopping beside her. His eyes bore into hers, his gaze unwavering. "You see, I can just eliminate all of the nuisances. However, that would not be fun," he whispered, his words slithering into her ears like a viper's hiss. "So," he said, straightening back up, a dark amusement flickering in his eyes,
"Do you want to play along, or do you want to join your father in the afterworld? All you have to do is dispose of the current system, and the rebels will become docile again."

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat Part #14
"I shall promise you the safety of you and your sister," he said, his voice low and dangerously calm, before stopping beside her. His eyes bore into hers, his gaze unwavering. "You see, I can just eliminate all of the nuisances. However, that would not be fun," he whispered, his words slithering into her ears like a viper's hiss. "So," he said, straightening back up, a dark amusement flickering in his eyes, "Do you want to play along, or do you want to join your father in the afterworld? All you have to do is dispose of the current system, and the rebels will become docile again."
"We're too young to know the details of the system, that's why we had formed the ministers. They're jobs were to manage the many aspects of the system whilst also promising to keep their truth; So long as the king sees it right and just it was supposed to be so." She replied to X, still fiercely standing her ground. Her tears continued to flow and her voice hesitated to stand firm.

Her sisters quivered and held onto their father as an act of comfort. Though he is no longer with them, this is the backing they needed; for the Knights weren't acting on their own accord. Though they out numbered the enemy they still hesitated.

"Just go away already!" Shouted the Youngest of the children, her tears flowed endlessly and her fear was the greatest amongst the sisters. Her youth brought her a blissful ignorance but the ignorance could only cover you for so long.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As X's laughter echoed through the desolate street, devoid of humanity, his eyes gleamed with malevolence. "Ah, the innocence of youth," he mused, his voice dripping with mockery. "But you see, my dear princess, the world outside your palace walls is not as simple as you believed. Your ministers, system, and father's reign are all tainted with corruption, deception, and greed. I merely seek to cleanse this kingdom of its impurities, to bring about a new era where the people truly hold the power."

He took a menacing step forward, his presence suffocating. "Your pleas fall on deaf ears, little princess. The time for words has passed. Now, actions will determine your fate."

With a swift motion, he lowered his gun, aiming it at the youngest princess. The air grew thick with tension as the Red Knights hesitated, torn between their duty to protect the royal family and the overwhelming force that X represented.
At that moment, as fear and desperation filled the air, the youngest princess found an unexpected wellspring of courage. Despite her trembling limbs and tear-streaked face, she lifted her chin defiantly. "I will not let you destroy our home," he could swear he heard her whisper, her voice surprisingly steady for one so young.

X's malevolent grin widened as he surveyed the scene, seemingly unfazed by the resistance. "So be it," he hissed, his voice laced with venom. "If you refuse to surrender peacefully, I shall force you to yield."

A loud sound erupted, and smoke billowed from X's gun.

Gunslinging: 81
Bullets; Rank B
DPR: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level + B(2)+1(haki) = 6. City Level

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat Part#15
The Princesses and the Guards froze in complete shock of the man's cruelty. The youngest of the princesses ate the bully of X's with no resistance and for that she fell. Her body began leaking blood from the simple impact; her life had been ended and now to the Princesses their lives were of equally less value. The Knights gained a new found courage, they were tired of this cruelty and thus stood.

"STOP! If you have no need for them then end it swiftly; our strengths can offer you aid but you needn't slowly murder them. They are nothing but children. Anything you say, we will make it so; the King is dead and there is a role that needs to be filled, we are willing to serve sternly and strongly." Interjected a Red Knight Guard, He fell to his knee bowing his head to X in allegiance to their tyrannical over ruler. The Princesses wavered and huddled about one another their shrieks stopped but their tears continued to flow. They were terrified but there was not much they could do considering the horrible position they were in.

"Please, Spare them..." He pleaded once more.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
X narrowed his eyes, unable to read his expression as he stared at the kneeling Red Knight. His finger twitched on the trigger, the weight of the decision hanging heavily in the air. The tension was palpable, suffocating the entire street. Time seemed to freeze momentarily, the world holding its breath in anticipation of the impending fate.

In that fleeting moment, a sudden realization crossed X's mind. He saw the fear-stricken faces of the princesses, the desperate plea in the knight's eyes, and he felt a flicker of something deep within him. A trace of his humanity? A semblance of empathy that had long been buried under layers of ambition and ruthlessness? No, it seemed he was no longer interested. He found this boring, but his plan was already accomplished, so there was no need to continue this charade.

With a sharp exhale, X's grip on the gun loosened. He slowly raised it, pointing the barrel away from the princesses and the knights. The tension in the air lifted slightly, a collective sigh of relief echoing through the hearts of those present.
"Leave," X's voice was cold, devoid of the earlier malice.
"Return to what remains of your kingdom. However, remember this day. Remember the power I hold and the mercy I've shown. Roshwan now belongs to the Nighthawk Vipers. Anyone who dares to challenge our rule will face consequences far graver than this."

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Return of the Goat #16
Thanks to the mercy of X the remaining Princesses were allowed to live but at the cost of so much. The Red knight's sighed silently and rose from the crouching positions of submission and retrieved the remaining heirs to the throne. This was it, the King had fallen and society had fallen in Roshwan however there was still hope. The people were still alive, they were still strong however their loyalties seemed to prove to follow the strength of those who can coerce them into a new direction of leadership.


...but now it belong to ever rising Nighthawk Viper pirates and now under his rule they were not allowed to speak of this day or report it outwards as is. Days went by from that very day; the People held a counsel to restart their kingdom, Barcas' Right hand man was tasked with raising and protecting the remaining princesses whilst a new Monarch had been elected to lead the people. All citizens are divided equally and there are no more Ministers, reporting outwards they have reported that a, "A Rebellion had ensued over the course of a few years of unprecedented Tyranny boasted by King Beer VI, He had unfairly circulated the economics of the country in such a way that the working class were falling under their own society and were being treated as slaves. After a very harmful revolt King Beer was unfortunately killed and his youngest was murdered; Each rebel was captured then brutally executed for their high treason, The remaining Daughters of King bear remained in care under the right hand of our Red Knights until they are old enough to Rule the Kingdom."

This was of course a well fabricated lie boasted to the public; obviously the Princesses never agreed since it tarnished the name of their kind and wise father however what could they do? The Powers that ruled over them were beyond their own capabilities and by the grace left in his heart the princesses lived to rule another day; the sacrifice of the status of a dead man was more than enough for this trade off for soon they may receive a hero to free them from this bond.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The aftermath of the rebellion left the Roshwan Kingdom in a state of turmoil and transformation. The Nighthawk Vipers pirates, under the leadership of X, had seized control, and the remaining citizens faced the challenge of rebuilding their society. The narrative carefully weaves a tale of destruction, sacrifice, and the emergence of a new order.
The mercy shown by X spared the lives of the princesses, but the cost was high, and the kingdom was now under the rule of the pirates. The orchestrated lie, disseminated to the public, painted a picture of a rebellion against a tyrannical king. The fabricated story concealed the events, protecting the reputation of the fallen monarch and maintaining a semblance of order in the kingdom.

The people, divided and leaderless, convened a counsel to chart a new course for Roshwan. Barcas' right-hand man was responsible for safeguarding the remaining princesses, now crucial figures in the kingdom's uncertain future. A new monarch was elected to guide the people, and the citizens, stripped of the former hierarchy, sought to rebuild their lives.
The princesses, unable to voice their disagreement with the falsified narrative, lived under the watchful eyes of the Nighthawk Vipers pirates' Captain. The lie served as a necessary facade to appease the powers that now controlled Roshwan. Yet, in the shadows, hope lingered. The sacrifice of the deceased king's reputation allowed the princesses to live, and they awaited a hero who might one day free them from their constrained existence.

The narrative skillfully navigated the complexities of power, deception, and the resilience of a people determined to forge a new destiny. The tale left room for intrigue and the potential for a future upheaval, adding layers to the evolving story of the Roshwan Kingdom. Meanwhile, X's departure from the island began a calculated and ambitious plan to reclaim his once-lost fame and power. The atmosphere on the island had shifted, and the Nighthawk Viper pirate captain was ready to set sail for new horizons.

Under X's command, the Nighthawk Vipers orchestrated a departure that would be remembered. Now a formidable force, the crew prepared the ship for a grand exit. As the sails unfurled and the ship pulled away from the shores of Roshwan, a black flag with a striking emblem fluttered in the wind—the symbol of a new era.
X stood at the helm, a determined glint in his eyes. He addressed his crew, outlining the plan for the journey ahead. His reputation would be rebuilt, but not under the same flag. It was time for a fresh start, a rebirth of the crew with a new identity that would strike fear into the hearts of those who heard its name.

X had devised a strategy to regain his lost fame and surpass it. The crew was to set course for the Grand Line, targeting prominent pirate strongholds, marine outposts, and islands with hidden treasures.
The plan involved calculated raids, strategic alliances, and the cultivation of a mysterious and fearsome reputation. Once a fallen figure, X led a crew destined for greatness under a new banner—the Nighthawks Vipers. The black flag, as dark as the night itself, sailed proudly across the seas, symbolizing their resurgence.

His exploits here would soon spread like wildfire, and his name would echo through the sea. X's vision of reclaiming his lost fame evolved into a quest for infamy and dominance.

X's departure from Roshwan marked not an end but a bold new beginning, and the Nighthawks set sail, ready to carve their legacy into the history of the pirate world.

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