"My Hero Academia is a show that ages well with each year being a top shounen ever since it's comeup. The thread of the series: All those criminal Supervillains that give our protagonists a reason to fight and become stronger! Shigaraki has since ever been that iconic Supervillain with a great reputation of his own and noone can stop his network!"
You are Shigaraki!
[Passive - Supervillain] - As a Supervillain, Shigaraki is hard to get by. Noone can figure out how he proceeds. During the first night of the game, Shigaraki is immune to investigations. They will fail.
[Passive - Symbol of Evil] - His immense repertory of quirks and powers earned him this title. As that he will give honour to his name. The first Faction Kill performed by Shigaraki will be unstoppable
[Active - One for All] - Shigaraki's signature quirk makes it possible to utilize the quirks of others. A very fearful ability. At night Shigaraki will redirect his target onto a target of his choice.
[Once per game you can use this ability alongside the faction kill]
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to the Antagonist Mafia!