[FIN] Traditional Mafia Round 14: Trails of Mafia

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Salty Doubloons
Majority was reached as of post #380.

With Ouroborus having begin their assault, it was imperative the remaining resistors found some way to strike back. The obvious first step, then, was to weed out any spies in their midst. Ouroborus had people amongst their number who could change their own faces to the likliness of others, so the risk that they were being observed was at least high. But where to even start?

Consensus soon found finges pointing towards a blue-haired girl, who was both formidable and yet raw in potential. The acting Viscountess, Laura S. Arseid.

"Laura S. Arseid, you say? Clearly, the S must stand for scum!"

"I-It's Sandlot, actually..."

"See? Scum!"

Poor Laura never had a chance, as she was swiftly imprisoned. In time, she'd probably be set free, but she had fully played her part in this tale.

Mango Senpai, Laura S. Arseid, a Town Iron Burst Vigilante, has been lynched.

It is Night 2. Day 3 will begin within 24 hours of this post.

CP Totals -
Oddoddfruit - 130
Rej - 110
Pepper - 160
Mango Senpai - 90*
Trustworthy Liberal - 130
~UwU~ - 130
Man in the Box - 150
Udell - 80

Vote Tally -
Rej - UwU - Unvote - Mango Senpai
Udell - Rej - Odd - Mango Senpai
Mango - Rej - Odd
Odd - Mango Senpai
Pepper - Odd
UwU - Mango Senpai
Trustworthy Liberal - Mango Senpai

Mango Senpai - 6 (Rej, Udell, Oddoddfruit, UwU, Trustworthy Liberal) - MAJORITY REACHED
- 2 (Mango Senpai, Pepper)

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Salty Doubloons
"Very well done. In my stead, you have fulfilled your roles as Enforcers admirably. "

The voice was formless, the owner unrevealed. But all who were present knew who it belonged to.

"You honour us, Grandmaster."


"The consequences of our actions today will prompt a response from the associated parties in time, but we can leave that to them. Know that the sacrifices made are my burden to bear, and through your actions we've saved this world for just a little longer."

Suffice to say, the Night belonged to Ouroborus, while the remainder of Zemuria was left to handle the repercussions of such a resounding loss. But the fight between light and darkness never truly ends, unless...

Udell, KeA, a Town Noble, was killed.

The Town no longer has a viable path to victory.
The Mafia (~UwU~, Trustworthy Liberal, oddoddfruit) are victorious.


Night actions, roles and player ratings will come after I receive a filler to seperate it from this post, and generally over the next day or two at most. Thank you for playing.

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Salty Doubloons
Woohoo, thanks Mango
Thanks for the game @RAIL_GUN, sorry it wasn't more intense
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Salty Doubloons
I knew I was pocketed.
3 mafia was too hard for town, but well played everyone.
Before I go into it all, I really don't think it was too hard for the Town. I'm going to post the roles over the next few posts (so will need another filler) but the Town had two dedicated Investigative roles, several roles that could block or prevent a kill, a Noble (double voter) which would prevent them from being endgamed at 3 mafia vs 3 town (provided the Noble was one of the three town alive) and a Vig to also make it more difficult to be endgamed (if the Vig was still alive at 3v3, the Day Phase would be skipped and the Nights would play out to determine who wins, repeating until one side is eliminated). The town was pretty unfortunate to lose both investigative roles Night 1, and also unfortunate that the Noble was discovered and killed Night 2, and the Vig being lynched, meaning that the majority of the Town's strength was shut down. But, I mean, I can't really balance around that. I feel like if I made the town any stronger, the Mafia really wouldn't have had much of a chance without everything breaking in favour of them.
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Salty Doubloons
@RAIL_GUN Thanks for the game!

You really surprised me by including a character from Hajimari, I was pretty sure you'd stop at Cold Steel 4 since that's the latest released in the west.
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Salty Doubloons
Mafia QT (link)

Enforcer VI - Luciola, the Bewitching Bell - Mafia Dream Reaper

Mafia - Eliminate all threats to the Mafia. You may discuss with your partners here.
Dream Reaper - During the Night Phase, you may target one player. This action always resolves first. The target player gains "Sleeping" for the current Night Phase and the Night Phase afterwards. During the Night Phase that Luciola gives the Sleeping passive to a player, she is unaffected by any actions that player takes. The following Night Phase, Luciola can target the player once again. That player will be unable to take any action, and Luciola will permanantly gain a One-Shot version of one of that player's abilities. If Luciola opts to abstain, or target another player, that original player will lose Sleeping after the Night Phase resolves. Luciola may only make one player gain Sleeping per Night Phase.

Enforcer 0 - Campanella, the Fool - Mafia Jack of Chaotic Trades

Mafia - Eliminate all threats to the Mafia. You may discuss with your partners here.
Jack of Chaotic Trades - During each Night, Campanella may use one of the following one-shot abilities:
Busdriver - Campanella may switch two players. All actions affecting Player A will affect Player B, and conversely all actions affecting Player B will affect Player A.
Redirector - Campanella may target two players. All actions made by Player A will target Player B, if applicable. If this would result in the action being invalid, Player A's ability will fail instead.
Vote Drainer - Campanella may target a Player during the Night. For the following Day Phase, that Player's vote weighting is reduced by 1.
Mark of the Hated - May target a player during the Night. The following Day Phase, that player gains "Hated", which means the player requires one vote less than Majority to be lynched. If the Mafia successfully kill during the same Night Phase Campanella uses this, this ability will fail, and Campanella's One-Shot will be restored.​

If Campanella uses all 4 of his abilities successfully, the following Night Phase, he will gain the Passive "Untouchable". This prevents Campanella from being targeted by actions during the Night Phase.

Enforcer X - Bleublanc, the Phantom Thief - Mafia Mimicry

Mafia - Eliminate all threats to the Mafia. You may discuss with your partners here.
Mimicry - During the Night Phase, Bleublanc may target a player. He will be told the flavour name of that Player. For that Night Phase, if Bleublanc is investigated, he will be shown as that Player's character, and will also be treated as having targeted the same players and having the same role information as the Player he is mimicking for the purposes of investigation results. The following Day Phase, if the player who Bleublanc targeted is lynched, their role will not be revealed.

9th Dominion Wazy Hemisphere - the Blue Testament - Town Detective

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Detective - Wazy may investigate a player during the Night Phase. He will learn the target's alignment, flavour name, and which players they targeted during the Night Phase.

Rosine - Town Investigator

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Investigator - You can target a player during the Night Phase. You will receive their alignment and flavour name.

Nine of Swords - Town Double Jack of Debilitating Medicinal Trades

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Double - Nine may use each of her abilities twice during the game.
Jack of Debilitating Medicinal Trades - Nine may use one of the following abilities per Night Phase:
24-hour Poisoner - May Poison a player during the Night Phase, after the end of the following Night Phase, that player will die.
Apothecary - Removes Poison from a player.
Doctor - May protect a player from Destructive effects during the Night Phase.
Assassin - Cannot be targeted during the Night Phase. Can target one player, if that player has two players other than Nadia and themselves targeting them during the same Night Phase, that player will be killed and their actions negated. Can be used in addition to any of the above abilities.​

Enforcer IX - Sharon Kreuger, the Severing Eclipse - Town Miller Impeder

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Miller - Sharon will investigate as Guilty.
Impeder - Can target a player, during either the Day or Night Phase, but only once per cycle. If used during the Day, that player is unable to cast votes. If used during the Night, that player will be unable to use active abilities.

Laura S. Arseid - Town Iron Burst Vigilante

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Iron - Laura is immune to destructive effects.
Burst - Applies to Vigilante. If Vigilante is used, Laura will be unable to use it the following Night Phase.
Vigilante - Laura may kill a player during the Night Phase.

Duvalie the Swift - Town Swift Full Jack of Branding Trades

Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
Swift - Duvalie's actions resolve first, unless conditions are in place.
Full - Duvalie may use any of the abilities listed under "Jack of Branding Traits" an unlimited amount of times.
Jack of Branding Trades - Duvalie may use any one of the following abilities during the Night Phase:
Glacial Brand - The target player is unable to take action during the Night Phase.
Flame Brand - If the target player uses an active ability during the Night Phase, they will gain "Pyretic". If Duvalie uses this action on a player with Pyretic, she will attempt to kill the Player instead. If the Player does not take action the following Night Phase, they will lose Pyretic.
Storm Brand - The target player is unable to vote the following Day Phase.
Bladelord's Spectre - Duvalie is untargetable for the Night Phase.​

KeA - Town Noble

Town - Elimiate all threats to the Town.
Noble - KeA's vote counts for 2.
-Trusty busdrives Nessos and Mango Senpai
-Mafia kills Mango Senpai - Switches to Nessos - Success
-UwU dream reaps Rej - Success
-Odd Mimics Udell - Appears as KeA, Town Noble
-A Famous Historian Investigates A Man in a Box - Fails (Bladelord's Spectre)
-Mango kills A Famous Historian - Success
-Rej uses Assassin on Mango - 1 Person (Trusty) targets Mango - Assassination doesn't proc
-Rej uses Doctor on Nessos - Switches to Mango Senpai
-Nessos investigates Odd - Success (but dies)
-Pepper abstains
-Man in the Box uses Bladelord's Spectre
-UwU dream reaps Rej - Stack 2 - Success - Rej is unable to take action. UwU will gain one shot version of Assassin.
-Trusty redirects Man in the Box to Rej - Success, but Man in the Box was already targeting Rej.
-Trusty makes faction kill on Udell - Success
-Odd mimicries Udell - Success
-Man in the Box uses Glacial Brand on Rej - Success, but Rej is already blocked.
-Pepper impedes Rej - Success, but Rej was already blocked.
-Rej uses Assassin on Udell - Fails (Dream Reaper has blocked Rej's Assassin abiity)
-Town no longer has a path to victory. Game ends in Mafia victory.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Thank you for the game Rail Gun. I am glad I followed the lynch and ended this game. If Rej had followed my lead and lynch Odd and actually listened then he wouldn't have forced my hand. I wouldn't have tilt as a matter of fact and I was tilted since DP1 because I had a very good idea of who is scum with no one to follow. My role was useless with this brain dead town wish I could say I had fun with this role. I keep telling yall to focus on reads and not players abilities. I am extremely disappointed that Mango decided to shoot afh. Him and Rej led town to their demise. Odd should be grateful I didn't roll that iron vig. He would have have been shot on site NP1. Man in The Box was new and had no idea what was going on. His biggest suspicious targets were both town. Rej refuses to follow my lead. It was a good game with a great set up. No more mafia for me here. Good game everyone and well played scum.


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Salty Doubloons
@Mango Senpai sorry for the mislynch.
Next time just don't hint towards you being involved in the night actions. Deceive your fellow townies at every cost.

I wasn't expecting town to be sooooo stacked, because I expected a typical 2v8 or 2v1v7. It's been a long while since I saw a 3v7.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Thank you for the game Rail Gun. I am glad I followed the lynch and ended this game. If Rej had followed my lead and lynch Odd and actually listened then he wouldn't have forced my hand. I wouldn't have tilt as a matter of fact and I was tilted since DP1 because I had a very good idea of who is scum with no one to follow. My role was useless with this brain dead town wish I could say I had fun with this role. I keep telling yall to focus on reads and not players abilities. I am extremely disappointed that Mango decided to shoot afh. Him and Rej led town to their demise. Odd should be grateful I didn't roll that iron vig. He would have have been shot on site NP1. Man in The Box was new and had no idea what was going on. His biggest suspicious targets were both town. Rej refuses to follow my lead. It was a good game with a great set up. No more mafia for me here. Good game everyone and well played scum.
I am sorry on that, I was paranoid of everyone, I even felt somehow that scum was pocketing me, but I couldn't sort shit down. Maybe it was because too many people played scummy and wolves played townish in comparance to town.

You guys had strong players like UWU and TL on mafia and they instantly played more townish than most townies. It ended up in townies slaying each other. And I have huge problems seeing through such scenarios.

I was also always scumreading oddodd to a degree, but for my own senses Mango was scummy too and TL helped pushing him. :weirdpeep:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This is the first time I have played miller
  • Wow
Reactions: Rej
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