Start of D1
Game Style -
- Traditional Setup - This game will prominently feature an uninformed majority against an informed minority.
- Closed Setup - No information about the setup of this game will be revealed in the game thread until the game has ended.
- Plurality Lynch - the player with the most votes shall be lynched at the end of the phase.
- Day start - This game will begin with a Day phase.
- Phase length - The game is divided into cycles with each cycle consisting of 2 phases, a day phase and a night phase. Each phase will last 24 hours.
- Claiming - All types of claiming is acceptable.
- Activity - If you are inactive one phase then you will be mod-blocked the following night. If you go inactive again, you'll be replaced or mod-killed.
Players - [7/20]
1. @A famous historian -- [Night Witch] -- Lynched D3
4. @Rej
5. @novaselinenever -- [???] -- Killed N2
6. @Juliet -- [Deputy] -- Killed D4
7. @Kibi -- [Architect] -- Killed N2
9. @Beky -- [Special Operator] -- Lynched D1
10. @Salah Eddine -- [???] -- Killed N1
11. @Samael -- [Town Werewolf] -- Killed N5
12. @Dragon D. Luffy -- [Family of 5] -- Lynched D6
14. @Jinri (V1) -- [Probate Lawyer] -- Killed N4
15. @Alice The Menace -- [Mayor] -- Killed N7
16. @Waindo -- [Bodyguard] -- Lynched D7
17. @Michelle -- [Surgeon] -- Lynched D4
18. @Emperor Cross -- [Baker] -- Lynched D5
Welcome to Morioh town! A sporadic community recently infiltrated by an upstart mafia gang. People who you can't trust just might be your greatest friend, however, those you thought were nice could just be your greatest nemesis. Don't be fooled. Who shall win? Keep up with the Morioh Radio to find out!
Day 1 Begins
Countdown Clock
Day 1 Begins
Countdown Clock
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