You are Benoit Blanc!
"We must look a little closer. And when we do, we see that the doughnut hole has a hole in its center. It is not a doughnut hole, but a smaller doughnut with its own hole, and our doughnut is not holed at all!"
[Passive - Investigator of Great Renown] - Benoit Blanc is a private investigator of great renown. He’s famous and highly respected. He starts the game with 10 Trust Points and during alignment checks he scans as [Innocent].
[Passive - Esteemed] - Benoit Blanc has a very high reputation and most people respect him for how he solves his cases. Due to that, his vote can't be tampered with. I.e. It can't be silenced, stolen, or redirected to someone else and his actions cannot be redirected.
[Passive - Left No Clue] - At night, if Benoit Blanc performs the factional kill, he will clean up the kill and will learn his target character name.
[Passive - Who Hired him?] - Benoit Blanc does not know who hired him. An envelope of cash showed up at his apartment with the news clipping of Thrombey’s death. So someday suspect a foul play and go through this ha cha dance of hiring him. Benoit Blanc has to discover the identity of the person who hired him. It’s either when that person is lynched or killed. He will gain little upgrade to his role after completing this task.
[Passive - Eliminated No Suspects] - Benoit Blanc suspect foul play. He has eliminated no suspects and he’s not letting any of them mislead him. He’s immune to regular kill.
[Passive - Observer of Truth] - He's a respectful, quiet, passive observer of the truth. Benoit Blanc needs one less vote to be [Observer of the Truth] during the [Trial Phase].
[Active - Foul Play] - The investigation of Harlan Thromebey’s suicide ongoing. There is much remains unclear for Benoit Blanc but he suspects foul play. During the Interrogation Phase, he may target a player of his choice to nominate them as [Suspect]. His vote on that player will be counted as Three. The ability must be issued 6 hours before the Interrogation phase, later than that won’t be accepted.
You are Detective Lieutenant Elliott!
"See, I might be a victim of my own expectations here. But when the great Benoit Blanc comes knocking at my door, I expect it’s going to be about something, if not extraordinary, then at least interesting."
[Passive - Veteran Police] - Lieutenant Elliott veteran police officer. Faction kills performed by him are undetectable.
[Passive - Experienced] - As being experienced police officer Elliot is not affected by any of the demerits of trust points.
[Active - Police Investigator] - On Odd Nights, he may investigate a player and learn their abilities. On even nights, he may investigate a player and learn their alignment and character name.
[Active - Mirandized] - Elliott target has the right to remain silent. Anything his target says can and will be used against him in the game. Elliot may target a player during the Night Phase to make them unable to reveal any information regarding their role, results, character name, and alignment. If his target fails to follow this, they will be role-crushed for the remainder of the game.
[Active - You’re under arrest] - When a player has voted against him for two consecutive phases, Elliott can arrest them. They’ll be role-crushed for 1 cycle, their vote won’t be counted for both [Observer of Truth] and [Suspect] for one phase.
You are Trooper Wagner!
[Active - Big Fan] - Trooper Wagner is a big fan of Harlan Thrombey’s books to the point where he can talk about him non-stop. Each Night, he may target a player to talk about Harlan Thrombey mystery novel, his target will be role-blocked.
[Active - Police Officer] - If he performs the faction kill, he can upgrade it to a super kill. He may not use any other abilities that same night.
[Active - Report] - Each Interrogation phase, he may send a private message to a player through the host. The recipient of the message can send him one message back.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to