Other RP Suggestions

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Salty Doubloons
But who is faster, a 120 Speed Fishman under water or a 121+ awakened zoan?
I dunno how many more times you want the same answer lmao.

Fishman boosts officially don't access 121 tier, only Zoans do.

So if you're already at 120 without fishman boosts, and you go into the water, you stay in the same 120 tier, which is one tier below 121.

Having said that, a good RPer will ''acknowledge'' your underwater superiority and RP accordingly. But if you and your opponent both wanna be strict about it, then yes, the Zoan will still be faster.

And before you ask ''how does it make sense for me to get no boosts underwater'', the answer is it ain't our fault you chose to have 120 base speed already. Lower it and distribute the stats elsewhere. But if you have nowhere else to distribute them, then be happy that your fishman is so strong that he has reached peak speed even outside of water. Attribute that to his training.

Fact is 120 is the final tier for all outside of Zoans.

Otherwise, it becomes a slippery slope. That's like a guy already having a Zoan with 121 durability, and then turning him into a cyborg, which with armor would bring him up to 145+ durability, and then he'd complain ''how is it fair that my durability stays the same before I got armored and after I got armored''. There has to be a final tier, we can't just have infinite and try to see who can stack the most to reach some ungodly tier that even Roger wouldn't have.
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Salty Doubloons
And before you ask ''how does it make sense for me to get no boosts underwater'', the answer is it ain't our fault you chose to have 120 base speed already. Lower it and distribute the stats elsewhere.
Fact is 120 is the final tier for all outside of Zoans.

Otherwise, it becomes a slippery slope. That's like a guy already having a Zoan with 121 durability, and then turning him into a cyborg, which with armor would bring him up to 145+ durability, and then he'd complain ''how is it fair that my durability stays the same before I got armored and after I got armored''. There has to be a final tier, we can't just have infinite and try to see who can stack the most to reach some ungodly tier that even Roger wouldn't have.
We're talking about 121 speed (regardless of zoan or not), which doesn't have a defined tier, which means it's just 120 with flavor. Karp was saying fishmen would reach this same Schrodinger's tier of speed, which Larsi seems(?) to agree. There's no slippery slope to be had with what we're talking about.
I wasn't even implying fishmen should be in this 121+ category (though admittedly, I thought a swimming fishman with 120 in any given physical stat was already in the 121+ tier club by technicality) I was just saying it might need a tier-name considering it is supposedly a tangible tier for certain characters (awakened zoans).

To be honest though, I was under the impression a "bracket increase" and a "stat increase" were different things. I haven't seen a proper explanation on the wording either and it made sense to just boost a tier. Without being pedantic, it reads as a +1 tier modifier completely unrelated to stat numbers. Similar to haki granting damage and durability without changing the actual stat totals at all. If that's not the case, I have definitely been hosting high-tier fishmen incorrectly. :dogkek:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Main Threads Updated
I've updated all the main threads with the most recent patch. I also went through all the previous patches and made sure they made it to the main threads. Most threads had minor up-keeping. Skills thread had a good chunk. I suggest you look at the section that most applies to you. If you're a zoan, I suggest you take a look at zoan post in Skills thread. Or if you're a cyborg, check out your section. This is just to make sure you know everything and are following the most up-to-date patches/rules.

I'm 100% sure I missed things, have typos, and/or have misstated things. If I have, PLEASE PM me - do not post it here. This is the @Magimasterkarp rule. xD
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Salty Doubloons
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Enabling a single sub-stat to go beyond 120 through the purchase of an Exp Item (i.e. +5 boost to a sub-stat of choice)

Reading the enhanced Cyborg mechanism leaves me to conclude that usage of each tech is now endless unlike before when it had limited usage.

I say we make it clear to limit or control the ammunition or usage of techs. Can follow gunslinging/sniping inventory tbh, leaving Cyborgs to use up a limited ability per each tech/invention and much less if it's more advanced or widespread.

For example, since cyborg techs are rather more versatile and wider, let's put a limit on each one.

- If the Cyborg has consumed all the modification points to create 6 destruction weapons, he/she could have x5 S-Rank techniques for each of the weapons, making it 30 S-Rank techniques for consumption as a total. Provided they have 100 Mastery on it. This could also have an unlimited supply of fewer DPR attacks, following the rules of gunslinging and archery.
- An AOE attack (e.g. laser beam that can cover 10-50 metres in diameter should use up more slots rather than 1.
- Bigger attacks have to have a cooldown to avoid abuse.

This is to avoid taking advantage of the lesser if not zero usage of stamina, in their case the energy by being a cyborg and yet they still have a near-limitless stamina to consume for the other abilities.

@Kaka and @Ziosa have imposed the Navigation rule before but it was never updated in the skills thread. Here it is:

If you have less than 81 navigation, you get the basic clima tact. If you have 81+ navigation, you get the post timeskip sorcery clima tact.

There is no limitation to attacks, heat/cool/thunder balls, and there is also no limitation to weather balls which are their own thing (of course be reasonable, just like you can't swing a sword and fire ''a million flying slashes'', you also can't just go and make a million weather balls. But certainly no such limit as 100, as Nami was seen here, making like a hundred for just one attack.

Now, there is one other thing, and those are weather eggs. (so there's heat balls (just heat), cool balls (just cool air), thunder balls (just electricity), weather balls (already have a made thunder cloud inside them), and then there's weather eggs. Those are stronger, as they have an entire ''weather'' inside them already, and unleash it over a wide area once opened. You get 1 of those per 10 mastery.

Then there's the wind knot:

The Wind Knot (風の結び目 Kaze no Musubime?) is a rope with wind-creating properties that is tied three times. Untying one knot results in a light breeze. Untying a second knot brings a strong wind. Untying the last knot summons a squall.[1] In the anime, Nami uses this rope in conjunction with her Perfect Clima-Tact to perform a technique that dispels an oncoming cyclone.[6] Apparently the Wind Knot can be grown along with other knots in a special type of garden called a Weather Garden.[citation needed]
You get 1 of those per 10 mastery as well.

Weather eggs and wind knots come with the sorcery clima tact, so 81+ mastery.

In line with that, I think we should also limit the usage of big elemental attacks to a certain number. If it's S Rank and up, you can use as many as you can as it's entirely based on both stamina and the mastery but we have to impose a cool-down for this wide scale attacks.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

I dislike the usage of Divine Emporium NPCs on fresh "New Game+" characters.​
My issue is by utilizing Seraphim/Ancient Giant/Super Robot/Genetic Beasts, one can easily circumvent the restriction of starting over at "Level 25" in terms of combat. These NPC items function differently and are leaps and bounds ahead of the other options given. Devil Fruits, x6 stat boosts, and DE options (besides NPCs) are still directly tied to how strong your character is.
In practice, a player could theoretically :datea: attempt to pick off a hard-mode island's NPCs one-by-one utilizing a level 70/80 NPC while their actual character sits out of harm's way. And since we work on an honor system and we don't wanna piss each other off (most of the time) it opens a specific floodgate I don't like.

If a level 25 is able to effectively challenge a "hard-mode" island using a single item, I think that's antithetical to being "low-level".

New Game+ shouldn't start you off well above where a real level 25 would be. Getting to start with a stat boost, a DF and DE emporium items is compensation for the optional sacrifice to make a new character while keeping your previous character in canon.

NPC items aren't compensation- they're a temporary place-holder until your main PC reaches the strength of the NPC.

I'm pitching a rule regarding the NPCs items, not a ban:
Divine Emporum NPCs should be locked out of combat until their host-character is within 20 levels of the NPC of choice.

This has been my TEDTalk, I will now take all questions and concerns.​
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Divine Emporum NPCs should be locked out of combat until their host-character is within 20 levels of the NPC of choice.
Or if it would be easier to use the stat cap system already in play-- The NPC could be locked until the proper level to utilize their stats is reached. Or in other words, if your NPCs highest stat is 100 in Strength, you would need to be level 66 minimum.

Stat Cap
The max you can put in your stat depends on your level. These requirements are the same for main stats and substats. These caps change as your level progresses, allowing further customization and specialties at higher levels. Below, find the stat caps per level:

Level 1-40: Level +20
Level 40-65: Level x1.5, maxing at 99. Temporary stat boosts can go up to 100, but not permanent boosts.
Level 66-79: Cap at 100. Temporary stat boosts can go up to 110, but not permanent boosts.
Level 80-89: Temporary stat boosts can go up to 120, while permanent boosts can go to 110.
Level 90-100: All stat boosts can go up to 120.
I prefer my first pitch for the simplicity, but stat-cap is an alternative I considered suggesting instead. Up to y'all.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A NPC shouldn’t be immortal ! Especially that bullshit about fruit holder. We are a RP. We created characters. The story here is too far from Oda’s but we (y’all) are trying to keep some sanctity about NPCs.
The only thing that shall prevent a player from killing a NPC is if it really mattered to another one, but then the Game is the Game. First come first serve. 🤷🏾‍♂️


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Salty Doubloons
I'm fine with that. (y)

@Larsi? @Kaka? @Ziosa?
i prefer the second suggestion, as otherwise it will be a useless item/NPC for 35 levels

A NPC shouldn’t be immortal ! Especially that bullshit about fruit holder. We are a RP. We created characters. The story here is too far from Oda’s but we (y’all) are trying to keep some sanctity about NPCs.
The only thing that shall prevent a player from killing a NPC is if it really mattered to another one, but then the Game is the Game. First come first serve. 🤷🏾‍♂️
i agree that NPCs should be killable but there needs to be an actual reason, the main one of course being you want their DF. Killing them just because you are fighting isn't really a proper reason and all it does is make it so they can't be used later

i dont think just making all NPCs unkillable unless you want their DF or weapon is a good way to solve the problem, as sometimes the best story or development will come from them dying and not reappearing later etc. PCs should be the only immortal ones as even player NPCs die for good
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Something the GMs had discussed way back when was having a rule that people have to create an NPC for any NPC they kill, whether or not they use their DF or if it’s a story-kill. That would keep the NPC bank filled.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
i prefer the second suggestion, as otherwise it will be a useless item/NPC for 35 levels
Second one takes longer though.
First suggestion is level 60 (for a level 80 NPC), second suggestion is level 66 (for 100 in a given stat on said NPC).

Getting a Seraphim after 35 levels (one island and some activity) and without needing to get to level 100 and build up divine coins, still seems pretty solid to me.
But I pitched the second one for a reason- if y'all like that more, so do I.

i agree that NPCs should be killable but there needs to be an actual reason
i dont think just making all NPCs unkillable unless you want their DF or weapon is a good way to solve the problem, as sometimes the best story or development will come from them dying and not reappearing later
It's tough because I agree on principle, but I also know how Cross gets. :feelstrashman:


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Second one takes longer though.
First suggestion is level 60 (for a level 80 NPC), second suggestion is level 66 (for 100 in a given stat on said NPC).

Getting a Seraphim after 35 levels (one island and some activity) and without needing to get to level 100 and build up divine coins, still seems pretty solid to me.
But I pitched the second one for a reason- if y'all like that more, so do I.
i dont think there's an easy answer here, as you need to get something for taking it so locking it for even a small of levels just wouldnt make it worth. The other DE items are useful but not gamebreaking during the early game
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
locking it for even a small of levels just wouldnt make it worth.
I disagree. If I did agree, that would mean NONE of the other DC items are worth it. I think that even with an implemented stat minimum, NPCs would still be the go-to pick for NG+ characters.
The other DE items are useful but not gamebreaking during the early game
I agree, but none of them should be gamebreaking in early game.

Direct Martial Art: This item allows your character to use one of the MAs that would otherwise require a NPC to be beaten. Can be bought more than once. Cost: 35 DC.
This lets a human use FK, but you have to invest the points and you can't break stat-cap.

Devil's Voice: Increases the user's Haoshoku Haki to knock out characters 70% of their level and intimidate anyone up to 80% of their level. Range for knocking out is 500% of level and can intimidate anyone on the same island. Cost: 40 DC.
This would let you knock out level 17s if you were planning on utilizing it at level 25. It does nothing for a level 25 realistically (compared to Seraphim).

Kokuto: This turns your weapon into a Kokuto (black blade). Attacking with a black blade gives an automatic +2 armaments DPR to any melee non-ranged attack. This cannot stack with your own hakI. The blade needs to be of the Ō Wazamono or Saijō Ō Wazamono grade. Can only be bought once per character. Cost: 75 DC.
You'd need to wait even longer than 1 or 2 islands to use this.

Haki Master: Allows you to buy a 120 stat item for both of your Haki subtypes. Both need to be purchased separately, and you're still limited to 2 120 items (or 3 if your character doesn't have a DF). This simply allows you to focus both of the Haki subtypes. Cost: 100 DC.
Literally pointless to a level 25.

Map to a Poneglyph: This item grants the user a map that leads to a Poneglyph. Requires the player to find a host that will host a story for the user. Successfully obtaining a Poneglyph at the end of the story is not a guarantee. Cost: 75 DC.
This one doesn't even have a guaranteed reward.

Compare those to just getting this at your command at level 25, flat-out:

Seraphim Statistics
Strength: 81
Speed: 81 (Movement: 81, Reaction: 81)
Vitality: 101 (Stamina: 101, Durability: 101)
MA 100 (Ignition: 100, a MA of your choice: 100)
Cyborg: 100 (cannot use cyborg durability boosts)
Devil Fruit: 100 (Devil Fruit is obtained by obtaining the DNA of a different Devil Fruit user, needs to be done IC)

That is way stronger than any other option by a long-shot. In fact, the durability and stamina are even higher than I realized.
A 101-durability combat stat for a level 25...?
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A NPC shouldn’t be immortal ! Especially that bullshit about fruit holder. We are a RP. We created characters. The story here is too far from Oda’s but we (y’all) are trying to keep some sanctity about NPCs.
The only thing that shall prevent a player from killing a NPC is if it really mattered to another one, but then the Game is the Game. First come first serve. 🤷🏾‍♂️
No. And we all know that's not true. The excitement you get from going up against a high importance canon character is nonthing like going up against some random ass Fairy Tail NPC someone made. These canon high end NPCs are the pillars of the story. It's also an integral part of this RP the way it was set up, because it was set up in the canonverse. For example our OP RP (WURP) was not canon, there were no canon NPCs. But here, we are set in the canon world for a reason. Of course we stray from it with our stories, but we're still in the canon world and we should protect its sanctity, instead of just rolling through all the canon NPCs in half a year and turning this into a dungeon and dragons NPC verse.

Cross needs to keep in mind it's not just him. Yes, him alone would take a while to kill everything off. But if we all just start killing NPCs we'll run through them in 6 months.

Something the GMs had discussed way back when was having a rule that people have to create an NPC for any NPC they kill, whether or not they use their DF or if it’s a story-kill. That would keep the NPC bank filled.
Against it, for above reasons. I don't need someone killing Kizaru ''Just cause they felt like it'' and then creating an Admiral NPC called Uchiha fucking Madara. How is this helpful to the story? Only Cross is bothered by this anyway because apparently he can't evolve his character story without going around killing NPCs.

I'm fine with adding other reasons for killing outside of DFs, but not because ''the guy wants it for his character development'', as that's a slippery slope.

Won't get involved in the other discussion but there's so many holes in arguments there, it makes me worried where this is going lmao. And I'm not even affected, since I'm grandfather ruled in anyway.

But I'll just leave this here. The part that's being overlooked is that just like the NPC items are stronger in the beginning, they become a waste later on. By the time you are end-game, your level 80 NPCs are completely fodder, and you've effectively wasted 100 DC. So no one is picking a Seraphim because they're trying to be ''smart'' and take advantage. Sephiroth went from fodder to end-game pretty quick and there was no Seraphim involved. I chose a Seraphim because it's integral to Kumo's story.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
But I'll just leave this here. The part that's being overlooked is that just like the NPC items are stronger in the beginning, they become a waste later on. By the time you are end-game, your level 80 NPCs are completely fodder, and you've effectively wasted 100 DC.
So if they're just fodder at high levels, why put them behind a paywall that can only be accessed after level 100 for the equivalent price of 100,000 exp?
Are you saying Seraphim is only worth it if you're starting over (because it makes you way stronger than you should be)? :unsure:
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Salty Doubloons
So if they're just fodder at high levels, why put them behind a paywall that can only be accessed after level 100 for the equivalent price of 100,000 exp?
Are you saying Seraphim is only worth it if you're starting over (because it makes you way stronger than you should be)? :unsure:
Nope, it's because of the scarcity factor, that's why it's behind a paywall.

There's a number of other items in the DC shop if you check, that barely give you any advantage in battle. It's more of a legacy shop that gives you ''cool'' rare things for some extra character.

All of the strongest items like 2 DFs or x6 multiplier and so on, are all in the normals shop. Hell you can get a level 80 NPC in the normal shop for WAY less than 100 DC.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Eh, we should have just made a petition when the legacy character was birthed in the first place, passing a notion that they can take whatever they want except the Seraphim. Why is this being brought up just now when two PCs already claimed it?

If you really want to put a damn restriction, why can't we just talk it via DM and pass an agreement that the Seraphim couldn't be the main man in this IC quest.

Otherwise, we can always apply the same ruling as the Innate Force. You cannot use them after an island or two.
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