* Dark-Skin
* Red-Eyes
*Yellow Circular Goggles
* Black colored hair
* Two golden earrings on the left ear * Blue rosary around the neck as well as around the wrists(Lost in the Sunken Temple)
* Rather developed muscles * Has burn scars on the right side of his body(Healed by Seiryuu)
* He wears black trousers accompanied by a blue t-shirt and a sleeveless puffer jacket with the kanji of Justice on the back.
*He always has sandals at his feet and tries to wear mocassin during formal meetings.
* Has a Marine Cap
* He always has a worn book in an old language dedicated to a forgotten god. * Scar under the chin (Healed by Seiryuu)
* Always with his modified Axe on his back.(On his ship, in his quarters)
Shaarib arose from the union between a Shandian and a Skypiean. The family of his mother not being able to accept this choice, decided to put the newborn child in a boat. Hopefully he will drift on the white sea and his "family" will find him. The baby’s carriage roamed until find itself near the divine temple.
The young boy was collected and raised by the priests with the support of Gan Fall, god. He was inculcated the doctrines of the island, taught science and basic knowledge and finally to fight even if according to god, the last option was not advised. Shaarib was not a problematic child. The concerns which he caused served only to draw the attention of his "Grandfather" who was too busy. He was god after all.
At 10 years old, Shaarib began to be interested in the inhabitants of the blue sea. Each time the news of a ship coming to town was heard, he would run to see it. A little too much to the taste of the other priests who let it to him know via chores and physical punishments.
When he was 12 the irreparable was committed, Ener arrived on Skypiea. Aggressors attacked in the middle of the night. The guards of the palace were not enough prepared and underwent a crushing defeat. The priests thus served last ramparts. Shaarib too picked some weapons in spite of one of them ordering him to run away. He fell on an opponent of rather big size with the most atypical mustache . This one had a different getup, of orange colors. This one had a lance of joust in the hand. Shaarib tried to fight but finished with half of his body burnt. The pain made him faints and the last thing he saw was Gan Fall, being struck and then him falling towards the ground. They were thrown to the sea and Gan Fall seeing the era in which Skypiea was going to be plunged, left Shaarib in the hands of those blue seeders and left for the boy 3 dials. A month after Shaarib woke up in a small clinic with scars on his upper body, scars that will wake him at nights for most of his life and completely distraught, what happened ? How did he arrived here ?
He resolved to abandon this older life with the objective to return one day on the celestial island. When he will be strong enough to free it. The clinic was actually an old church. The sisters and the priest gave him a roof over his head and in exchange, he began doing chores. Soon he began taking lessons and began to follow the path of the goddess. It was a good life but it wasn’t enough for Shaarib, he still had nightmares and wanted to get stronger. Luckily for him, the priest turned out to be a former officer of the navy.
At 16 years Shaarib made a commitment, he was going to become a great officer of the navy. Get strong enough and finally free his island. To never forget about where he came from, he took the last name of the Priest and began preaching the way of the enlightenment. Shaarib Hassan the marine was born. 2 years later, now promoted Captain, he entered the 169th unit.
The patient has a manichean view of the world, things are either white or black. Most of the time he acts childishly by giving nicknames to other people or just calling the soldiers under him "His children" although most are older than he is. The patient is volatile, he loses his temper rather quickly or he will suddenly get bored and be completely disinterested in what's happening around him. He has no respect for authority. He will only listen to someone who has proven themselves. Either that or someone that can beat him to the ground. The latter means that he tends to irritate people a lot. While being bratty, the patient was raised by an ex-soldier, with a lot of discipline. During a mission, he will follow orders to the T and can't accept failures. At the end of each session, he says "If something can go wrong, it will". Maybe to justify his outbursts or why he kills every pirate he meets.
He's not the type to do introspection. For him, his path has been carved by the Goddess and no action will change his future. He even tried to "enlighten" us. While he is not aware of it, the Vice-Admiral is less stubborn than when we first met him as Captain. Today he asked : "What is Justice ?", years ago, he wouldn't.
The patient has abandonment issues, he always needs to prove his worth. Jokingly, he says it might be due to his mom’s genes he inherited, but we both know the truth. He never met her, not will they ever meet. He speak about his parents and the life he could had, but he seems to be speaking about his relationship with Vice-Admiral Hajib. He had built up a persona around being a savior; he had wanted to save his country, but another man did, which is another reason why he still didn't visit his home island. Fighting is what keeps his mind clear, we fear that the day he won't have that anymore and might break. The government needs him sane, he's to this day the youngest Vice-Admiral in the Navy History.
Recently he had been speaking more and more about his colleagues. Due to his age and his character, the patient never spent time with them. He always been at odd with them. His relations were simple, the ones he respected, the ones affiliated to him and then the others. Since the Festival, the patient took in maturity; he embraced his popularity. He wasn’t at odd anymore with the people in Marineford. Instead of being feared, they would rush to him, and he would spend a little more time in the cafeteria.
The Vice-Admiral is trying to change. In our last session, he spoke about his adventures in East Blue. He even spared a pirate and gave them the choice to surrender. He says he regrets not killing them but he still tried to apply our lessons. The patient has been more honest since his trip to Azure City. More confident even, he was able to express some of his feelings now without joking immediately after it. We read his report, but something else happened, and it shook him profoundly. It’s understandable since he lost his powers. The VIce-Admiral said he met a dragon, died and was sent back to do more. We can only hope, it would be more for the government…
The patient might be a child who grew up a little too quickly. For example, he plastered the whole building with posters of his fight with Akainu or the fact that he gets moody when he hears about the prowess of other Vice-Admirals. He began to have a war with the media, then he put a bounty on the admiral’s heads. He is not a child. He is, excuse us for the term, batshit crazy.
Year 1 : Clown Investigation : Success Year 1: Raid on Kokoyashi Island : Failure Year 1 : Deratting Dawn Island : Success
Year 1 : Punk Hazard Investigation : Success
Year 1 : Vs Beautiful Pirates : Success
Year 1 : Joining Sword and Capturing Punk Hazard
Year 1 : Vs Barto Club : Success
Year 1 : Conquest of Fishman Island : Success
Year 1 : Leaving Sword
Year 1 : Conquest of Arlong Park : Success
Year 1 : Vs Tricksters : Success Year 1 : Vs Karate Island : Success ?
Year 1 : Vs Bullet : Success ? Year 1 : Destabilizing Azure CIty : Failure
Year 1 : Defeating The Leviathan Pirates : Failure Year 1 : Solidified Relationship with Chongqing Kingdom : Success
-Shigan Cue
Requirements: 41 Mastery and 41 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: In this attack, the user uses his blunt staff in the same way a finger is normally used in Shigan.
Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description:This is a very strong punch which is done at the same speed as Shigan, making it even more powerful.
Shigan "Oren"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 51 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: This attack is simply a rapid-fire version of the normal Shigan technique that hits the enemy multiple times.
Tobu Shigan "Bachi"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 41 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: A projectile version of Shigan that fires sharp compressed air bullets from the fingers, similar to "Rankyaku".
Jugon Ogi: "Fukuro Dataki"
Requirements: 31 Mastery, 21 Strength and 51 Movement Speed
DPS: C => A (Injection)
Description: A rapid-fire version of Jugon, in which the user unleashes a flurry of punches at the enemy while using Soru to move around him, in order to strike from all directions.
Shinaru Shigan "Whip"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 41 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: In this attack, the user pulls back her arm as if to use a normal Shigan attack, then whips her arm out at the opponent at high speed, causing their arm to appear as if it is bending like a whip would, and hits the enemy with their finger.
Shigan "Madara"
Requirements: 51 mastery, 51 strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: Appears as Oren, but is performed with both hands instead of one causing massive damage.
Requirements: 61 mastery, 61 Strength
Description: In this attack, the user puts both of his hands together and performs Shigan with all ten of his fingers at once, greatly damaging the opponent
"Gekko Jusshigan"
Requirements: 81 mastery, 71 strength, 61 movement speed
Description: A combination of Jusshigan and Geppo. After using Geppo to get himself into the air, the user finally uses it to launch himself towards his target in a vertical drop. The added momentum and the vulnerable target makes the following Jusshigan more effective, and harder to avoid.
Soru(Mastery/5 (1 turn cool down)):
Requirements: 46 Mastery, 41 Strength and 61 Movement Speed
Description: A combination of Geppo and Soru, where the user uses Soru in a zigzag motion in midair, allowing extremely fast movements in three dimensions.
Tekkai(1 turn cool down when moving):
Tekkai "Utsugi"
Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 strength, 41 drability
Description: This form of Tekkai is used entirely as a counter instead, where the purpose is not to absorb damage from the attack, but to transfer the shock of the attack back to the attacker, which can lead to broken bones in a normal human body.
(2 turn cooldown)
Tekkai Kenpo "Don Poro"
Requirements: 46 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Durability
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: A punch to the opponent's stomach with Tekkai in use.
Tekkai Kenpo "Matenro"
Requirements: 46 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Durability
DPS: C => A (Injection)
Description: The user flips onto his hands, then kicks his opponent up into the air.
Tekkai "Sai"
Requirements: 46 Mastery, 41 Strength, 41 Movement Speed and 41 Durability
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: After using Geppo to project himself towards his opponent, the user uses Tekkai to harden his body, smashing the enemy.
Tekkai "Go"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 51 Strength and 51 Durability
Description: Visually, the move differs from the ordinary Tekkai in that the user visually tenses his body even further while standing still; the ordinary Tekkai could be activated seamlessly.
Cho Sokuten: Tekkai Dama
Requirements: 56 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Movement Speed
Description:The user combines his Tekkai Dama (spinning himself with Soru while using Tekkai) movements with Geppo to use it in midair.
Tekkai Kenpo "Roba no Kamae"
Requirements: 46 Mastery, 61 Strength, 61 Movement Speed and 41 Durability
Description: A form of Tekkai Kenpō, in which the user seems to combine Tekkai with Soru in order to move at extreme speeds.
Rokaru Area Network
Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 Strength and 61 Movement Speed
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: While moving at high speed, the user slashes at his opponent with both hands. Because of his high speed, it appears as if he was attacking with multiple hands.
Tekkai Kenpo Genkai (Tekkai Kenpo - Limit) -> A more advanced version of tekkai gou but instead of flexing the entire body the user flexes one or both their arms. Upon activating their biceps expand exponentially, increasing their strength far beyond their normal limits. The resulting blows in this form leave hand imprints into the area they punch. A side effect of buffing one's muscles to their limit is that the user needs to rest for several turns before being able to use tekkai again. - A Rank - tekkai buf goes to strength instead of durability, 2 turn CD(71 Mastery, 61 Strength, 61 durability )
Rankyaku Destructive potency: S) :
Rankyaku "Sen"
Requirements: 31 Mastery, 31 Strength
DPS: C => A (Injection)
Description: Used in a stomping action. The air is blasted straight ahead in a line towards the opponent like a bullet, instead of in a curve as witnessed in the normal version.
Rankyaku "Shuriken"
Requirements: 41 Mastery, 31 Strength
DPS: C => A (Injection)
Description: The user fires multiple Rankyaku blades in the shape of shuriken.
Rankyaku "Gaicho"
Requirements: 51 mastery, 41 strength
Destruction Potency: B => A (Injection)
Description: the user creates a large Rankyaku in the shape of a bird, . This Rankyaku has a much wider range, greater attack power, and is capable of cleaving steel - something not witnessed from other variations. The cut also seems more focused, instead of flickering and jagged like a normal
Rankyaku "Hyobi"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 41 strength
Destruction Potency: B => A (Injection)
Description: The user creates a large, powerful Rankyaku in the shape of a swirl, which is launched at the enemy like a razor blade. When it hits the opponent, he is damaged and stunned.
Rankyaku "Renge"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 51 Strength
DPS: B => A (Injection)
Description: In this attack, Rankyaku is performed with both legs instead of one, causing multiple cuts on either side of the opponent. The cuts at first appear small and then "blossom" into larger ones, perhaps explaining the name.
Rankyaku "Hakurai"
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength
Description: A much more powerful form of Rankyaku that is used by using both legs, it appears to cut the air in a larger area.
Kami-e(1 turn cool down when moving)
Kami-e "Slime"
Requirements: 51 Mastery, 51 Reaction Speed
Description: Instead of the body becoming limp like paper, it stretches and moves in ways slime or sludge would move in order to avoid attacks.
Kami-E : "Pacifisme" :
Requirements : 21 Mastery, 31 Reaction Speed
Description : involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them.
2 versions of it :
1. If the user is 1 tier above in Reaction and is on the same tier (or above) in Mastery and Strength : Can redirect the attack. (1 turn cool down)
2.If the user is 1 tier above in Reaction, in Mastery and STR : Can redirect the attack against the user. (2 turns cool down and only on ranged attack)
Kami-E : "Réaction" :
Requirements : 21 Mastery, 31 Reaction Speed
After dodging with the Kami-E, with his temporary flexibility, the user tries to put their target into a chokehold. (
1 tier above in Strength and Mastery = Two Turns to choke
2 tiers above in Strength and Mastery = One turn to choke
Kami-E " Changement" :
Requirements ; 51 Mastery, 51 Reaction Speed
Descrption : Uses Kami-E to change the direction of an attack at the last moment.
Karakusagawara Seiken (literally meaning "Arabesque Tile True Punch"): The user punches at a fair distance from the intended target(s), so instead of the fist connecting, it uses the water vapor in the air to release a shock wave that sends them flying. This move is similar to Bartholomew Kuma's Pad Ho with the only difference being that the shock waves are not concentrated upon being released; but in exchange, it has a much wider area of effect. This move has a delayed effect, as the shock wave takes a while to affect the opponent(s). Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: D
Hyakumaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Hundred Tile True Punch"): A hard punch that can send an opponent flying. It can break through one hundred tiles. Requirements: 21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C
Ka Ka Kakato Otoshi (literally meaning "Fire Flower Heel Drop"): The user spins and hits his opponent with the heel of his foot. Requirements: 21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C => A (Injection)
Kachiage Haisoku (literally meaning "Rising Thrust-Kick"): An inner-sole kick to the chin of the opponent. Requirements: 21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C => A (Injection)
Jodan Bakusho (literally meaning "High-Rank Exploding Palm"): This is an open-palm attack to the chin of the opponent. Requirements: 21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C => A (Injection)
Senmaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much stronger version of the Hyaku Maigawara Seiken. It can break through one thousand tiles, and kill a human with one shot. Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B
Yarinami (literally meaning "Spear Wave"): A technique used on a body of water's surface. The user heaves a spear-shaped burst of water with enough force to punch a hole in solid structures. Requirements: 61 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B
Samehada Shotei (literally meaning "Sharkskin Palm Block"): A simple palm block with enough force behind it to slap away a sword swing from the shadow-powered Gekko Moriah. Requirements: 41 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B => A (Injection)
Uchimizu (literally meaning "Water Shot"): The user hurls a simple droplet of water at his opponent, which can become a deadly bullet with the kinetic force created by their immense fishman strength. Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B
Soshark (literally meaning "Rough Shark"): The user uses his tremendous strength and grip to crush large walls of stone. Requirements: 21 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B => A (Injection)
Umidaiko (literally meaning "Ocean Drum"): The user punches the water in front of him pushing it at his opponent and sending a shockwave through it. Requirements; 61 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B => A (Injection)
Samegawara Seiken (鮫瓦正拳 Samegawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Shark Tile True Punch"): A powerful straight punch that is strong enough to send the shadow-powered Gekko Moriah reeling. (61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Nanasenmaigawara Mawashigeri (literally meaning "Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick"): The user performs a roundhouse kick, which is strong enough to block the gigantic Wadatsumi's punch and break one of his fingers. Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
Kaimen Wari (literally meaning "Sea Surface Splitter"): Using a karate chop, the user can split the very ocean itself in order to send a shock wave to attack an enemy. Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gosenmaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Five Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much-stronger version of the Senmaigawara Seiken. It is a very powerful punch, able to knock out a Jailer Beast in one strike. It is used like an uppercut, rather than a straight punch, sending the opponent flying skywards. Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
Yabusame (literally meaning "Arrow Military Shark"): The user first wets his arm, then he uses his massive strength to throw many drops of water, which are converted into deadly arrows through mere kinetic force. Requirements: 81 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
Yonsenmaigawara Seiken (四千枚瓦正拳 Yonsenmai-gawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Four Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much-stronger version of the Senmaigawara Seiken. It is a very powerful straight punch that sends the opponent bigger than the user flying backwards.(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
O Uchimizu (literally meaning "Great Water Shot"): Similar to a normal Uchimizu, but much larger in size. Requirements: 81 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
O Yabusame (literally meaning "Great Arrow Military Shark"): A larger version of a normal Yabusame. The water droplets act more like blunt cannonballs causing dents in the deck of a ship than like arrows. Requirements: 81 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gyojin Karate Ogi: Buraikan (literally meaning "Fishman Karate Secret Technique: Mighty Reliant Piercing"): Possibly the most powerful technique of Fishman Karate seen so far, The user hurls a pack of water in his hands and shoots a powerful water shock wave that pierces through his opponent's body. Requirements: 100 Mastery, 81 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: S
Murasame (literally meaning "School of Shark"): The user throws the water which takes the shape of a flock of sharks which bite his opponent. It is essentially a more powerful version of his Yabusame technique. Requirements: 100 Mastery, 81 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gyojin Karate Ōgi: Onigawara Seiken( literally meaning "Fish-Man Karate Secret Technique: Onigawara True Fist"): Jinbe delivers a powerful straight punch similar to his other seiken, but used with the Hardening technique and without connecting to its real target. It is able to generate a powerful black lightning charged shockwave. Requirements: 100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 in CoA Destructive Potency Rank: S
"Peine de Mort" : " Shaarib launches himself at his opponent with a Kamisori and with the momentum combine Rokushiki and Fishman Karate. Normally he would deliver a powerful straight punch similar to his other seiken, but used with the Hardening technique and without connecting to its real target. It is able to generate a powerful black lightning-charged shockwave but now coupled with the Rokougan, the lighting bounce on the organs of the opponent. Requirements : 100 strength, 100 Armament, 100 Fishman Karate, 100 Rokushiki Destructive Potency Rank : Z
Minor burn: using the burned part slightly hurts. lasts for 2 turns. Requires a least 31 mastery
Moderate burn: using the burned parts hurts and will cause slight extra damage each turn (D rank). lasts for 3-4 turns. Requires at least 51 mastery
Major burn: using the burned hurts alot and becomes unusable if used twice while still burned, will cause extra damage each turn (C rank). lasts for 3-6 turns. Requires at least 71 mastery
Poison Low poison: slowly does small amounts of damage (D rank). lasts for 3 turns. Requires at least 31 mastery
Mid poison: does an average amount of damage (C rank). lasts for 4-5 turns. Requires at least 51 mastery
Major poison: moderate amount of damage each turn and resets if they are hit by anything that can mid poison or above up to a max of 3 times (B rank). lasts for 5-6 turns. Requires at least 71 mastery
DPR: B, requires 41 mastery and strength
DPR: A, requires 61 mastery and strength
DPR: S, requires 81 mastery and strength
DPR: S+, requires 100 mastery and strength AOE ( is +10 for both requirements)
Missile: Let out a blast of sound as strong as a missile.
Tympan: Let out a blast of sound near the ears of an opponent, targeting their eardrum.
Hurlement : lets out an unbelievably loud scream which blasts out in all directions ( AOE)
Protection : makes a wall of sound to block incoming attacks.
Protection : makes a wall of fire to block incoming attacks
Boule de feu : Ball of Fire
DPR: B, requires 41 mastery and strength
Tygre Tygre : The user creates a giant tiger-shaped blast of fire
DPR: A, requires 61 mastery and strength
Dragon : The user creates a giant dragon-shaped blast of fire
Méchant Loup : The user creates a giant wolf-shaped blast of lightning (B Rank)
Titi : The user creates a giant hawk-shaped blast of lightning (A Rank)
Dragon :The user creates a giant dragon-shaped blast of lightning (S Rank)
Masse : The user covers his arm with iron cloud and makes a pole (B rank )
Fouet : The user covers his arm with iron cloud and makes a pole, instead of hitting a target like with Masse, he whips it in a circular motion to clear out anything in their immediate vicinity. (AOE)
Scie : Covers his hand or leg into a jagged blade made of iron cloud (A Rank)
Eisen X Flame X Lightining : Combining his three dials , the user forms several tendrils of lightning and fire that join in a large circular energy ring in between them. Then, by swinging the created sword, they then unleash the energy in the form of a thin, highly concentrated laser-like beam that can pierce through flesh in an instant (S+)
Jugon Ogi: "Fukuro Dataki" Requirements: 71 RS, 31 Mastery, 31 Strength and 51 Movement Speed DPS: C [Major]
A rapid-fire version of Jugon, in which the user unleashes a flurry of punches at the enemy while using Soru to move around him, in order to strike from all directions.
Shigan "Oren" Requirements: 71 RS, 51 Mastery, 51 Strength DPS: B [Mid]
This attack is simply a rapid-fire version of the normal Shigan technique that hits the enemy multiple times.
Shigan Cue Requirements: 71 RS, 41 Mastery and 41 Strength DPS: B [Mid]
In this attack, the user uses his blunt staff in the same way a finger is normally used in Shigan.
Shinaru Shigan "Whip" Requirements: 71,71 Mastery, 51 Strength DPS: B [Mid]
In this attack, the user pulls back her arm as if to use a normal Shigan attack, then whips her arm out at the opponent at high speed, causing their arm to appear as if it is bending like a whip would, and hits the enemy with their finger.
Jugon Requirements: 71 , 51 Mastery, 51 Strength DPS: B [Mid]
This is a very strong punch which is done at the same speed as Shigan, making it even more powerful.
"Jusshigan" Requirements: 71 ,71 mastery, 71 Strength DPS: A [Low]
In this attack, the user puts both of his hands together and performs Shigan with all ten of his fingers at once, greatly damaging the opponent.
Uchimizu (literally meaning "Water Shot"): The user hurls a simple droplet of water at his opponent, which can become a deadly bullet with the kinetic force created by their immense fishman strength. Requirements: 71 , 41 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B [Mid]
Yabusame (literally meaning "Arrow Military Shark"): The user first wets his arm, then he uses his massive strength to throw many drops of water, which are converted into deadly arrows through mere kinetic force. Requirements: 81, 81 Mastery, 81 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A [Low]
O Uchimizu (literally meaning "Great Water Shot"): Similar to a normal Uchimizu, but much larger in size. Requirements: 81 81 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A [Low]
O Yabusame (literally meaning "Great Arrow Military Shark"): A larger version of a normal Yabusame. The water droplets act more like blunt cannonballs causing dents in the deck of a ship than like arrows. Requirements:81, 81 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A [Low]
Ka Ka Kakato Otoshi (literally meaning "Fire Flower Heel Drop"): The user spins and hits his opponent with the heel of his foot. Requirements: 71 ,21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C [Major]
Kachiage Haisoku (literally meaning "Rising Thrust-Kick"): An inner-sole kick to the chin of the opponent. Requirements: 71 ,21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C [Major]
Jodan Bakusho (literally meaning "High-Rank Exploding Palm"): This is an open-palm attack to the chin of the opponent. Requirements: 71 ,21 Mastery, 21 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: C [Major]
Senmaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much stronger version of the Hyaku Maigawara Seiken. It can break through one thousand tiles, and kill a human with one shot. Requirements: 51 ,41 Mastery, 41 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: B[Mid]
Yonsenmaigawara Seiken (四千枚瓦正拳 Yonsenmai-gawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Four Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much-stronger version of the Senmaigawara Seiken. It is a very powerful straight punch that sends the opponent bigger than the user flying backwards.
(71 Dials,61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A [Low]
Gosenmaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Five Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much-stronger version of the Senmaigawara Seiken. It is a very powerful punch, able to knock out a Jailer Beast in one strike. It is used like an uppercut, rather than a straight punch, sending the opponent flying skywards. Requirements: 71, 61 Mastery, 61 Strength Destructive Potency Rank: A [Low]
Shaarib ate the Gomu Gomu Fruit, which made his body elastic. This allows him to elongate his arms, or any other part of his body, and perform crazy attacks like the Gomu Gomu no Pistol which enables him to strike an opponent from a distance (the distance is proportional to the force he applies or his mastery over his fruit, as a reminder, his body is only elastic, it cannot stretch by magic). Another quite practical consequence is that he is immune to blunt damages and bullets; the latter bounce off him, although they still hurt him.
Gear 2
By compressing the air in his legs, Shaarib increases the pressure of his blood flow. This acts as a stimulant and boosts his physical abilities. The smoke that Shaarib emits comes from his blood vessels and heart, which heat up under the very high pressure of the blood flow. This technique is possible because Shaarib's organs are elastic; normal organs would explode.
However, the drawback of this technique is that it damages Shaarib's body. It should therefore be used with caution.
In Gear Second, Shaarib adds the word "Jet" to the names of all his techniques.
+10 speed
Gear 3
Shaarib bites his thumb and injects a huge amount of air into his bones. All the bones in his arm become huge, and since his whole body is elastic, his whole arm becomes huge. It is a real giant's arm because the bones of the arm are giant and therefore the blows are giant blows because what gives the hardness of the attack (the bones) is gigantic.
In addition, Shaarib can move this air to other parts of his body, such as one of his legs to give a giant kick. It is a very powerful and extremely destructive technique, but it is a bit slow.
+10 strength
Gear 4 : Boudman
Shaarib covers his arm in Haki, then bites it and injects air into it to inflate his muscles. His entire body swells, especially his arms and torso, and he is partially covered in Haki.
In this form, Shaaribs becomes a Boundman, a balloon and spring man. His body is revealed to be as supple as it is resistant: it combines both the resistance of Haki and its elasticity.
His speed and strength are also increased, overcoming the strength problems of Gear 2 and the speed problems of Gear 3.
However, this technique has a time limit, and once it is exceeded, Shaarib cannot use Hardening for a moment.
+10 strength, vitality and speed
Gear 4 : Tankman
This variant form of Gear Fourth is a trade-off. Shaarib's stomach becomes a giant bouncing ball. Shaarib sacrifices some of his speed in order to gain more durability and strength.
+15 strength and vitality, -10 movement speed
Gear 4 : Snakeman
This variant form of Gear Fourth is a trade-off. Shaarib sacrifices some of his defense in order to gain more speed and strength. This makes him a more agile and elusive opponent, but it also makes him more vulnerable to attacks.
+15 strength and speed, -10 durability
Gomu Gomu no Pistol : The user stretches their arm back then throws a devastating punch. In other words, it is a standard straight punch, augmented with stretching. This attack can be used from short to long range. Requirements :(21 Mastery, 21 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: C
Gomu Gomu no Rocket : A good method of traveling long distances fast. The stretches out one of their arms or both and grabs a handhold, then retracts them, projecting himself high into the air at high speeds, over great distances, or even into an opponent. Requirements :(21 Mastery, 21 Strength and 21 Movement Speed)
Destructive Potency Rank: D
Gomu Gomu no Bazooka : The user stretches both their arms far back, and then hurls them forward, striking their opponent with both instantaneously with a double open palm strike with both hands, that frequently sends the recipient(s) flying off the other direction. This is usually used as a finishing move, they often prefers to do it at point-blank range, sometimes running up to their opponent as they're charging it. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Gatling : The user uses their stretching ability to bring their fists forward repeatedly in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that creates the illusion of them having multiple arms, however they does not actually grow more arms so he can still be stopped by an opponent fast enough. Requirements41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Bullet ): The user stretches one arm, far behind him while running, then snaps it back to deliver a short-distance, one-fisted powerful blow to an opponent. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Rifle : Similar to the Gomu Gomu no Bullet, but the user twists his arm around as he stretches it behind them and hits the opponent at close range, massively increasing the velocity of the punch as twisting the arm stretches the arm even further without having to draw it back any longer which also saves the amount of time the kick-back takes. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Cannon : The user builds up speed and momentum with a long series of quick punches similar to Gomu Gomu no Gatling, stopping just short of the target(s) at first, and finishes with a single double-palm blow similar to Bazooka. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Whip: The user stretches their leg and kicks in a wide circle, striking multiple foes. Requirements: (41 Mastery, 41 Strength)
Destructive Potency Rank: C AOE
Gomu Gomu no Mallet : The user stretches out their arms while twisting them, then takes hold of their opponent. They then untwists them, rapidly spinning their opponent, while bringing them crashing to the floor. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) [Need to be one tier higher] Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Sickle : The user grabs an object behind their opponent and pulls themself towards them. They then stretch out their other arm and clotheslines their opponent. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Spear : The user holds their feet together (with the bottoms of each touching each other) and kicks with both simultaneously via their toes (giving off the image of an actual spearhead). Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Scythe : Identical to Gomu Gomu no Kama, but they use both arms for the rocket and the clotheslining. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength and 61 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Battle Axe : The user stretches one leg high into the air, then brings it crashing down via a high-gravity stomp on an opponent or structure, for massive damage, strong enough to destroy large buildings and ships in a single hit. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Big Mallet : Similar to Gomu Gomu no Mallet, but they perform it using the feet and legs instead of hands and arms while in mid-air. Requirements(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Ballon : A technique where the user inflates themself rapidly through their mouth, further increasing their resistance to blunt attacks. With his inflated body, the user is capable of deflecting projectile attacks back at his attackers. Requirements: (31 Mastery, 21 Durability)
Gomu Gomu no Bell : While latched onto an enemy, the user stretches their neck backwards, then snaps it back for a devastating head butt to the opponent's face. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength, 41 Durability) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Stamp : The user stretches their leg out and hits their opponent with the bottom of their foot, leaving an imprint, or "stamp", of their sandal. Requirements:(31 Mastery, 31 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: C
Gomu Gomu no Stamp Gatling : Similar to Gomu Gomu no Stamp, except they make multiple strikes with his foot. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Chomp Chomp: The user stretches their mouth wide open, and attempts to bite or swallow their opponent. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Storm: The user first uses Gomu Gomu no Balloon and twists their body around tightly, then blows the air out behind them while untwisting to fly in forward while spinning towards an opponent, where they deliver a constant barrage of powerful punches similar to Gomu Gomu no Gatling, with power greatly enhanced by the momentum of their launch. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength and 61 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Fireworks : The user jumps into the air and spins around rapidly. They then stretch and wraps themself in their own arms and legs like a rubber ball. When the rubber rebounds and the 'ball' is unwrapped they unleash a flurry of punches and kicks of increased speed, that go in every direction due to their fists and feet bouncing back and forth. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Octopus : A technique in which the user makes their appendages go limp that they resemble the tentacles of an octopus. They take a deep breath which inflates their head to a large size and their limbs go limp when they exhale. This is done in an attempt to figure a way to fight against an opponent's Color of Observation. Requirements:(21 Mastery)
Gomu Gomu no Octopus Fireworks : Much like Gomu Gomu no Hanabi except, due to the previous move, Gomu Gomu no Tako, his limbs bounce off of walls without losing speed. Because his limbs are limp, the user cannot predict or control where they will go if they ricochet off of an object, much less the unlucky opponent(s). This is completely advantageous against a Kenbunshoku Haki user as they also cannot predict where the user's punches and kicks would come at them. Requirements:(31 Mastery, 21 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: C
Gomu Gomu no Kazan (ゴムゴムの火山 Gomu Gomu no Kazan?, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Volcano"): Similar to Gomu Gomu no Ono, except the user's foot is stretched upwards to break through a roof.(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank:B
Gomu Gomu no Rain : The user jumps into the air and performs a strong, rapid-fire punching attack while spinning. Similar to Gomu Gomu no Storm, except without inflating himself beforehand, and they punch while descending like rain. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Snake Shot : The user uses their Devil Fruit abilities to launch their arm in a swerving snake-like movement and grasp the enemy with an open hand gripping hard enough to cause great pain. Requirements:(31 Mastery, 21 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: C
Gomu Gomu no Orei Fire : A stronger counter version of Gomu Gomu no Fusen, the user first absorbs the gunshots the way he does normally and then accurately rebounds the bullets right back at the enemy with twice the power as when they hit them. Requirements:(51 Mastery, 31 Reaction Speed 31 Durability) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no UFO : The user twists back their legs midair, and lets them go, causing them to spin around and around horizontally similar to a discus, occasionally lashing out with their legs and kicking anyone within reach. Using this technique seems to allow them to hover a few feet off the ground and also seems to have a cutting affect. Requirements:(51 Mastery, 31 Strength and 21 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gear 2nd
Gear Second:
Gomu Gomu no Jet Pistol: The user delivers a Gomu Gomu no Pistol so fast that the fist's movement is invisible, and it truly seems like they shoot their opponent, except that the resulting impact is not akin to an actual pistol, but to a small hand-held cannon and powerful enough to propel the unlucky recipient several meters away. The incredible speed both makes the strike far more powerful, and harder to dodge. When using this technique, he points his other hand out to aim at his target. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Jet Stamp: The user delivers a Gomu Gomu no Stamp, with the same effect as the Jet Pistol. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Jet Bazooka : The user charges at their opponent at high speed, and delivers an incredibly fast and strong Gomu Gomu no Bazooka. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Jet Whip : The user delivers a 'Gomu Gomu no Muchi, so fast, that only the slipstream is visible. Requirements:(51 Mastery, 51 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B AOE
Gomu Gomu no Jet Bullet: An extremely fast, close-range punch with very great force. When attacking head-on, the stretching of the original Bullet along with the resulting snapback seem to occur almost simultaneously at once, making it virtually inescapable. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Twin Jet Pistol: The user punches with both arms simultaneously. Visually, the move only differs from their normal Gomu Gomu no Bazooka in that instead of doing an open palm strike, they have clenched fists which leave two knuckle shaped imprints on their foe. As since the move hit so fast, the air from it really looks like the user is literally firing two pistols. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling: The user stands still, bends forward and moves their arms upwards at speeds which they can no longer be seen, leaving only jet streams in their place, very much like how the Jet Pistol looks. The hits land so fast that, after a volley, they seemingly connect simultaneously. The circles of air bursts from the punches surrounding the user, resemble the many barrels of an actual Gatling gun. However, due to the large amount of energy it uses, the user cannot sustain it for long, although the time it is used is longer than the regular Gatling. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Jet Rocket : A Gear Second version of the user's Gomu Gomu no Rocket technique. After grabbing onto something with stretched out arms, the user instantly propels himself forward with blinding speed. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength and 41 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank:B
Gomu Gomu no Jet Hammer : The Gear Second version of Gomu Gomu no Ozuchi. The user wraps their legs around their opponent and, at an extreme speed, smashes them into the ground. Unlike the normal version, the user does not twist, and then un-twist their legs during the execution of this technique. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Jet Mace : The user kicks their opponent with extreme speed while falling and spinning. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Jet Spear: Simply a more powerful, Gear Second version of Gomu Gomu no Yari. Requirements:(41 Mastery, 41 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Gomu Gomu no Red Hawk : When cocked back, arm ignites, releasing a stream of fire in the process while he proceeds to deliver to his enemy a powerful flaming punch. When the attack hits, it creates a fiery explosion even underwater and deals immense damage as well as burning opponents with fire Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 COA) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gear 3rd
Bone Ballon : The user inflates their body by blowing air into their bones. This is done by biting into their right thumb, presumably cutting it open down to the bone, and then blowing air directly into the opened bone. This technique seems to give the user a sturdier defense than the regular balloon, since bullets now ricochet off of him instead of bouncing off of him. Due to this form having a disadvantage of moving about, they can transfer their air into their torso, and then launch themself with their "Gomu Gomu no Rocket" technique. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 51 Strength and 51 Movement Speed)
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol : The user delivers a Gomu Gomu no Pistol with extreme force due to the larger size of their fist. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Rocket : A Gear Third version of the user's normal Gomu Gomu no Rocket. While using this move, the user's chest bones are inflated, and bullets ricochet off his body. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength and 61 Movement Speed, 61 Durability) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Axe : A Gomu Gomu no Ono with even more power due to their enlarged foot and leg. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Whip : Gomu Gomu no Muchi with more power due to their enlarged foot and leg. Requirements:(71 Mastery, 71 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A[AOE]
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Bazooka: A Gear Third version of the user's Gomu Gomu no Bazooka attack. To create this attack, the user inflates both arms by biting both their thumbs and blowing into them. With both arms inflated to large proportions, the user then delivers the attack onto an opponent the same way they regularly do with a normal Gomu Gomu no Bazooka attack, except with much greater power. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Rifle : The user activates Gear Third to expand one of their arms and then use it to launch a giant version of the original Gomu Gomu No Rifle at a target with greater power, drilling hard into the unfortunate target. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank:A
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Stamp : The user activates Gear Third and expands their foot to deliver a giant version of Gomu Gomu no Stamp with greater force. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Balloon : The user activates Gear Third and expands their torso to create a giant version of their traditional Gomu Gomu no Fusen, with a much sturdier defense. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength, 51 Durability)+1 Durability
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Gatling: A Gear Third version of the user's Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack. To create this attack, the user inflates both arms by biting both their thumbs and blowing into them. With both arms inflated to large proportions, the user then delivers the attack onto an opponent the same way they regularly do with a normal Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack, except with much greater power. Requirements:(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Gear Second and Third:
Gomu Gomu no Gigant Jet Shell : While they are still in Gear Second, the user goes into Gear Third with Hone Fusen. With the combination of Gear Second's high speed and Gear Third's air within his bones, the user launches their air filled body and rams into an opponent like a large cannonball. This move is quite reckless, as the user suffers both from the excess burn on their body from Gear Second, and the difficulty of moving their body from Gear Third. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength and 81 Movement Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Red Roc : A combination of Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun and Gomu Gomu no Red HawkLuffy activates Gear 3, inflating his fist, and with both Gear 2 and advanced Busoshoku Haki, ignites it to deliver a huge flaming hardened punch. This technique was strong enough to knock down, burn and injure Kaido, even catching him on fire for a brief period of time. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S+
Gomu Gomu no Roc Gatling: A Red Roc version of the user's Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack. To create this attack, the user inflates both arms by biting both their thumbs and blowing into them. With both arms inflated to large proportions coupled with both Gear 2 and advanced Busoshoku Haki the user then delivers the attack onto an opponent the same way they regularly do with a normal Gomu Gomu no Gatling attack, except with much greater power. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gear 4th
Gear Fourth:
Muscle Balloon :By coating their arm in Busoshoku Haki and biting into their forearm, the user is able to blow a large quantity of air into their body and inflate their muscular structure, with the air blown into their arm spreading out to the rest of their upper body. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Armament Haki, 81 Durability)
Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun : The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Pistol. After compressing their fist into their enlarged forearm (and making it look like the barrel of an actual cannon), the user unleashes a devastating short-range punch with massive power. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider : The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Yari. After compressing both legs into their body, the user delivers a double flying kick. It has enough power to send the opponent crashing through dozens of buildings and across a town center. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength and 61 Movement Speed, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Culverin : The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Hook. The user delivers a punch like a regular Gomu Gomu no Pistol, but if it is dodged, they can redirect their punch an unspecified number of times, without losing momentum, to still land with tremendous force. In addition, this punch does not need to retract back to their body right after being "fired" as the regular Gomu Gomu no Pistol does Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, Reaction Speed, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Double Culverin: The user pulls back their arms before punching their opponent with them. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, Reaction Speed, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S
Gomu Gomu no Leo Bazooka: The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Bazooka. After retracting both of their fists into his arms, the user "fires" them at their opponent. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S+
Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun : The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Gigant Pistol and Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun. After the user compresses their fist, like he does for Kong Gun, they blow a large amount of air into their arm, drastically increasing its size, then unleashes it for a devastating blow. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 91 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank: S+
Gomu Gomu no Kong Organ: The Gear Fourth version of Gomu Gomu no Gatling and rapid-fire version of Kong Gun. After compressing both fists into their arms, the user moves their arms horizontally in a rapid fashion before releasing a flurry of heavy punches. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S
Gomu Gomu no Kong Rifle : A Gear 4 version of Gomu Gomu no Rifle. After the user compresses their fist into his forearm, the user twists it before unleashing it on their opponent. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S
-Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling : A Gear 4 version Gomu Gomu no Gatling. Unlike the Kong Organ, the user does not create horizontal after-images of their arm. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S
-Gomu Gomu no Over Kong Gun (ゴムゴムの覇猿王銃(オーバーコングガン), Gomu Gomu no Ōbā Kongu Gan, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Supreme Monkey King Gun"): Similar to the King Kong Gun, the user compresses his enlarged fist and unleashes it for a powerful blow. However, it is now imbued with Haoshoku Haki, drastically increasing the attack's power.
Gomu Gomu no Jet Culverin (ゴムゴムのJET(ジェット)大蛇砲(カルヴァリン), Gomu Gomu no Jetto Karuvarin, literally meaning "Rubber Rubber Jet Great Serpent Cannon"): A faster version of Boundman's Gomu Gomu no Culverin. The user compresses his fist and releases it, using Python to change the direction of their punch according to the actions of his opponent. Their arm speeds up the more it stretches. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S+
Gomu Gomu no Black Mamba: The user arches backward and compresses both arms before unleashing a rapid-fire strike, moving their arms up and down to give the impression of multiple arms moving to attack. As with Jet Culverin, Black Mamba involves the user changing the direction of their attacks, but their rapid movements make Black Mamba harder to avoid. Unlike its counterpart in the Boundman form, the Kong Organ, the user only manifests two pairs of afterimages instead of three pairs, indicating a lower frequency of attacks. However, they makes up for it with the semi-homing abilities of the Python, though it is not as accurate as the Culverins. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S
Gomu Gomu no King Cobra : The user compresses their arm, and as they release it, instead of directly targeting their opponent, they first have their arms loop around themselves once before sending their enlarged fist flying at their opponent. The wide loop gives their attack additional acceleration, thus increasing its momentum, while enlarging the fist adds more mass, the combination multiplying the force of this strike. Requirements:(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, 81 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S
Gomu Gomu no Hydra : An attack consisting of rapid-fire punches similar to Black Mamba, but the user's arms are infused with Haoshoku Haki to increase their power. Unlike the Black Mamba, which uses the semi-homing abilities of Python and the rapid high frequency attacks to limit a more agile opponents' movements in a single direction, the Hydra uses advanced Kenbunshoku Haki to lock onto an opponent and barrage them with unpredictable, omni-directional attacks, which are nearly impossible to fully defend against or avoid, without using advanced Kenbunshoku Haki in return. The attacks are shown to come not only from the front, but from the sides and behind as well, effectively barraging the opponent in a 360° assault. Requirements: (100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Observation Haki, 100 Armament Haki) Requires Advanced CoC. Destructive Potency Rank:S
Gomu Gomu no Cannonball : The Gear 4 version of Gomu Gomu no Fusen and Gomu Gomu no Orei Fire. After trapping an enemy within him by compressing and withdrawing his stomach, the user launches them forward and into the air with incredible power and speed. Requirements:(100 Mastery, 100 Strength, 100 Armament Haki) Destructive Potency Rank:S+
Allows the user to store and release compressed wind
Absorbs shocks and allows them to be returned with a simple press. Mostly used by warriors who place them against their palms using bandages or gloves.
It contains large quantities of water, ideal for extinguishing fires.
Commonly used as a stove in cooking, this type of Dial accumulates heat and then releases it. It can also be used as a weapon by attaching it to a javelin to create a flaming spear!
A Dial that absorbs cutting damage and returns it with a simple press. Mostly used by warriors who place them against their palms using bandages or gloves.
This seashell contains clouds that can have different textures. A simple wave to surf on, a sharp blade, or cloud propellers.
It sucks in fire and then blows it out like a flamethrower. It can even be attached to the beak of a bird to make it breathe fire!
Simply speak into the hole of the dial to record your voice. Pressing the top of the dial will play the sound back from the seashell.
A dial that absorbs lightning and then diffuses it. Perfect as a pocket taser.
It emits a stream of "iron cloud", which has the strength of iron but a cloud's weightlessness and ability to change shape. It can lengthen and/or widen without limits.
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