One Piece Strawhat CoC users and 13th member

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Salty Doubloons
I believe the strawhat crew will accomplish the goals of the pirate king and yonko. They will basically be like the rocks pirates but the polar opposite and will accomplish their goals. Kinda like how Oda does the 40 and 60 year old when their paths go good and bad. Whitebeard had severe medical issues, Kaido is an alcoholic and has emotional issues, Big Mom had become fatter and uglier, and Blackbeard Has missing teeth, fat, and looks like a real life pirate. These yonko are the ones that took a wrong route in life. Just look at Rayleigh, Shakky, Garp, Shanks, etc. The characters who are at similar age of these yonko who are allies of the strawhats seen younger and healthier compared to these yonko.

The yonko are Blackbeard, Big Mom, Shanks, Kaido. And each strawhat pairs with them. Usopp with Blackbeard. Big mom with Sanji. Shanks with Yamato. Kaido with Zoro, and Whitebeard with 13.

Big mom was abandoned by her parents, taken in by mother caramel and taken under by a pirate who manipulate her. Sanji was abused by his family, taken in by cruise ship Orbit and taken under by a pirate who treated him like a son. Big mom was too strong and emotional (selfish, narcissistic) while Sanji was too weak and emotional (loving, caring) while young.

Big mom main use of CoC was when the wedding cake fell and when the picture was broken. An emotional response. She is a very emotional person and does things based off her personal emotions without taking others into account. She is self-centered and narcissistic.

Sanji is a very emotional who does things based off others emotions and not his own. He sacrificed himself vs Enel,, he sacrificed his body vs Jabra to land an attack, he continously sacrificed his emotions in WCI for his crew, sacrificed his emotions leaving Zou for his crew, sacrificed his emotions training with Okama for 2 years to get stronger for his crew.

Sanji will awaken CoC this arc. He is on the cover on volume 100 called conqueror with Yamato, Ace, Luffy, and Zoro who all have CoC thus far. Queen will help awaken Sanji. Maybe queen will see Hiyori is still alive, she will reject him and he will try to kill her like orochi did. Sanji would be too slow to protect her so in a bout of CoC he stops the projectile like Big mom did or he causes Queen to pay attention to him again. The same set up can be used with Nami, Robin, Tama you can even through in Wanda or carrot. Sanji will use CoC to protect women. Sanji is the strongest when he is fighting for a woman and trying to protect the women he is closest to like nami and Robin will be how he will be strongest thus far. Once he figures out how to use CoC consciencely he will knock out the men only but will try to captivate the hearts of a woman. His duality will be hate for men and love for woman in pervy way. His CoC will be based on new form of CoC that uses attraction instead of repulsion which is what we have seen thus far.

Kaido main use of CoC has been coating weapons and will most likely see a physical manifestation of it in the future. That's the reason why we didn't see his last battle on the rooftop with Luffy. Luffy used a new gear but Kaido also used a different attack mode never seen before. We have yet to see his or zoro full backstory but we can confirm that they will have parallels. Both aim to be the strongest in the world. Kaido is known as the strongest creature and Zoro wants to be the strongest swordsman. Both come from a warrior lineage. Kaido is an Oni and Zoro has connections to Wano. Both had a female who died and made their emotions cut off. Zoro had Kuina who is supposedly dead.. Kaido wife is most likely dead and in his younger days his family probably died for being too weak in an oni war.. Both are big drinkers. Both go head to head with their opposites in Big mom and sanji. Big mom sees kaido as a little brother and Sanji and Zoro are brothers like how buggy and Shanks are brothers.

Yeah king will help awaken Zoro. We saw how Kaido coating is his main use of CoC and haven't really seen him nor zoro knocking people out in the manga. I think in the manga their CoC will put people in fear that they cannot move and if they do they will die like monet did with zoro. Zoro aims to be the strongest will use CoC to surpass king. His will to never lose will surpass Kings will to defeat him. He wants to cut King neck and will need CoC coating to do so. I don't believe in ZKK since we have never seen any strawhat kill a named character in the present manga meaning not a flashback. Also ZKK is a feat above luffy and that won't work because luffy is captain. Zoro has Asura which is devil and hell related. Kaido will have a more vicious CoC aura.

He haven't seen much of Yamato or Shanks flashback. But we can assume parallels. Both had fathers who were seen as villians but looks up to the man who was their main enemy in Oden and roger. Yamato used CoC since she was scared that she would be killed. The samurai didn't actually kill her because they didn't put the sins of the father on the child. Shanks first use of CoC was probably used as an emotional response, scared that he would be killed. Roger didn't put the sins of the father on the child and cared for him like a son.

He haven't seen much of either CoC used by Yamato or Shanks. But we can assume that CoC would be used to knock people out and to affect the environment like splitting the skies and cracking buildings, floors, etc.

Usopp and blackbeard parallels would be having a father that they wished came back, mothers dying while father away, creating coping system to grieve. Usopp in lying to his mother that dad us coming soon and keep lying after that. Blackbeard in staying up until his dad come back and never seen after that. Both have spilt personality where they are cowards and weak to being brave and strong. Blackbeard was a coward when he ran off after killing for devil fruit. Coward for begging whitebeard not to kill him. Coward when he gets physically hit. Brave when he entered impel down, brave taking down ace, brave for attacking marine Ford, brave for taking whitebeard fruit. Usopp was a coward for running away from his fights, pretending to be dead, and his lying. Usopp is brave by always coming back in his fights, protecting his friends honor and dreams, fighting even though he looks like he is on the brink on death.

We have never seen either CoC but I believe that they will have new form of CoC. Their CoC will have more people joining their side. Their will for you to join them or serve under them is bigger than your will to fight them. Usopp CoC will move your heart in good way. Like how he moved luffy amd giants in ennies lobby, chopper in alabasta, and toys in dressrosa. His CoC will convince to never give up even on verge of death. Similar to how Belo Betty CoC works thats how Usopp CoC will work. Blackbeard CoC will convince you to that your life is in his hands. That to keep following his orders even on verge of death. You would feel enslaved to serve under him and will become more evil, a true pirate indeed.

Luffy crew will mirror the strongest pirate crew in Rocks pirates not Roger pirates. Roger pirates every one knows. Rocks pirates so strong they destroyed the history of it and their captain even though the members are still very famous. Rocks pirates will have 5 CoC users in main crew in Rocks, Big Mom, Kaido, Whitebeard, and he had many notorious members that could've had CoC. Luffy has to surpass him. Maybe Luffy gets 6 CoC users. 5 nakama and 1 captain will follow number of 5-6 like gomu. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Yamato, and 13.

All of blackbeard crew in impel down were erased from history or attempted to. Just like Rocks. Blackbeard is trying to surpass Rocks crew which surpassed Roger crew. Luffy has to surpass all 3. I say rocks crew>Roger crew because after death his crew still are notorious and was only defeated by both strongest marine and pirate combined. Roger crew after death laid low or died. If shiki joined hand with the Marines to defeat Roger then Roger would've never been pirate king. Imagine Roger 1 ship vs Shiki fleet and admirals that were before the big 3 like sengoku, that's crazy.

So far all CoC users in strawhat are young in order of Yamato as 28, Zoro as 21, Sanji as 21, Usopp as 19, Luffy as 19. The ages of Yamato, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Luffy in order of oldest to youngest. That means that the next CoC user will be 28 man to go along with Yamato age of 28. Pairs of 2.

20 years ago Oden died. 24 years ago Roger died. 28 years ago Roger knows he has a terminal disease. The 6th CoC will want a family like whitebeard. So then we have Luffy=Rocks, Zoro=Kaido, Sanji=Big Mom, Yamato=Shanks, Usopp=Blackbeard, 13=Whitebeard. Big mom has all races in her crew not counting hybrid races except Kaido race, King Race, and Giant, That means that Strawhat grand fleet and his crew will have all races in OP world. Surpassing Big mom. Big mom's intel web doesn't include everything. She didn't know that Strawhats infiltrated until too late, didn't know about the Fishman Box being empty, etc. More than likely there are a few races she doesn't know about.

Each fantasy world like OP have many races. Think about "that time reincarnation as slime." The basic races we have are beastman, humans, elves, demons, giants, monsters. We could go deeper with the other races shown but Oda likes to switch it up and add folklore and current gaming and stories too. Beastman are minks, humans are humans, demons could be Oni or actual demons, giants are giants, sea kings and big big land monsters are monsters. The main race that we are missing are elves. EVERY FANTASY WORLD WITH MANY RACES HAVE ELVES!

13th Strawhat will be new race. Unknown Race. He will be Elf. Using tarot card theory that I will not fold on no matter who says. I will stay firm on this no matter what.

Tarot card theory that I have had for around 10 years since Basil Hawkins was introduced. 13th member will have death card. Yude Ron has done a video on tarot card theory a year ago. He is Japanese without English subtitles so be prepared to translate using different app.

"Death is one of the most feared cards in a Tarot Deck, and it is very misunderstood. Many people avoid mentioning this card because it has that much power. Most times, people take the name of the card literally. However, the real meaning within the Death card is one of the most positive in the whole deck.The past needs to be placed behind you, so you can focus your energy on what is ahead of you. "

That means very powerful man in crew. New world crew is very powerful. Jinbe, Yamato, Caesar Clown, and 13 will be very strong strawhats who don't have to go through a training arc.

Yamato has connections to Beast pirates. Luffy has connections with RA, Marines, WG, Whitebeard, and red hair pirates. Usopp has connections with Red hair. Jinbe has connections with Big mom, Whitebeard pirates. Sanji has connections with Big mom pirates. We are missing connections to blackbeard, celestial dragons.

Nami can be celestial dragon since she acts like them the most out of all the strawhats. Celestial dragons use races like pets and don't see themselves as humans that's why it is okay to them. I have a whole theory about Nami arc being related to the Marejois Rescue arc and hopefully will post shortly. That means 13th member is leaning more towards blackbeard.

We have every strawhat born in the sea except the white sea, New world, outer space. Fishman Island can be considered New world and we don't know where Yamato was born. That leaves outer space which is the most interesting.

When we meet this straw hat they will be in the reversal of the death card which is fear of change, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, stagnancy, decay. Jinbe officially joined in WCI, Yamato in Wano, the 12th in the next arc of Marijois Rescue Arc, the 13th in the arc after that in Elbaf arc. It seems to follow the east blue saga where each strawhat joined back to back. With what's happening to ViVi and Hancock. Will we still go to Elbaf? I doubt it. I believe that Caesar Clown will be the 12th strawhat and he is related to the WG. Will strawhat infiltrate Marejois like fisher tiger to save them? This will surpass what Rocks and Fishe tiger did and continues the straht trend of causing chaos in every major WG institutions. Jimbe and Sanji, Yamato and Zoro arc, Nami and Caesar Clown, Usopp and 13th member. Number related to strawhat. Thats the planned order of the new and old strawhat joining arc and progession arc. That means the east blue and New world like how the story started and story ended connections. 10-1, 11-2, 12-3, 13-4 is the pairing of the strawhat of old and new. and the difference is 7, 9, 9, 9. I don't speak Japanese but if we use the wordplay of 7999 it could be Shichi-koko-nain or roughly be place of death-here-no. In better English that would be "This isn't the place to die" Since the 13th card is death. Could it be that Luffy tells him that this isn't the place to die because 13 gave up hope on life?

Since the tarot card 13 means death. That makes since that isn't the place to die. Zoro is 5'11.625. Sanji is 5'11. Luffy is 5'8.5. Usopp is 5'9.25 so both pairs are within less than 2 inches of each other. Yamato is 8'8 so following the height trend then 13 will be at most 8'10 tall. Could he be a space elf? That ties into both Norse mythology and space birth needed.

Since he will join in elbaf and elbaf is based on Norse mythology we will most likely have Yggdrasil. Could he be one of the last people from one of the 9 worlds from Yggdrasil? Can he be one of the last elves of his kind? Big mom was at elbaf so she could've seen this race or heard stories about the 9 worlds and thought it was fairytale. Yggdrasil covers many races that we haven't seen in OP yet. WCI shown many races we never seen before like snakeneck or races we never heard of like kinokobito.

Just like Sanji and Brook. 13 will be a pervy king. Some elves are known as very low birth rates or that don't like sex. Could he be the last race so he automatically became king since young. He was an orphan like whitebeard at very young age. Imagine he has the responsibility to revitalize his race so that's why he is so pervy. Or he trys to be a stand up royal but can't keep back his pervy feelings like how kinemon is.

Lifespan of elves would be 2x as giants. They will live 600-800 years. Very long. What if 13 parents were born during void century and told him their first person experience but they died while he was too young. They were the last pair of his race that died 20 years ago and left him all alone with no one there.

Minks have electricity, lunaranians have fire, Fishman have water, dwarves have nature, we are missing air/wind, earth, yin/yang abilities is we follow Naruto or basic ancient elemental. I take earth out because we're pirates on sea not much use. I choose yin energy. Ace had fire fruit which was yang. Luffy is his brother and can use red hawk and most of the strawhats have fire attacks. Blackbeard killed ace and had dark fruit which is yin. 13 will have powers to control space but not power level comparable to Blackbeard.

13 from My hero academia has a black hole quirk. Very cool clue. The 13th division in bleach are also lead by captains of yin abilities and very mysterious division. In Naruto we have shikimaru, In bleach we have kisuke urahara. Naruto, Bleach, and OP were part of the Big 3 and their main characters are similar in personality. Could 13 be similar like shikimaru and kisuke where they are bored, aloof, not showing full strength at times. But when they become serious they are the top minds and fighting force in their respective series.

His zodiac sign will be a rat in relation to color spread 651 and the Chinese zodiac.

  1. Rat – 13
  2. Bull – Franky
  3. Tiger – Zoro
  4. Rabbit – Caesar Clown
  5. Dragon – Yamato
  6. Snake – Usopp. Usopp was drawn connected to the only reptile in the color spread
  7. Horse – Brook
  8. Sheep – Sanji
  9. Monkey – Luffy
  10. Rooster – Robin
  11. Dog – Chopper
  12. Boar – Jinbe (Wild boar are Yama Kujira in Japan which translates to “mountain whale”)
  13. Cat – Nami

The rat personality is Optimistic and energetic, people born in the Rat year are likable by all. They are sensitive to other’s emotions but are stubborn with your opinion. Their personality is kind, but due to weak communication skills, their words may seem impolite and rude.

So because he was an orphan and alone for so long he has bad social cues even though he wants to be friends. Once the crew open him up he will be in the upright of the 13th tarot card. He will be in transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release. He will release the shackles of being the one to save his race and will have fun with the crew to accomplish his dreams nstead of just feeling the pressure of his race.

His role on the crew will be astronomer. Astronomers use their extensive academic background in physics and astronomy as well as powerful telescopes to study and develop theories regarding space. This opens the door to the other moons and OP lore of the void century and the moons. Could it be that Yggdrasil is so tall that it connects to space. Could it be that the 9 realms are connected through realm doors and different places? He can also serve as a lookout. Remember we have a telescope in the crows den that no one uses? Robin is the one who does history and she doesn't use it. Nami is navigation but she never asked any strawhat or even herself to use telescope to help Navigate. No strawhat even uses it for fun. With Yamato joining there's no way that Monet joins because of the MFMM theory. Monet reintroduced astronomy since Clover did in Robin flashback. ODA IS DROPPING BREADCRUMBS.

13 could be a regular elf or a type of elf like dark elf. What if he is a taboo hybrid elf between hated tribes. The longarm and longleg have been at war for 1000 years and the longlimb human that Big Mom captured was a taboo. Another breadcrumb?

In conclusion Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Yamato, 13 will have CoC. He will be an elf and space related. He will have powers that are related to space such as a blachole or like Pain in Naruto. He will be male, 28, tall and represents the death card of tarot card. His backstory will be similar to whitebeard.

I have a recent injury that affects my memory, sight, and earing. I've been sitting on this for a month but hopefully I get better soon. I've tried to contact multiple YouTube theorist big and small for them to make a video on this. I even offered to pay. No response yet. Hopefully you guys enjoy these and tag them so that a YouTube video cab be made.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
@Best Generation
I love this theory not because I am a Sanji fan but because of the apparent outlook the crew is heading at.

How about you make a vid outta it?
I suppose I could, though i disagree with some of the logic of the theory but the conclusions seem weirdly on point with my own understanding.

Luffy/Zoro/Yamato are already confirmed CoC user
Sanji would be an easy guess because he has an ability a kin to Ashura that is Diable Jambe
Usopp's dad is Yasopp and he is the only family member that is part of a Yonko crew. So from an inheritance+foreshadowing+comedy bit it seems plausible.
Now that Yamato is in the crew the new member being a CoC user is a lot more likely, even if its someone like Momonusuke. And yes, I am convinced there are 13 total members of the Straw hat crew by the end of the story. I don't know abou the elf part but we have a lot of overlap here.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
@Best Generation
I love this theory not because I am a Sanji fan but because of the apparent outlook the crew is heading at.

How about you make a vid outta it?
I really wanted to make a video. I really tried. My condition won't allow me to at the moment. Hopefully when I get better, I can make a video. It took a lot to even type it lol.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I really wanted to make a video. I really tried. My condition won't allow me to at the moment. Hopefully when I get better, I can make a video. It took a lot to even type it lol.
That would be perfect and way more authentic, wish you the best and that you get in shape ASAP :blobwavecool:
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