Event The Hunt


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Cross Guild Begins!

The World Government removing the Seven Warlords of the Sea from their position has caused quite a stir already, as not only are they trying to arrest their former associates, but many of them are now lashing out. Three of them, Dracule Mihawk, Sir Crocodile and last but not least Buggy the Clown have now made an alliance. Together, they have decided to rock the world, and have invited many power houses from across the world with the lure of riches and rewards.

Many big and small names across the world would suddenly have a spotlight put on them, placed there by these three pirates. With such prices and trophies offered, it is sure to attract many would be hunters!
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Event Rules

  1. All forum rules apply.
  2. Respect other players and the GMs.
  3. Only one character per person. Can have one personal NPC to bring.
  4. Only one hunt per target.
    1. Players may team up for the same target for split rewards.
  5. Weekly post(no more than 7 days after the other player) is required for hosts and player characters. After three (3) missed posts, hosts will be replaced. After five (5) missed posts, player's hunts will be cancelled.
  6. No reward will be given for dead targets. Live only.
    1. Devil fruits cannot be obtained from targets in this event.
  7. Characters that are partaking in the Sovereign War cannot join this event.
  8. This is a canon event, so any action you take will affect your character's standing with the world.
    1. This includes increasing bounties, as well as increased or decreased salaries depending on who you decide to hunt
    2. If the location your hunt takes place has extra rewards for your character, you are free to claim them in addition to other rewards.
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Below is a list of targets and their rewards:

Admiral Aokiji

Level 100​

Beri reward:3,000,000,000
Extra reward:The ability to read poneglyphs.
A one time use golden den den mushi that can be used by anyone.
+800,000,000 beri for every extra Vice Admiral captured.
Must be captured with:Two Vice-Admirals(level 70+)

Trafalgar Law

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,100,000,000
Extra reward:Status Effect Add-on
Inherited Will
Must be captured with:Bepo and at least one more member of the Heart Pirates

Bartholomew Kuma

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,200,000,000
Extra reward:Z-rank power armor
800,000,000 per pacifista captured

Edward Weevil

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:One Divine Emporium Box
Must be captured with:Miss Buckin


Level 90​

Located:Fishman Island
Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:Unlocks Fishman Karate with regular stat cap for any race.
3rd Perk Slot
Must be captured with:Neptune

Boa Hancock

Level 90​

Located:Amazon Lily
Beri reward:2,200,000,000
Extra reward:Conqueror's Haki
+1,000,000,000 beri if both sisters are captured.
Must be captured with:One of her sisters.

Charlotte Katakuri

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:+1,500,000,000 beri if both Brulee and Perospero are captured
+20 Observation Haki
Must be captured with:Brulee or Perospero

Marco the Pheonix

Level 90​

Located:Moby Dick
Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:Ace and Jozu are worth 800,000,000 each.
Rest are worth 400,000,000 each
Moby Dick - Legendary Warship
Must be captured with:At least two of the former Whitebeard Pirates.


Level 80​

Beri reward:1,600,000,000
Extra reward:+20 Armament Haki
+150,000,000 per extra captured named Donquixote Pirate
Must be captured with:Three named members of the Donqiuxote Pirates

Princess Katarina*Prince Darius*

Level 70​

Level 70​
*Must choose one
Located:Broc Coli Island
Beri reward:1,200,000,000
Extra reward:+20 Weapon Style Mastery
Must be captured with:Talon or Sion respectively

Wild Birds

Level 60​

Beri reward:600,000,000 per bird
Extra reward:Elemental stones of your choosing to infuse a weapon for moderate level status attacks.


Level 60​

Located:Swallow Island
Beri reward:1,000,000,000
Extra reward:1 B-rank weapon blueprint
Must be captured with:Mugen and Jin

Thalassa Valerie

Level 60​

Beri reward:650,000,000
Extra reward:
500,000,000 for General Dalia
Must be captured with:Thalassa Saul or Thalassa Lucas

Vice-Admiral Prodi

Level 60​

Located:Fron Island
Beri reward:800,000,000
Extra reward:Black Den Den Mushi
One Sea Stone Weapon*
250,000,000 per named subordinate
Must be captured with:At leastwo of his named subordinates
*Can exceed normal limit

King Ham Burger*General Tanya*

Level 50​

Level 50​
*Must choose one
Beri reward:500,000,000
Extra reward:1 B-rank injection
Must be captured with:Two of their respective subordinates

Queen Camilla

Level 50​

Beri reward:600,000,000
Extra reward:1 ship with:
  • Seastone bottom
  • Adam Tree wood
Must be captured with:Kera

Cayree XII

Level 0*​
*Guarded by level 45

Beri reward:500,000,000
Extra reward:1 O Wazamono Grade Sword - B DPR
Must be captured with:Captain Magera

Commander Kondo

Level 42​

Beri reward:400,000,000
Extra reward:300,000,000 per subordinate
Must be captured with:Two of his subordinates

Bear King

Level 25​

Located:Trump Siblings
Beri reward:200,000,000
Extra reward:200,000,000 if Boo Jack and Skunk One are also captured
Must be captured with:Honey Queen


Level 30​

Beri reward:350,000,000
Extra reward:1 Treasure Map*
Must be captured with:Bob and Merrimack
*See store item under Personal Purchases
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Signups will last two (2) weeks from the point this thread was posted.

Signups for this event will be in two parts:
  1. Those that are not partaking in the Sovereign War on their other character and can host another hunt.
  2. Those that are either partaking in the Sovereign War on their other character, or cannot host another hunt.
    1. You cannot participate in this event if you are unable to host a hunt AND you are also taking part in the Sovereign War on your other character.
    2. Be honest if you don't have the time to be host.
    3. Max of 2 players can sign up without being able to host, as I cannot host more than 3 hunts realistically.
Part one begins now, when the thread opens. Part two will open three days later. You may cancel your application to Sovereign War to take part in Part one.

Targets are first come, first serve. You may trade targets among each other until signups are closed.

Application Format
Application should be posted with a short RP post of your character appearing and picking out a target from the wall of bounty posters.
Bio Link:
Target: (Say target name, make sure has not been claimed already
Can host: (Yes or no)
Personal NPC name:
NPC stats: (in spoiler)
Character Background:(in spoiler)
Character Development goals, if any:(in spoiler)
Stats: (in spoiler)
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
@IchimonjiSun WukongEdward WeevilLarsiLittle Garden
@LambyGerald YopenheimerCommander KondotlgRenCP3 Base
@LarsiJason BourneNicolasGurenShutter Island
@GurenKallavan D BlackthorneKatakuriLarsiSaboady Archipelago
@KakaSephirothAokijiLarsiPunk Hazard
@ZiosaJade BelleWild BirdsKakaBirdland
@GambitHagiri KanameDariusZiosaBroc Coli Island
@lopholeOroshi KenGeneral Tanya@DreamBallywood
@God_UsopunXCayree XIILambyLvneel
@FELI D AEROMAeromBear KingInfinityTrump Siblings
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Our tale takes us to the island in the New World known as Karai Bari Island. It is here, after the action of the World Government to end the system of the Warlord's of the Sea that three of them have gathered. Together they are a force to be reckoned with, but it is their proclamation to the world that is sure to invite even more chaos in the days to come.


Alvida, long time partner of Buggy the Clown, shouted at their underlings. They were causing her a head ache, already celebrating their boss' greatness. In the distance ships could be seen approaching Karai Bari Island. On board were sure to be many dangerous individuals. The underlings didn't seem to listen to her much these days, and Alvida rubbed her temple, muttering to herself.


Settle down, will you? Dracule Mihawk said calmly, seated in his plush reading chair. At the sound of his voice, many of the underlings froze, well aware of his power. Nodding quietly, they smiled and hurried from the room.


You're up, clown. Sir Crocodile said, barely disguising his disgust. You better not make a fool out of the rest of us with this stunt you're pulling.


As the ships with new arrivals pull into port, guests are told to hand over their Den Den Mushis. Not that it would matter much at the presence, as currently all calls from the island are being jammed. Lead up past smaller tents with festivities, the guests are led to the largest tent on the settlement. Entering through the flaps, they are faced with a strange creature stood atop a dais at the opposite end of the circular structure.


Welcome, one and all, to The Hunt! Buggy the Clown exclaims at the top of his lungs, laughing as he does so. You are gathered here today for what we all seek. Wealth. His hand passed to a chest of gold. Fame. His other hand pointed at the list of bounty posters plastered on the wall. Power. Both hands pointed at the crowd now.

Now, who among you are willing to take on the challenges of the Cross Guild?
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Somewhere in the Grand Line
The sound of a sliding wooden door closing silenced the chatter. From the small wooden hut, a large Humandrill stepped forward. Long wild black hair rose from the Humandrill's head past the shoulders, comparable to his thick eyebrows. The figure was covered in red fur but for the chest, with the blue waistband hanging above his loose yellow fighting trousers. A shadow trim ran around his eyes and over the eyelids in crimson. A thick X scar is on the figure's left cheek, given by an old nemesis he'd rather forget. Around his neck, the figure wore a necklace emblazoned with a symbol: one of Cipher Pol.

Enter Cipher Pol 9 agent, Sun Wukong.

The Humandrill flashed a gentle smile before approaching the warm fire that illuminated the star-riddled veil of night, set against the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. There, surrounding the fire, were five figures. All of different races and creeds. All sitting around the fire like equals. One giant. One dwarf. One fishman. One mink. One reptilian. The dwarf and the reptilian greeted Sun Wukong audibly. The Humandrill returned a warm hug before sitting around the fire, the smell of cooking food intoxicating. It was the first time in months that the entire Sage Squad had come together.

Suddenly, a deep, growling voice cut through the sound of raging fire.

[Nemean] "Old patch-eye dead yet?"
[Sun Wukong] "Not quite, Nemean. In fact, Leo-san wanted me to pass along his gratitude for the dwarven remedy. He said it did wonders, Faltonia. You have his thanks and mine."

The Sage Squad
“The Bard”
“The Mountain”
Joan of Arc
“Martyr of the Sea”
“The Braveheart”
“The Empath”

The Cipher Pol agent explained to his fellow comrades how his meeting with Leonard Burns went. It had been some time since the ex vice-admiral had entered retirement. The Great Pangean War had taken a toll on Justice. "Old patch-eye" now turned to other plans, ones that allied with the kind-hearted fool of a Humandrill. For one and a half decades, Sun Wukong's track record with the Pols was without blemish. The Sage and his squad worked towards peace between all races, striving to reach a world of peace and understanding, free of hate and racism. Wukong had infiltrated the World Government to utilize their vast resources to achieve their goal of equality. The time for the next step would be upon them.

The dwarf, Faltonia, interjected with the news from Egghead.

[Faltonia] "Egghead Island rose suspicion within the Aegis. What will the Celestial Dragons think?"
[Joan of Arc] "To think thy would risked everything, Sun! Aegis was within grasp! To gain access untold and work from within! That be the goal!"

Joan had stood up, enraged. Sun Wukong had drawn the interest of Cipher Pol 0, after the Humandrill deterred the Vampirate's invasion of Enies Lobby, capturing them a Lunarian. The next proving ground was defeating the World Pirates, which Sun soundly completed. The agent was expecting a call, but the incident at Egghead Island put everything in jeopardy. Before the arguments escalated, Sun Wukong took out two pieces of paper and slid them both onto the table near the fire. One was the Newspaper page wherein the World Government dismissed the Royal Shichibukai, marking them enemies of the world.

On the cover, a large burly man could be seen.

[Sun Wukong] "Edward Weevil, self-proclaimed son of the great Whitebeard. I take him down and Cipher Pol Aegis will have no choice but to bring me to their ranks."
The statement sparked gasps from the Sage Squad. Edward Weevil was known as a monster, having defeated the crew followers of Whitebeard. Dismissed by the World Government, he was considered an extremely high target due to his strength. What's more, the World Government was concerned about his proclamation that the blood of the World's Strongest Man coursed within him. A fact exacerbated by Edward Weevil's mother, an ex-member of the infamous Rocks Pirates. An evil even the Celestial Dragons can remember.

The group chatted into the night, before Sun Wukong ended the festivities.

[Sun Wukong] "There exists a way to make Weevil's defeat known without risking cover.... The Cross Guild. We leave for Karai Bari in the morning."


Karai Bari Island
Dawn came and the Sage Squad was on the move to Karai Bari Island. The Squad came in on a merchant ship to complete their disguise. The group made their way inland at different times, making it look as if they were not together. All except two. Sun Wukong and Wake walked into the festivities together, no doubt sticking to like a sore thumb; a Humandrill and a Reptilian. Yet, they walked proud, as if part of the pack. The others commingled with the crowd, gathering intel. Sun and Wake made themselves into the largest tent, where the voice of a fool infamous found them.

Buggy the Clown welcomed the group. A Hunt.

[Waka] "Look at this circus! We can use the Cross Guild as an excuse to go after Weevil. How will you throw the gauntlet?"
[Sun Wukong] "Watch me."

The Humandrill confidently walked forward towards the bounty board. The large monkey no doubt drew attention to himself, out of sorts. He was not a bountied individual. He was not a known Marine. He had no fame as a bounty hunter. Indeed, his very existence was a secret. The Humandrill seemed to be a fool when his hand gestured to one of the biggest targets. The hairy palm of the Humandrill took no quiver as he plucked the bounty posted off the board: a statement that was his target.

The first target had been picked: Edward Weevil.

Name: Sun Wukong "The Sage"
Organization: Cipher Pol 9 / WG
Bio Link: Link
Target: Edward Weevil
Can host?: Yes. Only one (preferably small / low-level)
Character Background: Full Background
The Past
Born into the Humandrill clan of Kuragaina Island, Sun was the youngest of the dozen children. At age 5, humans grew closer to the forest as they expanded their kingdom. Wandering out of curiosity, Sun found a small boy his age. Every day for five years, the two played. Sun finally found his first friend, and home. It was a grand time of joy and excitement for the young Humandrill.

The Regret
That all changed when a civil war erupted in the human kingdom. Sun’s only friend, the boy, came to the Humandrill’s for help. Yet the Humandrill Elders turned him away; they knew who their people would become if they saw bloodshed. Sun followed orders, and regret followed. A few days later, news spread: the kingdom had fallen, and the boy had been murdered. Sun fell into a spiral of despair, full of regret. He hated the humans in the kingdom. More so, he hated himself for failing to save his friend.

Enter the Cipher Pol
After two years of training, the regret-filled Humandrill flew into a rage and single-handedly slaughtered the kingdom's army, the regime that killed his friend. Sun was only 12 years old. The World Government took notice and recruited the Humandrill to Cipher Pol. Sun Wukong spent around 15 years in the Pols, infiltrating kingdoms at the behest of the Pols, often for years at a time. His ability to mimic made him indispensable. Eventually, Sun was promoted to Cipher Pol 9.

Cipher Pol 9
Sun Wukong's track record was flawless. The government took notice. Enies Lobby had been attacked by the Vampirates. Sun Wukong single-handedly repelled the invasion, searing a Lunarian to the watchful Ciper Pol 0. The Aegis contemplated bringing Lucci, Kaku, and Sun into CP0. Yet for Sun, a Humandrill, they delayed the entry, having him destroy the World Pirates as proof of his worth. On the cusp of entering the elite agency, Sun was getting closer to his dream.

The Sage Squad
Sun Wukong's real dream is to bring the races together and defeat racism. In his world, should the races be commingled, his friend would not have to die. A fight over resources that could have been avoided with access to power. Power he would find in the World Government. The Sage Squad was created for this purpose, made up of like-minded individuals of all races, working together. The Sage Squad secretly allied themselves with the Neo Navy for this purpose, outside of the prying eyes of the World Government.
Obtain Murakumogiri. Enter CP0.

Sun Wukong's main goal is to achieve peace between all races. To do so, he has fixated on using the World Government and its vast resources from within. The next step towards his dream is becoming CP0. While his track record is worthy, his entry has been stalled due to his race. The Celestial Dragons would not easily accept a non-human to serve them such. Tapped in to the World Government, the agent has found a way to secure his spot in CP0: defeat Edward Weevil. As proof os his defeat, Sun would bring Whitebeard's infamous bento, Murakumogiri, back to Cipher Pol 0.
92 x 5
= 460
Race, Martial Arts, DF, Item
Strength: 120 [(68 + 27 + 5) + 20]
Agility: 101 (96 + 5)

Movement: 101
Reaction: 101
Vitality: 101 x2 (59 + 5 + 27 + 10)
Durability: 101
Stamina: 101
Haki: 83 x2
Bushoshoku (defensive): 120 (100 +20)
Kenbunshoku (awareness): 66
Martial Arts: 100 x3 (73 + 27)
Dials: 100
Rokushiki: 100
Life Return: 100
Mimicry: 100 [perk]​
Numa Numa No Mi: 81

Stealth: *****​
Physiology: ****​

Living Return: Life Return can affect willing people.
Inherent MA: Gain an extra MA substat with 100 substat points specific to your race.

Wake "The Empath"

64 x 5
= 320
Race, Martial Arts
Strength: 81 (57 + 24)
Agility: 101 (72 + 24 +5)

Movement: 101
Reaction: 101
Vitality: 76 x 2
Durability: 81
Stamina: 71
Haki: 71 x2
Bushoshoku (offensive): 61
Kenbunshoku (precognition): 81
Martial Arts: 50 x2 (44 + 6)
Toxia: 100
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Somewhere in the New World....
Aboard The Cocytus, Feltyrosa, her subordinate Jeanne, and all of the 7 Omens were gathered in the banquet hall. Enjoying a feast. Glasses clanked as the omens toasted, yet Feltyrosa herself appeared to not be enjoying the festivities. She was lost in thought. Jeanne too was not enjoying the festivities. Instead focused on Feltyrosa. Wondering what could be troubling her. The chatter amongst the Omens was growing louder, and Jeanne was growing worried Feltyrosa would snap.

"Milady, would you like me to quiet th-" She was cut off by Feltyrosa's sudden declaration.

"I'm so terribly bored..." Her voice was calm and quiet, still she silenced the chatter of the party.

"I've got something that might ease your boredom, Milady. I've heard that the Cross Guild is hosting some kind of gathering. Interested parties should report to a location they have designated for more details." Jeanne hoped her suggestion would please Feltyrosa.

"The Cross Guild? That thing that ridiculous clown started? Well... Why not. Can't be worse than sitting around doing nothing. Where is it located?" Feltyrosa's boredom was peaked and so even this sounded like fun to her.

"Oh, I have the location memorized but I am terrible at giving directions..." Jeanne was worried her shortcoming would anger Feltyrosa.

"Then you'll simply have to come with me. I do hate how slow ship travel is. So I shall still be flying there. Oh, Gil... You're in charge now. I'd better not regret that decision..." Without giving either Jeanne or Gilnelise an option to decline, a decision was made.

Without further explanation, she carried Jeanne princess style and took off. The wind hitting her eyes was new for Jeanne but she adjusted quickly. As the two traveled very little small talk would be exchanged. Feltyrosa wasn't much for it and Jeanne didn't mind it. With the speed Feltyrosa was able to fly at, even while holding Jeanne the two would soon be at Karai Bari Island. The location The Hunt was set to start at...

The two touched land and Jeanne readjusted to using her legs again. After she was used to walking, they would head towards the large tent in the center. Inside was Buggy The Clown and a few others. Presumably there to take part as well. After a speech explain the details of the game at hand, Feltyrosa examined the list of targets. She had been tempted to go after the biggest fish among them... Aokiji. However, a more personal target caught her eye. Vergo. His poster stated that he needed to be brought in with 'three named members of Doflamingo's crew'. She had been the one to take down that arrogant fool. Now this Vergo was picking up the pieces? She was going to humilate him, turn him in for a reward, and keep the integrity of her conquest intact. She took a few calm steps forward and grabbed his poster fro the list of targets.

"You're a fool. I defeated that crew once and I'll do it again..." Her voice was a bone chilling whisper as she spoke.

Name: Feltyrosa "Eventide Spectre"
Organization: Spada Pirates
Bio Link: Link
Target: Vergo
Can host?: Wanna say yes, but worried I will poof do to the limbo I am still in financially.
Character Background: Conquered Dressrosa and killed several Donquixote Pirates, is looking to wipe them out entirely now and pad her coffers.
Character Goals: Wipe out the G-5 base and claim it for the Spada Pirates and increase her own notoriety.
Statistics 95 x 5 = 475 [0 Points Remaining]
Strength: 101 (65 +36 Lunarian/Human)
Agility: 101 x2 (83 +18 Lunarian/Human) [Movement Speed: 101 - Reaction Speed: 101]
Vitality: 120 x2 (73 +27 Lunarian/Human +5 MA +15 DF) [Durability: 120 - Stamina: 120]
Horo Horo no Mi: 120 (100 +20 Awakening)
Haki: 100 x2 (Armaments: 100+20= 120 - Precognition Mantra: 100)
[Has Advanced COC] Perk: Armaments Range Boost
Martial Arts: 54 x2 (Path of Swords: 100 | Fiero: 8)
Personal NPC Name: Jeanne
Personal NPC Stats:
Level: 63
Statistics: 63 x 5 = 315 (5 left over)
Strength: 81 (71 +10 Human)
Agility: 81 (71 +10 Human)
Vitality: 81 (66 +5 MA +10 Human)
MA: 41 x2 [Path of Swords: 82]
Haki: 81 (61 +15 Human) [Armaments: 81 | Precognition Mantra: 71] (Offensive Path/Precognition Path)
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Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Jason stood leaning against the railing of the ship, watching the shiphands work. He was worried about the mission at hand, although he had been told he was not the only agent sent to investigate, he was not told who the others were, but even more worrying was the uncertainty of the mission itself. Just after being outlawed these three pirates had banded together and made such a statement to the world, what did it mean? What did they have planned? Something about a hunt?

Jason, have you seen this?
Juliet approached her face devoid of color, holding a copy of the World Economic Times. Turning it to show him what it said, he felt the color drain from his face as well. Landayan Morrow, pirate emperor in all but name had just declared war on the World Government. Several prominent marines were captured and to be executed as a statement to the world itself.

No, we can't think about that. Jason said, taking the paper from her and folding it up. We have our own mission, and it is about to begin.


Jason strode towards the large tent, Juliet in tow. Both of them wore clothing that in no way tied them to being members of Cipher Pol. Both of them tried their best not to show any nervousness at being in a crowd of almost entirely criminals, many of them the worst of the seas. Soon they stepped inside, and Buggy the Clown appeared, giving them a speech of the game at hand.

Knowing he had to participate, but needing to be more careful in his choices than the rest, Jason's eyes fell on a poster off to the side. It had fewer stars than most others, but that suited him fine. He was not here for great riches. And this was a scourge upon the land he had heard mutters of before, a perfect target for him.

Name: Jason Bourne
Organization: Cipher Pol 9
Bio Link: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/jason-bourne.2720/
Target: Nicolas
Character Background: Jason's early life is shrouded in mystery, not much is known of him from before he joined the Cipher Pol years ago. However, having recently completed the academy of CP5, he was promoted to a CP9 agent and this was one of the first missions he was given.
Character Development goals, if any: Prove himself to the WG, take down the criminal he has targeted.
Racial Boosts
Rokushiki Boosts
Martial Arts Boosts

Strength: 53 +8 =61
Speed: 47 +8 =55
55 x 2 =110
Reaction: 61
Movement: 49 (+12 =61)​
Vitality: 47 +8 =55
55 x 2 = 100
Stamina: 61
Durability: 49 (+12 =61)​
Haki: 27 +12 = 39
39 x 2 =78
Armament(Offensive): 41
Observation(Awareness): 37
Martial Arts: 31
31 x 2 =62
Rokushiki: 61
Can host: Yes
Personal NPC name: Juliet
NPC stats:
Level 28
Racial Boosts
Rokushiki Boosts
Martial Arts Boosts

Strength: 33 +4 +5 =41
Speed: 36 +4 =40
40 x 2 =80
Reaction: 41
Movement: 39 (+8 =47)​
Vitality: 36 +4 =40
40 x 2 = 80
Stamina: 41
Durability: 39 (+8 =47)​
Martial Arts: 35 +6 = 41
41 x 2 =82
Rokushiki: 41
Gunslinging: 41
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Marine Tribunal

“I’m afraid this is a marine matter, Saint Figarland - A voice called, from the stands. It is forcing those present to change their gaze.

“Sengoku-san” Kallavan said, barely able to get the words out of his mouth. The shame he was feeling at this moment was at its utmost highest.

“Kallavan, boy, I thought orders were clear on the matter? You were not to engage Yonkou Kaido, we’re not supposed to meddle with the balance. Not without purpose at the very least, it is a miracle you’ve returned to us.”

Kallavan said, unable to muster a reply to the highest authority within the navy.

“Sengoku. You understand his actions have consequences for our order as well. It gives me jurisdiction to render punishment.”

“I am aware, Lord Figarland. But this man does not pose a threat to the celestials. While, I do not condone his actions, far from it. He’s neither a criminal nor a celestial so judgement should be left to our order. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Sengoku said, stroking his beard while looking at the lord commander.

“Hmmm. You speak truth, Sengoku-san. Perhaps I was too nice to let him go and die in blazing glory for the Navy. I suspect a heavier punishment would be to be unable to act at all. Perhaps, whisked him away to a different objective?Figarland replied the old viper saw right through Sengoku’s ploy.

“Hmmm” Was all Sengoku could say really, cursing this blasted situation in his mind.

Whispers of those in the room started to grow louder and louder, people were starting to sway to Figarland’s new proposal. While it was rather small and delicate, the noise was starting to overtake the room. Until a single cough from the lord commander cleared it in an instant.


“I’ll let this whole thing be cleared under a simple condition Sengoku-san. And this is me speaking plain and for the one who has upheld our order for decades.”
Figarland said, standing up and moving towards Kallavan, still bound in chains.

“You may live, Kallavan Blackthorne. But you shall do so under the mantle of SWORD. You may reclaim your title once you’ve cleared a task from Sengoku’s choosing. Figarland said, eyes staring daggers into the eyes of Sengoku.

You better give him a task that’s nearly suicide.

“Court adjourned”


Karai Bari Island

Word had spread rapidly since Kallavan’s fall from grace. Nothing unsurprisingly in all honesty. The navy’s blessed child, the hero who vanquished Yonkou Kaido. Stripped from his rank, forced to roam the streets as a Vagabond. Or so the stories went, one more exaggerated than the next. But the hidden truth was that he now worked for SWORD, as a captain. But only a handful of living individuals knew that. Out in the streets near the tent, Kallavan sat down on a bench with next to him a new ally he met through SWORD.

“You ready, captain?” The blond woman said to him, leaning against a wall beside the bench.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Can’t believe I’m here and not out there, helping everyone else.”

“Tough luck, you did what was right at the time. Now let’s go. I’ve seen enough of your self-pity in the last couple of weeks. And it’s starting to make me sick.”

“Fine, let’s go, Cammy.”

The two would enter the tent, passing by a red-furred mink at the same time. A chance encounter with only Wukong himself realizing who he had just passed by.

There at the top, Buggy stood with all his self-made glory and splendour. One of the mightiest ruses in all of the blues and nearly everyone bought it. Those within the room took notice of Cammy and Kallavan’s arrival but they’d not notice both of them to be marines. They had their suspicion but while Kallavan looked like his original self he was a bit hidden. No more did he look like a 3-meter-tall brute but more like a lanky man with large blond hair adorned with sunglasses.

But looks are deceiving. Buggy was none the wiser to this ploy of course. Crocodile and Mihawk would’ve been able to sniff him out. But for now, the plan went flawlessly.

“I’ll take this one!”

All those present held their breath as even Buggy wouldn’t believe his eyes at the request. Some even started to hold in their laughter as for them a scrawny tall fellow was about to engage in one of the most dangerous hunts this place had to offer. Kallavan ripped the poster off the wall and left for wherever these targets would lead him.

Name: Kallavan D Blackthorne
Organization: SWORD
Bio Link: Here
Target: Katakuri
Can host: Yes, only one.
An ex-believer of absolute justice Kallavan has since the battle against Kaido switched to a gray justice. Not everything is either right or wrong but in the end, the resolution has to benefit the world government. Kallavan is what many would call a true champion of the Marines and the World Government. Even with the truth about his origins revealed his motivations never wavered. In fact, many commented that Kallavan returned with an even more demanding aura around him than ever before.

A war of emotions within the young man has finally been calmed and tempered into a storm. A warrior completely born from it. With his recent fall from grace, Kallavan seeks whatever is required of him to be able to return to the navy. And finally see himself be the hero he always wanted himself to be.
With his fall to SWORD. Kallavan has to accomplish a lot of missions to be able to return back to HQ. The first is to get rid of big mom's remaining children. Without back up and without marine allies to fall back upon, rendering him sealed from Foxhound's aid. Who have managed to keep their marine status and have been reassigned to different bases. They too were forced to keep put for if they'd aid him, Kallavan's mission would automatically fail. Dooming him from achieving the highest rank in the marines possible.


With that rank attained he'd finally be able to pursue his true goal in life. To establish the navy as a true force to be reckoned with and to clear the minds of people to become pirates.

A true order of Paladins to fight evil left and right.

But how clouded the young Kallavan's eyes truly were. Now, out of the shadows. He'd for the first time witness what it'd be like without the privilege of being a navy soldier. Would he be able to keep his faith?
100 x 6 = 600 Zoan boosts

- STR: 90 (Race: +20, DF: +15, FS: +5) =110 120
- SPE: 90 (Race: +20, DF: +15, FS: +5) = 110 120
- Movement: 110 120
- Reaction: 110 120
- VIT: 90 (Race: +20 DF: +15, FS:+5) = 110 120
- Stamina:110 120
- Durability: 110 120
- Dragon MZ : 70 (Race: +30) + [Awakening +20] =120
- Martial Arts: 100
- Rokushiki: 100​
- Hasshoken: 100​
- Expertise: 50
- Life Return: 100​
- Haki: 100
- Busou-shoku no Haki: 100 (Item/Haki boost:+20) = 120[Defensive Path]​
- Kenbun-shoku no Haki: 100 [Awareness Path]​
- Hao-shoku no Haki: Advanced(*)​
Level 70
Strength: 62 (Race: +14, MA: +5) =81
Agility: 81 (Race: +14, MA: +5) = 100
-Reaction: 100
Vitality: 58 (Race: +14, MA: +5 ) =77
-Durability: 81
Haki: 70
-Armaments[Offensive]: 81
-Precognition: 59
Fighting Arts: 79 (Race: +21) = 81
-Hasshoken: 100
-Life-Return: 100
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
One event after another plunged the world into chaos.

Yonkou Kaidou and Yonkou Big Mom have fallen.

A camera came on in a dark room. A yellow light partially illuminated a man. One arguably more famous than any other. Big News Morgans!

With a voice filled with expectation, Big News Morgans spoke to the camera. This was not being broadcast to the whole world. Not yet. This was a recording being made in preparation for a big drop. Eventually, it would come. Eventually, this recording would envelop the world into pure chaos and anarchy. A new world order. A change of an era. The seas of the world would soon destabilize.

Yonkou Big Mom... a.k.a Charlotte Linlin...
Yonkou Kaidou... a.k.a the Strongest Creature in the World...

Both of them...


Morgans said, looking at the camera with a raging fire in his eyes. The grand tsunami that was to sweep all over the world, was undoubtedly coming now. And Big News Morgans would be there to finally see it. From a young age, Morgans was always thrilled by news. By events that took place. By huge shockers that gave taste to life. But the last couple of decades had been bland. The Yonkous, the Navy, and the Shichibukai. They had a firm grip on the world order, and nothing truly interesting was happening. Nothing since the death of Gol D. Roger. But now, it was finally time. A time of great change. A time... that could finally satisfy the infinite search for shocking news, that Big News Morgans possessed.
Fiery incidents of mysterious origin were spreading across the world, though they recently came to a mysterious stop.

Fiery Incidents Spread Across The Sea

Reports are currently trickling in from all across the New World of several instances that seem linked together, as they all end in a great fire, consuming both ships and villages that are struck. Our correspondents have been able to speak to some of the survivors, few as they are. Each of those we talked to told us of bestial figures engulfed in light.

Tracking the location of the incidents and the timing, we have concluded that they lead in a certain direction, near towards the eastern part of the New World. We advise any civilians to stay clear of the area until further notice if possible.

When pressed the World Government declined to comment. We do however have reports that Vice Admiral Sasaki( @Kaka ) was spotted heading in the same direction as this scourge.

Stay safe and vigilant!
La Spada ascended to the status of a Yonkou, the world shocked by the announcement of a new Emperor.


The seas stood silent waiting for the next issue. The latest news that the Yonkous, Charlotte LinLin and Kaido, had fallen, shook the world. They who ruled the seas for decades. Following the announcement, the world stood on edge. An era was coming. Who would take reign? The Yonkous, the Navy, and the Shichibukai. They had a firm grip on the world order, and nothing truly of interest ran through the seas. Nothing since the execution of Gol D. Roger. But now, it was finally time. A time of great change. A change of an era. Bounties to reflect the shift.

The bombshell spread around every corner of the globe.

The news spread like wildfire. The Worst Generation had taken over. A new era was here. Spearheaded by the infamous and terrible La Spada, the two Yonkous of old had fallen. News of Big Mom’s fall to The Grim was etched like stone in the tablets of history. The Spada Pirates took control of both Whole Cake Island and Wano Island, both of the Yonkou’s prior main territories, the Spada’s asserting their dominance over a large part of the New World. Spheres of influence began to spread. A crew baked in lore and malice spread like a virus, mythology. The live feed announcement by La Spada, sitting morbidly on Big Mom’s corpse was a statement. A statement of power.

Those who knew what was at stake took the news with more trepidation. La Spada spoke about the Poneglyphs, alleging she had 3 of the 4. The Void Century, as she called it, planted seeds of curiosity in a world whole. Shaken to the core, the live feed reached even a Devil Child. Even the heavens above.

The True History was within grasp of someone terrible.

The Old Era had fallen. Those who ruled the sea for decades with unyielding grasp, until today. The vacuum of power left cause an uproar all the way to the Blues. Those islands protected by the Old Era now became prey. A vacuum that required power to surge. Power to keep the balance of the Sea. The balance created between the Navy, Shichibukai, and the Yonkous. The response from the World Government was that of a panicked child in a dark alley. The bounty issue was swift and considerable. More so, the name of the new Yonkous, branding them forever enemies of a whole world, spread far and wide.

The New Pirate Yonkous Revealed!


Meanwhile, in the Holy Land of Marijeous...

The World Government betrayed the Shichibukai.

Warlords No More!

Atop the Red Line, among the holy land of Mary Geoise sits a magnificent castle. The Pangea Castle, ancient and imposing towers above even the gardens of the celestial dragons. Now, in one of the grand rooms of this fortress is one of the meetings that will change the world as we know it irrecoverably.

-and so, we have come to the conclusion that they will no longer be needed. Saint Saturn said, hunched over his cane in front of Sakazuki.

Yes, with these new creations, their unstable presence can be done away with. Saint Peter said, turning away from the Admiral.

Finally, those scum have been a thorn in my side for years! Sakazuki said, preparing to leave to pass on the orders from the Five Elders.

Be sure to capture them immediately, we don't want them wreaking havoc needlessly. Saint Warcury said, leaning forwards and folding his hands before him.

Yes, it could be seen as us simply letting our dogs off our chains. Saint Mars said, standing behind the couch, hands folded behind his back.

One must not hurry to run before the path is cleared. Saint Nusjoro finished, leaning on his great sword.

Yes, I will send out units to hunt them down before give out this proclamation. Sakazuki said, annoyed at them talking down to him as if he was a child.

Alas, though the Admiral was sure to not give an official statement before sending ship to gather in their targets, the Marines are not immune to leaks, and so the orders he had given out were plastered in the World Economic Times the next day for all to see.

The defeat of Admiral Fujitora at the hands of Sephiroth ''the Apocalypse'' shook the world - the first defeat of an Admiral in a long time.


M-M-Major w-w-w-world breaking news!!!

Suddenly broadcasting screens exploded alive all over the world, and taking center stage was Carly Nagisa-chan, the young, hotblooded, anxious, excited, full of life and vigor journalist that has been taking the world by storm lately. She has been following Sephiroth and his ragtag group of ''bandits'', reporting on their world shaking actions. From their grand escape from the Cipher Pol 2 base, to their grand escape from the Sabaody Archipelago, where they destroyed an auction slave house, killed two Vice Admirals and escaped the wrath of a Buster Call, headed by three Admirals. Reporting of any of this was not allowed by the World Government, due to Sephiroth's legendary, Lunarian race. But, Carly Nagisa-chan was hiding from the World Government, risking her life for these stories. The moment the broadcast began, Carly Nagisa-chan had erupted forth with great confidence. But then, suddenly, a shiver came up her spine, she turned around, dropped down into a crouching position, and hugged her head with her hands and arms, terrified.

Oh fuck...

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck... It's finally here. The moment I've been waiting for... my grand breakthrough.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck...!

Cursing like a sailor despite the young energetic girl that she was, Carly Nagisa-chan started off the broadcast with great confidence and a loud, roaring voice... but moments later, she was a cowering mess. Suddenly and mightily comically, Carly Nagisa-chan balled up her right hand into a fist and punched herself right in the head, a bump growing.

Get your shit together Carly... you can do this!

She said to herself, standing up and turning back around to face the camera. Inhaling deeply, Carly Nagisa-chan shouted out the news.

Sephiroth ''the Apocalypse'' and his ragtag group of bandits have seeked refuge on Raijin Island.

The Navy caught up, and a great fight ensued! Gabriel ''the Scarred Demon'' fought two Vice Admirals! Both Vice Admirals have been defeated!


Carly Nagisa-chan said, stuttering one last time, before delivering the grand news.

Admiral Fujitora of the Navy confronted Sephiroth in an island shattering battle and... and...! ADMIRAL FUJITORA WAS DEFEATED BY THE LUNARIAN!!!

Carly Nagisa-chan said, her words resonating across the world. Suddenly, she cracked a smile, proud of what she had just done for her own career as a journalist. With an infectious smile, she signed out.

Delivering this world shattering news to you was... Carly Nagisa-chan! Stay safe! Peace and love!!!

And with that, the broadcast finished, leaving the world in shock. Once the cameras stopped rolling, Carly Nagisa-chan was seen on the shores of Raijin Island. Once again in her crouched position, head hugged by her hands, she was shaking.

Gaaah, did I really finish that off by shouting ''peace and love''?! You're such a moron Carly!

She said shaking her head. Standing up, she faced her crew.

Anyway, let's get going boys and girls. The World Government will definitely be furious with the news that we have just given to the world.



Unbelievable... surely he is not dead... we need to confirm his whereabouts...

This is dangerous... things are getting out of control. This could change the world...!

We need to act.

Inside the Pangean castle, the Gorosei heard the news. Admiral Akainu was immediately called.


Admiral Akainu growled.

We will take care of it. I've already burnt off one of his wings... time to clip this flying demon once and for all. Public execution, that is the only thing that will quell this news.


Bounty Request:

Character: Sephiroth
Current bounty: 720,000,000
NPC: Gabriel
Current bounty: 0
Island - Raijin Island | Thriller Bark
My first post: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/raijin-island.175/post-168968
My last post: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/raijin-island.175/post-186139


- After having already killed two Vice Admirals on Sabaody Archipelago, and escaped the wrath of a Buster Call headed by three Admirals, Sephiroth and his group escaped to Raijin Island.
- They were tracked down by the Navy and a grand battle ensued on Raijin Island.
- Gabriel fought and defeated two Vice Admirals; Vice Admiral Stainless and Vice Admiral Lacroix.
- Sephiroth fought and defeated Admiral Fujitora.

Highest level enemy fought (Sephiroth): 90 (90 x 2 = 180,000,000)
Highest level enemy fought (Gabriel): 60 (60 x 2 = 120,000,000)

Not sure on the rest of the calc. Thanks for the help!

Now, all culminating in an announcement that sent shockwaves and tidalwaves throughout the world!

An Announcement To Shake The World

Across the world, TV screens that showed different programs to citizens and governments alike would suddenly fade, static and connection failing as one. Then, breaking through the unstable sound a single sound could be heard. Laughter. Breaking through the white noise, a colorful face showed itself to anyone who watched the screens.

Helloooo wooooorld! Buggy shouted, laughing even as he did so. It is I, the great pirate Buggy!

You may have heard false stories of my untimely demise, but fear not! Such feeble attacks is nothing in the face of someone as great as myself! Hahahaaa!

And now me and my great followers have gained new allies, and together we have formed a new organization, ready to face the tyranny of the world!

I present to you, Cross Guild!
Buggy said, and the screen split to show two other figures. Former Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk and Sir Crocodile's faces were seemingly displeased, yet restrained.

Now, I come to you all with an invitation. Join us for a little... event. Buggy said as the image of the two others faced, leaving him alone on screen. A little game! Cross Guild offers great rewards for those brave enough, to participate in a hunt! Come one and all to Karai Bari Island, and let's wreak some havoc together!
Three of the Shichibukai betrayed by the World Government formed the Cross Guild. Dracule Mihawk, Sir Crocodile and Buggy the Clown. The latter took the world by storm with a global broadcast, inviting one and all to a little game. The Hunt, it was called - and Cross Guild offered riches for those who would dare participate. Karai Bari Island was designated as the island where The Hunt would begin, and men and women across the world responded, converging. Ships sailed into the Karai Bari Island's port one by one, all day long. The island became more and more busy as the day progressed, with more and more individuals present on the island. Walking across the island was a tall man of lean muscular build. He had a large black wing on his back, but only one of them. Long silver hair fell down the length of his back, and a mask covered his face.

Approaching the massive tent, the masked man entered, seeing a large crowd inside. Many in the crowd were talking, some were drinking, others making acquaintances, while some were arguing and roughhousing. Two of the men arguing with one another suddenly saw a bounty poster floating past them. Their eyes followed the bounty poster comically, forgetting about whatever it was that they were bickering about. As the bounty poster mysteriously floated through the air, more and more people inside the tent noticed it. The piece of floating paper was indeed grabbing a lot of attention. Before long, the floating bounty poster floated itself all the way to the tip of a long blade. The blade slowly pierced through the bounty poster. Suddenly, one of the men off to the side shouted, pointing to said bounty poster.

W-wha! Look! That's...! Is he crazy?!

Name: Sephiroth
Organization: Loosely the Silver Vampirates
Bio Link: Pirate - Sephiroth Bio | Thriller Bark
Target: Admiral Aokiji
Can host: Yes
Personal NPC name: n/a
NPC stats: n/a
Character Background: Pirate - Sephiroth Bio | Thriller Bark
Character Development goals, if any: After defeating Admiral Fujitora, Sephiroth continues his plan to etch a safe haven for his race in this world of madness - a secluded island in the sky, where the Lunarian race can once again repopulate and live in peace. To achieve this goal, Sephiroth plans to generate as much fear around himself as possible, to the point where the World Government and all of humanity will no longer dare oppose him or go after his race and his people.



99 x 5 = 495

Strength: 50 (Race: +36, Zushi: +10, MA: +5) = 101

Speed: 73 (Race: +18, Zushi: +5, MA: +5) = 101 [Movement Speed: 101 | Reaction Speed: 101]

Vitality: 69 (Race: +27, MA: +5) = 101 [Stamina: 101 | Durability: 101 (Lunarian Fire: +20) = 120]

Zushi Zushi no Mi: 100 (Awakening: +20) = 120

Martial Arts: 100 [Ignition: 100 (Item: +20) = 120 | Swordsmanship: 100]

Haki: 100 [Busou-shoku no Haki (offensive path): 100 (Item: +20) = 120 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness path): 100]
Has Advanced Conqueror's Haki.
Last edited:


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Baltigo, Grand Line

A certain Warrant Officer was feeling angry. She was feeling other emotions too but anger was the one that was overpowering the others.

Sat around a large table in a secure part of the Revolutionaries base, she barely covered the chair she was sat on and had a large number of cushions to bring her up to a level where she could be seen. Around the table was mostly high ranking members of the organisations, Jade was the lowest rank there. On her right was someone who was the complete opposite physically, a tall muscular man by the name of Sallop. He was the only other Warrant Officer at this meeting.

To her left was Hack, a Japanese soldier-fish fishman wearing a gi and black belt. He was one of the groups main combat instructors. Further from her was various people of other races, a Giant sat a small distance from the table, a cat with goggles had some kind of gadget on the table and was fiddiling with it & a woman with a revealing outfit was smiling at the blond man in a top hat next to her.

At the head of the table was the leader of the Army, Monkey D Dragon. On the table in front of him was a pile of wanted posters, but they were different from the ones that all of the people in this room had. They were marked with 'Cross Guild' and had a number of stars or crowns where the beri amount would be on ordinary ones. The names and pictures on them were also not of outlaws, but members of the World Government, the Seven Warlords of the Sea and allies of them. A few had people who did not fit into any of these categories but would still not be considered pirates or outlaws.

However Jade didn't care about this second reason for the meeting, she was still thinking about the first. Three countries under the control of The Silver Vampirates were using the opportunity created by the Pirate Festival to capture 3 marines, two of which was heroes. They were planning to execute them to show the world the Government could be toppled and it was possible to thrive by being independent. Due to a chance meeting between Jade herself and their former captain, Larsi, an alliance was formed between the Revolutionaries and the pirate crew; which they were now using to get help for this mission of theirs.

The dwarf was angry about the entire situation though. Yes it would spark revolutions all across the world if successful, but it didn't sit well with Jade that they had to help execute marines who were just doing their job to do this. The Government had also created the largest military forces seen in years to oppose it, which meant countless people would die trying to stop or help the execution. The second topic was only a bit better, hunting down people and bringing them to a group that will probably kill them in exchange for money.

Some of the posters were being handed out, but she wasn't paying any attention to the discussion at all. So was surprised when she was mentioned.

"...Jade and her group should be placed semi-close to the platform, possibly with a major member of the Vampirates. Sallop are you going to go after-"

The small girl interrupts by slamming her hand on the table and creates multiple very large cracks in it; no easy feat for someone that has to reach forwards a distance several times her own size. "I will NOT be a guard at an execution, no matter how helpful for our cause it will be if successful." Everyone look at her as she is hardly ever vocal at things like this, let alone interrupts with an angry outburst.

"We will not be actually executing them ourselves" The person she talked over starts to inject but Jade was having none of it.

"It doesn't matter how involved we are with the actual execution, people will see our involvement with it and come to their own conclusions. We have spent years trying to get the world to understand that we don't like violence and want to make it more peaceful. Doing this would mean throwing it all away!"

Now standing up (not that it made much difference), she jumps off her chair after picking up a semi-random Wanted poster "All of you need to remember what we are trying to do, as we are starting to lose sight of it..." Ignoring the protests of Sallop and many of the others, Jade walks out of the meeting.

Her right hand man, Sophie was waiting outside with various other people. After catching up with the Dwarf, she decides not to say anything about coming out of the meeting early after seeing their angry expression. Handing the poster to her companion, Jade heads back to her ship; wondering if she even belongs here anymore...

Name: Jade Belle
Organization: Revolutionary Army
Bio Link: Jade's Bio
Target: Wild Birds
Can host: Yes
Personal NPC name: Sophie
NPC stats:
Level 49
49 x 5 = 245
Strength: 41+20=61
Speed: 48+8+5=61
-Reaction: 61
-Movement: 61
Vitality: 53+8=61
-Durability: 61
-Stamina: 61
Haki: 42
-Armament Haki: 42
-Observation Haki(Precognition): 42
Martial Arts: 61
-Lineal Sword Style: 61
-Gunslinging: 61
Character Background:
A Dwarf and former member of the Marines, Jade left after discovering how corrupt and evil the World Government really was. She then joined the Revolutionaries and has been a part of them for many years.

A great believer in Innocent Justice, she has started to see flaws in her ideals but for now is still driven by the need to protect the weak.
Character Development goals, if any:
  • To reevaluate her place in the world
  • To come to terms with her Justice and ideals
  • Start to become more proactive and stop hiding behind pacifism/hesitating etc.
Level 70
70 x 5 = 350
Strength: 48+28+5=81
Speed: 48+28+5=81
-Reaction: 81
-Movement: 81
Vitality: 74+7=81
-Durability: 81
-Stamina: 81
Haki: 76
-Conqueror's Haki
-Armament Haki (Defensive): 81
-Observation Haki (Awareness): 71
Devil Fruit: 23
-Yuki Yuki no mi (Snow Snow; Logia)
Martial Arts: 81
-Flowering Sword: 81
-Sunshine: 81
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Following his detachment with the infamous pirate crew, World Pirates after falling to the hands of the World Government, the 26-year-old sniper ventured with Sun Wukong towards the island of the future ─ Egghead Island. Every time he spent with the Agent, he started to learn that not all the members of the Government are hateful, braggart, and manipulative. Wukong is an exception. Albeit, he was still undecided about which path he would choose henceforth, actions should be taken in order to survive.

Aboard the small boat, he and Sun sailed with leaving Egghead Island, he was seen writing notes about Rokushiki. So far, he has been able to unravel the mystery behind Soru and Geppo and his present notes are centred around Shigan and Rankyaku.

I finally solved it. Every time Sun uses Soru, he can really move at extremely high speeds. He was able to avoid all the attacks from Kuma and even managed to exceed the augmented speed of Bryndi. So far, I can only kick the ground 14 times unlike him who could go beyond 30!

And when he combines it with Geppo, he could definitely move three-dimensionally. I recall him yelling Kamisori when using it.

Shigan. This is similar to my own dice-flicking technique but I would not risk my fingers just to aim for my target's flesh. I need to master my Armament to perform it well. I could not ask him to teach me but my exceptional Observation Haki allowed me to materialise all these techniques.

He rose to his full length and breathed in the breeze from the east that blew past him. He stood on the bow of the vessel and held his notes while he continued to think it over. Hmmm. If I kick at the same speed as using Soru and Geppo, would I be able to launch the Tempest Kick? I should give it a try but not when he's around here.

That's right, I can use this bounty poster I got on our way back to prove myself worthy.

He strode at Wukong and spoke, "Uh- Uhm. I need a favour."

He paused briefly before he continued, "I need to practice new techniques and I understand that I am still a prisoner here. With your permission, would you allow me to go to a certain island in the New World to perform a duty?"

He gave Wukong a serious look, signifying determination. "I need a small boat. Don't worry I will come back. And stronger I'll be."

He stared at the bounty poster. All eyes are on the prize.

Name: Sniper Hagiri Kaname
Organization: Would-be Cipher Pol 0
Bio: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/sniper-hagiri.2743/
Target: Prince Darius, Broc Coli
Can host: No
Personal NPC name: none atm
Character Background: Hagiri was once a member of the World Pirates but after their defeat, he ventured with Sun Wukong (@Ichimonji ). He did not join the CP organisation yet but he has been studying the techniques that defeated his crew. Whether he's studying them for his revenge or other goals is anyone's guess. However, one thing is for sure, he wants to be stronger to support anyone who would want to change the world.
Character Development goals, if any: (in spoiler)
PC Stats:
78x5 = 390
Strength: 77+14+5 = 96
Speed: 81+14+5 = 100
- Movement: 100
- Reaction: 100
Vitality: 62+14+5 = 81
- Stamina: 81
- Durability: 81
Haki: 70+21 = 90
- Armament: 81
- Awareness: 100
Martial Arts: 100
- Gunslinging/Sniping: 100
- Rokushiki: 100
- Poker Heat, All-Star: 100 (perk)

- Acrobatics: ***
- Sleigh of Hand: ****

Inherent Martial Ability: (requires 100 Martial Arts) You automatically gain an extra martial arts substat with 100 substat points that are the martial art specific to your race. Cannot create custom techniques that use these Martial Arts.
Observation Haki Boost (Awareness): (requires 100 Observation Haki) Can sense sadness and bloodlust etc.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Below is a list of targets and their rewards:

Admiral Aokiji

Level 100​

Beri reward:3,000,000,000
Extra reward:The ability to read poneglyphs.
A one time use golden den den mushi that can be used by anyone.
+800,000,000 beri for every extra Vice Admiral captured.
Must be captured with:Two Vice-Admirals(level 70+)

Trafalgar Law

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,100,000,000
Extra reward:Status Effect Add-on
Inherited Will
Must be captured with:Bepo and at least one more member of the Heart Pirates

Bartholomew Kuma

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,200,000,000
Extra reward:Z-rank power armor
800,000,000 per pacifista captured

Edward Weevil

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:One Divine Emporium Box
Must be captured with:Miss Buckin


Level 90​

Located:Fishman Island
Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:Unlocks Fishman Karate with regular stat cap for any race.
3rd Perk Slot
Must be captured with:Neptune

Boa Hancock

Level 90​

Located:Amazon Lily
Beri reward:2,200,000,000
Extra reward:Conqueror's Haki
+1,000,000,000 beri if both sisters are captured.
Must be captured with:One of her sisters.

Charlotte Katakuri

Level 90​

Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:+1,500,000,000 beri if both Brulee and Perospero are captured
+20 Observation Haki
Must be captured with:Brulee or Perospero

Marco the Pheonix

Level 90​

Located:Moby Dick
Beri reward:2,000,000,000
Extra reward:Ace and Jozu are worth 800,000,000 each.
Rest are worth 400,000,000 each
Moby Dick - Legendary Warship
Must be captured with:At least two of the former Whitebeard Pirates.


Level 80​

Beri reward:1,600,000,000
Extra reward:+20 Armament Haki
+150,000,000 per extra captured named Donquixote Pirate
Must be captured with:Three named members of the Donqiuxote Pirates

Princess Katarina*Prince Darius*

Level 70​

Level 70​
*Must choose one
Located:Broc Coli Island
Beri reward:1,200,000,000
Extra reward:+20 Weapon Style Mastery
Must be captured with:Talon or Sion respectively

Wild Birds

Level 60​

Beri reward:600,000,000 per bird
Extra reward:Elemental stones of your choosing to infuse a weapon for moderate level status attacks.


Level 60​

Located:Swallow Island
Beri reward:1,000,000,000
Extra reward:1 B-rank weapon blueprint
Must be captured with:Mugen and Jin

Thalassa Valerie

Level 60​

Beri reward:650,000,000
Extra reward:
500,000,000 for General Dalia
Must be captured with:Thalassa Saul or Thalassa Lucas

Vice-Admiral Prodi

Level 60​

Located:Fron Island
Beri reward:800,000,000
Extra reward:Black Den Den Mushi
One Sea Stone Weapon*
250,000,000 per named subordinate
Must be captured with:At leastwo of his named subordinates
*Can exceed normal limit

King Ham Burger*General Tanya*

Level 50​

Level 50​
*Must choose one
Beri reward:500,000,000
Extra reward:1 B-rank injection
Must be captured with:Two of their respective subordinates

Queen Camilla

Level 50​

Beri reward:600,000,000
Extra reward:1 ship with:
  • Seastone bottom
  • Adam Tree wood
Must be captured with:Kera

Cayree XII

Level 0*​
*Guarded by level 45

Beri reward:500,000,000
Extra reward:1 O Wazamono Grade Sword - B DPR
Must be captured with:Captain Magera

Commander Kondo

Level 42​

Beri reward:400,000,000
Extra reward:300,000,000 per subordinate
Must be captured with:Two of his subordinates

Bear King

Level 25​

Located:Trump Siblings
Beri reward:200,000,000
Extra reward:200,000,000 if Boo Jack and Skunk One are also captured
Must be captured with:Honey Queen


Level 30​

Beri reward:350,000,000
Extra reward:1 Treasure Map*
Must be captured with:Bob and Merrimack
*See store item under Personal Purchases
Yopenheimer sees an Opportunity...
The announcement of the Cross Guild reached every corner of the Sea, this included a multitude of pirates who had already sailed the seas. Gerald saw a great chance to score some big bucks; He needed proper funding for his robotic ventures and maybe... just maybe, His captain would reap from which he planned to sow...

"TEREHI-HI-HI-HI-HI-HI-HI-HI-HEH!!! So this is what I've been hearing about, I think I can ask the Captain to drop me off at his location and Then... HA-HAA! I'll be able to make my Sentinels even Stronger!" He exclaimed...


Name: Gerald Yopenheimer
Organization: Sweet Pirates
Bio Link: https://thrillerbark.com/threads/gas-station-hot-dog-gerald-yopenheimer.2700/
Target: Commander Kondo
Can host: no
Personal NPC name: Mark Golben
NPC stats:
Level 36
Strength: 30 + 2 = 32
Speed: 36 + 2 = 38
-Reaction: 38
-Movement: 38
Vitality: 30 + 2 = 32
-Durability: 32 + 2 = 34
-Stamina: 32
Mind: 48 + 3 = 51
-Science: 51
- Robotics: 51
Haki: 36
-Armament Haki Defensive):36
- Observation Haki (Presence Awareness): 36
Martial Arts: 0
Character Background:
Former Resident of the Island, Floridia; He ventured off Isle to pave a way for his future and to make his parents proud.
Character Development goals, if any: N/A
Level 51
Strength: 41+25+5 =71
Speed: 51+10 =61
-Reaction: 61 + 5 = 66
-Movement: 61 + 5 =66
Vitality: 51+10=61
-Durability: 61+5 = 66
-Stamina: 61
Mind: 61
-Science: 61
- Robotics: 61
Haki: 51
-Armament Haki(Defensive):61
-Observation Haki(Precognition):41
Martial Arts: 0


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Hunt Begins

Buggy fell back as he finished his speech, watching at the participants took the stage. Most did so wordlessly, staking claim to their targets in action alone, tearing the posters with their faces off the wall and rolling them up, or whatever they chose to do. Several minutes went by, and there were infamous and revered faces among those that had chosen to heed the call, but there were also several that the clown didn't recognize.

As the contestants seemed to be finished, no longer anyone stepping up to the plate, Buggy clapped his hands together.
Great! Aren't we all a jolly bunch! Those of you who may be hunting those who possess certain powers, be sure to gather a few set of complimentary seastone cuffs and collars for once your capture them. They are given out on your way back to your ships. You will also be joined by one of my underlings. No need to worry, they will just be bringing their jamming snails. We wouldn't want any of you to warn any of the other targets, would we? No no no.

Now, off with you all! I hope to see you back here soon!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
the fearful pirate stared at a pile of wanted posters, his eyes scanning the papers. his hand slowly reaches to take hold of a random poster, he looks at it. his face going pail as he relies who he got. "N-N-NO NOT HER! SHE LOOKS SCARY!" he screams at the poster. he looks at it before gulping "T-this is not going to be good b-but i need to g-get stronger f-for the crew " he says before walking away

Level 50
Strength: 50 (35+10 Human +5 MA)
Agility: 73 (61+10 Human)
->Reaction Speed 73
-> Movement Speed 73
Vitality: 61 (51+10 Human)
Martial Arts: 41 (26 +15 Human)
->Fencing 82
Haki: 75
->Armament (Offense) 75
->Precognition 75

Name: oroshi ken
Organization: Sweet pirates
Bio Link:https://thrillerbark.com/threads/oroshi-ken.2799/
Target: General Tanya
Can host: no
Personal NPC name: none
NPC stats: none
Character Background: Ken was a bullied kid who, after loosing his father, became a wondering swordsman and eventually a member of the sweet pirates
Character Development goals:
Level 50
Strength: 50 (35+10 Human +5 MA)
Agility: 73 (61+10 Human)
->Reaction Speed 73
-> Movement Speed 73
Vitality: 61 (51+10 Human)
Martial Arts: 41 (26 +15 Human)
->Fencing 82
Haki: 75
->Armament (Offense) 75
->Precognition 75
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Preciate tha food old man. Yama’s voice flowed out as he departed the simple looking food stand. Smoke billowing up from under its canopy, the smell of fried pastries wafting about the street doing its best to seduce any passerby’s sense of smell

Continuing down the cobblestone road that lead to the docks, Yama recalled a conversation he overheard a few minutes ago…….

“Yea man, y’heard bout that island in West Blue? Tha one that folks say has a civil war brewing? I heard through tha grapevine this morn that even some people in tha revolutionary army have even been spotted there. That’s definitely gonna turn inna sum dontcha think?”

“Shit….sounds like it. Must be pretty bad tho for it to be gettin all tha way out hea, I doubt tha royal family would want shut like that leakin out into tha world. You think tha revolutionaries are jus trying to stir up shit or are they there to really help?”

“Hell if I know man, that’s all I got, cmon let’s get back before they realize we’ve been gone this whole time……”

Hmm, shouldn’t be any harm in checking to see what’s going on with that I mean I was plannin on headin over there anyway. Maybe I’ll be able to raid the royal treasury in all tha chaos. Plus I kan feel it….I’ve gotten a lot stronger since black Drum kingdom, and I haven’t gotten a chance to test out how much stronger either, sounds like two birds one stone to me I snickered

Hell it might even be more of those Devil Fruit things I’ve heard bout. Wapols power kinda sucked, I mean I kan see tha potential, but to trade tha ability to swim for it? Nah I’m good

Coming to the end of tha street I had met the beginning of the dock, where my ship was gently bobbing in the waves

Whelp Illusia, let’s see what ya got

Name: Yamamoto Kaguya
Organization: N/A
Bio Link: Yama bio
Target: Thalassa Valerie
Can host: (Yes or no): Yes
Personal NPC name:
NPC stats: (in spoiler)
Character Background:
After killing Walpole, Yama branched caught wind of a rebellion that was underway in tha west blue and saw an easy way to make some money….depending on who was paying
Character Development goals, if any:
gain notoriety and make money
Level 69(100)


Strength: 47+12(+3)= 62

Speed: 77+12= 89

89x2 = 178

- Movement: 89

- Reaction: 89

Vitality: 88+12 = 100

100x2 = 200

- Stamina: 100

- Durability: 100. 283

Haki: 70+5 = 75

75x2 = 150

- Armament: 81

- Precognition: 69

Martial Arts: 1+18=19
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Hunt Begins
Buggy fell back as he finished his speech, watching at the participants took the stage. Most did so wordlessly, staking claim to their targets in action alone, tearing the posters with their faces off the wall and rolling them up, or whatever they chose to do. Several minutes went by, and there were infamous and revered faces among those that had chosen to heed the call, but there were also several that the clown didn't recognize.

As the contestants seemed to be finished, no longer anyone stepping up to the plate, Buggy clapped his hands together.
Great! Aren't we all a jolly bunch! Those of you who may be hunting those who possess certain powers, be sure to gather a few set of complimentary seastone cuffs and collars for once your capture them. They are given out on your way back to your ships. You will also be joined by one of my underlings. No need to worry, they will just be bringing their jamming snails. We wouldn't want any of you to warn any of the other targets, would we? No no no.

Now, off with you all! I hope to see you back here soon!
Name: Number X
Organization: Backyard Pirates
Bio Link: Here
Can host: (Yes or no): Yes
Cayree XII

Level 0*​
*Guarded by level 45
Name: Number X aka "Gunslinger X" or "G-X"
Pirate of the fearsome Backyard Crew
Race: Human
Height: 6'1
Strength: 11 + 10= 21
Speed: 64 + 10 +5 = 79
>Reaction: 77+5 = 82 Capped at 81
>Movement: 81 Vitality: 71 + 10 = 81
>Durability: 81
>Stamina: 81
Mind: 41
>Science: 82 (-23 B- power suit) - Capped at 81
Haki: 57 x 2 = 114
>Armament Haki (Offensive): 61 (puts you in the +2 tier)
>Observation Haki (Awareness): 53
Martial arts: 26+15=41
>Gunslinging: 82 - Capped at 81
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Hunt Begins

Buggy fell back as he finished his speech, watching at the participants took the stage. Most did so wordlessly, staking claim to their targets in action alone, tearing the posters with their faces off the wall and rolling them up, or whatever they chose to do. Several minutes went by, and there were infamous and revered faces among those that had chosen to heed the call, but there were also several that the clown didn't recognize.

As the contestants seemed to be finished, no longer anyone stepping up to the plate, Buggy clapped his hands together.
Great! Aren't we all a jolly bunch! Those of you who may be hunting those who possess certain powers, be sure to gather a few set of complimentary seastone cuffs and collars for once your capture them. They are given out on your way back to your ships. You will also be joined by one of my underlings. No need to worry, they will just be bringing their jamming snails. We wouldn't want any of you to warn any of the other targets, would we? No no no.

Now, off with you all! I hope to see you back here soon!
Below is a list of targets and their rewards:

Bear King

Level 25​

Located:Trump Siblings
Beri reward:200,000,000
Extra reward:200,000,000 if Boo Jack and Skunk One are also captured
Must be captured with:Honey Queen
I am going for him.
Stat Points: 50 x 5 = 250 points
Racial Boost (human): +10 in Strength, +10 Speed, +10 Vitality, +15 in Haki
Martial Arts Stat Boost: 41 in MA grants +5 in physical stats (strength )
Mind Stat Boost: 51 in Mind grants +5 in reaction speed sub-stats
Haki (temporary ) Stat Boosts
-Defensive path:+1 DPR, +2 Durability
-Precognition Path :+7 Reaction

Strength: 46+10+5 = 61
Speed: 48+10 = 58
- Movement: 51
- Reaction: 65+5 = 70 (+7 = 77)
Vitality: 51+10= 61
- Stamina: 61
- Durability: 61 (+2 = 63)
Fighting Style: 31
- Kezin Karate : 62
Mind: 51
- Medicine: 61
- Beast Mastery: 41
Haki: 23+15 = 38
- Armament Haki(defense): 6
- Observation Haki(precognition): 70

Will bring him as a back up
Nb: if i am not wrong i can still bring my beast mastery companion 🤔

Level 35
(70% Player's Level)
Unallocated stats = 9
Martial Arts: 28+0=28
-Ittoryu/Nitoryu: 55
-Gunslinging: 0
-unused :1
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
After his adventure in Ballywood, Oroshi arrives at the Home island of Cross Guild. As soon as he docks, he grabs the unconscious bodies of Tanya and her two subordinates and hops off the ship. The blue-haired swordsman walks into the big top tent. Looking around, he drops the unconscious trio and calls out. "H-Hello? I'm here to collect a b-bounty," he calls out when he hears footsteps. He turns to discover the world's strongest swordsman, Dracule Mihawk. Oroshi looks at him, starstruck at the sight of him." Mihawk... I-I-I-I." Mihawk walks to the bodies of Tanya and her subordinates, grabbing them all. "...If you're going to say something, spit it out." Mihawk grabs the three and gives Oroshi the money for turning them in and the B-rank injection. Oroshi sighs and returns to his ship, and sails off.
the fearful pirate stared at a pile of wanted posters, his eyes scanning the papers. his hand slowly reaches to take hold of a random poster, he looks at it. his face going pail as he relies who he got. "N-N-NO NOT HER! SHE LOOKS SCARY!" he screams at the poster. he looks at it before gulping "T-this is not going to be good b-but i need to g-get stronger f-for the crew " he says before walking away

Level 50
Strength: 50 (35+10 Human +5 MA)
Agility: 73 (61+10 Human)
->Reaction Speed 73
-> Movement Speed 73
Vitality: 61 (51+10 Human)
Martial Arts: 41 (26 +15 Human)
->Fencing 82
Haki: 75
->Armament (Offense) 75
->Precognition 75

Name: oroshi ken
Organization: Sweet pirates
Bio Link:https://thrillerbark.com/threads/oroshi-ken.2799/
Target: General Tanya
Can host: no
Personal NPC name: none
NPC stats: none
Character Background: Ken was a bullied kid who, after loosing his father, became a wondering swordsman and eventually a member of the sweet pirates
Character Development goals:
Level 50
Strength: 50 (35+10 Human +5 MA)
Agility: 73 (61+10 Human)
->Reaction Speed 73
-> Movement Speed 73
Vitality: 61 (51+10 Human)
Martial Arts: 41 (26 +15 Human)
->Fencing 82
Haki: 75
->Armament (Offense) 75
->Precognition 75
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