Info The World Economic Times

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
New trouble in Merveille

After a valiant struggle of Gambit and his crew in an attempt to uproot the influence of the legendary pirate Shiki, Gambit was tricked and defeated, and sent plummeting from Merveille all the way into the blue sea. With Shiki's victory, the golden lion roared in laughter, proclaiming himself a legend still.

However, new trouble is brewing in Merveille. Unbeknownst to Shiki, Gambit's crew had managed to stay on the island, and were now scheming to avenge their fallen Captain. However, Shiki's allied mafia bosses were hot on their tails, and ambushed Gambit's crew in a village on the outskirts of Merveille.

With this new unfolding event, how would things come to be? Would Gambit's crew escape from the island? Would they stay and fight? Will Shiki's allied mafia bosses manage to inform Shiki of the enemy crew's survival, or will Gambit's crew defeated the allied mafia bosses before the information could reach Shiki?

And what of Gambit? Would he come back stronger, or would his legacy as a pirate end by the merciless hands of the great golden lion?

A severe drought bares its fangs toward the immortal one

Kaido. One of the Yonkou. The strongest creature in the world. The immortal. He had many names, all of them connected to amazing power and invincibility. However, there was something much greater than him, much stronger than him. Mother nature. A severe drought hit Wano. Combined with the fact that Kaido's factory building endeavors had already poisoned and polluted all of Wano's native waters, the whole island now faced a terrifying prospect. In a matter of weeks, they could all be dead. Once sake ran out, it was over.

Facing this reality, Kaido had ordered ships to go and pillage neighboring islands and nations for water. However, the ships did not return. He had even sent out one of his top men, one of his calamities, Jack. But, he did not return. Now, Kaido was speculating that other nations and the rest of the world had caught on to what was happening. Factions from all over were now making sure, that no one would leave Wano and return with water.

Only one man was strong enough to go and come back. Kaido himself. Only a few days separated Kaido from setting sail. Would he succeed, or would the unfathomable happen? The demise of a Yonkou.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
He has arrived!
"Time is up."

Said a person sitting on the edge of his vessel, the Reptilia Littorio. One of the few armada left from the former Silver Hair Pirates, now known as the Silver Fang Pirates. Given the mission to keep East Blue territories under his control for their captain, Muk finally got news to rejoin the crew in the New World.
Having been extremely careful to keep his presence unknown to the world, as those were the orders given, but now the pirate received new ones.
"Join us in the new world. But before meeting up, make sure the world knows about you. You've been invisible for far too long, my friend...."

As the ship set sail, Muk looked towards the horizons and smirked. Walking off the edge, he closed his eyes and walk towards the end of the ship to rejoin the rest of shipmates who all in their position, waiting for his next orders.

Goodbye East Blue !

"Yoshi Yoshi ! It's Janemba on the line."

"Well hello... I assume by this call it means that "Herectiks" are ready to expand their business. "

"Jahahaha.. You know it. The crew is meeting up in the NW. So we thought it might be best that we advance with the plans for Dressrosa.."

"Perfect! We'll meet in Dressrosa. You know the protocols, make yourself known once we passed by Fishman Island.
I'll meet you guys there. "

"However... You need to be wary. Things have been unstable since the disappearance of the Devil Pirates...."



Hanging up as he laughed, Janemba was smiling as he sat inside of a large room inside his vessel. Docked at the Baratie, the crew were there to meet up with KG, the last member to pick up before leaving the East Blue.
Alone in what looked like some kind of leisure room, Janemba looked at the map. More precisely he was looking at the New World section of the map.
As he focused on the few location that were highlighted, the door behind him swung open and Frieza, his comrade came in. Having just given the orders to the crew, while the General and the Doctor were busy handling business in the restaurant.

Positioning himself right next to his partner, Frieza smiled as he glared at the map. More precisely, he was fixated on Dressrosa.

"It's true what the General said. All Roads Lead to Dressrosa! "

Giggling as he said those words, the two lieutenants started their plan of action for the imminent rise of the Vampirates Pirates. Plotting and conniving for the General were a hobby that both shared and equally loved.
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Fall of the Golden Lion Shiki
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Inside the Marine HQ, Marineford...

A young blonde marine who has a mid-length haircut with a five-six inch long swiped back top and shorter sides and wearing a black suit topped with a standard-issue Marine jacket and pants was rushing to the office of the Fleet Admiral. "Sir! Permission to talk, Sir!"

"Come in!"
, a voice from inside the room responded. Distinctly, you would also hear occasional chuckles and giggles and a few stomping on the floor. It's only to assume that there were more than a single man inside and apparently a meeting was being held at the time. Fun meeting, was it?

The marine captain entered the room and stood firmly before giving a salute to the higher-ranking officers present. "Sir! We have received a report all around the world and there is something really disturbing."

He walked near the table and handed them over the bounty files and the latest news from Morgans. "Here it is Sir!".

Rise of the Vampirate Prince, Landayan Morrow a.k.a The Gambit. Fall of the Golden Lion Shiki

The news headline blatantly slammed their faces the moment they looked onto it. Their eyes, bulging like goldfish gogglers as they kept on reading it. Their temples' nerves were quivering every single word they scanned. Bared teeth and tight jaws in conjunction with it. The man on the table slammed the newspaper over the wood.

"Whilst I thank him for giving us a hand to take Shiki down, we can't just allow this bastard to run wild across the seas.", Sengoku said.

"Hahahahahaha!!!", a man standing beside him laughed.

"Shut up Garp!!!", said Fleet Admiral.

"You know what, why don't you eat first?", Garp replied, smiling and offering the bag of cookies he was holding. "And maybe you'd have a change of heart."

"Gwuaaah?!!", Sengoku reacted before becoming serious.

"First was Patrick Redfield and now Shiki.", Sengoku continued. "If he's capable of bringing down such formidable pirates, I wonder what he does worse. Where is he headed to?"

Silence occupied the room and everyone stared at the Fleet Admiral. "Marineford? No. It would be foolish. But if he's from a hidden Kingdom in North Blue, it's only rational to take on the Germa Kingdom. Yes. It is."

Shortly after the meeting, new bounty posters for Gambit and his crew have been released.

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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

General Overview
A bounty is the sums placed on the capture (and/or) death of an individual. A bounty is issued by a government official or by the Marines to tempt others into aiding the capture of the criminal. The amount of a bounty is determined in response to the perceived threat level of the criminal in question; the greater the threat to the world, the greater the bounty. In the eyes of a pirate, high bounties are thus usually seen as a sign of strength.

Bounty System
The bounty system is a divided into self-calculating and discretionary portions. The discretionary portion is based on accomplishments and perceived threat level by the Bounty GM: @Ichimonji. Below are general guidelines in which bounties are given with an increasing level of difficulty. In order to qualify for a bounty, you must make a post in this thread with the news and exploits of your character - it will be judged accordingly.
  • Base Bounty Increase:Self-calculated, making up the 1st part of your bounty increase, based on following:
    • Half of one time island beri reward;
    • Highest defeated WG member level x2m; and/or
    • Highest defeated level x1m or half of highest pirate bounty (whichever is highest).
  • Discretionary Bounty Increase:Calculated by Bounty GM, making up the 2nd part of your bounty increase:
    • Discretionary up to Bounty GM
    • Examples: Destroying marine bases, poneglyph affairs, Void Century knowledge, inspiring revolution against WG, general cruelty
  • Decreasing Rate of Return
    • 0 - 499 million: None
    • 500 - 1 billion: 50% of bounty rewards
    • 1 billion - 1.5 billion: 25% of bounty rewards
    • 1.5 billion+: Only discretionary bounty rewards
An island that does not have a one-time beri reward will be assessed by the GM. A pirate that does not have a published bounty, but should have one based on canon (like Shiki), will be assessed by the GM.​

Bounty How-To
Below find a step-by-step "how-to" post your bounty for calculation. Think of it as a Newspaper post with rewards. The post, given the description, will count for weekly activity. Grandfather rule applies to current bounties before the start of this Bounty System.

Step 1: Post a general description of the IC.​
Step 2: Post Achievements section​
Step 3: Calculate your "base" increase​
Step 4: Post and wait for GM to give "discretionary" increase​
Step 5: Contact @Gambit for updated bounty poster​

Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Bounty: 30m Bounty
Thread: Alabasta [Start - End] (links)

Description: Landed in Alabasta with Princess Vivi. Punched her stupid face cause she would not stfu. Blah. Blah...

- Defeated Crocodile (Shichibukai)​
- Saved Alabasta from Civil War​
- Thwarfed plan to resurrect Pluton​
- Brought rains back to the country​
Base Increase: 85,000,000
- 60 (Crocodile level) x 1m = 60,000,000 (because level reward > bounty reward)​
- 50,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 25,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​
Total Bounty Increase: ______
Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Bounty: 100m Bounty
Thread: Enies Lobby [Start - End] (links)

Description: Rode the Sea Train to Enies Lobby to save comrade. Became chibi and punched leader of CP9 in face. Blah blah blah...

- Defeated Blueno​
- Defeated Rob Lucci​
- Destroyed Pluton blueprints​
- Destroyed Enies Lobby​

Base Increase: 190,000,000
- 70 (Rob Lucci level) x 2m = 140,000,000 (Note that vs WG, it's x2m, not 1m like normal)​
- 100,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 50,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Total Bounty Increase: ______
Name: Buggy-Sama
Bounty: 500m Bounty
Thread: Trickster Pirates [Naval Battle] [Start - End] (links)

Description: Intercepted Trickster Pirate ship. Shone holy light unto them. Brought into the light of the savior.

- Defeated Hermes​
- Defeated Trickster Pirates​
- Got information on Olympus​
- Saved nearby island almost ransacked​

Base Increase: 352,500,000
- 610,000,000 (Hermes bounty) / 2 = 305,000,000
- 800,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 400,000,000
- Total Base Increase: 705m / 2 = 352,500,000 (Note that because pirate is 500m+, bounty reward is halved)​
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Total Bounty Increase: ______

Bounty Posters
Bounty Posters are issued by The World Economic Times and are a routinely reviewed by the newspaper and all over the world. Having a bounty will increase infamy and make one a target. Bounty Posters are updated by the artist @Gambit. Reach out to him with a picture, your current bounty, and a bounty poster will be issued.

Most Wanted Man (?)
- Monkey D. Dragon​

Pirate King Level Threat (4b+)

Yonko Level Threat (1.5b+)

World Level Threat (1b+)

Infamous Level Threat (500m+)

New World Level Threat (250m+)

Supernovas (100m+)

Rookie Level Threat

Bounty System is out! @Ziosa will update the front page soon. Feel free to post to get your bounty.

Note: Grandfather clause applies
Note: You do NOT need to get a bounty if you don't want to. No more bounty per level. Stay incognito, my friends.

Bounty Request (@kakashi19283)

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: Tequila Wolf [Start - End]

Description: Birthed new life from Necrohol, La Spada single-handedly invaded Tequila Wolf. The Grim entered the Marine base and decimated the troops, taking souls with her. Those who survived became wardens of La Spada Pirates. The humongous bridge of Tequila Wolf was transformed to a site for trafficking of weapons in East Blue. La Spada uses the bridge to transport weapons to the highest bidder to the various islands in East Blue.

- Defeated Commodore Daigin​
- Massacred Marines​
- Foiled Tenryuubito plans​
- Took hostage rebels​
- Turned Tequila Wolf to weapon transport​

Base Increase: 180,000,000
- 40 (Dagin level) x 2m = 80,000,000
- 200,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 100,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 0 Bounty (whatever I get from Tequila Wolf)
Thread: Maelstorm Island [Start - End]

Description: Maelstorm Island, with nigh impenetrable natural defenses, would be the stronghold and foothold of the Spada Pirates in the New World. La Spada and three Plagues entered the island with intent to kill. Decimating the Gray Cloud Pirates, La Spada left two alive to oversee the island. At the direction of The Grim, the island quickly became an explosive production island. Where once was a lush green parasite, now turned cold and Gray. As if La Spada’s soul corrupted the land.

- Decapitated "Warbird" Xana​
- Defeated Gray Cloud Pirates​
- Stole War Style techniques​
- Slaughtered 100 fodder pirates​

Base Increase: 265,000,000
- 65 (Xana level) x 1m = 65,000,000
- 400,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 200,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

General Overview
A bounty is the sums placed on the capture (and/or) death of an individual. A bounty is issued by a government official or by the Marines to tempt others into aiding the capture of the criminal. The amount of a bounty is determined in response to the perceived threat level of the criminal in question; the greater the threat to the world, the greater the bounty. In the eyes of a pirate, high bounties are thus usually seen as a sign of strength.

Bounty System
The bounty system is a divided into self-calculating and discretionary portions. The discretionary portion is based on accomplishments and perceived threat level by the Bounty GM: @Ichimonji. Below are general guidelines in which bounties are given with an increasing level of difficulty. In order to qualify for a bounty, you must make a post in this thread with the news and exploits of your character - it will be judged accordingly.
  • Base Bounty Increase:Self-calculated, making up the 1st part of your bounty increase, based on following:
    • Half of one time island beri reward;
    • Highest defeated WG member level x2m; and/or
    • Highest defeated level x1m or half of highest pirate bounty (whichever is highest).
  • Discretionary Bounty Increase:Calculated by Bounty GM, making up the 2nd part of your bounty increase:
    • Discretionary up to Bounty GM
    • Examples: Destroying marine bases, poneglyph affairs, Void Century knowledge, inspiring revolution against WG, general cruelty
  • Decreasing Rate of Return
    • 0 - 499 million: None
    • 500 - 1 billion: 50% of bounty rewards
    • 1 billion - 1.5 billion: 25% of bounty rewards
    • 1.5 billion+: Only discretionary bounty rewards
An island that does not have a one-time beri reward will be assessed by the GM. A pirate that does not have a published bounty, but should have one based on canon (like Shiki), will be assessed by the GM.​

Bounty How-To
Below find a step-by-step "how-to" post your bounty for calculation. Think of it as a Newspaper post with rewards. The post, given the description, will count for weekly activity. Grandfather rule applies to current bounties before the start of this Bounty System.

Step 1: Post a general description of the IC.​
Step 2: Post Achievements section​
Step 3: Calculate your "base" increase​
Step 4: Post and wait for GM to give "discretionary" increase​
Step 5: Contact @Gambit for updated bounty poster​

Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Bounty: 30m Bounty
Thread: Alabasta [Start - End] (links)

Description: Landed in Alabasta with Princess Vivi. Punched her stupid face cause she would not stfu. Blah. Blah...

- Defeated Crocodile (Shichibukai)​
- Saved Alabasta from Civil War​
- Thwarfed plan to resurrect Pluton​
- Brought rains back to the country​
Base Increase: 85,000,000
- 60 (Crocodile level) x 1m = 60,000,000 (because level reward > bounty reward)​
- 50,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 25,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​
Total Bounty Increase: ______
Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Bounty: 100m Bounty
Thread: Enies Lobby [Start - End] (links)

Description: Rode the Sea Train to Enies Lobby to save comrade. Became chibi and punched leader of CP9 in face. Blah blah blah...

- Defeated Blueno​
- Defeated Rob Lucci​
- Destroyed Pluton blueprints​
- Destroyed Enies Lobby​

Base Increase: 190,000,000
- 70 (Rob Lucci level) x 2m = 140,000,000 (Note that vs WG, it's x2m, not 1m like normal)​
- 100,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 50,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Total Bounty Increase: ______
Name: Buggy-Sama
Bounty: 500m Bounty
Thread: Trickster Pirates [Naval Battle] [Start - End] (links)

Description: Intercepted Trickster Pirate ship. Shone holy light unto them. Brought into the light of the savior.

- Defeated Hermes​
- Defeated Trickster Pirates​
- Got information on Olympus​
- Saved nearby island almost ransacked​

Base Increase: 352,500,000
- 610,000,000 (Hermes bounty) / 2 = 305,000,000
- 800,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 400,000,000
- Total Base Increase: 705m / 2 = 352,500,000 (Note that because pirate is 500m+, bounty reward is halved)​
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Total Bounty Increase: ______

Bounty Posters
Bounty Posters are issued by The World Economic Times and are a routinely reviewed by the newspaper and all over the world. Having a bounty will increase infamy and make one a target. Bounty Posters are updated by the artist @Gambit. Reach out to him with a picture, your current bounty, and a bounty poster will be issued.

Most Wanted Man (?)
- Monkey D. Dragon​

Pirate King Level Threat (4b+)

Yonko Level Threat (1.5b+)

World Level Threat (1b+)

Infamous Level Threat (500m+)

New World Level Threat (250m+)

Supernovas (100m+)

Rookie Level Threat

Bounty System is out! @Ziosa will update the front page soon. Feel free to post to get your bounty.

Note: Grandfather clause applies
Note: You do NOT need to get a bounty if you don't want to. No more bounty per level. Stay incognito, my friends.

Bounty Request (@kakashi19283)

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: Tequila Wolf [Start - End]

Description: Birthed new life from Necrohol, La Spada single-handedly invaded Tequila Wolf. The Grim entered the Marine base and decimated the troops, taking souls with her. Those who survived became wardens of La Spada Pirates. The humongous bridge of Tequila Wolf was transformed to a site for trafficking of weapons in East Blue. La Spada uses the bridge to transport weapons to the highest bidder to the various islands in East Blue.

- Defeated Commodore Daigin​
- Massacred Marines​
- Foiled Tenryuubito plans​
- Took hostage rebels​
- Turned Tequila Wolf to weapon transport​

Base Increase: 180,000,000
- 40 (Dagin level) x 2m = 80,000,000
- 200,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 100,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 0 Bounty (whatever I get from Tequila Wolf)
Thread: Maelstorm Island [Start - End]

Description: Maelstorm Island, with nigh impenetrable natural defenses, would be the stronghold and foothold of the Spada Pirates in the New World. La Spada and three Plagues entered the island with intent to kill. Decimating the Gray Cloud Pirates, La Spada left two alive to oversee the island. At the direction of The Grim, the island quickly became an explosive production island. Where once was a lush green parasite, now turned cold and Gray. As if La Spada’s soul corrupted the land.

- Decapitated "Warbird" Xana​
- Defeated Gray Cloud Pirates​
- Stole War Style techniques​
- Slaughtered 100 fodder pirates​

Base Increase: 265,000,000
- 65 (Xana level) x 1m = 65,000,000
- 400,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 200,000,000
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)​
I'll give an extra 100 mill bounty for the discretionary reward for Tequila Wolf, due to its strategic importance as a location, its importance to the Tenryubito, as well as the overall violence done against Marine forces there.

Nothing for Maelstorm.

@Ziosa can pitch in as well since this is a new thing.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'll give an extra 100 mill bounty for the discretionary reward for Tequila Wolf, due to its strategic importance as a location, its importance to the Tenryubito, as well as the overall violence done against Marine forces there.

Nothing for Maelstorm.

@Ziosa can pitch in as well since this is a new thing.
i actually feel 100m is a bit low, as it seems to be very important and stuff
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
i actually feel 100m is a bit low, as it seems to be very important and stuff
It's just an extra, he already got bounty from it as well. But up to you, you can change it any way you like. Tequila Wolf was full of fodders so... xD


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
It's just an extra, he already got bounty from it as well. But up to you, you can change it any way you like. Tequila Wolf was full of fodders so... xD
100 is fine then, just seems like low for something associated with the celestial dragons themselves
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
100 is fine then, just seems like low for something associated with the celestial dragons themselves
I mean I agree, but then it should've had higher-level NPCs there. xD
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
BOUNTY REQUEST @kakashi19283 @Ichimonji

Name: The Gambit
Current Bounty: 425.5M
Other members of the crew: 0
Thread: Merveille

Description: Gambit's crew failed their first attempt to defeat the legendary pirate Shiki because of inner conflict with Shiki's scientist, Lady Manaka, a maiden from his home whom he treated as his only sibling. But after rejoining the crew, Gambit found his new resolve and fought with all his might to eradicate the evil and his plans.

- Gambit vs Shiki: Won
- T-Bag vs Mafia boss and a Level 60 Beast: Won
- KG vs a Level 60 Beast: Won
- Ryan Reynolds vs Mafia boss and Level 60 Beast: Won
- Manaka vs Level 70 Indigo: Won
- Lady Aramis and the 9 knights vs Level 41 Mafia Fodders: Won
- Saved the civilians of Merveille from evil
- Saved East Blue from being annihilated by Shiki
- Entrap and saved the mutated beasts
- Obtained the blueprint of mutated animals

Gambit Base Increase: 490M or ???
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- Level 90 (Shiki) x 1M = 90M OR half his unknown bounty

T-Bag, Reynolds, and KG Base Increase: 460M
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- 60M

Manaka Base Increase: 470M
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- 70M

Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
BOUNTY REQUEST @kakashi19283 @Ichimonji

Name: The Gambit
Current Bounty: 425.5M
Other members of the crew: 0
Thread: Merveille

Description: Gambit's crew failed their first attempt to defeat the legendary pirate Shiki because of inner conflict with Shiki's scientist, Lady Manaka, a maiden from his home whom he treated as his only sibling. But after rejoining the crew, Gambit found his new resolve and fought with all his might to eradicate the evil and his plans.

- Gambit vs Shiki: Won
- T-Bag vs Mafia boss and a Level 60 Beast: Won
- KG vs a Level 60 Beast: Won
- Ryan Reynolds vs Mafia boss and Level 60 Beast: Won
- Manaka vs Level 70 Indigo: Won
- Lady Aramis and the 9 knights vs Level 41 Mafia Fodders: Won
- Saved the civilians of Merveille from evil
- Saved East Blue from being annihilated by Shiki
- Entrap and saved the mutated beasts
- Obtained the blueprint of mutated animals

Gambit Base Increase: 774,500,000 (total increase)
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- Level 90 (Shiki) x 1M = 90M OR half his unknown bounty 1.15b (Half of 2.3b)
423.5m + 76.5m (1,073,500,000 remaining) = 500m

1,073,500,000 x 50% = 536,750,000
500m + 500m = 1b (36,750,000 remaining)
36,750,000 x 25% = 9,187,500
1,009,187,500 + 190,812,500 (discretionary bounty)
New Bounty: 1,200,000,000

T-Bag, Reynolds, and KG Base Increase: 460M
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- 60M

Manaka Base Increase: 520m
- Half of Island Beri Reward - 800M/2 = 400M
- 70M
- 50m discretionary

Discretionary Bounty:
- 190,812,500 to Gambit (already depreciated with 25% formula)
- 50,000,000 to Manaka (already depreciated)
Total New Bounty:
- Gambit = 1.2b
- Manaka = 520m
- KG = 460m

Shiki’s bounty was agreed to by all GMs at 2.3b

The Spada Pirates continued their reign of terror right to an Olympian God’s doorstep. The latest island to fall was Lemnos in the North Blue! Known for its technological advancements, compared loosely to Vegapunk’s own, Lemnos had been a stalwart island without the interference of the World Government due to their technological marvel and God of Blacksmiths and Fire, Hephaestus.

The Grim, as we have marketed the terrible La Spada, captain of the Spada Pirates, invaded the island and destroyed the island’s decade anniversary; the Saturnalia carnival. Rumor has it she took over the bodies of the automatons, bodies of mechanical marvel made by Hephaestu, and slaughtered an entire town. A reporter from inside the island is on record noting that humans were sacrificed to make the automatons, and the Grim enticed the deepest darkest pits of their souls.

While her minions, Zalera and Charon took the secrets of Hephaestus’s forge, defeating two infamous cyclops, Koppair and Brontes, La Spada drew out the god himself. Rumor has it the woman summoned the pits of the Underworld to execute Hephaestus in front of his men. Some say it’s impossible that a mortal killed a god. Others say that The Grim is not mortal, but a demon and the second coming of Hades. Who is to know for sure?!

What’s worse, rumor has it that Hephaestus soul was stolen at the time of execution, forever trapped on the Grim’s whims. Rumor says the Grim seeks the souls of every Olympian god.

After the dust cleared, La Spada even took the god’s most precious creation; Aegis shield, with the power of Olympians. What little we have learned days after is that Lemnos is now a high-tech weapon production for the Spada Pirates. For what end, anyone could guess! But with the Grim, it surely a threat to us all!

Lemnos now stands as an island under the protection of the Spada Pirates. Everyone, stay away!

Bounty Request (@kakashi19283)

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 545,000,000 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos [Start - End]

Description: (see above)

- Defeated Gotoi (lvl 70)​
- Made automatons malfunction and slaughter civilians​
- Executed Hephaestus (lvl.80) (see link)​
- Obtained Aegis Shield​
- Gained list of gods and islands (to kill later)​
- Turned Lemnos into high-tech weapon factory​

Base Increase: 142,500,000 + (discretionary bounty)
- 80 (Hephaestus’s level) x 1m = 80,000,000
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 205,000,000
+ 285m x 50% (bounty depreciation) = 142,500,000

Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate) (must be already depreciated)​

Name: Zalera
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos

- Infiltrated Hephaestus’s forge​
- Killed half a dozen civilians in cold blood​
- Defeated Koppair (lvl.75)​
- *****Dowloaded Hephaestus’s research******​

Base Increase: 280,500,000 + (discretionary bounty)
- 75 (Koppair/Koppair level) x 1m = 75,000,000
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 205,000,000

Discretionary Bounty:
(Gm will calculate) (must be already depreciated)


Name: Charon
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos

- Infiltrated Hephaestus’s forge
- Killed half a dozen civilians in cold blood
- Forced Brontes (lvl.75) to flee

Base Increase: 177,500,000
- 75 (Brontes level) x 1m = 75,000,000
+ 75m / 2 = 37.5m (because only forced Brontes to flee)​
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 / 2 (sliding scale) = 102,500,000

Discretionary Bounty:
- (NOT entitled to discretionary bounty)​
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Total New Bounty:
- Gambit = 1.2b
- Manaka = 520m
- KG = 460m

Shiki’s bounty was agreed to by all GMs at 2.3b

The Spada Pirates continued their reign of terror right to an Olympian God’s doorstep. The latest island to fall was Lemnos in the North Blue! Known for its technological advancements, compared loosely to Vegapunk’s own, Lemnos had been a stalwart island without the interference of the World Government due to their technological marvel and God of Blacksmiths and Fire, Hephaestus.

The Grim, as we have marketed the terrible La Spada, captain of the Spada Pirates, invaded the island and destroyed the island’s decade anniversary; the Saturnalia carnival. Rumor has it she took over the bodies of the automatons, bodies of mechanical marvel made by Hephaestu, and slaughtered an entire town. A reporter from inside the island is on record noting that humans were sacrificed to make the automatons, and the Grim enticed the deepest darkest pits of their souls.

While her minions, Zalera and Charon took the secrets of Hephaestus’s forge, defeating two infamous cyclops, Koppair and Brontes, La Spada drew out the god himself. Rumor has it the woman summoned the pits of the Underworld to execute Hephaestus in front of his men. Some say it’s impossible that a mortal killed a god. Others say that The Grim is not mortal, but a demon and the second coming of Hades. Who is to know for sure?!

What’s worse, rumor has it that Hephaestus soul was stolen at the time of execution, forever trapped on the Grim’s whims. Rumor says the Grim seeks the souls of every Olympian god.

After the dust cleared, La Spada even took the god’s most precious creation; Aegis shield, with the power of Olympians. What little we have learned days after is that Lemnos is now a high-tech weapon production for the Spada Pirates. For what end, anyone could guess! But with the Grim, it surely a threat to us all!

Lemnos now stands as an island under the protection of the Spada Pirates. Everyone, stay away!

Bounty Request (@kakashi19283)

Name: La Spada
Bounty: 545,000,000 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos [Start - End]

Description: (see above)

- Defeated Gotoi (lvl 70)​
- Made automatons malfunction and slaughter civilians​
- Executed Hephaestus (lvl.80) (see link)​
- Obtained Aegis Shield​
- Gained list of gods and islands (to kill later)​
- Turned Lemnos into high-tech weapon factory​

Base Increase: 142,500,000 + (discretionary bounty)
- 80 (Hephaestus’s level) x 1m = 80,000,000
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 205,000,000
+ 285m x 50% (bounty depreciation) = 142,500,000

Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate) (must be already depreciated)​

Name: Zalera
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos

- Infiltrated Hephaestus’s forge​
- Killed half a dozen civilians in cold blood​
- Defeated Koppair (lvl.75)​
- *****Dowloaded Hephaestus’s research******​

Base Increase: 280,500,000 + (discretionary bounty)
- 75 (Koppair/Koppair level) x 1m = 75,000,000
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 = 205,000,000

Discretionary Bounty:
(Gm will calculate) (must be already depreciated)


Name: Charon
Bounty: 0 Bounty
Thread: North Blue - Lemnos

- Infiltrated Hephaestus’s forge
- Killed half a dozen civilians in cold blood
- Forced Brontes (lvl.75) to flee

Base Increase: 177,500,000
- 75 (Brontes level) x 1m = 75,000,000
+ 75m / 2 = 37.5m (because only forced Brontes to flee)​
- 410,000,000 (one time beri reward) / 2 / 2 (sliding scale) = 102,500,000

Discretionary Bounty:
- (NOT entitled to discretionary bounty)​
My discretionary bounty for all of them would be 100m once again. The island is not quite as strategically or symbolically important as Tequila Wolf, but given the strong opponents, and what La Spada gained out of it, it about makes up for it.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Name: Kana Uteki
Bounty: N/A
Thread: Start - End

Description: Uteki arrived in Dressrosa with partner Ai. The two set out to end Doflamingo's control of the island and take it for themselves. The two infiltrated the Corrida Colosseum, and destroyed it. Then proceeded to battle against the Donquixote Pirates where all were either capture or killed.

-Defeated Doflamingo (Shichibukai)
-Defeated Doflamingo's 3 Officers (Diamante, Trebol, Pica)
-Destroyed Corrida Colosseum
-Caused several casualties in a kaiju battle.

Base Increase: ??? + 170,000,000
No One Time Beri Reward
Half of Doflamingo Bounty: 170,000,000

Discretionary Bounty: -

Total Bounty Increase: ____
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Name: Kana Uteki
Bounty: N/A
Thread: Start - End

Description: Uteki arrived in Dressrosa with partner Ai. The two set out to end Doflamingo's control of the island and take it for themselves. The two infiltrated the Corrida Colosseum, and destroyed it. Then proceeded to battle against the Donquixote Pirates where all were either capture or killed.

-Defeated Doflamingo (Shichibukai)
-Defeated Doflamingo's 3 Officers (Diamante, Trebol, Pica)
-Destroyed Corrida Colosseum
-Caused several casualties in a kaiju battle.

Base Increase: 535,000,000
One Time Beri Reward: 400,000,000 (bounty purposes only)
Half of Doflamingo Bounty: 170,000,000

400,000,000 + 100,000,000 = 500k
170,000,00 - 100,000,000 = 70,000,00
70,000,000 / 2 (over 500k bounty depreciation) = 35,000,000

Discretionary Bounty: 25,000,000 (already depreciated)
Note: A lot of discretionary is in the one-time Beri calculation​

Total Bounty Increase: 560,000,000
Uteki Bounty: +560,000,000
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Current Bounties:
  • Gambit: 1.2B
  • T-Bag: 460M
  • Prince Namor: 0
  • Lady Manaka: 520M
  • KG: 380M
  • Reynolds: 300M
  • Aramis and the Knights: 163.8M
  • Koza: 0
Thread: Germa Kingdom

Description: After finishing Shiki, a legendary pirate of the old, the Vampirate Prince Gambit sailed across the New World in search of supremacy and union and their first target, a proud nation that once boasted in all of North Blue, the powerful military force of the Kingdom of Germa. It started as a stalemate between the commanders of the crew against the royal siblings, however, when it's finally time to end the war as the former unleashed their real powers, the royal family accepted Gambit's offer to unite and conquer the world together.

  • Hundreds of Germa Soldiers blast off when the 11 Knights spread in a wide circle, channeling their distinct Royal Swordsmanship.
  • Koza and his elite Desert Rebels assaulted the opposing army for their signature multi-weapon barrage.
  • Manaka, on the rightmost plank, subdued Princess Reiju's resting bitch face with his surgical attack, mauling her raid suit and punishing her body as she came crashing meters away before plummeting into the ground.
  • Reynolds on the leftmost plank would bury his bullets into the suit of Yonji, rapidly like flaming arrows to brined flesh; trailing his sister off to rest.
  • At the center, Ichiji shot himself skyward after meeting one of Prince Namor's Atlantian Trident's mightiest blow - The Onigawara True Fist.
  • And the frontman who was mid-air, T-Bag, and with his newfound attack power harnessed all his sorrows into one apocalyptic kick into the body of Niji, bursting in flames as he met the rest of his siblings on the plowed floor of Germa Kingdom.
  • Gambit made Judge surrender and accept his offer to serve under his Soviet Union of Vampirates Empire
  • Obtained the blueprint of Germa Tech and control of the entire military power, as well as having the siblings become part of the crew, Ichiji being one of the top commanders.
Base Increase: At least 70M for all qualified crew members
- Level 70 (Judge Vinsmoke level) x 1m = 70M
- One-time Beri Reward: None and shall be assessed by GM
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Current Bounties:
  • Gambit: 1.2B
  • T-Bag: 460M
  • Prince Namor: 0
  • Lady Manaka: 520M
  • KG: 380M
  • Reynolds: 300M
  • Aramis and the Knights: 163.8M
  • Koza: 0
Thread: Germa Kingdom

Description: After finishing Shiki, a legendary pirate of the old, the Vampirate Prince Gambit sailed across the New World in search of supremacy and union and their first target, a proud nation that once boasted in all of North Blue, the powerful military force of the Kingdom of Germa. It started as a stalemate between the commanders of the crew against the royal siblings, however, when it's finally time to end the war as the former unleashed their real powers, the royal family accepted Gambit's offer to unite and conquer the world together.

  • Hundreds of Germa Soldiers blast off when the 11 Knights spread in a wide circle, channeling their distinct Royal Swordsmanship.
  • Koza and his elite Desert Rebels assaulted the opposing army for their signature multi-weapon barrage.
  • Manaka, on the rightmost plank, subdued Princess Reiju's resting bitch face with his surgical attack, mauling her raid suit and punishing her body as she came crashing meters away before plummeting into the ground.
  • Reynolds on the leftmost plank would bury his bullets into the suit of Yonji, rapidly like flaming arrows to brined flesh; trailing his sister off to rest.
  • At the center, Ichiji shot himself skyward after meeting one of Prince Namor's Atlantian Trident's mightiest blow - The Onigawara True Fist.
  • And the frontman who was mid-air, T-Bag, and with his newfound attack power harnessed all his sorrows into one apocalyptic kick into the body of Niji, bursting in flames as he met the rest of his siblings on the plowed floor of Germa Kingdom.
  • Gambit made Judge surrender and accept his offer to serve under his Soviet Union of Vampirates Empire
  • Obtained the blueprint of Germa Tech and control of the entire military power, as well as having the siblings become part of the crew, Ichiji being one of the top commanders.
Base Increase: At least 70M for all qualified crew members
- Level 70 (Judge Vinsmoke level) x 1m = 70M
- One-time Beri Reward: None and shall be assessed by GM
Discretionary Bounty:
- (Gm will calculate)
Gambit: Current Bounty of 1,200,000,000
Base Increase: 420,000,000 / .25 (bounty depreciation) = 105,000,000
- Level 70 (Judge Vinsmoke level) x 1m = 70,000
- One-time Beri Reward: 350,000,000
Total Base Increase: 420,000,000 (before depreciation)​
Discretionary Bounty: 50,000,000 (already depreciated)

Total Gambit Bounty Increase: 105,000,000 + 50,000,000 = 155,000,000
New Gambit Bounty: 1,355,000,000

T-Bag: Current Bounty of 460,000,000
Base Increase:
- Level 70 (Ichiji level) x 1m = 70,000
- One-time Beri Reward: 262,500,000 (one-time x .75)
Total Base Increase: 332,500,000 (before depreciation)
460,000,000 - 40,000,00 (remaining before depreciation) = 500,000,000​
292,500 /2 (500m+ depreciation) = 146,250,000
Discretionary Bounty: 13,750,000 (already depreciated)

New T-Bag Bounty: 660,000,000


Namur: Current Bounty of 0
Base Increase:
- Level 70 (Niji level) x 1m = 70,000,000
- One-time Beri Reward: 175,000,000 (one-time x .50)
Total Base Increase: 245,000,000
Discretionary Bounty: 35,000,000

New T-Bag Bounty: 280,000,000


Manaka: Current Bounty of 520,000,000
Base Increase:
- Level 65 (Reiju level) x 1m = 65,000,000
- One-time Beri Reward: 112,500,000 (one-time x .25)
Total Base Increase: 177,500,000 (before depreciation)
177,500,000 x .5 (500m+ depreciation) = 88,750,000​
Discretionary Bounty: 11,250,000 (already depreciated)

New T-Bag Bounty: 620,000,000


Reynolds’s: Current Bounty of 300,000,000
- Level 65 (Yonji level) x 1m = 65,000,000
- One-time Beri Reward: 112,500,000 (one-time x .25)
Total Base Increase: 177,500,000
Discretionary Bounty: 7,500,000

New Reynold Bounty: 485,000,000


KG: Current Bounty of 380,000,000
Base Increase:
- One-time Beri Reward: 0 (one-time x 0)
Discretionary Bounty: 20,000,000

New KG Bounty: 400,000,000


Note: If not listed above, they were not deemed to get Bounty increases.
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Rise of a New Emperor?
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Soon after the fall of Shiki, a legendary pirate of the old, the Vampirate Prince Gambit sailed across the New World in search of supremacy and union and their first target, a proud nation that once boasted in all of North Blue, the powerful military force of the Kingdom of Germa. It started as a stalemate between the commanders of the crew against the royal siblings, however, when it's finally time to end the war as the former unleashed their real powers, the royal family accepted Gambit's offer to unite and conquer the world together.

Gambit and his commanders made Judge surrender and accept his offer to serve under his newly formed rising Soviet Union of Vampirates Empire. Along with the victor were the blueprint of Germa Technology and the control over the Germa 66.

The captain was last seen sailing the boundary of New World and Red Line in search of an Olympian God and the Ruler of the Underworld himself, Hades.

Will The Gambit replace him as the new King of Hell? Or is this a testament to the commencement of the Great World War?

They are all mysteries now, but the time for the world to turn upside down is about to begin.



Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Bounty Request (@kakashi19283, @Ichimonji)

Appearance for the bounty

Alias: Kurai
Bounty: 0
Thread: Whole Cake Island [Start] [End]

Description: Akira attacked the Big Mom Pirates alongside with La Spada, aiming to take down the Yonko and her crew once and for all. He flew towards Biscuit Island and started hunting down the pirate crew starting with Opera. He later fought Cracker and Katakuri together before killing Cracker as well but was forced to retreat from Biscuit Island after a hard fight with Katakuri and the arrival of his crew mates as well as the Beast Pirates. Afterwards Akira met Bartholomew Kuma and was sent to Big Mom's Chateau in Whole Cake Island to find her poneglyph, one of La Spada's objectives. Akira later met with Sasaki in the chateau and a short fight ensues before eventually teaming up to search for Big Mom's poneglyph.

Akira found the poneglyph in the treasure room and the fight with the remaining Big Mom Pirates ensues, leading to the defeat of Mont-d'Or, Galette and Perospero, routing the remaining Big Mom Pirates. After their defeat, the poneglyph is located by Akira, ultimately falling into La Spada's hands. Akira is later present at the end of the Big Mom but broke the temporarily alliance with Sasaki when the man attacked La Spada, leading into a fight to protect La Spada from certain death. The combination of needing help from Zeus and time running out to take out the Grim Reaper herself, Sasaki was forced to retreat. Akira finally 'killed' La Spada during her broadcast to the world.

- Killed Charlotte Opera and Charlotte Cracker
- Defeated Charlotte Mont-d'Or, Charlotte Galette and Charlotte Perospero
- Fought Katakuri to a stalemate (Didn't beat him).
- Routed the rest of the Big Mom Pirates in the treasure room.
- Located Big Mom's Poneglyph with Sasaki, though contents of the poneglyph not known to him. Accomplishing one of La Spada's goals.
- Fought Sasaki for a brief moment on two occasions, prevented him from killing La Spada and contributed in forcing him to retreat on the second occasion.
- 'Killed' La Spada during the global broadcast.
- Physical appearance of Akira unseen due to raid suit and not directly appearing on screen.

Base Increase:
- 400,000,000 (Biscuit Island) = 400,000,000/2 = 200,000,000
- Cracker's official bounty from the wiki: 860,000,000/2 = 430,000,000

Discretionary Bounty:
(Gm will calculate)

Alias: Kurai
Bounty: 0
Thread: Haela Isles [Start] [End]

Description: Akira heard rumors that the fabled Revolutionary Army was on Halea Island in the Grand Line. Akira soon found of the Curse of the Howling Wind, the second son of King Ran turned into Fenrir to deter invaders. The two led an expedition to Migard and defeated the Army and King Ran, freeing the boy. The island was left with spies in the Revolutionary Army, under the Spada banner, as controlling power. Rumors regarding the downfall of the previous monarch is attributed to La Spada 'appearing' in Haela Isles but also the speaks about a Shadow.

- Defeated all Revolutionaries except for one of the officers, Kath
- Massacred the Royal Army and the King in Midgard
- 'Liberated' the people from the oppressive regime
- Turn the RA officer, Kath into a spy for Spada Pirates
- Fenrir became the hidden protector of Haela Isles
- Downfall of Midgard and its monarchy is attributed to the 'Shadow' of La Spada through spreading rumors by Kath (And to her peers in the RA).

Base Increase:
(I have no clue which one is it so I'm going to add all the one time up)
- 100,000,000 (Help Revolutionary) + 200,000,000 (Alfheim) + 200,000,000 (Jotun) + 200,000,000 (All Island) = 700,000,000/2 = 350,000,000
- 55 (Marasobi level) x 1m = 55,000,000

Discretionary Bounty:
(Gm will calculate)
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

It was a calm morning around the world. Pirates all over the world were just waking up, getting out on their decks to take in a breath of the fresh morning air. Rays of the morning sun reflected off of the sea - truly a sight of freedom. Marines all over the world were just waking up, getting their morning coffees getting to their work posts. A colony of News Coo flew around the world, dropping the newspaper that kept everyone updated of the most recent changes in the world.

Today, it was news that would shock the world.

Yonkou Kaidou had lost Onigashima, and Wano Kuni was free. La Spada, Gambit, Vice Admiral Leo and Vice Admiral Kallavan were the ones responsible for this. However, true to his name, Kaidou survived, this time thanks to another Yonkou.
Yonkou Big Mom had come to Onigashima, forming an alliance between the two Emperors.

Such an alliance was without a doubt cause for the tides of the world to shift. The old era and the new era were coming together, like two black holes starting to absorb one another. Which one would come out on top?

Whichever it was, the world was on edge. And whatever the World Government would do next, they had to keep one thing in mind - how to calm the world down, and make its citizens feel at ease once more.
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