The Death Note - Rumbar Pirates #10
Music swelled and Sun kept the beat. He had separated from Yorki, hoping to entice him with his aloof nature and promise of a hangover cure. Things got more troiblesome when Yorki asked about the hangover cure. In truth, Sun had none, only the normal Bloody Mary, yet he needed to keep the farce for now. The battle of wits continued,
Sun finished his song, gave his instrument back, and bowed. He hoped his skills in music and in alleged medicine would entice the Rumbar Pirates to consider him a possible member - get as close as he could. Sun went back to the bar, drawn by the smell of sausages.
Sun sat down and downed the last of the drink he once had. Sun knew he had to stop drinking soon or else it’s affect his battle prowess. He turned to Yorki.
[Sun Wukong] “Well! My boy! There are two cures for hangovers.”
[Sun Wukong] “The first is my favorite: don’t stop drinking! Keep postponing the crash! I’ll drink to that! Chuhuhuhu!”
Sun laughed uproariously. Truly, it was a pirate’s answer. An answer a Rumbar Pirate would give. Sun’s skills in mimicking did not stop at techniques, but in mannerisms and speech as well. He picked up the Rumbar’s very essence quickly.
Sun continued with his explanation.
[Sun Wukong] “The second is to extract the yeast and sugar from your body through enzymes. A complicated mixture made from the exact alcohol you drank by reversing its acidity. The only side effect is you’ll puke your guts out! But if you beat it, you’ll be good as new! Ready for another round.”
Sun spoke confidently. He had a normal working knowledge of chemistry, but nothing more. He hoped his fancy “explanation” would give his words credence.
[Sun Wukong] “If you’d like to try it, take me to your worst! I’ll only ask for another day of humbling intruding in your festivities. What do you say? Lead the way!”
Sun smiled. Hoping to draw Yorki from the crowd. The worst, he presumed, would be passed out and unable to move and be part of this party.