General Who is your favorite champ?

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Salty Doubloons
The title, and tell me why. Mine is a tie between Morgana and Soraka, call me basic but those were the two champs that really got me into League and solidified me being a support main even now.
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Salty Doubloons
I think with approx. 150 Champs, it's not easy to pick 1 or 2 Favorite Champs
I believe that there are Champions that i really like because i Main them, Others that are really Fun to Play even if i don't play them much and there are those that i really like based on Design, Lore, Character ... etc (Not to mention that some Music Videos made me like many Champs)

I think Top 10 Favorite Champs would be a better Question
Mine are:

Garen & Darius (Love to play them both, Badass imo and i like how they are Portrayed as Rivals & Fearless)
Pyke (I think he is among very few Champs that are Enjoyable & Satisfying to play + He is Badass & have Amazing Design, Full Package)
Rengar (League have tons of Animal-Inspired Champs and IMO Rengar is the Best in both Gameplay & Design/Character)
Mordekaiser (I love how Mordekaiser is Portrayed very Powerful, Dangerous & Intimidating in both In-Game & Lore + Cool Design)
Cho'Gath (Mainly because i Main Him and i love all his Kit + I like how he Scales in both Size & Damage)
Annie & Veigar (The Mages that i Main, the cool thing about them is how they are really Small but are Intimidating & have Devastating Combo)
Sion (He is my Favorite Tank + I love how all his Kit portray him as a Monster who wants to fight so badly + Well Portrayed in Awaken Video)
Zed & Talon & Lee Sin (C'mon, who doesn't love Edgy Badass Assassins with cool Mechanics & Design/Lore)

And more importantly, i love most their VOs & Sounds, they are really Cool (+ all of them have Amazing R Ability imo)

Honorable Mentions:

Miss Fortune (The Hottest Female for sure xD), Jhin (Very Mysterious & Artistic, really loved him in Awaken Video), Draven (Troll in a Badass way), Warwick (Loved his Trailer, Scary Beast), Pantheon (Another Badass Champ), Nasus (I Main him too), Lux (Fun to play with but extremely hate playing against her xD), Katarina (Same as Lux), Gangplank (Badass Pirate, what more you want?), Akali (Same as Lux & Kata)
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Salty Doubloons
Ahem.... I'll answer this when we make a TB flex and Clash teams. :weirdpeep:
K, these champs are my fav and basically my champion pool, control mages and few bruiser/asassin roamers. Mid/support

- Anivia
(main, I think, idk....aaaaaaa!:blobworried:... I really enjoy the feeling of playing her, and I notice now after around 200 games on her that I'm starting to get exponentially better with her)

- Zyra (picking her up, I love how's she both a control/aoe and burst mage, I really enjoy playing her)

- Twisted Fate (I'm still lousy on him, but I love how by playing him I insanely improve at my macro play/map awareness, since I have to be fixated on the mini map while playing him, I also love how I can diversify with him and play him both AP and AF, basically all keystones can be used on him)

- Talon (I love the braindeadness of this champ, rush Tiamat, guaranteed 2 kills before 5th minute of the game, I love him for the map pressure and since I'm still lousy at csing I can make up for that by roaming to bot lane and 1 shoting the squishy enemy adc over and over and over. :dogkek:

- Teemo :)catlaugh:)

- Karthus (picking him mid with smite or with spell book keystone is an underrated strat, switch to smite for mana regen while roaming and counter jungle, press R for free win, playing him also helps a lot with improving map awareness. I also play him when autofilled as jg. )

Swain - (mostly playing him in my offrole, really great support champ, fun to play as well)

Fiddle (one of my first champs I played, I love how trollish I can be with him, and I love how much more trollish I'll be with him when the rework gets released)

- Zilean (I enjoy playing him, is easy to play and has great mid potential with electrocute, usually I'll shadow my jg instead early roaming and give him xp/lvl him up with my passive.

- Ryze (great champ for learning mid lane macro, map awareness and overall champion micro since he's a machinegun mage and you learn and get used to quickly spamming your spells)

- Ziggs (hella fun control mage, if you concentrate on macro instead of mindlessly ARAMING with your be loved braindead teammates you can smash down turrets and phenomenal split push with him, I love the feel of playing him as well, I love playing him from time to time)

Miss Fortune (I pick her up when autofilled adc, also wanna try her more in mid)

- Kled (probably the best designed champ with the most epic voiceover and voice lines ever, I plan to pick him up soon, also has a great roaming potential)

Honorable mentions:

Veigar, Janna

That's it for now....
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Papa Rak

Red Riot
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Salty Doubloons
I love so many champs...doesn't help that I basically play/played all roles :pepecute: I'll narrow it down to top 3 per role so I don't mention too many. Some of the things I may say now may not be true anymore due to patches.

Poppy - Even though I haven't played her in a while, I love Poppy. Nothing beats being a small yordle who can tank as well as dish out some damage.
Jayce - One of my two 1v9 champs, I don't think I've ever lost lane (mid and top) with him.
Malphite - First ever champion I bought and played eons ago. Back when I was dumb and went trinity force bot and contested my adc on the farm.

honorable mentions: Kled, Sylas, Swain

Trundle - It's a troll. who has an ice club to smack on peoples head.
Udyr - SG Udyr gives you the trick2g buff- I can confirm.
Lee Sin - Not a good Lee player- not at all. nevertheless I like playing him because of his high skillcap.

honorable mentions: Rammus, Pantheon, Rengar

Talon - one of the best early game champions but can work with a comp and team that knows that Talon is limited if late game comes and plays around that.
Azir - *In Yamato's voice* Azir Emperor of Shurima! always a joy to play with him, a very unique kit and hard to master champ. I just wish the range of his Q was reverted :(
Lux - Perfect to play just to annoy the shit of any midlaner. has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

honorable mentions: Fizz, Akali, Yasuo

Ezreal - easily top 3 overall. love everything about him.
Xayah - clean kit, just like how she is played...Perkz is the reason I picked her up.
Ashe - a classic one, really underrated imo.

honorable mention: the cheese picks á la Yasuo/Talon/Syndra/Lee

Pyke - now there is a reason for the support to take the kills :)
Blitz - nothing beats the feeling of making the life of a immobile adc hell.
Rakan - not a good rakan at all but love to play him if I ever have a Xayah adc, better make use of those couple passives as much as possible.

honorable mentions: Morgana, Bard, Karma
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Darius and Jax. Because they are monster
Mordekaiser because of the penta I make when I get fed.
Quinn perfect for roaming when 6
AP Maokai to piss the enemy jg, specially if it's Rengar. You know what I mean
The one and only Demon Lord Teemo
Ziggs because I mained him for a while
Heimerdinger because I main him and also because of the burst he got
AD Thresh to teach adcs a lesson that you need to avoid any auto even from supports.
AP Mundo/Tank Mundo
Warmong Warwick
Singed and Voli tossing them around kkkk
Velkoz because of burst and I main him
TF because he's just too good. I'm getting better at him. Just gotta time those tp bot and top better

Blitz for molesting ADCs and their support.
I got called that by a Morgana main since I kept grabbing her. Pure madness of enjoyment

Talon, Zed, Kat, Fizz, Akali, Zoe, Aurelion, Ornn, Shaco, PentaKayle, Pentapyke, Press R penta AKA Karthus, Kled, The Poppy.

Ugh I love them all anyway but those are the ones I play regularly with.
Because he's Azir.
I hate him in someone else's hand if he's good.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Darius and Jax. Because they are monster
Mordekaiser because of the penta I make when I get fed.
Quinn perfect for roaming when 6
AP Maokai to piss the enemy jg, specially if it's Rengar. You know what I mean
The one and only Demon Lord Teemo
Ziggs because I mained him for a while
Heimerdinger because I main him and also because of the burst he got
AD Thresh to teach adcs a lesson that you need to avoid any auto even from supports.
AP Mundo/Tank Mundo
Warmong Warwick
Singed and Voli tossing them around kkkk
Velkoz because of burst and I main him
TF because he's just too good. I'm getting better at him. Just gotta time those tp bot and top better

Blitz for molesting ADCs and their support.
I got called that by a Morgana main since I kept grabbing her. Pure madness of enjoyment

Talon, Zed, Kat, Fizz, Akali, Zoe, Aurelion, Ornn, Shaco, PentaKayle, Pentapyke, Press R penta AKA Karthus, Kled, The Poppy.

Ugh I love them all anyway but those are the ones I play regularly with.

I hate him in someone else's hand if he's good.
Aside from being my main, Azir is a hard counter to Heimer imo, so I never miss the matchup.
He can remove his turrets so safely, science-man used to be my secondary pick until I picked up Cassiopeia.


Nancy <3
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
While i still played def Shyvana. Shyv in S3 and S4 was a monster

You basically go top with Ghost/Teleport and push your lane 24/7 while clearing enemy jungle. Rush Frozen Mallet with Sunfire Cape and just kill everyone in your path
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
While i still played def Shyvana. Shyv in S3 and S4 was a monster

You basically go top with Ghost/Teleport and push your lane 24/7 while clearing enemy jungle. Rush Frozen Mallet with Sunfire Cape and just kill everyone in your path
Jungle AP Shyvana is a thing right now.
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Salty Doubloons
I hate this game and it's community and how toxic it can make you, I only play for fun sometimes, and when I do Lux is my fav I adore her <3 :tedhug:
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