Thriller Bark

Ghidorah Guy
Marco was charmed by a certain someone into going to Wano, ie hypnotism. He will do something to more directly betray the good guys.
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Ghidorah Guy
The Minks will also betray the good guys, having been made privy to some startling information by Kaido and other traitors. Not only are there many serious misconceptions about their history with the Kozuki, they like Zunesha also have a prior debt that must be paid, superceding their vows to he Kozuki. This also applies to Zunesha; it will betray the Minks.
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Ghidorah Guy
Kidd's magnetism will be rendered useless by Prometheus/Kaido's heat. Gets swallowed up by Big Mom's new non-ferrous, environmental homies. Killer's losing use of his hands, if not losing them completely.
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Ghidorah Guy
Law's getting cut to pieces. Hawkins took a lil souvenir from Law during their last encounter. Someone, probably Brooke, is going to take a shot at Hawkins, leaving Law sliced up badly. We may get a scene of Kaido/Big Mom going hog, cutting Law to "pieces." Really, Law made innovative use of his powers: he cut himself to pieces, non-lethally, ahead of time.
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Ghidorah Guy
Kaido defeats Luffy in s manner reminiscent of Urashima' embarrassing defeat: Luffy will be left w/ a massive handprint in the shape of a dragon's claw -- the TALON of the Celestial Dragon. Kaido has his own version of Gear Third in the form of morphing his arm into his draconic one, full scale. It also be cloaked in haki/flames, leaving Luffy charred.
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Ghidorah Guy
Several of these characters will learn surprising facts that'll leave them unwilling to lay a hand on their enemies or hinder their ability to do so from the shock: Jinbe vs Who's Who, Franky vs. Sasaki, Sanji vs. King, probably more as we move along.
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Ghidorah Guy
Speaking of Jinbe, it gets worse. Fate's going to turn against the good guys by piling heaps of disadvantages onto them. In Jin's case, he'll suffer a debilitating bout of weakness mid-battle, owing to his past encounter w/ BM at WCI. He didn't walk out unscathed; he offered up his life in exchange for his crew's by spinning the wheel of Misfortune, and he lost out on a lot of lifepan.
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Ghidorah Guy
Zoro's gonna take a swing at Kaido from behind in cheap fashion, probably because of Enma. Too hard, cause the sword's will break upon Kaido's back. Or I should say shell, cause Kaido's part Kappa. Or Fishman, depending on what system they use to to categorize a Sea Turtle-type, racially speaking. Also, he's got a turtle shell emblem adorning it too, probably looking like the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching.
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Ghidorah Guy
Tama's also going to "betray" the good guys by releasing her hold on the SMILES she's controlling. Once she sees them getting brutally taken down, bravely sacrificing themselves for her sake, Tama will gradually lose heart and break down, unable to stomach what she's doing. This will lead to a certain Baboon looking for payback later.
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Ghidorah Guy
This turn might be prompted by Komachiyo's own refusal to follow her orders prior. She never kibi dango on him, which might lead to him trying save the Baboon, the two now friends. Stressing out, Tama might fuck up by remarking on the baboon being an ex-enemy, maybe even tries forcing a kibi dango on doggo...only forKoma to swat it aside and/or nip her; mark of a bad dog owner.
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Ghidorah Guy
Expect some chicanery during the fight calling back to Kaido/Oden's fight. Could go alot of ways, but what's certain are the outcomes: Kidd ending up pissed at Luffy, and Kaido's victory leaving a bad taste in his mouth, because Luffy had him in bad spot at one point ala Oden, Luffy refusing to take advantage of a cheap tactic by Kidd, something. This will inform Kaido's next decision as to what to do with them.
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Ghidorah Guy
This one may be overboard, but King won't just be the one to defeat Sanji based on a lil technicality...SHE'll be using a HIDDEN APPENDAGE to do so in humiliating fashion, sure to leave Sanji fans Oda fully intended. Basically, King's got a third leg/bird talon and it going to pull a TESTICULAR CLAW HOLD to squeeze Sanji's nuts into submission.
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Ghidorah Guy
Nami is going to betray the allies as well. Her weakness is children, and seeing Tama being threatened will lead her to throw down her arms and surrender. So much for that comback.
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Ghidorah Guy
You can probably sense a pattern forming here. Zoro's "betrayal" will probably involve him freezing up due to one or more of his principles getting violated, e.g inability to cut down women ( he just doesn't realize it ), his sword shattering, Kaido or Big Mom somehow ending up naked haha ( remember Zoro's remarks earlier in the arc ).
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Ghidorah Guy
Chopper's "betrayal" amounts to healing the enemy, even when he def shouldn't. Or failure to fight back against traitors, people he considered friends. Maybe both. Chopper's long had trust issues ( swinging in both directions ) that'll be exacerbated by the betrayal of Tristan...and Miyago - the mastermind and anti-scapegoat of the Minks' betrayal.
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Ghidorah Guy
Robin's "betrayal" probably follows Nami's in a way. She'll surrender and offer up her services in decyphering poneglyphs to spare the lives of comrades in danger of being killed. If Toko's somehow made it to Onigashima, it's a wrap. Robin's been tapping into her own maternal instincts lately. Speaking of which, going back to Nami...the other Numbers are women, and may have babi oni w/ them. Uh oh.
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