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  1. oddoddfruit

    General oddoddfruits super chitchat thread

    OMG I love this section
  2. oddoddfruit

    General Best Boat in OnePiece

    Which ship is your favourite? My favourite is the mighty and amphibious Nostra Castello of Capone Bege's Firetank Pirates
  3. oddoddfruit

    General Post Assassin

    POST ASSASSIN In this game one player will be designated as the hit target while a single assassin hides amongst everyone else involved. The assassin will be assigned to have a particular quirk in their posting (e.g. They always have to start their posts with the letter G) and if the target...
  4. oddoddfruit

    Resolved Threadmarks

    Is it my imagination or can anyone make a threadmark in any thread they want to? Threadmarks are usually reserved for the creator of a thread. If it's just for personal threadmarks it doesn't matter but if everyone can see them it might cause issues, I could easily abuse the feature I made...
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