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  1. Nicolo Makaveli

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1079: Emperor of the Red-Haired Pirates

    He could have left!? It really depends on how much Oda wants to stretch Egghead island. If Egghead is meant to be a long arc (which I don't think so) then adding more characters–especially powerful onse–is the right way. If both Blackbeard and Shanks come to Egghead then we are looking at medium...
  2. Nicolo Makaveli

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1079: Emperor of the Red-Haired Pirates

    Noah, he's definitely not dead. No because conquer's haki users don't go quietly into the night, they don't give up no matter how hard it is. The best example is Shiki! Kid right now is like Shiki when he was captured by the Marines, he cut off his legs in order to flee, and immediately started...
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