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  1. Nocvius

    Spoilers One Piece - 1008 Spoilers

    Oda, oh Oda... :dogkek: That last chapter would've been perfect if it was released on April 1st (it's just 1 week away!). But thank God Oden stays dead. F*ck Orochi though...not that I should be surprised. What's he going to do now? It's not like he has any allies left except Kanjuro. But I...
  2. Nocvius

    Spoilers One Piece - 1008 Spoilers

    One Piece Chapter 1008 Title: Atamayama bandit leader Ashura Doji SCANS - Oden says that he has reached the future thanks to Toki's powers. - Ashura Douji does not believe him and gives him a cut, Oden does not bleed. - It is revealed to be a fake Oden created by Kanjuuro's powers. - A bomb...
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