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  1. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    awww so pretty your face but yeah I am surprised by this devil fruit of yours, its spectacular I will get myself ready, in the pocket of my jacket I open theeeee, increeasing the tension of a small sphere: TENSION TENSION NO MI: POCKET DIMENSION: EQUIP - MAGIC SCYTHE STAFF
  2. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    taking my first punch: but due to changing the tension of my blood within my bloodcirculation, I make it, that no blood will be lost. no bone broken no tooth lost my head is dizzy respect to the drunken fist my friend, tell me your mentor! anyway a new fighting stance time to make...
  3. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

  4. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    meanwhile certain viewers are cheering upon Rejette, even a duck is between the crowd!
  5. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    What an honourable opponent, I wish to know more about you...I wish to redeem this soul. Holy Duck, give me the powers! *Rejette channels Arnament Haki aswell as Observation Haki to a higher extend, creating a Magic Ryou aura around her that look like duckwings* Holy Duck Magic: Ahiruryu
  6. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    blocking and dodging attacks like: meanwhile my increased speed-energy will be utilized in one swing, increasing the tension of my arm: TENSION TENSION NO MI: HOLY DUCK KENPO DUCKWING-AXE 1567961400 1567961427 edit: fixed the gif
  7. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    *spams more attacks because the enemie's dance is amusing her*
  8. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    We both know what happens! Combined with the Holy Duck Kenpo I increase the tension of my fist to perform a powerful attack: TENSION TENSION NO MI: HOLY DUCK KENPO STEEL BEAK any object or person hit will lose their tension (be it muscle or bones) so they end up like pudding upon impact:
  9. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    Increase Tension of the skin and the muscles: Stop the basic attack show off, I give you one more try.
  10. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

  11. Rej

    AIT Round #1 Rejette vs Oddfruit

    Nvm, the real thing is here: "Centuries ago the Mai D family were setteling down inside the Redline, within a temple construct. The fellow monks of the clan were studying fighting techniques in order to support the arriving "Meziah" who might make the prophecies come alive! The time has come...
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