Archived Red Coat Pirates

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Salty Doubloons
The Tempest Pirates are a crew with 28 members. The crew has Humans, Humandrills, Fishmen, a Reptilian, a Tiefling, Minks, Dwarves, a Giant and even Kungfu Dugongs and a Hiking Bear in their ranks. Their Captain is Rimu.

They are a powerful pirate crew, but seemingly very nonchalant and not very aggressive. Wherever they sail, they are known for being rowdy and having a lot of fun. Crew members use their one-man ''personal fast boats'' for competitive races among themselves, and sometimes even get the Fishmen of the crew involved in these sea races. Overall, they are a fun and cheerful crew.

However, they are always hunted by the World Government, due to being perceived as a threat.


[PC] Rimu (Captain):
84 x 5 = 420
Strength: 58 (Race: +16, Phoenix: +20) = 94
Speed: 55 (Race: +16, Phoenix: +20, Mera: +10) = 101 [Movement Speed: 101 | Reaction Speed: 101]
Vitality: 40 (Race: +16, Phoenix: +20, Mera: +5) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Tori Tori no Mi; Model - Phoenix: 76 (Race: +24) = 100
Perk: Allows extra hybrid transformations without the use of Rumble Balls.
Mera Mera no Mi: 100
Haki: 91 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 82 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 100]
See full bio here.
[Crew NPC] Diablo (First Mate): (currently on a mission away from the crew)

65 x 5 = 325
Strength: 52 (Race: +24, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 63 (Race: +18) = 61 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 35 (Race: +6) = 41 [Fiero: 82]
Haki: 94 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 94 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 94]

[Crew NPC] Gintoki (Swordsman): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
Personality: Gintoki is extremely lazy. He is often seen wearing a dumb expression on his face and spends his days lounging around whilst imparting wise and sage-like advice to his younger crew members, even though he doesn't actually know what he's talking about most of the time. He is bad with money and always asks Rem to lend him some. He is sarcastic and unattached but he values connections more than anyone. For the most part, Gintoki is content with hanging out with his crew. However different aspects of his personality emerge depending on the situation. In more comedic situations he is characterized as cowardly and sarcastic, but in serious situations he is intense and unwavering and will die for someone who he cares about. He very much enjoys joking, being passionate, and arguing about stupid stuff so he and his crew members at the end of the day can have a good laugh.
65 x 5 = 325
Strength: 83 (Race: +12, MA: +5) = 100
Speed: 69 (Race: +12) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 69 (Race: +12) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 31 (Race: +18) = 49 [Swordsmanship: 97]
Haki: 73 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 46 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 97]

Gintoki is a master swordsman. He fights wielding his katana in one hand and the scabbard in the other hand. The katana is mostly used for attacking while the scabbard is used for blocking and parrying. However, if he wants to go easy on someone, he will use the scabbard to strike.


Flash | Point: Gintoki uses a burst of speed to close the distance between himself and the target, and slashes the target in one fluid motion, using the momentum to increase his cutting force. Rank: A

Tiger Drill: Gintoki uses a burst of speed to close the distance between himself and the target, and stabs the target. By putting a spin on his arm and sword, Gintoki effectively turns the sword into a drill, increasing its penetrative force. Rank: S

Power Slash: Gintoki uses all of his strength to perform a powerful slash that focuses on overpowering strong defenses. Rank: S

Flying Sword: Gintoki slashes with his sword, which unleashes a flying slash. Rank: A

Flying Barrage: Gintoki slashes with his sword, unleashing multiple flying slashes that cover a wider area. Rank: S

Nine Dragons: Gintoki uses all of his speed to flash past the opponent while striking nine different spots. The weight behind the nine strikes is not as great as the weight behind a single strike, because Gintoki focuses on speed. The nine spots struck at the throat, both shoulders, the chest, the stomach, both thighs and both knees. Rank: S

Sword Smack: Gintoki uses his scabbard to strike. Due to the blunt edge, the damage is lesser. Gintoki usually uses this technique when he doesn't want to take the target out. Rank: C

[Crew NPC] Rem (Navigator): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 29 (Race: +12) = 41
Speed: 69 (Race: +12) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81 (Mind: +10) = 91]
Vitality: 69 (Race: +12) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Mind: 72 (Race: +18) = 90 [Navigation: 90 | Science: 90]
Uses a Clima Tact to fight.
Haki: 61 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 32 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 90]
[Crew NPC] Bambina (Humandrill): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
Personality: Bambina is very friendly with the Red Coat Pirates, to the point where he has joined their ranks. What his actual name is is anyone's guess, since Bambina doesn't speak the human tongue and as such he cannot introduce himself. He was given the name Bambina by Gintoki, though he clearly messed up with his Spanish by giving Bambina, a male, a female version of the name. The crew found that out later on, so they just started calling him Bambi, not that that's any more masculine. Bambina is playful and nonchalant, but he can become extremely aggressive to anyone or anything that threatens him or the crew.
70 x 5 = 350
Strength: 48 (Race: +28, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 80 (Race: +14, MA: +5) = 99 [Movement Speed: 99 | Reaction Speed: 99]
Vitality: 53 (Race: +28) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 68 (Race: +21) = 89 [Mimic Mastery: 99 | Life Return: 79]
Mind: 21 (Race: -21) = 0
Haki: 80 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 61 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 99]

Humandrills are able to copy techniques. At his current mastery, Bambina can copy and permanently remember 19 techniques.

Techniques copied so far:

Tiger Drill: Gintoki uses a burst of speed to close the distance between himself and the target, and stabs the target. By putting a spin on his arm and sword, Gintoki effectively turns the sword into a drill, increasing its penetrative force. Rank: S (Copied from Gintoki here)

Flash | Point: Gintoki uses a burst of speed to close the distance between himself and the target, and slashes the target in one fluid motion, using the momentum to increase his cutting force. Rank: A (Copied from Gintoki here)

Flying Barrage: Gintoki slashes with his sword, unleashing multiple flying slashes that cover a wider area. Rank: S (copied from Gintoki here)

[kakashi19283's personal NPC] Bradley (former Marine): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
70 x 5 = 350
Strength: 81 (Race: +14, MA: +5) = 100
Speed: 62 (Race: +14, MA: +5) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 67 (Race: +14) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 60 (Race: +21) = 81 [Swordsmanship: 81 | Brawling: 81]
Haki: 80 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 61 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 99]
[Crew NPC] Orca (Fishman, ''Helmsman'' through water control): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 52 (Race: +24, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 75 (Race: +6) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 57 (Race: +24) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 45 [Fishman Karate: 90]
Haki: 71 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 61]
[Crew NPC] Zed (Fishman, ''Helmsman'' through water control): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 52 (Race: +24, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 75 (Race: +6) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 57 (Race: +24) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 45 [Fishman Karate: 90]
Haki: 71 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 61]
[Crew NPC] Sarutobi (Humandrill): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 52 (Race: +24, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 69 (Race: +12) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 57 (Race: +24) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 27 (Race: +18) = 45 [Mimic Mastery: 90]
Mind: 18 (Race: -18) = 0
Haki: 77 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 64 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 90]

Humandrills are able to copy techniques. At his current mastery, Sarutobi can copy and permanently remember 18 techniques.

Techniques copied so far:

[Crew NPC] Rak (Reptilian): (currently on a mission away from the crew)
60 x 5 = 300
Strength: 55 (Race: +30, MA: +5) = 90
Speed: 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 51 (Race: +30) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 45 [Toxia: 90]
Mind: 6 (Race: -6) = 0
Haki: 62 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 62 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 62]
[Crew NPC] Albedo (Tiefling):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 56 (Race: +20, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 46 (Race: +15) = 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 36 (Race: +5) = 41 [Fiero: 81]
Haki: 56 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 31]
[Crew NPC] Roku (Giant):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 36 (Race: +40, MA: +5) = 81
Speed: 61 [Movement Speed: 61 | Reaction Speed: 61]
Vitality: 46 (Race: +35) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Martial Arts: 41 [Giant Axe Hammer: 81]
Mind: 10 (Race: -10) = 0
Haki: 81 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 81 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 81]
[Crew NPC] Mia (Cyborg):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 11 (Race: +10) = 21
Speed: 71 (Race: +10) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 71 (Race: +10) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Cyborg: 66 (Race: +15) = 81 [Destruction: 81 | Armor: 81 | Energy: 81 | Utility: 81]
2 x 41-60: firearm + 2 magazines or 10 bullets (DPR: C) - costs 2 x 3 = 6 modification points
1 x 61-80: artillery gun + 3 rounds (DPR: B) - costs 1 x 4 = 4 modification points
3 x 81-99: directed-energy weapon + 3 magazines (DPR: B) - costs 3 x 4 = 12 modification points
2 x 1-20: grappling hook (6 foot long) - costs 2 x 1 = 2 modification points
2 x 41-60: extendable arms, legs or torso (2 foot long) - costs 2 x 3 = 6 modification points
1 x 61-80: rocket booster (+5 mobility) (2 max) - costs 1 x 4 = 4 modification points
81-99: extra arms or legs - costs 5 modification points
Haki: 56 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 31 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 81]
[Crew NPCs] Lisa and Kora (Jills of all trades, handywomen):
Statistics (Lisa):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 71 (Race: +10) = 81
Speed: 66 (Race: +10) = 76 [Movement Speed: 76 | Reaction Speed: 76]
Vitality: 31 (Race: +10) = 41 [Stamina: 41 | Durability: 41]
Mind: 66 (Race: +15) = 81 [Shipwright: 81 | Navigation: 81]
Expertise: 41 [Science: 81]
Statistics (Kora):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 71 (Race: +10) = 81
Speed: 66 (Race: +10) = 76 [Movement Speed: 76 | Reaction Speed: 76]
Vitality: 31 (Race: +10) = 41 [Stamina: 41 | Durability: 41]
Mind: 66 (Race: +15) = 81 [Shipwright: 81 | Navigation: 81]
Expertise: 41 [Science: 81]
[Crew NPC] Tora (Mink):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 61 (Race: +20) = 81
Speed: 61 (Race: +20) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 36 (Race: +5) = 41 [Electro: 81]
Haki: 56 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 41 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 71]
[Crew NPC] Inu (Mink):
55 x 5 = 275
Strength: 61 (Race: +20) = 81
Speed: 61 (Race: +20) = 81 [Movement Speed: 81 | Reaction Speed: 81]
Vitality: 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 36 (Race: +5) = 41 [Electro: 81]
Haki: 56 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 41 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 71]
[Crew NPC] Hanzou (Dwarf):
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 45 (Race: +30) = 75
Speed: 55 (Race: +20) = 75 [Movement Speed: 75 | Reaction Speed: 75]
Vitality: 51 (Race: +10) = 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 38 [Dwarf Kata: 75]
Mind: 10 (Race: -10) = 0
Haki: 51 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 41 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 61]
[Crew NPCs] Kaseki and Kaijin (Dwarf blacksmith brothers):
Statistics (both):
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 45 (Race: +30) = 75
Speed: 1 (Race: +20) = 21 [Movement Speed: 21 | Reaction Speed: 21]
Vitality: 65 (Race: +10) = 75 [Stamina: 75 | Durability: 75]
Martial Arts: 38 [Dwarf Kata: 75]
Mind: 48 (Race: -10) = 38 [Blacksmith: 75]
Kaseki created 2 A-rank Armors (requires 75 Strength to use and 75 Blacksmith to make, costs 32 invention points), one for himself and one for Rak.
Kaijin created 2 A-rank Armors (requires 75 Strength to use and 75 Blacksmith to make, costs 32 invention points), one for himself and one for Albedo.
Haki: 53 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 45 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 61]
[Crew NPCs] Hansel and Gretel (twins):
Statistics (Hansel):
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 51 (Race: +10) = 61
Speed: 51 (Race: +10) = 61 [Movement Speed: 61 | Reaction Speed: 61]
Vitality: 51 (Race: +10) = 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 23 (Race: +15) = 38 [Dual Axes: 75]
Haki: 74 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 74 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 74]
Statistics (Gretel):
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 11 (Race: +10) = 21
Speed: 53 (Race: +10, MA: +5) = 68 [Movement Speed: 68 | Reaction Speed: 68]
Vitality: 51 (Race: +10) = 61 [Stamina: 61 | Durability: 61]
Martial Arts: 60 (Race: +15) = 75 [Gunslinging: 75 | Sniping: 75]
Haki: 75 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 75 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 75]
[Crew NPCs] Kungfu Dugongs (4):
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 50 (Race: +25) = 75
Speed: 50 (Race: +25) = 75 [Movement Speed: 75 | Reaction Speed: 75]
Vitality: 50 (Race: +25) = 75 [Stamina: 75 | Durability: 75]
Martial Arts: 38 [Kungfu: 75]
Mind: 20 (Race: -20) = 0
Haki: 42 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 42 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 42]
[Crew NPC] Hiking Bear (1):
Several times larger than a human.
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 50 (Race: +25) = 75
Speed: 50 (Race: +25) = 75 [Movement Speed: 75 | Reaction Speed: 75]
Vitality: 50 (Race: +25) = 75 [Stamina: 75 | Durability: 75]
Martial Arts: 38 [Pickaxe: 75]
Mind: 20 (Race: -20) = 0
Haki: 42 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 42 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (awareness): 42]
[PC] Kana Uteki:
81 x 5 = 405
Strength: 60 (Race: +16, DF: +5) = 81
Speed: 80 (Race: +16, MA: +5) = 101 [Movement Speed: 101 | Reaction Speed: 101]
Vitality: 55 (Race: +16, DF: +10) = 81 [Stamina: 81 | Durability: 81]
Chi Chi no Mi: 76 (Race: +24) = 100
Martial Arts: 50 [Haemokinetic Combat: 100]
Haki: 84 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 68 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 100]
See full bio here (always follow stats on that link if stats do not match with the ones displayed here).



Alpha Ruby (10 HP):
- Made out of Adam Wood
- Bottom clad in Kairouseki (LOCKED)
- Has side cannons (DPR: C) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has an artillery gun onboard (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a long light cannon at the front of the ship as seen on the above picture (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a Black Den Den Mushi station
- Has a White Den Den Mushi station
Beta Black (10 HP):
- Made out of Adam Wood
- Bottom clad in Kairouseki (LOCKED)
- Has side cannons (DPR: C) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has an artillery gun onboard (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a long light cannon at the front of the ship as seen on the above picture (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a Black Den Den Mushi station
- Has a White Den Den Mushi station
Gamma Silver (10 HP):
- Made out of Adam Wood
- Bottom clad in Kairouseki (LOCKED)
- Has side cannons (DPR: C) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has an artillery gun onboard (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a long light cannon at the front of the ship as seen on the above picture (DPR: B) (Lisa & Kora w/ 81 Shipwright and 81 Science)
- Has a Black Den Den Mushi station
- Has a White Den Den Mushi station
One-man ''personal fast boats'' for every crew member:


Items bought for the crew:

Ship made from the tree of Adam
Price: 200,000,000 Beri
Kairouseki bottom
Price: 200,000,000 Beri (LOCKED)
One-man ''personal fast boats'' for every crew member
Price: 300,000,000 Beri
Vivre cards for all crew members
Price: 50,000,000 Beri
Level 70 named NPCs: 1 maximum
120 million Beri
Requires level 100 (LOCKED)
Level 65 named NPCs: 2 maximum
100 million Beri
Requires level 93 (LOCKED)
Level 60 named NPCs: 5 maximum
90 million Beri
Requires level 86 (LOCKED)
Level 55 named NPCs: 7 maximum
80 million Beri
Requires level 79
Level 50 named NPCs: 10 maximum
70 million Beri
Requires level 72

Humandrill - Price: 100,000,000 Beri (maximum 10)
Fishmen - Price: 100,000,000 Beri (maximum 10)
Reptilian - Price: 100,000,000 Beri (maximum ?)
Tiefling - Price: 100,000,000 Beri (maximum ?)
Mink - Price: 50,000,000 Beri (maximum 25)
Dwarf - Price: 100,000,000 Beri (maximum 10)
Sentient Beast - Price: 150,000,000 Beri (maximum 5)
Giant - Price: 300,000,000 Beri (maximum 1)

Crew facts:

- Albedo seems to have excessive admiration for Rimu.
- Rimu and Rem seem to be romantic toward one another, though neither of them realizes or acknowledges it.
- Bradley is a former Marine. How he has come to be with the Tempest Pirates, and even the fact that he is a former Marine, is only known to Rimu, Diablo and Rem.
- Hansel and Gretel are 12 year old twins that were experimented upon by the World Government. They escaped by slaughtering everyone in the facility, wandered the world and eventually ran into Diablo. Hansel and Gretel are very kind at heart, but due to the extreme experiments performed on them in their early childhoods, they are severely psychologically traumatized. This surfaces when they or someone they love is in grave danger, and it turns them into complete ''slaughter everything'' maniacs. Due to this, the crew was initially against letting Hansel and Gretel travel with the crew, but eventually, Rimu convinced them, promising that he would always stop their berserking if it came down to it. With time, everyone in the crew got attached to Hansel and Gretel.
- Rak is overly protective of all the females in the crew.
- Roku loves to drink sake and his laughter is so outrageously loud that a whole island usually shakes when he bursts out laughing.
- Mia joined the crew to further her own goals, but as time passed, she got attached to everyone, a fact she has trouble admitting to.
- Tora and Inu always argue and fight.
- Why Kaseki and Kaijin joined the crew is unknown, but it seems they owe a deep gratitude to Mia for something she did for them in the past.
- The Kungfu Dugongs always follow Lisa and Kora around, and they seem to have a great deal of affection for the two women.
- The Hiking Bear was the most recent to join, and is still getting used to the crew.
- The core that ties everyone together is laughter, friendship, adventure, and everyone's seeming admiration for Rimu's charisma.
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