Webcomics The Baam Zahard Theory

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Owner of FanTheory is "BaZa"

Print of the Message:
Hello friends. This dangerous document right here is an attempt to definitively state a long running theory in ToG fandom: The BaZa or BaamZahard theory. Now, as many of you may have guessed from my username, BaamZahard, I am a heavy proponent of this theory. While I can not say I am the first person to ever come up with the theory, I am one of its longest and loudest advocates. While lengthy, I hope you do enjoy the read, if you decide to partake in it, and, hopefully, come to see yourself as a follower of the Theory. Let’s begin.

First. What is BaZa theory? BaZa theory, at its most basic level, is the theory that Baam is the True Prince of Zahard, and the Only Son of Zahard. Wow. To a lot of you I’m sure this might feel like a pretty bold, or even outright WRONG claim to make. Isn’t Baam obviously the son of V? He doesn’t even look like Zahard! And; how dare this be another Star Wars “I am your father” cliche! I understand that reaction. This theory will painstakingly address these points and more, bit by bit in time. I promise. Except for the emotional Star Wars point. I’m sorry the story isn’t conforming to your tastes. It will be okay.

Second, in my years of experience in talking about and teaching this theory, I have found that the best results for the reader/learner comes in a dialogue. While this document will attempt to replicate the feel of a dialogue, it is, by its very nature one sided. So, what I recommend most of all is to stop reading right now and to go to the discord I have linked above and to talk to me or one of the other main followers of BaZa theory, so you can have the best and most natural learning experience.

Thirdly, this is not the Theory of Everything. It does not attempt to definitively explain every little detail and secret of ToG. It doesn’t even attempt to definitively provide an explanation for every tangentially related detail to the BaZa theory. It only works on what we can know or reasonably conclude, as well as giving possibilities for the important things we cannot know or reasonably conclude.

For those of you who have bravely decided to press on, let me take a moment to talk more about how this theory is going to be structured. I’m going to go through the theories points Major and Minor; in a way chronological to the series, followed by a final miscellaneous section at the end. This means that a lot of your immediate questions won't be immediately answered. I ask for your patience and understanding, as I will try to replicate the origins of the theory. Thank you again.
You can read the entire theory here!

Theory was found here.
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