Brawl Vicious

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Salty Doubloons
The slave girl had lost all the hope there was but maybe time was on her side. Arcana escaped the madness of pirates. For one whole year she reluctantly murdered enemy pirates. There was no other choice. The Yellowbeard pirates enslaved the 13-year-old girl, ordered her to do one thing she hated, slaughter strangers. No slave under Yellowbeard has ever successfully escaped his cruelties.

@Dragomir @Hatz

Saikej Region
Nuizeng Island
East Blue

Level 33
33 × 5 = 165
Human Bonus: 6+6+6+9 in Str, Spd, Vit, M.A.
Strength: 46 + 6 = 51
Speed: (47 + 6) x 2 = 106
-Reaction: 53
-Movement: 53
Vitality: (34 + 6) x 2 = 40
-Stamina: 47
-Durability: 38
Martial Arts: (38 + 9) × 2 = 94
-Glaive: 51
-Brawling: 42
Arcana sauntered in the sandy plains for hours, looking for a city named Saikejore. The girl's pink chapped lips hadn't taste water since yesterday. "" Arcana murmured as she pushed herself forward under the blazing sun. She regretted choosing this location after escaping those crazy pirates now. The girl kept turning her head to check whether someone is following her.

"Traitors will be punished! No matter what Kekekeke" Yellowbeard will often say that and chuckle. Arcana never really cared about his hope crashing methods. She is now standing here alone free from shackles and ferocious masters. The pleasure should have touched the skies, even though she is lost, there must be some way to live a charmed life now. But the more Arcana pictured her situation the more she would cry.
A maiming fear remained inside her, tearing her apart.

Walking beside the reddish hills, they seemed quite tall, one couldn't see them without light blotches. The infamous relentless heat of the Nuizeng island wearied Arcana. The ocean couldn't be seen anymore.
She kept dragging herself in the middle of nothing. Strange thoughts and heavy melancholy in her head. An hour passed, the poor girl fell down.

"You can't run away Arcana, I am way too cautious Kekekeke," Arcana remembered Gordon Higelyges's words. Yellowbeard's eyes were full of confidence.

"He wasn't reckless after all." Arcana was about to weep but stopped when she gazed to her right. A route had started to emerge, probably entering the city. She stood up, feeling dreadful because of something horrific. Trying to forget about it didn't work apparently.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Drago's Actions
*Emphasis and Sound Effects*
"MY FRIENDS!" with just 2 words, silence overtook the room in an instant. All eyes looked to a man, below average height, sitting in the middle of the tavern. A round, wooden table next to him with a glass filled all the way up with booze, next to him. He sat relaxed in his chair, back against the horizontal bars of the chair. One arm on the table, one leg resting on the other. He was the storyteller. The time was 6:30 pm. The Sunrise will begin soon. The first round of 3 for stories. The appetizer before the main at 10:30, then the desert at midnight.

"I'll began with the story of Leck. The mad king who manipulated his entire kingdom. How he came from the mountains, how he captivated a childless king and queen of the land and their advisors. How he became the heir to the throne and the king and queen disappearing immediately. How his tyrant reign of 30 years began," he spoke loudly and crisp. His voice commanded everyone in the tavern. The 20 or so visitors drawn in with tuned ears. The tavernkeeper and his wife and kids, even the rats at the edges of the tavern stopped what they were doing to listen to this old tale. Everyone was bewitched in, except for one man.

"We're done! I can't do this anymore with you. Snooping around with other women and coming back to the house drunk. This is it Drago. I'm leaving you. Mem mem mem mem mem, mem mem mem mem mem," murmured a dark-haired man at the bottom left corner of the tavern. So far away from the rest of the men that he was hidden from view. What was he mumbling to himself about that was so important that removed him from the entrancement of the story? "Man fuck her. I don't need her. I didn't need her at all. She wasn't good for me. Just wasted my money wherever she pleases! I should have been the one to break up with her, not the other way around, damn it!" Drago continued. Completely intoxicated by his drink. Was barely even sitting down right, with his arms all over the table. The drunkard suddenly jolted up. Waving his hand through his long hair which was tied into a ponytail. His unfocused eyes darted everywhere around the tavern, not really seeing what he was looking at.

From his POV, you could see the bar table and stools on the right, the tavernkeeper and his family behind it listening to the story told. To his left was one of the 3 tavern walls. Wooden walls painted dark brown. You could see each layer of softwood that they were made from. All around the tavern were people with drinks, food, at the tables but not touching them. They were all listening to the storyteller as he rabbled on. Drago scowled fiercely. His jawline set tight, his lazy, dark blue eyes were that of a mother's who caught her son misbehaving which was odd cause Drago had no children. This story is a fucking waste like that bitch of an ex of mine. It's not even good. Who cares about Leck? Standing up abruptly, he revealed that he was a tall man. Very tall. Around 200cm tall. He wore two layers. A dark blue coat with a purple stripe vertically down the middle, covering his black turtle neck shirt. Black trousers and black shoes kept his legs and feet warm. This human tree walked around his table and approached the storyteller, fists tightened. It was a miracle that he could even walk straight having drunk so much booze.

"HEY!" Everyone turned around and looked at who was interrupting the story. A voice full of disgust, scathed directly at the storyteller "What the hell is this piece of crap? The shit that I took last night is more interesting than this horrendous..." Drago waved his hands in the air vigorously trying to think up what to say. "Horrendous...just what the hell! This thing sucks!"

*POOH* *THUD*. "Don't you fucking think of coming back here again with your stinky ass or I'll shape you up real nice!" shouted a random visitor from the tavern. Drago was sprawled over the ground from being thrown out. "Ugh..." was the only thing Drago could muster after being viciously beaten by the visitors of the tavern for his antics. He disrespected their storyteller and he paid the price. Dearly.

Level 41
41 × 5 = 205
Strength: 55+6=61
Speed: 45+6=51
-Reaction: 51
-Movement: 51
Vitality: 42+6=47
-Durability: 41
-Stamina: 53
Haki: 30.5
-Armament: 61
Martial Arts: 32.5+9=41.5
-Black Leg Style: 83
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Arcana felt a change in the weather at 6 pm. Traveling through hills turned out to be fruitful for her. The calm breeze calmed her body. In no time she could view the small town covered with hills. She wished to fly down and ask for help as her limbs were shivering now. The girl even tried to walk down the hill for some time but finally stopped and gasped in discomfort.

Nearby, a blond man was sitting on an edge of the hill. He seemed sturdy and young. This well-dressed lad was carrying one huge bag. After noticing him, Arcana used all her energy to approach this man and request for help. As she moved towards him, she noticed the Marine's logo on his bag and cap. Using big binoculars, this scout examined the situation in the city. The girl even resented the Marines because of several incidents. Moreover, she knew how they treated their slaves. Pirates and Marines were all evil-doers in her eyes.

"Help me," She gushed and appeared out of nowhere. After an hour of quietness, Arcana petrified the young man. For a moment he thought his enemies found him.

"I need...water...and food." The girl relaxed and sat near him, but the man wasn't listening, he started to examine the situation. A beautiful girl was asking for help, she truly looked troubled. "You are a slave?" The man asked by judging from her torn leather clothes. He could not resist but give her some water. "Yes, a slave warrior for one year. Pirates...used me to kill their foes." The girl took the bottle delightfully. She expected more questions before getting any sort of help. "Pirates are so cruel," The man murmured while putting his binoculars away. Suddenly, Arcana grabbed them to see what was going in the town. "Hey girl, slow down" The marine agitated. Arcana didn't give his tool back, she kept on looking. After some time, she returned his binoculars. The man was vexed, he hardly knew what to say now.
Arcana stood up with a scowl on her face. She discovered suspicious people in the town. Entering the city with slave clothes was ridiculous.
She even had no weapons. While escaping Yellowbeard, Arcana lost her dagger and glaive. Her tireless efforts must not be wasted.

"I need clothes, weapons, and food." Arcana terrorized the marine.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
"Fuck that place. Didn't even have good booze." The tall drunkard walked down the road. The orange-red evening sun was beating down on him as he headed in the direction of his house. Located on the outskirts of the town, at the base of one of those giant red hills. The way he was going, a damn snail would be faster than him. You could hardly say he was walking. Practically dragged himself through the stone road. He stumbled about, tripping and falling here and there. Getting back up to only fall down again a few seconds later. "F this place. It sucks. I should go back to my bounty hunting adventures. Bah. F that girl. Wasted my damn time," With a strong push, Drago heaved himself up one last time. Going up from all fours, to his knees, then finally his legs. It was quite impressive in the shape that he was in.

Out of the road now, Drago dragged himself to a nearby tree and rested for a few minutes. His back was to the town as he faced the open red landscape in front of him. From this distance, you could barely see his house, about several hundred feet to the far right. All the way by the 2nd red hill. It was a great distance away, especially one for a drunk man. To make matters even worse, the house was right at the base of the hill. Where it begins to shoot upright. You'd have to go uphill, through a few trees and rocks to get to it.

"Ughh man. Why did I choose there to build that shitty pile of wood?" Drago groaned. His face was that of pain and anguish. He was sweating profusely like a man who had just run 2 kilometers. He closed his eyes and breathed hard. Opening his eyes again as he prepared to move on, something caught his eye. Nearby, about 100 meters away, he spotted a blonde man in a marine coat and hat. Short and stocky. Drago scowled for he knew all too well who that was. "Jasper. That revolting scum," Drago's eyes averted to another figure next to Jasper. A small girl. Brown hair it looks like she had was all Drago could tell. "Who's she? Another tool for Jasper to manipulate? I ain't letting that happen," Drago scowled even harder. Anger was flashing through his eyes. He spat on the ground. The drunkard got up and sluggishly approached the two. "HEY! YOU THERE. LITTLE GIRL. GET AWAY FROM THAT GUY! HE'S NO GOOD!"
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

It was at night when the marine woke up, probably 9 pm. His vision was blurred and his body trembled in pain. Afterall he lost consciousness for almost 3 hours. This was enough to tell how harshly this man was knocked out.
Jasper coughed blood, he could smell a drug that must have been used by Arcana. He moved his body in agony, moving towards his bag.

Arcana glanced at the naked man. She wore his black comfy scouting garb. She even took his food and weapons. Planning to enter the town before midnight, she could have rested more but Jasper ruined her sleep. "My fellow marines will come and kill you... they are coming...they are coming." Jasper gasped and crawled further to find his empty bag. The man was lying, but he truly wanted to murder this girl right now. However, the time was not on his side. Arcana dropped a kick right on Jasper's head, making him eat the sandy rock. "I will have to kill you..." Arcana whispered and dropped another vertical kick, this time on his right cheek as Jasper turned his face swiftly. Who would have thought that Arcana will be doing all of this on her own accord?

The blonde man stared at her, his furious eyes shook the girl from guilt. Arcana sat down immediately, grabbing Jasper's face and not allowing him to move an inch.

"I am so sorry,"
Arcana murmured, the first tear broke free.
"I am sorry, I can't help myself, I can't help others..."

A continuous stream of tears followed. She clenched her teeth and began to cry with the force of a person vomiting. How could she tell him her secret? How could she explain how hard her life has been since last year? The slave girl kept on crying. Jasper was bewildered to witness this outburst, he stopped trying to run away and watched this girl meltdown.

"The only thing...I have been doing is murder strangers. I wanted to save people but those cunts turned me to this monster." Arcana sobbed, she grabbed her dagger to make things quick. "Tell me...everything, " Jasper said. How could he have avoided death for a few more minutes? He was assigned the mission to catch the townies who were doing illegal trade with pirates. He even sold out his most reliable friend to get money from the marines. Arcana for some reason told Jasper about herself. After listening to her story Jasper gaped at the night sky, regretting his actions. Arcana didn't kill the marine, but he could still hear some footsteps drawing closer. He didn't care, he was flustered with strange emotions after that conversation.

"They buried her friend...those fucking pirates...they buried her friend alive!"
Jasper cried.

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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
~ Episode 2 - Meeting ~

A waning gibbous moon illuminated the area from up above, giving very good lighting. Stars decorated the black blanket that was the nice sky. It was a quiet and peaceful night. Only one thing tainted this night. Drago kept dragging on, he could make only these things out for sure right now. Jasper is the ground. This girl is holding her at knifepoint. This girl is crying. Lastly, something is wrong over here. The drunkard was 10-15 meters in front of them now, they would be sure to hear his footsteps by now. EOr his voice. "Hey, hey, hey. What the hell is going on here?" For he was drunk, he sounded harsh and demanding but underlying the fogginess his drink game him, concern and worry was shining brightly.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
~ Episode 2 - Meeting ~
"They buried her friend...those fucking pirates...they buried her friend alive!"
Jasper cried.
After keeping the pain inside for a long time, it was to difficult to hold back now. Was it an indirect apology or a depression relapse? Even Arcana wouldn't know. She shared some of her heartbreaking experiences while treating his wounds. They were minor enough to not disturb Jasper's hearing at all. Immersed in her story, Jasper could relate more than what Arcana could have ever imagined someone would. Getting controlled by greed and betraying your true friend. Jasper had done it all.
'Your friend had a horrible death and a path to hell. I will face the same consequences too,' Jasper thought, not interrupting the crying child. The poor marine had no one who would complain to god after his death.
"This town will smile at my burial," Jasper imagined his death.

Someone appeared in the dark, he looked worried. Not to Arcana's surprise, Jasper knew this drunk person.
"Hey, hey, hey. What the hell is going on here?"
Arcana noticed that the man wasn't as drunk as it seemed. "We had a small...fight. She is"
Arcana completed Jasper's untruth. There was a long pause, all three were fairly confused.
"I think you should help your friend," Arcana said while pointing to the naked marine. She also stepped back, maintaining a safe distance from the tall drunk man. Her shivering legs were quite visible, maybe the 3-hour rest wasn't enough after her grand escape.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Cousin? Drago spat on the ground near Jasper's feet. "Never heard of any cousin of yours before Jasper," Looking at Jasper with disdain, hoping his next sentence would cut in deeply. "Well, you never really told me a lot you cheating bastard."

Ignoring Jasper's reaction, he eyed the girl. She was young. Very young. Her hair was brown but very dirty like the rest of her body. Her limbs were thin to wear you could see her bones. She looked frail like an old lady. Looks like she hasn't been in good condition for several weeks. Or maybe months. But I can see that she still has some fight in her. He thought, nodding at the dagger in her hand.
"I think you should help your friend,"
"Friend?" Drago scoffed. "This cousin of yours is nothing but a snake. No friend of mine. You look deeply troubled. Where did you come from and what happened to you?"
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Salty Doubloons
~ Episode 2 - Meeting ~
The man seemed to be a heavy drinker. But the one who would not get drunk quickly. He didn't give a crap about injured Jasper. Maybe he was totally infamous for being a cheater. "No help me," Jasper said when his ego started to kick in. "Marines me...go away before they...arrest you," said Jasper after collecting all of his leftover energy. He eventually closed his eyes and slept in a miserable condition. Arcana rolled her eyes to the drinker, he was scanning her. It was an uncanny feeling that urged her to run away but hope didn't let her go.

"Friend?" Drago scoffed. "This cousin of yours is nothing but a snake. No friend of mine. You look deeply troubled. Where did you come from and what happened to you?"
Arcana saw that coming. Probably everyone hated poor Jasper. She wiped away the tears off her face and looked at the man again. The girl could tell that he was honestly concerned about her. She wasn't a girl who would be shy to ask for help but how will this man help her?

"I just escaped hell, I am a free slave now."
Arcana said. Her condition was terrible but she was regal enough to intrigue a listener.

"I want you to help me now...I am in the worst condition. I will surely repay you in future."
She wanted no more sympathy. Arcana started to stroll away, leaving Jasper for his marine friends.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
A soft rumble arose from the drunkard's throat. He was chuckling. "Jesus's holy shits. A runaway slave huh?" Drago stumbled a bit, but he caught himself from falling. Legs too wobbly to even stand up properly, forcing him to lean against the giant red hill that the odd trio was around. It was a miracle that he even walked himself over here. "Need help you say? Not sure how I could really do that..." His eyes unconsciously moved to his house while he embedded in thought. Located on the second red hill which was quite some distance away. A small, square, and wooden house. Perfect for just one man. Help...she would need hospitality, warm food, water, a bed all that. I don't know how to- OH. Gazing up fully at what he was looking at, he said to the girl. "I have a house just at the hill over there. You could rest there for a while but you'd have to help me get there, as right now, I'm in no condition to walk such a distance," Drago paused before adding without changing his gaze. "As for you Jasper, you could come as well."
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Salty Doubloons
Arcana could hear some more footsteps coming near as the drunk man told her about his residence. She didn't really pay attention to his words. "Jasper! Where are you?" Perhaps they were his marine comrades; after successfully tracking Jasper they were searching for him. Though they didn't sound concerned still at least they were here for him at this hour.

"I am Arcana and thanks for deciding to help me out," she said and rushed forward. She had learned the path from Drago's signals. Even though he was quite tipsy, the direction guided by him was precise.

"We have to hurry, I don't want to face the marines here, " Arcana grabbed Drago's hand leading the way Drago spoke about.
"These world government's dogs are hopeless. When they found me in slave camps, they didn't even attempt to save me..."
She kept ranting while climbing down this hilly area as quick as possible. Arcana would look back every second to see whether Drago is conscious or not, giving him a tough time as she dragged the poor man.

"They shouldn't have rushed like that, "
The marines laughed when they spotted them entering the city. They didn't need to penalize Arcana's action. No one really cared whether Jasper was beaten down or not.
"I think we should thank them for giving this turncoat a good lesson."
The marines chuckled while picking up the naked marine.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Episode 3 - Battle


*Click*. The door opened inward as I opened it with my key. "I'm so tired, *huff huff huff*" I told the girl. Everything was still blurry to me. Tomorrow morning will be a pain in the ass. Never again would I drink so much. My body started to go limp and I struggled to hold on to her. And then my legs couldn't stand up anymore. My hand desperately tried to clasp to her shoulder but it was futile. *Thump!* If I was sober I could actually complain about the pain in my right shoulder when I hit the ground. But I didn't feel anything. I couldn't feel anything. My eyes searched for the girl until I finally found her. "Hey, take me upstairs to my room. It's to the right at the top..." My message to her came out in a weak whisper as if it pained me to talk any louder.

The world began to turn black around me. My eyelids slowly but surely began closing and then...I was out.


"Damn that fucking slavegirl! She has the audacity to escape!" A croaky voice sounding like a frog boomed over the land around.
"You think she's gonna send marines to us sir?"
"Think? Of course, she will! BOYS, WE'RE HEADING OUT NOW!"
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
~ Episode 3 - Battle ~
The sun finally began to rise. Arcana has been waiting for it. The dark night sky bothered her as she couldn't sleep at all. Sitting on the windowsill, the girl kept looking outside, wondering how she ended up here. The house turned out to be incredibly different from what she imagined. Though Drago's tiny cottage wasn't spacious, there were weapons and unusual items everywhere.

"It's warm now," Arcana whispered to no one but herself. Drago was enjoying some sound sleep. She had carried him here from the hills to his bed. Her eyes would either watch the rain that shed melancholy upon her or she would watch the heartwarming fireplace. Arcana prepared It a few hours ago. The wood fire blazed cheerily in the fireplace just alongside the stairs, sent its warmth and light far out in the room. Still, the girl preferred to look outside because there was one thing that had traumatized her since she escaped those pirates. Each drop that passed the arched window left a disturbing sensation, and she wanted it.

Arcana would remember how her parents always tried to create a good picture of the marines. They wanted her to join them and have a stable life. Being a rebellious youth, Arcana defied her parents without any fear. And after witnessing 'heroic acts' of revolutionaries for freedom, she immediately planned her future. Yes, a high ranker in the revolutionary army. The ambitious girl would plan accordingly, work hard and try to be independent. She wanted to join them as soon as possible to run away from the strange family problems. Seeing her devotion and his complications, her dad decided to let Arcana become what she wanted to. A revolutionary who dedicates their lives to others! Her father let her sail with one of his reliable men who was already a worthy member of the army. One year ago, the girl entered the merciless ocean and her life changed forever.

Unfortunately for Arcana, the rain has stopped. The street started to get busy. People rushed from their houses in odd attire. There were no vehicles, the farmers walked on the wet ground, clad in boots and torn tunics. The shops were now opened. Arcana decided to get some food for Drago and herself. She looked for money and found a treasure box.

'Who is this man?' Arcana wondered as she sauntered in the streets. There was this feeling of Freedom that subconsciously pleased her. But for how long? Arcana was mentally hurt. She could sit on the road and cry for help. She was holding herself, trapped in powerful mixed emotions.

When the girl returned she found the door opened. "How careless I am?" said Arcana while closing the door carefully. She moved to the dining table and unpacked. the spicy meat stew. The girl was thrilled.

"Here you are, " the spy murmured, peeping from the window. Before anyone could notice his suspicious activities he ran away. "Yellowbeard will give me a hefty reward!"
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Sharping pain was the first thing to comfort me when I woke. My shoulder felt sore like I slept on uncomfortably instead of my soft and luxurious bed all night. To my disappointment, I was. Opening my eyes to finding myself on the hard, wooden surface of my floor than a bed. "Bloody hell," I muttered under my breath.

My first instinct was to stand up. I would soon find out that that was a big mistake. *HUEUGH. HEUGH. HEUGH.* It kept coming out, it wouldn't stop. All those drinks yesterday finally caught up to me. I stared at my floor, stained with the contents of my stomach. Not in disgust. Just pure disappointment. "I fucked up. I fucked up real bad. At least all those years of training to be strong paid off, heh. Would have been much worse if I was just an average Joe," I forced a painful smile to my lips, although it lacked an ounce of joy.

Something felt missing. There was someone that should be here but I can't remember whom. My face was scrunched up, straining in deep thought like as if I was in a lot pain. The girl. I remembered now. That slave girl who I found and took into my home. Where the hell was she?

In a flurry of seconds, I rushed downstairs, half-naked in just a shirt and underwear. Expecting her to have left the house, to my surprise she was at the dining table, eating. "Oh, there you are. I see you're making yourself quite at home. So-" my mouth was left hanging when an intruder burst through my door, leaving an echo of the door being slammed against the wall.

"YOU THERE! Little girl! If you know what's good for you! You'll come with me right back to Yellowbeard!"
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