Thriller Bark

When you look at the notable female members, you have Sugar (despite being in her twenties is physically a child), Viola (who wasn't loyal to the crew to begin with), Baby 5 (presented as a daughter who falls in love too easily) and Giolla (the crazy aunt). Furthermore, these female crew members are all depicted as part of one of the Elite Officer's army, showing them as direct subordinates of Doffy's subordinates.
Tokiro Oumaga
Tokiro Oumaga
I suppose Doflamingo was the father in that scenario, huh? I'll have to reread Dressrosa at some point to keep a closer eye out on that! I'm dying to know what kind of relationship Monet and Doflamingo had, and if she's the mother of the Donquixote Pirates, then that'd be a super interesting angle to explore...
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