Duel A fateful meeting

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Salty Doubloons

An ocean spanning as far as the eye can see. The most powerful force in the world, stronger than any Devil, was the endless blue. It was this grand presence that lured pirates out to sea, to explore the vast expanses and mysteries that life had to offer. The Red Coat Pirates were no different. Dozens of members and three large ships strong, they sailed the sea. Where they were currently headed, was unknown. However, on this day, they were not going anywhere in particular. Instead, their three large ships, made out of Adam Wood, were anchored in the middle of nowhere. The three large ships were devoid of a single soul onboard, for all of the members of the Red Coat Pirates were on their personal fast boats, racing around the area. A fun day at sea, full of laughter, adrenaline and competition, the Red Coat Pirates were racing one another with their personal fast boats, trying to outmaneuver each other. A number of the members were not present, for the two had recently split in two to tackle two missions at the same time.

The members that were indeed present, were the Captain, Vash, the Tiefling, Albedo, the Giant, Roku, the female Cyborg, Mia, the shipwrights Lisa and Kora, the tiger Mink Tora, the Wolf Mink Inu, the Dwarf Hanzou, the Dwarf brothers Kaseki and Kaijin, the twins Hansel and Gretel, four Kungfu Dugongs, and a Hiking Bear.

Little did the Red Coat Pirates know, they were not alone in the area.

Statistics (you'll only fight Vash):

100 x 5 = 500

Strength: 75 (Race: +20, MA: +5, Phoenix: +20,) = 120

Speed: 51 (Race: +20, Phoenix: +20, Mera: +10) = 101 [Movement Speed: 101 | Reaction Speed: 101]

Vitality: 56 (Race: +20, Phoenix: +20, Mera: +5) = 101 [Stamina: 101 | Durability: 101]

Tori Tori no Mi; Model - Phoenix: 70 (Race: +30) = 100
Perk: Allows extra hybrid transformations without the use of Rumble Balls.

Mera Mera no Mi: 100

Martial Arts: 50 [Hand-to-Hand Combat: 100]

Haki: 98 [Busou-shoku no Haki: 96 | Kenbun-shoku no Haki (precognition): 100]
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
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Prince Landayan Morrow is now the Captain Commander of the Silver Fangs Pirates following the legendary Larsi's retirement. He is the strongest, the most intelligent, the most elegant, the most beautiful, and the richest of them all. A 35-year-old gentleman hailing from the North Blue. Lord of the lords and Supreme Royal Blacksmith. He is The Gambit.

After facing an evil kingdom somewhere in the New World, the prince decided to go on a vacation to unwind and relax. Of course, things are getting to be better if there are cute tweeners around in their lovely colorful bikinis, playing his favorite sport, beach volleyball. Hence, he went to Laguna Island, five miles east of Dressrosa. This island is just your typical tropical island that offers the finest beach for tourists. But since this island only welcomes Gambit and ladies, makes it his favorite spot to chill. You are right! The motherfucker is alone.

Still wearing his usual black trench coat that has embroidery on its mid collar, paired with a three-belted white inside shirt, Gambit went out of his cottage, combing his hair upwards. Before he continues to walk, he fixed his red belts around his waist which holster his weapons to ensure that it fits well with his black jeans ad black metal-toed boots.

Walking, he puts on the shades, "Aloha!", he greeted, raising his right arm facing the east. And the sun shone down on the calm waters, radiating across the island while gently touching the sky blue ocean on the horizon. The crystal clear water kisses the pure white sands where all the ladies are playing, dancing, and flirting with their sexy bikinis. A paradise that only became more appealing when a flock of seagulls and a few Albatros occasionally hover over them. Reggae and Ska music sensationalize the tropical surroundings as it resonates its endearing jam in the entire scenery. Turning to the sides, you can see a rock-solid range of mountains enclosing the beach where some of the establishments are rested. You could hear the melodic sound of the whistling breeze of summer, and feel the substantial humidity of the climate fashioned by the mixture of sun and the ocean.

"Gambit! Why are you dressed like that? Aren't you gonna play?", one lady in a brown bikini asked.

"I am meeting someone. I can't go out with my trunks on!", he replied, scratching his head. "See you!"

As he goes, all around the island are the prettiest girls he has ever seen in his life, giggling, gossiping, uttering words that he could hear from a distance; they were talking about him. He could hear how the brunette and crimson-haired ladies discussed how kissable his lips are and what the chances are that he would ask them out on a date. Gambit just smirked, then chuckled after hearing those lovely words and youthfully innocent infatuations. He turned to them, lowered his glasses, gently raised his eyebrows, tantalized his eyes, and greeted them, "Ladies, can you please let a lonely man join you pretty ladies and tell him that there're more to look at and to kiss away that forlorn?"

"Hi, Gambit! Nice to meet you! I am Venus and this is Jenny, my little sister. Hihi", told the ladies who are 18 and 16 respectively. Come! We will play soon, please watch us as we play with our cousins Czarina and Mary." Gambit nodded as the four sweeties went on their way to the field in which he eventually followed, carrying a random beach bed nearer the shore and all his battle gears.

"Go, girls! Break a leg.", the handsome pirate cheered toasting his glass of juice gently. Alackaday!, he spoke to himself as he lighted a stick of cigarette with his century-old lighter. "Wait! I am about to meet someone! What am I doing here cheering these girls?", he uttered, confused.

[distant chattering]
"Nice serve Venus!!!"
"Bring it!"
"Nice receive, Mary!
"It's yours, Czar!"

"Nice kill Jenny!", Gambit applauded from a distance, blushing and launching heart-shaped projectiles from his eyes. His tounge pommeled like a dog.

Not so far away, a potential threat to his vacation might have been set up before he knew it.

Level 100x5=500

Strength: 70+5+15+20+10 (gloves)=120
Speed: 49+20+20=89
- Movement: 101
- Reaction: 77+15 (sci)+15 (COO boost)=107
Vitality: 61+20+20=101
101×2 = 202
- Stamina: 101
- Durability: 101
Haki: 70+30=100
100×2 = 200
- Armament: 100
- Precognition: 100+20 (FS)=120
- Supreme King

Martial Arts: 50x2=100
- Goddamn Death Scythe: 100
Mind: 100
100×2 = 200
- Sci/Blacksmith: 100
- Beast Mastery: 100
Devil Fruit: 100

1. Power Demon Wing Edge: +10 movement & durability20 pts
2. Pair of Titanium Tactical Fingerless Knuckle Gloves: +10 strength10 pts
3. Explosive Cards: 54 pts total
- 36x DPR: D, 1m diameter, 36 pts
- 4x 2 slots - DPR: C, 2m diameter 8 pts (Aces)
- 1x 4 slots - DPR: B, 6m diameter 4 pts (Joker)
- 1x 6 slots - DPR: A, 10m diameter 6 pts (Gambit Card)
54 pts
4. Staff that turns into part-seastone (dark surface) part-titanium death scythe with a crimson crystal at the heart of the entire blade.
- Titanium surface serves as the main blade used in combat and is the sharpest.
- Seastone surface serves as disabler and secondary blade used in closed combat - often thrust attacks.
- Crimson crystal serves as an instrument to collect heat energy from an external source and then transform it into ice that can be launched at the opponent/s through the scythe itself, both damaging and incapacitating them. In simplistic terms, it can be compared to how air conditioning functions.
  • 1 turn charge: B rank and minor freeze for 3 turns
  • 2 turn charge: A rank and moderate freeze for 3 turns
  • 3 turn charge: A rank and deep freeze for 4 turns
  • 4 turn charge: S rank and deep freeze for 4 turns
  • If durability is one rank above on the area affected, it reduces the turns by 1. Two+ ranks above lower it by 2 turns.
Image Below
26 pts
5. Seastone Grenade Launcher: DPR: S, requires 100 science, 2 seastone purchases to facilitate the actual launcher and the ammo.
- Can only carry 3 ammos per island.
30 pts

- Royal Blacksmith: (requires 100 in Sci/Blacksmithing) Inventory points are increased by x0.2 max of 140 at 120 Mastery.
- Pet Armour: (requires 100 beast mastery) Can give Armour/Power Suits to Companions.

- Sleight of Hand. Devil Fruitology. Tailoring.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons



The fun, relaxing, flirtatious mood of the beach party was suddenly interrupted out of nowhere. Anyone that heard the three screams of manliness, competitiveness and lifeful vigor, would find them coming from the sea toward the shores. In the distance, Vash, Inu and Hanzou were seen racing one next to the other, straight toward the beach. They were neck in neck, and none of them could afford to lose as much as an inch if they wished to come out on top. Glaring at each other with a competitive spirit, they didn't even look where they were going. And with that, they and their fast personal boats came crashing right into the beach. Their bodies and their boats flew into the air and came crashing and rolling down in various directions. A huge cloud of sand was blown into the air, engulfing Gambit and the many ladies that were making his day. A few moments later, a breeze blew the cloud of sand away, but it was too late. The seagulls were gone. The albatross were gone. The music was gone. The mood was gone. Annoying grains of sand were stuck under the ladies' bikinis, one of the fast personal boats even caught fire, and everything was simply fucked.

Vash, Inu and Hanzou stood up rubbing their heads and then shaking the sand off of their personas.

Buahahaha, I win!



Nah nah nah it was me!


I believe the best course would be to ask our fellow competitors what it is that they sa-


That is what I, the great Hanzou, have just suggeste-

Nah nah I won! My sharp eyes never deceive me! Buahahaha!

The trio bickered annoyingly, ruining the already sucky mood even further.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
"What a perfect day this is..." Gambit murmured. "There... There... Nice bounce girls...", he continued, staring at the bouncing flesh of the ladies playing ball at his 12. Certainly, they were going balls out, biting the shit of the bullet. And the prince, his eyes were all settled. He's like a soldier whose boots are on the ground - too engaged in the field full of targets.

"We won!!", Venus and Jenny shouted for joy!

"Nice game girls!", applauding the other group.

"Gambit! We won!"

"Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah!", the pirate prince responded almost not hearing what the girls were saying but in his mind, he was the one who actually won the game.

Readying for the inevitable victory group hug, he started to undress. "I guess it's time for a drink. Come over here, grab mine."

Removing the coat and placing it over the beach bed, he would reach for the piña colada to offer to the ladies approaching him when suddenly, he overheard people screaming.


Albeit distant, Gambit's excellent sense of hearing could easily distinguish how ugly and unfitting those voices are in his very own paradise. With a somber look on his face, he located the direction of those nuisances! "These imbeciles! Dared to shit on my vacation."

Abruptly, the noise began to resonate even louder. From a distance, he knew that the movement of the sea wasn't caused by mere wind waves. Three bunch of fools riding on their personal boats, as if they were racing against each other. Fast forward, the strangers all came crashing to the shore, scaring all the ladies before they even realized it. The watercraft and the bodies on it flew into the air, tumbling on their own wills, throwing themselves in multiple directions. Gambit was in awe. Nerves protruding in his temples. Pestering him more, sands would engulf his body coming off the impact of the crash. When the dirt settled, the Acapulco vibes went away just like a fart in the whirlwind. The cigar on his mouth was also carried away.

Now shrugging the dirt off him, the pirate prince locked the trio on his sight, still contesting who the fuck won. "Czar, signal the girls back to the cottages. I got some business to do."

Lighting another cigar, and just a couple of puffs, he grabbed his wooden cane and opened his mouth. "You! You got only two options, leave this island alive crawling or die. You fucking choose...", threatened his unexpected visitors with a modulated tone.

Gust of wind blew past his right, implying that a battle is soon to commence.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Vash, Inu and Hanzou crashed into the beach and, well, crashed the party. The vibe was gone all too quickly, and all that was left was nagging sand and, well, a nagging, bickering trio. The day was going much different than what Gambit had planned that morning, but such was life. As the trio was bickering onward, Gambit interrupted, giving the trio two option - either leave the island crawling, or die. His sudden proposal caught the attention of the trio and Inu was the first to speak up.

Huh? Who's this guy, Cap? He's talking crazy... khahaha...!

Inu said, glaring at Gambit with a grin on his face. Vash rubbed the back of his head, annoyed that their competition had gotten them into a troublesome situation.

Gah, what now...

Vash said as Hanzou looked at him.

It appears we have earned this man's ire, Captain.

Hanzou said. Vash sighed and spoke.

Sorry man, but doesn't look like we'll be going anywhere. Our boats are all messed up.

Vash said, his answer likely not what Gambit was hoping or looking for.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Crashing Gambit's island unannounced, the trio put a hard stop when the prince addressed them. Having all the nerves, the trio seemed more annoyed than the host himself. They mocked him unsolicited. With that notion, Gambit knew what their choice was. Death.

"So it's clear. You chose death. I shall give you that."

Gambit twirled his wooden cane so swiftly on his right and shrewdly, pressed a button that would quickly turn the cane into a demonic scythe.

"Goddamn Death Scythe...", he uttered in his baritone voice, glaring back at the trespassers.

He waited few more seconds until Czar and the rest of the ladies went off as far as they could. Now hidden behind the stucco cottages, a battle would commence.

The tuxedo-less Gambit immediately pressed his feet against the sands, leaving a huge pile of footprints on his wake. Catapulting to the trio, he would aim for the noisy one, the scary wolf mink. He would attempt to cut him into two using his blade by swinging it horizontally.

Normal attack only scaling off my human strength
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The man that hosted the beach party did not seem to like the trio's answer, as little as they could help it. Their boats really were destroyed, so they weren't going anywhere until they could contact their crew to come pick them up. But, it didn't look like the man was going to wait that long. Instead, he pushed off of the sandy terrain, propelling himself toward the trio in a mad dash. Vash, equally as fast as the attacker, dashed inbetween Inu and the incoming attacker. His right fist was raised, pointing toward the incoming Gambit. As Gambit approached within 3 meters of Vash, his fist suddenly superheated and a powerful heatwave of fire erupted from Vash's fist, aiming to blow the attacker away.

Vash's DPR: 81-100: 5. Large Building Level + B:+2 = 120: 7. Town Level

Fire Blast: Vash makes fire erupt from his body in all directions. Due to the blast behind the fire explosion, the fire carries concussive force, allowing Vash to blow his surroundings away from himself. Rank B.

I got this, Inu, Hanzou... just contact the crew so we can get out of here. I didn't come here for a fight.

Vash said, clearly intent on buying time until they could retreat. Both Inu and Hanzou backed a fair distance away and Inu took out a Den Den Mushi, contacting the rest of the Red Coat Pirates in order to have them pick them up.

But, for now, it looked like Vash would have to entertain a fight with the king of hula parties, Gambit, himself. A mixture of blue and red flames suddenly erupted from Vash, swirling about parts of his body, most notably the arms and legs, as well as the torso. A strange power, it seemed, though Gambit had no idea he was up against a rare man with two Devil Fruits.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As Gambit threaded the air with his deadly scythe, his girls finally made it to the elevator passing neath the underground facility about 25 meters below the earth. In less than 5 seconds, it would reach the bottom where all of them could be safe but would still have the luxury of viewing the fight via the lighthouse's super camera.

Closing in, the mink he was trying to sever did not move an inch; perhaps he was confident that the man in the red coat would interfere with the assault. The prince saw this and so was how Vash's right fist flared as he raised it against him. He grinned. Ability user huh., he thought.

Still holding the weapon, Gambit figured he wouldn't reach the trespassers to do the initial plan, so he decided to think fast; and immediately swung the weapon to generate a much more powerful attack using the very air itself, compressing it to create a wind scythe that would propel against the incoming counter.

"Crescent Moon"

Crescent Moon: Gambit unleashes a rapidly spinning crescent-shaped air-compressed projectile by swinging his weapon across the air.
- DPR: C, 31 MA, 31 Str
- DPR: B, 51 MA, 51 Str

I go with B to parry your attack.

The air buzzed as soon as he launched it. Parrying the violent burst of fire, a fusion of wind and flame would then explode. And as the elements collided, Gambit would be thrown a little back to his path, unscathed. But just as audible as the sound of the buzzing crescent and blast of heat resonated across the sandy terrain, so was Vash's speech. He would respond.

"Unfortunately, you're right. Hehe. There would be no fight. 'Tis going to be carnage. My name is Lord Gambit."

Suddenly, the Crimson crystal built into his blade blinked and then turned to Yellow after Vash unleashed a combination of azul and rojo flames. Seeing this happened, the Lord gave it another grin.

"I see."
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Vash's superheated fist unleashed a powerful heatwave of fire. Gambit, realizing that he wouldn't make it on time, stopped and swung his blade, unleashing a long-ranged attack. The two powers clashed equally, sending strong winds all over the beach.

Great battle indeed!

Tsch... troublesome...

Hanzou and Inu commented, shielding their eyes from the sand that was being blown all over by the clash. The superheated blast and Gambit's own attack dissolved, and the clash seemed to had ended on equal terms. However, Vash wouldn't wait, and went onto the offensive immediately. Pushing off of the ground, he dashed toward Gambit. As he rocketed toward Gambit, blue and orange flames started to swirl around Vash's right leg. When he closed the distance, he spun around and then kicked toward Gambit's abdomen. Vash's leg turned into a talon made out of blue flames, and surrounded by actual, orange flames. The talon aimed to ram into Gambit's abdomen and blow him away. If the attack landed, or clashed with something, the orange flames would burst forth as well, aiming to engulf the target and blow them away with a swirling pattern.

Between the talon and the hot burning fire, it seemed like Gambit was fighting a dragon in human form. Though whether that was true or not, remained to be seen.

Raging Fire Talon: A variation of Sabo's technique, where actual talons are used instead of Ryusoken's claw hand. Rank: S

DPR: 120: 7. Town Level + S:+4 = 11. Small Country Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
For a brief a moment, a burst of heatwave changed the atmosphere. The already clear sky became even clearer. Birds disappeared. The music was gone. And as Gambit glided back through the sands after the clash, he knew what he was up to, a dangerous opponent. As he spoke and analyzed the situation, the fiery foe pushed off the sands towards him. And suddenly, a mixture of blue and orange flames swirled around his right leg which made Gambit fazed a little. "??!!"

Off the spin, the leg shifted to a talon that Vash would deliver as a very strong kick seemingly aiming for his abdomen, but Gambit would see through this. The death scythe that was still held on his right was gripped by him firmly. And when Vash closed the distance, he wanted to confirm something, so he swung his weapon a little across his abdomen before thrusting it with enough force to make a decent attack against the talon although, he wasn't sure if they would be equal in strength but his motive was just.

The pommel, the tip and the smaller edge of the scythe were darker than the largest blade as they were crafted using seastones; the latter being made of titanium. If his speculation was right, the enemy would instantly feel the effect of this attack and he would take adavantage of it. Furthermore, if the heated attack persisted, then a second glow of the crystal would be visible as it turned to green. And gently, he uttered the name of the thrist. "Agony..."

Agony: A thrust using the pointed tip of the scythe
- DPR: B, 41 MA, 41 Str
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Not sure how much str you have at the moment since you're not transformed. I made my DPR in the previous post when I used the attack, so in your next post you can decide what the outcome of the kick was.

With his foot transformed into a talon made out of blue flames, with orange flames swirling around it, Vash kicked forward with great might. The strength behind his kick was strong enough to threaten a mountain, so it was an attack not to be messed with. Gambit was able to react on time and clashed his weapon against Vash's talon. The Kairouseki present in the weapon would not weaken Vash's attack, since Kairouseki did not work instantly and all of the momentum of the kick had already been built up prior to the contact, so Vash's talon would clash would Gambit's weapon with full strength, potentially blowing him away.

However, right after the contact, the flames and the talon disappeared, and Vash fell to his right knee, confirming Gambit's suspicions. Vash's eyes widened in surprise, having realized that Gambit had a weapon of the sea.

Kairouseki huh...

Vash said, standing back up. He would have to be careful. Gambit's Kairouseki weapon, together with his reaction speed, which allowed him to block with the Kairouseki, was a dangerous combination for hand-to-hand combat. Luckily, Vash was not limited to hand-to-hand combat, and could fight very efficiently at range as well.

Both of Vash's arms transformed into wings made out of a combination of blue and orange flames. Suddenly, Vash started to release dozens upon dozens upon dozens of fiery feathers from his wings. The fiery feathers filled up the area rather quickly, creating what one could perceive as a mine field. Suddenly, a number of the feathers, though only a smaller portion of the many feathers that were floating about, were launched toward Gambit from different directions. If they hit him, those feathers would erupt into an inferno of flames, aiming to engulf Gambit.

DPR: 81-100: 5. Large Building Level + C:+1 = 101-119: 6. City Block Level

Hotarubi: Vash creates many small, green-colored fireballs that can float around the area. This is usually used in preparation for another attack. Alternatively, due to the inspiration of the Tori Tori no Mi; Model - Phoenix, Vash can create many small fiery eathers (instead of fireballs) that float around the area. Unranked - supplementary move.

Hidaruma: Vash can surround a target with the many small, green-colored fireballs (or fiery feathers) created by Hotarubi. Then, Vasg can detonate the fireballs (or feathers), engulfing the target in flames. Rank C.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I am using my base form at 95 strength
DPR: 81-100: 5. Large Building Level + B:+2 = 120: 7. Town Level
DPR: 120: 7. Town Level + S:+4 = 11. Small Country Level
Quite Effective

Vash continued to give all his might in that single kick that was enhanced by spiraling flames of destruction; his right talon engaging with the scythe's dagger/tip made of sea stone. As soon as the attacks collided, blue-orange fire erupted from the center of the clash, bursting Gambit further behind his old trail while swinging the remnants of the flames sideways to both avoid the burn and for his weapon to process the heat.

That's a strong kick, he thought.

But at least I made a confirmation that he's really an ability user. But not an ordinary one. But why do the flames vary in colors? It's not the one I read from the books. He continued as he watched the other man falling on his knees briefly after his contact with the stone.

"I can't believe I would meet someone of your caliber on this island of mine. I already knew what specific fruit you devoured but I got few reservations. Orange flames? It doesn't look right.", he said as Vash got back on his feet.

And whilst Gambit tried to figure out what's going on, his opponent, seemingly not quite affected by the effect of sea stone had his arms eventually shifted into wings made of flames of the same suit. Conjuring dozens of its elemental feathers, floating mid-air were launched all at once at the prince's direction with only one objective at the time - devour him. The prince would not allow it but he was but surrounded.

It's fast... But is it strong enough...?, he wondered.

Gambit would be engulfed with the feathers of hell. He could have avoided the attack but as always, he's the braggart type. Always wanted to test the depths of the water. Not giving all he's got, even if the opponent is quite formidable and he'd always suffer from that mentality during the battle. And as the flames ate him, all he could do is tank.


When the dust and flames have cleared, Vash would be seeing Gambit on his knees unscathed but covered with a demonic pair of dark wings. Wings that are still shrugging off the smokes. And then I minuscule of light hit the space between the wings and you'd see him grinning with his set of fangs, a crimson diamond emblem on his forehead glowing in the dark, and pointy ears all signifying the true form of a vampire at daylight.

He would make a single flap of his wings backward as he stood up before totally clearing the dust using his scythe which now glowing for the third time but of a different shade - blue crystal.

Gambit put his left hand that had just turned into claws on his chest, giving respect to the man in front of him for allowing him to muster his true strength.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The many feathers surrounded Gambit, bombarding him from all sides. Gambit did not seem to move, or rather, there was no escape. However, such a widespread attack had a downside. It lacked power. If one could tank the damage, that was their best bet, and that was exactly what Gambit banked on. The fiery inferno of the bombarding feathers engulfed him, but in a matter of seconds, when the attack settled down, Gambit was seen standing, alive and well, and now, transformed. Two demonic-looking wings were on his back. It seemed like he was a Zoan-type, a Mythological Zoan-type potentially, just like Vash. But, it was unlikely that he had a second Devil Fruit like Vash did. After all, Vash had never run into anyone with two Devil Fruit abilities. He had heard of Blackbeard, but that was about it.

Regardless, with both Vash and Gambit now standing as winged hybrid men, it was clear that the fight was moving on to the next level.

Looks like we stumbled across a strong person huh...

Vash said to Gambit, giving him a compliment.

Both of Vash's feet turned into talons made out of blue and orange fire, and his head turned into a bird's head made out of blue and orange fire, and with both of his arms already transformed into wings, he was looking more and more like a certain famous bird. The Phoenix. From Vash's feet, two streams of fire erupted, circling to Gambit's left and right and then meeting up in the area behind him. This created a fire ring that was about 50 meters in diameter. The fire then rose into tall walls of fire, at least a couple of dozen meters tall. Now inside the fiery inferno, Vash suddenly started to inhale a large amount of air. Then, without warning, he breathed out a massive column of fire from his beak. The massive blast of fire, with wisps of black Busou-shoku no Haki dancing inside it, aimed for Gambit, aiming to engulf him. Fire was everywhere.


81-100: 5. Large Building Level + B:+2 + COA: +2 = 9. Mountain Level

Hiken: Vash turns his fist into fire and then punches, unleashing a huge column of fire that can plough through several ships. If his head is transformed into that of a Phoenix, Vash can also unleash a Hiken from his mouth. Rank B.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Can you double-check your DPR? You sure your base is 81-100 or 101-119?
A brief standoff occurred as soon as the smoke has cleared. Gambit flexing his hybrid vampire against the half-phoenix breathing fire.

"You're quite a nuisance, I give you that.", grinning and responding to Vash's compliment.

A couple of seconds after, his opponent transformed into something more advanced; albeit, still in his hybrid form. The flaring talons unleashed two streams of fire trying to engulf Gambit from both sides and eventually, turned into towering walls of fire. Both winged-man inside the flaming stadium.

"Heh...", the prince reacted, and then released a rapid yet brief exhaust of breath from his sinus through his nostrils. After that, he slightly bent his left knee while extending the right one. In his right hand, he held the shaft of the scythe tightly before extending it backward and coat it with invisible Haki. He was preparing for a counter-attack.

Still in this stance, Vash harnessed a huge amount of fire unannounced before blasting a huge column of fire towards him. When this happened, Gambit swung the scythe swiftly against the incoming attack. So rapidly that the sands around him formed a vertical ascension of wind and sands before unleashing a devastating air-compressed projectile in all directions.

"Silent Waltz, Grim Reaper's Dance...", he invoked in a solemn tone of voice.

Silent Waltz, Grim Reaper's Dance: Gambit outstretches his arm and swings the scythe in a circle, generating an air slash that propagates in all directions.
- DPR: A, AOE, 81 MA, 81 Str
- DPR: S, AOE, 100 MA, 100 Str

I went with A on this one.

101-119: 6. City Block Level + A: 3 + IH: 1 = 10. Island Level

If the attack was successful, not only would he be able to negate the Hiken but also disperse the wall of fire surrounding them.

Furthermore, from the shade of blue, the crystal mounted in his weapon would now turn into its 4th color - White.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
For a pure DF attack that doesn't involve strength, it's correct.

Taking a deep breath, Vash exhaled and unleashed an absolutely massive column of fire that was large and strong enough to engulf multiple warships. As big as the attack was, Gambit was able to clash with it, swinging his staff and unleashing a powerful air blast. The fire and the air blast clashed, and while air was not a great weapon against fire due to fueling it, the sheer concussive force of the air blast was strong enough to scatter the Hiken before it could feed it. The resulting winds also blew through the surrounding inferno of fire. However, Gambit would quickly come to realize that things would not go as planned. The wall of fire closed back up as quickly as it had been affected, and it grew even more intense, thicker and taller. The temperature inside the inferno was rising quickly, the oxygen was burning up, and Gambit was fighting on a battlefield that was highly hostile toward him.

As for Vash, he was gone. Having scattered his body, he had merged with the wall of fire, controlling it and feeding it more and more power. Random streams of fire lashed out toward Gambit every now and then, keeping him on his toes. However, Vash wasn't attacking. Instead, he was roasting Gambit alive. How long could Gambit last inside the inferno? Could he break out? And was Vash playing the waiting game because he was confident Gambit could not escape? Or was Vash's plan elsewhere?

Whatever it was, he seemed to be in control, for now.

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Salty Doubloons
Having been clashed the stream of fire, Gambit's weapon was at its peak to turn into something lethal, at least against a certain element. Gambit's weapon was inspired by his previous battle versus Vice Admiral Burns. Based on his experience, it was pretty hard to counter such logia when his specialty is harnessing the wind and converting that into compressed air projectiles. And whilst he could do much using his hybrid form and close quarter techniques, it would still be risky.

As a royal blacksmith and a scientist, he was able to fashion a weapon that collects heat energy from an external source and then transform it into ice that can be launched at the opponent/s through the scythe itself. In simplistic terms, it can be compared to how air conditioning functions.

The already white crystal was ready to burst after the previous clash that enabled it to turn into that. Pressing the button built into the staff, the prince unleashed an over leaking freezing element, almost spiraling around his body in a clockwise motion.

And as soon as Vash revolved around him, fusing with the wall of fire. Gambit would clad the weapon with invisible Haki in order to project a much more dangerous plan against the counter-element.

"Charming Light Crystal Wall..."

Putting his right thumb on the button, a burst of Haki-imbued ice squirted off his blade the fire in front of him, it would not only neutralize the flame but totally erase it from existence. And since Vash was within this wall of fire, if he's hit, he'd take one significant.

Charming Crystal Wall...
Crimson crystal serves as an instrument to collect heat energy from an external source and then transform it into ice that can be launched at the opponent/s through the scythe itself, both damaging and incapacitating them. In simplistic terms, it can be compared to how air conditioning functions.
  • 1 turn charge: B rank and minor freeze for 3 turns (yellow)
  • 2 turn charge: A rank and moderate freeze for 3 turns (green)
  • 3 turn charge: A rank and deep freeze for 4 turns (blue)
  • 4 turn charge: S rank and deep freeze for 4 turns (white)
  • If durability is one rank above the area affected, it reduces the turns by 1. Two+ ranks above lower it by 2 turns.
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Salty Doubloons
Activating his mysterious weapon, Gambit began to absorb the heat energy inside the fiery inferno. Vash felt this, realizing that something strange was happening. His fire started to lose heat, while a powerful cooling energy started to emit from Gambit's weapon, and cold air started to swirl around him. Could it be?

You gotta be kidding me... is this guy like me?

Vash thought to himself, referring to his two Devil Fruits. Did the guy in front of him possess a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit with wings, and a Logia-type Devil Fruit with the power of ice? If so, that would make him an almost exact opposite of Vash himself, who had the powers of the Phoenix and fire.

Grinning, Vash couldn't believe the chances. Regardless, for now, he had to act. Realizing that he was a sitting duck inside the wall of fire, Vash reformed his body as he rocketed out of the fire. As the ice came toward him, his fist formed from the fire and he punched forward, black Busou-shoku no Haki cladding his fist.

Fire Missile!

DPR: 120: 7. Town Level + S:+4 + COA: 2 = 13. Small Continent Level

Vash's fist rammed into the incoming ice, shattering it. The sheer power of the collision created a powerful shockwave that scattered the rest of the inferno, as well as sent beach sand flying everywhere.

When the obscurity cleared, a massive shadow cast over the beach and Gambit. It appeared that while the two were busy fighting inside the inferno, Vash's crew had finally arrived by ship. And what a ship it was - a warship most grand. Vash's body reformed out of fire on the deck of the ship, his arms still transformed into wings of blue and orange fire. Looking down at Gambit, who was still on the beach, Vash grinned and shouted.

A fellow man with two Devil Fruits?! Interesting! But, it seems our fun is over. Sorry we ruined your party, Mr. Pimp. But we'll have to save this for another time. Bye!

Vash said, clearly having misunderstood Gambit's powers. And on top of that, Vash had given out his own secret. Oh well.
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Salty Doubloons
When the ice particles were unleashed from Gambit's scythe, he quickly activated his Observation Haki in preparation for a sequence of attacks that would send the intruders away from his island. He saw the immediate future in which the tons of ice rammed against Vash's bursting, flaring fist which in turn, neutralized his offense. He also had a glimpse of the subsequent event wherein the fire user would rejoin his crew aboard their incoming ship that magically appeared from somewhere and bid farewell. And just before Vash concluded his last words, Gambit himself would do that for him.

"So two devil fruits, huh?", he said followed by a sigh. "What a giveaway."

The pirate prince swiftly recalled his wings back, his claws turning back to normal human fingers, and his ears, too. Turning around, he would expect the ship to leave quickly.

"We will meet again in time. But before that..."

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The obscurity created by the clash cleared, and Vash's crew had set sail. Now a few hundred meters away from the shore, the sails picking up the winds, Vash looked at Gambit from far away, squinting his eyes. As an expert marksman, Vash had really good vision, so him squinting his eyes was him just goofing off, and wasn't even necessary at this distance.

Looks like Mr. Pimp isn't pursuing... that was fun.

Vash said, Inu sighing and Hanzou laughing.

You always get involved in a mess.


The two men said, the rest of the crew laughing away. And so ended their fun at sea for the day. Soon, they would be off to a new adventure.
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