Pirate Aro


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Art by Neil Gaiman and Co.
Name: Aro
Occupation: -Pirate
Bounty: N/A
Race: Human/Lunarian
Gender: Male

Alias: - "Destruction"
-The Prodigal

Age: ???
Racial Boosts
+2 Strength, +2 Speed, +2 Vitality, +3 Anywhere
Strength: 73(Race: +27, MA: +5)=105
Speed: 73(Race: +27, MA:+5)=105

-Reaction: 110
-Movement: 100
Vitality: 73(Race: +27, MA:+5)=105
-Durability: 100
-Stamina: 110
Martial Arts: 100
-Ignite: 100 +20
-Swordsmanship: 100
Haki: 100
-Armament Haki(Offensive): 100
-Observation Haki (Awareness): 100
-Supreme King's Haki: 99
Leftover points: 56
Aro is often the one explaining the emotions of others. He is kind to his comrades and treats them well and is usually less prone to violence. He regrets abandoning his family, and holds deep contempt towards the World Government.

Aro is known as the Prodigal, for he abandoned his responsibilities to seek himself.

Aro is a very tall, muscular, red-haired and bearded man. He has taken to wearing his hair in a ponytail. A pair of black-feathered wings on his back, as well as gold colored eyes. In addition, he has a plume of fire near-constantly burning on his upper back, although it will go out at certain points. He tends to wear colorful casual clothes.​
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Current EXP: 61,193
Current Funds: 12,351,008,896

Week of December 27 - Jan 2
New Money Total: 420.187.500 Beri
New EXP: 113,797

Week of Jan 3rd - 9th
New Money Total: 744.616.071 Beri
New EXP: 114,797

Week of Jan 10th-16th
New Money Total: 1.064.728.747 Beri
New EXP: 115,797

Week of January 17th to 23rd
New Money Total: 398.249.017 Beri
New EXP: 141,797

Week of January 24 2022 - January 30 2022
New Money Total: 724.477.588 Beri
New EXP: 142,797

Week January 31 - February 6
New Money Total: 1.041.693.555 Beri
New EXP: 143,797

Week of Feburary 7 2022 - February 15 2022
New Money Total: 558.539.010 Beri
New EXP: 169,797

Week of February 14 2022 - February 20 2022
New Money Total: Beri
New EXP: 170,797

Week of 21-27 Feb 2022
New Money Total: 1.606.262.878 Beri
New EXP: 171,797

Week of 28 Feb to 06 Mar 2022
New Money Total: Beri
New EXP: 172,797

Week of March 7th - March 13th
New Money Total: 620.548.362 Beri
New EXP: 198,797

Week of March 14th - March 20th
New Money Total: 1.233.913.747 Beri
New EXP: 217,787

Week March 21 - March 27
New Money Total: 829.138.237 Beri
New EXP: 231,787

Week March 28 - April 3rd
New Money Total: 1,336,209,103
New EXP: 232,787

Week of April 04 -10
New Money Total: 1.843.279.969 Beri
New EXP: 233,787

Week of April 11 - 17
New Money Total: 2,346,967,469 Beri
New EXP: 235,787

Week of April 25th - May 1st
New Money Total: 3,020,967,469 Beri
New EXP: 236,787

Week of May 9 2022 - May 15 2022
New Money Total: 2,347,119,448 Beri
New EXP: 237,787

Week September 5 - September 11
New Money Total: 1,497,341,838 Beri
New EXP: 208,287

Week September 12 - September 18
Karate Island Cleared
New Money Total: 1,516,841,838 Beri
New EXP Total: 216,477

September 26-October 2nd
New Money Total: 146,841,838 Beri
New EXP Total: 234,477

Week of 03 to 09 October
New Money Total: 166,841,838 Beri
New EXP Total: 235,477

Week December 12 - December 18
New Money Total: 186,841,838 Beri
New EXP Total: 236,477

Week December 19 - December 25
Sold Brachio Fruit to Cross for: 1,000,000,000
New Money Total After Activity: 1,206,841,838
New EXP Total: 237,477

Week of Jan 23 - 29
New Money Total: 1,226,841,838
New EXP Total: 238,477

Week of February 6 2023 - February 12
New Money Total: 1,829,992,398
New EXP Total: 214,477

Week March 6 - March 12
New Money Total: 2,683,150,300
New EXP Total: 215,477

Week March 13 - March 19
New Money Total: 3,699,645,278
New EXP Total: 216,477

March 20 - March 26
New Money Total:
1,543,163,768 + 600,000,000= 2,143,163,768
New EXP Total: 212,477

Week March 27 - April 2
New Money Total: 1,992,704,600
New EXP Total: 292,446

Week of April 03 to 09
New Money Total: 3,183,983,171
New EXP Total: 293,446

Week of April 10 to 16
New Money Total: 4,372,782,639
New EXP Total: 294,446

Week April 17 to 23
New Money Total: 5,655,386,017
New EXP Total: 295,446

Week of 24th April - 30th April
New Money Total: 6,878,892,932
New EXP: 292,966

Week May 1 - May 7
New Money Total: 8,410,432,008
New EXP Total: 312,966

Week May 8 - May 14
New Money Total: 9,923,249,850
New EXP Total: 345,292

Week May 15 - May 21
New Money Total:10,454,788,926
New EXP Total: 346,292

Week of 29th May - 4th June
New Money Total: 12,104,603,952
New EXP Total: 347,292

June 5th-11th
New Money Total: 343,292
New EXP Total: 13,740,653,952

Week of June 19 2023 - June 25 2023
New Money Total: 2,342,615,962
New EXP Total: 218,292

Week of 10th July-16thJuly
New Money Total: 5,201,289,900
New EXP Total: 220,292

Week June 17th - June 23rd
New Money Total: 9.945.523.035
New EXP Total: 472,733

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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Abilities and Powers

His ability to read the Poneglyphs is by far his most dangerous quality.

Physical Abilities
Aro has exceptional physical prowess.

His body has incredible tenacity, as he's able to take on direct hits from attacks that can level a town.

He is agile enough to quickly maneuver his way through a group of enemies before retaliation.

His reaction speed is vastly superhuman granting him extremely sharp reflexes.

His stamina is so high, as proven by her ability to engage in battle with strong enemies and run around for long distances and time without pause or breaking a sweat.

Aro is one of the very few people in the world who can use all three types of Haki.

Armanment Haki

Aro is capable of using Armament Haki to harden his body in order to defend against attacks, as well as increase his offensive prowess and touch the real bodies of logias. He specializes in the Offensive path of Armanment Haki.
61-100 Mastery: +2 DPR, +1 Durability
He can coat his body, physical weapons, ranged weapons (physical - bullets, etc.), intangible attacks (flying slashes, elements, etc.) with Haki. As well as shoot Haki out of his body (Rayleigh vs elephant).
Observation Haki

Aro possesses the ability to use Observation Haki, giving him a sixth sense of the world around him. He speacializes in the Awareness path of Observation.
Aro can sense anything within 120 meters of himself when CoO is activated. Adds sensing emotions, killing intent, power level, and general health. His reaction speed increases by +3 within 12 meters of himself when CoO is activated
Supreme King's Haki

Aro is an immensely skilled user of Supreme King Haki, a very rare form of Haki whose users are said to have the qualities of a "king".
Aro can to use his will to knock out those 60% of his level, and intimidate those 70% of his level. The area of effect is of his will is 297 meters. He is one of the few individuals that can imbue attacks with Conqueror's Haki and also use Conqueror's Haki defensively. He can also control his own presence and prevent others from seeing into the future (CoO).
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Lucien "The Librarian"

Level 80

Lucien serves on The Ghost House as the chief librarian and right hand man of Dream. Overseeing a collection of every book that has a record of history.

Archaeologists serve a most invaluable role of piecing together the development of countries, people, and cultures. Archaeologists work to uncover things lost beneath the earth over time, and are eager to make new discoveries about the past. Archaeologists serve a most invaluable role of piecing together the development of countries, people, and cultures.
Vast knowledge of history and cultures.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Personal Treasure Chest

-King Item
Create a custom large chain of islands that you become king of
-allows you to gain some immunity from the World Government due to fear and allows you to go to Reverie
-level 80 named NPC
-level 70 named NPC
-level 60 named NPC x2
-level 50 named NPC x10
-level 40 named NPC x50
-level 30 named NPC x100
-level 20 unnamed NPCs x500
-level 10 unnamed NPCs x5000
-gives 1.250 000 000 beri weekly reward
Price: beri
-Two Sea Stone Gloves
-NPC Mind Stat

-Ryu Ryu No Mi; Model: Allosaurus
-Basic Race for NPC
-+20 Item for CoA
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