Powers & Abilities Devil Fruit subtypes

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Salty Doubloons
There are 3 types of Devil Fruits Paramecia, Zoan and Logia. In this thread I plan to intrdouce Devil Fruit subtypes and discuss them with you.
This is actually a subject I created in OJ. I notice it makes sense to sort Devil Fruits into subtypes if it comes to comparing them, especially when talking about Paramecia, but one could also see subtypes for Zoans and Logia.

A Paremecia gives the user supernatural powers which only seems to be limited by Odas imagination. First time I created subtypes for Paramecia I noticed it is also useful to create subsubtypes.
  • Body Enhancement
    These Paramecias effect the users Body.
    • Permanent
      These Paramecias gives a permanent effect to the users Body
      • Bara Bara no Mi (Buggy)
      • Beri Beri no Mi (Very Good)
      • Gomu Gomu no Mi (Luffy)
      • Hoya Hoya no Mi (Daifuku)
      • Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Kuma)
      • Sube Sube no Mi (Alvida)
      • Yomi Yomi no Mi (Brook)
    • Transformation
      User can transform at willfs
      • Baku Baku no Mi (Wapol)
      • Bane Bane no Mi (Bellamy)
      • Bomu Bomu no Mi (Gem/Mr 5)
      • Buki Buki no Mi (Baby 5)
      • Giro Giro no Mi (Viola)
      • Gocha Gocha no Mi (Newish)
      • Guru Guru no Mi (Buffalo)
      • Jake Jake no Mi (Kelly Funk)
      • Kira Kira no Mi (Jozu)
      • Kiro Kiro no Mi (Mikita/Miss Valentine)
      • Mane Mane no Mi (Higurashi, Bentham/Mr 2)
      • Shari Shari no Mi (Sharinguru)
      • Shiro Shiro no Mi (Bege)
      • Supa Supa no Mi (Daz Bones/Mr 1)
      • Toge Toge no Mi (Zala/Miss Bloody Sunday)
      • Ton Ton no Mi (Machvise)
  • Creator
    These Paramecias gives the user the power to produce or create things.
    • Production
      The user is able to produce specific things.
      • Awa Awa no Mi (Kalifa)
      • Bata Bata no Mi (Galette)
      • Bari Bari no Mi (Semimaru, Bartolomeo)
      • Beta Beta no Mi (Trebol)
      • Bisu Bisu no Mi (Cracker)
      • Doa Doa no Mi (Blueno)
      • Doku Doku no Mi (Magellan)
      • Doru Doru no Mi (Galdino/Mr 3)
      • Hana Hana no Mi (Nico Robin)
      • Horu Horu no Mi (Ivankov)
      • Kuri Kuri no Mi (Opera)
      • Ito Ito no Mi (Doflamingo)
      • Ori Ori no Mi (Hina)
      • Pero Pero no Mi (Perospero)
    • Force of nature
      User is able to produces waves effecting a specific force of nature.
      • Gura Gura no Mi (Whitebeard, Teach)
      • Netsu Netsu no Mi (Oven)
      • Noro Noro no Mi (Foxy)
      • Zushi Zushi no Mi (Issho)
    • World creation
      User is able to create objects with which they can open portals to other worlds.
      • Buku Buku no Mi (Mont D'Or)
      • Mira Mira no Mi (Brullee)
  • Controlling
    These Paramecias gives the user the power to control or manipulate living thing and or objects
    • Manipulate living beings
      User is able to manipulate/control beings
      • Hobi Hobi no Mi (Sugar)
      • Kobu Kobu no Mi (Betty)
      • Memo Memo no Mi (Pudding)
      • Mero Mero no Mi (Hancock)
      • Soru Soru no Mi (Carmel, Big Mom)
      • Woschu Woschu no Mi (Tsuru)
    • Manipulate suroundings
      User is able to manipulate/control objects
      • Fuku Fuku no Mi (Kinemon)
      • Fuwa Fuwa no Mi (Shiki)
      • Ishi Ishi no Mi (Pica)
      • Juku Juku no Mi (Shinobi)
      • Kuku Kuku no Mi (Streussen)
      • Mato Mato no Mi (Vander Decken IX)
      • Nui Nui no Mi (Leo)
      • Oshi Oshi no Mi (Morley)
      • Sabi Sabi no Mi (Shu)
      • Sui Sui no Mi (Senior Pink)
      • Toki Toki no Mi (Toki)
    • Room
      User creates a room where he can manipulate/control beings and objects
      • Ato Ato no Mi (Giolla)
      • Nagi Nagi no Mi (Rosinante)
      • Ope Ope no Mi (Law)
  • Dual Types
    Abilities have propabilities of differen subtypes
    • Body Enchancement x Producer
      • Chiyou Chiyou no Mi (Mansherry)
      • Horo Horo no Mi (Perona)
      • Mochi Mochi no Mi (Katakuri)
    • Body Enchancement x Controlling
      • Choki Choki no Mi (Inazma)
      • Hira Hira no Mi (Diamente)
      • Kage Kage no Mi (Moria)
      • Pamu Pamu no Mi (Gladius)
      • Shibo Shibo no Mi (Smoothie)
      • Suke Suke no Mi (Absalom, Shiryu)
      • Wara Wara no Mi (Hawkins)
    • Producer x Controlling
Zoan grants their user to transform into another species. Zoan user use to have 3 main forms: Human, Human-Beast and Beast. There exist 2 special kinds of Zoans, Anciant and Mythical. Ancient Zoan are based on extinct beast and used to be bigger and more powerful then ordinary Zoans. Mythical Zoans are based on beast haht used to appear in myth, these used to have special powers reminding one on Paramecias.
There is another way to introduce subtypes for Zoans, this would be based on what the animal eats, this way we have Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore. I came across this idea ones I realized that the awakened Zoan users of Impeld Down were all Herbivores. I think there is a chance that other Zoan subtypes like Omnivore and Carnivore could have a different awakening power. (Colored representing: Ancient, Mythical)
  • Herbivore
    User transform into an animal that used to eat plants.
    • Hito Hito not Mi, model: Daibatsu (Sengoku)
    • Mushi Mushi no Mi, model: Kabutomushi (Kabu)
    • Ushi Ushi no Mi, model: Bison (Dalton)
    • Ushi Ushi no Mi, model: Giraffe (Kaku)
    • Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Brachiosaurus (Queen)
    • Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Pachycephalosaurus (Ulti)
    • Uma Uma no Mi (Pierre)
    • Zou Zou no Mi (Funkfreed)
    • Zou Zou no Mi, model: Mammoth (Jack)
  • Carnivore
    User transform into an animal that used to eat meat.
    • Hebi Hebi no Mi, model: Anaconda (Sandersonia)
    • Hebi Hebi no Mi, model: King Cobra (Marigold)
    • Hebi Hebi no Mi, model: Yamato no Orochi (Orochi)
    • Inu Inu no Mi, model: Dachshund (Lassoo)
    • Inu Inu no Mi, model: Jackal (Chaka)
    • Inu Inu no Mi, model: Kyubi (Devon)
    • Inu Inu no Mi, model: Wolf (Jabra)
    • Mushi Mushi no Mi, model: Suzumebachi (Bian)
    • Neko Neko no Mi, model: Leopard (Lucci)
    • Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Alosaurus (Drake)
    • Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Pteranodon (King)
    • Ryu Ryu no Mi, model: Spinosaurus (Page One)
    • Sara Sara no Mi, model: Axolotl (Smiley)
    • Tori Tori no Mi, model: Albatross (Morgans)
    • Tori Tori no Mi, model: Falcon (Pell)
    • Tori Tori no Mi, model: Phoenix (Marco)
  • Omnivore
    User transform into an animal that used to eat plants and meat.
    • Hito Hito no Mi (Chopper)
    • Inu Inu no Mi, model: Tanuki (Tenguyamas Teapot)
    • Kame Kame no Mi (Pekoms)
    • Mogu Mogu no Mi (Drophy/Miss Merry Christmas)
Logia allows the user to completly alter their form into an element and manipulate it. So the user create, control and transform into their element. Even so there only 11 introduced Logias so far I found logical way to seperate them in 3 subtypes based on the way they expand.
  • Air
    The element of the user expand through the air. Users are able to fly.
    • Gasu Gasu no Mi (Caesar Clown)
    • Mera Mera no Mi (Ace, Sabo)
    • Moku Moku no Mi (Smoker)
    • Suna Suna no Mi (Crodile)
    • Yuki Yukin no Mi (Monet)
  • Ground
    The element of the user expand to the ground.
    • Hie Hie no Mi (Kuzan)
    • Magu Magu no Mi (Sakazuki)
    • Numa Numa no Mi (Caribou)
    • Yami Yami no Mi (Teach)
  • Energy
    The element of the user doesnt really expand, they compress to become more powerful. User can fly and move in hyperspeed.
    • Goro Goro no Mi (Enel)
    • Pika Pika no Mi (Borsalino)
Unknown Type
Fruits that can't be sorted as Paramecia, Zoan or Logia.
  • Evolution
    Users body evolves after something specific happened (like defeat or death)
    • Tama Tama no Mi (Tomago)

Unnamed fruits
Fruit powers we know, but not named yet. Most of them seems to be easily sorted.
  • Apoo -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
  • Blamenco -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
  • Bonney -> Paramecia -> Controlling -> Manipulate living beings
  • Dalmantian -> Zoan -> Carnivore
  • Epoida -> 2 possibilities:
    • Zoan -> Herbivore
    • Unknown Type -> Evolution (Similiar to Tomago: Caterpiller -> Chyvalis -> Butterfly)
  • Kaidou -> Zoan -> Carnivore (Mythical Ryu or Hebi)
  • Kanjuro -> Paramecia -> Creator -> Production
  • Karasu -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
  • Kidd -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
  • Lafitte -> Zoan -> Herbivore (Tori/Dove)
  • Minochihuachihua -> Zoan -> Carnivore (Inu)
  • Minokoala -> Zoan -> Herbivore
  • Minorhinocerus -> Zoan -> Herbivore (Uma*)
  • Minotaurus -> Zoan -> Herbivore (Ushi)
  • Minozebra -> Zoan -> Herbivore (Uma)
  • Onigumo -> Zoan -> Carnivore
  • Reiju -> Zoan -> Herbivore
  • Sanjuan Wolf -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
  • Tama -> Paramecia -> Controlling -> Manipulate living beings
  • Urouge -> Paramecia -> Body Enhancement -> Transformation
*With Giraffe being part of Ushi it seems like there is a high chance all even-toed ungulates are part of the Ushi group. Thats why many assumes Uma will be the group for odd-toed ungulates -> high chance for Rhinoceros being part of Uma group.

I like to hear thoughts about these subtypes. Is there something you would change?
Especially Paramecia powers were sometimes hard to put in the right category.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I agree with the Paramecia Sub-Categories, but i want to point out few things
  • You wrote Daifuku twice which makes him Dual User but i don't agree he have Body Enhancement actually, since he only produces a Genie, no change happens to his Body

  • Buggy doesn't Transform, his Body Change seems to be "Permanent" until proven otherwise, saying he belongs in "Transformation" means he can be killed with a Sword if he is careless & doesn't activate his DF which isn't the case. Buggy is shown to Always be immune to cuts.

  • Manshery is a Triple User since not only she gained a Body Enhancement but she can also generate Healing Energy & release it & also she Heals others which makes her Controller too (Living Beings)

  • Kelly Funk have both Body Enhancement & Controller Ability since he can be worn by someone else & he is able to control them

  • Bege have Body Enhancement & also Controller Ability since he can shrink others to get inside him & vice versa

  • Absalom can make other Objects & Living Beings Invisible so either he is Controller or it was his Awakening

  • Hawkins have Body Enhancement & also Control since he can transfer Damage to others, not to mention he still have other unshown Powers

  • Tamago is not Paramecia if i recall, his DF is Unique, not sure about this but worth verifying (Only Uncategorized DF)

  • Brook's Change is Permanent, i don't see the need for "Evolution" Sub-Category to exist. Brook is now a Soul, his Body is just an extension of his Power

  • Kin'emon cannot produce Clothes, he changes Objects into Clothes which makes him Controller not Producer, unless you think Sugar is also Producer of Toys which isn't the case ofc

  • Perona not only Produces but she also have Body Enhancement just like Brook since she can separate her Soul & Body which makes her Dual User

  • What does Ivankov Produces? He have Body Enhancement at will & controls others (Their Hormones)

  • Hina doesn't only produce, she can also change her body into those steel bars, as shown when she caught a Pirate in her Post-Alabasta Introduction

  • Foxy & Hancock's Powers are basically the same with different effects so they should be in the same Category and they are Dual User (Producer + Control) since Hancock can also produce not only Waves but also Slave Arrows & Heart Pistol & they both Control others with their Beams (Slow + Petrification) and reminder that their Powers work on both Living Beings & Objects

  • Giolla turns both Living Beings & Objects into Art -- Pudding can produce those Memory Modifying Threads

  • Gladius controls Objects not Living Beings & he is Body Enhancer too

  • Smoothie not only Controls but can Enhance her Body too

  • Big Mom controls & produces (Those Soul Things) -- We don't know how Toki Powers works, it could be a Portal too

  • Diamante is a Flag Man, he is Body Enhancer too

  • Blueno is a Producer who can produce Doors whether it's on Objects or Living Beings, it's just that when his Power is used on Air Space it allows him to hide after that Door

  • Brullee produces Mirrors & Reflections, she didn't control those Animals in any way, she simply created a Reflection of Luffy (Producer)

  • O-Tama Produces too, not only Controls

  • I'd say Karasu's DF is still not explained well to be able to know it's Category

  • Blamenco could be Permanent since he is always shown with those Pockets just like Kuma's Palms
To be honest, i don't think why change the Categorization of Zoans?
We have "Official/Canon" Categories of Zoan, i'd say we stick to them
Also it's kinda weird calling Sengoku's Buddha DF an Omnivore Animal lol
Just stick to Normal, Carnivore, Ancient & Mythical imo
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I agree with the Paramecia Sub-Categories, but i want to point out few things
  • You wrote Daifuku twice which makes him Dual User but i don't agree he have Body Enhancement actually, since he only produces a Genie, no change happens to his Body
2nd Daifuku was actually a Typo since it was the Netsu Netsu no Mi so there should have been Oven in brackets (corrected now)
Daifuku is definetly discussable, but I decided to put him to permanent body enhancement. Daifuku actually turned into lamb and the Djinn lives inside him. So Daifuku doesn't produce the Djinn the Djinn lives inside and is bound to the lamb Daifuku has become.

  • Buggy doesn't Transform, his Body Change seems to be "Permanent" until proven otherwise, saying he belongs in "Transformation" means he can be killed with a Sword if he is careless & doesn't activate his DF which isn't the case. Buggy is shown to Always be immune to cuts.
I know what you mean. But Buggy can also split apart at will thats why I decided to put him as Transformer.
But it could also be seen as intuitive transformation.
  • Manshery is a Triple User since not only she gained a Body Enhancement but she can also generate Healing Energy & release it & also she Heals others which makes her Controller too (Living Beings)
For me Mansherys body enhancement are her tears. But when she can generate healing energy and release it she is definetly also a producer.
About the healing can she also heal besides using her tears or the healing energy she can generate.
If the thing she produces can heal then I would only put her as producer like Perona and Kalifa who also produce things that effect users body.
  • Kelly Funk have both Body Enhancement & Controller Ability since he can be worn by someone else & he is able to control them
This fruit gave me headache. For me is the important thing can Kelly Funk force someone to wear the jacket. Similiar dilemma would be Newish Gocha Gocha no Mi with which he can fuse with others.
  • Bege have Body Enhancement & also Controller Ability since he can shrink others to get inside him & vice versa
I don't see this as controller ability. Since he cannot alter other sizes at wish. The will only be shrinked by entering the world of his body.
So I don't see him as controller.
  • Absalom can make other Objects & Living Beings Invisible so either he is Controller or it was his Awakening
So far it seems like only as long as he touches them like and expanding of his body. But thts also discussable.
  • Hawkins have Body Enhancement & also Control since he can transfer Damage to others, not to mention he still have other unshown Powers
I think I agree.
  • Tamago is not Paramecia if i recall, his DF is Unique, not sure about this but worth verifying (Only Uncategorized DF)
For me it will always be Paramecia. Zoans use to be limited and an Egg is not limited. So for me it fits perfectly as Paramecia, but yeah it is not officially called Paramecia. Btw how do you think about the idea of Epoidas fruit being like Tomagos fruit?
  • Brook's Change is Permanent, i don't see the need for "Evolution" Sub-Category to exist. Brook is now a Soul, his Body is just an extension of his Power
My idea behind this was that Brools devil fruit powers started to activate after he died. But thinking about it, it can also be just paramecia turned his soul invincible, which would be permanent.
  • Kin'emon cannot produce Clothes, he changes Objects into Clothes which makes him Controller not Producer, unless you think Sugar is also Producer of Toys which isn't the case ofc
My bad :D
  • Perona not only Produces but she also have Body Enhancement just like Brook since she can separate her Soul & Body which makes her Dual User
Yeah forgot about this.
  • What does Ivankov Produces? He have Body Enhancement at will & controls others (Their Hormones)
Yeah Ivankov produces hormones and then inject them. Thats why I see him as producer.
He changes his own and other bodies through hormones he produces.
  • Hina doesn't only produce, she can also change her body into those steel bars, as shown when she caught a Pirate in her Post-Alabasta Introduction
Hina is another character hard to put in the right subcategory. Her body partially turns into steel bars followed by them not being part of her body anymore. So for me it is more like a producer.
  • Foxy & Hancock's Powers are basically the same with different effects so they should be in the same Category and they are Dual User (Producer + Control) since Hancock can also produce not only Waves but also Slave Arrows & Heart Pistol & they both Control others with their Beams (Slow + Petrification) and reminder that their Powers work on both Living Beings & Objects
For me Foxys power is like Ishhos power, one controls time the other one gravitation. I always thought Hancock can only turn living beings into stone and thus her ability is different even so it looks similiar :unsure:
  • Giolla turns both Living Beings & Objects into Art --
thats right
  • Pudding can produce those Memory Modifying Threads
The memories she steals turn into film roles. For me this doesn't count as production.
  • Gladius controls Objects not Living Beings & he is Body Enhancer too
Will be corrected
  • Smoothie not only Controls but can Enhance her Body too
Will be corected.
  • Big Mom controls & produces (Those Soul Things) --
To created homies like Prometheus, Zeus and Napoleon she actually only splitted her own soul and didn't produce soul. And almost any other human are created from souls she stole.
  • We don't know how Toki Powers works, it could be a Portal too
This makes actually more sense, but in which category would it fit?
Its not really producing, but could be seen as environment control letting the time flow.
  • Diamante is a Flag Man, he is Body Enhancer too
will be corrected
  • Blueno is a Producer who can produce Doors whether it's on Objects or Living Beings, it's just that when his Power is used on Air Space it allows him to hide after that Door
will be corrected
  • Brullee produces Mirrors & Reflections, she didn't control those Animals in any way, she simply created a Reflection of Luffy (Producer)
I agree with you and will correct it.

Thats what I would call productive :D
Just stick to Normal, Carnivore, Ancient & Mythical imo
Allosaurus is a Carnivore and Ancient.
So a Phoenix should be Carnivore and Mythical.
So you can't seperate Carnivore from Ancient or Mythical.

The official sub categories are Normal, Ancient & Mythical.
But Chopper mentioned Carnivore differs from others. But what the others, well these would be Herbivore and Omnivore.
(If there are Carnivore there should also be Herbivore and Omnivore)

And you are right about Sengokus fruit makes more sense to put him as Herbivore :D
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
2nd Daifuku was actually a Typo since it was the Netsu Netsu no Mi so there should have been Oven in brackets (corrected now)
Daifuku is definetly discussable, but I decided to put him to permanent body enhancement. Daifuku actually turned into lamb and the Djinn lives inside him. So Daifuku doesn't produce the Djinn the Djinn lives inside and is bound to the lamb Daifuku has become.
That's good thought but Body Enhancement Category means the User is modified somehow even if little, but Daifuku simply allows a Genie to come out, even if you say he became a Lamb Man then should Sugar be considered Dual User too since her Body stopped aging after she ate her DF? Mr.3 is also basically a walking Candle & Magellan too have diarrhea all the time

My point is that all we see is Daifuku producing a Genie using his Life Force, however his Body isn't affected at all.
I would agree with you under one single condition, it's if Daifuku gets damaged when the Genie is, but we never saw that
I know what you mean. But Buggy can also split apart at will thats why I decided to put him as Transformer.
But it could also be seen as intuitive transformation.
Permanent means his Body is forever changed & cannot reverse it which applies on Buggy & Luffy & Alvida ... etc
Buggy splitting & Luffy stretching is just them using their Modified Bodies at will

PS: Vander Decken IX seem to have permanent changes too since he wears gloves just like Kuma so that the target never changes from Shirahoshi, which suggests he can't disable his Powers
For me Mansherys body enhancement are her tears. But when she can generate healing energy and release it she is definetly also a producer.
About the healing can she also heal besides using her tears or the healing energy she can generate.
If the thing she produces can heal then I would only put her as producer like Perona and Kalifa who also produce things that effect users body.
Yes there is no doubt she have a Body Enhancement, but she also Produces Healing Energy seperate from her.
And i still believe she should be put as Controller too since just like Giolla & Bonney, she controls others changing something in them
This fruit gave me headache. For me is the important thing can Kelly Funk force someone to wear the jacket. Similiar dilemma would be Newish Gocha Gocha no Mi with which he can fuse with others.
IMO it doesn't matter whether he can force someone else to wear him or not, it doesn't change the fact that his Ability indeed controls Living Beings
I don't see this as controller ability. Since he cannot alter other sizes at wish. The will only be shrinked by entering the world of his body.
So I don't see him as controller.
Same reply as above, it doesn't matter whether he can force his Ability on others, he still can Shrink People.
Luffy was also not affected by Hancock's Powers, doesn't mean she isn't Controller
So far it seems like only as long as he touches them like and expanding of his body. But thts also discussable.
He made Canons, the Ship & Moriah invisible, that's definitely a Controller Ability
But as i said, it matches Doffy's Explanation of Awakening so maybe he was indeed Awakened
For me it will always be Paramecia. Zoans use to be limited and an Egg is not limited. So for me it fits perfectly as Paramecia, but yeah it is not officially called Paramecia. Btw how do you think about the idea of Epoidas fruit being like Tomagos fruit?
Yes you can put it as Paramecia if you want, but you can't create a Sub-Category for it when it's not even Canonically Paramecia
Yeah Ivankov produces hormones and then inject them. Thats why I see him as producer.
He changes his own and other bodies through hormones he produces.
You're right, i forgot about this
Hina is another character hard to put in the right subcategory. Her body partially turns into steel bars followed by them not being part of her body anymore. So for me it is more like a producer.
Well the confirmed thing is that she can produce & if she is enhanced too, that was only seen once so yes it can be ignored
For me Foxys power is like Ishhos power, one controls time the other one gravitation. I always thought Hancock can only turn living beings into stone and thus her ability is different even so it looks similiar :unsure:
No Hancock was shown producing Arrows & Kiss Pistols & she turned Cannon Balls & Pacifista into stone (Even if you argue Pacifista are Humans, their Bodies are not & i already mentioned Cannon Balls anyway)
The memories she steals turn into film roles. For me this doesn't count as production.
No, i'm talking about when she Produced two threads that altered the memories of all Homies in the forest while she was on top of the Carpet
To created homies like Prometheus, Zeus and Napoleon she actually only splitted her own soul and didn't produce soul. And almost any other human are created from souls she stole.
No, i wasn't talking about Homies, Big Mom did indeed create Black Souls Creatures (Those who collect Soul Tax)
This makes actually more sense, but in which category would it fit?
Its not really producing, but could be seen as environment control letting the time flow.
I'd say she is Controller since she can make herself or others travel in time which counts as Controlling their space-time location
Thats what I would call productive :D
Thanks glad to help xD
Allosaurus is a Carnivore and Ancient.
So a Phoenix should be Carnivore and Mythical.
So you can't seperate Carnivore from Ancient or Mythical.

The official sub categories are Normal, Ancient & Mythical.
But Chopper mentioned Carnivore differs from others. But what the others, well these would be Herbivore and Omnivore.
(If there are Carnivore there should also be Herbivore and Omnivore)

And you are right about Sengokus fruit makes more sense to put him as Herbivore :D
That's because you're confusing the Categories with a description that Chopper gave on Lucci's DF
For example Sengoku's DF is the Mythical Version of a Human Normal Zoan
Jack's DF is the Ancient Version of Elephant Normal Zoan
And X-Drakes DF is both Carnivorous & Ancient

When Chopper mentioned Lucci's DF as Carnivorous, he pointed that out to say that it's more Dangerous, it doesn't mean it should be considered as a Second Category of Zoans. But the only ones that Characters mentioned them as Different Categories & very rare to see are Ancient & Mythical

In other words, there are three Categories
1. Normal Zoan ---> Animal Kingdom (Carnivorous or not is just a description of the Animal, you could also say Insect Zoan & Bird Zoan .. etc)
2. Ancient Zoan ---> Dinosaurs & Extinct Animals
3. Mythical Zoan ---> Mythical & Legendary Creatures

My bad on adding Carnivore in first Post, i explained it better here
Tbh if we try to categorize the Devil Fruits based on any Ability the User can come up with then it will give us a headache
It's better to categorize DFs based on what they represent in general

(User can Control or change something that isn't necessarily part of their Body Function, how it's done & who it affects doesn't matter)

Time Speed (Foxy) - Shadows (Moriah) - Age (Bonney) - Anything within his Room (Law) - Petrification (Hancock) - Washing (Tsuru) -
Levitation (Shiki) - Toys (Sugar) - Gravity (Fujitora) - Art (Giolla) - Stone (Pica) - Souls (Big Mom) - Mirrors (Brulee) - Books (Mont-d'Or) -
Dehydration (Smoothie) - Memories (Pudding) - Moral (Betty) - Push (Morley) - Decay (Shinobu)

Body Enhancer:
(User will have a Modified Body Part or Body Function whether at will or not, and it doesn't matter how they affect the rest)

Rubber Human (Luffy) - Splitting Human (Buggy) - Smooth Human (Alvida) - Exploding Human (Mr.5) - Kilo Weight Human (Miss Valentine) -
Merging Human (Wapol) - Clone Human (Mr.2) - Blade Human (Mr.1) - Spike Human (Miss Doublefinger) - Reviving Human (Brook) -
Paw/Repel Human (Kuma) - Magnet Human (Kid) - Castle Human (Capone) - Straw Human (Hawkins) - Muscle/Convert Human (Urouge) -
Instruments Human (Apoo) - Scissors Human (Inazuma) - Diamond Human (Jozu) - Size Human (Sanjuan Wolf) - Weapon Human (Baby 5) -
Rotating Human (Buffalo) - Popping Human (Gladius) - Swimming Human (Senor Pink) - Ton Weight Human (Machvice) - Flag Man (Diamante) - Healing Human (Mansherry) - Mochi Human (Katakuri) - Heat Human (Oven) - Invisible Human (Shiryu) - Spring Human (Bellamy) -
Hollow Human (Perona) - Stitching Human (Leo) - Enhanced Seeing Human (Viola)

(User generates Something regardless of how which they can use however they see fit regardless of how it affects others)

Doors (Blueno) - Strings (Doflamingo) - Body Parts (Robin) - Wax (Mr.3) - Bubble/Soap (Kalifa) - Cages (Hina) - Poison (Magellan) -
Hormones (Ivankov) - Clothes (Kin'emon) - Earthquakes (Teach) - Sticky Substance (Trebol) - Barriers (Bartolomeo) - Life Drawings (Kanjuro) - Biscuits (Cracker) - Dango (O-Tama) - Candy (Perospero) - Food (Streusen)
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Salty Doubloons
That's good thought but Body Enhancement Category means the User is modified somehow even if little, but Daifuku simply allows a Genie to come out, even if you say he became a Lamb Man then should Sugar be considered Dual User too since her Body stopped aging after she ate her DF? Mr.3 is also basically a walking Candle & Magellan too have diarrhea all the time

My point is that all we see is Daifuku producing a Genie using his Life Force, however his Body isn't affected at all.
I would agree with you under one single condition, it's if Daifuku gets damaged when the Genie is, but we never saw that
My point is Daifuku doesn't prdoduce the Djinn. The Djinn lives inside Daifuku. I would change my opinion if Daifuku could create different Djinns.

Permanent means his Body is forever changed & cannot reverse it which applies on Buggy & Luffy & Alvida ... etc
Buggy splitting & Luffy stretching is just them using their Modified Bodies at will
Get your point. Like Buggy all the time splitted but he keeps himself together.

How do you think about Berry Good? Same as Buggy?

Yes you can put it as Paramecia if you want, but you can't create a Sub-Category for it when it's not even Canonically Paramecia
Yeah will change to unknown Type.

No Hancock was shown producing Arrows & Kiss Pistols & she turned Cannon Balls & Pacifista into stone (Even if you argue Pacifista are Humans, their Bodies are not & i already mentioned Cannon Balls anyway)
No, i'm talking about when she Produced two threads that altered the memories of all Homies in the forest while she was on top of the Carpet
For me both are just visualisations for the way the use their abilities. Thats why I see both as Controller, but not as Producer.

Issho, Foxys, Whitebeard abilities are similiar to this and could be handled as Environment control. But I see them as somekind of producer cuase they produce waves with which they control nature by a specific force.

He made Canons, the Ship & Moriah invisible, that's definitely a Controller Ability
But as i said, it matches Doffy's Explanation of Awakening so maybe he was indeed Awakened
I would only call it awkaening if he can turn stuff invisible without touching it.
Doflamingo and Katakuri could turn stuff into their element and control it at will without touching it.

IMO it doesn't matter whether he can force someone else to wear him or not, it doesn't change the fact that his Ability indeed controls Living Beings
For me it is a different. For me Controller means that they can effect the user at will. Kelly Funk turns into jacket. If someone decides to wear him they fuse their powers.
Controller would be for me that he completly Takes control of someone else at will.

Same reply as above, it doesn't matter whether he can force his Ability on others, he still can Shrink People.
For me Bege is unable to shrink to people, people gets shrinked to be able to enter the world. For me these are 2 different things.
If Bege would be able to shrink people without them entering his castle then it would be controlling.
Thats comparable to why don't see Hancock and Pudding as Producer.

(User can Control or change something that isn't necessarily part of their Body Function, how it's done & who it affects doesn't matter)

Body Enhancer:
(User will have a Modified Body Part or Body Function whether at will or not, and it doesn't matter how they affect the rest)

(User generates Something regardless of how which they can use however they see fit regardless of how it affects others)
But thats actually what I did. I try to focus on their main abilities. Otherwise I would have far more dualtype users. The only Things differs I introduced subsubtypes. Cause I See a few differents within the types.
other words, there are three Categories
1. Normal Zoan ---> Animal Kingdom (Carnivorous or not is just a description of the Animal, you could also say Insect Zoan & Bird Zoan .. etc)
2. Ancient Zoan ---> Dinosaurs & Extinct Animals
3. Mythical Zoan ---> Mythical & Legendary Creatures
The categories I presented are not canon. And its not like I ignored Special Zoans thats why I colored them.
I decided to differ Zoans in Herbivore and Carnivore cause one can expect Herbivore use to be more defensive and Carnivore to be more offensive. This was basically confirmed by Choppers reactions about Luccis fruit. And thats why I decided to split up Zoans in Carnivore, Herbivore and Omnivore.
(Again Mythical and Ancient still important thats why these are colored)
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
It's going to become even more complicated as time passes. I'm pretty sure we're going to to see the lines between all these different categories blurring all the more as the story progresses, with Awakenings further muddying things. The point to all of it being that current categorization/classification models in general need a complete reevaluation, along with many other long-held, deeply entrenched assumptions ( heap of meta-commentary here that Oda fully intends to impress upon we the readership ).

More to the point at hand, things I expect we'll see:

Special Devil Fruits - more instances of df's that combine aspects of 2 or all 3 categories.

- Bacterial, Viral, and Cell/Protozoa zoans. The latter in particular is one of several I foresee Blackbeard hunting down to balance his eventual power over the forces of Death by obtaining the Kami class zoan fruit, Shinigami/Enma; granting him what he'll believe to encompass the power over life, that of the shapeshifting god Proteus....basically Oda's tribute to Pokemon Ditto haha ( more importantly, all the symbolic weight it brings to the table ).

- Various levels to Awakenings that gradually grant abilities one would associate with other categories. I think Artur and the Ohara Library folks were on the right track w/ respect to the idea of say Logias being able to create "life" upon Awakening.

By the same token, a Zoan user can accomplish stuff like evolving mythical zoan forms, gaining Paramecium multi-type abilities through Chopper-like transformations, even achieving Logia like abilities like splitting into packs/flocks/swarms and such.

Big misconception: the Impel Down Zoans being Awakened; these are "failed" Awakenings that don't even constitute a Level 1 Awakening, more like Level 0.5 or 0.9 or something. A full level 1 Awakening would be probably similar to what Chopper can currently do, ie unlocking various potential forms while retaining his mental faculties, etc...with more waiting down the pipeline ( provided he drops his Rumble Balls and learns how to tap into his actual devil fruit abilities....those rumble balls don't work the way he thinks they do ).

Befitting the term, I imagine the whole process of Awakening one's devil fruit boils down to just that: fully awakening the spirit that dwells in the devil fruit. To that end, it's a kinda spiritual road to enlightenment that more or less follows the path of leading the devil fruit sprit through all the stages of sleep. Stage 1 is the spirit's base state, so makes sense that each stage would bring with it new abilities akin to a different df category or some in-between hybridization thereof.

The end result of a Full Awakening? Melding with the spirit ( abasically a kami ), essentially becoming a full out god. Not a simply task by any means; the Minozoans of Impel Down demonstrated just one of the many pitfalls of heading down this path.

But yeah, taking say a Paremecium like Doflamingo for example, I imagine his Awakening evolutionary path would more or less follow this route

Base Powers ( Stage 1 Sleep ) ---> environmental transmutation ( Stage 1.5/2 Sleep/Awakening )--> Permanent Transformation ( Stage 2.5/3 ) ---> temporary Familiar/Homunculus Creation ( Stage whatever ), foreshadowed by his string "clones" ---> Permanent Familiar/Homunculus Creation --> Self-Transformation into Strings --> Full on String deity, probably some living bird-like string monster similar in form to his giant strings constructs from his battle w/ Luffy.

One can cycle through various cycles back and forth, so it follows then that no one df user's path need take the exact same route. Looking at say Hawkins, he already has a pseudo half-logia form already, so his own late stage Awkening could hypothetically encompass what an earlier Stage would mean for Doffy.

Same as the journey on the Grandline in principle: different routes, same ultimate destination.

Looking at it this way, it becomes easier to imagine what Awakening would entail for someone like say Tsuru or Law, whose powers may pose a less obvious means of expression: their "spiritual" evolution would simply result in them either creating or becoming beings like those that abound in folklore and mythology of Japanese and other cultures pertaining to spirits embodying objects or concepts; Tsuru would probably become a living washing machine/basin or summon such beings accordingly, while say Law would become a living scalpel or divine Super Doctor surrounded by living medical equipment. Maybe even taking on forms akin to those of realworld mythological deities tied to these fields, ie Tsuru as some Goddess of Purification or law as Asclepius. Shit like dat.
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