Island Enies Lobby

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby

Azrael had made short work of a large portion of the agents that defended this place. He shouted a command towards those that were left standing, run or die. Some instilled with fear took head of that command and began to run away, others stood firm and began their fire. Sadly, those that remained were bull rushed by Azrael's two officers, James and Arthur. Charging through the crowd they pierced and toppled over any remaining officers, reaching the gates of the courthouse in a matter of moments. Each hit of the officers started to crack and break the massive door until it could no longer handle the punishment, forcing it open. Within the courtroom, Arthur and James stood eye to eye with the remaining forces the marines had stationed here. Behind them a very tall three-headed man stood at the ready, wielding a massive cutlass in his right. The agents and marines rose their firearms and unleashed hell fire upon the two officers.

"Inform Spandam! They've reached the Courthouse!" the head in the middle bellowed.


Ohm VS Nero

Nero rushed forward after launching his sonic blast, hoping to have caught his opponent off guard enough to create an opening. And the agent would've succeeded, if it wasn't for an unknown party. A second sonic shot would be launched but this time Nero was its recipient. The young agent, unable to counteract the effects of this shot felt the sound pierce his ears. His eyes still able to follow would spot a massive punch heading his way, the darkening of his hands a foreign interference for the young Nero. He was oblivious to haki and could not observe its powers. "TEKKAI!" The young agent shouted boosting his durability to its highest point. But the punch dug in deep and obliterated the tekkai wall, shattering it like glass. Nero was left to the devices of momentum and power was sent flying, flipping over until a wall would halt this incredible backward movement. One punch, even with increased ability that was all it took to defeat one of the fabled CP9. A trainee at the very least. What remained in the back would surprise Ohm, Chris, James, Arthur and Azrael.

The real monsters had to even move out of their cage.


Tower of Justice @Ichimonji

The CP9 elites stood ready. Spandam was just about to discuss the tactics with them until a den den mushi disrupted their conversation. "I'm BUSY! This better be important!" The Chief raged against whoever was at the other end of the line.

"WHAT?!" Spandam shouted, a look of disbelief as he jolted from his chair. Standing upright.
"Delay them as much as possible you hear me! Why the hell are we even paying you baffoons anyway?!"


The line was dropped and Spandam sunk back into his chair, arms running through his hair as he couldn't believe the situation. "Urgh. Change of plans. They're already at the courthouse. We've got to make sure they don't reach this tower. I need Lucci, Kaku and Jabra here. Less the unthinkable happens."

Spandam said, thinking out loud but when he snapped back to reality he'd notice that several of the agents already stood up. Leaving through the door of the chief's office.

[Kumadori] - "YO YO YOI.....We'll handle them!"
[Kalifa] - "Hmph. They better keep their hands off me. Otherwise, I'll sue them."
[Fukurou] - " can't sue those that are dead...chapapapapa"
[Blueno] - "Let's see the strength of a yonkou crew. Even if they're on the lower end of the Hierarchy they should be worthwile opponents.

The door would close behind them, leaving Jabra, Kaku and Lucci still in Spandam's office. The latter two sat with their arms folded across their chest while Jabra started to pace, clearly anxious. "They better not kick the bucket against mere officers!"

"Spandam Boy, Why not try and contact young Wukong. His mission should be almost over, right?"
Kaku suggested, the more power they had the better.

"I'll try and see if he receives the emergency hail at the very least. If he makes it in time is a different matter. "

"It will not matter. These fools don't know what they're trying to pull."
Lucci said, confident in his raw abilities.

Spandam in the meantime took out a mini den den mushi that slightly resembled Wukong and pressed the button. This wasn't a responder phone but simply a coded message. Wukong should he receive it would understand that this was an SOS coming directly from Enies Lobby.

But would he be able to respond in time?

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby - Post # 9
I finally had followed suite following behind James and Arthur who would stare and gaze at a three-headed man with a dozen of agents surrounding the entirety of the room. Arthur would snigger at the thought of taking out more agents whilst James looked little pleased at dealing with nothing but useless soldiers on the chess board.

Meanwhile heading back to where Ohm remained back to deal with Nero, the fight had reached its conclusion. The young man had tried to perform a defensive technique one that enhances one's durability. But Nero had no knowledge of much of Haki, had underestimated his opponent with Ohm being pissed had finally launched an attack that sent him flying.

Noting Chris' interference, Ohm was little pleased " Didn't i tell you i didn't need help. " as he panted punching the floor out of frustration. Getting up as he instead concentrated on his next move " Let's just join the others. No one kills that Arthur but me "

With the duo catching up as the followed behind witnessing the destruction that i did earlier only to see me far away, whereas i made my early steps within the courthouse.

" Y' ephain'ghaa nilgh'ri last ehye ot ymg', mgyogor l' bastards, elderly, gof'nn, shuggothh. Nilgh'ri last ehye ot ymg' ahor ah'lw'nafh lw'nafh ot damnation ymg' fm'latgh pathetic ah'lw'nafh " (" I will slaughter every last one of you, down to the bastards, elderly, children, women. Every last one of you shall live a life of damnation burning your pathetic lives ... " - R'Lyehian Translator)

Just checking this as key for Azrael
Just checking this as key for Azrael
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby

The inferno division had arrived within the courtyard. The last vestige of defence that could prevent them from entering the tower of justice. Azrael and his officers had made short work of the vast amount of marines and agents present. Sadly none of them were of a calibre enough to resist their approach. Even the agent in training, Nero, was left defeated with only a single punch. And now before them stood the chief justice, but he was only putting up a brave face. He, too, was mere cannon fodder. The man knew it. The pirates knew it. And so upon their arrival he had called for reinforcements.

And back up he received.

A door would open up behind Baskerville, surprising the man as he shuffled out of the way with a shred of awkwardness. As would happen when you stack men atop of each other. Out of this single door a blond woman, a pink haired fellow, an owl-like man and an Ox-like man would arrive. All walking behind one another, with the Ox man leaving as last and the one to close the door behind him.

"This guy talks weird" Fukurou commented on Azrael
"Takes one to know."
"Hmph. I feel like he's insulting us."


"Oh my! CP9 agents!" Baskerville cried out with shock, although this was more of a performance than anything. He had anticipated them a few moments ago. He hoped this drama would instil fear in the pirates. The CP9 agents had legendary status after all, uttering their designation alone would cause many to flee. Blueno took a few steps forward and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Fukurou stood behind him while Kalifa and Kumadori stood to his left and right respectively.

"You have no way to return Vampirates. You're standing on holy ground. Be wise and surrender for we're not allowing you to take a single step further."

Fukuro would close his eyes as he extended his arms, it was as if he was listening to something and taking in sounds. Kalifa would lift her glasses from her nose while Kumadori hummed or at least tried to hum a zen-like tune. These 4 were certainly oddballs to say the least. But Azrael and his fellow men would and could tell. These four were vastly different from any opponent up until now.

These 4 were the real deal.

The feared CP9. A licence to kill.

Levels scaled very slightly for story and ability purposes. For example Blueno was the weakest on the front page while in reality he just edges out to the top fighters(Kaku, Jabra etc)

Level 45
45 x 5 = 225
Strength: 52+10=62
Speed: 55+10=65
-Reaction: 65
-Movement: 65
-Durability: 61
-Stamina: 61
Haki: 50
-Armament Haki: 50
-Observation Haki: 50
Martial Arts: 22+15=37
-Rokushiki: 74

Level 50
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 62+10=72
Speed: 65+10=75
-Reaction: 75
-Movement: 75
Haki: 14
-Armament Haki: 28
Martial Arts: 56+15=71
-Rokushiki: 71
-Life Return: 71

Level 55
50 x 5 = 250
Strength: 46+10+5(ma)=61
Speed: 33+10+10(df)=53
-Reaction: 51
-Movement: 55
Vitality: 33+10+10(df)=53
-Durability: 51
-Stamina: 55
Haki: 41
-Armament Haki: 21
-Observation Haki: 61
Dvil Fruit: 66+15=81
Martial Arts: 31
-Rokushiki: 62

Level 40
40 x 5 = 200
Strength: 28+8+5(ma)=41
Speed: 32+8+10(df)=50
-Reaction: 50
-Movement: 50
Vitality: 37+8+5(df)=50
-Durability: 50
-Stamina: 50
Haki: 12+12(human)
-Armament Haki: 48
Devil Fruit: 61
Martial Arts: 31
-Rokushiki: 62
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby - Post # 10

Just as it occurred in Alvida's Base, my threat was one of another language. It felt and sounded foul, like a wailing screech with a snarling after tone. James, Arthur and Ohm who were in the vicinity felt a sheer wave of uneasiness, the hairs on their arms and back crawled, each gulping with disbelief with their eyes targetting me then their gaze focused on the ones before us. All that remained were the lap dogs little soldiers on the chess piece, the main pieces were yet to get off their chairs as one would believe. But they knew exactly the entire ordeal that was taking place and made it their mission to halt it.

Their arrival would cause the little soldier pieces of the chess board to smile as one of them ushered and yelled out CIPHER POL, this alone alerted Arthur, James and Ohm only, for after all they have heard all about it before. The two being trusted vassals of one Namor the 1st division fleet commander and James being who transferred from the Vice-Captain to the temporary made up division.

Each of the four of us had our eyes set on one each, with my eyes set on the one who opened the portal like a door, James eyeing the one with pink hair as he grinned, Arhur looked daggers at the owl looking man and Ohm who just wrapped up would stare at a fellow blond.

Arthur exclaimed thrilled at the sight " This is more like it, i call dibbs on the zipper looking mouth one " grinning as he took the first jab and dibbs.

James would look at the pink hair one and point at him as if he his target.

I would grin " Here comes the real guys, so make sure you dont lose to such dogs " saying sarcastically as i propelled myself kicking myself off the floor, spinning my scythe with my hand to propel and cause it to heat up with ignition being conjured into it. The aim was simple to also use the marine officers, the three headed weirdo and the government agent as targets. I would then raise both hands tightened to the scythe then slam it down as if an aim to cleave the ox looking agent. " SAVAGE RAMPAGE! "
Base Str Stat = 81 = Large Building Level
DPR: B = +2
Total DPR: Town Level

Area of Effect = Mastery/2 = 81/2 = 40.5 = 40.5 meters AoE
Status Effect = D rank fire that causes extra damage for 3-4 turns

Azrael had officially made the first move aimed at the agent named Blueno, whereas the others just locked their respective targets.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #1
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Gate of Justice
The gentle breeze in clear day was violently interrupted by the rushing waters of the Tarai Current. Sloven between the three major World Government sites, it was the quickest way to get around, with a Marine ticket being the only entry. In the Tarai current a single ship rushed at high-speeds, flying through the current with added wind. A Marine ship, or so it seemed, but its occupants were far from Marine.

Enter Cipher Pol 9. The last remaining member of the elite organization had just come back from a series of missions, the last from the Sky. Once the ship hit the Tarai Current, a emergency message came from Enies Lobby. A message from Chief Spandam of Cipher Pol 9 himself.

The message was replayed.

"Spandam Boy, Why not try and contact young Wukong. His mission should be almost over, right?" Kaku suggested, the more power they had the better.

"I'll try and see if he receives the emergency hail at the very least. If he makes it in time is a different matter. "
Many men in uniform ran frantically around the ship to manage the high-speeds current, moving the sails and using the row system to stay with the current and keep direction. The wind blasted against the sails violently. Through all this chaos, five figures stood unmoving. At the bow of the ship, all sitting on the edge in equal distance from each other, were five. Five figures who sat in ironic meditation through the chaos. The Sage Squad.

The Gate of Justice was in view. Enies Lobby was on the other side. The Gate of Justice slowly opened, revealing the Bridge of Hesitation.

[Rafiki] "We have arrived just in time. I hope you rested your mind, Sun-san."
[Sun Wukong] "I'm ready."

That last voice was calm, gentle, but decisive. Sitting in the very edge of the bow, leading the ship, was a large twelve-foot figure. Long wild black hair rose from the figure's head past the shoulders, comparable to his thick eyebrows. Covered in red fur but-for the chest, the figure had a tail wrapped around his waist over his blue waistband and fighting yellow trousers. A shadow trim was around his eyes, and over the eyelids deep in crimson color. Lastly, a thick X scar was on Sun’s left cheek, a reminder of his training. This was the return. A Humandrill.

Enter "The Sage". Enter Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong
Epiteth: “The Sage”
Race: Humandrill
Sex: Male
Age: 35
Height: 12 feet
Weight: A lot

Affiliation: Cipher Pol 9
Position: Agent
Occupation: Assassin/Medic
Devil Fruit: Numa Numa no Mi
Laughing Style: Chuhuhuhu

83 x 5
= 415
Race, Martial Arts, DF
Strength: 101 (64 + 32 + 5)
Agility: 105 (84 + 16 + 5)

Movement: 102
Reaction: 108
Vitality: 101 x2 (64 + 32 + 5)
Durability: 108
Stamina: 94
Haki: 81 x2
Armaments: 81
Precognition: 81
Martial Arts: 81 x3 (57 + 24)
Rokushiki: 100
Mimicry: 81
Dials: 62
Mind: 0 (24 - 24)
Numa Numa No Mi: 41

Stealth: *****​
Physiology: ***​
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby

The two groups had a stare down within the courtroom. Four of Cipher Pol's most elite fighters and on the other side the Vampirates Officer and his colleagues. Who'd edge out to the top? They were slightly tied in terms of raw strength, but that wasn't all in this world. Especially when a fighter that could rival even Lucci roamed in the back, moving towards the Judicial Island with haste.

Foolishly or not the pirates would separate themselves and going for a tactic that'd allow them to fight one on one against these agents. Luckily these were people with egos that'd facilitate this way of thinking. The pirates wanted one on one battles? They'd get that, plain and simple. James would eye Kumadori, Arthur in turn would take Fukuro and Ohm would take the blond who was left.

That only left Azrael and Blueno as the final match up.

"Chapapa, You're funny. chapapa"
Fukuro said when he was drawn first.

The fights were set and Azrael gave his men a lasting speech before he dashed off with all his might. Blueno in response kept his calm and looked on towards the flaming Lunarian, eyes flashing red, reacting towards his movement with relative ease. The agent would take a step back and retreated through a door in the wall. While the pirate flew he'd notice the nearby Agents would follow this Ox-guy as fast as they could. Unfortunately only a handful of agents and the 3-headed fellow were lucky enough. Azrael would slam down onto the ground with incredible might, blasting a large part of this courtroom. Fire, debris and energy were sent flying towards anyone who stood nearby. With his scythe on the ground Azrael could take a look around. Finding that his primary targets were not around anymore. The sound of a creaking door would alert him to up the large set of middle stairs in front of him.

Up these set of stairs where the floor would connect two paths to the left and the right the wall would open up in the shape of a human. Blueno would casually walk out of it without a scratch on him. He'd dust off his shoulders before cracking his knuckles and shoulders. Looking down on the pirate he'd speak.

"This won't go as easy as you think it will, Pirate."

Having 'saved' those he wanted too Blueno was ready for a fight. His eyes would dart towards the rest of the courtroom and noticed that his 3 colleagues started to zip around the room through geppo, flying outside and hopefully drawing the pirates outside with them. Once outside their battles would be spread out over 3 different rooftops. This would allow them for their battles to happen without any interference, or so one might think.

The stage was set for the first round.

The Gates of Justice opened allowing passage to Enies Lobby. Sun would look at his home which was without any damage so far. However, from behind the majestic Tower of Justice Sun would be able to see smoke trailing over it. It'd seem that the path towards the Tower had seen a large scale battle with numerous locations of heavy fighting. And looking from the sound of explosions that echoed they had fought their way up towards the Courthouse only a single step away from the Tower. Fortunately he'd also be able to sense that most of them were now locked in combat with actual CP9 members that'd stall their approach significantly. These pirates held significant strength but were way below his level of fighting. If they could gang up on him though, that might be a different matter.

The ship could dock near one of the pillars that held this bridge, leading to a passage to the top of the bridge and eventually to the Tower itself. Whether he'd choose this direction or not his snail phone would ring once more, Spandam was hailing him.

"Agent Sun! Welcome back. We've got the situation under control. I've dispatched Blueno and others to beat these silly pirates into submission. Come to my office for a debrief of your mission first." The chief said, overconfident as always.
From the background of the call Sun could overhear a conversation their distance towards Spandam's receiver made it very quiet. It was not supposed to be heard by Sun.
"Why are you doing push-ups Jabra?" Kaku questioned the wolfman.
"So I can show that Mink that I'm still the superior one here! I won't be beaten by a Monkey"
"Help this child."
"I'll see you soon, Agent Sun"
Spandam said, ending the call.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #2
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Note: These are unnamed no-stats NPCs, just for flavor purposes.

Gate of Justice
The Gates of Justice brought forth the Sage Squad, a squad of agents at the employ of Sun Wukong, "The Sage" came over the horizon. The Marine ship stopped short of the Bridge of Hesitation and the Humandrill jumped out. The tower seemed intact with no damage. Smoke, however, rose behind it - this was real. Rafiki, one of the Five Sages, the oldest, looked over the ship's bow as Sun walked away. The man quickly quipped their path, and Sun Wukong nodded, proceeding towards the Tower at the end of the Bridge of Hesitation.

[Rafiki] "The Sage Squad will set up perimeter in the Bridge of Hesitation. We will act as the last line of defense.... can't wait to see Jabra-san's reaction!"

The Sage walked up the Tower and climbed. As he did, in the distance, the Humandril saw the smoke more clearly. The invaders had made it all the way to the courthouse - they'd soon be in the Tower. CP9 had to had been activated. His den den mushi ran and Spandam was on the other side, noting they had dispatched Blueno and company to deal with them. Following orders, Sun Wukong went up the Tower to the observatory room and knocked, before quickly walking in.

With a sarcastic greeting, Sun Wukong entered the room.

[Sun Wukong] "Hey Jabra, I see you're still huffing and puffing. Chuhuhuhu, that was so howl-larious!"

The man entered the room, giving out puns as greetings - for Jabra the wolf. While Kaku and Lucci were above the banter, Sun was not. A little light-heartedness was something he had picked up from humans, particularly in this group with Kumadori, Jabra, and the others - one could argue he had no choice but to mimic. Sun Wukong quipped first and placed a yellow envelope on Spandam's desk - the intel and summary of his missions to assassinate Caribou Pirates and to enforce division in Sky Island - both a success.

Sun Wukong turned to Kaku and Lucci and nodded as a sign of respect, comically leaving Jabra out, before turning to Spandam.

[Sun Wukong] "What's the situation, Chief?"
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
「 Enies Lobby 」 - Post 11
@QuickZilver708 @Ichimonji

My aim was simple yet effective by theory, attack, cause big damage and expect lots of collateral damage in the process. But none of this would go exactly as planned. This was the first time i came across the ones who label themselves Cipher Pol. I foolishly underestimated them despite making a quick speech about not doing so.

Just moments before i would have my scythe fall at the target that i had Blueno's head, his little portal power would yet again have me one step behind. He must have already pre-planned and done his research i would ponder as my scythe would have debris fly into the air with the very ground engulf in flames, beginning to burn and crumble into dust.

James, Arthur and Ohm had already made precautions as they tracked their respected targets each heading to other rooftops.

Arthur would snarl at Fukurou " Your one nimble fat-so, zipper face " ... embracing his snarl with a fist in the air. His fist would begin to bubble as a layer of water would form around his hand with him smirking then flinging a water projectile at the agent. " Uchimizu! "
Arthur Base STR stat = 81 = Large Building Level
Uchimizu = DPR B = +2
Total DPR = Town Level
James would quitely yet walk, jumping up and down around the debris that catapulted like a rubber band all over the place. He'd then stare daggers at Kumadori, who'd place his staff in his hands then comment on Azrael's earlier strange language then his arrogance. James would menacingly comment back " Quit talking shit about other people. You Cipher Pol are nothing but shit " his hands placed into his pockets as he would then comment. " Why don't we get the parted started " as he lunged forward aiming his kick towards Kumadori's cheeks. " Joue Shoot "
James Base STR stat = 61 = Small Building Level
Joue Shoot = DPR B = + 2
Total DPR = City Block Level
Ohm who'd be a little slower behind Kalifa, would pant, breathing heavily after his earlier confrontation with the agent. After catching up he'd comment. " Are we doing this, as i've had enough from all this wuss antics "

Seeing my attack take a few lives would bring a little bit of joy, though the target used his strange powers and escaped then re-appeared. Lifting my scythe into the air and drenched over my shoulder, breathing slowly with a spark of fire engulfing around the collarbone and eyes. I was now going to find out just who was these Cipher Pol first hand.

" Not bad evading my attack " then getting in a stance ready to dart at the direction of Blueno, the fire that engulfed my collarbone and eyes withered down, my hands began to engulf in flames as it got passed down into the scythe. Kicking the air darting forward with the scythes edge engulfed in a clad of darkening. " Unknowing Fire "
Azrael Base STR stat = 81 = Large Building Level
Unknowing Fire = DPR A = +3
Hardening = +2
Total DPR = Island Level
Last edited:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby


Tower of Justice

The door to the tower of justice flung open after a single knock. It'd force those inside to turn their heads, observing the one who had entered their strong hold.

Enter Sun Wukong, one of CP9's Elites.

The man would enter and gave an almost immediate quip to Jabra who was still panting from his earlier exercise. It'd force a vein on the wolfman's forehead, clearly that had strung a chord. He, however, would not offer a reply to the mink. But his face gave him enough information he'd need. Come and try to say that up close, I dare you! The man would communicate non verbally. Up next came a silent greeting in the form of a nod to Lucci and Kaku. Those two only returned the gesture but kept their piercing gaze upon the mink. Finally, he'd arrive at Spandam's desk offering the man his debriefings in a yellow envelope. The chief would accept the folder like a child would accept a bag of candy, a grin from ear to ear. He'd open up on of the folders and started to skim through one of the documents.

[Sun Wukong] "What's the situation, Chief?"
"Some fools from the Vampirates have infiltrated our holy place, Blueno and the others have engaged them near the courthouse. Haven't heard back from them yet. But I'm sure they'll be just fine. This will not be another Impel Down fiasco!"

Before Sun could offer a reply, however, Spandam would look at him with narrowed eyes. He'd also move down the file he was reading now staring him straight in the face.

"It says here you acquired and consumed a Logia devil fruit? Tell me more about this. Hyahaha"
Spandam would say softly before following a quiet laughter. His hands folded together before his face

The other three still present in the room would move their heads in shock to this sudden news.

"A logia type, Impressive Sun."


"Logia? Pft that'll maybe impress a bean sprout but not me."


Courthouse Battleground

Arthur vs Fukuro

Both Arthur and Fukuro stood on top of a nearby rooftop. Smoke trailing upwards from several locations within the Courtland. Their fight reaching to this place had been like a blitz. But that'd stop now, for CP9 had sent out their fighters. A first roadblock for the division under Azrael. Now the world would see how the crew of a Yonko fought and if the Government could repel yet another attack on one of their facilities.

Arthur would start with a quip at Fukuro who could only respond with his signature laugh. Even while facing down a water bullet that was flung straight at him.
"Chapapa, Kami-e: Slime!"

Suddenly Fukuro would perk up and stretched himself thin and out of the way of the bullet, the droplet destroying a rock pillar behind him. Within but a moment Fukuro would return to his plump size but this time he'd start to spin like a bowling ball.

"A fishman? Chapapa, you're a long way from home."
"Soru "Tekkai Dama!"

Suddenly Fukuro in his ball form would speed up with astonishing acceleration aiming to blast himself into Arthur with his full might.
61-80: 2. Small Building Level +2(B) +1(haki) = 120: 5. Town Level

James vs Kumadori

On another nearby rooftop James and Kumadori had found themselves equally in combat. But this one was a bit more on the foul side of things. There were no quips but straight to the action. James spared on time and immediately went to kick the agent in the face. But the trained assassin simply leaned back to an inhuman degree. The back of his head would almost hit the concrete, but he'd remain at a 90° angle, standing parallel to the pirate's kick.

"Yoyoyoi. The centre of the earth is weeping at that chakra."
"Semei Kikan: Kami Shibari."

Suddenly and out of nowhere the agent's hair would spring to life, extending itself and quickly wrapping around James kicking leg and eventually around his upper body and shoulders. If successful James would find himself being gripped with supernatural strength, just what kind of hair was this? He'd wonder. But Kumadori, still in his inhumane position, would offer a powerful thrust with his golden staff.

"Haru Gin Jo !"
61-80: 2. Small Building Level +3(A) +1(haki) = 6. City Level

Ohm vs Kalifa

The final match up besides Azrael and Blueno was the one between Ohm and Kalifa. Arriving as the last from their respective groups Ohm would pant and asked if this was really necessary. He'd seem like the slacker of the group. Kalifa would move up her glasses and glare at Ohm. A large quantity of soap and bubbles would manifest itself on the woman. The amount so large in fact that'd move down onto the concrete, like a bath overflowing.

"Foul man, let me turn around that sailor's mouth of yours."
" Hitsuji Gumo Tidal Wave!"

From the bubbles and soap an enormous tidal wave would be launched at Ohm and covered almost the entirety of the rooftop, leaving nearly no room for normal evasion. Kalifa herself would be obscured by this enormous attack. Ohm, oblivious to the true power of this devil fruit, would find that his haki was not alarming him on this attack. It clearly lacked any offensive capabilities and seemed like actual soap was moving his way.

The truth of this fruit was a bit more sinister.

61-80 Proficient Mastery - can clean off power by touch rendering that part of the body to have -10 in strength and movement, can clean off crippling poison

Blueno vs Azrael

Scythe ignited with fire once again allowed Azrael to blast off towards Blueno who readied himself for yet another attack. This attack would move towards the agent's head, aiming to slice it clean off. Blueno narrowed his eyes at the fire generating from this man's body and weapon. Just what kind of creature was he? He'd wonder. But there was no time to think things out for Azrael would be upon him within moments.

Blueno's haki would flare, eyes shifting red, allowing him to react to the otherwise faster pirate. Below his feet two smaller doors would manifest themselves and opened inward. Blueno would lower himself through this and made the attack from Azrael wiff above his head. Flames lagging behind the slash from his scythe. But in this window of opportunity Blueno would flex his right leg, channelling a lot of his strength and forced it through the earth and concrete his foot was stuck in. The leg would break the concrete and eventually bring itself upward, launching an air blade straight at Azrael's body.

61-80: 2. Small Building Level +2(B) = 101-119: 4. City Block Level
Just a small bit to make things easier for me. Could you follow the above format in your posts as well? Makes it easier to read since your PC is from an I-narration and the others are third person. Makes it easier for me to follow, thanks in advance.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #3
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Tower of Justice
The Tower of Justice saw the crème de la crème of the known Pols. Lucci, Kaku, Jabra, and Sun had converged, leaving the others to deal with the threat. Spandam seemed confident in them, but others not so. Sun in particular looked out the window once or twice, before Jabras tongue got him entangled with a little healthy competition. The two barked, one literally, before Spandam read the mission report.

Sun Wukong had eaten a logia fruit, and the room reacted.

[Sun Wukong] "The Numa Numa no Mi, yes. Doesn’t increase the Six Powers as much your zoans do, but it does make for the perfect storage. Allow me to demonstrate.”
With those words, Sun lifted his right hand. It slowly turned into a brown-like substance, into mud. From it, a small shell was birthed, with but an apex at the top and a mouth at the side. Sun’s hand slowly came back to normal, regaining its pigment and ending with the dial on his hand. Sun held it up before he began to speak, showing the ability to hide and store things in his body.
[Sun Wukong] “Take this item from the Sky. It can capture any sounds and replay them. Makes for a wonderful espionage tool.”

Suddenly, Sun clicked the apex of the dial. From it, a familiar voice that had been captured earlier unbeknown to them was played. A familiar voice, still part of the ”healthy” competition.

Tone Dial said:
maybe impress a bean sprout but not me."
Jabras voice comically filled the room. Sun chuckled and threw the dial to Lucci - a gift. The Humandrill went on to explain that he still needed much to learn. He began to explain that there was one a cute side effect - indigestion. In the middle of saying such, Sun suddenly turned brown, almost literally. With a comical turn, the agent threw up on Spandam’s desk by mistake. This undoubtedly would make Jabra laugh and take his shots.

Sun immediately reacted, raising his voice in the comical game before the two got tangled up again.

[Sun Wukong] "Shut it, you ‘stray dog’!"
[Jabra] “Whaddaya mean, “stray dog”, eh, Sun?! You little ape-faced primate!”
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
「 Enies Lobby 」 - Post 11
@QuickZilver708 @Ichimonji

Arthur vs Fukuro:
Upon tossing the water like pellet projection, Arthur only had one thought process. Attack and ask questions later. However, did Arthur have other motives in the method of his actions? ... To answer, yes Arthur had motive. Though the manner of motive was simply to test himself against these agents. Cipher Pol and Fishmen, the two rarely ever interacting would finally collide.

The manner of actions that Fukuro performed would give a brief second of astonishment. Arthur's eyes gawped of interest and intrigue, bringing a faint smirk that formed from the corner of his mouth.

What Fukuro would do next, would bring the inner thrive of a drive Arthur long didn't feel as of this moment. His battle instincts began to tingle, wanting to meet him head on. Saliva began to form in the corner of Arthur's mouth, his instincts could no longer be held back. Forming a fist in one hand then lunging at Fukuro unleashing his attack.

" Senmaigawara Seiken "
Arthur Base Strength: 81 (Large Building Level)
DPR B = +2 (Town Level)
Total DPR = Town Level
Senmaigawara Seiken (literally meaning "Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much stronger version of the Hyaku Maigawara Seiken. It can break through one thousand tiles, and kill a human with one shot.
Requirements: 41 Mastery, 41 Strength
Destructive Potency Rank: B

James vs Kumadori:
James' initiative was to attack first and not allow the one before him make a move before him, He knew the terror that the Cipher Pol possessed, yet again the naivety got to the man which was not in character for him. For he knew after serving under General Muk, his voyages would lead him to the name Cipher Pol. Muk had him trained in the name of the Vampirates by imparting him the wisdom of knowledge of the world. A topic that they went over was Cipher Pol, it was brief but one couldn't overlook the facts.

James peered surprised at the manner of the maneuverability of the agent officer. The words " Dammit " rolled off the tongue. The hair began to extend attempting to wrap over his extended leg, slowly entangling around the foot then trailing upwards to his upper body and shoulders. At that very moment, James knew he had to get out of this and now was the best of times to do so. This might have been dust hands and wrap up for him.

James' immediate reaction begun with him being infuriated that he was put in such a situation due to his naivety. His free foot began to burn up, using it to kick the hair that entangled around his extended leg. " Extra Hachis "
James Base Str = 61 = Small Building Level
DPR: B = + 2
Total DPR = City Block Level
Extra Hachis (literally meaning "Highest-Rate Mincemeat"): The user leaps into the air and launches a fierce barrage of flaming kicks, the light from the attack and the speed at which it is delivered make it look like one big fire blast.
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 41 Strength
Destructive Potency Rank: B
Just as he would do so in freeing himself the agent was one step ahead in going for the final blow, though as James was already on edge he was acting on impulse. Not able to use haki whilst entangled due to the state of mind, but now was free and immediately emitted the aura and hardening.

" Take this you freak, MOUTEN SHOT! " his legs still engulfed in flames and further enhanced with it haki that propelled him to have his leg meet the staff.
James Base Str = 61 = Small Building Level
DPR: A = + 3
+2 Hardening
Total DPR = Mountain Level
Usage Limit: 42 Mastery = 8 Turns
Mouton Shot (literally meaning "Mutton Shot"): The user performs a Mouton Shot in Diable Jambe mode.
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength and 61 Movement Speed
Destructive Potency Rank: A

Ohm vs Kalifa:

Ohm wasn’t feeling in the best of moods after his earlier confrontation with Nero with the interruption of Chris had aggravated the fishman. He disliked the inclusion of another interrupting on his behalf as he rather best the opponent, even at the cost of taking a while if not his life on the line. Temperament still flared within, his pride oozed yet perceived as arrogance.

Kalifa would begin to envelop the concrete wall with soap that would slide down and manifest itself against the walls. He knew he was dealing with a pesky Devil Fruit user, though which one was she a Paramecia, some sort of Zoan with bubble properties or a Logia. Though he’d keep a mindful eye on the bubbles but also Kalifa, as he instantly raised the difficulty level.

Staying precautious noting Kalifa making her move, whilst still being agitated Ohm would form a droplet in the palm of his hands then hurl it at the direction of Kalifa … “ Uchimizu ”
Ohms Base Str Stat = 81 = Large Building Level
Uchimizu = DPR: B = +2 = Town Level
-1 due to Awa so Total DPR is: City Block Level

Since Awa will be touching Ohm I have reduced the DPR tier by 1.

Despite the attack Ohm, was caught up in the bubbles especially his right arm drenched in bubbles, slowly feeling the lack of power or energy as Ohm darted away retreating. But this would cause some effect in his hurled water shot that he threw just seconds ago. Despite it being hurled, the effect of the Awa was already taking effect.

His arm appeared like jelly alarming the prideful prince, his eyes gawping at the rendition of his arm … “ Why can’t I feel my right arm? “ he mumbled out loud then turning to Kalifa who’d smile as her early comments began to dawn on the prince.

Azrael vs Blueno:

Closing the distance against the world government agent aiming to corner the man. Though yet again he would prove a bother to me, he'd utilise his strange abilities, just like Alvida before was he also a Devil Fruit user? ... That i didn't know yet would know but my oblivious nature to Cipher Pol and Devil Fruits reared its head.

He'd vanish from my eyesight then would traverse through his powers, i felt defenseless with alarm bells ringing throughout my spine. As the agent prepared his next move i'd use the embedded flare from my current attack pivoting by using the flames and scythe spinning in a circular motion to defend myself.

" Blooming Flame Undulation "

Azrael Str = 81-100: 3. Large Building Level
DPR B = +2
Total DPR = Town Level

Blooming Flame Undulation
- The user swings their Scythe in a circular motion that can defend them from incoming attacks or decapitate multiple enemies at once.
Requirement: 41 Mastery and Reaper - DPR: B

^ There was a mistake when this got approved its using Str, if you think i can't use the str stat let me know and i will change it
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby
Courtyard Fighting @Dream

Arthur vs Fukuro

Arthur's karate strike clashed against Fukuro's spinning ball. The two techniques of equal power resulted in no victor. Both techniques fizzling out as power dwindled within each. Eventually Fukuro's rotation would stop forcing the man to take a few steps back, or hops in this case. Using Geppo like a foothold the man would back off into the literal air. Once there the agent would kick the air like a mad man with both his legs.

"Rankyaku: Ran!"

61-80: 2. Small Building Level +2(B)= 101-119: 4. City Block Level
A storm of air slices headed the way of the fishman, aiming to swarm and perhaps overwhelm him in the sheer number of attacks.

James vs Kumadori
Caught off guard James had to try and break free from this hold. Having vastly underestimated his opponent he was now in a bind. Literally. Anger fuelled his body which in turn charged his free leg with a burning heat. A kick followed, swiping the strains of hair and finally set himself loose. Kumadori winced when his hair was seared and cut but due to the nature of fire, the pain was sharp but also passed quickly.

Next up came the actual clash.
If one attack is 1 DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack but loses 5 DPR
leftover damage: 61-80: 2. Small Building Level
DPR 2 or more below dura: Not very effective
James' leg clashed against the staff strike from the pink haired fellow. The kick, however, was hard enough to push through and reach the agent. The power within it so intense that it'd blow the man backwards with quite the launch. If not for the brick railing that surrounded them he'd have surely been launched off the floor entirely. With his back crashed against it the man would quickly stand up, brushing off the attack with a shrug. These opponents were in a realm of their own compared to the earlier fodder. Even Nero couldn't compare to this guy. The agent would twirl with his staff, bringing it to his back while he eased himself forward. One step at a time.

"Yoyoi...we're super agents. You'll have to kick far harder than that!"

Ohm vs Kalifa:

Caught in Kalifa's bubbles Ohm immediately felt the effects of it on his body. The droplet of water he launched was significantly weaker than it normally should be. It launched but was immediately met with an air slice from the blond agent.

41-60: 1. Wall/Tree Level +2(B) +1(haki)
Equal DPR: Attacks cancel each other out, though the area around the clash may still take damage.

With a poof both the rankyaku and the water droplet were reduced to vapour, leaving only their respective sources of smoke in their wake. Kalifa would hear Ohm's remark and pushed up her glasses.

"I ate the awa awa no mi. I'm a soap human. Everything these bubbles touch are turned pristine and without any faults!"

And with that said the woman would vanish from view, having used soru to relocate her at astonishing speeds. But Ohm at his current level would have no difficulties to follow her movement in the slightest. She'd reappear in front of him, bubbles and foam coating her right arm, delivering a right quick jab towards his chest. Another attempt at weakening him even further.

"Jugon Hour!"
41-60: 1. Wall/Tree Level +2(B) +1(haki) = City Block Level

Azrael vs Blueno:
The Rankyaku flew towards Azrael who quickly pivoted and spun around with his scythe, manipulating the lagging flames into a curtain of fire. This curtain powerful enough to cushion the rankyaku completely. Like a projectile against a concrete wall the object was completely neutralized, leaving the two warriors with a slight pause in their combat. Blueno took this opportunity to free himself completely from the ground and took a few hops backwards. His feet a couple of meters before the stairs who remained at his back, access to higher ground ready at a moment's notice. Blueno looked at his opponent with a confused look and spoke.

"That fire, are you an ability user? The level at which you manipulate it that is no mere martial arts."

Enies Lobby
Tower of Justice @Ichimonji

Sun started to explain the workings of his devil fruit. The Numa Numa no mi or the swamp devil fruit. It gave him infinite storage as the mink quickly showcased a few moments later. His right hand shifted into mud and from it a small shell revealed itself. The entire room was following his every move with incredible concentration, the floor was all to him.

This shell now revealed to be a tone dial would play a sound fragment that had been spoken a few moments ago. The room reacted to this in various amounts of emotion. Kaku rose an eyebrow in interest. Lucci kept his stone cold gaze, he didn't see a lot of destructive power in this fruit. But the ability to conjure up any weapon at will combined with the logia intangibility still offered up a lot of advantages. Spandam had leaned back in his chair, a smile so wide that it could ache his cheeks. The thought of his base having been invaded a long after thought at this point. Jabra was up next and kept his arms crossed in front of his chest, trying to not give a care about it.

The dial was tossed towards Lucci and the man accepted the gift without a word. Sun would follow up with explaining some side effects about the logia fruit. One of them was indigestion which he comically showcased in the middle of his sentence. The wolf, as predictable as he was, quickly turned into laughter and pointed at Sun.

"Gyahahahaha! Such a dumb monkey!"

The series of laughter quickly turned dire as both members turned to pity insults and the tension in the room started to fill. If left like this a fight would break out without question. Lucci sighed and faced the two members.

"Enough with the both of you. We've got a visitor."

The self proclaimed leader said forcing looks from everyone present. Even Spandam looked at Lucci with a confused look. And sure enough a second later a knock on the door happened forcing everyone's attention towards it. Spandam too stunned to even say enter would find the door opening, revealing a terrifying aura sweeping the room. Like a freezer the room turned surprisingly cold.

"Seems you've got a mess on your hand. Spandam."

Spandam stuttered as he gulped down his fear.

The CP9 zoo just got a lot more interesting.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #4
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Tower of Justice
The Cipher Pol zoo. Jabra and Wukong got tangled up again, the latter now embarrassed of his indigestion. The comical insults went back and forth, until Lucci stepped up. Sun was taken aback. Like the others, he respected Lucci, his strength, his ability to get the job done. The Humandrill sighed and nodded, turning away from Jabra. Suddenly, a knock came. When everyone was looking, Sun quickly stuck his tongue out at Jabra like a child, before diverting his attention back to the door. Even Spandam was surprised. Had the invaders made it here?

Ageis, noted Spandam. The most secretive organization of the World Government. In truth, Sun had only heard their name, and not much else. He did not know they were a part of Cipher Pol - just that mystery surrounded them and they were allied with the World Government as their top brass. To this, the Humandrill was confounded. To reveal the Ageis and make a real difference in his people: that was his goal. Memories flooded in.

The Humandrill grew up in Kuragaina Island, Sun and his family lived in the outskirts of a great kingdom. In the woods he called home, at age 5, Sun met his first friend. They played every day, with the commingling of races foretold in them. When Civil War struck the land half a dozen years later, and the friend asked for help, Sun was forced by his elders to stay idle - in fear the humans warring ways would shape the tribe. Because of this inaction, the boy died. Flown into a rage, Sun slaughtered the new regime. The action even drew the attention of the World Government, of the Cipher Pol.

[Sun Wukong] "Aegis, huh?"
The Humandrill pondered. However, with Lucci and Spandam there, he'd dared not to speak more. They were steering the ship on this stranger. The Humandrill only felt the chill up his spine, a chill he'd only felt all those decades ago in Kuragaina Island.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
「 Ennies Lobby 」 - Post # 12
@Guren @Ichimonji

Arthur vs Fukuro
Just as the two attacks would meet head on, they both would cancel one another. Both combatants were equal in power, Arthur would grin gleefully at Fukuro. With Fukuro hopping backwards ready to unleash his next move, Arthur a man who didn't like staying a step behind also complied as he clenching his fist. Though what was unusual was his fist was coated in a watery blue sphere, as if clocking his arm backwards not keeping his focus off Fukuro. His eyes glowed red with intensity readying his next move accordingly as he utilised his awareness haki.

Just as his eyes glowed red, he then made his next move flinging the blue circle like substance that surrounded his fist as he roared " Yabasume! " as the droplet then flung at the direction to meet Fukuro's attack head on.

This Haki allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. It also allows one to sense the power and emotions of others by their “voice”.
1-100 Mastery: The user can sense anything within (Mastery x 2) meters of themselves when CoO is activated.
>Awareness: 81
81 x 2 = 164 meters

Yabusame (literally meaning "Arrow Military Shark"): The user first wets his arm, then he uses his massive strength to throw many drops of water, which are converted into deadly arrows through mere kinetic force.
Requirements: 81 Mastery, 41 Strength
Destructive Potency Rank: A
Arthur Base Str = 81 = Large Building Level
DPR A = +3
Total DPR = City Level
= 2 DPR higher than Fukuro's attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

James vs Kumadori
Upon allowing to let his emotions get the best of him as a means of momentum he finally managed to even the odds. Though evening the odds was a means as he was dealing with someone who could attack simultaneously with his hair, rokushiki martial arts and staff. A sense of relief came out of James who took a sigh as Kumadori got sent into the brick railing.

" Who said i was done with you " a sarcastic remark following his reply would leave James' mouth.

Just the sight of the man saying that i have to kick harder allowed the flames to return around my feet, blitzing to close the distance then jumping into the air appearing before the man to launch my next kick as he then further imbued his attack with a light amount of aura. " Collier Strike "

Collier Strike: This technique is a new version of Collier Shoot, but now combined with Diable Jambe. The user jumps into the air, appearing in front of their opponent and then lands a devastating kick to their neck. This kick is not only strong enough to send the opponent flying while burning them, but also releases a small stream of fire that pierces through the opponent's body.
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength and 61 Movement Speed
Destructive Potency Rank: A
James Base Str = 61 = Small Building Level
DPR A = +3 = Town Level
+1 Haki
Total DPR = City Level

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Ohm vs Kalifa
Just as Ohm would launch his attack the agent was already to counter immediately doing so as vapor filled the air around them. This would cause further frustration and fiddling the needle of the man with a short temper.

Following his comments she'd reply she consumed the Awa Awa no Mi, the soap human. This would infuriate yet bring his eyebrow to wobble hearing her Devil Fruit. Now Ohm despite confronting the agent Nero earlier, was now dead serious reaching backwards to reveal his trident that he clenched with his non effective arm. Just as he would do so Kalifa would use soru to blitz to close the distance as Ohm would thrust his Trident right before him as he imbues his trident's edge with hardening just in time.

" Shearing Storm! "

Shearing Storm: Thrusts his spear forwards, and rapidly slashes the opponent if it connects. At the end of the combo, will blast the opponent backwards.
R: 61 in Mastery + Str ~ DPR: A
Ohm Base Str Stat = 76 but Awa effected = 66 = Small Building Level
DPR A = +3 = Town Level
+2 Hardening = Mountain Level
Result = +1 DPR higher than Kalifa's attack

The trident attack would overwhelm Kalifa knocking her back, seeing that Ohm would smirk menacingly as he then blitzed to close the distance jumping into the air further imbuing his Trident with hardening again that would traverse down to the edge of the trident. His aim was not to allow to give Kalifa the chance to counter or even take momentum.

" Lightning Joust! "

Lightning Joust: Dispatches a strong blow from the spear.
R: 61 Mastery and Str ~ DPR: A
Ohm Base Str Stat = 76 but Awa effected = 66 = Small Building Level
DPR A = +3 = Town Level
+2 Hardening = Mountain Level
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Azrael vs Blueno
I'd twirl my scythe 360 in all direction would thwart the attack that the agent launched. The air around me would be scorching then cool down as the agent would show himself before me. He was now no longer using his strange abilities, though something caught his eye. He'd then take that moment asking a question if i was an ability user.

Just hearing those words flames would spark up again hearing them words. Taking a deep breath with the flames going down as i replied to his comment " Your an ability user, aren't you? ... But what i am is my birthright "
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby
Tower of Justice @Ichimonji

The sudden appearance of Aegis rocked the room especially Spandam felt cold sweat running through his spine. The man with a reindeer head would move forward and closed the door behind him. He took a couple more steps tension was a razor's edge right now with everyone on edge. Only Lucci didn't really care all that much having deduced that he was still the strongest in the room. Kaku's face was obscured by shadow and Jyabura swallowed down his fear from this overwhelming aura. At last Spandam welcomed their latest arrival.

"Eh..hmm. Welcome! How may I be of service to you Mr Aegis-sir!" The CP9 Chief said with a forced smile as he rubbed his hands together. Suddenly Spandam had shifted from cold boss to a customer service representative.
" I was going to brief you on something that might happen, but it seems like forces acted quicker than we anticipated." The agent said before taking a chair and taking a seat. His left arm leaning on the arm rest.
"Are you aware that CP2 got annihilated just a few days ago?"

This sudden news might shock a few people for this Division wasn't that well known. But Spandam was the one that widened his eyes the most at this news.
"You mean someone defeated all those freaks Gendo acquired over the years?"
"Exactly, one of his own experiments. An anomaly even within the Lunarian bloodlines. Gendo called him a harbinger, one that might bring ruin to the world."
"Lunarians? You mean those who lived on the red line, eons ago?"
Kaku interjected.
"Yes. Supposedly they were extinct but more and more are coming out of the woodwork. I'd assume they finally found their motivations to return. Luckily those that are still around are offspring or half breeds. Nothing to really worry about."
"Then what's that got to do with us?"
Lucci said, giving a glare at the Aegis agent.
"Hmph. Sharp fellow."
"You're correct that the dealings or the fate of CP2 matters very little to our general operation. But sequences of events are too coincidental. The Lunarian that took down Gendo and his freaks is affiliated with the Silver Vampirates. And who do I find here knocking on our door step?"

The agent said and concluded. He didn't have to finish his words for everyone present in the room would be able to put two and two together. Eventually the man stood up from his chair and dusted the fur off his shoulders.

"Gentlemen. I'll be brief. Impel Down suffered a major defeat unlike any in its history. Cipher Pol 2 has been entirely scrapped after its defeat. I don't have to tell you lot what'll happen if these pirates manage to take Enies Lobby or defeat all of you. If my sources are correct there is more than one Lunarian within the Silver Vampirates' crew. Find out if one of them is raiding our island and end them. I shall be looking forward to the report."

The man said as he returned to the door leading out of the office. Spandam looked around frantically trying to find any sense or something to cling on to. But the chief was simply flabbergasted by this sudden reveal from Aegis. Things would look grim if they didn't manage to gather a win here.

"God Speed." The man said closing the door behind him with a creak that took forever.

Wasting no time Spandam lunged at his snailphone and started dialling an agent in the field.


Enies Lobby
Courtyard Fighting @Dream

Arthur vs Fukuro

Storm versus Storm. Both combatants launched and overwhelming amount of attacks against one another, air pellets against water pellets. With a rush these projectiles clashed and destroyed themselves upon impact. This would last for a couple of moments until Fukuro noticed the water pellets to start seeping through his own attacks, it'd seem that Arthur's Fishman Karate had a slight edge over the agent's rankyakus. Eventually Fukuro's own attack was completely pushed through, leaving the agent unguarded and the receiver of numerous attacks landing on his body. Luckily its damage had been reduced significantly. Invisible haki would coat and try to mitigate as much as possible.
true attack damage: 81-100: 3. Large Building Level**
Fukuro durability
61-80: 4. City Block Level +1 invis = 81-100: 5. Town Level

DPR 2 or more below dura: Not very effective

Fukuro would land again on the ground, a few meters between him and Arthur, only to start laughing at the pirate.
"Chapapa, not bad."
The Zipper agent would say taunting Arthur before leaping forward into attacking range. Once inside that range he'd deliver a sharp and fast punch towards Arthur's cheek.


61-80: 2. Small Building Level +2(B)+2(haki)= 6. City Level

James vs Kumadori

James had managed to counter Kumadori's strike. Unfortunate for the agent for he was certain he had the pirate at that point. Fire had managed to free James just in time for him to react and deal a blow just strong enough to push the agent away. Now relatively unharmed James kept up the pressure and moved in for a powerful flaming kick to Kumadori's neck.


The agent said closing his eyes and stretching himself backwards. The backward movement was sudden and to a degree that'd impress a seasoned gymnast. James was fast but Kumadori was nearly on the same playing field. It'd not blitz or catch him off guard and through Kami-e the agent could respond just in time. He'd take a page out of James' book in this instance. Once the kick passed Kumadori he'd move himself forward again and moved his staff forward for a deadly strike to Arthur's own neck.

"Shishi Kebab!"

The staff's tip would ignite with fire through his superhuman strength and speed, augmenting the already impressive attack.

61-80: 2. Small Building Level +3(A)+1(haki)= 6. City Level

Ohm vs Kalifa

Kalifa would blitz Ohm through Soru but the man was a seasoned fighter in his own right was able to peer through her speed and attacked at the same time. Her punch deflected and stopped in its tracks she'd feel the leftover force reverberate through her body. It'd also blast her backwards while stunning her arms slightly.
Attack is 1 DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack but loses 5 DPR

61-80: 2. Small Building Level
41-60: 3. Large Building Level

DPR 1 below dura: somewhat effective

Dazed by the earlier counter Kalifa would be dazed and looked around, only to find Ohm already upon her for yet another strike. From high up he'd aim to drive his trident into Kalifa with incredible strength and speed, both haki and electricity enhancing the attack.

62 dura(+tekkai)+1haki(town level durability)

Unable to avoid in time Kalifa saw no other option but to take the attack. Enhancing herself through tekkai and haki all over her body she'd try to pivot just so that she would be completely pierced by the trident. That was as much as she could do currently. The spikes on the side of Ohm's trident would cleave her and stun her with electricity, dealing an incredible amount of damage. Blood would paint the floor while her face showed extreme levels of pain. But the woman persisted as veins became more pronounced on her forehead. Taking nearly no time she'd grab the trident at its staff section with her right hand.

"Golden Hour!" She'd say as soap and bubbles exploded from her self, following the section of the trident and towards Ohm. His weapon now coated with soap would equally lose its sharp edge, almost turning it into a squeaky toy. Whether he'd let go of his weapon Kalifa would follow and kick with her right leg straight at the man's chest, bubbles coating her heels as she kicked.


41-60: 1. Wall/Tree Level +2(B) +2(haki) = 120: 5. Town Level

Blueno vs Azrael

Blueno would look at the armoured individual before him even narrowing his eyes when he mentioned that the fire was his birthright. What did he mean by that? Talking in riddles and being overly vague wasn't really something this agent appreciated. His expression would quickly turn into a frown out of slight frustration. The agent would crouch down and dug his fingers into the concrete floor. Once his fingers had cracked the floor he'd flex his entire body showing an incredible display of strength. A massive section of the floor would be pulled out like a chunk of rock which he'd throw towards Azrael shortly afterwards.

This massive block of concrete and brick flew at Azrael with incredible speed and velocity. Its mass and sheer size however would make evasion incredibly difficult. It was perhaps twice the size of the pirate. While Azrael undoubtedly prepared himself a voice would echo from below him.

"Door Door"

Hands would arrive from the floor below him only to grab him at his ankles and push him into the ground. Delaying evasion or running away significantly. After Azrael had been pulled in successfully would the grip fade from his ankles. But he'd still be stuck regardless.

The soft ringing of a snail phone permeated through the floor.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #5
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Tower of Justice
The Cipher Pol zoo added a spectator. Enter the Aegis. The imposing man made all silent. His presence was nothing short of curt. While short, the man took he room with command, piecing together the invasion with the other events in the world. Impel Down. Cipher Pol 2. Enies Lobby. The last two had a name emblazoned on them: Silver Vampirates. A known crew of the seas, one of the big guns of the New Generation. Lunarians were at the helm. Cipher Pol 0 asked for their end.

The man was clear.

If my sources are correct there is more than one Lunarian within the Silver Vampirates' crew. Find out if one of them is raiding our island and end them."
The man left. The room felt silence. Spandam took to the snail phone, calling to the front lines. The pirates had grown wily and bold. Enies Lobby was the bastion of defense. There may have been looks exchanged, except for one. Sun Wukong stepped forward, turning to Lucci. The man did not turn to Spandam - this came from Cipher Pol 0, Spandam’s authority was questioned.

[Sun Wukong] "Allow me to go. I will bring down the Vampirates and bring one of them here for questioning, Lucci-San.”
The Humandrill did not often show such charge. Yet, this seems to have struck a chord. A non-human race committing atrocious crimes he had only seen humans do. As a non-human himself, it was an abomination. To cut them at the roots. Sun would usher his brand of Justice.
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Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby
Tower of Justice @Ichimonji

Dream 1/3

"Blueno! Do you copy?!" Spandam shouted through the snail phone.
"No need to shout."
"N-no need to shout?! We've got a situation on our hand, do you hear me!"
"Have you intercepted the leader yet?"
"I am at this moment. But currently losing focus when you're screaming into my ear. "
"This fellow can you describe him!"
"Uh. Hmm. He'd completely covered in armour sir. But he is using fire to an extent that shouldn't be normally possible."

The room went silent for another moment while everyone would simply stare and exchange glances. It seemed Aegis intel was indeed correct.

"Keep him busy Blueno! Do it as your life depends on it!!" Spandam said while ending the call with a click.

Spandam would look up and noticed Sun already in the motions of volunteering to go forward. But instead of asking the Chief he motioned to Lucci who was the actual boss in charge, minus all the bureaucracy.

" I'll allow it. Show them what it means to attack CP9. "

"Since when are you the boss?!"
Jyabra would snap at Lucci and Sun. But he'd only receive a glare from the man he questioned. It was one that even Jyabra couldn't ignore and the wolf would retreat back into his couch. His face would return to Sun and looked at the man.

"Retrieving this armoured individual is our top priority. But if you can end one of his compatriots that'd be a bonus for Aegis. Don't forget they're watching us with argus eyes. "

"Yes. Go get them Agent Sun!"
Spandam would shout trying to get his word in and to assert his theoretical power over these agents. But the harsh reality was that he was severely outmatched.
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Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby Invasion Arc - #6
@QuickZilver708 @Dream

Tower of Justice
The Aegis spoke. The Silver Vampirates had compromised several facilities, with the rise of Lunarians. The world would not stand for bastions of Justice to be run over. To lose faith in order would be to lose faith in peace. Enies Lobby was one of three World Government powerhouses. It shall not fall. Aegis led a dire message and order. To that, Spandam got ahold of Blueno, who assured they were engaging. However, leaving it to chance would not stand today.

Lucci granted permission to Sun to deal with the threat.

[Sun Wukong] "Yes, of course.”
The Humandrill spoke lowly as he received the order. Quite a turn-around of aura from whence first came. Something about today, about all-out-war from a non-human, gave him memories of his past he’d rather forget. A past whence his friend was taken from him, and Sun became the beast they all believes he was all along. Sun Wukong nodded to Spandam as he left the Tower. The Intel drove him out of the Tower and into the Bridge towards the Courtyard.

The Humandrill launched himself from the top of the bridge and Geppoued to bridge the gap as quick as he could. In the distance, Sun could see smoke. In the distance, the agent could hear the sounds of fighting, even now. It was not difficult to follow same, finding himself approaching the Courtyard. With a thump, Sun Wukong landed atop one of the buildings surrounding the Courtyard. From his high vantage point, the agent looked below, his arms crossed.

The Silver Vampirates had crossed one line too far.

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Salty Doubloons
「 Ennies Lobby 」 - Post # 13
@Guren @Ichimonji

Arthur vs Fukuro
The collision between the two combatants of water and wind projectile would clash with a gust of wind blowing around the two. Though Fukuro's attack would be overpowered as the water projectile would make its way and strike the agent. Despite it doing so it would provide little damage to which Arthur would ponder just how would he take the agent out. His thoughts wouldn't go unnoticed as those who were around would also have the same idea, but they would appear later on.

Arthur's eyes would glow crimson at the taunting but his emotions were under wrap aware of just what was going to occur keeping tabs on Fukuro as he just baited his time to have Fukuro be where just where he wanted.

The risk was great to have Fukuro hit him head on but just as his fingers edged closer in his proximity he would evade not keeping his eyes off the agent. Jumping to his side, pivoting with one leg, pulling his arm back as his hands cladded with hardened as dark hue enveloped. Arthur would unveil his mastery of busoshoku haki as he then unleashed a powerful straight punch at point blank range.

" Yonsenmaigawara Seiken " he'd say with menace.

Yonsenmaigawara Seiken (四千枚瓦正拳 Yonsenmai-gawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Four Thousand Tile True Punch"): A much-stronger version of the Senmaigawara Seiken. It is a very powerful straight punch that sends the opponent bigger than the user flying backwards.(61 Mastery, 61 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: A
Arthur Base Str = 81 = Large Building Level
DPR A = +3 = City Level
+2 Hardening = Island Level

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

James vs Kumadori
Another fight that was heating up, James who wanted to keep the momentum had finally struck his opponent but the taunting one could say James was hook line and sinkered. Just as James launched for his collier strike the agent was already one move ahead using his mastery of his martial arts would appear to slither and then launch his counter. Though just how was James going to deal with the agent?

James noted how the man clenched on his staff then twirled even further as if using his stance in midair as pivot spun further heating up his leg to counter as he used his annoyance of dealing with the agent. He then coated his feet up to his knees his busoshoku haki to thwart the attack with his very own.

" Venaison Shoot! "

Venaison Shoot (literally meaning "Venison Shoot"): The user, spinning horizontally in the air, kicks the opponent repeatedly in the chest and belly, finishing the attack with a powerful axe kick on the head with the speed, heat, and strength of the Diable Jambe mode.
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength
Destructive Potency Rank: A
James Base Str = 61 = Small Building Level
DPR A = +3 = Town Level
+2 Hardening = Mountain Level

Result James has 1 DPR higher = If one attack is 1 DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack but loses 5 DPR

James was able to overpower and knock back the agent, though he wasn't there. He'd use the attack and see the chance to place his hand into his pocket revealing a needle like object, then launching it right at Kumadori.

Mind: 71
>Medicine: 81
81-99 Medicine Mastery: Allows for the creation of poison that cripples the target.
Crippling poison is mastery/30 max(requires 81 medicine) = 81/30 = 2.7
Fully crippled can be undone by an antidote. Takes 1 turn to work.
Crippling: (durability+level)/30=turns to paralyze fully.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Ohm vs Kalifa
Ohm finally caught the agent reeling and kept the offence, as the agent hardened herself using tekkai and bosushokai haki of aura that coated her but the offensive power was far greater stunning the agent causing her to cough out blood. Though now irritated she still rose up and grabbed the edge of the trident altering the edge of it. Ohm could simply watch and kiss his teeth, irritated that she had the audacity to even touch royalty.

" Why you little ... "

He'd remain gripping but that would avail to having the handle of the trident slip. Capable of noting her going on the offense again, a vein would throb and enlarge. " I've had enough of your silly powers "

Clenching his fist, coating his entire hand with bososhuku haki with his hands unclenching as a karate chop to meet her attack.

Kaimen Wari (literally meaning "Sea Surface Splitter"): Using a karate chop, the user can split the very ocean itself in order to send a shock wave to attack an enemy.
Requirements: 61 Mastery, 61 Strength
Destructive Potency Rank: A
Ohm -1 Str = 71 = Small Building Level
DPR A = +3 = Town Level
+2 Hardening = Mountain Level

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

Blueno vs Azrael
Blueno stared daggers at me, changing to a frown. Then dig his fingers and then hand into the concrete floor then flinging his arms forward. I was bewildered at his actions, but this was a diversion but that very thought would escape me until the words Door Door would be heard as hands wrapped around my ankle and pull me down sinking like quick sand.

" ! "

The very diversion would then hit me as the concrete floor would be a meter away whilst looking down at the powers of Blueno dragging me down.

" Very well ... " as the fire behind my back would spark then flow larger as my hands conjured in flames as a thick coating of bosushoku haki would make the flames sizzle. Taking a deep breath as I raised my hands above my head then slam them downwards to force a torpedo to incinerate all below my feet.

" Fiero Stellar Blast! "
Fiero Stellar Blast: Azrael begins by conjuring his fists in flames before jumping into the air then as if torpedoeing into them whilst using gravity and momentym as it makes the ground explode, creating a shockwave that travels out, dealing damage.
81 in Strength and Fiero Mastery - DPR: A (AoE)
Azrael Base Str = 81 = Large Building Level
DPR A = +3 = City Level
+2 Hardening = Island Level
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Enies Lobby
Courtyard Fighting @Dream

Arthur vs Fukuro

Fukuro's jugon was swiftly evaded by Arthur, displaying the man's skill in haki at that moment. With a hope and a pivot the man would return in the form of a mighty karate counter. Fukuro's punch, a jab in essence, would be pulled back very quickly after being deployed. Which in turn allowed the agent to react in time. His reaction, however, was more defensive in nature than a full on counter. Arms and body would be flexed to their limit while an invisible aura coated their entire body. "Tekkai!" The owl-like man shouted.
61-80: 4. City Block Level + 1 = 81-100: 5. Town Level
DPR 2 or more higher than dura: super effective
And yet even with all those defensive the mighty karate blow broke through them like stone tiles. Fukuro was launched backwards when the pirate rammed his fist into him. Blood sprayed the ground in between them due to the force inflicted upon the agent. Fukuro would finally come to a stop a few meters away by skidding on his hands and knees. The effort to get back onto his feet, however, was much more difficult than he imagined. The damage sustained after one blow was significant.

"You dare! Jugon Ogi!"

The man would shout and afterwards vanished from his position through soru. Fukuro's speed through soru would be just slightly faster than Arthur's main speed but that wouldn't mean much to the nature of the attack.

Suddenly around Arthur various after-images of the agent would circle him, arms clad with hardening and moments away from deploying their attacks.

"Fukuro Dataki!"

61-80: 2. Small Building Level +3(A)+2(haki)= 120: 7. Mountain Level
A storm of punches would be unleashed all around Arthur's body. A high-speed exchange but would he be able to deflect all of them?


James vs Kumadori

Kumadori's flaming staff would be blocked and overpowered by James' own superior strength. Effectively forcing the agent back, taken back by the sudden surprise the man would roll awkwardly backwards. Tumbling over himself in the process until he'd lay on his back and took a quick glance at James' location. Kumadori's eyes would squint, forcing his superhuman senses onto the object the pirate held. A syringe! Not wanting to find out just what it contained Kumadori would attempt to avoid. The needle thrown like a dart would find Kumadori's hair as a defensive. Extended to its near limit it was swatted away before it could do its purpose. Luckily for Kumadori that James wasn't a shooter or this would've been a different matter. For he required the necessary skills to make it a deadly projectile.

From that same hair several arm-like tendrils would spawn once more but this time formed as if they were about to flick something to James.

"Take this Yoyoi! Tobu Shigan Madara!"
61-80: 2. Small Building Level +3(A)= 120: 5. Town Level
From the several 'arms' now a storm of air pellets would be thrown at James. Their spread so wide that evading to the sides seemed nearly impossible. Just how would the pirate defend himself against it? After the attack was launched Kumadori would stand up once again. Even after having received two incredible blows. The man didn't look fatigued in the slightest.


Ohm vs Kalifa

Kalifa on her last limbs unleashed a desperate attack, a kick headed towards Ohm's body. But the pirate, despite the nuisance of the awa no mi, saw through it and intercepted. A deadly karate chop. The two attacks would collide causing the tiles they stood upon the crack under the might of it all. Ohm's arms would be cleaned and turned edgeless but even with that in mind the power he could exert was quite formidable. Kalifa would be sent back reeling like a rocket, crashing the stone railings on this roof. The impact of this blow on her back could not be underestimated as she'd cough up blood at that very moment.

Now with her back against the stone railing the woman would glare at the pirate. She knew that she had been bested by this opponent but she couldn't acknowledge it. Such a filthy individual had defeated her. How undeserving!

"You won't win this...We are CP9. "

Blueno vs Azrael

Azrael was stuck inside the floor of the courtyard building. With a large slab of earth heading his way the man saw no other way but to show his Lunarian heritage in full force. Fire would erupt from his entire body and concentrated around his hands and manipulated into a massive downwards force. What the man would do against the large chunk of earth that headed his way would be left to seen. But with him focusing on the opponent supposedly below him, one would wonder that the Lunarian would take that attack head on. Even if it wouldn't do much damage it was still a piece of concrete perhaps twice his size.

Fire and destruction engulfed the floor incinerating and carving out nearly all before the knight of hell. A large section around him had been reduced to simple rubble, the foundation on which the tiles stood upon. It had been incinerated all right and replaced by gravel and the surrounding floor had been slightly levelled. Smoke rose as cinders glued themselves onto the remaining pieces of rock.

"Rankyaku Hakurai!"
61-80: 2. Small Building Level +3(A) = 120: 5. Town Level
Blueno shouted from Azrael's left in the stance of kicking with both his legs. The man's eyes would flicker red during the technique, vastly boosting his attacking speed. Far beyond anything he'd ordinarily be capable off. Behind Blueno was a comically carved section of his body in the floor. Indicating he had managed to dodge Azrael's attacks.

"State your name, Vampirate. For it shall be the last courtesy we grant you."

Enies Lobby
Courtyard Fighting @Ichimonji

Sun moved swiftly to the centre of fighting. Standing on one of the buildings he'd overlook the fighting down below. With his arms crossed and determination at a high he'd have to pick his targets. While the mink's mantra wasn't greatly tuned for sensory he'd be able to pick out a few things regardless as the emotions on the battlefield were high and rampant. It didn't take a trained mantra user to see through all of that. Four battles scattered over four different rooftops. While he couldn't sense who was who he could deduce two things. Blueno, who was at the courtroom itself was the closest and fighting a powerful opponent. One would think he didn't need to worry about Blueno, for now. The second one, however, would stand out like a sore thumb. One of the fights was nearing its end. Sun couldn't tell who it was but one of his fellow agents was near defeat. He could tell that much by its overwhelming cry or disdain rather. It wanted anything else but being defeated by this filthy individual.

In the end it was Sun's choice. Immediately go and assist Blueno in capturing the Lunarian? Or assist his fellow Agent and potentially risk precious time.

Lucci's words would echo in the back of his mind.
"Retrieving this armoured individual is our top priority. But if you can end one of his compatriots that'd be a bonus for Aegis. Don't forget they're watching us with argus eyes. "
What would the Mink ultimately decide?
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