Island Las Camp


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Original Post By: marz
After showing the crew through the ship, from the head, to the bunks, to the gun deck and the many spaces of the hold Fenrir was satisfied with his tour and having lost Blacky and Crazy the large white wolf branched off to do his rounds. That was one of the many duties of a ship's dog, that of Sentry. Their enhanced senses could be put to good use then. Though in this case it was mostly just getting used to the duty.

With his bed, a thick pile of mattresses centered amid ships under the main hatch's stairwell gave Fenrir a good passive point to listen to the ship even when he was asleep. And listen he did, to the various sounds during the night, particularly the puking and shaking his head a little at the thought of a sea-sick marine. It'd only taken him a few hours to get his sea legs, like he was born to sail the seas. Regardless, he'd not get much continuous sleep, but would be able to quickly dismiss the nocturnal sounds of the crew as the night went on.

With the dawn filtering into the ships hold the Seawolf would take to his feet and quickly make morning rounds, below decks before joining Ein on the main deck like he'd done almost every day they'd been together on this boat, coming quietly to sit to her right side and survey the deck.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: godfish

Blinking unhappily, Swan stares out of the porthole of his room into the morning rays of sunlight. "Fuck." Putting down his tools and wiping a cloth across his face to remove the bits of grease-stains, he shakes his head, eyes closed, then opens them to blink again. The sun is still there. That's what you get when you go all night working and not sleeping, he supposed, but that didn't make it any more of a welcome sight. Unable to resist digging into one of his earlier inventions that he hadn't seen for years, he'd immediately taken them apart after having them brought in by Ein and gotten to work on modifications and upgrades.

Turning back to them, he puts the finishing touches on, and then finally gets up. He'll just have to get by on a nap later. If Ein was even half the same person she'd been before, she'd be up already. Making his way out of his hastily arranged workshop and up onto the deck, Swan was a bit surprised to see nearly everyone else as well up already. A crew of earlier risers, apparently. "Morning all - here you go Captain." The upgraded yo-yos are held out for her to take.


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Original Post By: miserum
There were clatters and bangs through most of the night, to the dismay of anyone unfortunate enough to have been next door to the doctor's claimed cabin and workspace. Wafer understood a few things about life at sea, and while he had not actively taken part in such an adventure he knew the ins and outs of avoiding the horrible malady before it made him miserable and put him in a similar position to one of his unfortunate crewmates. Granted, it was almost impossible for Wafer to get seasick, not simply because he had any particular immunity, but because he kept himself busy and his mind was never still enough to really take in the ship's motion and lack of stability. Lack of stability was one of his more prevalent quirks, after all!

Human as he was, however, Wafer eventually settled himself down somewhere to rest and permitted himself a quick micro-sleep, just long enough to revitalize his body and keep his eyelids from dragging. By the time the sun was about to rise, he rolled himself out of bed, scrubbed himself down with a small washing area he had put together for himself with a small partition (he certainly didn't want to be stuck sharing with people), and then set out with a fresh uniform and a lot more pep than anyone running on the amount of sleep he had should have been capable of.

Once up top and among the others, Wafer offered a tip of his hat and appeared in high spirits until he stopped abruptly to focus on Kaelem and the apparent sickness. In an instant, he studied his Kaelem with an intensity that better resembled a predator inspecting prey than a doctor studying his patient, and better suited to the former Wafer pounced into action without warning. So long as the ailing patient didn't rest, Wafer would slip tight red bands around his wrists, pop a vial labeled Ginger Tonic between his lips, and toss a hand up to seize the back of his head and lead him over to the forward end of the ship with simple instructions. "Watch the horizon. You need to let your brain adjust to an unstable environment and use the horizon as a point of reference. Ginger will settle your stomach, and these wristbands will provide an acupressure for relief. It might not be immediate, but you're supposed to prevent seasickness so you don't have to cure it. Next time you're unwell, mention it quickly and directly. Don't think you can just sleep it off." Wrapping up with a light scolding, Wafer slacked and withdrew to place his attention back on the others and their captain.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: problematic
As the first man came topside, Einhardt turned and offered him a swift salute in response to his lazy wave.

"And a good morning to you as well." She paused for a moment, studying him a bit more closely. "My intention wasn't really for you to sleep on the ship, but I suppose it was good of you to test your sea legs. On that note... you look like hell," she commented frankly. "Make sure you speak to Oxmelon the moment you see him. I don't need you vomiting in the middle of conversation with me. It's disgusting."

As Fenrir came to sit at her side, Ein reached out to scratch his head idly, acknowledging his presence while she did her job.

When Swan, as well, came up from below rather than boarding the ship, Ein appeared a bit perturbed. This was highly unusual. She'd expected her crew to take one last night to do as they pleased and relieve stress, but it appeared that each and every one of them was getting straight to marine business on their last night of freedom. This was either really good or really bad and she couldn't determine which it was right at that moment. In any case, she'd accept her newly modified weapons of choice from Swan as he offered them out to her.

"...Thank you, but don't think this earns you any brownie points. Either of you..." She glanced over at Kaelem as well to ensure that he realized he was being addressed as well. "However, I can certainly appreciate your work ethics and expect much the same in the future. Don't go disappointing me now."

She took a moment to test her yoyos, first winding down one and then the other before palming them both tightly in her hands. Having them back again and newly enhanced brought a smile to her lips.

"We'll have to find some pirates here soon so I can test the total combat functionality of them both now. I believe we're just waiting for- ...Did any of you actually leave the ship yesterday? You'd have had plenty of time to set up shop onboard once we actually set sail," Ein sighed in exasperation as the ship's doctor came from below deck just as every other person before him had. She was either captain to a crew of workaholics or a crew of tryhards. They'd find out they should've taken their last day of freedom once they realized the sort of ship Ein preferred to run.

It appeared that Kaelem's seasickness was being addressed without orders from her or a request from the man himself, so that was all well and good. Ein chose to watch the ensuing scene with a mild bemusement as their doctor worked like he'd been in the business for years and expected patients to refuse his orders if he didn't deliver them quickly and in a way that made it difficult to argue. Then again, most men likely did attempt to refuse doctor's orders. They were men, after all.

"Well then, since we're all here, I suppose we should prepare to set off on our first rounds unless someone has some last minute urgent business to attend to on land?" She looked from one to the other carefully. If anyone actually did still have urgent business to attend to on land they'd get a serious reprimanding from Ein for not handling it the previous day and staying onboard the ship to work instead. "If not, then make to depart immediately. I trust I don't need to give you instructions on how to leave dock. The wind seems favorable. I believe we'll make good time on our first morning." And at that, she'd make her way toward the wheel. As captain of the ship and a knowledgeable navigator besides it was only proper that she be the one to steer.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: freeray
“Yeah, I just wanted to see how well I could handle a night at sea.” Kaelem rubbed the side of his face in a vague attempt to scrub some lethargy out of his system. “As it turns out, the answer was ‘not well’. I intended to talk to the doc.” He turned to glance at the approach of Swan before finishing his train of thought. “I shouldn’t have any issues during the day. The rocking only gets to me when I’m laying down.”

The captain’s disapproval took Kaelem by surprise. He kept his mouth shut, though. A feeling in the back of his head told him commenting on her words would not help much. Instead, he opted to take full stock of the yoyos she received, and how well crafted they were. Swan seems like the man to talk to about getting stuff done, Kaelem contemplated. Maybe I should check out his other work. Nihoff’s chiding of none of them having left snapped him back down to earth. “Hey now, I did leave to ge-” His rant was cut short by the sudden violation of his personal space by the doctor. He tried to resist, or at least get an immediate answer as to what was happening, but the “assault” was so spontaneous that he was having trouble getting words out. To say nothing of the liquid forced down his throat.

As he adjusted to all of the shuffling about and the scolding from the doctor, he pated himself down to make sure nothing had left his possession during all of that. “While I appreciate the concern, you could have asked me for permission first or what not.” Disgust crossed his face as the bitter taste of the tonic settled in. He rolled his eyes and focused on what the captain had to say. A shake of the head was all he gave in response to any land visits that might have been needed. As he was trying to say earlier, he had went back home to gather cook books, clothes, and some stuff to polish his weapons. He gave a salute as his way of agreeing with Nihoff. Before running off to get things started, though, he did wait to make sure he would not be the only one to start.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: marz
Nice pets, morning sun, watching the three stooges realize they had last night off. This was going to be a great day! The big dog kin would push his head into Ein's hand and close his eyes taking in the nice feeling in the morning, he'd have his work cut out for him, though with the way crazy force fed plucky something vile smelling it was a wonder that a fight hadn't broken out, or that Plucky hadn't bit crazy... or something.

Either way Fenrir would spend his time right now at the Captain's side as is the rightful place for a ship's hound. At least until someone fell overboard or they set sail. Or someone served breakfast, that would be wonderful!


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: godfish

"I wouldn't have had time to setup my workshop at least, not while we're out sailing. Besides, the sooner we get out of Las Camp and onto our new base, the better. It'll be good to have my own place to work from, no point hanging around here." It sounds vaguely like Swan would have been more vocal about it, probably with an exclamation mark or two, but due to the lack of sleep, it comes off as a fairly flat statement. Instead of continuing to belabor the point, he trudged off on her order to unfasten the ship from the dock and then start hauling on the sails, mind starting to work on ideas for automating the process. Too much work that doesn't need to be done by the few enough hands. "Where are we off too Captain?"


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: miserum

"To parts known and infested by the government's foes, I'd wager." An obvious enough guess. He couldn't imagine their first task was taking to uncharted waters and putting themselves up against men and monsters the likes of which their superiors would balk at the sight of. Something less dramatic, but serious enough it could prove the new crew's worth and designation. Muttering this and that to himself as he went about the ship, Wafer took it upon himself to secure anything that called for it, and weighed his options against one another. He wasn't an expert in sailing. He knew about it, but most of what he knew was from being generally brilliant, not adapted and trained to set sail. Maybe he could take up the crow's nest?


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: problematic
Ein would continue their conversation from her place at the helm, raising her voice a bit so that it would carry over the sounds of the sea to wherever her crew happened to be as they fiddled with this or that to get the ship into shape to set sail.

"What new base?" she questioned. "As of this moment we're a nomad branch set out to apprehend criminals wherever we find them. Why would five marines be set out to establish a new base of operations? This ship is our base for a good long time; perhaps for the rest of our careers in the marines unless we manage to make a real name for ourselves and raise our strength a hundred fold. In any case, Oxmelon has the right of it. We're set to patrol this sea, answering calls of distress or otherwise. Our strength united isn't trusted enough to set us up for a tour of the Grand Line, so we'll be righting wrongs and protecting justice closer to home till we prove ourselves. Is that good enough for you?" She'd be kind of unhappy if the only reason Swan had decided to agree to this was because he thought he was getting a room with a view that wasn't swaying on the ocean waves.

"And on a semi-related note, I feel like one of the first things we need to work on in strengthening ourselves is speed and efficiency in completing assigned tasks. Veinte Fleur!"

And Ein's arms would begin sprouting from several spots along the ship, mostly in pairs of right and left that immediately took to completing the more basic tasks of untying and/or pulling that could be done while remaining in one place.

"I guess when you don't have enough hands on deck you just need to use your own..." Ein smiled halfheartedly as the sail unfurled to half mast and their newly untied ship began to turn away and depart from the dock it had been moored to.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: freeray
With the others taking posts up unfurling this and tying up that, Kaelem began helping where he could. As the others thought aloud of what their next assignment waz going to be (and Nihoff subsequently answered), Kaelem’s mind had already drifted away to other topics. It was not that he was bot interested or invested in whatever he was tasked with doing, he just could not be assed with involving himself with the group. He did not care what the specifics of what he needed to do were; Kaelem was going to do them regardless. His two cents were going to be kept close to home.

His mind drifted to matters more pending. Like if anyone on board had any egg allergies. Eggs and pancakes, with a few slices of oranges and a cup of coffee seemed like a good starter breakfast. Or milk for those who disliked coffee. For some extra brownie points, maybe I could puree some ham with a mix of blueberries for… His thoughts drifted off as he stared at the sight unfolding around him. Or maybe “blossoming” would be more of an accurate description of the arms springing from the floors and railings of the ship, aiding with the tasks as swiftly as a properly sized crew would. His own progress was halted by the awe that filled him. All he could manage was to gaze about to see all of them working in tandem before his eyes saw Nihoff at the helm, smirking almost. “Oh wow…"

The movement of the ship turning from the dock and beginning its sailing rocked Kaelem back to earth long enough to actually address his inaction. “Uh, hey, how about I whip us some eats? I use to work at a diner for a while, so I like to think I’m half good at whipping up grub.”


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: marz
When Ein took her position at the helm, Fenrir took his position at the bow. He could use his superior sense of smell and hearing to add to the lookout. Plus he also loved having the wind in his hair. Passing Kaelem the big dog's stomach would also grown, and he would give a huff before continuing on to his station at the front of the boat.

Each time he'd seen the blonde haired woman's arms sprout out of things he'd always wondered what it'd be like if all those arms were summoned to pet him. Though the dutiful wolf would dismiss the thought and take his post as though he were a disciplined and experienced sailor.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: godfish

"No base?" Swan slumped with obvious disappointed, saying more to himself than anyone else, "I'm going to have to organize my workship... instead of just dumping things everywhere..." A horrible fate. As his work unfastening the ship from the dock lead him back around closer to Einhardt, he answered the rest of her question, "That won't be an issue for long though, if making a name is the requirement. We're going to the top of the marines after all, even if we have to sail this ship all the way there." Not having a base was going to be a pain for his work, but at least it'd mean they wouldn't waste time doing nothing when they could be making themselves important marines.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: miserum

"Agreed! All the way to the top-" Wafer's perky exclamation trailed off immediately after, devolving into some quiet muttering about using one's position and power to purge the seas of piracy once and for all. There was also another trailing piece to his personal musing that made it abundantly clear he had no misgivings about a sea dyed red with blood. Taking note of the captain's multitude of hands taking control, the young doctor felt himself at ease where things to do were concerned. All he could do at that point was try to be useful, and be prepared in case anyone ended up out of sorts and in need of his care.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: problematic
"Well someone was brought on to serve on cooking duty," Ein answered incredulously, "and it certainly wasn't Fenrir. I assume it must be you. Some food right about now would be nice though. Considering the hour of day and the fact that all of us stayed on board the ship I'd say that no one's had breakfast yet. Let's do that."

And so that's exactly what would happen. As Ein sailed out to sea and charted a course to follow, breakfast would be made below deck and once she was far enough out to sea that she could set the ship on course for a few minutes without worry of running aground on anything she'd join them below deck for a bit of nourishment herself.

It was a couple of hours following breakfast and a few attempts at building camaraderie before they stumbled on what appeared to be a vessel on the verge of submerging. They'd already safely taken to their lifeboats, but Ein wasn't one to just abandon them to their fate of rowing back to shore. It would take at least the better part of half a day or so at this distance. She'd steer the ship to approach at a safe distance.

"Oi! Need a lift?" She called out once she was within calling distance. "What caused such a nasty wreck right here in the middle of nowhere?"


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: freeray
…at least one person here actually cares about the food. He took note of the “growling” that passed by only to be greeted by the wolf pacing by. Okay, maybe two people. He observed the ship make its motion before being content he was not needed here any longer. The words of the other did reach Kaelem before he made himself, and that did discomfort him. He had no aspirations for climbing to the top of the marine totem pole, and even less of a desire to make crimson seas. The only thing that drove him was keeping others safe from the wrong doings of others and bringing such people to justice. And having a job to support himself. That part was also important.

Once he stumbled upon the kitchen of the ship, Kaelem took stock of all of the utensils and tools available and the freshness of the stored food. While the sink, stove, and other bulkier pieces seemed more worn, everything else was new and pristine. All of the ingredients he had in mind for breakfast, and much much more, were at his fingertips. A smirk crossed his face as he clapped his hands together. “I can work with this.”


Hours after serving breakfast, Kaelem found himself in the most hated of predicaments: Bored. He took to wondering the boat, exploring all of the different ends and outs of the vessel he would learn to call home. He peeked in at everyone’s makeshift work areas, tided up his room a tad, and even went out of his way to strip the meat from some chicken (to be later used in the wolf’s meals through out their trip). He used the cleaned bones to attempt to play fetch with the wolf down a hallway or two. Just anything to abate the boredom. He made sure to appear at least moderately busy whenever Ms. Nihoff came into view. But he knew he could not keep that up forever, not with Swan and Wafer off getting their areas situated. So, he declared that he would go to the Crow’s Nest and stand look out.

As a result, Kaelem spotted the wreckage in the distance and alerted the others of it. When Nihoff sailed them closer, Kaelem pulled his carbine to hand and kept an eagle’s eye view of the situation as it unfolded. He would try to stay out of the way (and use this as an excuse to avoid interaction with the victims), but remain present in case the cause of the wreck reared its ugly head.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: marz
White Sails and... A MARINE FLAG!

"We're saved!" Was shouted from one of the survivors to another from their row boat causing a cheers to issue forth from the merchant men as they realized that not three hours after the creature had left that they were saved! What luck! They were within a day of their destination of Las Camp when tragedy struck...

Smelling the scent of scurvy and gold told Fenrir that a merchant was near! He perked up and headed up topside, quick to make his way to the bow and bark loudly in alarm at the nearby vessel, though it was more likely to call it a wreck as it came into view of those on the main deck. His barking lowered in scale as they sailed closer to the merchants, instead he took off up and down the deck in an excited manner, finally ending up at the wheel by the blonde haired woman, and sitting, but barely able to contain his excitement.

As the large ship pulled up to the overturned Agatha Mary, now slowly sinking into the ocean with her crew in two lifeboats, boxes of cargo and shattered spars, with bits of sail littering the water. A taller man with a mustache would stand up, a little more finely dressed, "If it wouldn't be too much!" He responded to the finely dressed woman's first question. "I'd rather tell you when we're safely on board if its not too much."

Growling softly Fenrir showed his distaste the man was hiding something. He could smell it.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: godfish

Even without the usual signals, it would have been impossible not to hear the enthusiastic barking of Fenrir alerting Swan to the presence of the wrecked ship. Emerging up on deck to join the others, he put the finishing touch onto a modification to his regulation rifle, then set his tools aside to go up to the rail, glancing down at the growling Fenrir. "Whats up Fenrir? They smell off?" Looking over at the crew, they seemed alright to him, though no reason not to start telling the story as they got on board. With the wolf's alert, it seemed a bit more suspicious than it would have ordinarily. Adjusting his grip on the rifle, Swan prepared himself for potential hostilities, waiting for Ein's say so or a hostile move from the civilians.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: miserum
A SHIPWRECK WITH SURVIVORS! Finally something to do! People to treat! Work to be done! Wafer was beyond excited when the wreckage came into view and the exchange followed between the man with the stache and Ein. So excited, infact, that he wasted no time throwing himself against the rails of the ship so that he could get as close an inspection as was possible without going overboard. "Is anyone among you ill? Were you accosted by pirates and left to sink as they made off with the more valuable bits of your cargo? Any deep cuts? Ohhhhhh, any infected tissue, untreatable limbs? Internal bleeding? Please say yes!"

He was overjoyed at the idea. The opportunity to patch up the infirm and treat the injured was something he had only been afforded a meager satisfaction through a small case of seasickness. HERE there was potential! Just imagine if he had the chance- "I can't wait to cut every one of you open and set your innards right again! It'll be so much fun!"


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: problematic
"Granted," Ein accepted the man's request to begin his tale once he was aboard the ship. She took a moment to scrub her hand roughly over Fenrir's head in an attempt to get him to stop growling with a bit of gentle force. Even if the men were suspicious there was certainly nothing a small band of merchant traders could do against a crew of trained marines. Also, who in their right mind would go out of their way to make an enemy of the marines?

"Get to rigging those boats up. Bring the men on board," she called to whoever on her crew might listen to her order. She had the sinking feeling she'd be largely ignored and have to do the work herself. This definitely wouldn't do in the future. "And Oxmelon!" she shouted with a bit more urgency. "Reign it in! We don't need our new guests refusing to board on account of the false fear of bloody dismemberment at your hands. You're a doctor; not a butcher." And at that, Ein grumbled something under her breath about 'no better than pirates' and some concerns about her future in the marines.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: freeray
As everything unfolded below, Kaelem could not help but feel his gut churn. It was a small detail, mostly negligible. But it felt off that the group of maybe-merchants-or-just-civilians-that-also-works would not be willing to inform the authorities of what caused the wreck. Maybe they just want a safety net in case they were threatened? We’ll see, I guess.

The rest of his unit peered over and observed as well, each making their own deductions. And as Wafer vocalized, they also have differing concerns. Upon hearing the word from Nihoff, Kaelem swiftly holstered the firearm in his hand and clambered down the mast. “On it!” It would not make a difference if he voiced his concern. It was likely to have touched everyone else’s mind at least briefly. So he just put himself to work at the behest of the captain and began searching for rope to help the men aboard before hoisting up the rafts.
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