One Piece One Piece discussion/theory: The Poneglyph System (contains spoilers)

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Salty Doubloons
Hey all,

This is more a discussion then a theory in which I want to talk about the Poneglyphs. I want to give a small overview of what the Poneglyphs are, how many there are, and the different categories there seems to be.

Small warning: this could involve spoilers

Let’s start with the question: What are the Poneglyphs?

Poneglyphs look like large stone tablets with the Ancient Language inscribed onto them. We learned that they were created by the Kouzki clan near the end of the Void Century.

It seems they were made at a request by the Ancient Kingdom, when they realized they would be defeated by the organization which later turned into the World Government.

Their purpose was to entrust future generations about the truth of the Void Century. Any research into/about the Poneglyphs is forbidden by the World Government which was why the Island of Archeologist, Ohara, was destroyed by a buster call.

So basically the Poneglyphs are large indestructible books with information about the Void Century.

Next would be that there are approximately thirty Poneglyph in existence.

The word “approximately” is a bit suspicious but its a number i am willing to go with since Oda also gave us a nice overview of these 30.

Keep in mind however that there might be more or less then 30 but for now this is what we can go with.

We can divide these 30 Poneglyphs in 4 categories with a couple of exceptions, the 4 categories are:
- Road Poneglyphs
- Tablets of Truths
- Tablets of Clues
- Poneglyphs involving the Ancient Weapons

Let’s start with the Road Poneglyps. These Poneglyphs are different from the others in that they have a red colour.

There are only 4 Road Poneglyphs in existence and their function is to lead someone to the legendary Island of Raftel (Laugh Tale). They can do this because on each Road Poneglyph a certain geographical location is inscribed.

Once you have all 4 locations you can converge the lines and at the middle would be where Raftel (Laugh Tale) is located. Its likely that this is where the name Road Poneglyphs come from, they provide the road so to speak.

The second category would be the Tablets of Truths, also known as Rio Poneglyphs.

The Tablets of Truths are the Poneglyphs that actually hold information about the history of the Void Century.

What’s interesting is that Raftel seems to play an important part in revealing the truth but I will get to that later. For now let’s keep in mind that there are 9 Tablets of Truths (Rio Poneglyphs) in existence.

The third category are the Tablets of Clues.

These Poneglyphs are closely linked to the Tablets of Truths since each Tablet of Clues provides hints/clues as to where the Tablets of Truths are located. Since there are 9 Tablets of Truths in existence it would mean that there are 9 Tablets of Clues as well, one for each Tablet of Truth.

I used my old school paint skills to fill in the overview Oda gave us, which I shown earlier.

We have 4 Road Poneglyphs, + 9 Tablet of Truths and 9 Tablets of Clues. Together combined we have 22 of the 30 Poneglyphs filled in.

The fourth and last category would be the Poneglyphs involving the Ancient Weapons. Simply put these are Poneglyphs which hold information mainly involving the Ancient Weapons. Since, as far as we know, there are 3 Ancient weapons in existence (Pluton, Poseidon, Uranus), there should be 3 of these Poneglyphs as well.

However there seems to be evidence that supports that there are actually more Poneglyphs that are involved with the Ancient Weapons.

Let’s start with Nico Robin and the Poneglyph she read on Sky Island that involved the Ancient Weapon Poseidon.

Robin explains to King Neptune that this Poneglyph stated that Poseidon was located on FIshman Island.

During her conversation with King Neptune she comes to the conclusion that Shirahoshi is the Ancient Weapon which she read about on Sky Island.

However there are a couple of things which are strange about this conversation. Basically she only comes to the conclusion about Shirahoshi after she read the Poneglyph with Joyboy’s apology in the sea forest and having her conversation with Neptune. It was not something she knew before they arrived there.

Firstly it involved her reading Joyboy’s apology and hearing from Neptune that Joyboy was a person from the Void Century. Secondly it involved her hearing about the Sea Kings carrying away Noah and Neptune explaining they had protected Noah to have one day Joyboy’s promise fulfilled. And only after Neptune confirms that the power to command the Sea Kings was not the power of Joyboy but of a mermaid princess living in the Void Century does Robin come to the conclusion that that mermaid princess likely was Poseidon, same for Shirahoshi.

What I’m trying to say here is that the Poneglyph on Sky Island that involved Poseidon didn’t appear to have revealed anything else except for the name of the Ancient Weapon (Poseidon) and it’s location (Fishman Island).

Something similar can be said about the Poneglyph involving Pluton in Alabasta which was protected by the Nefertari family.

According to King Cobra there was no history written on that stone, it was only about the Weapon and its location. If this Poneglyph is similar to the one on Sky Island it likely only had for example the name Pluton and located there in the Kingdom of Alabasta. Nothing about what Pluton was or what its power is.

There are however cases in the story of people knowing more then this about the Ancient Weapons. Let’s start with Captain van der Decken and Poseidon.

The Ancestors of van der Decken had a legend that tells that an incredible power lay hidden below the waves. A mermaid princess with the ability to command even the Sea Kings. It was in pursuit of this legend that the first captain van der Decken set sail to Fishman Island.

If we analyze this legend then van der Decken seemed to know more about Poseidon that Robin did by reading the Poneglyph in Sky Island. Where Robin only knew the name and location, van der Decken had a hint to the location (hidden below the waves) as well as knowledge of the identity (mermaid princess) and ability of Poseidon (command the Sea Kings). The only thing he didn’t seem to know was the name Poseidon, as far as we know.

We can say something similar about Crocodile in Alabasta.

Crocodile knew the name of Pluton, that using it once would be enough to make a whole Island disappear and that it should sleep somewhere within Alabasta. Its unsure whether Crocodile knew Pluton was a battleship but he called Pluton “it” which could indicate he at least knew it wasn’t a person like Poseidon.

There are 2 more things we can conclude about Crocodile’s information. The first is that Crocodile knew he needed a Poneglyph to learn more about Pluton (location etc.).

The second would be that Crocodile wasn’t 100% sure Pluton really existed or that it was located in Alabasta.

The differences between Crocodile and van der Decken are the following:

Van der decken knew:
- hint to location (hidden below the waves)
- identity (mermaid Princess)
- ability (command Sea Kings)

Crocodile knew:
- hint to location (wasn’t sure about it being in Alabasta)
- name (Pluton)
- ability (make a whole island disappear when used once)
- poneglyph

This information is actually kind of similar. Where van der Decken didn’t know the name he knew the identity. Where Crocodile might not have known it was a battleship (identity), he knew the name and that a Poneglyph was needed.

The main similarity could be the location. Van der Decken’s legend said hidden below the waves. This doesn’t outright reveal Fishman Island but its a pretty good indication. If for example Crocodile’s heard something about hidden below the sands it could be a pretty good indication of Alabasta.

Now the main point I’m trying to make here is that both cases could be an example of a second Poneglyph for each Ancient Weapon. Similar to the Tablets of Truths and Clues which deal with the history of the Void Century, we could have Tablets of Truths and Clues about the Ancient Weapons.

For example the Tablets of Truths could be linked to the Poneglyphs in Alabasta and Sky Island. These Poneglyphs state facts like the name and exact location, similar to Sky Island where it stated Poseidon was located on Fishman Island.

The Tablets of Clues could be linked to van der Decken and Crocodile. These poneglyphs could provide hints/clues to the ancient weapons:
hidden below the waves / hidden below the sands
Ability to command Sea Kings / ability to destroy whole island

This could also explain why Crocodile knew he needed a Poneglyph for the exact location. The differences between Crocodile and van der decken can be explained due to time/generations.

The legend of van der Decken was from his ancestor who set out to Fishman Island to find Poseidon. That van der Decken knew the identity of Poseidon but not the name could be explained because it was a legend that was retold in his family. For example during the retelling the name could have been forgotten. Furthermore its possible that they learned about a mermaid princess that had the ability to command the Sea Kings in the void century during their stay on/around Fishman Island.

As for Crocodile, his information is likely directly from the second Poneglyph about Pluton, as well as his knowledge of their possible being a second Poneglyph in Alabasta itself. This could explain why he knew the name but not the identity.

As to how Crocodile came to this information my best guess would be the Revolutionary army which I won’t go into detail here (check this theory if you wanna know more)

If my theory about each Ancient Weapon having two Poneglyphs is true we can fill out the overview a bit more giving us a total of 28 identified Poneglyphs.

This leaves us with 2 not yet filled in and these are the exemptions that don’t directly fall into one of the 4 categories.

The first of these would be the Poneglyph in the Sea Forest on Fishman Island which involved the apology of Joyboy.

If I had to put it in a category then it would be a Tablet of Clues. This is because Robin named it a letter of apology. Later when she talks to Neptune she reveals that she learned the name Joyboy of this Poneglyph but she didn’t know who he was apologizing to untill Neptune revealed it was adresses to the Poseidon of the Void Century.

Spoiler Warning!
The last Poneglyph would be the Poneglyph on Raftel (Laugh Tale). The panel were we discussed the Tablets of Truths indicated that Raftel would be needed to learn the whole truth about the Void Century. We later learn that when Roger reached Raftel he found another (treasure) Joyboy. This treasure likely is the final Rio Poneglyph (Tablet of Truth). The one that explains all the other Tablets of Truths. Spoiler: The One Piece "]
The last Poneglyph would be the Poneglyph on Raftel (Laugh Tale). The panel were we discussed the Tablets of Truths indicated that Raftel would be needed to learn the whole truth about the Void Century. We later learn that when Roger reached Raftel he found another (treasure) Joyboy.

This treasure likely is the final Rio Poneglyph (Tablet of Truth).

The one that explains all the other Tablets of Truths. Spoiler: The One Piece

And with that the Poneglyph system is explained, heres a final overview:

What do you think about the discussion/theory? Is there anything I have missed? Lemme know in the comments.

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Salty Doubloons
The legend of van der Decken was from his ancestor who set out to Fishman Island to find Poseidon. That van der Decken knew the identity of Poseidon but not the name could be explained because it was a legend that was retold in his family. For example during the retelling the name could have been forgotten. Furthermore its possible that they learned about a mermaid princess that had the ability to command the Sea Kings in the void century during their stay on/around Fishman Island.

As for Crocodile, his information is likely directly from the second Poneglyph about Pluton, as well as his knowledge of their possible being a second Poneglyph in Alabasta itself. This could explain why he knew the name but not the identity.
About the 2nd AW poneglyphs.
  • Doubt Van der Decken could read Poneglyph nor that he had knowledge about it through Poneglyph. I think almost every in FI know the Legend of the Ancient Mermaid Princess, but only a few like the Royal Family or Decken Family knew its the truth.
  • Crocdile tried to conquer the NW before He became Shichibukai (We learned He challenged WB once). I think like BM and Kaidou he knows there exist Poneglyphs that contain informations about Ancient Weapons. Doubt he got the Info about Pluton Location through a Poneglyph bit through rumours andnlegends similiar to the Decken Case with Poseidon.
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Salty Doubloons
Thanks for putting this all up. It makes sense for the final glyph to be the Raftel glyph itself which unveils the history itself and connects all the dots provided by the other stones. I almost forgot about Cobra and Croco's speeches about the stones but you did extremely great in rekindling all these.
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Salty Doubloons
Doubt Van der Decken could read Poneglyph nor that he had knowledge about it through Poneglyph. I think almost every in FI know the Legend of the Ancient Mermaid Princess, but only a few like the Royal Family or Decken Family knew its the truth.
I meant the original van der decken, that the start of the legend that made him go below the seas could come from a second Poneglyph. And that during the families stay on Fishman Island the Poneglyph part was forgotten but they learned about there being a mermaid princess.

Crocdile tried to conquer the NW before He became Shichibukai (We learned He challenged WB once). I think like BM and Kaidou he knows there exist Poneglyphs that contain informations about Ancient Weapons. Doubt he got the Info about Pluton Location through a Poneglyph bit through rumours andnlegends similiar to the Decken Case with Poseidon.
Possible yes but Crocodile didn't stay in the New World for very long. according to a SBS he challenged Whitebeard in his mid twenties and he was already back in Alabasta when he was 30 years old (law flashback) Now there could ofcourse be legends about the Ancient Weapons in the New World but the main question is, where did those legends come from? I believe it be unlikely that the nefertari family showed their Poneglyph to every random pirate that showed up in Alabasta. In which case a second Poneglyph hinting to the Weapons could be the source
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Salty Doubloons
I meant the original van der decken, that the start of the legend that made him go below the seas could come from a second Poneglyph. And that during the families stay on Fishman Island the Poneglyph part was forgotten but they learned about there being a mermaid princess.
Just checked Wikia and noticed Van der Decken sailed the sea ~400 years ago.
-> my idea about him living at the same time as Mermaid Princess is wrong.
-> but it is possible that he found the information in Jaya of old times. Time would fit that He visited Jaya before Noland did.

Now there could ofcourse be legends about the Ancient Weapons in the New World but the main question is, where did those legends come from?
Somehow both BM and Kaidou inow about them without ever being able to read Poneglyphs. Also Shiki was searching for a certain weapon. Thats why I came to the conclusion Xebec was searching for them with God Valley being connected to Uranus.

Crodile himself stated he never saw a Poneglyph before. And according to this

Or was Robin who knew about the Poneglyph.
(Actually hoping for the History and not the Weapon as suspected)
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Salty Doubloons
Just checked Wikia and noticed Van der Decken sailed the sea ~400 years ago.
-> my idea about him living at the same time as Mermaid Princess is wrong.
-> but it is possible that he found the information in Jaya of old times. Time would fit that He visited Jaya before Noland did.
Well Jaya is the same Poneglyph as Sky Island and what I noticed is that Robin only seemed to know the name/location of Poseidon. She only came to the mermaid/control sea kings conclusion after she read Joyboy's apology, overheard that the Sea Kings carried off Noah, and Neptune telling her that this was a power of a princess in the void century, after which she guessed that was Poseidon.

Basically it seems that the Sky Island (Jaya) Poneglyph only had this info: ancient weapon called Poseidon, located on Fishman Island.

Opposite of that van der Decken knew stuff he shouldn't have even if his ancestor visited Jaya.

Somehow both BM and Kaidou inow about them without ever being able to read Poneglyphs. Also Shiki was searching for a certain weapon. Thats why I came to the conclusion Xebec was searching for them with God Valley being connected to Uranus.

Crodile himself stated he never saw a Poneglyph before.
Good Point. Xebec kind of seems the opposite of Roger and its very likely he wanted the Weapons for destruction purposes (What BM and Kaido are doing now) whereas Roger seemed more interested in the history itself.

God Valley seems a good option for Uranus related stuff since it ties to the Celestial Dragons and all.

However Robin knew of the name Uranus so again a second Poneglyph option is still viable :)

I am personally not so sure about Big Mom not being able to read Poneglyphs. Robin should be the only person that can read them now (if Oden didnt teach Momonosuke) but Robin wasn't mentioned in Whole Cake Island at all while they were discussing the Poneglyphs.

Personally I think that her son with the book-book fruit might be able to translate them, as the Poneglyphs are kind of stone tablet books. It would also fit why Kaido decided to ally himself with her to gather the weapons and start a war.

As for Crocodile, I'm not saying he read the info of a Poneglyph.

I mainly tried to make a point that the info he had could originally have been off a second Poneglyph. My best guess is that he received his info from the Revolutionaries, ( ) and that the Revolutionaries got it from the second Poneglyph (possible Ohara related, their interest in Robin and calling her the flame of hope).

That would explain why he knew he would need a second Poneglyph to get the exact info and why he specifically recruited Robin in Baroque Works because she could read the Ancient Language.
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Salty Doubloons
I am personally not so sure about Big Mom not being able to read Poneglyphs.
Big Mom can't but somehow she thinks that 3-eyed people have a special power that makes them able to read Poneglyphs.
She wants Pudding to awake that power so that she can finally find One Piece.

Thinking about it now there might have been a member of 3-eyed tribe among Rocks Pirates able to read the Poneglyphs :pepethinking:

She only came to the mermaid/control sea kings conclusion after she read Joyboy's apology
She came to the conclusion seeing the SeanKings carrying Noah.
First she asked if JoyBoy had the ability, but Neptun told her it was the Mermaid Princess then she directly concluded that Cryhoshi is Poseidon.
(Ch. 649)

My best guess is that he received his info from the Revolutionaries
I doubt Revos would share info about Ancient Weapons, if they have any.
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Salty Doubloons
First off Nessos much love! :love: finally somebody replying to my theories! nobody commented on my crocodile one so was a bit bummed out :cry:

Thanks for putting this all up. It makes sense for the final glyph to be the Raftel glyph itself which unveils the history itself and connects all the dots provided by the other stones. I almost forgot about Cobra and Croco's speeches about the stones but you did extremely great in rekindling all these.
Gambit as well ofcourse! much love :love:

Big Mom can't but somehow she thinks that 3-eyed people have a special power that makes them able to read Poneglyphs.
She wants Pudding to awake that power so that she can finally find One Piece.

Thinking about it now there might have been a member of 3-eyed tribe among Rocks Pirates able to read the Poneglyphs :pepethinking:
I missed that about the 3-eyed people. must reread Whole Cake Island arc again. It would explain why Robin wasn't mentioned when they discussed the Poneglyphs.

She came to the conclusion seeing the SeanKings carrying Noah.
First she asked if JoyBoy had the ability, but Neptun told her it was the Mermaid Princess then she directly concluded that Cryhoshi is Poseidon.
(Ch. 649)
Exactly, basically she didn't read on Sky Island the whole mermaid princess being able to command seakings bit. She needed both the Sea Kings carrying of noah, and Neptune explaining the Joyboy stuff before she realised Poseidon identity/ability. So that wouldn;t have been on the Sky Island/Jaya Poneglyph.

So if that Poneglyph is ruled out there are only 2 options available:
1. The legend of Poseidon carried on after the Void Century and van der Decken's ancestor learned about it in some random tavern.
2. There's a second Poneglyph out there that reveals clues to Poseidon like hidden below the waves and possibly the power to command Sea Kings.

If its option 2, like I speculated, then it provides a basis for each weapon having 2 Poneglyphs. A tablet of Truth which indicates name/location and a tablet of Clues which hints to location/ability. The whole mermaid princess part could have found out later after van der Decken's family reached Fishman Island.

I doubt Revos would share info about Ancient Weapons, if they have any.
Have to agree but give my other theory a view :

While i'm not sure about all of it, I'm quite confident in the Calico Jack - Crocodile, Mary Read - Ivankov and Anne Bonny - Jewelry Bonney bit. I gave multiple options there how/why Croc could have come in contact with the Rev's back in East Blue.
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Salty Doubloons
I never saw it maybe that's why.
Gambit as well ofcourse! much love :love:
Will take time to read it. But your poneglyphs are well written. Been waiting for someone to actually inspire an article about this one because it's one of the biggest mysteries so far.
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Salty Doubloons
Right off the bat with the Tom quote, I was on board just cus of your passion.

Reading over the discussion thus far, I'm not entirely sure if anyone's said this exactly in all the back and forth, but it seems to me that Crocodile knows about the Pluton Poneglyph in Alabasta because Robin told him it was there.

If there are two Poneglyphs per Ancient Weapon, one revealing their location and the other revealing their identity, wouldn't it stand to reason that Robin has already found the location Poneglyph for Pluton that pointed her to Alabasta? The one in Alabasta probably has the more exact coordinates and the instructions for how to revive/use Pluton, but in line with Skypiea's Poseidon Poneglyph, the first Pluton Poneglyph should only give a general location.

If this already came up in the discussion with Nessos, I'm sorry, I just didn't see it.
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Salty Doubloons
Right off the bat with the Tom quote, I was on board just cus of your passion.
Franky is all about passion ;)

Reading over the discussion thus far, I'm not entirely sure if anyone's said this exactly in all the back and forth, but it seems to me that Crocodile knows about the Pluton Poneglyph in Alabasta because Robin told him it was there.
It kind of depends on whether you follow the manga or anime. I think the scene were Crocodile recruits Robin is anime only, in there he approached Robin because he heard she could read Poneglyphs. That wasn't in the mange however so he could have gotten the info of Robin like you mentioned.

If there are two Poneglyphs per Ancient Weapon, one revealing their location and the other revealing their identity, wouldn't it stand to reason that Robin has already found the location Poneglyph for Pluton that pointed her to Alabasta? The one in Alabasta probably has the more exact coordinates and the instructions for how to revive/use Pluton, but in line with Skypiea's Poseidon Poneglyph, the first Pluton Poneglyph should only give a general location.

If this already came up in the discussion with Nessos, I'm sorry, I just didn't see it.
It is possible, apart from the poneglyph in Ohara it seems likely Robin has found others during her time before she joined up with Crocodile/Strawhats. If i'm not mistaken the reason she wanted to die in Alabasta was because this was her last lead to find one of the Tablets of Truths. Hence she could have already found a Poneglyph about Pluton before she met Crocodile.

My main problem with that idea however is that Crocodile was already back in Alabasta during the Law/Corazon flashback (he's on the newspaper and Oda explained that in a SBS). I have my doubts that Robin worked that long for Crocodile, but he could have gotten his info from someone from Roger's crew maybe and later had Robin confirm it.
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Salty Doubloons
My main problem with that idea however is that Crocodile was already back in Alabasta during the Law/Corazon flashback (he's on the newspaper and Oda explained that in a SBS). I have my doubts that Robin worked that long for Crocodile, but he could have gotten his info from someone from Roger's crew maybe and later had Robin confirm it.
Robin joined Baroque Works at 24, and was 28 when we first met her, so she was only working with him for four years. Law's flashback was thirteen years before the current story, so eleven years prior to meeting Robin and seven years before Robin joined BW. Crocodile made Alabasta his base sixteen years ago, three years before the Law flashback, so ten years before meeting Robin (assuming my math is right, this was a lot to keep track of). That doesn't necessarily mean he knew about the Poneglyph in Alabasta, but it doesn't mean he didn't either. I still think Robin played a part in confirming it at least, but yeah, he probably had some background knowledge about Pluton in Alabasta at least.
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