One Piece Wano and Alabasta Connection

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Salty Doubloons
Sharing what I thought up during this break week, in Gedatsu’s cover story, they meet this giant mole 326 with a depiction of sun and mountain in his helm, notice the sun is very similar to early Wano design 655 and that mountain is again similar to Wano’s signature mountain 934.

They then meet this carpenter baboon 333 which again have an uncanny resemblance with Minatomo 54 and Minatomo 909.

Then in that cover story, Goro’s dream is to build such hot springs bathhouse 343, 344, 345, we recently saw a similar bathhouse in Wano 936, 936.

Lastly, one of the Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops 180, 181, sports a very Wano-esqe design, Ringo region to be specific, which was ruled by a Shimotsuki 970.

What I’m trying to say is there might a connection between between Alabasta and Wano, of course all this could be explained simply that Oda is just incorporating a hot spring bathhouse which is a Japanese heavy themed subject in that cover story and of course it would overlap with his future ideas about a Japanese themed country of Wano. But there’s enough stuff here for me to continue my speculating so why stop here.

My first theory is this, some 50+ years ago, Shimotsuki Kozaburo 955 left Wano and presumably settled down in East Blue, on the way there he/they might possibly make a stop in Alabasta and therefore transferred some of Wano’s culture to some Alabasta’s citizen and animals. This is rather a shot in the dark but it would explain how some animals sports Wano-esqe outfit and how Goro came up with the idea of a Japan-esqe bathhouse, he might learned about it from his parents or Kozaburo himself depending on how old he is.

Next, I noticed this bird, Chuchun 306, 313 one of Foxy Pirates member then again these birds in Gedatsu’s Cover Story 314. It’s very similar to the type of birds we see Kanjuro draws 754 , 754, and again these birds that seems to be a typical bird in Wano 920.

Again you can just say that’s how a generic bird often looks like that in OP world, but so far we often see that animals and wildlife are very unique and region specific since the climate and environment of each island in the Grand Line is very peculiar, could the presence of these similar birds in these 2 faraway island meant that these 2 civilization has deep ties with one another stretching even further to the past?

Next I remember Carue 109 and the Super Spot-Billed Duck Troops 180. I can sort of see the resemblance between these birds and ducks, I won’t be surprised if they belong to the same family of species.

I’m not going anywhere with this next point, but just for a your consideration, this is the Kozuki clan crest 817 maybe this might mean something in the future.

To be honest the fact that Chuchun exists outside of Alabasta is acting against what I’m trying to say, but here, I’ll chalk it up as a special case that Foxy Pirates took a liking to that particular bird and brings it along on their ship. All those birds' chirping sound is also all different but I'm ignoring those to continue speculating.

So my second theory is this, long ago, during or towards the end of Void Century, Wano might sent their warriors or escorts to Alabasta, to deliver and hide the Poneglyph in Alabasta. These warriors might use those birds as their mount in ancient time, that’s why we can still see those birds in Alabasta until this day, and some might evolve into those ducks to adapt to the more arid part of Alabasta. Knowledge of this might even be why Shimotsuki Kozaburo made a pit stop in Alabasta +/- 50 years ago. Another possible connection is regarding Pluton, Pluton might or might not be hidden in Alabasta, assuming it is in Alabasta, I can also see Wano sending their precious minerals like Liquor Iron Ores as well as Seastones for repairs/upgrade purposes. Another theory heavy on speculation I know, just putting it out there for discussion.

We know that Alabasta and the Nefertari family was part of the 20 Allied Kingdoms who fought against the Ancient Kingdom, but oddly by the time they won, the Nefertari did not take their place as a Celestial Dragon and their civilization was even entrusted with a Poneglyph, leading us to believe they were friendly towards the Ancient Kingdoms at the very least by the time the war ended.

My third and last theory is the most speculative one, I think that Lady Toki might be one of this Wano warriors/escorts that were in Alabasta towards the end of the Void Century. Lady Toki’s motive and purpose have not been explored AT ALL until now, which means Oda is saving it for future reveal, another ongoing plot line is how the Nefertari Family and Alabasta is currently being targeted by the WG for what they called a "great cleansning", I can definitely see these 2 plot line to eventually merge and we will understand more about what happened in the Void Century, which is consistent with Oda’s plan to start wrapping up the story and revealing more end game content.

Thanks for taking the time to read, please discuss and critique why it could or could not be possible.
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Salty Doubloons
I thought Kozuki Clan closed boarders with the happenings of the Void Century. Thats why I expected in the time before Void Century boarders of Wano were open.
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