General What is your favorite class/sub class and playstyle?

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Salty Doubloons
For starters, here's an awesome vid by Randomonium that breaks down all classes and subclasses, really awesome and underrated vid.

0:00:12 Introduction
0:01:54 Classes & Subclasses
0:07:17 Attributes
0:11:17 Subclass Calculator Tutorial
0:13:44 Attribute Graphs
0:20:47 Range (Front, Mid, Back Lines)
0:22:48 Subclasses Recap
0:25:15 Assassins
0:28:24 Skirmishers
0:32:02 Divers
0:35:49 Juggernauts
0:40:11 Vanguards
0:43:02 Wardens
0:45:31 Catchers
0:48:11 Enchanters
0:50:06 Burst Mages & Artillery Mages
0:53:43 Battle Mages
0:56:28 Marksmen
0:59:59 Specialists
1:03:33 Conclusion

What's your go to class, do you prefer asassins, bruisers, vanguards, short range aoe/control mages, burst mages or marksman? Or do you like to play a little bit of everything?

Do you think it's smart to diversify your playstyle a lot, or stick to one particular class and master it to perfection? Like, I've been prefering to use aoe mages, I'm addicted to Anivia to be exact, and also want to master Twisted Fate whom is like a mixture of a marksman and a mage, you could also call him a control mage since you apply pressure to the enemy team with your ulti and make them change their positions. Now when I pick up a melee/asassins champ it feels weird and I feel like I'm rather slowing my progress then improving since I want to main those exact (ranged, control mages, i.e. Anivia, Viktor, Zyra, Karthus, TF) types of champs, and a lot of high elo players actually suggest to stick to and grind 2 to 3 similar types of champs so when controling them becomes muscle memory you can focus and improve your macro play faster. Whaddaya guys think about this philosophy, what's your fav playstyle?
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Control mages are my jam.
Cass and Azir primarily.

Though I never really have a problem going into a different playstyle/class.
Unless it's marksman. I'd sooner eat my shoe than play as ADc. :pepega:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Control mages are my jam.
Cass and Azir primarily.

Though I never really have a problem going into a different playstyle/class.
Unless it's marksman. I'd sooner eat my shoe than play as ADc. :pepega:
Nicu! Control mages are so fun to play, when I play an assasin like Talon I feel braindead I swear. :pepeban:


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I like control and auto attack tanks (Malphite/Sett) and control mages (Zyra, Leblanc, Brand). But recently healers are also fun, especially Taric and Nami. :pepeclown:
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This new tank meta makes me wanna try Ornn mid as a counterpick.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
This new tank meta makes me wanna try Ornn mid as a counterpick.
What are you doing to my poor midlane? :dogkek:
When I wanted a free win in midlane I would play AP Malph with comet.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'm a Lazy Person xD so I love Champs that can One-Shot Opponents in No Time before they can React if played right, both for that and for their ease of play. Another reason i like such Champs is because i never feel pressured in a Game, i don't have to worry about making a mistake during Fights and i can always come back no matter who i'm fighting against, i just need to play a nice Combo & i can change the Tides

My favorite Champs of these is Cho'Gath (AP), i'm really good at hitting the Q, after that it's a 100% certain Kill against anyone xD because it will be followed with W Silence, Hexbelt, Lot of damage from E and then R for the Kill (I take Ignite to make it an Overkill, have Pressure early & to assure the Kill in case i press R at wrong time or they Heal)

There is also Mages such as Annie, Veigar & Lux (Stun & then Combo them to Death) with all three of them having Great CC that can work on more than 1 Target and they scale well (Especially Veigar) + their R have low Cooldown
There are Assassins such as Rengar, Talon, Pyke (So much Burst and can easily Kill when R is ready) + later two have great Escape
I also like playing other Assassin's such as Katarina, Akali & Zed that require more Skills but deal tons of Damage when Played right (I prefer Katarina the most, especially though to great Mobility for both Escape & Engage & she is among very few Assassin's that can engage Multiple Targets and not just 1)

My second Favorite Group of Champs are Tanky Bullies such as Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, Sion, Pantheon
They are really Tanky, really Powerful & can also easily get rid of 1 target if you don't miss anything
(For example Garen once he hits Q can easily continue with E without any reaction and then finish with R & Ignite, Sion AD if he hits an E and then full Charged Q, he can follow with an AA, W, R and then a Full Charged Second Q lmao)
Darius & Mordekaiser are extremely dangerous too when close to and what i like about them is that aside from Damage & Tankiness they can easily win a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 thanks to their R if played right

I also love playing Nasus simply because you just have to focus on Farming & Stacks lmao and if you do well and build some Tanky Items, you become so powerful and i won 1 v 3 to 5 many times thanks to that

In conclusion my Favorite Champs are those who can One-Shot Single Targets, have Sustain or Escape, have some CC, Really easy to play with and can survive Ganks or even win them & of course have a Game-Changing R Ability, so ADCs are my least favorite Champs and i don't play them at all xD (Except MFa little)
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'm a Lazy Person xD so I love Champs that can One-Shot Opponents in No Time before they can React if played right, both for that and for their ease of play. Another reason i like such Champs is because i never feel pressured in a Game, i don't have to worry about making a mistake during Fights and i can always come back no matter who i'm fighting against, i just need to play a nice Combo & i can change the Tides

My favorite Champs of these is Cho'Gath (AP), i'm really good at hitting the Q, after that it's a 100% certain Kill against anyone xD because it will be followed with W Silence, Hexbelt, Lot of damage from E and then R for the Kill (I take Ignite to make it an Overkill, have Pressure early & to assure the Kill in case i press R at wrong time or they Heal)

There is also Mages such as Annie, Veigar & Lux (Stun & then Combo them to Death) with all three of them having Great CC that can work on more than 1 Target and they scale well (Especially Veigar) + their R have low Cooldown
There are Assassins such as Rengar, Talon, Pyke (So much Burst and can easily Kill when R is ready) + later two have great Escape
I also like playing other Assassin's such as Katarina, Akali & Zed that require more Skills but deal tons of Damage when Played right (I prefer Katarina the most, especially though to great Mobility for both Escape & Engage & she is among very few Assassin's that can engage Multiple Targets and not just 1)

My second Favorite Group of Champs are Tanky Bullies such as Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, Sion, Pantheon
They are really Tanky, really Powerful & can also easily get rid of 1 target if you don't miss anything
(For example Garen once he hits Q can easily continue with E without any reaction and then finish with R & Ignite, Sion AD if he hits an E and then full Charged Q, he can follow with an AA, W, R and then a Full Charged Second Q lmao)
Darius & Mordekaiser are extremely dangerous too when close to and what i like about them is that aside from Damage & Tankiness they can easily win a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 thanks to their R if played right

I also love playing Nasus simply because you just have to focus on Farming & Stacks lmao and if you do well and build some Tanky Items, you become so powerful and i won 1 v 3 to 5 many times thanks to that

In conclusion my Favorite Champs are those who can One-Shot Single Targets, have Sustain or Escape, have some CC, Really easy to play with and can survive Ganks or even win them & of course have a Game-Changing R Ability, so ADCs are my least favorite Champs and i don't play them at all xD (Except MFa little)
Veigar was my main for years, until Azir came out. I miss his instant stun.
If you want fast burst, try AP Malph. You can just tackle their whole team for half their health bars.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Veigar was my main for years, until Azir came out. I miss his instant stun.
If you want fast burst, try AP Malph. You can just tackle their whole team for half their health bars.
Yeah lol i played him quite few times (Mastery 5) and he definitely deals lot of damage, i think the only thing that bothered me about him is that he relies on his R way too much

Not long ago, he was best Jungle Pick xD but i only play Top & Mid


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'm a Lazy Person xD so I love Champs that can One-Shot Opponents in No Time before they can React if played right, both for that and for their ease of play. Another reason i like such Champs is because i never feel pressured in a Game, i don't have to worry about making a mistake during Fights and i can always come back no matter who i'm fighting against, i just need to play a nice Combo & i can change the Tides

My favorite Champs of these is Cho'Gath (AP), i'm really good at hitting the Q, after that it's a 100% certain Kill against anyone xD because it will be followed with W Silence, Hexbelt, Lot of damage from E and then R for the Kill (I take Ignite to make it an Overkill, have Pressure early & to assure the Kill in case i press R at wrong time or they Heal)

There is also Mages such as Annie, Veigar & Lux (Stun & then Combo them to Death) with all three of them having Great CC that can work on more than 1 Target and they scale well (Especially Veigar) + their R have low Cooldown
There are Assassins such as Rengar, Talon, Pyke (So much Burst and can easily Kill when R is ready) + later two have great Escape
I also like playing other Assassin's such as Katarina, Akali & Zed that require more Skills but deal tons of Damage when Played right (I prefer Katarina the most, especially though to great Mobility for both Escape & Engage & she is among very few Assassin's that can engage Multiple Targets and not just 1)

My second Favorite Group of Champs are Tanky Bullies such as Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, Sion, Pantheon
They are really Tanky, really Powerful & can also easily get rid of 1 target if you don't miss anything
(For example Garen once he hits Q can easily continue with E without any reaction and then finish with R & Ignite, Sion AD if he hits an E and then full Charged Q, he can follow with an AA, W, R and then a Full Charged Second Q lmao)
Darius & Mordekaiser are extremely dangerous too when close to and what i like about them is that aside from Damage & Tankiness they can easily win a 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 thanks to their R if played right

I also love playing Nasus simply because you just have to focus on Farming & Stacks lmao and if you do well and build some Tanky Items, you become so powerful and i won 1 v 3 to 5 many times thanks to that

In conclusion my Favorite Champs are those who can One-Shot Single Targets, have Sustain or Escape, have some CC, Really easy to play with and can survive Ganks or even win them & of course have a Game-Changing R Ability, so ADCs are my least favorite Champs and i don't play them at all xD (Except MFa little)
:pepemusic: is Yuumi something for ya?


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
:pepemusic: I also like to play extravagant stuff like ADC thresh, I play AD crit thresh whenever I roll him in ARAM, I also like to play several ADCS as AP on ARAM, like MF, Ashe, Corki and Lucian
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'm a support main so I can play various different types, but my fave subclass is definitely Enchanters, specifically supp champs with healing and shielding abilities. I'm really good with champs like Nami/Soraka/Janna/Sona and Morg. I also really enjoy playing some controls mages like Brand and Zyra.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Bot lane is non-existent to me lmao i don't play Bot or Bot Champs or even Roam there or care what happens there xD
I either split push Top or snowball Mid, that's it
I think I'm gonna adopt this mindset as a midlaner and only roam top since in 97.9% of my games my botlane goes 0/20 in 15 mins.
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