Island Briss Island

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Briss Island - Post 2

With the reactions to the events that transpired at King's Landing still fresh on their minds, the lords noted the invitation instead of assuming what was to come. They were very similar thoughts, one of the upcoming possible danger of an invasion on the cards, yet none expected the open invitation.

We begin back to the first lord who was full of greed would be the first to react to the open invitation which would latter have all the lord's begin the talks of whether they were in or out.

Mace Tyrell: " Rheagar, son you got some balls, kid. Killing your old man then inviting us for what some drinks and a good meal? "​

The thick slabbed door to Mace's quarters would be banged as knocking can be heard for Mace to respond to enter in a calm tone.

Mace Tyrell: " You may enter "​

Garlan Tyrell: " Lord, an envoy has arrived coming from the other lords to commence the talks of the events of King's Landing... I've set the throne room for the talks and got everything ready for you my lord "​

Mace Tyrell: " That didn't take long of them to act ... "​

Mace would head over to the throne room, pushing and grunting to open the large doors that creaked open. He'd take a step forward walking on the red carpet that would lead to a few stairs and a throne with a yellow amber-ish drape behind.

Mace would sit on his throne, the commencement of the council of lords had begun, Mace would commence with his firm familiar voice could be heard.

Mace Tyrell: " It's Mace Tyrell the honorable lord of the West, from the kingdom of Highgarden ... I like how quickly you've reacted to the news Richard Stark. "​

Jon Arryns: " You're sadly mistaken Lord Tyrell, it wasn't Richard that sent those envoys but me ...We are just waiting on Twyin Lannister and Baron Greyjoy before we begin our agenda. "​

Just as the council meeting between the lords of the land commenced the envoys that were internal means of scouting other neighboring kingdoms, words would spread as the envoys rapidly passed word of mouth and the council commenced once the other two received word.

Baron Greyjoy: " Thank you for holding this meeting in my stead, Lord Arryns.You reacted far quicker than I on the matter at hand. "​

Hoster Tully: " Shall we commence? ... We should leave any idle chat for another time and place "​

Robert Baratheons: " I agree with Lord Tully, the nerve of killing his father then the audacity to summon us at King's Landing. I would call this action as a means of war with the other kingdom's "​

Richard Stark: " As much as i agree with some of your view points, i take a closer glance at this and see nothing but a trap to lure us all in one location. What do you think Twyin Lannister? ... I ask thee as your the only one who knew Rheagar and Aerys more than the others ... "​

Twyin Lannister: " Tcchh, i say we head to King's Landing preparing for the worst ... After all we were nothing but once members of the King's guard and inner circle before each was honored with lands of our own. I say we head to King's Landing and drench it with Rheagar's blood. "​
Twyin Lannister: " So who's with me on this? "​

Mace Tyrell: " I am with you Twyin, let's accept the invite and take our best men with us. "​

Robert Baratheons: " I second your idea Twyin, let's follow suit and bring honor to Aerys! "​

Baron Greyjoy: " We have three yes' and four yet to answer including myself and i will like to go and see Rheagar myself. So thats four yes' now. "​

Jon Arryns: " I also favour the yes to head to King's Landing and see Rheagar myself too. With the majority concluded, we will see one another at King's Landing now. So meeting adjourned as i will send an envoy to the King's Landing saying we agree to the invitation. "​

With that the council of lords meeting that only took less than 5 minutes, it was decided they will make their presence known at this invitation. Each lord prepared their own armies if thing's went south.

The envoy would be headed towards King's Landing with the following letter to Rheagar.

To Rheagar Targaryen and companions,

Under oath of King Aerys Targaryen, his vassals, and lords of the land will accept thee invitation.

Some of us lords will seek an audience with Rheagar Targaryen before we commence any oaths and see thou as King of Briss.

- Council of Lords of Briss

With the envoy arriving at King's Landing, each of the Lord's made their way towards King's Landing with each arriving with their own vassals.


Silver Hair
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King's Landing Defense #3 @Dream

Kaladin and the others returned to King's Landing, leaving the soldiers and pirates near the edge of the city. Afterwards he, Kelsier and Vin walked through the streets, soon reaching their destination. It still felt strange to walk so openly through the city they had been fighting only a few days before, and even being let inside the fort within the city itself, the very one Manaka had assaulted only days before.

Walking through the open gate, the three of them made their way across the courtyard, passing the destruction from the fight. Entering the inner keep, they made their way deep into the building, descending several flights of stairs into the earth. After a few minutes they reached their destination, two separate large doorways next to one another. Kaladin pushed open the right one and stepped inside.

A large, dimly lit room was inside, with not much except for a enormous table sat in the middle. On top of it lay a huge figure, blue skin, its body even bigger than that of Larsi himself. Thick chains bound the man to the table, holding him down. A groan escaped its mouth, and Kaladin walked up to near its head.
How are you feeling?

Feel like shit.
The newly created giant said, slurring his words. It had only been a day since Manaka had used her newly acquired serum to transform Vershad into a giant, only something had gone wrong. His skin was the most obvious difference, but he also had been much slower to recover than her other subjects. And so it fell to Kaladin to check in on him. Head feel muddy...

Alright, let's run some tests. Kaladin stretched to reach up and clap the big man on the shoulder, even lying down as he was.


Zahel had returned from the dungeons only moments earlier, now in his work room in the basement of the fortress, opposite to the room Vershad was recovering in. This room was even larger, but instead of being occupied by a single large body, there was a row of over two hundred bodies, laying in rows. None of these moved however, at least not yet. They were fallen from either side in the assault days before, their injuries repaired enough that their bodies should keep together even through severe stress. The three before him also had a harness simlar to those he had made for his crewmates, except for sewn into their skin.

Holding out his hand a flickering shape of darkness appeared in Zahel's hand. In a swift move he shoved it into the first body. As the shadow took hold of the corpse, its body twisted suddenly, before falling still again, now under his command. He moved onto the next, repeating the process, then the third. His three general zombies - or rather inquisitors - created, he started the slow work of reanimated the rest of the corpses in the room.

It was hours later that he stepped out of the room, leaving his zombies behind, just in time to see Kaladin emerge too. Both looked at each other, reading the exhaustion in the other man. Nodding to one another they climbed the stairs in silence, slowly making their way to the surface. Larsi was sitting in the courtyard when they stepped out into the sun, smiling to the two of them as they approached. Next to him was a stack of pieces of armor.
Good timing! I finished your armors. I don't care if you actually use them, but you should keep hold of them at least.

That will have to wait however
, the giant said, standing up. I think Rhaegar might have some news for us. You can tell me about your progress on the way.


So he's doing better, his mind is still slow. Oddly he insists we call him "Human" now, as he is still a human. Kelsier and Vin are watching over him at the moment. Kaladin finished as they approached the gates to the throne room. Larsi nodded, slightly worried about the man, but there was larger worries. The guards at the doors pushed them open, letting the pirates inside. Inside two of the four remaining King's Guard flanked the Iron Throne, with Rhaegar seated at the bottom of its steps. His crown was absent, likely he didn't want to act as if he had already been officially crowned. In his hand he held a piece of paper, absently reading it, even as Larsi and the others stopped in front of him, even closer than the knights clearly would have liked.

A few moments passed in silence before Larsi cleared his throat. Rhaegar's eyes shot up to meet the giant's, annoyance clear on his face. Perhaps he was tiring of how at home the pirates made themselves, maybe it was the message he held. It was soon gone however, replaced with the plain demeanor of a would be king.
They responded. Seems they have already banded together, though they aren't openly against me, yet.

He handed the paper to Larsi, who took it and read it quickly, then read it again. I would advise against letting them inside the city before they swear fealty.

Rhaegar nodded in agreement. And so it was he sent off orders, preparing to accept the lords. Should they arrive without attacking immediately, they would be held outside the gates to wait for Rhaegar.
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Briss Island - Post 3

With each lord departing, none would leave their realms in a long time not since King Aerys held a banquet for all the lords to be gathered in one area. Though the last feast many of the lords left with a trace of bitterness but yet didn't allow it to consume their hearts and minds, though it was minus one that being none other than Twyin Lannister. However, today was the day for different reasons after a huge publicity stunt too many that had a rabbit pulled out of a hat, including the death of the late and great King Aerys.

Mace Tyrell from the Highgarden with the sun still beaming down bringing the heat, he'd be the first to set out though not alone trailing behind him were three of the strongest within his kingdom.

Mace Tyrell: " You guys feeling blessed enough? ... Remember why we are there ... "​

Asking his men before the scene would traverse away towards The Eyrie with Jon Arrys, who'd travel to a certain meeting spot to be met with a certain individual. Many of the lords had their means of meeting at a certain location, whilst traveling on camels and horses. However, many of them had a location about an estimated two hours away from an area where they would meet up to head into King's Landing at the same time.

A stable of horses could be spotted as each Lord with their men would meet at the spot, with many taking a short break to rehydrate themselves and have a brief chit-chat. With many not seeing each other for a while as others who are on friendlier terms would be having a laugh and sharing moments, though today was a bit more solemn of a gathering. Though the only unusual aspect was only two of the lords brought more men of theirs than permitted, that being Mace Tyrell and Twyin Lannister.

Jon Arrys: " What is this Mace? ... Why have you brought extras here with you? "​

Mace would stay mute but then respond with a short loud burst of laughter before responding.

Mace Tyrell: " Security reasons, for after all he did kill his father. So what's to say he points those swords at me? "

Rickard Stark: " You really that scared of the young Rheagar? "​

Twyin approached and appeared with a huge dust trailing behind as he brought his entire army alerting all the present lords. Upon reaching up to them gave his response before he too continued on his horse.

Twyin Lannister: " I'll be first to ask some questions, why don't you fella's continue bickering "​

With that, the lords then began to approach the King's Landing from the Western portion of King's Landing, upon spotting the castle they knew they had finally reached their destination.

Now began the time as the Lords marched their way, with some eager and yet others wanting ...

PS: only noticed its Rickard Stark, not Richard Stark lol


Silver Hair
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King's Landing Defense #4 @Dream

Rhaegar was informed of the lords approaching long before they came withing view of King's Landing. They approached just as he hoped, from the west on land. The area was the same for miles in that direction, flat lands with grass, very few trees. This all made it very hard to launch an attack on King's Landing, since it gave the attackers very few ways to hide from.

As the entourage of lords made their way up the road toward the capital of the kingdoms, messages were sent to the different parties within King's Landing. Larsi arrived at the front gate, followed by his own men and women. He ordered most of the pirates to stay inside the city to help with defenses if it came to that. Manaka was in control of the ships, so she was nowhere to be seen, but most of the other strong fighters followed behind Larsi.

Kaladin, Kelsier and Vin came, trailed by Vershad who preferred to be called Human now. He was an unnerving sight, and not only because Larsi couldn't stand giants, though this was a different case he supposed. His blue skin was the most unnatural, and his eyes betrayed a haze that laid over his mind. Zahel came too, trailed by a force of silent soldiers. It was even more unnerving than Human, knowing what they were in reality. Three of them stood out, their strength apparent.
All is well with you all?

They all nodded, and Larsi noticed Zahel giving Koujiro a package, for which the man appeared grateful. It seemed he had been busy too, creating more of his harnesses for others.

Greetings! Rhaegar called out, approaching on horse with an entourage, crown nowhere to be seen. The remaining of his King's Guard trailed him closely, and they all watched the pirates with caution, hands resting on swords ready to be drawn. I have brought someone you should meet.

He gestured as a woman of middling age stepped forward. She was dressed in armor and wore the insignia of house Targaryen. She had short cut dark hair and light brown skin, part of which was marked by a scar down her cheek. She carried two swords and carried herself gracefully as she regarded the pirates with obvious distrust.

This is Vivenna Azure, Highmarshal of our armies. Rhaegar continued. I have decided if we are to be allied, we should have an ambassador with your men, and I think it should be her.

Larsi took in the look of the woman. She was certainly not a weakling, though she was also not strong enough to pose a serious threat to him. Nodding, he accepted the proposal. Very well, I approve.
View attachment 1254

Racial Bonus(human)
Martial Arts Bonus

Strength: 64+12 +5 =81
Speed: 83+12 +5 =100
Movement: 100
Reaction: 100
Vitality: 54 +12 = 66
Stamina: 81
Durability: 51
Haki 43+18 =61
Armament: 61 (Offensive)
Observation: 61(Awareness)
Martial Arts: 81
Ittoryu/Nittoryu 81
Rope Action: 81

View attachment 1253

Racial Bonus(giant)
Martial Arts Bonus

Strength:59+36 +5 =100
Speed: 81 =81
Movement: 81
Reaction: 81
Vitality: 77 +18 +5= 100
Stamina: 100
Durability: 100
Haki 27
Armament: 54(Offensive
Martial Arts: 81
Koloss Sword Style 81
Rope Action: 81

New koujiro stats:
Strength: 51+10 = 61
Speed: 51+10+MA: 5 = 66
- Movement: 51+Raid Suit: 10 = 61
- Reaction: 81
Vitality: 51+10+MA: 5 = 66
- Stamina: 61
- Durability: 71+Raid Suit: 10 = 81
Haki: 41+15 = 86
- Armament: 41
- Precognition: 71
Martial Arts: 81
- Black Leg: 81
- Magnetic Harness: 81

Zahel's Zombies:
General Zombies:
Level 80:
Strength: 76+5=81
Speed: 81
Movement: 81​
Reaction: 81​
Vitality: 82+5=87
Stamina: 87​
Durability: 87​
Martial Arts: 81
Dual Axes: 81​
Magnetic Harness: 81​

Fodder Zombies:
Level 30:
Strength: 41
Speed: 37
Movement: 37​
Reaction: 37​
Vitality: 21
Stamina: 21​
Durability: 21​
Martial Arts: 21
Ittoryu/Nittoryu: 42​

Very well, let us greet them. Rhaegar declared, riding up to the gate as it swung open. His guards followed behind, and Larsi and the pirates behind that. They would emerged soon onto the field, stopping a hundred or so meters away from the wall. If anyone had paid close attention, though it was unlikely, they may have noticed that Rhaegar's shadow was slightly darker than that of the others where he stood. Lewyn Martell approached and bowed to the would be king. Your grace, we are ready!

Very well, go forth.
Rhaegar commanded, and the knight obliged. Standing up he proceeded to walk down the road toward the incoming lords. He was trailed by twenty soldiers, two of which carried banners of House Targaryen. Soon he would come into view of the lords, and halt his path. Welcome, lords of the realm! Prince Rhaegar is ready to welcome you to King's Landing, and is waiting for you bend the knee and swear fealty to him as your one, true king! I am here to escort you to him at once!
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Briss Island - Post 4

The lords had finally reached the holy land of the King's Landing, one by one they arrived with each having a soldier holding their banners up high wrapped around what appeared with a lance or spear. The wind would blow their flags up high to have those in the King's Landing sight each of the lord's insignia, fluttering with the subtle breeze.

Tywin Lannister thinking: ' At least have the decency to get your wretched ass out to meet us '​

Tygett Lannister would move his head forty degrees up and note something odd, sweat would trickle down the man's head as he spotted something out of the ordinary. It was a giant appearing out of the blue, the sighting was very unusual, especially on the very earth of Briss, the sound of feet moving creating booming sounds. The very sound would have the horses out in the front neigh and rise to their hindlegs and refuse to go any further.

Tygett Lannister thinking: ' You gotta be shitting me, giants are supposed to be in myths alone '​

The sight of the giant behind the gates was obvious the closer the Lannister's got to the gates and soldiers who appeared to the front.
Welcome, lords of the realm! Prince Rhaegar is ready to welcome you to King's Landing, and is waiting for you bend the knee and swear fealty to him as your one, true king! I am here to escort you to him at once!

Tywin Lannister: " Such arrogance, why doesn't Rheagar come out and greet us. Then I'll make my mind up to taking the knee. "​

Kevan Lannister: " Does Rheagar show us Lords such shame? ... Does he bequest us such disrespect? ... How dare he belittle us Lord's in such a manner "​

Tygett Lannister: " Since we the first lord's here, where's our hospitality soldier? ... If he wishes us to take the knee then at least come an greet us or does he hide himself because his balls are fiddled around by that oaf behind them gates? "​

Meanwhile, the other lords were a little further back and would not come into earshot as to the words back and forth between the Lannister brothers and the chosen soldiers of Rheagar, until Tywin who'd become annoyed yelled from the bottom of his lungs whilst clenching his lance and sword.



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King's Landing Defense #5 @Dream

Lewyn Martell delivered his speech, hopeful that it would go well and the lord would accept the olive branch extended toward them. After all he did not want this to come to actual bloodshed, though he had been warned that this would be very possible. And as such he had delivered the words with as much humility as he could muster, so it would shock him that their responses were all but civil.
Tywin Lannister: " Such arrogance, why doesn't Rheagar come out and greet us. Then I'll make my mind up to taking the knee. "
Kevan Lannister: " Does Rheagar show us Lords such shame? ... Does he bequest us such disrespect? ... How dare he belittle us Lord's in such a manner "
Tygett Lannister: " Since we the first lord's here, where's our hospitality soldier? ... If he wishes us to take the knee then at least come an greet us or does he hide himself because his balls are fiddled around by that oaf behind them gates? "
With each word spoken, Lewyn felt his skin reddening more and more, feeling as if his blood was starting to boil. Even though they could see the giants who were infact outside the wall, waiting for the lords along with Rhaegar, they claimed he was too much of a coward to come meet them. Behind him, the honor guard shuffled as hands moved to sword hilts, anger rising among them too. How dare they speak of the prince, nay the king in such ways?

What do you think His Grace is? Some sort of lap dog to come treat with you cats? Lewyn spat, speaking to Tywin, referencing their coat of arms with a lion. With every word his anger rose, his hand also landing on his sword's hilt. The heir to the Dragon awaits you just outside of the gates of King's Landing, and I think I will not allow any of you approach carrying weapons.
Lay down your arms at once and I shall allow you to accompany me to swear your due allegiance. Lewyn drew his sword, followed by his guards drawing theirs as well. Steel reflecting the midday sun, he raised his blade to point toward the Lord of the West, Tywin Lannister. I will not allow you to speak such words in the presence of His Grace Rhaegar Targaryen!


Larsi stood next to Rhaegar, their eyes focused on the west where the Lords were approaching from. In silence they waited, but the pirate was not idly standing by letting the potential enemies approach unseen, instead reaching out with his haki to sense a great area. Although the meeting was far enough away that he couldn't sense or hear specifically what was happening, he could still feel the animosity that was coming from the initial meeting up ahead. His voice even and low, for Rhaegar and Zahel alone, he spoke his thoughts clearly. I don't think that the parlay is going well.

Rhaegar said nothing, not trusting himself to not say something he would regret. All he could hope was that he would not lose another knight to the lords, he was already down three King's Guards. He almost looked over to the three ominous figures that stood behind Zahel, cloaked in dark hoods, but stopped himself. Knowing what they were and what cost they had come to sent a shiver down his spine. No, he would not acknowledge them.
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Briss Island - Post 5

The Lannisters who felt wrong dunned when their daughter got rejected in a proposed marriage voiced their disdain. Tywin Lannister the instigator of the commotion had reason to kickstart the fuss, despite being a lord felt his rank meant nothing in the more extensive matter. From the very moment of the rejection that took place Tywin Lannister and Rhaegar Targaryen, had not seen eye to eye since then. Hoping to at least have him in his presence might have taken a different route, but in this case scenario it would still be a mystery as to what might've happened.

With the commotion heating up the loud voice of Tywin had alerted the other lords who were just in earshot, with the first few lords arriving at the scene being none other than Balon Greyjoy, Mace Tyrell, and Garlan Tyrell.

Lewyn who understandably was enraged at the comments made by Tywin then snapped back but with more rational responses and was straight to the point, one would understand the member of the King's Guard as highly esteemed. However, right now he stood before a Lord who felt that their right as a lord meant nothing. The ranks of the Lords and King's Guard was considered equals, though the Lords held power, the King's Guard like the very namesay were a group established to protect the king at all times.
Sorry if you've already established that the King's Guard was higher in the structure of the foundation of Briss.

What do you think His Grace is? Some sort of lap dog to come treat with you cats? Lewyn spat, speaking to Tywin, referencing their coat of arms with a lion. With every word his anger rose, his hand also landing on his sword's hilt. The heir to the Dragon awaits you just outside of the gates of King's Landing, and I think I will not allow any of you approach carrying weapons.

Lay down your arms at once and I shall allow you to accompany me to swear your due allegiance
. Lewyn drew his sword, followed by his guards drawing theirs as well. Steel reflecting the midday sun, he raised his blade to point toward the Lord of the West, Tywin Lannister. I will not allow you to speak such words in the presence of His Grace Rhaegar Targaryen!
Tywin's eyes enlargened, he teeth gritted, he was about to act in cold blood but he wasn't the only one but the other Lannister's felt the same in unison. But before any action could be committed a shout was sounded that would have all parties halt.

Balon Greyjoy: " Stop this all of you! "​

Balon's shouting would be something out of desperation the closer he got to the area then turned to both Tywin and Lewn before speaking to both.

Balon Greyjoy: " As a fellow Lord, Lewyn I'd like to apologise for causing a scene and Tywin as a fellow Lord i request you stand down. Lannisters stand down and at least show Lewyn and Rheagar some respect, he might still be a kid but he's still the heir to King's Landing. "​

Then a snicker could be heard as another came behind Tywin and whispered

Mace Tyrell: " You really gonna let Lewyn go, after he made you look like a bitch? "​

Rickard Stark and Hoster Tully: " Enough "

The two men then would unsheathe their swords and place their weapons as a means of good faith with Balon following suit. However one appeared right before Lewyn charging his attack with an aura that would alter the color of the point of his lance with oozing blood lust that could be felt in the circumference.

Garlan Tyrell: " Maybe i should kill you Lewyn, would that bring that ~ "​

Before the man could finish he'd have his lance grabbed and moved out the way was none other than Hoster Tully and Robert Baratheon. For that moment chaos would have brew from that moment had Garlan committed to his action, and in response the Lords kept to their word and oath to prevent inner chaos.

Robert Baratheon: " I am sorry Lewyn, Mace you better put him on a leash or your kingdom will face the fate that Sunspear went through "​

Garlan would exasperate then take a deep breathe then sarcastically comment

Garlan Tyrell: " I was joking around "​

With all Lords handing their weapons as quickly as the moment was lit with a fire expanding it got blown away, which would shock Lewyn who stood there.

Jon Arryn : " Lewyn can you show us the way? "​


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King's Landing Defense #6 @Dream

Lewyn Martell felt his blood rising, even as the other lords interjected. He had come expecting strong words, but he had underestimated their depravity, even considering the circumstances. He did not put his sword away even as Lord Balon spoke, trying to deescalate the situation. Instead his eyes fell on Mace Tyrell, hearing the taunts he leveled at his fellow lord. His son even threatened Lewyn, but the lords only argued among themselves.
Jon Arryn : " Lewyn can you show us the way? "
Lewyn drew a deep breath, closing his eyes for a long moment to calm himself. When he opened them again he slid the blade back into its sheath and gestured his guards to do the same. Reluctantly they put away their steel, muttering between themselves as they did. Anger still brewing beneath the surface, Lewyn turned his horse around and headed back towards King's Landing, speaking only curtly to the lords as he did. Follow then, His Grace awaits.


Minutes later the procession would reach before the walls of King's Landing, where the forces of Rhaegar and Larsi were standing. Riding up into earshot of the would be king, Lewyn would stop as the lords came up behind him. Winking his left eye, Lewyn passed back the confirmation back to Rhaegar, that he was ready. In return the prince nodded. He was to proceed as planned.

It was time to force the lords' hand, to make them swear fealty and surrended to Rhaegar right now, or take up arms against their sovereign. And as such Lewyn raised his voice and shouted so all could hear. Your Grace, I bring before you the Great Lords of the Realm. They are here to swear fealty to you as their true king, but first I believe Tywin Lannister and Mace Tyrell wishes to beg you for forgiveness! It appears they have spoken ill of you, but now they wish to repent and accept any punishment you see fit!

Of course, they all knew that the punishment for such actions was cutting out the tongue, should Rhaegar decide to carry it out.
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Briss Island - Post 6

Tywin, Kevan, and Tygett Lannisters remained stood after the little vocal skirmish with Lewyn Mitchell. Feeling belittled, they'd allow Lewyn's words to burn into the retina and memory of the words to hold a grudge against him. Though they wouldn't be the only ones doing so, Mace and Garlan Tyrell, the lords of the Highgarden region of Briss.

Though Tywin Lannister, whose blood was pumping at a faster rate with his facial expression showing his feelings well with his nose enlargened and standing on edge waiting to explode.

With the situation de-escalated from where it was going, the other lord's intervention prevented from tensions rising.

Gonna stop using pictures to show who's talking

Rickard Stark: " Thank you for your patience Lewyn. I'd like to apologise for the antics of a Lord "​

With Lewyn calmed himself down and unsheathing then turned around with the Lords following right behind directly through the gates of King's Landing.

Robert Baratheon: " Mace my fellow Lord, it's only where the lords access the next path so i suggest you request Garlan to await your return once we pass them doors "​

Mace stood still with his hand turning into a shape of a fist
Mace Tyrell: " I know very well Robert ... Garlan i need you to wait for me here "​
Kevan Lannister: " Tywin, we'll wait over here and wait for you to return "​

The Lannisters all that arrived remained outside the throne room and outside the front with Garlan.

After a few minutes having Lewyn led the way to where the new King awaited with his allies that assisted his ascent. Rheagar stood with Larsi and allies, who'd have Lewyn lead the Lords before him as he took a glance backward indicating where the lords will pause.

Your Grace, I bring before you the Great Lords of the Realm. They are here to swear fealty to you as their true king, but first I believe Tywin Lannister and Mace Tyrell wishes to beg you for forgiveness! It appears they have spoken ill of you, but now they wish to repent and accept any punishment you see fit!
Mace Tyrell stood hearing his name being mentioned startled.

Mace Tyrell: " I'm sorry your highness but i have not spoken any ill will of you "​

Twyin Lannister remained mute as he appeared looking down at the floor, slowly breathing as visions of his daughter being rejected, the brief vocal skirmish with Lewyn outside to the other lords intercepting anything escalating.

Balon Greyjoy looked back and saw Twyin Lannister lost in his thoughts as he stood behind all the other lords, not appearing to have heard anything.

Balon Greyjoy: " Twyin Lannister, i repeat Twyin Lannister, the majesty has asked you a question "​

Having his heard look up as if he was just woken up, unaware of what just happened then asked

Twyin Lannister: " I apologise sorry was i was in another world. I'd like to have what was asked repeated. "​

Hoster Tully would be the one to repeat Lewyn's words:
Your Grace, I bring before you the Great Lords of the Realm. They are here to swear fealty to you as their true king, but first I believe Tywin Lannister and Mace Tyrell wishes to beg you for forgiveness! It appears they have spoken ill of you, but now they wish to repent and accept any punishment you see fit!
Twyin Lannister: " I apologise again, but you must know why i spoke ill will of you Rheagar after everything that has happened "​

It was a sudden change of character that responded as Twyin understood the consequences of not apologising but also he had to make Rheagar understand it from his point of view.

Though before anyone else can respond Rickard Stark would speak.

Rickard Stark: " Apologies if i overstep my bounds, but i'd like to ask as our new majesty, how did our previous king Aerys Targaryen pass away? ... I understand if you don't want to respond but even you must be aware we lords are also curious "​

Rickards words were also on the tongue of the other lords, though before anyone else could respond he spoke again

Rickard Stark: " I wish not to speak these words in front of strangers and before we pledge our oaths and fealty to you. I've heard reports of some here present in this room conducting plans against the nobility. "​

The reveal of what Rickard stated would have the entire room shocked, enough that would even have everyone begin to ponder who


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #7 @Dream

Rhaegar waited in silence as the great Lords started making excuses and bickering among themselves, standing tall in his black armor, his hair and cloak stirring in the wind. To his sides the pirates and knights echoed him, faces impassive and lips closed. Mace Tyrell made excuses, claiming he had not spoken ill of the would be king, although he had by extension, as he had spoken foul words towards the knight that was his sworn shield.

It went on for several minutes, the lords speaking back and forth, yet Rhaegar and is cohorts kept held their tongues. Several of them muttered half apologies, followed by pitiful excuses. With a frown on his face, the soon to be king waited for them to finish, waited for Rickard to inquire about the death of his father. Even after that, Rhaegar remained silent, his eyes looking from one lord to another, disapproval apparent on his face. Larsi and the pirates remained impassive, and the knights visage was hidden behind their helmets. Finally, Rhaegar himself broke the silence that had fallen over the field outside King's Landing.

My father was an old man. The prince said, eyes still passing from one lord to another. His voice took on a sad tone, his face darkened. It was the stress that killed him, coupled with injuries from the throne itself. It happened as a result of skirmish with these pirates here, though we have since made alliances together. No one struck a blow to him, and I mourn him more than anyone else. I hope that in the memory of him we can come together stronger than ever as one, as I have with these gentlemen.

As Rhaegar spoke, Larsi raised his eyebrow and looked to Zahel, who returned the look. Though neither dared speak up, they both thought the words spoken were quite abrasive and dismissive of the lords' concerns. Especially given that they even in the scenario he presented, the pirates would still be to blame for the stress that caused ended up causing Aerys to pass away. It was quite obvious, and Rhaegar was intentionally goading them to get any possible reaction from them now, rather than later.
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Salty Doubloons
Briss Island - Post 7

After some bickering of the Lord's, from one to the other, the lord's will then be pushed against the wall with them knowing full well of the consequences. Mace Tyrell was first under interrogation, but was first to respond then came Tywin Lannister for his actions earlier but gave a honest response, though would the King to be believe him was still in the air.

Then Rickard Stark asked the question that was on all of the lord's mind but due to the earlier interrogation they all became silent to hear Rheagar's response.
My father was an old man. The prince said, eyes still passing from one lord to another. His voice took on a sad tone, his face darkened. It was the stress that killed him, coupled with injuries from the throne itself. It happened as a result of skirmish with these pirates here, though we have since made alliances together. No one struck a blow to him, and I mourn him more than anyone else. I hope that in the memory of him we can come together stronger than ever as one, as I have with these gentlemen.
Hearing Rheagar's response, each of the lord's would take the knee with each of them displaying a different emotion to the words that came out.

Rickard Stark would show a stoic response, then using his thumb and index finger with tears rolling down his fingers. Tywin Lannister would express a shock on his face but remained his eyesight looking on the ground. Robert Baratheon would place his knuckles against the floor that clenched then un-clenched having his fingers widened on the floor. Balon Greyjoy and Hoster Tully would express the same reaction as Rickard Stark with warm tears down his cheeks. Jon Arryn would feel a little cold on this inside knowing the manner of how the king had died. Finally, Mace Tyrell the schemer would simply look down still holding a grudge

Rickard Stark, Balon Greyjoy, Jon Aryn and Hoster Tully thinking: ' So the king didn't die the way it was reported, but its at least better hearing it from Rheagar than the news reporting the situation '​
Tywin Lannister thinking: ' So the leak was incorrect '​
Robert Baratheon thinking: ' I didn't know the king was the bad, the last i remembered he was active, age really got to him '​
Mace Tyrell thinking: ' So he's at least half-responsible, maybe he saw Rheagar become a snake '​

Whilst the lords who were die-hard in their devotion to the previous king, were glad in some sense knowing that the false news was far too dire to what really happened. With many remaining mute the others had questions still despite the answers that came from Rheagar's mouth.

Jon Aryn: " If you don't mind to tell us Lords, how the reports leaked that you was responsible for killing the king? "​
Hoster Tully: " Those reports have made us Lord's question why you would want to commit such an action "​

Mace Tyrell wouldn't be the one to ask any questions or ponder but was quick to note that pirates were responsible with his eyes moving at the direction of the pirates.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #8 @Dream

Rhaegar listened in silence, even letting the last two troublemakers speak their incendiary words. His purple eyes fell on each separate lord as they spoke, his face impassive and mouth a thin line. Even as they finished speaking, he let the silence drag on for a nearly half a minute. Soldiers shuffled and horses stirring. Finally, he broke the silence.

My father died the way I reported to each one of you in my heartfelt letter, hoping to bring us together. Rhaegar said, his voice brimming with anger. Once more he looked from lord to lord, taking them in, his eyes seeking out theirs. I am aghast that you would believe some lowlife, rather than me, his son. You accuse me of not only patricide, but also regicide? It is unacceptable!

Metal ground against metal as Rhaegar pulled his sword from its sheath, shoving it forward through the air.
Are we done with this facade? I tire of explaining what I have already informed you of days ago!
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Salty Doubloons
Briss Island - Post 8

The lords of the land, each coming from their own territory yet were placed in their specific locations by now the former King stood before his son, the now and current King. Each lord had their own respective relationship with Aerys Targaryen, from drinking buddies to colleagues that once stood shoulder to shoulder to liberate Briss. Though that was now a bygone era, the new era that was in the mind of Rheagar and Larsi of the Vampirates held a different motive and route they wanted to take Briss.

Rheagar remained silent as he heard each Lord speak, even turning his gaze at each of them then spoke with more emotion that being anger as he revealed the motive behind the reports leaked to each lord. Shocking them immediately, noting everything was intricately planned from the manner of the previous King's death to the way the report was leaked to get the lords to move.

At this moment they all realised this entire ordeal was nothing but a trap, each of the Lords took the bait and now there was no turning back.

Robert Baratheon would be the first with the outburst, his tone was out of reaction after serving in the military and once member of the King's Guard.

Robert Baratheon: " You son of a bitch "​
Rickard Stark: " You dare to trick us? "​

Balon Greyjoy worried after he and Jon Arryn were the only pacifist lords yet the others were more battlefield veterans.

Mace Tyrell had a shiver run down his spine as he closed his eyes composed himself then clenched his fist as he rose to his feet, his hand imbued with armament haki.

The other lords each standing to their feet having seen Rheagar as an enemy and all immediately recognising the events that led to this was nothing but a spider laying its web with the lords being entrapped.

The Briss Island, Civil War was about to commence and their was no turning back.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #9 @Dream

The intention might have been to trap the lords here, to force them to either rebel here or begrudgingly bend the knee. Yet the anger that brewed within Rhaegar at this moment was as real as could be. They had disrespected him, disregarded him and ignored his statement. Even if they were thinking rebellious thoughts, such words that they had spoken were enough to warrant the death penalty. You will lay down your arms this very second, I will-

They won't listen to you, Your Grace.
A large hand placed upon his shoulder, Rhaegar turned towards Larsi who spoke calmly, too quiet for the enemy to hear. The pirate looked forward across the grassy plains, where the lords and their vassals gathered. A grim on his face, the giant strode past the king, into the killing field. Time to thin the herd.

The king might have spoken to object, but he saw the anger among the lords, the hands falling to weapons, and held his tongue. His remaining King's Guard closed in around him, weapons drawn. Larsi himself meanwhile had crossed half the distance between the two armies, yet had drawn no weapons. The chains that wrapped around his arms clinked lightly against each other, as if awaiting what was about to happen. Deciding he was close enough, Larsi unleashed a burst of power, sending it washing over the enemy with great force. The color of supreme king unleashed as he never had before, it was as lighting struck despite the bright sun shining down from above.


Striking the rebellious lords, his power would knock almost all it encountered unconscious, even including several of the lords. Out of those present, Mace Tyrell, Jon Arynn, Tywin Lannister and Rickard Stark would all be too weak to overcome the power. Rickard's two younger sons, Eddard and Benjen both would succumb too, as would Tywin's brother Kevan. From Storm's End Bryce Caron, Beric Dondarrion, Jon Connington and Stannis Baratheon would all fall. The rest would remain standing, yet all but three would be beset by an immense set of fear, any of them liable to flee or otherwise forfeit the battle. The only three that would remain unaffected would be Gregor Clegane, Robert Baratheon and Lyn Corbray. In mere seconds, the tides of the battles would have shifted, and Larsi unslung his giant juttes, while the other pirates readied for battle. Come on then, you cowards!
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Salty Doubloons
Briss Island - Post 9

The lords stood before the current king of the lands, though it was King Rheagar who'd mastermind the entire ordeal with the pirates led under Larsi of the Vampirate Empire. The lords who were all perplexed at what they was just hearing each rose to their feet angered with many grabbing their weapons. Rheagar would order them to lay their weapons down, which was very brash to the lords from first informing them of such a thing to then ask them to lay their weapons down.

Rickard Stark: " First you - "​

Before he could finish a towering voice would cut him off, Larsi would then do the unspeakable in an instant by culling the numbers by systematically taking the majority of those out. A burst of conqueror's haki was let out as many of the vassals and lords included dropped to their knees whilst some passed out on their knees many collapsed to the floor just leaving those who withstood the onslaught.

All but three remained who still were stood though they felt the tremble from the outburst, that being Gregor Clegane, Lyn Corbray, and Lord Robert Baratheon .

Robert Baratheon thinking: ' What was that? ... Did he just use Haoshoku Haki? ... He posses it too like the former King ... "​

He gritted his teeth tightening his grip on his weapon with Gregor and Lyn.

Lyn then charged at Larsi as he roared with haki beginning to emit into his sword then attacked Larsi.

Lyn Corbray: " Hummingbird Strike "​

With Lyn attacking on Larsi's left, Gregor would follow suit though coming from Larsi's right though he charged his spear with augmentated by haki.

Gregor Clegane: " Medieval Impaler "​

Lyn and Gregor Str = 81 = Large Building Level

Both attacks DPR A
+2 Hardening

Total DPR = Island Level

Robert seeing the two vassal's attack Larsi would turn his attention to the King, knowing he was the one he had beef with then charged blitzing at him and the King's Guard as he swung his hammer that was coated with a tremendous amount of Busoshoku Haki.

Robert Baratheon: " The Bartheon Swing "​

Robert Str = 81 = Large Building Level
Baratheon Swing = DPR S
+2 Hardening

Total DPR = Small Country Level


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #10 @Dream

Seeing that three of his foes were not even halted by the force of his haki both surprised and impressed Larsi. Yet he didn't worry, even as two of them rushed straight towards him, weapons drawn. What did surprise him however was the lord of the Baratheon family, Robert himself, run past Larsi himself towards the King himself. A chuckle escaped his mouth as he turned to face Lyn Corbray and Gregor Clegane as they neared him. The fool thought he could take out the leader before anyone else? Too hasty...

The former leader of the Silver Hair Pirates threw his arms backwards, letting go of his juttes even as the two knights started drawing close. Sailing backwards, the chains that wrapped around the giant's arm unfurled, as they were attached to the base of the weapons. A grim smile spread across his face as he looked from one foe then to the other, before whipping his arms over his head in a downward chop. Pulling his chains along, he ripped the juttes now blackened by his spirit, off the ground before they even settled, throwing them up in the air then crashing down towards the two foes even as they began their strikes towards the pirate.

The force would be so great that neither of the strikes were impeded by the attack of either knights, and should they land cleanly were sure to destroy both of them in one hit. Added to the fact that the juttes were made for Larsi, they were larger than either of the knight's bodies, and as such could easily crush them entirely in one strike.

The user tosses one of the juttes behind them, then pulls at the rope/chain swinging it over their head and bringing it down on their target with great force.Rank S, Requires 100 in both masteries, strength and reaction speed. If at least two of the four stats are 120, the base rank is increased to S+.

120: 5. Town Level + 3(haki) +5(S+) = 13. Moon Level
Attack is 4 or more DPR higher: Overwhelms the weaker attack and is largely unaffected.

Robert Baratheon might have counted himself lucky, though his loss would be a slow affair. Charging past the giant and targeting Rhaegar himself was a foolish endeavour, putting him in right in the jaws of the dragon. Surrounded by his four remaining King's Guard, Rhaegar stepped backward as Jaime Lannister and Arthur Dayne stepped forward. Swords drawn, both of them blackened their blades though Jaime was the one to step in front. Arthur spun to the side, striking directly towards Robert Baratheon's exposed side, striking horizontally. Jaime swung similarly, but instead meeting Robert's strike head on and stopping him from reaching the king. Together, both shouted out in defiance of the attacker. King's Vengeance!

Robert Str = 81 = Large Building Level
King's Vengeance = DPR S
+2 Hardening

Total DPR = Small Country Level

Meanwhile Rhaegar stepped back and whispered a command to a man standing next to him. Zahel did the same, then motioned for the rest of the pirates to step forward. Slowly they would start moving towards the enemy line, making sure to stay clear of Larsi and his foes. As they stepped forward, cannons sounded both from inside the city and out on the water from the four ships located there, just as it had days before. This time however the strikes were coordinated, and a few seconds later the artillery would bear down on the forces of the enemy lords that had either fallen or faltered due to Larsi's Haoshokou Haki. Explosions would rock the field, devastating the foes even further, though those who had not fainted would probably have time to defend of avoid the bombardments.
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Salty Doubloons
Briss Island - Post 10

Silver Hair by name and reputation, was someone who held power and fear amongst his peers. His actions thus far in Briss were exactly that, with his chains, he imbued them with his spirit right at where Lyn Corbray and Gregor Clegane were in line. Both of them who were left wide open weren't in the same league.

Both of them were just like flies ready to be swatted, that was to occur with both being catapulted. Neither of them knew the very moment they attacked Larsi, they were playing with their own fate and neither in their hands to control any longer. Both slammed into the side of the wall, blood would splatter against the bricked wall as the other would have his armor destroyed upon impact.

Robert, who on the other hand took it as his initiative by getting rid of the problem that started all of this, none other than Rheagar. Blitzing directly at him only for the King's Guard to stand in the way, coating their swords in armament hardening meeting Roberts's attack head-on. The attacks colliding would create a huge impact with a gust of wind blowing all parties backward, Robert gritted as his back landed against the other side of a wall behind him.

Robert Baratheon thinking: ' Damn '​

Rheagar and the Vampirates, led under Larsi's command were not just one step ahead, but like 4D chess, were simply pulling the strings on the entire ordeal. The movement of canons would alert Robert's ears but he was very little to do anything about the situation with all the fellow lords and all those who arrived at the King's palace with them were now sitting ducks. The very location was rocked, and the ground below bellowed as the bodies of the many lords ricocheted into the skies and catapulted in different locations, suffering burns and being dismembered upon impact.

Robert who was nearby would have his legs buckle under the bombardment and then be sent flying backwards, the duo Lyn Corbray and Gregory Clegane were now un-alive with their lifeless bodies.

Rheagar now stood hand in hand with Larsi and the Vampirates with only one obstacle left, Robert Baratheon who remained breathing and covered in debris and the lords' blood.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #11 @Dream

Larsi's juttes struck both their targets, shattering bone and crushing flesh as the two knights were thrown aside like ragdolls, bloodied and dying. Still the huge weapons carried own, still unimpeded by the clash with the bodies, crashing into the ground itself. Two successive explosions rocked the battlefield as the juttes tore into the soil, throwing aside large amounts of grass, dirt and debris. The ground heaved, and the pirates that had been making their way around the giant stopped to steady themselves. Several of the living ones felt a tingle run up their spine, a nervous sweat coating their body.

Is that not overkill, boss? Zahel said from Larsi's left, looking at where the two knights had been tossed.

Larsi admitted as he pulled the juttes back, coiling the chains around his wrists again and grabbing the handles of the two weapons. He was happy to notice that neither of them had suffered damage from the attacks, though his haki should be enough to prevent such a travesty. But by defeating these two like this, I thought perhaps I could shatter their already weakened spirit. So far I am not convinced.

It was then that the artillery launched before came down on the battlefield. Scattered across those that had been affected by Larsi's Haoshoku Haki, he was curious to see how they'd handle this attack. The explosions weren't very strong, he expected most to survive the barrage. As he stood and waited to see the outcome of the bombardment, he again spoke calmly to Zahel. You are keeping an eye on the king, I hope.

Of course, I'll be ready if the knights fail.

Larsi said, striding forward before the smoke even cleared, curious to see the aftermath.
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Salty Doubloons
Briss Island - Post 11

The power play was executed in a frightening and elevated way, systematically taking not one but all the lords' minus one. All that remained after the canon's detonating at the targetted lords' were just debris and dust. Robert's hand would all that remain in the debris that covered the rest of the body, his fingers twitched then dragged himself up only to witness the carnage caused by Silver Hair.

OOC: To use the gif from 3:55 - 4:12

He'd bare witness to the decimation of the other lords that some lay before him, others within the rubble of the debris, and others with limbs here and there.

Robert Baratheon thinking: ' What just happened ... this can't be real ...'

His eyes widened, having the fates of the lord sink into his retina that this entire ordeal all began with one, one named Prince Rheagar. Robert's fist clenched with him rising to his feet as armament hardening coated his hands that traveled through his weapon.

He'd look left and right until he noticed Rheagar.

Robert Baratheon: " RHEAGAR! "​

Shouting with rage of the man he held accountable for the actions, blood flowed through his veins much quicker as he then pounced at the direction at where Rheagar was. He allowed his blood lust to consume him, no longer the calm Robert was at the wheel. He'd imbued both fists then later the weapons he held in both hands with armament haki, hardening them as they turned black showing his resolve and spirit.

He'd charge with his spear before him aiming at Rheagar's torso, whereas his other arm trailing behind him for a overarm swing with the hammer to come down on him was his plan.

Robert Baratheon: " DIE WITH HONOR! "​

-Hammerhandling: 81
-Lancing: 80

^ Shouldn't that be 81 in Lancing?
Robert Base Str = 81 = Large Building Level
DPR S (Die with Honor) = +4
+2 Hardening
Total DPR = Small Country Level

For the first time he totally washed out the King's Guard earlier but now fuelled with rage, he completely washed their existence away and simply allowed his emotion of getting Rheagar drove him.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
King's Landing Defense #12 @Dream

The bombardment from both sets of artilleries crashed down on the disorderly army before the pirates, throwing up dirt and sending a myriad smaller explosions off. Satisfied that the initial danger was over, Larsi and the rest of the pirates started walking forwards with weapons held at the ready, though Zahel lingered back so he could keep an eye on Rhaegar as well, though it seemed unlikely that he would be needed.

Two hundred zombies fanned out in front of them, scanning the battlefield as they descended into smoke air. Behind walked the officers and elite fighters, Larsi, Kaladin, Vin, Kelsier, Human, Koujiro and Vivenna. Grunting in annoyance at not being able to see, the only figure larger than Larsi himself gripped is humongous sword with the flat side, sending a wide wave of wind across the battlefield to reveal the carnage. Human grunted in approval, happy to be able to see again, while Kelsier smiled and whispered a comment to Vin. She didn't return the smile, only looked at the blue skinned giant for a moment before surveying the scene before them with the rest.

None of the enemy seemed to be standing on their feet, but many voices of agony sounded all around them as several figures stirred. They were down for now, but what they did next would decide if chaos fell on them again.

I want him alive! Rhaegar commanded his King's Guard as he stepped back even further, giving them room to work and away from Robert's initial range. Yet even as he trusted them, the ferocity of the lord send a chill down his spine and he felt his hand wrap around the hilt of his sword ever so tight in anticipation.

Wordlessly the four knights moved in unison towards the lone warrior among them. Already they had knocked him down, and now they worked in double numbers. While Jaime before had blocked the strike, he now moved aside with the fluidity of a cat, a lion. In his place Jonothor Darry stepped forwards, shield raised. The white wall that it was suddenly was coated in black as he pushed it forwards with his full strength, enough to crush stone.

Oswell Whent, Arthur Dayne and Jaime Lannister circled all around the enraged lord, swords bearing down on him. Where before blades had been aimed at his body, they now slammed the flat of their swords against his body from all directions. Blackened metal aimed to pound him from the left, right and back, breaking the man through unrelenting punishment.

All four attacks are once again small country level like robert

And yeah, that's a typo lol, should be 81
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