Island Skypiea


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: larsi
Angel Beach
Cpt. said:
"I-...I don't intend to cause you any trouble!" he says quickly are nervously. "We'll just be heading to my family's home now." He begins to slowly walk away from her.
Hearing a familiar voice, Conis cocked her head, trying to make sense of who the voice belonged to. Wait, heading to his family's home? Conis was suddenly torn between happiness of seeing her old friend and the sadness of the fate of his mother. Shalki, is that you? But...
joby said:
"Hey do you know where we can find En--I mean 'God-sama'......... theres something I reaaaally wanna ask him for,"
The shock half made Conis forget what she was going to say, and without thinking she blurted out what she had been afraid to mention. Enel lives in Upper Yard, but you mustn't go there. Shalki's mother was killed 2 years ago for going ther- Conis stopped mid sentence, quickly turning to Shalki again while covering her mouth, dropping Su in the process. Shock and sadness filled her face, but she could only imagine how Shalki himself felt. Once again though her thought process was interrupted by one of Shalki's friend.
Chris Mic said:
''Heso'', young lady? Not to be rude, but that means ''take a dump'' where I am from! Is this meant to be directed towards me? Is this an offense? Friendly advice? How do you know I've eaten anything today even? Are you an idiot?
Bombarded by questions, poor Conis had no idea what to respond to any of it, and was about to open her mouth to speak. However, the only thing escaping her mouth was a scream as the skeleton member of the crew uttered his own words.
Portgas D. Xatch said:
One might think it was the surprise, or his skeletal appearance that scared her, but it was just the specific words. Grabbing Su off of the ground again, Conis took a few steps away from the creature, knowing what was coming. And sure enough, with Xatch as the epicenter a wide beam of light shone down on the ground, intensifying by each second. After 3 full seconds, a beam of lightning would crash down on and around Xatch's location, creating a crater in the ground, and at least severely burning Xatch if he did not move.

Upper Yard
God chuckled in his seat, wondering if the creature would be able to escape his wrath. Such blasphemy.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: smileyman
Kiki suddenly remembered what was happening... snapped out of his day dream, furious not only with himself for not thinking about his crew mates sooner but furious for this Enel that suddenly attacked his friends.

Unable to see his friends from his vantage point, Kiki got up at stormed towards the beach.

Kiki just stepped onto the beach when he was distracted again when he saw Xatch naked. Kiki cocked his head like a confused dog and said "Xatch... Why are you naked?"

Then before Xatch could answer Kiki realised he was distracted again and furiously looked around to find Enel... after what was seconds Kiki looked at his friends again and thought "they looked well enough" Kiki asked extremely confused "Where is Enel?"

Then suddenly Kiki was blinded by what appeared to be wild thunder pouring down from the heavens like one giants waterfall.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: joby
Angel Beach
Jobymamushi was about to try and comfort the obviously overwhelmed girl who was greeting them... when suddenly Xatch jumps up behind them, to play a prank.

Turning around to chastise his Vice Captain for being such an impolite guest, suddenly Jobymamushi's hair stands on end!

Activating his observation haki (+6 reaction/total 81) Joby's reaction speed is one bracket above Enel's attack speed, (he has no problem reacting to this attack). Reacting quickly and decisively, holding his signature tiger fork in his tail, Jobymamushi stretches his rubbery tail upwards above Xatch (who is standing directly behind him), and using his metal tiger fork like a lightning rod, 'catches' the lightning with it and immediately tosses it straight down into the ground next to Xatch and himself, taking care to diffuse the electricity from the beam of lightning straight into the ground with a gigantic electric BANG! The glowing light from the impact was impressive, but rendered effectively harmless. So this is the power of his DF that Shalki-tan had told us about, there is no mistaking it... that wasn't normal lightning....

If Joby didn't wanna kill Enel enough as it was... him targeting his precious friend Xatch was a literal death sentence in Jobymamushi's mind.

Joby glares up at the sky as he yanks the tiger fork out of the ground with his left arm, giving the 'God' in the clouds a look that could only be understood to mean, "I'm gonna kill you, chop your fooking head off and stick it in a jar on my ship as a party decoration..."

Turning his glare back toward the beach and softening his expression as he deactivates his haki, Joby looks around at his crew and Conis,

"Is everyone alright?"


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: ranger
Coins: “Enel lives in Upper Yard, but you mustn't go there. Shalki's mother was killed 2 years ago for going ther-“

Shalki freezes in place at the sound of the words. At first his eyes scrunch up as he tries to process the information
what? M-mom...dead?
He stares off blankly into the world, but then it hits him. Real tears of water start to form in Shalki’s eyes. His mouth is just barely open as if he was supposed to say something, but he was unable. Stuck in his thoughts.

No, she...everyone knows not to go to upper yard, she wouldn’t...This has got to be some kind of sick joke. Coins probably just hates me. She’s trying to make me feel sick because I am a disgrace to skypieans. Yea! That’s it! He lifts his head up a bit and gives off a crazed smiles, still facing away from everyone. He responds to Conis:

“HA HA HA yea I am probably just scaring you! That’s a good way to get me to leave, I understand!” He turns around as he says this “But don’t worry, I don’t plan to stay here long. No need for a cyborg in the sky right!?” He immediately starts to run away.

Suddenly a beam of light shone down behind Shalki. Crackling in the clouds above could be heard. Shalki knew exactly what this meant. But in his mental state he wasn’t fit to do anything about it.

Run along home, that’s all I need to do! Run along home and see everyone, who cares if they aren’t happy to see me anyway! I’ll be so glad to see them!

Shalki’s face was a twisted amalgamation of emotions that couldn’t be easily shown. Wether it was visually true or not, he could feel this. His mouth forming a half smile while the other half looked like he was about to laugh. His right eye was pushed up from his cheek in an angry confusion while his left stood completely still and watered. He ran up the beach toward and stepped onto “lovely street” moving in the direction of his house. In his mind a small memory of him running home from a day playing with dials at the beach to eat dinner. It was what he began to see in front of him too. All the people he passed on his way were telling his hallucinating self, “run along home now Shalki”

The bolt of lightning struck down behind him shaking the clouds. It snapped him back and the hallucinations started to fade, his joyous, playful running turned into a mad sprint of desperation. The warm auburn light of his memory was pierced out by a bright white flash across the village. He passed the white barret but he didn’t realize it. Shalki kept running, still staring deeply at seeming nothing. But then he stopped. His heart pounding against his ribcage.

Is it really? I-I can feel it!

He brings his right hand over his chest and realizes that there are no ribs. He looks down at his hand in disappointment. No normal human heart. Just cold metal. Shalki feels sick again. He looks up, he is at his house. Slowly and begrudgingly he inches his way closer to the front door. He reaches out with his right hand. It is shaking. He touches the door knob and twists.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: chris mic
This is so sad. I legitimately feel for you. I mean it in the most heartfelt way.

Lepi was telling the truth. But...


Oh sorry. Ignore me. I won't do it again. I promise.

Lepi started waving his arm around his back as he kept observing the events.


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: xatch
Angel Beach

Shalki running off after the comments Connis made, and Joby Scalding Xatch for his "rudeness" Xatch was slowly backing away from the vicious fox demon when all heaven broke loose
. As a ferocious lightning bolt reigned down, joby intercepted by binding and grounding the lightning too a more attractive source. The sudden close call gave Xatch goose bumps (Even tho he doesn't have Geese), Jumping out of his skin (literally) Xatch exclaims....

Xatch: WHAT THE LITERAL FECK! was I just smote? smitten? smited?

Xatch just got solid conformation that GODS do exist. Graveling on his knees

Xatch (praying): Dear almighty, please please please make me 12ft tall again! I will blindly follow you and your ways if you make me tall again... also if its not too much to ask tomorrow nights lottery numbers would be cool just saying... in the name of Dragon, Luffy, and Asce Amen...


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Original Post By: ziosa

"Attack Names"

Using Skate-like shoes to propel themselves, the Shandians head through the forest; they were getting close to Upper Yard; which set some of them on edge slightly.

Seeing this Wiper stops and lets them all come to a stop around them
"We will wait here for a bit, so they can report back if something does happen"

After a while of waiting they start to hear someone approaching, picking up and preparing their weapons the group look around as the sounds get closer.

"Is it a priest?" One of them asks quietly

Wiper heads towards where the sound is coming and after a few moments lowers his weapon
"Its just Gansa"

The rest of them relax as the scout Gansa arrives and stops before them. He was abit out of breath, having come quickly from Angel Island and covering the same amount of ground in less time than the other Shandians.

"Well?" Wiper asks him after a few moments.

Getting his breath back, Gansa looks at Wiper
"A ship. A ship came up from the blue sea and headed towards Angel Island"

Wiper puffs on his cigarillo a few times "Not sure what i was expecting, but that is certainly unusual" He then speaks to the rest of them as well "This could be a good opportunity, if they attack Enel; or even somehow just distract them it gives us a chance"

Agreeing with Wiper, the Shandians decide to head back to their village. Not only to tell the others of what has happened but also to prepare for what was to come. As they are heading back, the sky flashes yellow towards Angel Island and a crack of thunder is heard.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: joby
Angel Beach

Looking around at everyone and seeing that no one was hurt, Jobymamushi is relieved. But something wasn’t right! Where the hells Shalki!!!???

Turning to face Xatch who was grovling or praying on the ground, Joby gets a little irritated,
“Oi! Xatchy! Get up!”

“Kiki! Can you see Shalki?!? Where’d he go!?! Is he hurt?! What happe—”

Jobymamushi remembered the young angel Conis’ words:

Larsi said:
Enel lives in Upper Yard, but you mustn't go there. Shalki's mother was killed 2 years ago for going ther-
Jobymamushi grits his teeth... tears well up in his eyes... Joby was an incredibly sensitive and empathic person... somewhere, on this island, his dear friend Shalki was experiencing something unimagineable.... something Jobymamushi only understood in part... joby’s face begins to melt into a weeping frown as tear begin to pour down his face... his heart was throbbing in every joint he felt his pulse as if even his blood were weeping for Shalki’s fate....

Turning his face toward Conis, he can barely find the words,

“...wha.... what did you just say? Wh....who..... who killed Shalki-tan’s Mom???”

His hand gripping his tiger fork so tightly that his nails dig into his palm and his hand begins to bleed....


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: larsi
Conis stood as petrified and watched the pillar of thunder rain down from above. Her face was illuminated by the bright light produced, yet she did not budge. Su, whom she held in her arms ttied to run, but couldn't, as it was locked in her deathgrip. The cries of the fox could barely be heard through the thunder.

By some miracle the monkey creature had managed to deflect the attack away from his comrade, but it didnt matter. There was nothing they could do to avoid God's Wrath. Sooner or later they would face it.
joby said:
“...wha.... what did you just say? Wh....who..... who killed Shalki-tan’s Mom???”
Conis didnt even turn her head as she spoke, doing so without thinking. I dont know. She washed ashore a few days later. Could be God's Militia, one of his Priests, or maybe even God himself. Realizing she was talking to enemies of God, Conis slapped a hand over her mouth, turning to face them in fear. Would she die now? Tears started streaming down her face, and she started walking away from them, not knowing what else to do.

Heso! The words were spoken from Conis' right side. Her eyes turned to find the same people she expected. The White Berets stood at the ready, adressing Shalki's friends. Wait, where was Shalki indeed? She scanned the beach but couldn't find him anywhere. The leader of the White Berets spoke again. You are found to be illegally entering our country, without paying the entrance fee. You must pay the penalty fee or face incarceration! Your friend who ran off will be turned over to you once you have paid for your crime! The White Berets had not apprehended Shalki yet, but the leader was confident he would, as he had sent 2 of his men to capture him. At this moment they would approach Shalki in an attempt to arresf him.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: don smitheroni
Everything seemed to happen so quickly, the professor became quite flustered. Between the beautiful winged girl, Xatch stripping naked (in a non ERP way), Kiki falling off of the boat, and Shalki's apparent breakdown over his mother's death, the professor didn't know what to do... And then all hell broke loose... Or perhaps haeven would be a better term... The sky it self ripped asunder and lightning cast down from above in a thunderous BOOM!!!

My God!!! What in heaven's name was that!?!? Said Gatsu with quite an obviously sarcastic tone as he crossed his arms.

I don't think taunting him is the best idea right now Gatsu... Said Casca with quite an obviously irritated tone, placing her hands on her hips. He can obviously hear us right now, just like Shalki said. She gestures towards where Shalki ran off to.

And so what if he can?... If that was him trying to get rid of us, then this is gonna be easier than I thought. Said Gatsu with quite an obviously smug tone. As long as we've got Captain monkey man over here this "god" guy ain't even a threat, just an annoyance... Gatsu spoke confidently as he gestured his thumb towards Captain Joby, who seemed to be in a terrible mood at the moment... However, as he and Conis spoke, the White Berets surrounded the group in a rather... strange... fashion, and made their demands...

Larsi said:
You are found to be illegally entering our country, without paying the entrance fee. You must pay the penalty fee or face incarceration! Your friend who ran off will be turned over to you once you have paid for your crime!
Finally, after being slightly perturbed by the white Berets statement of Shalki's apparent capture, the Professor speaks up. I have a hard time believing that you actually apprehended our friend, he's not one to give up so easily! Indeed, Shalki wouldn't lose to these fools. Not even in the distressed state he's in... I hope...


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: smileyman
When Kiki's eyes finally got used to the sudden influx of light, he could not help but be amazed by its pure awesomeness. "Was we just showered with golden shiney's?" Kiki asked himself

“Kiki! Can you see Shalki?!? Where’d he go!?! Is he hurt?! What happe—” Kiki placed his right leg forward, folded his arms behind his back and very shyly was about to say "I was distracted" when a random group of angel people arrived.

You are found to be illegally entering our country, without paying the entrance fee. You must pay the penalty fee or face incarceration! Your friend who ran off will be turned over to you once you have paid for your crime!

Kiki placed his hand on his mount in a shocked way and said "Penalty fee? You want my body right? WELL, YOU CANT HAVE IT!!"

"Wait did they just say they have Shalki?" Kiki thought and in less than half a second decided he has had enough of these strangers.

Kiki performs a flurry of kicks and punches aiming low since there was so much of a size difference, he aimed to shoot them into the sky and half them sparkle in the midday sun.

Urabure Swan Butokai (うらぶれ白鳥 (スワン) 舞踏会 Urabure Suwan Butōkai?, literally meaning "Shaking Swan Dance"): The user attacks the enemy with a flurry of kicks and punches.(31 Mastery, 21 Strength ) Destructive Potency Rank: C


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: joby
Getting the hell off Angel Beach

Larsi said:
I dont know. She washed ashore a few days later. Could be God's Militia, one of his Priests, or maybe even God himself.
Conis had verified all she had to... Jobymamushi’s mind was made up. He could see how terrified this young woman was.... not of them, but of what their arrival could mean... angering this ‘God’ Enel.... it was clear that this Man ruled over these people using their fear against them... but he was just a small fish in an even smaller pond as far as Joby was concerned.

Suddenly there was group of strange looking soldier-types approaching from their right side. Great... now what? Jobymamushi wipes the tears from his face, and hocks a massive loogie that matched his massive nose, like a bullet at the ground in front of them.

Larsi said:
You are found to be illegally entering our country, without paying the entrance fee. You must pay the penalty fee or face incarceration! Your friend who ran off will be turned over to you once you have paid for your crime!
Joby intensifies.

“What did you just say?”

Don Smitheroni said:
I have a hard time believing that you actually apprehended our friend, he's not one to give up so easily!
“Arrest us? Oi! Try it!”

Just then Kiki steps up to bat.

Smileyman said:
"Penalty fee? You want my body right? WELL, YOU CANT HAVE IT!!"
Jobymamushi hadn’t yet seen Kiki fight... it was a sight to behold. The 50ft giant stepped forward and began knocking the soldiers who had threatened to waste their time—3 or 4 at a time with his massive fists, launching them into the air in every direction, Joby couldn’t even see where they were landing—if they were landing! The giant’s movements were graceful and seductive and the violence of it all was almost elegant.

With no more ‘threats’ around them, Jobymamushi smirks approvingly at Kiki.

The plan had been to head to Shalki’s house before going to Upper Yard, that would be their best chance at meeting up with Shalki—

“Conis, which way is Shalki-tan’s house? We’re sorry to cause you trouble here today. We have come for one reason and one reason only, to kill Enel, his priests, and free this island from his control for ever. That is all.”

Turning to face the rest of his crew,

“Come on you beautiful bastards, let’s get the hell off this beach.”


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: xatch
Angel Beach

Coming back to his senses Xatch realizes he is still (non ERP) naked, and forgot to get hie "Dinger suit Thinger" Calling Back out to Prof. Don Dingo


Not waiting for a response Xatch gets caught up in the other commotion. Kiki the Giant Just sent a regiment of White Berets "blasting off again" Amazed at the sheer sparkling awesomeness of Kiki and his Martial Art Xatch's eyes pop out of his skull(if he had any) WOW my Nakama are scary!

Heading his captains Words... Xatch leads the charge off the Beach running the shame direction Shalki was going, Thinking Too himself; Cant let Kiki have all the fun! I will get the next fight!


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: don smitheroni
Angle beach

Everyone watched in awe at the beautiful display of savagery that was Kiki's obliteration of the White Berets... They fly into sky above the heavens and disappear into a sparkle of light. About halfway through the ordeal, the professor heard what Xatch had said.

Portgas D. Xatch said:
Aaah yes of course. Here you are my friend.
The professor picks up a suit from the chest beside him by using the end of his cane. He then flips the suit over and through the air using the added leverage. The suit flys through the air and lands right on top of Xatch's head as he turns to run after Shalki.

I suppose it's time to get going. The professor said as he walks to the edge of the ship and jumps off, landing on the soft cloud 'ground'.

Right behind you professor! Says Casca excitedly as they disembark on there way to Shalki's home.
Who knows what dramatic scene will await them there...


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: ranger

*The white barrettes had seen Shalki as he passed them and decided to send to pursuers to follow him. Being as they were however, the barrettes were bound to the ground crawling ever so steadily yet o' so very very slowly like a not so secretive sold snake. Shalki had arrived at his house with some time to spare before they got there.
Shalki pulls open the door to his house with his right hand. His emotional heart sank in
suspense as he took his first steps through the door. He began to say something, but he felt a sharp pain in his chest and it snatched his voicebox shut.


As the door swung open he saw a small memorial dresser with photos of his family on top of it. His father, mother, sister and himself. On a sail around the white sea smiling under the glistening sunlight of the crisp white water drops. At Angel beach, his family kicking a ball around the white sand. Sitting down together for a home cooked meal together on a traditional Skypiean thanks holday, "Fullfillsday". The pictures encircled a cluster of white roses and yellow chrysanthemum. In the center of everything was beautiful portrait of a woman. She had golden blonde hair that flowed like a gentle stream down below her shoulders. Bright blue eyes that mirror the color of the mid-day sunny sky. An enormous smile, the type she wore when watching her two beloved children play. Two small, perky antenna that ebbed backward every so slightly.

Shalki must have heard something else in the house as he opened the door, but he couldn't process it. He immediately fell to his knees. Hard enough to shake the entrance of the house and the small staircase that lay in front of him. Mouth locked open. Real tears of water overflowing down his metal cheeks. Eyes staring directly at the woman, Shalki's mom, Rali.

A girl who was in the kitchen heard the loud THUD of metal hitting the entrance floor and rushed over, but at the same time two men stood up from the ground behind Shalki at the front of his house. Placing their right hands behind their head and pointing upward with the index and pinky finger while resting their left arm behind their back they said:

White Barretts: "We had warned you that you were banned from the land of Skypiea. This return attempt is seen as a direct violation of your penalty. Your crew must pay the penalty fee or face incarceration and you must leave this land at once."

The girl gasped as she turned the corner to see a cyborg in her front door and the Skypiean police behind him.


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: larsi
Angel Beach

Conis was overwhelmed. Hearing that Shalki and his friends all had entered illegally she took a step back, distancing herself from them physically. Her fear only rose as she saw the huge woman leap at the White Berets, sending them all flying as if they were nothing. By now, her face was the color of their uniforms. Su could feel her unease and was wimpering in her arms. She absently noticed the leader of the White Berets rising to his feet, having weathered the initial flurry of attacks.

McKinley was furious. How dared they do this to them? God would not forgive them now. Pushing himself to his feet, he pointed at the attacker, rage filling his voice.

Laying a hand on us law officers is a class 2 criminal offence, its over for you...

joby said:
We have come for one reason and one reason only, to kill Enel, his priests, and free this island from his control for ever. That is all
McKinley heard the monkey's voice, but the words didnt seem to make sense to him. Absently he noticed the girl, Conis, running off screaming. Then the words started to make sense together. What was this? It was a strange feeling, one he hadnt felt for several years. Hope? He didnt know, but for now it didnt matter, as a large foot caught him square in the stomach, sending him flying.

Then, once more the air would start to glow in a pillar from the sand, this time surrounding the monkey. The area it covered was bigger than last time by almost twice as much. Once more, three seconds later, a surge of electricity would crash into the ground around and on top of where the blasphemous mink was standing.

Upper Yard

God was angry. His fingers wrapped around his scepter, pushing himself up from his seat with his free hand he walked off, out of his courtyard.
It seems I must educate some children.

-El Thor (神の裁き(エル・トール) Eru Tōru?, literally translated as "Judgment of God"): Mostly used to destroy targets from long range, the user focuses a large cluster of electricity above their target, then uses it to send a huge and powerful lightning bolt crashing down from the sky, frying the unlucky target. They can also use this attack to launch a massive lightning stream from their hand.(51 Mastery) Destructive Potency Rank: B


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original Post By: joby

As the area around Jobymamushi begins to glow, this time to a much wider degree, Joby understands that the same trick he used last time won’t work twice....

As long as the target was him, it should be fine.

As the gigantic beam of lightning rained down overhead, Joby costs his entire body in invisible haki, as he rapidly twirls his tiger fork over-head to help diffuse some of the energy and take the edge off whatever sting he might have felt from the massive jolt as it struck him.

As the blindingly bright light faded, the area around Jobymamushi’s feet had been completely eradicated, leaving him standing on a narrow pillar of island cloud, in the middle of a giant chasm. A fine layer of soot had collected over his fur, which he promptly shook off like a wet dog.

Feeling the tiniest bit soar—as one would after a nice session of Electro-massage therapy, Joby was feeling a little tired.

“Asshole.” Jobymamushi mutters under his breath, before stretching out his right arm to grab onto the gigantic direwolf skin shawl Kiki was wearing on his shoulders and pulling himself up over it, relaxing his whole body and becoming quite limp and maliable as he curled up in it like a blanket—himself no acting like another shawl thrown over the giant okama’s shoulders.

“I’m taking a god damned nap. Wake me up when we get to Shalki-tan’s”


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: smileyman
Just as the little angel men was flying through the sky, Kiki saw the angel lady run off screaming. Kiki blushed knowing he had that kinda effect on people.

She wasn't far away when the sky opponent above the captain. Kiki was going to do something, he wasn't sure what but something until he realised the captain has it all under control. Joby dealt with it perfectly, proving just again why he was the captain.

The captain wrapped himself around Kiki's neck like he was another scarf and kiki thought for a second "Pink... a pink captain would definitely compliment my outfit." Kiki had the force himself to not follow that line of thought since he considered it disrespectful to the captain.

and then it happened... Kiki's absolutely random mind came to the most absurd conclusion "The captain is sleeping around my neck. He must have trusted kiki. Could it be?" Kiki thought and then almost screamed while hopping up and down on tiptoes while clapping hands like an overexcited girl "IM THE BACKUP CAPTAIN NOW!! FOLLOW MY LEAD!!" And kiki was off running towards what appears to be town.

Kiki in his state of ecstaticism had completely forgotten that the Ship already had a "backup captain", the Captain's right-hand man


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Original Post By: xatch

Running after Shalki

Xatch was the furthest ahead of the main crew, but still trailing Shalki. UGHH where did that damn Roomba run off too as he ran Xatch notices two long drag marks in the cloud floor, Whats that? Looks like too snake tracks but they don't slither... Maybe it has something to do with Shalki. Following the two trails leads Xatch too the White Berets confronting his Nakama, Assuming this was confirming what the Beret on the beach said, Xatch thought his Nakama was captured and being held captive. This is perfect if i rescue the walking GPS I can forever rub it in his face!Xatch now starts to run straight at the two White Berets , given the skeletons size difference and strength difference plus his element of surprise, Xatch grabs both White Beret's by the heads and repeatedly smashes them together until their white berets turn a nice red, or a nice raspberry beret color. Tossing the unconscious or dead soldiers aside Xatch proclaims!


Reading the room, Xatch may have been wrong in his assumptions...


Silver Hair
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Original Post By: don smitheroni

As we walked down the beach towards the town, once again, the heavens parted and "God's" wrath was brought down upon us. This time the light centered on Captain Joby! But unlike last time, instead of performing some amazing deflection type move, he just TANK'S IT!

joby said:
“Asshole.” Jobymamushi mutters under his breath, before stretching out his right arm to grab onto the gigantic direwolf skin shawl Kiki was wearing on his shoulders and pulling himself up over it, relaxing his whole body and becoming quite limp and maliable as he curled up in it like a blanket—himself no acting like another shawl thrown over the giant okama’s shoulders.

“I’m totaking a god damned nap. Wake me up when we get to Shalki-tan’s”
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Gatsu bellows as he let's loose a hardy laugh, holding his sides, as he moves to wipe a tear of laughter from his eye. OH MAN! He shouts baerly able to contain himself. This guy just took a smite from God and wiped his ass with it! He thinks to himself. Gatsu is actually quite impressed with the mink. Sleep it off monkey man! Hahahahaha! He waves at Joby as he curls himself around Kiki's shoulders.

Wow the captain sure is strong... Says Casca as she realizes that these enormous pillers of lightning being thrown their way, appear like god swatting at a fly... For two of those attacks to come out of nowhere like that... With baerly any warning... and so much power... What kind of forces are we messing with...? She thinks to herself as she watches Kiki break into a full sprint towards the town with the captain on his shoulders, sleep bubble coming from his nose. And yet the Captain seems unamused...! He really is strong... Frighteningly so... Right now I'm just glad he's on our side.

Don't fall behind, dear. The professor says snapping Casca out of her train of thought.

You're right sir... I'm right behind you. Casca says as she joggs to catch up with the professor as he walks leasurely next to Gatsu. Truth be told the professor was also quite disturbed by the notion that such powerful beings existed. And not only that, but they would surely soon clash in a glorious display of power and strength. He kept his composure though, as years of experience watching cruel experiments and powerful weapons used for nefarious purposes in Dr. Vegapunk's lab had taught him to. If he ever lost his composure in the lab it could've meant the loss of Vegapunk's trust, and therefore the loss of his own life... However, having escaped the lab, none of that mattered anymore. Yet still, before him stood powers on par with the gods yet again. Onward he walks, his outward appearence unperturbed by his inner turmoil, regret, and foreboading sense of doom. Ahead of the professor and his campanions, Xatch arrives at Shalki's house to a somber scene.
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