Island Skypiea

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: Meeting Conis

Receiving the map of the Skypiea, DoX immediately took it. It was essential for them to get their hands on one, if they wish to thoroughly explore the area. Too busy viewing the map, DoX didn't see the fruit basket that Amazon was giving him. Instead, it was one of his men who took the fruit basket and the picture. Even though he seemed deep in his thoughts, DoX had heard everything and now had their next destination.

"Conis you say... Pumpkin Café..... Thank you very much you've been more than helpful. "

Nose still glued to the map as he thanked Amazon. She didn't understand how happy the Revolutionary was. As kept on analysing it, DoX would start to hear a song going through his mind. The same one that he adored when he was a young mink.
Taking charge, DoX started to walk forward, with his men following closely behind him. Passing through the Skypiea Proper, the team were all moving in an unspecified rehearsed formation. They had regain their composure, they were in fact trained for this. Making their way to Angel Beach, DoX, who was still reading the map, was trying to pinpoint the different locations and memorise them. He knew that it might useful when trying to get information to have a little knowledge beforehand.

"We're 100 meters from where the beach should be. The café is nearby. - DYNAMO"

As he spoke, the entire troops movement became faster. They knew that in a few seconds, the Field Officer's pace would amplify. And they were right on the money, DoX started to walk much faster. DoX is an open book, and his team knew him very well. And they knew that whenever he used the word "Dynamo", he would increase the tempo. It was a weird habit he had.

Arriving at Angel Beach, the field officer didn't need to check for the location of the café. He kept on walking, like he knew exactly where he was heading. A few minutes after, they had arrived at Pumpkin Café. Entering the café, T-1 immediately started to scan around for Conis. Being more attentive than his superior, the cyborg had memorised her description. In mere seconds, he had spotted somebody that seemed to fit the description to a tee. He didn't wait a second to inform them the rest of the squad

"10 o'clock to your left. I believe it might be her. "

Red: NPC
White: MadDoX/DoX
Yellow: Announcement
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Inside the Pumpkin Café

Conis, a fair-skinned young woman with blonde hair and short wings was serving tea for their frequent customer, the head of the God's Guard, McKinley, and his father, Pagaya. Along with her was her best friend and co-worker, Raki, a slightly dark-skinned young woman with black hair.

McKinley was a very tall and muscular man while Pagaya looked like a bald one but in actuality, his hair was cut down so that it would appear to be antennas. This feature was native to Skypieans as they were trained to utilize them for everyday use.

"Another bowl of Ramen, Conis!", McKinley ordered.

"Hehehehe. Certainly, you liked it huh?", Pagaya said, smiling and partly closing his eyes.

"I mean, who doesn't. This is like the best shit ever!", he responded.

Raki, winked out of appreciation as she's the one who prepared the dish. "Thank you, McKinley. Anytime!"

Giggles were heard all over the room and even if your outside, you would hear it echoed.

McKinley: "Aaaaah!, what a pleasant meal. Very well, I should go now."

As the head guard exited the Cafe, a foreign vessel would unravel before his eyes, but having been not alerted that they were illegal, meaning didn't pay the Extol, he would assume that they legally entered the place. He scratched his chin, Hmmm, such a bizarre group of lads right there.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: Meeting Conis

Dox and his men had started to shift into a more subtle formation where only 2 man stayed with him inside. While, T-1 and the rest all started to walk outside. This was their secondary protocol. Randomly walking around, the squad were to keep an eye out. As for the field officer, he walked straight towards Conis. Followed closely by his two men, DoX cleared his throat as he called her.

"Conis! Conis ! Over here ! Yes.........Wel....I mean......Let me start again!
Hello, my name is Dr. Maddox Brainiac and this is my two associates. We've have a fruit basket and a picture from Amazon from the reception..."

After being able to find his words, the man walked over to give her the basket. DoX quickly folded the map that he was still holding and put it slowly in his front pocket. Clearing once again his throat, the mink addressed once again Conis.

"By the way, we're part of a scientific expedition and Amazon told me that you can help us. Would you know where we can find a guide that give us an interesting tour ? "

Red: NPC
White: MadDoX/DoX
Yellow: Announcement
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Level 40
40 x 5 = 200
Strength: 55+4=59
Speed: 36+18=49
-Reaction: 49
-Movement: 49
Vitality: 37+8=45
-Durability: 45
-Stamina: 45
Haki: 31
-Observation Haki: 62
Martial Arts: 41
-Swordmanship: 41
-Dials: 41
Level 30
30 x 5 = 150
Strength: 43+3=46
Speed: 37+9=46
Vitality: 30+6=36
Martial Arts: 40
-Rifle: 40
-Dials: 40

The group of voyagers approached the bar in a gentle manner. One of them, a man who resembled a wolf in quite a bizarre outfit, called for Conis like they knew each other for quite some time. He was cat-calling her.

Pagaya's face was still the same, albeit, both McKinley and Raki were not comfortable with what they witnessed. Conis on the other hand was as calm as she's always was. She smiled, "Hiiiiiiiiii! Maniac!!!", she innocently responded, waving her hand. "Oh, a basket! This one must be coming from Amazon." Looking at the picture inside it, she blushed with excitement, holding her cheeks with both her palms, "it's Joby and her crew! Oh! I wish they are doing just fine. I missed them!"

"Whoah Whoah! Lemme take a look to.", both McKinley and Raki came rushing into the scene. Pagaya stayed the same, like a fucking statue!

"So!", McKinley butted in. "You said you're in the expedition? What sort of valuable information do you guys need then? Just because you paid the Extol, doesn't mean you can always round about here. And just to let you know, we are under the protection of an infamous Pirate Crew, the Everything Pirates!!!"
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Conis Tour

As he regain composure, Conis had now taken the basket and picture. Smiling at them, DoX just smiled back and giving her a thumbs up. At that moment, two men came barging in. The trio kept calm and didn't react as one of the men questioned DoX. Smiling at him, DoX happily replied to him.

" My name is Dr. Maddox Brainiac and this are my two associates. More are visiting the town. We're a research team that explores and examines different habitats. The findings will be used to help people.

As for the Everything Pirates, yes, I've heard of them. We have no nefarious objectives here, only curiosity.
If you wish, you can show us around ? "

Grinning like a Cheshire cat, DoX was trained for this kind of situation. They were following protocol. The trio will act nice, and keep the others at bay.
The tactic was to have one of the men outside to find spare clothes near by and to blend with the crowd. He was one DoX's specialist. The others kept on buying few things as DoX was keeping both McKinley and Raki busy. Cataloging as much information, incase they won't get a guide of some sort.
Information is at the grasp of anyone who seeks it
It was one of DoX's favourite quotes, that he loved repeating to his team.

Red: NPC
White: MadDoX/DoX
Yellow: Announcement
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The 4 people at the Cafe exchanged glances with each other, figuring out what the explorer uttered. The wind from the east blew past them, letting their shirts' bottom hems flutter, hairs included - aside from Pagaya. Followed by a brief silence, McKinley asked, "So what specifically do you want from Skypiea? You said that you are a doctor, didn't you? We are only concerned about the safety of our people. So excuse us if we are dubious. We just settled a century-old war."

Conis was still looking at the 3 visitors, wondering not only about their intentions but the weird feeling of talking to a wolf! "Dr. Maniac! Hihi. Can I ask?" And with sparkles of blooming pink cherry flowers on her cheeks, her eyes smiled, forming a line, she continued, "What sort of pet are you? You talk like a human, but you are actually a wolf. I love dogs and I would be more than glad to escort you. You don't seem violent to me. I have seen worse."

And with that, Pagaya just stared at the strangers, smiling finally. He trusted his daughter.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Conis Tour

Still smiling as McKinely interrogated them, DoX simply chuckled and respond by talking a more soothing voice.

We explore beautiful and amazing location. We believe that the world is just one beautiful garden, and we like to observe while keep the places intact. We believe in preservation or pillage. And Sky islands like Skypiea have always fascinated me.

Just as he answered to McKinely, DoX's attention was now caught by Conis as she ushered the word "Dr.Maniac". The wolf mink wasn't one to get upset of triggered by someone mispronouncing his name or asking questions about where he's from. Looking at Conis with a smaller smile than before, DoX took the same soothing voice.

DAHAHAHA I am not a pet. I am actually a mink. We're a race species that is generally located in the blue sea. I am actually a wolf mink. First time you meet a mink, Deh ?
I glad to be your first !

Smiling at her, DoX scratched the back of his head as he answered to her inquiry. The scratch might have seemed innocent, but actually it was a signal to the men outside who might be looking to let them know all is going according to plan. Now approaching McKinely, DoX extended his arm to handshake with McKinely. If the handshake was accepted, DoX and the two men with him would follow Conis as they started the tour.

Red: NPC
White: MadDoX/DoX
Yellow: Announcement

Level 80
  • STR: 95 + 5= 100
  • SPE: 48 + 32 + 15 + 5 + 10 = 110
    • Movement: 110
    • Reaction: 110
  • VIT: 40 + 40 + 5 = 85
    • Stamina: 99
    • Durability: 71+ 10 = 81
  • Martial Art : 100x2
    • True Electro: 100
      • Perk: The user can channel more electro than usual do to his mastery and is able to emit electro up 3 meters around him.
    • Ittoryu: 100
  • Haki :50x2
    • Busou-shoku no Haki: 100
      • Perk: The user can coat his electro with black haki, creating black electro
  • Mind: 50x2
    • Science: 100
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
McKinely, Pagaya, and Raki felt ashamed when they heard what race Maddox is and they all knew that Minks are one of the most caring and loyal creatures. Conis, however, never met once before. "A mink? I never met one before, you're right. Although, I have seen more bizarre creatures in the past. Don't get me started with a talking skeleton who was once an ape!", she then chuckled. A brief moment later, she when straight to Maddox, grabbing his right arm as she squeezed it against her chest. "Let's go ahead, Maniac-kun. Please be my first. Ahihi!"

Raki and the others shared glances after hearing their conversation. Sure, they all knew how innocent Conis is but they did not fully trust the mink. Whatever the meanings were behind those words they uttered, they do believe that the current God of the Island would always watch them over.

Elsewhere in Skypiea
Everybody! Just because we have been freed from Enel, doesn't mean that we have to lay our backs. Don't you all get rusty. It's always good to note that we stay healthy, firm, and sexy!", a condescending remark coming from the current general of the United States of Skypiea, General Wiper, as he trained a group of Shandians and Skypieans.


- Movement
- Reaction
- Stamina
- Durability
- Armament
- Precognition
Martial Arts
- Brawling
- Dials

"Because we will never know when a new opponent shall arise. And it doesn't matter if they are here to claim our land or for the sake of combat alone.", he uttered with a grin on his face.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Conis Tour Begins

Hearing the good news, DoX let Conis take his arm as they went on their way. The other members all dispersed in different areas, following protocol. While they would benefit from a tour, the rest had each specific assignments. Some were to follow closely, and others were too wander elsewhere. The Field Officer knew that discoveries aren't all at the same place.

As for T-1, due to his appearance he was to keep a safe distance from them and only approach if protocol has to be broken. Pretty quick, the first team had started to advance on finding interesting items. They had stumbled on unique items that sky island origin, "dials".

"DAHAHA So Conis ? Where do you want to start "

Smiling at her, DoX still arm in arm with Conis, he awaited for the start of the tour. His two compatriotes followed right behind them.

Red: NPC
White: MadDoX/DoX
Yellow: Announcement
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The revolutionary doctor let Conis grabbed his arm and held it across her chest. Politely, Maddox gently pressed his elbow on it. Our innocent Conis didn't intend anything about it. It was a kind gesture to an animal. She thought of him as a lone domesticated pet.

As they ventured on the surface of the land, Conis responded to the other. "We start wherever you plan to. But first, I have to show you something. Come with me."

Supposing the other would attend to her, the girl would show to her the warehouse in which she was storing types of equipment, including a skyboard which they were using in traveling around the Sky Island.

"We will definitely need some of these. And the ones right there. They are called dials. They were very famous before, but now that the war has ended, only the elite officers who secure the safety of our country utilize them."

Conis grabbed one skyboard and she would teach the stranger how to use it. "So, you just have to press this thing and it will turn on.", pointing at the start button on the left side. "This one here in the middle is the accelerator while the last one is the brake. See? It's pretty easy. Come! Let's use it."

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Conis Tour Begins PII

The revolutionary doctor let Conis grabbed his arm and held it across her chest. Politely, Maddox gently pressed his elbow on it. Our innocent Conis didn't intend anything about it. It was a kind gesture to an animal. She thought of him as a lone domesticated pet.

Being a man of science, DoX didn't react to the inappropriate way Conis grabbed his arm. Completely captivated on what she was saying, the Wolf Mink just looked around and listen. His two comrades were both documented everything she was saying.

"But first, I have to show you something. Come with me."
DoX's eyes flinched a bit after hearing her, this was going to be the first tangible discovery of his trip. Even his comrades sped up at the same speed as Conis and DoX. Excitement was in the air. Entering in the warehouse, all three started to look with fascination.

"We will definitely need some of these. And the ones right there. They are called dials. They were very famous before, but now that the war has ended, only the elite officers who secure the safety of our country utilize them."

"So, you just have to press this thing and it will turn on.", pointing at the start button on the left side. "This one here in the middle is the accelerator while the last one is the brake. See? It's pretty easy. Come! Let's use it."
He didn't need to be asked twice, DoX hopped on the skyboard and instantly took off. Sighing at their boss, the two squadron weren't shocked. When ever he was a new "toy" he needs to test run it first.

"We might need to wait a minute until he comes back. Sorry, he gets easily excited" (Npc)

Smiling at her when he said this, he looked at his other teammate who was approaching to get his own skyboard. He too followed suit and grabbed his own.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The doctor easily found acquaintance with the skyboard like he was made to run this tyoe of horse. It was incredible. Conis couldn't believe with she saw. But as demure as she always has been, she simply chuckled, closed eyes. "Hmmmhmhhmhmh"

Moments later, the other company started to hop on the Skypiean vehicle. "This board is powered by a jet dial. A dial is a strange, mysterious devices made from the remains of particular shellfish.", Conis explained as they started to traverse above the clouds.

"They have the ability to store energy and matter. The shellfish remains are gathered from the shallows near the shore of the White-White Sea. Though they originate from here, some of them can reach and be used in the lower seas. So I am surprised if you didn't know any of them. But I have never been outside Skypiea, so I don't know. Hihi!", she continued.

"There was once a giant ship here but it's gone now. That ship was propelled by hundreds of Jet Dials and the energy was stored in Breathe Dials, gas specifically. If you want to learn more about it, I can certainly give you a hand book. Here!!", smiling she drew a booklet from the storage of her skyboard.

"Shandians, the other race who live here uses that in combat. Less frequently than no though. I also know how to use one. In fact, I carry an Impact Dial of my own. Interesting is it?"

And as they progressed further into the Skypiea, they were encountered by a patrolling group of Shandians and Wiper himself. "Miss Conis!"

"Oh Wiper!!! Right here!!!", Conis as she waved her right hand.

Wiper was staring at the revolutionaries. Albeit, he wasn't sensing any discords from them, he was just salty that Conis was spending time with a Dog.

Who the fuck is that?, he thought.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Conis Tour Begins PII

"Oh Wiper!!! Right here!!!"
Now riding with the rest of the group, DoX was right next to Conis when she called out to the Shandians.
Staring at them, the two men started to analyse the natives. DoX he did the opposite, he sped up quickly towards them. Being a novice, DoX hadn't gotten the breaks yet.

"Oh my! This isn't going to end well."

Slamming right into the group, DoX quick reflexes prevent him to fall hard. Instead, he quickly got on his legs. Looking around, DoX smiled and immediately apologized. Taking back his vehicle, the Field Officer decided thought to do something to avoid conflict.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Didn't mean to. How about I let you take a ride with this nice vehicle ?"

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Seeing Conis riding and getting along with a stranger, Wiper didn't feel comfortable. He felt something within his heart that he couldn't explain. What is this feeling?, he thought. As he processed that, the wolf mink suddenly stumble upon in front of them off the vehicle he was riding.

"Hahahahaha! You do realize there are brakes, no?", Wiper mocked the other. "I don't know what your deal is but it seems to me that you're not welcome in this place. Boys? Is it just me, or this guy right here is a little shady? C'mon! Why don't we have a little practice."

Still on his skyboard, Wiper and 5 of his subordinates surround the outsiders. "Miss Conis, stay back!"

Conis: "Huh!? Wait! He's a good guy. He is just here to study."

Wiper: "Enel also came here to study but look what he's done to us?"

Conis: "Maddox...."

The Skypiean maiden moved back and outside the circle with a somber look on her face. She was worried that her Shandian friends would harm her newfound friend, the doctor. I need to call Gan Fall-sama., she uttered pressing the customized phone dial built into her skyboard. And pressing the SOS button, Gan Fall should decipher the message.

Elsewhere in Skypiea....
"Hahahahahaha! Look who's calling. It's Conis! Eh!? What's happening?"

Gan Fall's face turned pale and his eyes protruded a little. "Emergency?! This is not happening!" Quickly, Gan Fall blew a whistle, summoning his sky dot bird who turned to a knight horse after consuming a zoan devil fruit Uma no Mi. "Pierre!" Jumping on its saddle, the two quickly flew to the location of Conis.

Back to Wiper and his crew.
"Do you know what dial is? We'll show you! Boys!!! Let's welcome this pal with some combustion of flame dial."

Positioning their flame dials facing the presumed threat, Wiper and the others would press their palms against the dial to fire a cone-shaped blast of flame towards the doctor!

The Flame Dial (炎貝フレイムダイアル Fureimu Daiaru?, literally translated as "Blaze Shell") absorbs and releases fire; it is not to be confused with Heat Dials.[7] Shura's giant bird, Fuza, has one in its mouth, which enables it to breathe fire. Flame Dials can also be used in sky warfare, concealed in the user's hand beneath a glove or bandage to allow them to burn their opponents.

DPR: Tier 5

The other Shandians are 1 tier below wiper across all stats.
DPR: Tier 4
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: The Shandians vs DoX

Do you know what dial is? We'll show you! Boys!!! Let's welcome this pal with some combustion of flame dial.
Smirking at Wiper when he said those words, Dox wasn't the violent type, but he wasn't against in fighting back. As the weapons were aimed at him, the wolf mink dashed straight at enemy that was located on the far right from Wiper. Using his quick reflexes, DoX leaped right at him and head-butted him before would hit him. Once contact would be made, a rapid surge of electro would hit the target. Pushing him back, DoX would then jump out of the circle and further himself from the group. Immediately turning around to face them, DoX smiled at them.

"Hey Conis! Don't worry, I am no pusher over.
I am not a fighter, but I am quite curious about the sky islands fighting prowess. So I might break my rule, for now.
Yo Guys, can one of you give me Icarus DYNAMO. "

Located a few meters from him, his comrades instantly executed his orders. One of them took his rather long bag pack and took at what seemed to be a sheathed sword. Throwing at their superior, DoX caught it and instead of unsheathed it, he gently tied it on his side.
Fixating at the group, DoX waited for them to feed his curiosity by attacking him.

"So who's first ?"

  • Mo Golova:
DoX headbutts his opponent while using Electro to shock them.
Requires 21 mastery, 21 strength - DPR: C
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Surrounding the revolutionary doctor while keeping Conis away from the upcoming battle, the 5 Shandians tried to fire their cone-shaped flame dial towards him. However, one of them, Diego, wasn't able to cast his weapon. He out-sped by the mink wolf as it dashed forth him and hit him with a headbutt fused with electricity, stunning him and falling into the clouds.

Turning at Diego, Wiper was pissed, not only did he simply evaded their attacks but he also took down one of his men and fall to the river of clouds.

"You are asking who's going to go first? Well, you found your opponent. All of you, back off. I can handle this.", Wiper said, glaring at Madox.

Meanwhile, Gan fall on Pierre's back was still traversing the river of clouds, worried about what's about to come. Conis, wait for me.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: Wiper vs DoX

"You are asking who's going to go first? Well, you found your opponent. All of you, back off. I can handle this."
Holding the hilt of his blade, DoX was prepared to make the first move. Just as he was about to start running at him, one of his men reminded him that using his sword might not be the best way to avoid unnecessary casualty. He was also here to study his fighting, he had no nefarious thought against him. Listening to reason, DoX left his sword be. He kept his eye on Wiper entire time. Sparks of electro started to erupt from his body. The electro quickly surrounded him, acting like an aura. Some of his hair would stick up due to the static around.
With a pleased expression, the Wolf-Mink calmly addressed his foe.

"So it's seems I'll have to start the festivity. I am a bad person, I am curious to see how you fight. But don't hold back, because I won't."

As he spoke those words, DoX dashed straight towards Wiper. Once he reached the minimum distance, DoX thrusts an right open palmed punch at him. With the electro after effect, the attack would have the goal to push him back, while shocking him in the process.

Looking in disbelief, the two revolutionaries took a den den to warn the others about the situation. They knew that they needed to drop the current protocol for another one.
DoX's unit is specialised in getting out of sticky situation. Whispering the change of plans, the two men were completely calm as they knew what they were doing. They have In total 67 protocols, they knew that they had nothing to worry about.

DoX release and surround himself with Electro. This creates a defensive shield that zaps anything that comes close to DoX, burning them due to the extreme heat. Furthermore, he can also burn anything with his hands. The burns are heat based, there's no fire involved.
Requires 100 electro mastery


Its the offensive version of True-Aura, where DoX performs an open-palm punch releasing an outburst of electro into impact. This attack pushes back and shocks them .

Requires 41 strength, 100 electro - DPR: B
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The revolutionary wasn't aware of how arrogant Wiper had become ever since they won the war against Eneru. Having mastered all types of dials, the Skypiean warrior would quickly determine which of those arsenals are best in combat. Activating his mantra, he was able to decipher clearly the opponent's move. Quick as he could be, the doctor would merely dash forth with his right palm open, throwing a buddha punch, fused with electricity. This dog doesn't know who I am.

Closing in at him, Wiper held his right arm across his body. His palm was holding a mossy shell with a keyhole at the center. He would use this dial to absorb all the impact of the incoming attack. After the absorption, three of the remaining adjutants would cast their Flash Dials against Madox while Wiper closed his eyes. After a couple of seconds, the launching of the flash dials would wear down while its effect would start to manifest.

"Take that you fool!", having been absorbed the impact of the other's attack and the expectation that he got caught by the blinding effect of the flash dials, Wiper would quickly revert to the wolf mink and give back the attack he previously cast at him.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The MadDoX Chronicles
Skypiea Arc: Wiper vs DoX

The bright light from the flash dial took DoX by surprised. He immediately leaped backwards, putting some distance from his foe as long as he was blind. Due to his quick reflexes, he managed to do so without too much difficulty. Landed a couple of meters away from Wiper, DoX protected by the spark of electro erupting out of his body, he quickly regained his eyesight. He was annoyed. He didn't mind that his foe's comrades helped him, but to use that advantage to pull a sneaky move like that didn't sit well with him. Releasing more electro from the palm of his hands, DoX charges up a ball of Electro with both hands and slams it into the ground. This causes for a massive electro blast capable of electrocuting any body hit by it, DoX used it to incapacitate Wiper's teammates.

"I have no problems in your friends joining the fight... But if they do, they better be prepared... When I go all out I don't stop. Next interference, the person gets a VIP treatment..."

As he talked in a stern voice, DoX seemed different than before, his joyous attitude became a bit darker. It seemed that the flash dial stunt didn't set clear with him.
Glaring at Wiper, DoX unsheathed his sword. A surge of electro would be seen flying around the blade. Infusing it with CoA , he decided to be discreet for now and opted to go with invisible CoA. He didn't want to show his full potential yet. He promised to go all out, he never said anything he's use all his tricks.

Running at full speed at Wiper, using his quick moment to executes a two handed overhead swing at his enemy. Imbued with both CoA and Electro, this isn't the usual sword slash. If successful, Wiper can cut in half or suffered a heavy slash on his torso. "The Coward" he thought as he swung his blade.

  • Electrical Luna:
DoX charges up a ball of electricity with both hands and slams it into the ground, causing a wide-range blast capable of electrocuting several foes at once.
Requires 100 mastery, 100 strength - DPR: S

Daishinkan consists of the user running towards his opponent with their sword held outstretched in one arm. He then executes a two handed overhead swing used to split his opponent into two from the top down.
61 Mastery, 61 Strength, 61 Movement and Speed Destructive Potency Rank: A

61-80: 4. Small Building Level + 3 ( Rank A) + 1 (CoA) = 120: 8. City Level
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wiper was shocked when the opponent managed to dash backwards when he was about to return the same amount of prowess back to the attacker using the impact dial. Tsk!

Landing several meters away from him, Dox utilized yet the same trick - electro and powered it up by slamming it onto the ground (made of clouds of course). Sparkling light emitted from him, bursting like a thunderous aura shifting into the air before hitting Wiper's 3 remaining goons; stunning them quickly! Guwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaa!!

The Shandian commander witnessed the inevitable force that hit his comrades but he didn't care less about the mishaps. Instead, he focused his attention on the wolf mink. "So what are you gonna do next?", he asked. Simultaneously, he spread his Observation Haki across the battlefield, increasing his level of precognition. Should he attack, its speed will exceed whatever he was capable of at the moment. And on top of that, he could react as quickly as he could, as if he is reading the future. *Pwoooing*

By using COO - precognition, Wiper's reaction is increased by 10 and his attack speed is increased by [Wiper's COO less Dox COO, if any.]

The revolutionary doctor charged forth casting his blade like a mad mammal trying to devour a lonesome prey in the jungle. Cladding it with both his electrifying spirit and darkened will, his blade was now more disastrous than it was before. Blitzing up at full speed, albeit, thanks to the boost of Observation Haki, Wiper was able to read through his movement, and quickly, he split his legs onto the ground and the very kinetic energy he absorbed from the former's attack would be unleashed towards the enemy's scrotum using an upward swing of his arm holding the impact dial!

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