Island Wano Kuni

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

The Grim Punishment - #3

Udon Prison | Central Block

[Akira] “…. Fine.”- the boy said deafly, to the surprise of the watchful Gabriel​

Bound by more than mere chains, the boy faced a choice veiled as free will. Whether for entertainment, necessity, or retribution, the Yonko imposed her will, commanding her Shadow to track down the Rio Poneglyph hidden within the Land of Wano. At stake hung Twilight's Edge and the soul it harbored, held captive. Gabriel remained silent, grappling with his emotions as the boy acquiesced. Their earlier exchange in the Valley of Peace echoed in his mind. Suddenly, La Spada's ominous laughter reverberated through the prison block before the den den mushi abruptly cut off.

The ensuing silence was thick with tension, tangible enough to slice through. Gabriel and Akira hung in the aftermath, grappling with the weight of what had just occurred. It was broken only by the faint click of the cell lock disengaging. A gentle breeze swept through the air, unable to be seen with the naked eye, reaching Akira's bindings and releasing them with an otherworldly ease.
[Archangel Gabriel] “Though iron chains may not confine your body, you remain bound nonetheless. Hera will make sure of that.”- the Archagel said, turning to where the breeze began to converge​

A gentle breeze swirled, casting a shimmering hue of pearly blue. Suddenly, a woman's visage materialized from thin air, simultaneously ethereal and formidable. Akira recognized the sensation that filled the cell: the embodiment of La Spada's soul, one of the Yonko's homies forged from her very essence - Hera "The Goddess of Wind". In an instant, the apparition vanished, leaving behind an ominous presence lingering in the air, a manifestation of La Spada's watchful gaze through her homie. The Yonko kept the boy under watchful eye.

As if guided by an unseen force, a faint trail of light led from the cell block to the outside, marking the path forward. Before exiting the prison, Akira found himself in a foyer adorned with various weapons, all tarnished, rusted, and worn. A map of Wano Kuni lay atop a nearby table, its corners fluttering gently in the breeze, urging the boy to examine it. The Flower Capital awaited to the northeast, beckoning him on his journey through the Land of Wano.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #2

Akira’s response triggered a laughter from La Spada, which before long accompanies a silence as the Den Den Mushi is quickly cut off. Was this merely to gloat Akira? A false hope for a chance to further see the boy’s desperation. Akira remained quiet but for a mere moment, the boy figured it would be impossible for La Spada to free him jus-

Akira’s thought immediately change as a breeze of wind came as his bindings came loose, freeing the boy from his imprisonment. The boy was definitely much surprised by what happened. To free one that is prophesized to kill La Spada once more, Akira could barely believe it. Yet, is this perhaps desperation? La Spada could not find the Poneglyph and in turn finds herself needing someone to look for it. She must have turned the whole island upside down with no results – and that impatience might have meant one thing.

She is close to her goal.

Akira’s thought bounce around for a little bit before Gabriel would speak, telling him that while he is freed, he would be watched by Hera. A Homie that La Spada after her new found powers have created, a representation of her soul and eyes. This is quickly shown by the sudden appearance of a ghostly visage that fills the cell with a dreadful presence. The boy realize this will make it difficult if he wishes to do something out of La Spada’s control. And without Twilight’s Edge, getting rid of Hera would be pretty much impossible. The boy would have to think of another way if he could, if he wanted to do something. But as likely as it is, La Spada mostly likely would not care what Akira does or said, for the Poneglyph remains her highest priority for Whole Cake Island as proved as much.

A trail of light would soon seem to guide Akira forward, fainting marking the path. Perhaps Hera’s powers if he has to guess. Having little reason to stay in the prison cell, Akira simply followed the trail of light where he is led to a foyer adorned with weaponry alongside with a map laid on the table depicting the layout of the island itself. While all the weapons seen so far are essentially worn and rusted, Akira only picked up a katana – sheathed within its scabbard but checked to ensure it isn’t broken. It’s no named sword, but a swordsman can still find use out of it though Akira did not think he would need it.

And perhaps a problem for Akira, having need to constantly hop between islands for missions, the boy did not know the situation in Wano generally speaking. It has been awhile since expelling the Beast Pirates from Wano Kuni. Examining the map, Akira can only have two theories, either it is in Flower Capital, given its namesake and more than likely a place of treasures hidden by their royalties, or somewhere that no one could have even consider going. Udon is most likely the candidate of the latter theory, but as this is controlled by La Spada, she would have turn this piece of land upside down a long time ago, same as Onigashima. There are other places in mind – but for now Flower Capital will serve as the best place to start from. Rolling the map of Wano, Akira would keep the map with him for now. But before he would leave, with presumably Gabriel still around Akira would question for something.

“My Raid Suit, it may serve a purpose for residents in Wano. The Shadow might be able to ‘convince’ them to provide answers.”

Akira spoke. With the Raid Suit, it would be much more possible to convince the residents though more than likely out of fear in that regard to speak. Yet given the rebellion they have do to help expel Orochi before, it is hard to say it would work to his advantage. If they still held on to the Raid Suit right now, Akira would rather take it back to use it, otherwise Akira would have no choice but to utilize the 'Raven' identity in Wano.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

The Grim Punishment - #4
@Sea @God_Usopun

Udon Prison | Prison Yard
The Shadow was unleashed, after achieving his lifelong desire to defeat the woman who had inflicted so much pain on him, tracing back to that pivotal night at the dojo. Yet, unresolved prophecies loomed. The Yonko, resurrected with newfound strength and subduing the young man, seized a hostage to further her ambitions. Releasing Akira to pursue the Rio Poneglyph, was it sheer recklessness or unyielding arrogance? That trademark arrogance that had made the Grim infamous. A Grim Punishment, one that Akira would not endure alone. Another had fallen victim.

Akira discovered Gabriel's absence. Though he spoke into the wind, no reply came. La Spada's lingering soul hovered in the vicinity, Hera's presence palpable but unresponsive. The Shadow felt the weight of those piercing yellow eyes observing him. Instead of lingering, Akira strode out of the building and into the Prison Yard. Perched on the fence lining the yard stood a figure he recognized.

Enter Prometheus "The Firebringer", the Plague - Rain of Fire.
[Prometheus] “Who knew it would turn out like this, Akira? I've been tasked on seeing you out of Udon Prison. Your Raid Suit was confiscated.”- Prometheus declared, instead offering Akira black clothing similar to the Raid Suit​
[Prometheus] “The Grim has a surprise for you. The Captain mentioned you'd find it familiar. It's a stark reminder of the one dared to confront." - Prometheus said, turning towards the Prison Yard and pointing at a bloodied young man, "His name is X. Sought an audience with La Spada. Challenged Uvogin. You can guess the rest...”- the Firebringer revealed, curling a grin​

In the Prison Yard, a swarm of thirty inmates of various backgrounds and builds encircled a solitary figure. This young man, donned in a weathered black leather hat and coat, exuded an air of resilience despite his unkempt appearance and piercing gaze. His long black hair, tied in a ponytail, cascaded over his stern expression. Amidst the cacophony of shrill laughter, the relentless chanting for bloodshed, the man stood firm, his pistols held firmly at his sides, their gaze seemingly corrupted by the Soru Soru no Mi. The pistols had been infused with a soul, a homie, urging the young man to kill. The echoes of laughter reverberated through Akira's being.

The Shadow recognized the scene all too well. Just as in the dojo a decade prior, La Spada had once again ensnared the young man in a life-threatening situation: kill or be killed. With a sudden surge, three dozen prisoners charged at X wielding makeshift weapons, their intent clear: to end his life. La Spada manipulated Akira's emotions, using the young man's plight as a pawn in her twisted game. How would Akira respond to this Grim scenario?

Prisoner DPS: 120: 5. Town Level
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #1
@Ichimonji @Sea

The unforgiving Wano sun beat on X's back, turning his sweat into a stinging brine. Thirty-two pairs of hardened eyes burned into him, a greedy circle tightening around him in the dusty prison yard. His head still throbbed from a recent beating, a constant reminder of his failed gambit. But beneath the throbbing pain, a cold, simmering rage simmered. These weren't wolves circling prey; they were a desperate, starving pack, ready to tear him to shreds.

"Uvogin," he rasped, the name escaping his cracked lips with a low growl. The memory of the hulking brute's laughter, as he tossed X into this hellhole, was a fresh wound he nursed in the quiet corners of his mind. "This isn't over. You'll all pay for this..."

Driven by whispers of a powerful Yonko who carved a base for herself in the chaos-ridden New World, X had set his sights on Wano. He saw La Spada as a chance to bolster his crew's power and carve a name for himself. He arrived, swaggering, with a chest overflowing with valuables, a lifetime of plunder meticulously collected. These weren't trinkets but testaments to his victories, cunning, and identity as a pirate captain. His plan? To impress La Spada and secure an audience.

However, X had misread the script. He wasn't ushered into La Spada's presence. Instead, he faced Uvogin, a hulking brute who served as one of her top commanders. X, ever the peacock, presented his chest of valuables, expecting a swift introduction. Uvogin, a creature of few words and a penchant for violence, remained unimpressed. X's bravado morphed into a demand for an audience with La Spada. The demand landed with a dull thud, met with steely silence.

The ensuing fight was a brutal mismatch. X was no match for Uvogin's raw power. He was left broken and defeated, his chest of valuables tossed aside like a child's forgotten toy. The dream of alliance evaporated, replaced by the harsh reality of Udon, La Spada's notorious prison colony, and weeks of backbreaking labor and constant violence chipped away at his spirit. But beneath the despair, a steely resolve hardened. Rage, a quiet, simmering fury, became his constant companion.

Standing in the prison yard, surrounded by thirty-two hungry eyes, that rage demanded an outlet. He wouldn't just escape; he'd carve a bloody path to freedom. These men weren't obstacles; they were stepping stones. Years at sea honed his instincts, but calculated brutality was the only language these men understood.

X's gaze fell on his holsters. His pistols, once his trusted companions, were gone. In their place, two grotesque figures materialized. X snatched his weapons, and the once familiar weight was now unsettling. He stared down at the pistols, their smooth metal surfaces unchanged. Yet, something felt wrong. The voices intensified, a chorus of whispers that clawed at X's sanity. The voices intensified, a chorus no longer. One voice, a high-pitched cackle that grated on X's nerves, dominated the whispers. "Shoot 'em, Captain! Make the red flow!" it shrieked, a twisted parody of a cheerleader. The other voice, a low, guttural growl, rumbled beneath the cackle. "Yessss. Unleash the furyyyy. Paint the ground crimsonnn." Their voices, a constant barrage of murderous intent, were far from the cold precision X craved. He wouldn't be wielding pistols; he'd be wrestling with these disembodied voices, their insatiable hunger for violence a constant threat. But X wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

A ghost of a smile, devoid of warmth, twisted X's lips. He wasn't here to make deals or waste his breath with empty threats. When he spoke, his voice was a low rumble laced with a quiet menace that echoed the whispers in his pistols. "You think you can scare me?" he stated, his words carrying the weight of a storm brewing beneath the surface. "I've faced krakens ten times your size and lived to tell the tale. Do you want freedom? It lies beyond these walls, but the only gatekeeper you'll find is a mountain of corpses. Are you prepared to be part of the foundation?"

He scanned the faces, not for fear, but for the flicker of desperation, the spark of violence he could exploit. The answer came not in words but in a surge of movement. With a feral roar, three dozen prisoners charged at X, a wave of makeshift weapons glinting in the harsh sunlight. Their intent was clear, a violent end to his defiance.

X's hand darted to the hilts of his twin pistols, the weapons buzzing with dark energy in his grasp. This time, he wouldn't fight to subdue. He'd fight to dominate. With a lightning-fast draw, honed by years of piracy, X unleashed a thunderous crack from his twin pistols.

With a cold glint in his eyes, X aimed. He wouldn't just escape Udon; he'd leave it a smoldering crater, a testament to the fury of a pirate captain who refused to break. The whispers in his pistols were a dark melody, and X was ready to conduct the bloody orchestra.

X spun in the blink of an eye, his pistols barking twin death knells in all directions. Years at sea had honed his marksmanship, and the pistols, fueled by the twisted power of the Soru Soru no Mi, seemed to anticipate his every move.

One prisoner caught mid-charge, crumpled with a bullet through his knee. Another, reaching for a rusty cleaver, found his chest blossoming with a crimson flower. Panic, raw and primal, flickered in the eyes of the remaining men. Their initial surge faltered, replaced by a desperate scramble for cover.

X pressed his advantage. He wasn't interested in a fair fight; he was a predator culling the herd. Another shot, aimed high, ricocheted off a metal bucket, sending a shower of sparks and a startled yell skyward. The remaining prisoners scattered, diving behind anything that offered a sliver of protection.

But X was relentless. A shot through a water barrel sent a geyser erupting, momentarily blinding a group huddled behind it. A wild shot grazed a prisoner's shoulder, eliciting a bloodcurdling scream that cut through the cacophony.

The symphony of violence continued. With every shot, X chipped away at the prisoners' resolve, turning their initial bravado into a desperate scramble for survival. He wasn't just creating a path to freedom; he was sowing discord, turning their fear into a weapon against each other. The whispers in the pistols grew louder, a dark chorus urging him to unleash the full power of the cursed items. But a sliver of X, the pirate captain who valued cunning over mindless slaughter, held on.

This wasn't about mindless rage but survival and returning to his ship and crew. He wouldn't succumb to the bloodlust, not yet. He'd use his cunning and manipulate them like marionettes in this twisted dance for freedom. Each shot wouldn't be about inflicting maximum damage but about creating chaos and confusion. Aimed shots at water barrels, ricocheting bullets off metal buckets, a cacophony of noise and panic.

His eyes darted across the scrambling prisoners, searching for an opportunity to escape and make a statement. There, a wiry man, fear etched into his face, seemed to contemplate a desperate lunge. X didn't need to see his weapon; the hunger for escape in his eyes spoke volumes. A seed of an idea, dark and twisted, took root in X's mind. He could use this. He could turn this prisoner's desperation into his advantage, a message for La Spada herself.

A single, sharp whistle pierced the air, cutting through the chaos. It wasn't a sound from his world, but it served its purpose here in this desperate prison yard. Every head snapped towards him, surprise momentarily replacing fear. In that split second, X saw his chance. He wouldn't waste words or threats. He'd let the fear he'd cultivated speak for him.

With another chilling smirk, he holstered his pistols, the taste of gunpowder and a desperate gamble lingering on his tongue. "Well, that seems like enough entertainment for one day," X drawled, his voice laced with a dangerous amusement. "Wouldn't you all agree?"

A collective murmur of fear rippled through the crowd. No one dared meet his gaze. X scanned their faces, relishing their terror. This was his power now, a twisted crown forged in the fires of desperation.

Suddenly, a ragged and desperate voice rose above the terrified whispers. "Who are you supposed to be, hotshot?" the wiry man with eyes full of defiance rasped. "Some kind of warden's pet?"

A slow, predatory smile spread across X's face. "Not a pet," he purred, his voice dropping to a low, dangerous rumble. "More like a dissatisfied guest. La Spada owes me an audience, and you lot," he gestured around the dusty yard with a theatrical flourish, "are just the unwelcome welcome committee."

The fight for freedom had just begun but wouldn't end with simply escaping Udon. This was just the first act. The real prize, the audience with La Spada he'd been denied, awaited him beyond these walls. He'd carved a path through these men, not just for escape, but to show the Yonko the kind of captain he was, a force to be reckoned with. He might have been thrown in like a typical pirate, but he'd leave as a force demanding respect.

La Spada, he understood, was a twisted soul. She reveled in power and chaos, like the whispers in his pistols. He wouldn't underestimate her bloodlust but wouldn't play the same game. He'd show her a different strength built on cunning and calculated brutality. Perhaps, if he impressed her enough, an alliance could be forged. He'd learn from the Yonko and observe her methods and power structure. The dream of a pirate empire still burned bright in his eyes, and La Spada, if not an ally, could be a valuable lesson. But that dream held a dark edge, too. The thought of taking her power for himself flickered in the corner of his mind, a tempting ember.

For now, however, he'd focus on getting that audience. He'd batter Uvogin into the ground, a bloody welcome home present for La Spada. He'd make her see his value, his cruelty, his potential. His escape wouldn't be a whimper; it would be a roar, a challenge laid down for the Yonko who dared underestimate a pirate captain.

His gaze darted towards the shadows at the edge of the prison yard. There, two figures stood amidst the flickering sunlight filtering through the dust. One, bathed in a sliver of the sun, was unmistakable Prometheus, an allied Captain directly under La Spada. The other, shrouded in darkness, sent a tremor of primal fear down X's spine. "This silhouette couldn't be". Yet, a horrifying possibility clawed its way to the surface. "Kage?" He thought. "La Spada's executioner?" a terrifying figure whispered about in hushed tones.

X had heard the rumors, of course. But seeing him here, in Udon, a thousand questions hammered into his mind. What was he doing here? Was he here to eliminate him, to silence the audacious pirate captain who'd dared to challenge the prison guards?

Despite the cold fear gripping him like a vice, X wasn't about to crumble. He straightened his back, forcing a bravado he didn't quite feel.

"Well," he drawled, his voice laced with a sardonic amusement that did little to mask the tremor in his gut, "seems the welcoming committee has finally arrived. Here I was, starting to think La Spada wasn't interested in an audience after all. Are you two here to escort me to your… esteemed leader?"

X's bravado, a flimsy shield against the rising tide of terror, began to crack. Even Uvogin, a force of nature, seemed manageable compared to the silent predator before him. Silence, thick and suffocating, descended upon the yard. Only the rasp of X's breath dared to pierce the oppressive quiet.

Reaction/Movement Speed: 100 Massively Hypersonic+ Speed

Bullets DPR: A( 100 Gunslinging Mastery: 5 S+ rank bullets. Unlimited A-rank bullets. )

Attack Potency: Level 3 + A( 3 ) = Level 6

Name: Number X aka "Gunslinger X" or "G-X"
Former Pirate of the Backyard Crew
Captain of the "Nighthawk Vipers" Crew
Race: Human
Height: 6'1

Level 71 Stats:
  • Strength: 81
    • Base: 62
    • Level Bonus: 14
    • Boost: 5
  • Speed: 100
    • Base: 81
    • Level Bonus: 14
    • Boost: 5
    • Reaction: 100
    • Movement: 100
  • Vitality: 81
    • Base: 62
    • Level Bonus: 14
    • Boost: 5
    • Durability: 81
    • Stamina: 81
  • Haki: 61
    • Armament Haki (Offensive): 61
    • Observation Haki (Awareness): 61
Fighting Styles: 100
  • Gunslinging: 100
    • Firearms Proficiency:
      • May carry as many firearms as desired.
      • Double magazine size again.
      • Semi-automatic rifle.
      • Auto-refilling pistol and rifle.
      • Semi-automatic shotgun with triple capacity.
    • Ammunition Capacity:
      • 5 S+ rank bullets.
      • 25 S-rank bullets.
      • Unlimited A-rank bullets.
  • Martial Arts (MA): 100
  • [United States Smash Style]


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

Akira asked regarding about the whereabouts of his raid suit, only to find Gabriel isn’t there any longer to respond. Having no way to retrieve it back Akira deemed the conclusion to be that he would have to approach differently than he used to. Leaving the prison building out towards the yard, Akira would find someone seemly waiting for him – Prometheus. Although having not much interest in interacting with him, he would instead find Prometheus striking up a conversation whom quickly reveal he is tasked on ensuring Akira is escorted out of Udon, whilst also confirming the details of his Raid Suit, now confiscated alongside Twilight’s Edge. Instead, Prometheus gave him a set of black clothing, one that resembles to the raid suit somewhat, prompting Akira to quickly took it away from Prometheus’ hands as he continued his words.

A surprise. Prometheus said, Akira adorned the black clothing, though mostly a cloak that is similar to his Raid Suit’s appearance with a metallic-like mask. It would be quite difficult to replicate the metallic parts of the raid suit that gave birth to the Kurai identity, but much like its role with Kurai, it looks enough for others to presume that very identity given its cloak. Prometheus would make note of the surprise with something Akira felt familiar to, a reminder to let Akira know what happens if he continues to go against La Spada. Grinning as he showed the surprise with his hands – a scene on the prison yard. Quietly, Akira watched, a young man introduced by Prometheus as simply ‘X’, surrounded by a large group of prisoners whom quickly charged right at X.

In scene of a bloodthirsty demon, with his own guns seemly infused with demonic-like powers went out guns blazing. Gunning down prisoners almost like watching a scene he knows far too well, with the only stark difference being the weapons. The echoing laughter resonates from his very being – one that is bone-chilling even for the bravest warriors. Akira did not have to ask, Prometheus’ words brought back a scene into Akira’s mind that would otherwise have been treated as a gladiator arena for entertainment. Yet the boy persists even despite his cracked mask. His eyes narrowed seriously, he can understand what La Spada is trying to do, but he would refuse to give her that satisfaction. While the scene is familiar, the prisoners in Udon are no one that Akira recognizes at the very least, he wields little emotional attachment to them, thus the effectiveness of La Spada’s attempt wasn’t the best, enough to rile the boy up to what she hoped. Yet the clenching of Akira’s own hands hard – give a subtle indication that he did not like it.

“I wouldn’t expect much from a dog to understand, Prometheus.”

Akira retorts. Quite a strange comment to take away from. Yet it is one that even La Spada herself might sense of, that what she did at the end of the events in Whole Cake Island has finally start to affect Akira as she may have hoped for. Without caring much of what Prometheus may respond, Akira hoped past the fence, his cloak causing his impact of landing back onto the dirt to rise up very momentarily as Akira walked towards X, light now shone onto this figure that have seemly hidden from the corner of X’s eyes.

Akira walked forward as he withdrew his katana as X seemed to question his arrival – he could sense the man’s bravado as a façade with his Haki. Whilst he does not care much about the man before him, killing Udon prisoners will only make things worst between the relationship of Spada Pirates and the people of Wano, though from what he garner is practically non-existent anyway. Despite that, killing of innocent people isn’t what Akira liked, for he himself understood that the best, perhaps more than most. X would not find an answer to his question – but he would find Akira’s answer to his question – unsheathing of the sword is enough. The boy understood that this is completely a set up, and La Spada is more than likely merely testing not just Akira but X as well, considering the boy does not know who he is and that his words make note of the fact that he is not part of Spada Pirates.

However regardless of what is Spada's intentions, X will find his next combatant much more dangerous than mere prisoners forced to fight. Much like a punishment of sorts, Akira would make sure of it.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

The Grim Punishment - #6
@Sea @God_Usopun

Udon Prison | Prison Yard
The game had commenced. Bodies plummeted to the ground like sacks of potatoes, accompanied by fearful shrieks. X, known as the prisoner of Uson, faced the ultimate test, the true nature of which remained unknown. With astonishing precision, he dispatched his opponents, creating an atmosphere thick with tension. Most sought refuge, while the remaining two dozen prisoners stood frozen, their gaze not fixed on the killer but on the approaching figure shrouded in shadow.

Enter the Grim Slayer.

Prometheus, taken aback, struggled to formulate a response to Akira's insult, only to find himself at a loss for words, much to his dismay. As The Shadow drew nearer to X, Prometheus muttered curses under his breath, the image of a raid suit etched into his mind's eye.
[Prometheus] “Oh. You'll pay for that, you bastard...”- Prometheus whispered, his eyes trailing The Shadow - The Spadas truly did not have any true allegiance​

The prisoners collectively retreated, some scrambling to scale the fence while others sought refuge behind the safety of the towering cement blocks. The figure known for killing La Spada, the notorious second-in-command of the La Spada Pirates, now stood face to face with the young inmate.

[Beretta] "Screw you, Shadow bitch! Come get some!"- the pistol on the right screamed in a comically high-pitched voice
[Colt] "Yeah! Yeah! We can take you! This' here is Captain of the Nighthawk Vipers, X! He'll put a cap in yo' ass!"- the pistol on the right taunted, his New York accent thick, that dark cackle filling the yard​

A moment of stunned silence enveloped the scene, punctuated by the prisoners exchanging bewildered glances. Even Prometheus couldn't suppress a snort of laughter, finding the situation too comical to ignore. It was a clear challenge, one that the homie pistols issued, putting X in an awkward position. Akira was not one for jokes. The Shadow's mysterious orders only added to the intrigue, thrusting X into the midst of it all. What purpose lay behind these events? More than mere prophecies hung in the balance now.

Meanwhile, not all joined in the suspense. An elderly man observed them from the corner of the yard, his eyes weighed down beneath the shade of his sunglasses.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #2
@Ichimonji @Sea

Sweat slicked X's palms around the cursed pistols as a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows. This wasn't another expendable prisoner, another plaything in La Spada's sick game. The chill radiating from the newcomer, the deadly efficiency in his movements, whispered a horrifying truth. Kage. La Spada's reaper, a silent executioner shrouded in legend and fear.

A growl ripped from X's throat. This was a farce! "First Uvogin, the brute, tosses me aside like yesterday's garbage, and now Kage himself?" he spat in his mind. "Does La Spada think I'm a fly she can swat away with her elite?" The humiliation burned hotter than the Wano sun. The stench of dust and blood clogged his nostrils as he gripped the hilts of his pistols, the metal slick with sweat beneath his trembling fingers.

However, the glint in the newcomer's eyes wasn't what X expected. It wasn't the cold, emotionless stare of a killer but a manic intensity that mirrored the whispers in his cursed pistols. Maybe, just maybe, there was a sliver of understanding there. "We're both puppets on La Spada's strings, aren't we?" he thought, a bitter realization settling in his gut.

They were both pawns, trapped in La Spada's cruel chessboard, yearning for something more than a violent demise in this dusty prison yard.

X wouldn't deny it. He craved an audience, a chance to prove his worth to the Yonko. It was a dream twisted by the circumstances, perhaps, but a dream nonetheless. He wouldn't let La Spada extinguish it with a mockery of a duel.

This, however, sparked a morbid curiosity within him. As much as he hated being another pawn, a grudging fascination flickered to life within him. To inspire such fear and loyalty from these monsters, to command such unwavering obedience... it was a power unlike any he'd ever witnessed. La Spada, he thought with a twist of something that might have been admiration, had built an empire on the backs of monsters.

"Gungungun...Could I do the same?"

The thought was seductive, a whisper of possibility in the face of despair. But X slammed the mental door shut on that treacherous path. There'd be time for morbid ambitions later. Right now, survival was the only game in town.

Kage might be stronger, a legend whispered in hushed tones. But X wouldn't go down without a fight. He'd clawed his way up from the bottom, a survivor honed by hardship. He might not win, but he wouldn't be another nameless prisoner snuffed out by La Spada's whim. This, he decided, wouldn't be his final act.

His hand hovered near the holsters, the cursed pistols thrumming with dark energy that echoed the storm brewing inside him. A sliver of a thought, cold and metallic, slithered through X's mind. Maybe the pistols offered more than just survival, a power that could rewrite the rules of this cruel game. He pushed the thought down, a grimace twisting his lips. He wouldn't succumb entirely to their whispers but wouldn't ignore them either. If it came to that, this fight wouldn't be a test of skill. It would be a desperate scramble for survival.

He locked eyes with Kage, defiance a blazing torch in his gaze. This wasn't a fair fight, a duel of equals. It was a cruel spectacle orchestrated by a sadistic puppeteer. But X wouldn't play the victim. "They'll all regret underestimating me," he vowed silently, a promise as scorching as the Wano sun. If he survived this, he swore under the unforgiving sky. He'd make La Spada and her commanders choke on the dust he left behind. He'd learn their weaknesses, become a phantom at night, and strike back when they least expected it. This wasn't the end. It was just the beginning.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

The Silver Incursion #6

Neko Port
The Nine Red Scabbards. The enigmatic woman emphasized their significance, declaring them the key to locating the Beast Pirates. Her gaze lingered on the giant, assessing his reaction with keen interest. Follow the Red Scabbards, she urged, as if destiny itself had a trail to follow. Suddenly, as if conjured by fate, the Red Scabbards materialized at the edge of town. The encounter between the shadow and the young samurais was cut down, both metaphorically and literally. Three of the six samurais guarding the carriage were swiftly incapacitated. The remaining trio closed ranks around their captive, now matched in number by the intruders. With a heavy thud signifying the top of the carriage, the self-proclaimed leader of the group loomed over the young samurais.

With authoritative resolve, the leader addressed the withdrawing Incarnations, his voice resonating firmly through the ornate Tengu mask adorning his face.

[Leader] "We know you're watching through those eyes, La Spada. The Nine Red Scabbards will not stop until we have our homeland back."- the man stated earnestly
The Incarnations' eyes widened, revealing their white, bead-like pupils. The camera zoomed in on those eyes, capturing the ominous aura of a Grim. Suddenly, the Incarnations merged with the forest shadows, disappearing from sight under the cover of night. Meanwhile, the trio of young samurais brandished their swords at the intruders. The grandson among them bellowed with fury, his spirit infusing his sword and lending his voice an almost tangible force.

[Isshen] "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?! Doomed us all! You won't get away with this! Men! Show them our conviction!"- ordered the young man​

The two remaining samurais, in agreement and addressing the young samurai as "Isshen," engaged in a fierce sword clash with the other two Red Scabbards. Isshen, after exchanging intense stares with the Leader, launched himself towards him, their swords meeting with resounding clangs. Despite the Leader's formidable strength, his swordsmanship prowess was being overshadowed by the young samurai.

Amidst the rhythmic clash of blades that echoed through the night, the Leader's voice pierced through the symphony of combat.

[Leader] "You can't win. You believe you have us surrounded with those men in the shadows. But you don't. They are the ones surrounded."- the samurai said, his lips letting out a whistle​

Isshen's eyes widened in surprise at the Leader's mention of "men in the shadows." Suddenly, figures emerged from the darkness and the surrounding houses, encircling Zahel and his comrades. They outnumbered the Silver Hair Pirates two to one. These figures bore beastly features, with saliva dripping from their fangs as they lunged towards the pirates, claws slashing through the air. Despite the pirates' attempts to conceal themselves in the shadows, their scent betrayed their presence. These interlopers were gifted.

Who was friend and who was foe? Silver Hair would walk into a battlefield.


[Old Man] "Swordsmanship of amateurs. Quite an insult, wouldn't you agree... Oden-san?"- the old man whispered to himself, his words heard among the clashing of steel swords​

The aged man's whisper echoed forth from his shackles, his movements fluid as he rose to his feet with ease. The man held his forehead, the white hair poking through his fingers. Clenching a toothpick between his teeth, his gaze held a weariness born of witnessing much, distant yet calm, unyielding. Most of all, cold.

Gifters DPS: 6. City Level
Incursion Into Hostile Territory #7 @Ichimonji

Striding through the dark night, Larsi tried to not move too brazenly, as to not alert the citizens or other soldiers within the port town. At the same time he reached out with his color of observation, focusing more on the incident at the edge of town, even able to listen in faintly. This was how he was able to hear something that drew his attention, making him realize how important it was for him to reach the battlefield.
[Leader] "We know you're watching through those eyes, La Spada. The Nine Red Scabbards will not stop until we have our homeland back."- the man stated earnestly
Hearing the name of the group the old woman only moments ago had told him to seek out, Larsi called out towards Vin, though not loud enough that anyone more than a few buildings away should be able to hear. Follow me.

The young woman looked down on him questioningly, just as he ripped metal pole off a wall and stuck it into the ground beneath him. Then, he pushed. The metal pipe bend and drove itself further into the ground, but Larsi himself was sent flying upwards into the dark sky, disappearing from sight. Vin shook her head, then she too shot upwards in the direction he had gone.


The shadow figure dug ever deeper, burrowing through the rubble and ruins, making its way far below the surface of the once grand Flower Capitol. It was much like a maze, but its malleable form allowed it to cover much ground quickly.


Zahel was unsure what to do, he didn't want to cause an incident that would draw them into war, so as the two sides began to engage in battle, he decided it was time to retreat, to report to Larsi himself so that he could decide what to do. Alas that decision seems to have been made for him already as the gifters seemed to have sensed his presence, despite his attempts to disguise himself. And like the beasts they were, several of them leapt forwards, their bestial rage seeking out their hidden foe. Turning away from his escape, Zahel raised his arms to prepare to deal with the enemies, but it seemed it would not be necessary.

A massive figure crashed down on the gifters as they were advancing on Zahel and the others hidden nearby. Although it wasn't an attack per se, it was still enough force to crush most people due to the weight of the person. Silver Hair Larsi, the Quake, crashed down on the half beasts from above, his enormous feet carrying the weight of several tons. Should they not avoid the attack, it was unlikely that they would escape alive, let alone unscathed. Even so, the ground would tremble and crack beneath his frame, sending ripples through the area around them. Larsi had arrived.


Before even giving the enemies and strangers before him time to respond, the pirate unleashed a burst of energy, spreading throughout the clearing and area nearby. His color of the supreme king was not meant to knock out anyone, it was only meant to intimidate, and unless they were very strong(level 70), they would feel almost as if they were being suffocated. It seemed to Larsi that the time for subterfuge had passed, he had already engaged in combat with the gifters, and the shadowy figures likely were the minions of La Spada. Now was the time for efficiency.

Red Scabbards? Larsi called out, his voice loud despite the chaos that unfolded, partially boosted by his haki that washed over all of them. I am told we can assist one another.

As Larsi spoke, Zahel took this opportunity to move forward, as hopefully the enemy would be distracted. Still hidden by the shadow, he hoped that his captain would draw enough attention that he would be forgotten, even as he crept forwards to the enemy. Kelsier and the rest, who was further behind, away from Zahel, also started to approach at the sight of Larsi appearing. Finally, Vin landed on Larsi's shoulder, her small frame comically light compared to her massive sword that rested on her shoulders.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #4
@Ichimonji @God_Usopun

The boy approached X slowly, his weapon drawn out as he hears voices coming from the sentient pistols, mocking Akira as they provoke the boy to fight X, though perhaps not on X’s best interest in mind. It is hard to take note of what guns X is using, in terms of its supernatural capabilities, but Akira felt the same kind of sickening aura that someone of La Spada would usually permeates, no matter the case however Akira recognize it is a fight against a gunner, and he himself have experience fighting them in such duels. Getting close and personal is usually a death sentence for most gunners, but having fought one with skills on Gun-Fu Akira would place that same expectation that X does have similar skills. Either way, no reason to give X a chance.

Akira transformed, though hard to really take such notice within the cloak yet one can observe scuttling changes happening within the cloak in which one that knew of the Shadow’s powers can easily give an accurate theory as to what is happening. Using his True Hybrid Form, one that allowed him to use his swordsmanship rather than the form that King is well-known for, even X himself could notice the wing blades that jutted and cut parts of the black cloak in which Akira donned. With a single step forth, Akira darted towards X almost as if in a blink of an eye, swinging the sword right to left at the same time with its blade already infused with Haki – pre-emptively to not only catch X off-guard but if he were to perform lightning fast draws as a counterattack, the air blade would quickly cut the bullets away – allowing the boy to completely close up the distance.

Name: Crescent Moon
Rank: C
Description: The user can generate an air blade with a swing of the sword. (31 Shuurin, 31 Strength)

Akira's DPR: 6. City Level (121+, Zoans only) + C: + 1 + CoA: +2 = 9. Small Country Level

Once both combatants are within melee range, Akira would aim to rid X of his weapons, his cursed-like pistols that would be his main form of combat. A simple strategy to defeat someone like that. With that in mind, Akira would swing his sword horizontally once more towards X’s right pistol with the sole intention of cutting off his hand.

Akira's DPR: 6. City Level (121+, Zoans only) + CoA: +2 = 8. Island Level
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Grim Punishment - #7
@Sea @God_Usopun

Udon Prison | Prison Yard
The games had commenced, and X found himself thrust into the midst of a chaotic brawl, armed only with his newfound firearms to set himself apart. Despite the overwhelming odds, he displayed unwavering skill, swiftly quelling the riot. However, to the astonishment of all present, The Shadow stepped forth, preceded by a quip from the homie guns that heralded a startling transformation. Before their eyes, he transformed into a towering dinosaur, an unexpected and awe-inspiring sight.

The Shadow wasted no time, employing cunning tactics to close the distance between them. From a short distance away, the half-burnt man watched with a mixture of shock and surprise, realizing that the situation had taken an unexpected turn.
[Prometheus] “Is this all part of your plan, La Spada?”- Prometheus whispered to himself, walking slowly inward​

From his vantage point in the corner, the old man observed with keen interest, his eyes hidden beneath shaded lenses, as the two adversaries faced off. The Homie guns, ever boastful and taunting, soon fell silent as The Shadow redirected his focus towards them. Their once-cunning laughter turned to panicked shrieks, a clear warning to X of the impending attack. They had encountered The Shadow's tactics before and understood the danger they now faced.

[Beretta] "H-H-Hey, be careful! Don't let me get hit!"- the pistol on the right screamed in fear​
[Colt] "Without us, you won't stand a chance! GO!!!"- the pistol on the right urged​

Grumbling quietly to himself, Prometheus made his way towards the electrified door that served as the exit. With his den den mushi in hand, he issued a command, causing the electricity to sputter and fade away. Slowly, he pushed open the door, revealing the corridor beyond that led to the outside. Leaning casually against the door frame, Prometheus settled in to wait for the conclusion of the battle, eager to commence the mission once the coast was clear.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #3
@Ichimonji @Sea

Suddenly, the air crackled with unseen energy. The figure within the cloak shifted, scuttling movements hinting at a transformation unseen. X narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on the pistols. He couldn't discern details, but the faint hum of a familiar power sent shivers down his spine. "A Devil Fruit user, perhaps?"

Then, in a blink, the figure was upon him. A blur of black and steel materialized from the shadows, a wickedly curved blade slicing towards X's right hand. "An air blade!"

X wasn't fast enough. The blade bit into his shoulder, a searing pain erupting as it sliced through flesh and muscle. He roared in defiance, a primal scream fueled by adrenaline and fury. But the momentum of the attack carried him backward nonetheless.

However, in that split second before impact, X did something unexpected. With a surge of desperate hope, his good arm blurred into motion. He didn't discard the pistols; they were holstered in a practiced flick of his wrists, and the cursed energy within them momentarily quieted. This wasn't surrender. This was a desperate gamble, a calculated risk fueled by years of honing his unorthodox fighting style.

Focusing all his remaining strength, X unleashed a Missouri Smash. His good arm, raw and desperate, executed a focused straight chop with incredible speed and precision. It wasn't a flashy attack, but it was everything he had. The blow aimed to deflect the air blade, not overpower it, a last-ditch attempt to minimize the damage.

- reaction speed is two or more brackets below the opponent's movement/attack speed; can barely see a blur.

(81 Mastery, 81 Strength, and 81 Movement Speed) S
DPR: 3 + S: + 4 + CoA: +2 = 9. Small Country Level

A loud sound reverberated through the area. The force of X's Missouri Smash managed to nudge the air blade slightly. It wasn't a perfect deflection, but it was enough. Instead of taking his hand clean off, the blade sliced a deep gash across his palm, the haki offering a meager layer of protection but not enough to fully stop the attack.

X gritted his teeth, ignoring the throbbing pain. He'd bought himself a precious moment, a sliver of an opening.

Heaving breaths wracked his body, sweat mixing with the grime of combat. The throbbing pain in his shoulder was a constant reminder of his vulnerability. He forced himself to take a knee, the ragged gasps slowly calming into deep, measured breaths. This wasn't weakness; it was a calculated pause.


A low chuckle escaped his lips, a sound devoid of humor. It morphed into a full-blown laugh, tinged with a touch of madness that echoed eerily. As the laughter subsided, a chilling smile stretched across X's face.

The fear that had gnawed at him moments ago receded, replaced by a cold, exhilarating madness.

"A cornered mouse," X muttered, his voice rising in intensity, a manic glint in his eyes, "will eventually bite the cat." Though still present, the pain in his shoulder seemed muted, dulled by the madness that now consumed him.

X rose to his feet, a predator stalking its prey. "Tell me, does La Spada wish me dead?" he asked the figure who had just attacked him. " I doubt it to be the case. I am already a prisoner in her territory. If she wished so, Uvogin would have already completed the job." he continued while bandaging the wound on his shoulder with a piece of clothing he had torn.

"Now, tell me what you are trying to accomplish here." He finished, facing the boy with a defiant gaze.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #5
@Ichimonji @God_Usopun

Akira struck with a powerful blow towards X, whom barely seemed to be able to handle the speed in which Akira moved, only just capable of deflecting away the incoming air blade, whether he could do more however – is hard to say at that point. However, X did not seem to be well-versed in GunFu, unlike a particularly different gunner he encountered quite early into his ‘career’ as the Shadow. A sword strike that slices deep into X’s arm. X’s facial expression has completely changed from a more frivolous expression when he shot the prisoners to a very serious and pained expression as he fell to one knee with deep breaths.

X would make note towards Akira in regards to not pushing X too far, though for the boy – pushing him far is indeed what he is trying to do. For Akira, this is punishment for X for killing the prisoners, some of which are merely innocents and the pain that he inflicted upon them he would do the same to him. An eye for an eye, sort of. Regardless of what X’s objectives coming to Wano for, Akira did not know nor did he care about it. Whether if he is already a prisoner, or that Uvogin would have dealt with him – Akira has no knowledge of the context and circumstances that led to this. To him, this is merely a way to release his pent up frustration due to the events in Whole Cake Island while repaying him for what he did moments before. This is also a message to La Spada, that she would understand if she remembered the context of her plans.

Akira would seemly dislodge the sword from X, but that was nothing but a false sense of security the boy wants X to think. Yet whether X was waiting for a chance to strike back or is really looking for the end of the fight – he would find Akira swinging his sword horizontally once more, his stance as he retracts his sword however should X fought enough swordsmen would quickly allow him to realize what is going on, allowing him a bit of time to catch on. For Akira he would swing his sword horizontally from left to right, aimed at X but this time X would find Akira’s attack not just a simple sword strike like before, as the boy swung his sword Akira generates a powerful blast of shockwave forward at his opponent. Where if hit, would blast X away from Akira.

Name: Winter’s Dawn
Rank: A
Description: Using his physicality, the user swung his sword horizontally in front of him which generates a powerful shockwave as a result. This allows the user to blow away not just bullets, arrows but also even humans may be hit and be blown away by the shockwave. [Pic 1] (81 Shuurin, 81 Strength)

Akira's DPR: 6. City Level (121+, Zoans only) + A: +3 = 9. Small Country Level

There’s no words from Akira, perhaps something that would put X in a more terrifying position. However, for Akira he has no real idea what La Spada wants to do with this, asking what Akira wants to do is the wrong answer. Why is X here? What does he want? That is what his answer should be. After all, he implied wanting an audience with La Spada didn’t he? X made a mistake thinking the Spada Pirates are the kind of crew that La Spada would easily grant an audience by simply a test of strength or a trial. If he thinks that’s the case, then he would die a toy before he could even see the silhouette of the Reaper herself.

La Spada only sees someone if she wants something from them, not the other way round.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

The Grim Punishment - #8
@God_Usopun @Sea

Udon Prison | Prison Yard
The Shadow, exuding an aura of silent authority, seized control of the confrontation, initiating the first decisive move. Colt and Beretta, tucked away and muffled, emitted comical sounds of alarm. The onlookers, prisoners and all, watched in awe, none daring to interrupt the unfolding spectacle. Leaning casually against the exit, Prometheus glanced at his watch with evident irritation, his patience wearing thin. The wait would soon be over. As The Shadow prepared for the final strike, a sudden development halted his advance.

An imperceptible shield, forged from advanced spiritual energy, materialized between The Shadow and X, stunningly deflecting the impending air blade. Emerging from the shadows, an elderly figure stood tall, his presence commanding attention.
[Hyogoro] “Damn, Youngster!! This battle has already been decided. Watch your honor.”- the old man said, limping away​

To the astonishment of those observing, an unfamiliar elderly man intervened. Clad in a black and white striped yukata, partially undone at the waist, he sported small round orange glasses and warabi sandals. A short, weathered cloak draped over his frame, a testament to his long incarceration under the rule of the Beast Pirates. Grandpa Hyo, a figure of honor and compassion, could not bear to witness further violence. Hyogoro called an end to the match.

As the elderly man, struggling to maintain his balance, slowly departed, Prometheus spoke up, directing his words to Akira.
[Prometheus] “Allright. Allright. You’ve made your point. I’m sure your message was recieved.”- said Prometheus, pointing at Colt and Beretta, transponders. “I’m leaving now to the Flower Capitol. You can stay if you’d like…”- declared the man, emphasizing time was of the essence​
[Prometheus] “And you, gunner. You’re not worthy to spend more time on. Stay here. Leave. I don’t care.”- flatly said the Firebringer, “I do hate Uvogin, though. Wouldn’t mind his death. If you care for your revenge, he’ll be at the Flower Capitol as well.”- finished the man, holding the exit open, showing the Spada Pirates truly held no allegiance with each other​
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Silver Incursion #7

Neko Port - Outskirts of Town
The Gifters launched their assault, emerging from the shadows like predatory hunters. Suddenly, a thunderous crack reverberated through the town as a colossal figure shook the earth with each step, ensnaring many of the Gifters underfoot. Their desperate screams were abruptly silenced, crushed by the sheer power and mass of the newcomer. Those who managed to escape being crushed felt an icy chill of fear grip their throats, freezing them in place as a wave of overwhelming will washed over them. Their bodies stood immobilized, trembling like the beasts they had transformed into.

The giant turned towards the group that identified themselves as The Nine Scabbards. The Leader, who had abruptly halted his confrontation with Isshen, the young samurai, now joined his comrades in facing the towering figure. Sporting the traditional Tengu mask of samurais, the Leader calmly sheathed his sword and observed the giant with keen eyes, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. He waited patiently until the giant drew closer before addressing him.

[Leader] "What business does Silver Hair have in these lands? We've had our fill of your kind."- the man curtly said, an odd comment from one from an isolationist country

Isshen and his two comrades seized the opportunity to approach the old samurai. With concern etched on their faces, they attempted to lend him a hand to rise, but the old samurai refused. Instead, his eyes were etched on the Leader's silhouette with a defiant expression.

The Incarnations, having retreated towards the forest when the battle began, shifted their gaze on the giant figure that appeared. Their eyes widened before they disappeared into the shadows of the forest, swiftly departing from the area.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #4
@Ichimonji @Sea

The air shimmered as a shield materialized between them, deflecting the impending blade with a surprising crackle. X's eyes widened in surprise, his instincts kicking in to recognize the danger that had just been averted. The elderly figure's sudden intervention was unexpected, yet it offered a welcome pause in the escalation of violence.

Immediately following this, X swiftly holstered his weapons, a gesture of respect towards the old man. Though the urge for vengeance still pulsed within him, X recognized the wisdom in the stranger's words and the authority he commanded among the prisoners. With a nod of acknowledgment, X conveyed his acceptance of the interruption, his demeanor reflecting a sense of honor and restraint.

As Prometheus spoke, offering an exit strategy, X smirked. "The Flower Capital, is it?" he muttered, his voice low and dangerous. This crew, La Spada Pirates, was a curious bunch. Perhaps they were disloyal to each other, but their autonomy was intriguing. Maybe there was a way to work with them, to use them for his ends.

Following blindly wasn't X's style, but the knowledge that Uvogin awaited in the capital shifted the balance. "The Flower Capital," X said, his voice steady. "Intriguing. If you're heading there, perhaps you wouldn't mind leading the way? Of course, if that's not your game, I'd appreciate any pointers on getting there myself." A challenge glinted in his eyes, daring Prometheus to object.

The mention of La Spada sent a thrill coursing through him. This ragtag crew might be his ticket in, a way to bypass whatever obstacles awaited him. He wouldn't be a pawn, but he could play their game for a while and leverage their chaos to further his agenda. With a final, assessing glance towards Akira, a silent acknowledgment of their interrupted duel, X stood poised, ready to follow his path if necessary.

@Larsi since @Ichimonji forgot to add that in the post above


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #6
@Ichimonji @God_Usopun @Larsi

Akira wanted to punish X, but before it could seemly deliver the blow that would injure the gunner – an unexpected interference would appear – though Akira himself somewhat expected the Spada Pirates to do so, after all there is a reason for X being here. But he did not expect a completely different person, one that he would have no knowledge on. An elderly prisoner whom came to stop the attack through a barrier of Haki made to withstood the attack from Akira. A surprise for sure – while the boy did not use Haki to empower his attack, the prisoner showed quite a powerful Haki regardless. Hyogoro would call out Akira for his senseless violence, telling him to watch his honour. But for the boy, when it comes to matter regarding the Spada Pirates, honour is completely absent. Regardless, Akira would stay his blade – the duel is interrupted, there is no need to continue further that wouldn’t make any sense. Hyogoro would walk away, allowing Prometheus to continue on with his words.

Akira sheathes his blade as Prometheus mentioned that his ‘message’ is received. Before mentioning that he would be leaving for Flower Capital. Peering his eyes quietly towards Prometheus, the boy has a feeling things wouldn’t go quite as well as he thinks. Though this has already made harder with the spirit watching over him. The boy turned his face, hidden by the cloak and mask towards X for a brief moment as he stared down X before simply turning away.

He would head to Flower Capital on his own, not wanting either of X and Prometheus’ company though for the former he could easily follow along anyway. La Spada wanted the damn stone, one in which he himself could not read or make sense from. Does the Poneglyph supposedly hold more secrets to La Spada? Much like the one in Big Mom’s treasure room? Akira could not know; he lacks the literacy to read such ancient language.

Akira could use his Zoan powers to quickly reach the Capital, but given his current strength and prowess, weakened from the aftermath of fighting La Spada – he would best save his strength for something more important, reverting from his Hybrid form back to his human form – the boy makes his way to the heart of Wano.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
The Grim Punishment - #9
@Sea @God_Usopun

Udon Prison | Prison Yard
The battle reached a swift conclusion, abruptly halted by Prometheus who urged the two combatants to cease their skirmish. Time was of the essence, and Prometheus displayed impatience. Mentioning the presence of Uvogin "The Diamond" at Power Capitol, X became intrigued by the prospect of venturing to Wano's capital. Prometheus, adopting his usual nonchalant demeanor, shrugged in response. A contingent of Spada Legionnaires swiftly approached X, offering him his weapons, yet Prometheus insisted on retaining Colt and Beretta, emphasizing the need for vigilance.

Should the duo comply and follow Prometheus, he would lead them out of the Prison Yard and beyond the confines of the prison. Upon reaching the gate, the Firebringer produced a map, signaling the next phase of their journey.
[Prometheus] “One must traverse to the Northeast to get to the Flower Capitol. We'll likely run into Ebisu Town first.”- said Prometheus, pointing at the map, “There are some leads, but reconnaissance will be needed. Uvogin should meet us deeper in the Flower Capitol.”- finished Prometheus​

With a sidelong glance, Prometheus subtly alluded to his desire for Uvogin's demise as he discussed the giant's presence. Continuing, he revealed that Spada homies had been strategically placed throughout Wano Kuni, inhabiting various creatures, elements, and landscapes to aid in navigation. Emphasizing the importance of their mission, Prometheus reminded Akira of the valuable clues they had obtained from the old samurais regarding the Poneglyph's location - "atop prosperous crest" and the significance of the Nine Scabbards.

Prometheus was prepared to guide the group towards the Flower Capitol. Should Akira choose to venture alone, he had the option to fly or proceed independently with the aid of his map. As they set out on their journey, a gentle breeze served as a constant reminder of Hera's presence, subtly accompanying The Shadow along the way.

Prometheus initiated the trek towards the Flower Capitol, marking the beginning of their adventure.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #5
@Ichimonji @Sea

"Lead the way, Firebringer. But remember," his tone hardening slightly, the raw edge tinged with the lingering pain in his side, "trust is a scarce commodity in these parts." The message was clear: cooperation, yes, but blind faith? Never.

Catching Prometheus' eye as La Spada Legionnaires returned his weapons, X noted how the Firebringer retained Colt and Beretta, a flicker of amusement dancing in his flickering flames. A plan hatched in X's mind, a potential "accident" involving Prometheus that might reunite him with his pistols. The throbbing ache in his side was a constant reminder of the interrupted duel, a reminder he wouldn't soon forget.

With a nod, X stepped beside Prometheus as the Firebringer unfurled a map. His eyes scanned the parchment, memorizing the route to Ebisu Town, the first waypoint on their journey. This map could be invaluable, but X wouldn't rely solely on it. He'd keep an ear open, subtly questioning Prometheus about Uvogin's location and the nature of these "leads" they possessed. La Spada's homies network intrigued him, and it was another source of information to tap into if he could.

As they walked, X carefully observed La Spada Legionnaires. Did they follow Prometheus with unquestioning obedience, or was there a hint of something else in their eyes? Perhaps a flicker of fear or a hidden agenda of their own. Every detail mattered in this game of alliances and hidden motives.

The gentle breeze, carrying the faint scent of salt and freedom, stirred around X. He took it as a good omen. While he followed Prometheus' path for now, X wouldn't hesitate to deviate if a better opportunity arose. This was his journey, and he would leverage La Spada network using Prometheus' information but remain his own master in this unfolding game.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Wano – Udon Prison #7
@Ichimonji @God_Usopun

Akira stood by Prometheus as he gave out pretty clear instructions, for Akira lacks the knowledge to proceed since he is not only trapped within Udon for a lengthy period of time but also because he haven’t been to Wano ever since setting off after the events of Wano Kuni. Prometheus would then give out quite crucial information, the first one is that how La Spada have homies everywhere in Wano searching for the rock’s location. This is quite an important piece of information – for it meant that Akira should be looking for hidden places, or even underground. Otherwise the poneglyph would have been found quite a long time ago. The second important information is that the poneglyph could been found atop of a crest, and the significance of the Nine Scabbards.

Given all that Prometheus has unleashed all that information, it would be safe to say that either the poneglyph is hidden very well within the capital, or that it is underground – or perhaps even both. But no matter is his thoughts, finding the Nine Scabbards would make it easier to follow the breadcrumbs that have been laid so far. Akira wasn’t interested in socializing with Prometheus nor X, he would head Northeast on his own towards Ebisu Town where it stands between them and Flower Capital. Following the Spada Pirates Mayhem might not be a wise choice for now, for whatever that is the relationship between the people of Wano and Spada Pirates, it is best that the boy figures it out on his own. Though Hera would more than likely make it harder for Akira to hide away his actions from her prying eyes.

With the trek towards Flower Capital in progress, the boy decidedly continue to walk – making use of the map given to him to make his way towards his current destination.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons

A Grim Punishment - #10
@Sea @God_Usopun

Flower Capitol Outskirts | Ebisu Town
As the group journeyed across the vast plains of Wano Country, they encountered mountain ranges, rocky terrain, dry trees, and shrubs. Dark, watchful eyes seemed to follow their every move, emitting eerie howls that echoed like ghostly whispers across the landscape. However, the flora, alive, would steer them away from potential dangers lurking in the plains. It became apparent that the entire area was heavily transformed into homies, indicating a pervasive network of reconnaissance that had a firm grip on the nation. That La Spada had not found the Poneglyph was telling with this network was telling.

Suddenly, their trek was interrupted by a shrill, girlish scream that pierced through the air, shattering the uneasy silence.
[Tama] “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! RUN KOMACHIYO!! RUN!!!!! SOMEONE HELP!”- a young girl's voice swept the area, followed by pleas of help​

With thunderous thumps, the rhythmic sound of hooves striking the ground reverberated across the plains. Emerging from the north-western horizon, a massive four-legged creature charged toward their location, its size dwarfing that of a normal human. This creature bore the features of a lion, dog, and pig, its fur shaped like flames that danced with each stride. Perched atop the creature was a young girl with vibrant purple hair and piercing purple eyes, comically urging the beast onward.

In hot pursuit behind them, a group of half a dozen figures gave chase. These figures resembled animals in their own right but possessed bipedal form, resembling a small herd as they pursued the large creature. Prometheus confirmed their identities: Gifters, a faction of the remaining forces of the disbanded Beast Pirates.


The Shadow could have stayed with the group and witnesses the incident. If Akira had ventured ahead, he would find himself at the outskirts of Ebisu Town. From within the town, the sound of uproarious laughter would echo, an unusual occurrence in an area under the control of the Spada Pirates.
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