Brawl Weapon's Fight in Niflheim


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon saw his opponent's spitball, and dodged it by jumping to the side
. What the heck is doing? Is he throwing a fit because I wouldn't make the first move? It's really not my style, and the fact that I've done so before is only incidental... well I suppose that if I must fight, then I should do it properly and not let anything stop me from making the first move. He landed back on the ground, and held his claymore to the side. He unsheathed his spatha and held it facing the opposite way. With his swords in equals shape, the blade edges pointing outwards, he began to move them back and forth, generating a circular air slash in between them. He then turned the swords ninety degrees, unleashing the slash on its path toward his opponent, and shouted the name of the attack while doing so. "Mythical Soul Forge: Poison Apple Slash!"


Silver Hair
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Salty Doubloons
Original post by: joby
Jobymamushi had spaced out for a brief moment and lost track of time.

Hmm... he felt out of his body.... what was his body? Who was he? What had he taken for granted within the circumstances of his being that had lead him to this place and time.

He glanced across toward his opponent, now preparing his swords in yet another unusual stance. The wind freshened and Weapon unleashed a furious blast of cutting edge straight from his swords--hurtling toward Jobymamushi's personhood!

As the air screeched, Joby could feel the hairs within his inner ear rattling at a feverish frequency. The resulting oscillations resonated into what felt like a brain-melting crescendo.

Jobymamushi couldn't help but laugh! He couldn't move a muscle!


He shouted, but only in his mind, his teeth would not unclench!!

To Weapon, it must have looked as if Jobymamushi was simply standing still with a dumb toothy smile pealed back across his face, his eyes unblinkingly staring back at him.

Just as Weapon's attack was about to hit its mark dead center, Jobymamushi vanished in an instant.

A light and underwhelming plume of pink smoke puffed up where the mink had stood only seconds earlier. A strange black bar that seemed inexplicably to float in space, hovered flatly above the now whispy and fading pink smoke.

Flashing across the otherworldly horizontal black bar, were letters.

What new god of death had shown its face in this realm now, to play with the fate of these mortals?

Across the face of this new strange god, the letters read:


Jobymamushi opened his eyes. Birds fluttered overhead, the sky was so very blue. What had happened? Was that all really just a dream?

No. Jobymamushi closed his eyes and held within his mind's eye, the face of that fated hero and fool, Acaremus Weapon. For all the worlds that ebbed and flowed within the boundless ocean of Jobymamushi's twisted imagination, even Joby couldn't make up a guy like that.

He wished him the best in all his endeavors.

Joby opened his eyes once more. Gazing up at the blue sky, he felt a little odd, But couldn't quite put his finger on why? He felt.... different somehow.



Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon saw what had happened, but could not believe it. What happened? he thought.

Loki appeared in the sky above him. "Something bizarre happened, and we could not keep your opponent within this dimension. You will have to be given a new opponent. I'd bet Hel is already working on something."

Weapon was surprised to hear this, but even more surprised to find that he could not move.

Hel's voice rung through his head, "For as long as you lack an opponent, you shall be trapped in this state, unable to move!"

He wished he could growl to show his anger, but his face was as frozen in time as the rest of his body.

"Oof, tough break, kid. Well, someone's bound to come along sooner or later, right?" said Loki.

Weapon stood there, a prisoner in his own body, perplexed by recent events and his uncertain future. Well, hopefully someone will come. I don't want to be stuck like this forever.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: @Handsome

(inner monologue)
("NPC talking")

A tawny cat ran like a streak along a wall and disappeared through a small opening in an attic. Barely a second later, her pursuer followed and dived through the same opening, breaking the surrounding wood. There she stood with her back to a huge pile of straw and the redfish in her mouth, staring defiantly at her pursuer. A pointed-toothed smile stood out within the cloud of dust. "Got ya!"

Ready to grab the fish out of her mouth, Dagon noticed how the cat and even the fish, seemed to be shocked as they looked at something that appeared right behind him. As a dainty hand touched his shoulder, he slowly turned his head back and looked into the face of a young woman whose icy eyes were staring at him. As she starts to move her mouth to say something, the skin of her face slowly flaked off until only her skull remained. "Come with me!", she demanded with a growling voice.

Just before he could react, the thatched floor broke beneath them and Dagon, along with those two animals, fell into a seemingly endless hole. With flailing arms, wriggling paws and wagging fins, the three floated in the darkness. Soon after, they could see a small blue light in the distance, which seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Quickly, the white, blue illuminated ground approached beneath them and as Dagon landed in the snow on his back, the cat fell on her paws. "Am I shrunk?" he wondered in shock when he had to look up at the cat, which was suddenly three times his size. With a contemptuous look, the cat glanced down at him for a moment, but quickly moved away from him with a conceited gait and disappeared into the darkness, which obscured the view like a fog. "Wait a second... can it be..?" hopefully, he spread his arms and looked up, expecting a similarly sized fish falling down, ready to catch. And indeed, the fish approached from above, not falling, but rather swimming in the darkness, slapped with his caudal fin in Dagon's face and swam away. "Damnit, I'll find you!" he shouted.

Rubbing his cheek, he noticed how the bright red fish disappeared through an entrance to a huge building of ice in front of him. Blue flames lit up around the structure which enlightened the surrounding area in a cold blue. Usually, Dagon avoided icy places like this, but for some reason, he felt no cold as he touched the ice with his bare feet. He went through the huge entrance into a wide field of ice. The steplike spectator seats around reminded him of some kind of arena. Further ahead he recognized the silhouette of a human person. "Hello?!"


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon heard a voice in the distance call to him. Great, now I'm hearing things, he thought as he held his face in his hands. It took him a few seconds, but he soon realised what that actually meant. I can move again? But that must mean...

He turned around and saw a figure in the distance, likely just outside of his observation's range. He also noticed the blue flames on the edges of the arena. Were those there before? he wondered. I'd just assumed mystic forces were lighting this area. Well, at any rate, there must be some sort of magic to this realm if a flame hot enough to burn blue does not melt the ice.

You damned fool, said Hel within Weapon's mind. Quit trying to logically understand this place. The hereafter is a realm of perception. Everything you see is psychological. And before you ask, no that does not mean you can reimagine it as something pleasant. I decide what you see, and my mood is a fickle and petty thing.

Could you quit distracting him from the matter at hand? said Loki, also within Weapon's mind. I found him a new opponent, so we're finally going to get that battle we've been scheming for.

Weapon was annoyed that the two gods were arguing within his mind, but assumed that they were only intent on letting him hear it in order to torture him. He decided not to give them any more attention, and moved on to greeting his new opponent.

"Hello, who are you?"

He wondered if this was an effective way to converse with the person he could see but not sense. He wanted to be closer, but felt that demanding he move or moving himself may be perceived unfavourably. He awaited a response from this person.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: handsome
Meanwhile, two figures were talking outside the arena. "... a warrior from Acaremus' own ship. But don't worry, in order to prevent any acts of loyalty, I have split his memories when I brought him here from his dreams. I'm sure he will not escape this place as easily as the last one..."

As Dagon walked on, waiting for a response, he kept turning left and right in search for the red fish he followed up inside the arena. But within his field of view, he couldn't spot any colors other than white and blue.
Roogy said:
"Hello, who are you?"
To appear more frightening to the stranger, he drew his sword and rested it's back on his shoulder.
"Tehehe... My... my name is Da... Dew..." Wait, is this right..?

With each step, the stranger's appearance became clearer, to the point he could not only see but also feel his appearance. Dapper dressed, fine hat, sturdy shoes ... he must be a rich man, no doubt. But I can sense, there is a warrior hidden behind the exterior. Dagon lost his compulsive grin only on rare occasions and this was one of those. As also the stranger's face became visible, a cold shiver ran down his back. What is this feeling!? Do I feel awe towards a stranger? No way... This unknown feeling of self-doubt annoyed him visibly.

"Yes, Dew is my name, terror of the South Blue." He pointed to his sword with his eyes. "And this is Isshītan... my trusty sword" Lost in thought for a second, Dagon suddenly reached out his right arm and pointed his finger at Weapon. "And who are you, Hatman??"


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon was now close enough to feel his opponent's presence with his observation haki. It was a familiar aura, and so too was his opponent's face. Nonetheless, hearing the man call himself 'Dew' and claim to be from the South Blue, he chalked it up to coincidence. Besides, this 'Dew' had a stronger presence than the person he resembled, his crewmate 'Dagon', as last he had seen of his crew mate, he would not have had a presence that seemed to rival his own.

Weapon, uncertain of introducing himself to a second opponent, heard himself referred to as 'Hatman', and an old favourite song popped into his head.

He had to resist physically shaking his head at the thought that he connected the two simply because they rhymed. Nonetheless, he was intrigued by the idea of assuming an alias, and so responded to his opponent.

"Hatman? That's as good a name as any. Do you have any issues with it?"


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: handsome
Mhhh... No, not at all...
Thoughtfully, he glared at the stranger as he rubbed his chin.

Did I just guess his name? No, that can not be... I know this guy from somewhere. No doubt.
Ahaaaaaaa, so we have met before... you seemed familiar to me from the beginning. but I still don't remember...

Anyway... Again he pointed his finger at Weapon.
... tell me Hatman, was it you who lured me to this crystal place? He looked around paranoid. Di...did this huge cat hired you!?


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon was surprised that his opponent claimed to recognise him, and also accused him of luring him here less than a minute later.

"I don't recall meeting someone named Dew, but you do bear a striking resemblance to my crewmate. In any case, I did not lure you here. I myself have wound up in this place because of the schemes of Hel and Loki. This is Niflheim, realm of the dishonoured dead."

Weapon thought about what might lie in store for him. It would be hard for him to fight against someone who so closely resembled his crewmate, but if the Gods wished it, then it may have to be so.

Unsure of what else to say or do, Weapon stood in place, trying to come to terms with the idea he had a new opponent. Just when I had resigned myself to fighting the monkey mink, my opponent changes. Still, I will have to see where this goes.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: handsome
Dagon was almost shocked by himself that he had not already surprised this man with an attack. Normally, this usual approach from him resulted from the other's reaction, but neither fear nor nervousness exuded from this one.
Niflheim, huh? ... Sounds quite... affluent!

Ehhhh, I'm still not sure who you are, but I recognize a brigand when I see one ... and I guess you don't want to lose face with your ringleaders Loki and Hel by returning empty-handed. So, how about we solve this quandary with our swords?


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: roogy
Weapon felt rather bemused by Dew's assertions that he was a brigand and subservient to the foul Gods, he would rather eat a brick than bow before Loki or Hel, as neither possessed any honour worth his admiration.

"You insult me by connecting me with those scheming entities, so if your solution is swords, then I find it agreeable."

Weapon drew his claymore. He charged at his new opponent, preparing for his next attack. Something simple, to get the ball rolling. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He swung his sword at his opponent's chest. "Mythical Soul Forge: Gingerbread!"

Let us see if this bizarre fellow can put up a fight. Weapon's mind had been clouded by something, perhaps he had been here too long, perhaps he was being influenced by either Loki or Hel, or perhaps it was something in the air. In any case, he was slowly losing touch with the peaceable part of himself, wanting to fight in order to put the whole ordeal of Ragnarok to rest. He was a pawn in the game of the Gods, sure, but at least he would decide his fate through honourable means. He was going to fight, because it meant something. He was going to fight, because only he would truly decide his fate.


Silver Hair
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original post by: handsome
Dagon was surprised by Weapon's proactive approach, but he managed to take his already drawn sword down from his shoulder in time, holding it vertically in front of himself so the blades would intersect. The sound of two striking swords echoed through the icy arena as they connected. Woah... he's strong..! The force caused Dagon to slid back several meters on his bare feet before he could make his attempt for a counter attack. Seems like I said something wrong, but at least he accepted my proposal to find a solution with our swords...

The moment he came to a standstill, he was starting to run on the spot due to the slippery surface. Slowly then faster and faster his feet moved over the ice until they became blurry and finally transported him to his opponent. Now it's our turn, Isshī! While approaching he held the handle of his sword with both hands on his right hip and attempted to execute a diagonal slash upwards in direction of Weapon's torso. Furenchikisu!
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Note: In order to properly RP where previous stats were left out by reposting, both of us will assume Level 52.
Level 52
52x5 = 260
Strength: 56 + 10 + 5 = 71
Speed: 51 + 10 = 61
61x2 = 122
-Reaction: 61
-Movement: 61
Vitality: 51 + 10 = 61
61x2 = 122
-Durability: 61
-Stamina: 61
Haki: 51
51x2 = 102
-Armament Haki: 41
-Observation Haki (Awareness): 61
Martial Arts: 51 + 15 = 66
66x2 = 132
-Nitoryu: 61
-Mythical Soul Forge: 71

Weapon saw his opponent's attack come at him and manoeuvred his claymore, to defensively block the attack. It was at this point Weapon realised that his opponent would be a tough match. The battle for my soul will not be easily won. This fight seems to be the only way to escape this nightmare. Am I even experiencing something real? I cannot be sure of anything lately... it feels like I spent months just doing nothing... my head feels odd, like something is in there...

It is I, Hel, said a voice inside Weapon's head. I hope your little sabbatical has thoroughly destroyed your desire to try anything stupid. You're here to fight someone to the death. You can't even hope to do anything else.

Weapon jumped back from his opponent, a few metres, and thought to himself whether he should attack or give his opponent a bit of leeway. Perhaps we may be able to work something out if...

No! Enough of this foolishness! Fight him already!

Weapon begrudgingly resigned himself to the fight. However, from his current position, he decided that he would allow his opponent another strike, as a way of testing their resolve.

Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Level 52
52 x 5 = 260
(human race bonus: +3 Strength, +2 Speed, +2 Vitality, +2 Mind)

Strength: 45+15+5=65

Speed: 44+10=54
-Reaction: 43
-Movement: 65

Vitality: 51+10=61
-Durability: 43
-Stamina: 79

Mind: 6+10=16
- Science: 32

Haki: 36
-Observation Haki (Awareness): 25
-Armament Haki: 47

Martial Arts: 79
-Anago Sword Style: 61
-Snapping Style: 51
-Life Return: 46

The hard soles of his never-shoed feet made him slide uncontrollably across the ice after Weapon parried his blow. He rowed his arms wildly to keep his balance and managed to slow down. What kind of strange floor is that?!

While the sliding automatically turned his focus back to his opponent, he reattached his sword on his back. Then, like a sprinter, he went down in a crouching position so that his feet touched the ice only with its toes. Now on all fours, he rushed forward in Weapon's direction. Due to the slippery surface, this looked rather awkward, as if he was trying to swim with butterfly strokes.

Just you wait, Hatman!

A few moments away it looked like Dagon was going to attack Weapon with a high jump, but while he jumped he placed his arms close to his body, landed with his front on the floor and tried to slide forward like a penguin. While doing so, hoping to have gained speed with this action, Dagon showed his unusual pointy teeth and tried to catch one of Weapon's legs with a bite attack.

- Predatory Stalking (stance)
A combat stance in which the user assumes the attitude of a predatory animal and also tries to imitate the behavior of such. The beginning of the stance looks like a dog reacting to the "sit" command and when he moves, it is reminiscent of a stalking cat. This attitude helps to sneak up on enemies or persecute them without being seen immediately. Above all, it makes it easier to execute his jump and bite attacks.
(21 Snapping Style, 21 Movement Speed, 41 Reaction)

- Kamasu (カマス „Barracuda“)
With a powerful jump the user flies towards his opponent and tries to bite, but not to stuck with his teeth into him. The goal is to bite something off in flight - this can be a body part, a weapon or something else from his target.
(41 Snapping Style, 41 Strength, 41 Movement Speed, 41 Reaction Speed) Destructive Potency Rank: B
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Weapon saw his opponent attempt to bite him and was shocked. What kind of tactics are these? he thought. No, rather, the life of a pirate speaks to all methods as fair. If this person sees biting as a fair tactic, it is not up to me to judge.

With any thoughts dispelled, he realised all too late that his shock at the motion meant that he had not moved, and though he could react faster than his opponent, the speed at which they moved was more than he could effectively combat. He armoured his leg with invisible armament haki, and prepared for the impact of the bite. Thanks to the use of armament, the bite was less effective than it otherwise would have been.

He has powerful jaws, thought Weapon. I'd better find a way to fight him that doesn't result in my dismemberment.

You know, I can make your pain go away... said Hel's voice in Weapon's head.

No, for starters I'm hardly in pain anyway right now. Hel's voice only replied, Very well, but if things go south for you, well, you'll know that you missed out on a great offer. Weapon figured now was a time to begin fighting his opponent. He raised his claymore and hardened it, intending to swing at his opponent only to see if they could avoid it, and likely dislodge themselves from a biting position.

Relevant haki usage in bold
21-40 Can coat ranged, solid weapons, such as bullets and arrows, as well as full limbs with invisible haki.
61 durability + invisible armament = Town level durability

41-60 Can coat entire body in invisible haki. Can use hardening on feet, hands and weapons.
A regular unnamed sword swing + hardening armament = B-rank attack.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As Dagon reached his target, he struck his teeth in Weapon's left leg, attempting to rip it out. But when his jaw connected it suddenly got stuck. It felt like he was biting into a tree. Where is the taste of blood?!

Hmm?! As he lay sideways on the ice, Dagon saw from the corner of his eye how Weapon was about to reach out with his sword. He pulled his teeth out of his boot and tried using both hands to push off Weapon's legs to slide backwards on his belly. But from this unfavorable position, Dagon was too slow to evade the attack. Arrgh! While he slipped away poorly, the double-edged blade reached Dagon's shoulder, almost cutting off his left arm. A trail of dark blood stained the ice.

Unfortunately, pushing off from his opponent like that didn't let him slide as far away as he hoped. While his cheek pressed against the ice, he glared at his opponent with a grin, that was visibly distorted by pain. He decided to launch a swift counterattack. While his body began to rise, he reached for the ring on the end of his sword hilt with his right hand. But it wasn't his legs that brought his body quickly into a vertical position; like tiny tentacles, his bristly strands of hair lifted his slender body upside down like the hand of a clock.

Without paying close attention to his opponent's reaction, he swiftly brandished his sword diagonally upwards in Weapon's direction, hoping to hit him with a horizontal blow. As he did this, his injured arm swung as though lifeless in the opposite direction.

- Tan Marunoko (タン丸のこ literally meaning “Circular Tongue Saw“)
The user holds the ring on the end of the handle of his sword with one hand and twirls extremely fast like a spinning top. Thanks to the ring and the one free arm, the user can easily outbalance the weight of the sword with his own weight.
(51 Mastery, 51 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: B

- Life Return

(edit: less strange wording)
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
If I've done this correctly, it's a city block attack against city block durability.

Since there is mention of movement "diagonally upwards" I presume the intention is a vertical blow, not horizontal. If I am wrong on this, I will change my post as necessary, as soon as possible.

Weapon was hit by an attack from below that had taken him by surprise. His chest was slashed from left to right diagonally, a large wound, to be sure, but due to the angle, surprisingly shallow.

Weapon almost felt the instinct to cry out in pain, but to his surprise, did not feel any.

I told you, didn't I? This battle doesn't have to hurt, just fight like a good little viking warrior and it'll be like nothing even happened.

What the hell? Now I don't even get a choice? Screw this, I'm going to see if I can appeal to...

It was then that the pain came flooding into Weapon, shocking his system. NO! I told you already, fight! Win, die? Does it even matter anymore? All I want is your obedience!

Weapon held back his tears despite the war raging inside his head. He had a battle to fight, and he could not show weakness. It was then as he steeled his resolve that he made the realisation. Whether he won or lost didn't matter. As long as the circumstances of the fight prevented him from entering Valhalla, or being stuck in Niflheim, he would pull the ultimate win.

"Seems like you've cut me once, skilled one. Now give me your best." Weapon outstretched his arms and awaited his opponent's next move.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
No, you're right, I meant vertical

After launching his attack, Dagon lost his balance due to the momentum and flipped over backwards. But in anticipation of a quick counter-attack, he immediately jumped up again, albeit in a slightly swaying manner. When he got back on his feet and the dizziness in his head faded a little, he saw Weapon still standing right in front of him and with his arms outstretched.
"Seems like you've cut me once, skilled one. Now give me your best." Weapon outstretched his arms and awaited his opponent's next move.
Mhh... what is he up to?! Is this the stance of a bear that wants to smash me with its paws? Or is he planning to crush me in his arms like a snake!? ... While he was trying to analyze his opponent's behavior, he got his sword ready in his remaining hand and coated it with hardening. Anyway...

... As you wish, Hatman!
Dagon approached quickly and thrusted his sword straight forward, targeting Weapon's chest. Though his movement reminded more of a boxer throwing a punch.

- Tan no hogei-hō タンの捕鯨砲 (Tongue Harpoon Cannon)
The user stabs his sword with extreme speed in the direction of the opponent. The force of this blow is strong enough to send an intersecting pressure wave through air and water.
(31 Mastery, 31 Strength) Destructive Potency Rank: C

- Armament Haki
"41-60 Can coat entire body in invisible haki. Can use hardening on feet, hands and weapons."
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Dew stabbed Weapon through the chest, and the latter put up no resistance. This hurts like hell, thought Weapon. In any case, such a handicap is not enough. I need to be fighting while holding back, but not dishonouring the fight through retreat or concession. This is a method that would not do for the warriors of Valhalla, but neither for the cowards of Niflheim. If neither realm can claim my soul, then Ragnarok will be prevented for another millenium, and I get to piss off Loki and Hel, who thought my mind was a suitable battle ground for their family issues.

"Well Dew, that was quite something," said Weapon as the blood poured from his chest and out of his mouth. "Do you wish to land another, or shall it be my turn?"

Hel and Loki had stopped paying attention to the fight, as they had been greeted by a very angry Odin.

Unheard by the two fighting souls below, Odin confronted Hel and Loki. "You two actually found a modern believer, and are now trying to bring about the end of our reality? You realise Ragnarok will destroy everything except Midgard, right?"

"Yes, but better to go down with the ship, right your crankiness?" said Loki.

"Enough of this, I'll keep my word, but I'm not happy about it."

"You're never happy about anything. But what else could be expected from a warrior king?" said Hel.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
As Dagon performed his attack a cold shiver ran down his back. It was an unfamiliar situation for him to strike someone down who showed neither resistance nor fear. He knew how to fight, but this felt more like an execution.
"Well Dew, that was quite something," said Weapon as the blood poured from his chest and out of his mouth. "Do you wish to land another, or shall it be my turn?"
What is this feeling? Mercy? No.
Just take his head and we'll continue looking for the cat...
Dew... did I tell him that? I did.
He is no different from all the others we got rid of. Look at him, look at his hat...

I'm not a headsman, I'm a fighter... he whispered to himself. What?
He turned his gaze back to Weapon and, like he did before, outstreched his remaining good arm.
This is still a fight, right? Show me what you got!
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