Future Events Your predictions for the Wano arc

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Salty Doubloons
though, I think this reveal will be better for the elbaf arc (if one piece doesn’t just end in Wano lol)—
with the abolishment of the schichibukai system—something fantastically accidental and happenstance and gloriously stupendous and genuinely shocking is going to happen which will prompt the world and the world government to confer the title of Yonko upon Buggy the Clown
what if buggy ends up being pirate king with luffy :blobcoolthink
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
After the flashback I think the Story will continue with solving the Traitor plot
  • Kyoshiro will be revealed as Denjirou. Hiyori offers that she lied, because they expected that there is a traitor in the alliance.
  • Hitetsu will be revealed as traitor. Tenguyama family plot will be connected to Void century. Grudge against Kozuki Family for closing boarders.
Afterwards the Luffy and co will be Creed and the war starts. After the suprise effect Strawhats alliance get dominated by Kaidou - BM alliance. Followed by Neko appearing together with Izo and other former WBP!

Then step by step more allies will show up. Jinbei, Kidd, X Drake betrayel... Order doesn't matter. In the end we get Luffy and Supernova captains defeating Kaidou and BM.(Besides that some other great Fights also stuff like Momo + Hiyori defeating Orochi).

After the final fight Neko tells Luffy that 4th RP on Sphinx Island. Hitetsu wir Tell something about the Void Century. Also many new interisting insides about the past via poneglyphs. Everyone shocked about Void Century stuff.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Toki will die if she still alive.
Helmeppo will come to Wano and defeat King of the Wildfire
I think Kyoshiro ain't Denjirou, I think Kyoshiro is a Shimotsuki or Tenguyama or Amatsuki, something different who wants to give his family a renown name.
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Can't muster the effort for longer essay-style explanation for some of these, too much to cover. Will elaborate at later point with proper long-form theories for a few....one day. Maybe.

- Toki is blood-related to Joyboy, who is himself/related to the One Piece ( figurative ) representation of the gestalt Roman/Greek God of Farming, Time, and festive celebrations of liberty and buffoonery, the Titan Saturn/Kronos; hence her character sporting time-related abilities s. That's a mega-theory for another day.

- Orochi's detractors have been getting constantly sniped by poisoned arrows throughout this arc, but we'll see the villains get a taste of their own medicine later on when either Kaido or Orochi getting suddenly struck by one of those long-range arrows that were recently introduced at a critical juncture during the arc's climax.

See, Toki ain't no helpless waif; she's got the archery skills of your classic Shinto miko/shrine maiden. And she's firing ( time-travelling ? ) arrows carrying messages incognito to gain Orochi's confidence and shape events in a certain way, waiting to land the one shot she's agonizingly been betting everything on, and possibly even leave one final message of her own to her children.

Alternatively, could be Hiyori landing the final arrow shot. From prostitute to holy maiden. Beauty slays the Beast. You see where I'm going with this?

- Speaking of shrine maidens, we're probably going to be introduced to one during the Golden Kagura of the Fire Festival, same as what occurs in real-world Obon festivals, complete with prophetic visions and divine messages being conveyed by the aforementioned miko as is typical in such rituals.



Fans of the Toki-Lives theory may get vindication if it turns out Toki's pulled a Hiyori and faked her death, likewise taking up another identity to get close to both Kaido and Orochi. Like mother, like daughter.

Characters like Doflamingo and Orochi may have impressed upon us just how scary a vengeful individual can be, but now Oda will shift gears over to the female side of things....for hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Toki and Hiyori are gonna show people just scary women can be, using their own unique strengths and feminine wiles. We've already seen how Shinobu and women-at-heart Kiko's harsh views on silencing weak links and witnesses, so I suspect Oda intends to convey not only just how vicious and cut throat women can be, but also emphasize their ability -- and the necessity of such qualities given the circumstances -- to make the hard decisions that the men -- at least in Oda's narrative -- have otherwise been unable to make. In other words, the women of Oda's story will ultimately shore up the weaknesses of guys like Oden and Luffy by bringing the kind of ruthlessness and deception they can't muster ( but the enemy has been perfectly willing to engage in ).

On that note, I wouldn't be surprised if Robin were to regain the "edge" that many have complained she's otherwise been lacking post-time-skip. I'm thinking Oda has been intentionally playing up her seemingly -- and arguably overly -- easygoing, cheery demeanor for the express purpose of having her return to form in bombastic fashion by crushing guys' nuts in classic pre-timeskip-Robin-style, further cementing and tying into the overall themes I've outlined above. Just as Toki intends to demonstrate -- going by the most recent chapter -- that women are NOT to be underestimated, readers will be dramatically reminded this still holds true for Robin, despite however much she's grown more relaxed and "girly" in her portrayal; demonstrating more "effeminate" facets of one's character does not constitute weakness.

Same holds true for openly shedding tears, showing mercy, compassion, acting like a buffoon...another major theme of this arc will be the exploration of the concept of "weakness" in general.

Added bonuses:
Note that kabuki's origins, despite the notable exclusion of women and prevalence of male actors ( onnagata ) commanding female roles throughout its history, ironically trace back to stage dramas enacted by a miko named Izumo no Okuni and her female dance troupe.


Miko -- Kabuki -- Gender Roles -- Theater -- Prophecy -- Ghosts -- Festival of the Dead - Stories

As far as Toki possibly returning disguised as the miko of the Golden Kagura and how that could shape the plot....note how the basis for the Bon Odori/Obon traditions derive from the tale of a Buddhist disciple's attempts to release his mother from her torment in the afterlife...Poor Momo's gonna have to put in WORK this arc.

,,,Did I also mention that One Piece itself is a historical log dressed up as an elaborate stage production, told in story form? This will serve as further shadowing of the truth behind the nature of One Piece.

- King is quite possibly a very gruff and manly woman, albeit with girly hobbies that involve the collecting of dolls ala fellow tengu Hitetsu. It's not only a play on Queen being a dude, but also a mirror image of Kiku, ie in this case a woman who considers herself a "man" at heart, with a few exceptions in the form of more "girly" personality traits.

Anyways, early proponents of one of Kaido's Calamities being based on Ghengis Khan's daughter Khutulun might be vindicated. Her ability to swiftly swoop in on targets in the midst of battle was often likened to that of a bird of prey after all.

- If Kiku does turn out to be a traitor of some sort, and assuming her character does serve as some reflection of sorts to King, expect her to possess some kind of bird/flying zoan theme or df ability as well. A few possibilities spring to mind:

(a) Kiku of the Lingering Snow's sobriquet immediately brings the avian-themed Monet to mind. Who knows, maybe Monet's df actually did make its way to the Sunny as many theorized, and Kiku just happened to find it while scouting out the ship's location? And hey, can't have all these yokai references in Wano without making room for the frigid yuki-onna, amirite?

(b) Some kinda caterpillar/moth zoan as a reference to the famous Okiku/okikumushi ghost story and yokai, and your classic moth yokai in general. Also, obligatory Mothra reference.



Insert a literal "lingering snow" effect in the form of poisonous powder coming off his moth wings in zoan form.

Also, obligatory metaphorical metamorphosis allusions here for the man with the heart of a maiden.

(C) A crane or heron df. If Kiku's betrayal is born from anguish rooted in unrequited love owing to her being biologically male, it could be Oda's nod to these tragic characters from Japanese folklore and stage productions whose own turmoil stems form rejection and otherwise failed relationships.

http://www.glopad.org/jparc/?q=en/node/22838 Twilight Crane

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuru_no_Ongaeshi The Crane Wife

https://www.kabuki21.com/sagi_musume.php The Heron Maiden, the starring role of which played by one of Kikunojo's real-world namesake's, Kabuki actor and famed onnagata ( male who plays female roles ) Segawa Kikunojo II. Note the snowy setting that serves as the backdrop.


Consider that Kiku comes from a line of dancers...just trade those fans Izo was shown dancing with in his youth for a pair of wings.

Also, note the similarity between Kiku's mask and that of the Hannya Noh mask associated with wrathful, scorned women.


So yeah, however Oda goes about it, Kiku will obtain some kinda winged form, and her character arc will involve abandonment/rejection issues stemming from her past and gender issues.

On a sidenote, Urashima the Sumo Wrestler may get a redemptive opportunity and be involved in the resolution to Kiku's own storyarc, stepping in to help Kiku or something, professes his undying love in spite of their checkered history and Kiku's being a dude, Something dramatic like that. Dude reminds me of a big fat duck for some reason, so he may end up temp joining Kaido's forces and become a duck zoan or Gifter at some point....specifically a Mandarin Duck, known for the legendary depths of the loyalty to their mates.


Basically replace Urashima's mawashi underalls with a rubber duck floatie or something. And luckily, he can now compensate for his cut-off chonmage with a fabulously flamboyant crest of colorful feathers.

You didn't think Oda was done tackling the subject of gender and sex and all, did you?

- Orochi's going to get the scare of his life from someone or something playing the role of the typical female onryo ( vengeful yurei or ghost ala the Ring or Ju-On ). Could be. Hiyroi AND Toki at different points.

If it's Toki, she may not have come away completely unscathed from the burning of Oden's castle, sporting a burnt, disfigured appearance --maybe makeup, maybe not -- much like one very famous onyro, the vengeful Oiwa, from the popular Kabuki play Yotsuya Kaidan


- Moriah's going to be animating an army of nicely-preserved famous dead samurai from the Ringo graveyards. Oda's tribute to the Makai Tensho franchise of novels, movie starring Sonny Chiba, and the Ninja Resurrection anime/manga some may be familiar with.


Before inevitably teaming up with Strawhat and Co, he may initially team up with the duo of Hiyori and Kyoshiro.

- Contrary to popular opinion, Komurasaki/Hiyori does not represent a sly fox or kitsune as one be quick to presume, but rather symbolizes the shapeshifting cat yokai known as the bakeno or the more fearsome, twin-tailed nekomata, long associated with courtesans, deception, and necromancy,

Rather fitting given Moriah's eventual later entry into the overall plot, and will also coincides with what I expect will be Komurasaki's/Hiyori's own self-aware realization that's currently walking the path of a demon condemned to hell; her words to Zoro may go further than simple figure of speech, as she may legit believe she's suffering karmic retribution due to the sins and errors of her family...thus harboring a potential grudge and knowingly embarking on a rather dark path for revenge.

Blah blah blah basically toss the following references into a blender and you'll see what I mean, this is the direction Oda'll be taking her character imo.





Recall Komurasaki's tendency of wearing a mask during her musical performances? Probably obvious to many of us that she's actually crying under her mask in rare moment of cathartic release, something she likely avoids doing in public, same as her mother in the latest chapter; can't show "weakness" and all that.

Anyway, more to the point, note the above image in particular, as Nekomata were depicted in legends to disguise themselves as courtesans and play melancholic tunes on a shamisen in remembrance of their fallen feline kin; actual cat skin was used to provide the canvas of the shamisen musical instrument in Edo period Japan.

See the parallels?

If you still don't see it, then just picture Komuraski's signature taiyu hairdo as a giant pair of cat ears, and her hairpins as whiskers. Whether she ends up transforming into some cat-like form due to a devil fruit or something else, I can't fathom a clear guess. But then, I definitely foresee Kyoshiro transforming into some kinda dog/dog-like form, so I wouldn't be surprised if his partner in crime followed suit in some fashion.

Cat zoan or Nekomata devil fruit with necromantic abilities similar to that of Moriahs? The power of nine lives? I dunno.

- Upon resolution of his character arc and the Wano arc overall, Moriah gets blind-sided once again, only this time for good. His devil fruit is stolen and granted to the newest recruit of the Blackbeard Grand Fleet...Captain Kuro.

  1. Kuro's scheming nature makes him the perfect fit for Blackbeard's forces.
  2. In way a way, his own desire to retire in comfort mirrors that of the slothful Gecko Moriah.
  3. His fighting style and habits lend themselves perfectly to the abilities of the Kage Kage no mi, allowing him to effectively maximize its potential, e.g. fighting in tandem in melee combat with his own shadow Doppleman ( a callback to that cat-themed duo that gave Zoro a hard time ) ; attacking from behind but swapping places with his shadow using Shadow Kakumei ( thus averting his getting trapped again, as we saw occur in his battle w/ Luffy and throughout his pirating career ); and now he now gains the ability to create a legion of supremely loyal and expendable flunkies, no more need to pander to people like Kayaif he can just turn them into undead slaves.
  4. Kuro use of Doppleman in a Gemini-style tag-team referencesthe two tails of the Nekomata, thus adding another yokai to the BB forces alongside Nine-tailed Fox, Catarina Devon
  5. Speaking of Devon, Kuro is likely assigned to her division, given their shared proclivity for espionage and infiltration, the yokai/animal connection, and their lunar ( or is that lunatic ) leanings...

- Wano itself will be revealed to be a veritable "leftover town." Tis but a fragment -- and/or possibly a collection of other "leftover towns" as per the popular Oni-Created-Wano theory -- of a greater whole. Just might be that Wano itself is encased within the actual One Piece equivalent to real-world Mount Fuji, with the rest of the greater Wano landmass having sunk beneath the waves.

Wano's origins somewhat follow that of Kuri…just as Wano's overall history will foreshadow what occurred to the entire world during the fall of the Ancient Kingdom. The WG was not the enemy of the Ancient Kingdom; it WAS part of the Ancient Kingdom before a great Civil War and cataclysmic Fracturing that split the Ancient Kingdom ( aka Pangea ) apart, resulting in several "leftover towns" in the form of non-WG islands such as Sphynx, with many reuniting to become proper nations under the umbrella of the WG much akin to the properly-governed provinces of Wano.


Ties back to a theory I made a while back related to Wano's design and history being inspired by the artificial island of Dejima, which served as foreign trading post and virtual quarantine zone for said foreign traders and their families. At one point, the Dutch were among the few foreign powers allowed to operate in Japan during its isolationist period, and thus perhaps explaining why so many of Wano's citizens are so fucking tall, mostly contrary to their real-world, generally shorter Japanese counterparts; many of Wano's citizens are ethnically Dutch, whose populations are recognized as the tallest on average.

Offhand, I firmly believe Whitebeard himself is intended to be a Dutchman, himself patterned after certain Dutch explorers with notable connections to Japan...and so I can't help but think that scenes of Whitebeard bro-fisting with Kinemon and calling Oden "brother" also served on one level as Oda's cheeky nod to their shared ethnic backgrounds.



That's right. The isolationist, xenophobic, classist people of Wano are in fact descended from a motley mix of immigrants, refugees, the former dregs of society, etc...ie people who typically occupy the lowest rungs of any society. Much like...the Red Scabbards...and now the rest of Wano's population, minus those who reside in the Flower Capitol.

Social Commentaryyyyyyyyyyyyy
though, I think this reveal will be better for the elbaf arc (if one piece doesn’t just end in Wano lol)—
with the abolishment of the schichibukai system—something fantastically accidental and happenstance and gloriously stupendous and genuinely shocking is going to happen which will prompt the world and the world government to confer the title of Yonko upon Buggy the Clown
Heh, quite honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Buggy were to somehow end up being recognized as the King of the World or its Greatest Hero through the dumbest of luck.

I'm sure the greatest kings in history will be revealed to have been a bunch of "foolish lords" in the same vein as Oden...ie goofballs, clowns, tricksters, and other Lords of Misrule. Odds are that the same applied to Joyboy.

So yeah, why not Buggy? WHY NOT ZOIDBERG?
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
01. Hiyori/Toki is/are Related to Traitor/Leaks in some way
02. Zoro will have a Major Role in defeating Kaido
03. There is something Hidden in that Mountain (Mount Fuji Alike)
04. Momonosuke will also Help in defeating Kaido
05. The Hour of Legend will be tested again during the War (Someone will have to endure something for an Hour, either Luffy, Zoro or Kaido)
06. Big Mom won't be Defeated
07. X-Drake might steal the Road Poneglyphs (It will also be revealed that SWORD or WG have the Fourth Poneglyph)
08. Scabbards will fight Calamities
09. Luffy will get another Power-Up (Either Awakening or Perfect his Gear 4)
10. Zoro will finally show Ashura again (It will be like his own version of CoC)
11. Sanji will use his Raid Suit to give Alliance an Advantage like he always does (Destroying a Weapon or Stealing something)
12. Big Mom will fight against all Straw Hats (Similar to Oars Fight)
13. Chopper will Cure Smile Side-Effect
14. Orochi will be defeated by all Nine Scabbards at same time
15. Kaido will be Defeated in his Dragon Form
16. Law will end his Alliance with Straw Hats, either during Wano War or After (Assuming he Survives)
17. Onigashima is covered in Iron and Kid will be Very Powerful there if he joins the War
18. Oden's Notebook will be Revealed & Found
19. When Kaido/BM lose the War, BM will carry Kaido on her Ship and leave Wano (Similar to how Moriah was saved after Thriller Bark)
20. Luffy will decide that their Next Destination should be Lodester & then Elbaf
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Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Momo and Toko will make a promise w/ eachother to rebuild wano. They will get married to ensure the good ol families remain and grow again.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Yeah Momo x Tama was already build up.
With Tama being a potential Kurozumi Bastard it would also have a deeper meaning.
I'll be pretty depressed if Tama's a Kurozumi, bastard or not. Because that means either she or any other surviving Kurozumi remain a threat to Wano and Kozuki Family. Would much rather have Orochi being the sole survivor so that the clan is wiped out when he dies.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Nessos gone crazy :pepeclown:

Anyway I start getting obsessed with the idea of Caribou joining the Strawhats for atleast an Arc/Saga.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
- Legend has it Sir Francis Drake dabbled in the dark arts, had a magical scrying mirror he'd use to keep tabs and spy on his enemies at all times. Given one of Japan's three imperial treasures is the Yata no Kagami Mirror -- employed by a certain Goddess of the Dawn and Lulz to help lure Sun Goddess Amaterasu out of her cave -- this leads me to believe X Drake's might walk outta Wano w/ a new asset. Is it Brulee? Her df? Some spy satellite tablet whatzit?

I'm thinking we could see some One Piece equivalent of the Three Imperial Treasures, so I'm leaning towards all three maaaybe constituting an individual component of Uranus ( some multi-purpose weather/tides/electromagnetic field manipulating satellite array )

Mirror - spy satellite monitor?

Magatama - legendary Tide Jewels of Legend, capable of manipulating tides/ocean. These are two giant golden balls ( recall Luffy's kintama gag back on Amazon Lily ? ) that reference the severed nuts of the Titan Uranus, courtesy of his rebellious son Saturn/Cronus.

Remember how the controls of Maxim were two orbs? That giant golden orb Luffy used to clock Enel in the end? Something like that; two poles of some electromagnetic device meant to operated by two powerful Minks

Ame no Habakiri/Kusanagi no Tsurugi - shares its name with Momo's blade, only this one is much larger; a massive sword-shaped orbital death ray satellite that literally can cut the heavens; a virtual Sword of Damocles hanging over the entire surface.

Cue Drake having the power to sink ( or aid ) Spanish Armadas?

- Zoro's outing w/ Enma won't go very well. He'll need to rely on Ame-no-Habikiri instead. Problem is, Momo's sword is kinda the opposite of Enma; it can't cut shit. This sword REPELS haki, requiring the user to envelope the sword with aura haki rather than infuse it with such, thereby honing finesse and precise manipulation of one's Ryuou. It's also an excuse for Zoro to recall his BOAT training.

- Fuck a fire sword. Zoro's natural affinity is the element of wind, hence his best bet being a sword that can purportedly cut the heavens. And should he master the skills this sword can provide, could be he will indeed learn to not just cut fire, but manipulate it as well...with wind. And it all ties to learning to cut grass with this seemingly POS blunt sword.


Gonna have to pull a Dragon and cut a path through a plain fulla wildfire.

- Sanji's gonna pay for relying too much on invisibility against a foe(s?) whose observation haki and/or animalistic senses render it useless. He'll opt instead later to learning the trick to erasing his presence ala the Ninja and Minks. Suit won't get entirely tossed out tho, I imagine he'll get Chopper, Usopp, and Franky to customize it to his preferences.

recall the past but don't get stuck --> Look ahead to the future, but abandon/forget nothing --> learn, assimilate, adapt


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
- Zoro's outing w/ Enma won't go very well. He'll need to rely on Ame-no-Habikiri instead. Problem is, Momo's sword is kinda the opposite of Enma; it can't cut shit. This sword REPELS haki, requiring the user to envelope the sword with aura haki rather than infuse it with such, thereby honing finesse and precise manipulation of one's Ryuou. It's also an excuse for Zoro to recall his BOAT training.
:pepemusic: this idea sounds supper exciting and would put Oden even in better light, because he seemed to have figured out the balanced between both swords
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Watch Luffy having to adopt a similar HARD + SOFT approach with a nigh-simultaneous double punch to really start affecting Kaido; one to attack from within whilst the next blow caves in w/pure blunt force.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Yeah Momo x Tama was already build up.
With Tama being a potential Kurozumi Bastard it would also have a deeper meaning.
Tama will be a Kunoichi as an a scabbard was to Oden. Completely loyal to Momonosuke and Kozuki clan. But i really love the idea of Momo x tama, not only for the similar age, but also for the meaning of a very poor girl becoming a member of the goverment of Wanokuni, like an inspiring emblem for all society without discrimination anymore.

Love it!
Nessos gone crazy :pepeclown:

Anyway I start getting obsessed with the idea of Caribou joining the Strawhats for atleast an Arc/Saga.
Caribou is the another dimensional counterpart of Barto, same fun material.

Oda make it real for real
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Still love the Idea of Caribou being the greatest Teach fanboy.
That would be a thing zehahahaha

Well caribou knows something important to ask Teach for joining the crew in exchange.

But first, we must see what will do Caribou in Wano in the upcoming war and so on.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
- The Numbers are a nomadic tribe of outcast giant half-breeds, hybrids, and what not. Much like the Germa, they too were left to wander without a home, possibly due to some assortment of factors including but not limited to racism, rejection, abandonment, being overthrown, and so on.

Their epithet and backstory constitute references to the gigantic offspring born from human/fallen angel couplings from biblical texts such as the Book of Lost Numbers, the Book of Giants, and other accounts. They are the Grigori, the Gibborim, the Nephilim, the Rephaim, and other such "bastard" races. The seeming wild variation in appearance in that one panel depicting their silhouetted forms can be chalked up to the unique components of their individual bloodlines, e.g. giant/fishmen vs giant/Mink vs giant/avian humanoids half-breeds, etc.






It's another example of Jewish/Judeo-Christian enemies -- or rather their One Piece incarnations ( or reincarnations? ) ironically suffering a similar fate as the Jewish diaspora and early Christians.

Needless to say, the implications are multifold. I'll elaborate more if or when evidence unfolds.

- As mentioned previously and tying to what I've outlined above, we're probably going to bear witness to multiple examples of inter-racial hybrids or unique races born from some intermingling ( a sub-branch of a heavy MIXING theme in this arc ). By no means the first instances of such, as we've seen a few examples going back all the way to the Foxy/Davy Back arc, but it'll become a huge focus here.

Some potential examples:

King - a reptilian or snake humanoid/avian humanoid hybrid representing the union of legendary enemies, the Naga and Garuda. Also represents the fiery Cockatrice ( simultaneously serving as a humorous reversed callback to the Basilisk of Impel Down ).

Kyoshiro - possible half-Dog/Wolf Mink. Will probably transform into some Lycanthropic form under the ensuing Full Moon on the night of the Raid. Could also end up being some kinda shapeshifting canine akin to Onimaru, only in his case one based on a dog, specifically the Shiba or Akita Inu Japanese breed. Either way, Kyoshiro basically goes Werewolf during the Full Moon, whatever his true nature.

Toki - I trust nothing about Toki haha. I've said it many times already, she is not entirely human. I'd already suspected as much even before her full introduction, but the fact she was wearing boots in her official non-silhouetted debut was a possible hint that she's got some Mermaid/Fishmen blood, hence the need to cover up her partially transformed fishy feet. Yes, I'm aware that Mermaids can only transform their tails into a human pair of legs upon reaching 30, but chances are that either Toki was lying about her age or it's the result of her being mixed breed; I highly suspect she's related to Joyboy, who I firmly believe to have been some kinda Oni or Oni hybrid himself.

- Many of these hybrids will be fighting for the villains' side, meaning the good guys' impending defeat during the Raid will partly come down to getting overwhelmed by the inherent power and advantages of DIVERSITY brought to the table by the multiracial troops in Kaido and Big Mom's armies. One big example is one I've mentioned several times already: Jack undergoing a slight transformation similar to Derringer to combine the strengths of his Fishmen ancestry with his Zoan might.

In order to combat this, we may just see the Strawhats and their allies having to resort to mixing up their own game ( so to speak ) as well by following suit in their unique ways: using others' weapons and items ( kinda like what Zoro did w/ Kamazo's sickle ), coming up with new techniques inspired by those of friends and crewmates, forming unique tag teams and combined attacks similar to what see on Thrillerbark, etc.

I've mentioned already ( forget if it was here or orojackson ) that I foresee the Strawhats in particular adopting new attacks and powerups based on that of their fellows, something I was expecting to occur later post-third-timeskip, but may be we'll see this play out in earnest during Wano.

For example, some have mentioned the possibility of Sanji possibly eating one of Chopper's rumble balls to potentially unlock whatever genetic enhancements Judge originally intended for him. Quite frankly, this is definitely something I could see occurring, at least as a one-time powerup; one which may lead to some disastrous results once the dust clears. In any case, Oda may finally hammer home the obligatory Kamen Rider salute by portraying Sanji NOMing a rumble ball to transform into some kind of Cricket Man ( my prediction for Judge's intended insect DNA grafts ).

But then, I also theorize that Sora managed to negate Judge's machinations -- at least in Sanji's case -- by adding genetic modifications based on that of an animal with DNA extremely similar to our own, ie a pig lol. So yeah, if we see the Sanji/Rumble Ball theory play out, expect Sanji to cycle through a series of wild transformations same as Chopper, one of which bearing a resemblance to a pig.

In Zoro's case, I've already stated that I foresee him losing one or more swords throughout the arc, so it's a fair bet he'll using more impromptu weapons, including those belonging to other characters ( kinda like a certain sword-thief he crossed paths with ). That he'll one day be swinging around a boat paddle oar same as a certain famous swords saint is a foregone conclusion. On that note, whatever weapon Zoro eventually ends up converting into a black "blade" will be composed of wood, mark my words....cuz spoiler alert: Mihawk's Yoru is in fact basically a wooden stake carved into the form of a cross-like sword, only turned black by his haki.

Nami - takes a cue from Robin and Shinobu; targets her male enemy's nuts wth Shinobu's men-sealing ninpo arts! More importantly, she'll later taken inspiration from Shinobu's ninja kite thingie to formulate plans for her own gliding mechanism....to be continued on that front.

In short, Nami adds some ninjitsu tricks to her repertoire.

Robin - goes back to her early grappling roots, but this time she takes a cue from Chopper and Franky in order to go the full pro wrestling route; that's right, we might see Robin straight up going close-quarters and personal by directly suplexing bitches....maybe even in fullbody-bloom giant form. Bigger they are and all that.

Also, it allows Oda another shout out to wrestling gag manga Kinnikuman if Robin were to say take another cue from Usopp and many others by adopting her own colorfully costumed alter-ego by the name of....Robin Mask.


Robin's walls are gradually crumbling....tis only a matter of time.

Brook - follows Chopper, Luffy, and even Franky's example by adapting his own series of transformations to his repertoire, made possible by not just rearranging the bones of his skeleton but also "docking" bones belonging to other skeletons as well. I think Brook will most def gain the ability to "possess" things -- at the very least other bones in this case -- so it's only natural we'll see this spring forth during the battles in Wano, what with the blatant references to Brook being the giant skeleton yokai known as the Gashadokuro. Only after he unlocks this new ability he truly will gain a humongous size worthy of legend by assimilating other skeletons.


And given Brook's connection to whales, it only stands to reason we'll also see a reference to the skeletal cetacean yokai known as the Bakekujira as well, further increasing the odds of potential bone-assimilation/possession abilities.

Anyways, that's a few for now.

- Notice that the Kozuki supposedly ( keyword supposedly, emphasis mine ) maintained great relations with the Minks throughout the ages, with Oden himself having previous knowledge of their existence. Now, the popular belief amongst many iis that the Minks, Wano, Giants, Fishmen, etc...these guys were all allies of the Ancient Kingdom blah blah blah…but wouldn't it then follow that the Kozuki's deep ties to the Minks thus extend to say the Fishmen as well? And yet oddly enough, we've seen next to nothing to imply as much...minus a few hints here and there of a past relationship that I suspect may've gone very awry in the distant past.

Prediction: Wano had a nasty fallout with the Fishmen long ago. Said events involved a massive flood, some weather/tides-manipulating objects of power, the wrath of an Empress, and a conflict over a "promised land." It's also a blending of myth and real-world history -- as with many things in One Piece -- which'll see Oda explore Japan's lengthy history with Korea through the lens of their One Piece counterparts, Wano and Fishman Island ( or some other separate, related kingdom ).

Tying much of this together will be a character patterned off this appropriately semi-legendary prominent female figure from Japanese lore, Empress Jingu.


I'm willing to bet a certain queen from long ago did something very, very bad. Who played the part of the aggressor and who played that of the victim, if such roles could even be assigned, I couldn't even hazard a guess. But I do once again wanna bring attention to the fact that Toki was being chased at one point by the Fishman Captain of the Karma Pirates.

Could be nothing...or it could be Oda's on-the-nose hint that Toki's fleeing karmic retribution of some kind, regardless of whatever part if any she took in past events; something I believe will play out with Hiyori's character arc as well, this idea of suffering for the sins of one's family. Oh hey, that kinda ties neatly into Ace as well, doesn't it?

Anyways, all is not as it seems with respect to the notion of clear delineation between "good guys" and "bad guys" in the One Piece world.
Fear Orochi!

Pathetic coward though he may currently be, Oda has been gradually emphasizing that Kurozumi Orochi is not someone to be underestimated in terms of his sheer malice and the damage he can inflict through the authority he wields. However, believe it or not, I think we might see his threat level evolve further beyond that of some jacked-up Spandam-type as many dismiss him to be. Just as the similarly weak-kneed Momo is due to undergo a serious trial by fire that'll see him finally step up as a worthy heir to his family name, Orochi's own character arc may well see him likewise pushed to the brink, mirroring that of Momo's trials and growth.

I've mentioned before that I foresee the villains -- same as Luffy and his allies coming up mid-arc -- ultimately falling due to severe divisions cropping up in their ranks. Betrayal, infighting, incompetence, defections, and other disadvantageous circumstances will lead to a complete fracturing of their forces, giving Luffy and his resurgent, now united allied forces the opening they need to seize the advantage. In Orochi's particular case, I believe he'll end up being completely abandoned by all his rank and file by some point, leaving him to fend for himself all on his lonesome. But then, adversity builds character, as they say. Orochi once impressed upon Wano's people the threat that a single man out for revenge can present, however meek, but soon he'll also demonstrate just how dangerous even the most pitiful fool can become when he's desperate, with nothing left to lose...particularly one possessing the powers of the Yamata no Orochi devil fruit.

See, Orochi's never really been documented as ever having been cut, has he? He's always been fortunate enough to have others protecting him from harm throughout his adult life, but once they're gone? Suffice to say, it's only a matter of time before someone cuts him down. Only catch? Orochi can't be cut by normal means. In fact, his wounds will probably just heal; cut off his head, it'll probably grow back. Cuz my belief is the special ability granted by the Yamata no Orochi zoan fruit will follow the regenerative powers of the legendary Greek Hydra, effectively constituting Oda's consolidation of the two myths.

Picture this then: Orochi, ridiculed and despised by all, having everything taken from him, alone and without any further protection, driven mad and at the end of his rope, finally finds himself at the end of a blade...only to discover he can't be killed by a sword. The guy who's always cowered in the face of danger to his person realizes that he's never had anything to fear from any swordsman.

Any Lone Wolf and Cub fans? Remember that one gutless scumbag who was forced to committed seppuku? You know the one. Recall how he rose up to become a vicious, intimidating beast in the final moments of his life? Well, imagine a similar scenario, only the moment Orochi's head's cut off...another ( or two more ) grow in its place. And...he snaps. Orochi no longer has anything left to fear.

Cue Orochi rampaging like a rabid animal. And all the while, he's growing more heads as he's cut again and again. Imagine too the possibility that with every cut and subsequent regeneration, Orochi grows in size or something along those lines. Note that the Yamata no Orochi of legends was so massive that it had trees growing from its back...as such, I could see Orochi growing into a giant squirming mass of heads or something. A worthy final opponent for....NIGHTMARE MOMO.

tldr version: Orochi will seemingly meet a pathetic end and get cut down, only to survive thanks to his df abilities, based on that of the mythical Hydra. No longer fearing death and driven by a psychotic rage, Orochi will transform into a legit towering monstrosity that will threaten all of Wano.

Lesson to be learned here: don't underestimate the weak; anyone can become a monster. Anyone can change in most dramatic fashion ( kinda like Denjiro ! )

Sidenote: I think I've mentioned it previously, but I wager Kaido himself started life as a simpering twerp similar in many ways to the likes of Momo, Luffy, and even Orochi. I'm fairly certain Oda fully intends to draw parallels between all these various characters in terms of how each rose from humble beginnings and changed -- or will eventually do so in Momo and Orochi's case -- through sheer force of will, unyielding determination, and undergoing extreme adversity. That's not to say Orochi himself will somehow redeem himself by arc's end by any means...but I do think he'll have gained an iota more of respect by the time he punches out, at least in terms of his formidability or what have you.

A sorry fool he may've been for the vast majority of his life, but his tragic origins and a terrifying performance in the last stages of his life will ensure he'll not simply go down as a punchline but a cautionary tale in Oda's script. Pretty sure that Wano's going to end with a festival toasting all the dead, hero and villain alike, with no one getting left out. Yes, even a piece of shit like Orochi.

But more on that later.
So who's that energetic portly dude who's so eager to join the revolt against Orochi? Who is he and why does Oda keep shining the light on him? What's even more conspicuous is that Oda has yet to reveal his name....and therein probably lies the answer. Oda doesn't want to give away the big surprise.

All those dudes trapped in the capital? They're the future members of the One Piece incarnation of the famous Shinsengumi police force. Can't have the fucking Mimawarigumi show up and NOT bring in their more famous Shinsengumi counterparts.


Oda probably intends to name them after all the most prominent members such as Saito Hajime, Okita, Kondo, etc. Hence their names going unrevealed for now, as it'd tip his hand too far in advance. In true One Piece upside-down fashion, it's the Shinsengumi playing the role of the rebels seeking to upend the shogunate. And after all's said and done, they may function as an virtual police unit in a way, but will officially operate and carry themselves as yakuza instead...cuz leading them will be Kyoshiro when he finally makes his move against Orochi.

Note my theories surrounding Denjiro/Kyoshiro being a dog ( be it in literal or semi-figurative terms ). Only fitting that the top honcho would be some kinda canine, given that the Shinsengumi were also colloquially referred to as the "Wolves of Mibu." Or perhaps it'll be the "Dogs of Mibu" or something in this setting instead :dogkek: :catheels::dogkek:

Consider the name too. As some avid anime/manga aficionados are no doubt aware, "gumi" is a catch-all word for "group," but cultural trends have led to negative connotations being associated with such naming conventions ( e.g. somethingsomething-Gumi ). For another example, any Beastar readers, look no further than the lion-theme Shishigumi. Easy to see then if one puts on their Oda goggles to see how Shinsengumi would then get adapted into a yakuza gang in the world of One Piece. And given their sketchy, violent reputation at times, may serve as Oda's wink at the oft-blurry ( or non-existent ) line separating police forces from organized thugs. Two sides of the same coin sometimes, really.
With all the talk and speculation surrounding the huge traitor subplot, only natural that some of Japanese history's most infamous acts of betrayal would get tossed around ( Akechi Mitsuhide backstabbing Nobunaga at Honno-ji, painter Yamada Emosuke selling out Amakusa Shiro during the Shimibara Rebellion...), but one name I haven't seen crop up too much in discussion is that of unscrupulous bastard Minamoto no Yoritomo, brother of iconic warrior and hero Minamoto no Yoshitsune.



Suffice to say, I'm thinking Oda may incorporate all of these infamous traitors into the ongoing story in some fashion or another, but more to the point, it's been mentioned that Onimaru and Shimotsuki Ushimaru were likely based on warrior monk Benkei and his patron lord Yoshitsune, respectively, so it stands to reason that Yoshitsune's brother Yoritomo will be appearing in some fashion as well.

Might be we've already been introduced to him. I'm betting it's this samurai-looking dude at the head of the Mimawarigumi.

I reckon he'll be revealed to be a Shimotsuki, maybe some brother of Ushimaru's, having betrayed him and the entire clan to Orochi. Ushimaru has cut a pretty enigmatic figure whose presence lingers on in the background, so this as good a reason as to how he'll figure into the main storylines. Given speculation surrounding Zoro's own potential connection to the Shimotsuki, mayhaps this presents Zoro with an appropriate Wano samurai opponent now that Denjiro/Kyoshiro's likely out of the running.

Also gives an excuse for Onimaru make a return and once again cross paths with Zoro. And just to add ANOTHER Zoro connection, being a Shimotsuki would make him a relative of Toko's, so there's that too, I guess.

My hunch is that Bunny Mask guy from the Mimawarigumi is probably based on another famous warrior, Uesugi Kenshin. Warp his surname a bit and you get Usagi Kenshin, with 'usagi' being the Japanese word for 'rabbit,' as many are already aware. We're all nerds here.

The reason he wears a mask? He might be a she actually. That or possess very effeminate features like some kinda Anti-duval haha. Whatever the case, I'm expecting his character will be yet another gender bender. Historically, Uesugi Kenshin was quite famous for his fine, delicate features, to the point where it was theorized they were a woman masquerading as a man. This would arguably carry over into one particular character partly inspired by him in the form of Himura Kenshin of the Rurouni Kenshin franchise, likewise noted for his soft, "pretty boy" countenance, along with a woman providing his voice in the anime ( true for a great many number of other franchises, e.g. Goku from Dragon Ball ).

I'm sure Oda still has plenty left to say on the subject of gender roles and the curious ways they often blurred throughout Japanese culture and history.

Anyways, I could see this person facing off against the likes of Carrot or maybe even Kiku. Maybe Bunny Mask is an uber macho samurai who despises having a girly face haha?

This one's mighty dark.

As with Tsuru and the rest in Bakura Town, I'm predicting more innocent bystanders are suffer the consequences of the good guys' actions. The bad guys were able to suss out that something was amiss with Ashura's mountain bandits failing to take revenge for the burning of their bandit, combined with the large amount of food stolen from the plantations. They're not complete fools. Twas only a matter of time then imo before someone made a connection between Ushimitsu Kozo's thefts in the capitol and the poor people of Ebisu nearby getting their hands on a hefty amount of gold all of a sudden. Same thing happened when decrepit old Hyo started cashing in a load of meal tickets outta nowhere, it was bound to arouse suspicion.

No good deed goes unpunished; I believe the people of Ebisu are going to get blamed for Kyoshiro's thefts and pay the price for it, if it hasn't happened already. It's implied they were going to use their most recent score to once again buy some clean water, which again was certain to eventually raise tip off Orochi's goons. And considering it was conspicuously mentioned that no reports of theft having occurred previous to the drop-off, it leads me to believe they're being set up; it was K&O's forces that provided the money to bait them into an insidious trap. And a familiar one.

Recall how Orochi tricked the Ebisu folk into eating the SMILE fruits? I think we'll see a repeat, only with poisoned water being employed this time to eliminate them for good, given their associations with both Kozo and Yasu coming to light. There might be some real tragic shit about to go down. Needless to say, it'd be a shot to the heart for many of the Kozuki allies, and one that couldn't come at a worse time.

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Salty Doubloons
Reiterating my thoughts, I'm becoming very certain the alliance won't suffer a defeat that will serve as the 'lowest point' of the arc, and then regroup and recuperating for another showdown. Before I stated that the casualty will be too high and nothing will be left for the rematch, it doesn't make sense for conform to past story arcs, the stakes here are very different from all the previous arcs . Now on top of that from, from the storytelling aspect, it would be a major bummer and buzzkill for such a development, it's like withholding content and stretching the story unnecessarily.

I fully expect the story to be on full steam ahead, towards the climax of the conflict with the raid in Onigashima.
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Reiterating my thoughts, I'm becoming very certain the alliance won't suffer a defeat that will serve as the 'lowest point' of the arc, and then regroup and recuperating for another showdown. Before I stated that the casualty will be too high and nothing will be left for the rematch, it doesn't make sense for conform to past story arcs, the stakes here are very different from all the previous arcs . Now on top of that from, from the storytelling aspect, it would be a major bummer and buzzkill for such a development, it's like withholding content and stretching the story unnecessarily.

I fully expect the story to be on full steam ahead, towards the climax of the conflict with the raid in Onigashima.
I agree but we need to find out who the traitor is ASAP since they're the ones sabotaging Alliance plans


The Driven
Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
I'm honestly really starting to think that neither Big Mom or Kaido fall here and instead some other Yonko will just up or both other Yonko tbh

the pacing of the arc seems that we still know soooo little about Kaido's crew. There's going to be a decent amount more build-up to them before we even seriously fight Kaido again. I just get this weird feeling.
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