Island Drum Island


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Dabit


"Oi can you not?"
Beat inmediately stoped shaking the man as he realized the man was conscious.

"My legs are numb from the cold but otherwise I'm fine." He reached out his right arm. "I don't know who you are exactly but help me up. We need to get to the town, I want to get out of this cold weather before my legs fall off." Alaric said with a small smile.
Beat stood up and extended his arm towards the man, helping him get up.

"My name's Dabit Davó, but my friends just call me Beat. Im with Jade Belle's crew, im a new guy, stayed on the ship caring for some patients, but thought i might be needed on the field."

Beat saw the man shivering from the cold, his legs were trembling.

(This is not good, he needs to heat up, or the frostbite might get his legs)

"You need to start walking, hopefully the movement will heat up your legs. Let me join you on your way to town, i wanna make sure you'll be okay"

He set in direction to the town, with each of his steps mashing the snowy path, waiting for the man with the "A" tattoo to follow along.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Roogy

NPC Hosting for Wapol and Crew (The Bliking Pirates)

Narration / Action / Thinking / "Speech"

After a pirate attack prompted Wapol and his associates to abandon their country, they spent some time at sea, in their submersible ship, the Bliking. One morning, Wapol was greeted by his counsellors Chess and Kuromarimo.

"What's so damn important that you had to wake me up? Huh?" asked Wapol, as he munched on a chunk of metal pipe.

"Wonderful news, Your Majesty!" said Chess. He paused for a moment, distracted by Wapol's chewing. "Wait a minute, where'd you get that pipe?"

"Debris from a plunder. I wouldn't eat a pipe from our ship. I'm not stupid."

Kuromarimo and Chess tried their best not to comment on what their King had just said. They were loyal, after all, and perfectly aware what the word 'treason' meant, and how Wapol used it.

"We found Drum Island! We'll be arriving shortly!"

Wapol spat out a shard of the pipe that he had been chewing and it flew directly into Chess' eye. Chess covered his mouth and did everything in his power not to cry out in pain. He was in the presence of the King, after all, and such a display would be shameful.

Chess passed out from the pain and holding his screams in. The Isshi-20 were on standby, and rushed inside to collect Chess' body and surgically remove the metal shard.

"This is indeed wonderful news! Soon, my Kingdom will once more be mine! And then I'll execute everyone who thought they could run the country without me as their ruler!"

A few hours later, and they arrived at the port. To their surprise, no-one was there to greet them.

"Mahahaha! No-one's here, might as well just sneak in. We'll go straight to my castle via the ropeway. Once I'm there, no-one can dispute that I am the King, and if they do, I'll eat them!"

The crew left their ship, though not before Wapol ate the flag to destroy the evidence that they had ever been pirates.

They started trudging through the snow, avoiding the town and making their way to one of the six ropeways.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Ziosa

Name: Jade Belle
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Affilation: Revolutionary Army
Occupation: Warrant Officer, Leader of Group A

Level 51
51 x 5 = 255
Strength: 44+30=74
Speed: 45+20=65
-Reaction: 65
-Movement: 65
Mind: 10-10:0
Haki: 61
-Armament Haki:61
-Observation Haki (Awareness):61
Martial Arts:36
-Kaika no Ken (Flowering Sword):72

"Attack Names"

Dalton suddenly stops. All of his men halt as well. The town of Big Horn can be seen close off in the distance now.

Hugo begins to growl

Hugo "Wapol bad ma-" He stops as Harry socks the big oaf in the shoulder.
Harry "There's no need to scare them." The average sized man is rather serious at this point from his usual kind hearted nature
Isaac just stares down at the ground with clenched fists and a spreading frown.

Sven steps out of line and flais his arms up
Sven: "Of course we're in danger! Why else do you think Dalton was so hesitant to help you all?"
Even Leo was a little off beat now and didn't scold Sven.
Oscar: "He's a terror is what he is!"
Liam: "ayy." crossing his arms and giving a nod
Jade listens as they seem to think of not telling them about it, before one of them seems to get the courage which leads to the rest of them talking aswell. So they are at war..

Making sure the small girl in her arms was warming up, Sophie looks back at Dalton who was still stopped and looking at the town in the distance. As she goes to ask if he was ok, he turns around and looks at them.

Dalton: "We are on constant watch for Wapol. Our duty as the milita is to protect this island from that man and his army. Signing up for this way of life... my men are fully aware it isn't an easy one, as you have heard, little one." But then he gives their new friends a great burly bull smile as his horns twitch, "But worry not! We won't let any harm come to you. Saftey is just up ahead in Big Horn." Dalton begins moving yet again.

Leo continued from where Dalton left,
Leo: "There might be some confusion so allow me to explain. Wapol used to be King of this island. ... but... under his rule this country suffered greatly!"

Hugo: "BAD MAN! BAD!"

Leo: "The only reason why he isn't still King here..."
Sven: "THAT BASTARD LEFT US HIGH AND DRY! Liam and Harry began to hold Sven back

"We were attacked by a group of pirates not long ago. There weren't a whole lot of survivors... King Wapol he speaks in a sarcastic manner* took all his troops and fled as soon as they showed up. He even burned down Sven's house...
They listen to them all explain what had happened and about the King who had left them, which Jade took great interest in. Wapol.. I have heard the name before when I was with the Marines, seems he is even worse than we were told.

The group had started moving towards the town again. Sophie makes sure the dwarf wasnt thinking of doing anything rash after hearing their story.

Harry: "So Dalton here saved as many of us as he could with his abilities and decided it was best if we all learned how to fight!"

Liam: "He'll be back... Wapol. I know that man. He's too greedy to leave this place."

As the group finally arrives at the town entrance, Dalton turns yet again to the group behind him.
Dalton: "That's enough for now. Let's focus on helping these folks out. Looking at @Beerbottle "Welcome to our town, Big Horn."
"You are a good man Dalton, helping your people when the one who is suppose to be leading has run away.." Jade tries to speak in a way that shows she isnt versed in stuff like this, but some slips out. The light snow keeps falling down around them, making a few of the Revolutionaries shiver slightly.

Looking at the town, Sophie then looks at Dalton
"Before we start getting supplies we should find somewhere to get out of this snow, plus most of us still need warm clothes" After a pause she adds "We thank you again for helping us."



Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Beerbottle


"Npc speaking"

"You sure you should have another one"
? The bartender gives me a doubious glance as I hold up my fingers for another serving. I gave him an even look as I calmly said: "Do you see the size of me?" "I'll be fine" I waved away his concerns as I took up some more gold to sweeten the deal. Though just to ease his conscience I also bought an extra large mug of water that I downed first. He wasn't entierly wrong though, it would be my last cup of alcohol for the day. As I held the mug I grew silent again. What the guards had told us kept going through my head.
Leo: "We were attacked by a group of pirates not long ago. There weren't a whole lot of survivors... King Wapol he speaks in a sarcastic manner* took all his troops and fled as soon as they showed up. He even burned down Sven's house...
Pirates huh.. So much mindless destruction. But who's worse? The pirates that plunder or the tyrant king that run away with the army?.. A deep sigh escaped from my lips. I suppose both are problems that we have to try and deal with.. I hope we'll be able to make a permanent positive change here. Not that I would ever air these thoughts to my subordinates, to them I would be strong and sure of myself. There was a soft clank as I set down the cup I'd been holding and looked around. It wasn't the biggest inn I'd ever seen but it had a rustic charm to it. Now where did the others go eh? I left a generous tip and got up, I'd been sitting longer than I should have and hastened my steps to look around for the others.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Loony

Character Name: Lucius H. Skye
Race: Human

Level 30
30 x 5 =150
Strength: 30+6=36
Speed: 40+6=46
-Reaction: 50
-Movement: 42
Vitality: 41+6 = 47
-Durability: 44
-Stamina: 50
Martial arts: 25
25x2= 50
-Sniper Mastery: 50
Mind: 14
14x2= 28
Beast Mastery: 28


The tension in the room mellowed down, but it didn't go away. He can still tell there was some men in the room with eyes glaring at him, edging him to do something stupid. However, he ignored them as he had no plans on causing any sort of trouble. He looked over at the bar and set his eyes on the bulky bartender. He noticed an empty seat in front of him and planned on taking it. Skye turned his head tot he waitress.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. May I change my seat to the counter?" Skye asked politely.

"Huh? Um, sure, but we don't usually serve food there." The waitress replied.

"It's fine." Skye stood up, getting some glares from the other residents. He took his rifle Elysia and made his way over to the counter, sitting down on the empty stool. He placed his rifle on the floor and leaned it against the counter in front of him. The bartender finished wiping the glass cup and placed it with the others.

"What would it be?" The bartender asked as the others settled down when nothing bad was going to happen.

"Whiskey." The bartender nodded, took a medium sized shot glass and poured whiskey into it until it reached about 1/8 full.

"Thanks." Skye grabbed the glass and twirled it around in his hand, staring at the light brown color.

"So, what brings you here?" The bartender began to converse, taking another glass and wiping it.

"Me and my friends sailed her searching for some help. One of my friends got hurt." Skye mostly lied, but he needed some sort of convincing story. If needed, he could always shoot Kellan in the leg to fake an injury.

"Sailed here, huh? You wouldn't happen to be a pirate, would ya?" The room became deafening as everyone waited to hear his answer. Skye could tell the animosity in the room. He wasn't a pirate, so he didn't have to lie, but he could tell, pirates were a sore subject among the townsfolk.

"No. I am far from that. We're just traveling trying to get to an island and we are only stopping by until our log pose is ready." Skye answered honestly.

"I see..." The bartender glanced at the townsfolk, signaling to them that he was telling the truth, causing them to return to whatever it was they were doing before hand. "Sorry, about that. We've had our share of pirates coming here and attacking us only just recently. Excuse them for being so cautious."

"It's fine."
Skye understood their concern.

"Anyway, back to what you were saying. Your friend needs help? Like medical help?" Skye nodded. "Then, I'm sorry to say this, but all of our doctors aren't here. They all went up to that bastard..." Skye raised an eyebrow. ...well except one. The witch."


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Aloe Vera

Name: Vera Cruz
Epithet: "Nailing" Vera
Affiliation: Revolutionary Army
Occupation: Member of Jade Squad
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: N/A
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 15
Date of Birth: N/A
Height: 168 cm
Level 15

Strength: 19+2=21

Speed: 21+5=26
- Reaction: 31
- Movement: 21

Vitality: 19+2=21
- Durability: 21
- Stamina: 21

Martial Arts: 16
-Nailing Style: 32

Snow here. Snow there. Snow everywhere. Everything within Vera's sight was covered in snow. Though it wasn't her first time seeing such a setting, since winter at the Goa Kingdom could be quite harsh, she had never seen that much snow in her whole life.

Befitting the important temperature decrease, Vera had traded her usual clothes for a warmer, more adequate outfit, complete with a hat and gloves. She was now standing on the Sea Pixie's deck, leaning on the railing, simply watching Drum's eerie landscape. "What intriguing mountains... What's up with their shape? I wonder if they can be climbed!"

Earlier, when the Sea Pixie's crew was preparing to disembark, Vera had laid low, since she had figured how boring it would be to accompany them. They most likely would have to handle all the paperwork and such... Instead, Vera was now set, and ready to begin her great adventure in the snowy island! She had packed up everything necessary for an adventure worthy of the name: a food ration, binoculars, a compass, a baby Den Den Mushi, some ropes, without omitting her rapier. "You never know...", she thought when taking it with her.

First things first, she took out the binoculars, and started carefully scanning the island: though the coastline was desert, she could discern a small town, a bit farther inland. Turning her gaze to the peculiar mountains that gave its name to the island, she became intrigued by a tall, white building whose outline she could barely make out, standing atop the tallest peak! "Wait... Waaaaait! This must be the princess's castle, right?! Fine, it shall be my first destination!!"

As she jumped over the Sea Pixie's railing and into the low-reaching, yet cold water, she waved at the remainder of the ship's crew, who had stayed to stand guard. "See you later, guys! If Jade or anyone else asks, just say I'm out on an adventure! I'll make sure to be back for supper!"

Without a care in the world for the screaming of her mates, who desperately tried to hold her back, Vera then happily pranced towards the shore. And with that, Vera's Great Adventure in the Snowy Island had officially begun!


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Beky


While her comrades where doing their own thing Ratchet was tasked with giving people warmer clothes. It is a minor task but a task she felt proud doing it since it enabled her to help people , something she signed up for in the first place.

Cold never bothered me because of that crazy Lindberg and his freeze gun, i will get back to him once from jesting us with that gun. But it is nice to have some warmer clothes like this.

This clothes sure is heavy tho, just from what did they made this? Dalton's hair? I sure do hope we have enough of it tho, last thing i wanna to happen is someone getting frostbite. If anything we should prepare better in the future for other climates , World sure is a strange place. Now off we go to give people something to wear

Ratchet walked outside and started to yell
Gather around , gather around , warm clothes here. Don't die in the cold people.

But due to Ratchet having a weak voice no one was able to hear her properly so she opted to do what she does best.
Well i guess we will have to do this my way

Ratchet found some materials and created a primitive megafon
This isn't much but it should help me a bit.

If you wanna survive this cold get some warm clothes here. It is free!!

Soon people took notice of her and started to come and get some warmer clothes

Ah that's much better. I wonder tho , on our path here we've seen a lot of destruction , sickness and wounded people yet we've seen no one treating them? Where are all the doctors in this Kingdom? Is there no one to help these poor people? I should mention this to Jade next time i see her. Something isn't right here.

Ratchet still in her deep thoughts continued to give warmer clothes to people...


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Ranger

NPC Hosting for Unnamed Country

Town of Big Horn

Tanith and Sophie both thanked Dalton and the militia mostly blushed and looked quite humbled. The Bull Zoan waved both hands in a zig zag as his body morphed becoming human once again.
Dalton: "Please, I just like to look out for those who need it.

The group had asked Dalton to show them around the town, but Sven was quick to take the reins on the tour jolting accross buildings quickly and saying what they were along with unimportant information too fast. He tripped on the tavern porch sliding on the snow after. At that point Leo stepped in front of him while Hugo helped Sven up.
Leo: "That place is one way to warm you up and watching Sven make a fool out of himself is another" he joked

Trying to re-atain the group's attention Dalton cleared his throat

Dalton: *Eh-hem* "well, that brings us quite close to my home. Say! Why don't you all come over I can start a nice warm fir-

Surprisingly Tom Bombadil, one of the men in charge, @Beerbottle started walking toward a tavern as soon as Leo spoke and many of the rest began to follow leaving Dalton a bit hanging. Even some of Dalton's own men followed Tom into the tavern.

Dalton: hmm well that is some kind of presence that man gives off I suppose.

Several other militia men marched home to their family and Dalton stood there for a moment with Tanith.

Cocoa Weed

Coca Weed was the neighboring village to Big Horn. It was quite similar, only many more of the civilians there held trades jobs rather than joining the militia. It was a town know for great food and even a school for the children of Drum Island.

A tall slender hag held the reins of a red wooden sled. It was powered from the galloping of a strong winter beast. A blueberrry blue nose and horns protruded from both sides of the creature's head. A couple bags with crosses whipped up and down on the sled as it cut through the snow.

People of the town stared at the long haired lady and raindeer companion as she jumped off her ride. Flashy colored pants and energy were truly a sight to behold on a wrinkly old lady.
Kureha: "Come on, Broppa" tapping the raindeer A cry rang out in the distance of the town...



Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Hakipotence


Alaric stood near a restaurant going by the name of Stool. Managing to get his hands on some warm clothes an hour ago, he spent a lot of his time standing there trying to warm up. Snow wasn't really as fun as he thought it would be.

Stool appeared to be the only known location in this town that went by the name of Cocoa Weed. And even here the name Wapol is whispered here and there. He had even overheard that he had returned and was seen arriving at the port. Alaric scratched the back of his neck slowly.

If the rumors are true, then I wonder what happens now. According to that Dalton guy Wapol is bad news. Also there's another thing on my mind...

He looked toward the direction of the ship he arrived on, his curiosity swelling by the second.

Who are these people anyway? All of them had a strong air around them and why have they come to a place like this in the first place?

The man he met, Dabit, seemed to be with them. So he hoped to ask them who they were when he got the chance. A cry in the distance breaks Alaric out of his thoughts. Alaric looks around for Dabit.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Dabit


Cocoa Weed was a village hidden within the snow, the architecture of the buildings was uniform all along, with large windows and cream colored walls. The weather was very cold, but Dabit was being able to endure it, the snow falling on his birkan wings started to acumulate, so he had to constantly shake it off to avoid frostbite.

Dabit was starring profusely into the Stool restaurant´s window, the food served on one of the tables was really looking delicious, but he didn´t had any money to buy a dinner, and he had to stay focused on the mission anyway. The best he could do for the moment was sticking close to his partners, which came along to the village with him. The truth is, they were all lost, walking through the snowy path wasn´t so simple, and they lost track of Jade´s crew, hence arriving to Cocoa Weed village.

A cry rang out in the distance of the town...
Bit heard a sound in the distance, surpised, he looked back at his companion Alaric an replied:
"Did you hear that? Was it a person or an animal scream? Whatever it was, i think it´s coming this way"

The revolutionary focused his sight into the distance, squinting, he managed to see an sled, pulled by a Reindeer, and on the steer, an old blonde woman, dressed as a youngster, trully a sight to see. (That Grandma looks important, maybe she can guide us around here) Dabit thought to himself before acting a little rash.

"Oi!!! O-bassan!! Over here!!" Dabit signaled the old woman to stop, looking for an aiding hand in his quest.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Aloe Vera

Name: Vera Cruz (ベラクルス, Bera Kurusu)
Epithet: "Nailing" Vera (くぎ うち のベラ, Kugi-uchi no Bera)
Affiliation: Revolutionary Army (Jade Squad)
Occupation: Fencing
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: N/A
Gender: ♀ Female
Race: Human
Age: 16 years old
Date of Birth: May 24th
Height: 172 cm
Level 15

Strength: 19+2=21

Speed: 21+5=26
- Reaction: 31
- Movement: 21

Vitality: 19+2=21
- Durability: 21
- Stamina: 21

Martial Arts: 16
-Nailing Style: 32

Producing her binoculars, Vera proceeded to carefully scan the horizon around her. Though she had no clue for how long she had been roaming around, she could at least tell that she was still on the right path towards the castle, which was still proudly overseeing the island from the tallest summit of the country, almost challenging anyone daring enough to come all the way up. As for Vera, she was standing on a rocky protuberance, among the immense forest of conifers that was covering a good portion of the snowy island.

"Good thing is, the castle is still right ahead. Bad thing is, I have run short on food supplies"
, Vera thought as she checked her food ration, which she had gluttonously emptied mere moments ago. "A real bummer", she muttered as she threw the small pouch into the snow in a fit of frustration. However, the young girl was broken out of her thoughts by the sudden appearance of a giant white bear. Easily towering over her, the curious creature, which was walking on its two lower legs, slowly approached her in a a way reminiscent of traditional mountain hikers...

As the beast approached, easily working its way between the trees despite its massive size, Vera could feel drops of sweat running down her face. Even tough she had never been known for being particularly bright, she was not foolish enough to think that she stood even the slightest of chances against this natural-born predator. "A F-FREAKING BEAR?!! No one told me there were bears around here!! ...Master Isuka, what should I do at time like this?!!" ...were all the thoughts that came across her mind in such a hazardous situation. In a desperate attempt to avoid trouble, and with no other ideas in mind, Vera dove into the snow, trying to make it look as though she was already dead; only for the furry monster to completely ignore her and continue its path.

Once the bear gone, Vera slowly regained her composure, getting back on her knees, as she brushed the matter aside: "Bears sure are weird in this country, huh?... To each their own I guess: in Goa, they weren't exactly to be trifled with... Anyway, right now, I need to find a village... or even a hamlet, for that matter... I just need food." Taking out her binoculars, she once again observed her vicinity, only to discern thin trails of smoke rising up in the sky, just to her left. Also resorting to her compass, which she had brought for that purpose, Vera pinpointed the direction she should take.

Thanks to her compass, and in bigger part to the trails of smoke that almost seemed to show travelers the way until the village, Vera made it there in a relatively short amount of time. The village, a small, charming town, was named "Cocoa Weed"; at the very least, Vera could determine as much from the sign at the town's entrance... "Cocoa Weed? Now this is more like it!!", she enthusiastically exclaimed as she entered the village, though her mood was quick to be ruined by the growling of her stomach. "Aw... The castle can wait, I really need to find some food...", Vera thought as she stepped further into the lively town.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Roogy

NPC Hosting for Wapol and Crew (The Former Drum Island King and Staff)

Having thrown away the temporary label of pirate, Wapol was eager to reclaim his throne. He had hoped no-one had been foolish enough to steal it away from him in his absence. The pirates that had attacked... they didn't seem too interested in claiming the throne - just wanton destruction. Wapol felt he had made the right call in fleeing the country, even if his people might not see it that way.

And even if they don't see it that way, I can always make them! he thought.

Escorted through the forest by his trusted advisors, Chess and Kuromarimo, he reached the ropeway without interruption. Wapol, Kuromarimo, and four of the Isshi-20 boarded the trolley, and Chess sat on the front seat to pedal it.

Geez, why does this have to be my job? Couldn't Wapol have found someone else for exclusively this purpose? thought Chess. Plus I'm gonna have to make several trips just to get the Isshi-20 up here. This bites. But, I'd better keep up a happy face for the King.

Wapol then had an idea. "Wait! Chess, don't pedal just yet! I figured out a way we can all fit!"

"Wait, you don't mean..." began Kuromarimo.

Wapol ate the Isshi-20 in groups of two or three and then boarded the trolley. The bottom of the trolley sagged under the weight, and it was a tight fit as Wapol had become a lot bigger and heavier after consuming the doctors.

"Not to worry, I can let them out when they get to the top."

Sir, I've been in your mouth, and it's not the party you think it is, Kuromarimo wanted to say, but thought better of it.

Chess struggled to pedal but persevered, knowing the consequences of disappointing the King.

"Mahahaha! Good job Chess! We'll be up the ropeway in no time!"

This of course, was not entirely true, as it would take them about three times longer than normal. Chess was thankful that he was strong enough to handle the extra weight. He almost doubted himself, but given the situation, was acutely aware that he could not afford to do so.

So began the ascent of the ropeway to Drum Castle.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Ziosa

I miss my sword Jade thinks as she wanders around the town, having to leave it on the boat to make them seem more like just travelers was a good decision; but it would mean going back to the boat when they needed to fight to get it. It felt odd to her to not have the large sword on her back.

Wandering around the town in warmer clothes, many people thought it was just a pile of clothes wandering around due to her size and the fact that the coat was still big on her made it look like it was walking around on its own.

Speaking to some of the residents, she starts building up an idea of what happened and how it was with Wapol's rule and him leaving.
Its a good thing we were asked to come here, we can ask command to send some help; although we should try and understand a bit more before deciding to do anything.

She finds Dalton where she had seen him last; he had told her where to get warm clothes from and she was now on her way back. Making her presence known, the Dwarf starts talking "Dalton, I wonder if you can tell me more about this town and island as a whole?" She was trying to keep in character so asking about the town felt appropriate.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Beerbotte


"Npc speaking"

I decided to walk outside to look for the rest of the guys. Skye was going to the tavern for some reason, why not just drink at the inn? With such important questions in my mind I sauntered through the snow, the furry coat I'd been given earlier itched like I wouldn't ever believe possible. Not many minutes or steps later I came through the door of the tavern, people looking around and glaring at me.

I promply ignored them, thinking they were of neither importance nor danger to myself. At the front of the bar, sat of course Skye @Loony I were about to greet as I neared him, but then I heard what the bartender said:
"Anyway, back to what you were saying. Your friend needs help? Like medical help?" Skye nodded. "Then, I'm sorry to say this, but all of our doctors aren't here. They all went up to that bastard..." Skye raised an eyebrow. ...well except one. The witch."
I raised an eyebrow "a witch"? "What in the world do you mean by that"? The bartender was about to answer when I held up my hand apologeticly "sorry for the interuption, but before that, may I have a big glass of rum to go with the story"? I must have annoyed the man by now, the frown on his face couldn't be mistaken for anything else. Though he did fill a rather large glass, and at this point I was standing right behind the sitting Skye. I simply bent my back and leaned in over his head as I grabbed the glass from the counter. I downed about half of it right away. Now the bartender looked somewhat chagrined. "This is wonderful" I said as I gave him my most winning smile. "I'll pay double to make up for my rudeness, once again, please forgive me" No matter how annoying he must have found me, the promise of double pay brightened his mood considerably. "Forgiven and forgotten good patron" He leaned in closer and look at my companion and I as he continued in a lower voice. "She's not a real witch of course, she's not magical".. "Though when you look at how good of a doctor she is it really does make you wonder sometimes"

A doctor.. And a darn good one it sounds like, how interesting.


Reaction score
Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Loony

Character Name: Lucius H. Skye
Race: Human

Level 30
30 x 5 =150
Strength: 30+6=36
Speed: 40+6=46
-Reaction: 50
-Movement: 42
Vitality: 41+6 = 47
-Durability: 44
-Stamina: 50
Martial arts: 25
25x2= 50
-Sniper Mastery: 50
Mind: 14
14x2= 28
Beast Mastery: 28


Skye felt slightly annoyed with the arrival of Kellan as he sat down to next to him. However, he didn't care as he wanted to know more about the so called Witch.

"What do you mean by that?" Skye asked, pertaining to the bartender's previous statement.

"She is a medical genius. She could heal any wound and cure any sickness known to be curable. The only problem is, her price are insane and we have no choice, but to pay her with whatever she wants." He explained to both Skye and Kellan.

"Hmm...sure sounds like a witch..." Skye took his last sip of his drink, before setting the glass down. "Do you know where we can find her?"

"Well, here is the thing. She comes down once in a blue moon, whenever she wants. She lives in up in the castle on the top of mountains. They say she flies down to us below, but I think that's just ludicrous. The only thing I can tell you is that there is a certain tree home like building somewhere nearby that some have spotted her mostly landing whenever she came down. It's not far from here from what I hear."
Skye hummed, thinking about what to do. He knew there was not much else he could possibly get out of the bartender about the subject. Unless of course, Kellan had some things to ask, but he wasn't going to stick around for that.

"I see, so we just have to find this 'home' to meet with this 'witch'. Thanks, the tabs on my superior leader here so....give a round to everyone on me." Skye said before taking his rifle and walking away before Kellan gave him an earful.


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Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Beky


That should be last of the clothes to be given away. We were severely unprepared for this cold. But seeing all these wounded and sick people with no doctors in sight i guess we aren't the only ones unprepared. I should go and find someone to give me some information , Dalton would be the best

As Ratchet was talking through town she couldn't shake the feeling of unease , she knew something isn't right in this Kingdom and that is more trouble than Dalton at first told them. As she was lost in her thoughts she saw Jade with Dalton and Jade asking: "Dalton, I wonder if you can tell me more about this town and island as a whole?"

Ratchet walked up to Dalton and Jade without interrupting them and just nodded her head at both of them. She thought for herself: "I will just have to ask Dalton about the lack of Doctors"


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Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: @Ranger

NPC Hosting for Unnamed Country

Town of Big Horn

Dalton had been abruptly abandoned by Jade as well.
Sagging his shoulder's he sighed "huuuuu" Oh well it looks as though this group really is quite capable on their own they just needed to get out of the wilderness was all... He peered at the bar where everyone else had gone I could go in for a drink, but... NO WAY I am supposed to be helping these people! I let Tanith run off by herself. I really should have just gone with her to show her some hospitality even if she didn't ask!

But just as he began to kicked the snow under his boots the little girl came back to were she had left him.
Tanith: "Dalton, I wonder if you can tell me more about this town and island as a whole?"

Dalton perks up and smiles
"Ah! There you are! I hope you found what you were looking for alright. I really should have gone with you. I apologize!"
Dalton puts his index under his chin to think for a moment,
"Well my men and I already explained the militant situation here, but of course I would be happy to tell you all about Drum Island."

he opened his body taking a step to the side and directed Tanith's attention towards the sky.
"As I'm sure you noticed this island is quite mountainous. There are many big arctic creatures here, but not all of them are mean. In fact many quite nice if you know how to treat them. On the top of one of the Drum Rockies, those big flat top peaks is where the Castle is that Wapol used to rule from. I would be weary going up there if I were you, an old witch runs the place now. She means well, but I wouldn't get on her bad side!

There are also several villages besides Big Horn here in the Sakura Kingdom. Cocoa Weed, Gyasta and Robelle. Each one with it's own community of fairly nice people. Big Horn here leads the milita and the others help out the Kingdom in other ways."

Cocoa Weed

Kureha rode atop bropper and headed for the scream, she hear another voice on the way there and swung by @Dabbit
Dr. Kureha

Level 30
30 x 5 = 150
Strength: 40+6=46
Speed: 40+6=46
Vitality: 30+6=36
Mind: 20
-Medicine: 40
Weapon Mastery: 20
-Daggers: 40

"HRRRRRM? O-bassan??? I'll have you know I'm only 139 years young! You're quite the rude one."
Kureha took a dagger out from her waist as she passed the man and as she rode past him she sliced at his throat!
"I've got important work to be doing I can't have wipper snappers like you cat calling and distracting me."
Bropper sped off towards the sounds of the crying child.



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Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Hakipotence


He didn't have to look long. Hearing Dabit's voice behind of him, he turned around so that he could face him."Did you hear that? Was it a person or an animal scream? Whatever it was, i think it´s coming this way!"

Alaric became curious and turned around while scratching his neck trying to figure out what was coming. He could make out a sled pulled by a Reindeer, and a old blonde woman dressed as if she was still in her 20s stationed at the steer. This is definitely one of the more stranger things I've seen in a long time he thought to himself as the sled drew closer.

Out of no where Dabit calls out to the rider, startling Alaric. "Oi!!! O-bassan!! Over here!!"

Alaric shook his head at the medic. "Hasn't your mother ever taught you to not draw the attention of weird old ladies you've never met?" He joked. "You sure are an energetic one!''

The Old Lady made her way to where they were, to Alaric's surprise, and exclaimed "HRRRRRM? O-bassan??? I'll have you know I'm only 139 years young! You're quite the rude one."

139 years old!? I didn't know it was possible to live that long and with a body like that too? She must be a witch...

Alaric was immediately taken out of his thoughts by the witch drawing what looked like a dagger from her waist and aiming a slice at Dabit's throat. His instincts clawing at him, Alaric made an attempt to draw his weapon in an attempt to stop what was about to happen.

"I've got important work to be doing I can't have wipper snappers like you cat calling and distracting me."


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Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Dabit


Alaric reproved Dabit´s actions, and while shaking his head, he tried to stop Dabit´s behaviour:
"Hasn't your mother ever taught you to not draw the attention of weird old ladies you've never met?" He joked. "You sure are an energetic one!''
"I never met my mother, she died while giving birth to me" Bit´s face saddened for a second, as he got distracted by the remembrance of his childhood.

The witch doctorine came at Dabit at full speed on her reindeer powered sled, acting very offended by the revolutionary´s words:
"HRRRRRM? O-bassan??? I'll have you know I'm only 139 years young! You're quite the rude one."
Kureha took a dagger out from her waist as she passed the man and as she rode past him she sliced at his throat!
"I've got important work to be doing I can't have wipper snappers like you cat calling and distracting me."
Bropper sped off towards the sounds of the crying child.
Alaric was paying more attention to the old woman, he attempted to draw his sword, but his actions weren´t sufficely on time.

Dabit felt the blade cutting through his neck. A chill sensation grasped his fragile body as the edge of the dagger ripped through his skin. The man attempted to grab his own neck and contain the hemorrhage, but the attempt was useless, the cut was to deep and his medical knowledge was futile to prevent him from passing away. He fell to the ground, defeated and looked at his partner Alaric, with the last strength he had left, he uttered:

"Don´t worry about me. I was beaten by my own weakness and foolishness.. But i will become stronger, i will be back" said the man with determination on his face. He had no resentments against the witch, cause he got what he deserved for acting rashly and being a wimp. The Grand Line was a dangerous sea and she showed Dabit how ruthless it could get.

"Tell the bassan i am sorry.."
said Bit as he passed out unconscious.

And with that, Dabit faced death´s door with a grin on his face. "Buakak---"

Dabit will respawn back on the ship after 30 days rp time (10 days in normal time).


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Salty Doubloons
Original Post by: Aloe Vera

Name: Vera (ベラクルス, Bera)
Epithet: "Nailing" Vera (くぎ うち のベラ, Kugi-Uchi no Bera)
Affiliation: Revolutionary Army
Occupation: Fencing
Devil Fruit: N/A
Bounty: N/A
Gender: ♀ Female
Race: Human
Age: 16
Date of Birth: April 19th
Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
Level 15

Strength: 19+2=21

Speed: 21+5=26
- Reaction: 31
- Movement: 21

Vitality: 19+2=21
- Durability: 21
- Stamina: 21

Martial Arts: 16
-Nailing Style: 32


Cocoa Weed was a small town bustling with energy. As she walked through the main street, the villagers here and there couldn't help but give a puzzled look at the young girl, who was openly carrying her rapier on her hip and looked every bit like an outsider. Vera, however, couldn't care less as she followed the mouth-watering scent of food. In the distance, too, a languished cry could be heard, but the young girl paid it no heed. She continued her path to the middle of the village, where stood an important building, most likely the most popular meeting place of Cocoa Weed. A restaurant that bore the name of "Stool", hinting at how comfortable it would be to sit inside and eat a raclette or a fondue. Though Vera had no idea what a raclette was, nor a fondue for that matter, she found herself mesmerised by the delicious flavour of cheese. "Smells yummy!!", she thought as she made her way to the restaurant's entrance.

However, before she could reach it, Vera noticed a commotion near the entrance. It all happened in a flash before her eyes: coming out of nowhere, an old witch-like grandma riding on a red wooden sleigh that was pulled by a blue-nosed reindeer, flashily attacked a man that was standing in front of the restaurant. "What the? Do people have hot blood here in this snowy country??!", she muttered under her breath, grinding her teeth as she hustled towards the falling man, who was obviously fatally wounded.

"Hey, are you okay?!" was all Vera could muster. As she approached the agonising man, however, she couldn't help but feel like she had already met him. His appearance, that of a tall man with a nose made of iron, wasn't easy to forget. "I must have met these guys on the way here, so they must be Revos too". Without thinking it twice, she asked "Aren't you guys Revolutionaries? Cause I am too!! And, mark my words, I won't let some crazy hag kill my comrades and just walk it off!" Perhaps she spoke too loud, because around her she could hear people, who had been attracted by the incident, whispering in surprise. Yes, she was now sure of it. They were Revolutionaries as well. Even the other man, whom she hadn't noticed at first, felt familiar. Without losing time, she instructed the crowd to take care of her fallen comrade, now laying in a puddle of his own blood: "Is anyone here a medic? Please help us out! We're from the Revolutionary Army, we only mean good!!", then turning to her other newfound companion: "Come on, we're going after her!!" Without waiting for him to answer, she instantly took off, running in the direction the sleigh had taken. An easy task, since it had left a large trail in its wake.

"What's up with that island? Bears are slow-witted and grandmas can kill you in the street? So basically bears are grandmas and grandmas are bears?...", were the last thoughts that went through Vera's mind as she followed the mysterious sleigh, deeper into Cocoa Weed.
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